Paragraphs - SSC by Simon (BUBT)
Paragraphs - SSC by Simon (BUBT)
Paragraphs - SSC by Simon (BUBT)
My parents
he father and mother of a person is called his/her parents who loves him/her more than their life, save them from every danger and grow them up by their
heart and soul labour. Like all lucky persons, I also have my own parents. My fathers name is . And my mothers name is . My father is a doctor and my mother is an M.A. in English. But now she is a housewife as well as a social worker too. My father works in a hospital.Despite doing govt. service my father spends much time in social activities.Whenever he gets times, he goes to our village home and gives free treatment to the people. He does the outdoor chores for the family. He has a lot of dream about me and my brothers and sisters. He loves us very much. My mother is also involved in different social work especially in helping the distressed poor women.My mother looks after our family very sincerely. She does every household work. She takes great care of all of us. She loves us very dearly. She is ready to sacrifice her own happiness for our happiness. She hopes to see us happy even at the cost of her own life. She holds our good above everything in the world. Her anxiety knows no bounds if we fall ill. Shae does not enjoy a wink of sleep. But her face beams with joy when we come round. My mother possesses a good sense of sanitation. She keeps her house neat and clean. I hold my parents in profound respect. I am greatly indebted to my parents.
angladesh is an agricultural country. 85% people of this country live on agriculture. The farmers of Bangladesh lead a very simple life. They are poor.
They earn their livelihood by the sweat of their brow. A farmer works from dawn to dusk. He rises early in the morning and starts for the field with a pair of cows and plough. Then he begins ploughing his land after a while. At noon he returns
home, takes his bath and mid-day meal. He works under the scorching sun. So, very often he uses a Mathal to protect his head from the sun. He returns home in the evening. He goes to bed early. Though a farmer works hard, he lives from hand to mouth. A farmers life becomes worse when his crops are destroyed by droughts, flood or cyclones. Then his sorrows know no bounds and he often goes unfed. His unplanned family, illiteracy and natural calamities are main reasons for his miserable life.
library is a building or room in which collection of books, newspapers etc. are kept for people to read, study or borrow. We have a large and specious library
in our school. It is well furnished having a lots of table and benches to study. In our school library the books are arranged in a systemic way that makes it possible to locate any book quite easily. All of the books in our library are organised into catagories or classes and then arranged alphabetically within this class. Each catagory is assigned a range of numbers and every book in the category is assigned its own special number within that number range.The text books and reference books are kept in another place of the library in the same order mentioned above. It helps the students a lot. From the text and referance books the students can make note sitting in the peaceful and quiet atmosphere of the library. They can also take the reference books to their home being the member of the library. I think our school library helps us a lot to acquire knowledge vastly and to broaden our outlook.
he first day of Bangla year is called Pahela Baishakh. We celebrate this day to mark the beginning of th 1st day of Bangla new year. The day is celebrated with
traditional festivities across the country. The rural people arrange baishakhi mela on this day. Shopkeepers open halkhata and offer sweets to their customers and clients. The day has a special attraction for the town people. They rise early in the
morning. They put on their best dress, that is panjabi and paijama. They take Panta rice with dried pepper. They pass the whole day in great joy and forget the sufferings of life for the time being. In the town different organizations arrange meeting, seminar, symposium, discussion. Different cultural organizations arrange various kinds of cultural functions. Pahela Baishakh has a great significane. It reflects our age old tradition and culture. It bears the testmony to the fact that we have a culture of our own. It is the manifestation of our culture heritage.
Environment pollution
ll we see around us are the elements of environment. However, air water and soil are some of the main elements. But they often pose to be a threat to our
life, particularly when they get polluted. They are polluted in many ways. Smoke is usually responsible for air pollution to create health hazard. It mixes with air and pollutes it. Man makes fire to cook food, to make bricks, to burn refuse and to melt pitch. Fire creates smoke and smoke pollutes air. And water is polluted through waste, insecticides and chemical fertilizers, oil etc. Trees are also a useful element of environment. Environmental pollution gives rise to ecological imbalance and brings about natural disasters. We should adopt measures to save environment. We should plant trees and work for afforestation. They cause rain and save the air from pollution, soil from erosion. People should be made aware of the importance of using sanitary latrine so that the pond water and river water remain pure. Government should also take steps to remove the factors that cause environment pollution.
