Sanskrit - Vocabulary For Lesson 5
Sanskrit - Vocabulary For Lesson 5
Sanskrit - Vocabulary For Lesson 5
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िव त्वं [scholastic greatness, िव ान् – scholar, त्व - ness] च [and] नृपत्वं [royal greatness] च
नैव [not, न + एव is a सिन्ध] तुल्यं [should be compared, comparable, root तुल-् to
compare] कदाचन [ever]। स्वदेशे [in one’s own country, indicating place hence in
locative singular of स्वदेश, स्वस्य देशः स्वदेशः - own country] पूज्यते [is worshipped] राजा
[the king], िव ान् [scholar] सवर् [everywhere] पूज्यते ॥
Translation: greatness of a scholar and that of a king can never be compared. King is
worshipped (respected) only in his own country whereas the scholar is respected
Translation: excessive familiarity brings contempt and (an acquaintance) visiting often
looses respect. (For example) on Malaya mountain, the tribal woman uses sandalwood as
fuel (for burning).
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देवेन has no ऋ , रor ष hence न remains न whereas, नरे ण has र hence नरे न becomes नरे ण.
In देवान् and नरान्, however, न् is at the end of the word hence does not change into ण
उपसगण [due to the prefix] धात्वथ [meaning of a verb] बलादन्य = बलात् + अन्य , बलात्
[by force] + अन्य [elsewhere] नीयते [taken]। हाराहार = हार + आहार हार[physically
hit] + आहार [eat, diet] संहार [annihilation] िवहार [roam about] पिरहारवत् [पिरहार – annul,
वत् – like] ॥
Translation: meaning of a verb is forced elsewhere (changed) due to the prefix like in
the cases of हाराहार संहार िवहार पिरहार. (all these words are derived from the same verb
root हृ which means to take away, however prefixes drastically change the meanings)
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