Traffiq Jam
angladesh is a country of problems. Traffiq jam is one of the most problem in Bangladesh. Communication is an important aspects of our day-to-day life. And
as such, the bad effect of traffic jam can better be understood than described. So movements on the roads and streets must strictly be regulated by certain rules which we call traffic rules. Vehicles must keep to the left, obey speed limits and
should avoid over-taking and follow the traffic signals. If these rules are followed strictly, the vehicles can go on smoothly without causing any traffic jam. But most often than not, there is glaring carelessness about these rules. As a result, the common people pay very dearly for it. People lose their time on their way for nothing. Sometimes we feel inclined to think that our govt. and the people at the helm of these affairs are very indifferent to such vital problems. Moreover, the govt. should take proper steps to stop these death leading practice.
My Home
ome is that place where people live and which gives shelter to the people. Usually, like other people I also have my own home. My home is situated in a
district town. It is a one-storied building. The materials which have been used to make it are brick, stone and cement. My family consists of five numbers. They are my parents, myself and my sister and a maid servant. I love my home very much. It is situated in a spacious place. My home consists of five rooms. One is used by my parents, another two are by me and my sister. One is for guest and the rest is kitchen. My home remains sunny all the day as the ventilation is very good. So from all sides it is a comfortable home. As mentioned, I have a separate room. In this room, I study and sleep. Beside my room, the flower garden is situated. So, my room remains scented most of the time of the year. For these reasons, I like my reading room. Another reason for living my room is that I can easily see the sunset through the window of my room. Really, from all sides my home is well-formed and well-situated.
large area of land that abounds with trees, bushes etc. are called forest. And deforestation means cutting down trees in large numbers. Trees are useful to
us in various ways; they provide us with wood, food and other products, they give us shade and they help to prevent drought and floods. But the third of these services of trees is the most important. To draw quick profit from trees, men cut
them down in large numbers. Trees are destroyed mostly for being used as fire wood. This destruction disturbs our ecological balance. It leads to soil erosion and deprives us of fruit and timber and causes economic loss. So, we have to realize the bad effects of deforestation. In fact, if deforestation goes on our country will be changed into desert. So, we have to educate our common people and to persuade them to abstain from cutting down trees. We should create awareness among the general people about the evils of destroying forests. We should also motivate them to plant more and more trees. Otherwise the forests of our country will slowly disappear and we will be in great miseries
Arsenic pollution
rsenic is a chemical element which is found in various metals. It is also found in trace amounts in human tissues. In higher doses arsenic compounds are
extremely poisonous. The contaminated ground water is another source of arsenic. They suffer immensely. The effect of arsenic pollution is dangerous. There is a major increase in the number of cases of disease caused by arsenic. The application of benzoic acid ointment and regular intake of vitamin C and E enriched multivitamin tablets is the medical treatment of the people who suffer from arsenic sis. Co-operation from the government and non-government organizations can bring remedy. The remedy of the problem is that people should be made aware of the causes of arsenicosis so that they can get rid of it.
Grameen Bank
rameen Bank is an unconventional bank. It has reversed conventional banking practice by removing the need for collateral and created a banking system
based on mutual trust, accountability, participation and creativity. Processor Dr. Muhammad Yunus is the founder of Grameen Bank. It functions by providing credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh, without any collateral. At Grameen Bank, credit is a cost effective weapon to fight poverty and it serves as a catalyst in the overall development of socio-economic conditions of the poor who have been
kept outside the banking orbit on the ground that they are poor and hence not bankable. 6.74 million Borrowers, 97% of whom are women are the beneficiaries of the bank. Grameen Bank provides services in 72,833 villages covering more than 86% of the total villages in Bangladesh. Grameens Bank positive impact on its poor and formerly poor borrowers has been documented in many independent studies carried out by external agencies. It won many international prizes and recognition. The founder of the bank Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus and the bank itself have won the Nobel Peace Prize in the year 2006, the highest international recognition in the world.
istorical place means a place which bears the testimony of history. So, visiting a historical place is truly interesting and exciting. The test examination was
really stressful and after it was over, we, four friends, decided to go to for one days outing to Mahasthangarh. It was December20, 2009 when we started for our visit. Historians say that Mahasthangarh is the site of Pundranagar, the oldest city of Bangladesh. There are some elevated places near Mahasthangarh. These places are known as Vitas, Kundas, Ghous and Dhaps. One part of the dried river is known as the ghat of Kankabadti. There is a museum at Mahasthangarh. Some images, dice, ornaments and pots excavated from Mahasthangarh attracted me most. We saw all these relics of the past and learnt a lot of things about our civilization. The Vitas were very interesting. We spent the day at Mahasthangarh and started back in the evening. It was indeed a rewarding visit. Such a visit broadens our outlook and enriches our knowledge.
do not support unfair means in the examination. Adopting unfair means in the examination is an evil practice and it degrades the moral values of students.
There are many reasons for adopting unfair means. The number of efficient teachers is not sufficient to teach a large number of students. Above all, students do not prepare the lessons; they waste time in gossiping and keep away from classrooms. They want only to get a certificate or a degree by hook or by crook. But fortunately the authorities have recently taken some measures to prevent unfair means. The whole system of examination gets changed. Now students are to go to other colleges for their centers. Teachers and students are given threat to be punished severely for adopting unfair means. Truly, students seem to be motivated to learn. Teachers are free from anxiety and the examinations are being held in a sound atmosphere free from unfair means. I think these preventive measures will improve the situation gradually.
Greenhouse Effect
he rise in atmospheric temperature is known as the greenhouse effect. The carbon dioxide is primarily responsible for temperature rise in atmosphere.
The carbon dioxide is given off when coal and oil are burnt. As a result, the ice covering the north and south poles is melting and may eventually lead to a rise in sea levels which can flood many areas of the world. Scientists have already given warning that some parts of coastal countries including Bangladesh may go under water due to greenhouse effect. The total area of deserts is increasing every year. Many species of animals and plants are endangered with the threat of extinction. Deliberate cutting down of forests must be stopped. Tree plantation programs should be adopted soon. Steps should be taken to put an end to the causes and sources of emitting carbon dioxide. These are the measures I prefer to adopt with a view to stopping the greenhouse effect.
oad means burden, shedding means minimizing. Therefore, load-shedding means the minimizing of burden of anything. Of late, in our country load-shedding in
electricity is acutely felt and seen which makes our life intolerable and boring. Load-shedding occurs when generation of power is less than the demand. So the shortage of electricity is not sufficient enough to provide electricity with all. Many problems are created by load-shedding. Mills and factories become idle, students cannot read if it is summer. The housewives grope in the darkness in the kitchen, the shops are closed down people in the cinema halls spend hours in stuffy suffocation for failure of the exhaust system sometimes there is no water in the tanks and no light in the streets. So the entire life- domestic and industrial comes to stand still. In these circumstances, we should do something to get rid of this common problem. We should follow the rules of the supply authority of the electricity strictly. We must prevent the loss of electricity as well as unnecessary use of electricity. Of course, the government must try its level best to provide electricity to all. It is imperative to mention here that load-shedding in quick succession can bring breach of the country. So the government should be conscious of it.
Effects of dowry
owry means property or money brought by a bride to her husband when they get married. Now-a-days the system of giving and taking dowry in marriage has
struck deeper roots in Bangladesh. Illiteracy, poverty and greed of the bridegroom are the main causes of this heinous system. In Bangladesh this is seen to be a major problem. In the Bangladeshi society this system is treated as a serious curse. Wife is inhumanly tortured, killed by her husband for dowry. Most of the parents are poor. They cant keep their word they give before marrying off their daughters. This leads to chaos and hellish unhappiness. However, the first thing to be done to stop this malpractice is to grow awareness to all. Movement against dowry system should be started right now. We can get rid of this social vice by taking social reformative work urgently.
Population Explosion
opulation explosion is the number one problem of our country. Compared to the land area, the country has too large a population to accommodate. It is
increasing everyday with a yearly rate of 1.48%. The result of this ceaseless growth is really dangerous. It will add to the problem of food and clothing, accommodation and education, employment and training, health and recreation, transport and sanitation and so on. Effective measures such as family planning and prevention of early marriage should be implemented strictly to stop this fearful situation. The govt. should take the necessary care and mass media should broadcast programmes for raising awarness among people. Of course the population can be transformed into manpower. But, that requires proper education and training, employment opportunity and good working prospects. We can also export skilled and non-skilled manpower to other countries.
Mobile Phone
obile phone is an important medium of communication and correspondence which helps intercommunicationwith the people in the shortest possible time.
The use of mobile phone is more convenient than telephone call. The man who sends the message will have to pay the bill but the receiver can respond to the message without any payment. Especially businessmen and the serviceholders are much benefited through the use of mobile phone. It is useful for the doctors, businessmen and high officials. But it is also useful for the people who is shopping and supplying in valuable information in his house. Sometimes, the criminals are using this phone to maintain their secrecy. By using the mobile phone, the terrorists and criminals carry out their evil designs and commit crimes without much difficulty. In spite of this there is no better alternative to Mobile phone to make the latest civilization for communication and correspondence.
Gender Descrimination
ender Descrimination is the difference between male and female in respect of enjoying human rights.It is severe in Bangladesh which starts at birth. Female
child, girls women and destitute old ladies are the worst sufferers. It is thought that mentally and physically women are not suitable for many jobs. Most parents want to have children so that they can suppliment their family income and help with the domestic work when the parents will grow older. In the existing socio-economic set up, male children are best suited to this purpose. So parents think the female child a burden to them. The society will be deprived of the service of the half of the population if the women are neglected. It will hinder progress. So everybody should treat male and female equally. Only then this problem can be solved.
lectronic mail popularly known as e-mail is the communicationof textual massage via electronic means. In this system, a personal computer, a modem
and telephone connection are necessary.It requires an e-mail account number. Email is delivered to individual electronic mail boxes based in computers. Messages can be transmitted from one country to another within seconds. It is far cheaper than telephone calls. Privacy is ensured as the e-mail is delivered to an individuals mail box which can be accessed or opened by the intended recipient. An important advantage of e-mail is its ability to reduce the consumption of paper in the office. Nowadays trade and commerce have become greatly dependent on this speedy mode of communication. E-mail gives us an opportunity to reach the international arena. It establishes almost instantaneous communication to any part of the world and maintains worldwide information network with remote areas of the globe. Email has made the communication system easier. E-mail communication is the latest invention in communication system. It helps all classes of people. Trade and commerce has become greatly dependent on e-mail because it is a speedy mode of communication.
he overall state of female education in Bangladesh is not yet satisfactory. In the past, there was a tradition among the people that women would live within
the boundary of their houses and they would do only household chores. At the time, women were deprived of the light of education. Even they could not move freely, could not participate in any voluntary work on account of our social prejudices. But now this idea has changed but their fate is not fully changed. Gradually, they are encouraged to study and are admitted into schools, colleges and universities in large numbers. The govt. has taken a new step to make education free for the girls upto a certain level. Yet, many people do not like to send their children to schools, colleges and universities. Our women are lagging behind in education and consciousness.the rate of literacy in our country is around 40% whereas female literacy is around 20%. An uneducated man is hardly better than a
blindman. An educated mother can give us an educated nation. When we dream of an illiteracy free society, we should educate all women first. A child will never remain illiterate if his/her mother is educated. An educated women can also help her family financially. Though the government has made female edcation free up to class 12, they should do something ,ore to make all women educated without delay.