D&D Evolution

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Berserker turn ends and you haven’t attacked another

creature, haven’t taken damage from another

creature, you fall unconscious, or by choice if you
Class Features use a Bonus Action on your turn.
As a berserker, you gain the following class features. Once you use your berserk rage, you cannot do
so again until you complete a short or long rest.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 24 Reckless Attack
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 9 per berserker level On your first attack on your turn, you can choose to
after 1st. use this feature. When you do, you have Advantage
Resolve Points: 4 + your Proficiency Bonus on your Melee check using strength this turn, but all
Melee and Ranged checks against you have
Proficiencies Advantage until your next turn.
Armor: Unarmored, light & medium armor
Weapons: Simple & martial weapons, shields No Escape
Skills: Endurance, Might, Melee, and 3 others of When your foe tries to leave your reach, you can use
your choice. a Reaction to follow them, staying within their
reach, up to your Speed or until they stops moving.
The Berserker
Proficiency Berserker Archetype
Level Bonus Feature
Upon reaching 3rd level, you begin to show your
1st +2 Rage, Reckless Attack
particular style of berserking. Choose one of the
2nd +2 No Escape
3rd +2 Berserker Archetype Berserker Archetypes found at the end of this class
4th +2 Improvement write up.
5th +3 Brutal Assault You gain additional features at 6th and 9th level
6th +3 Archetype Feature from your chosen archetype.
7th +3 Brutal Critical
8th +3 Improvement Improvement
9th +4 Archetype Feature At 4th and 8th level, you increase one Ability Score
10th +4 Relentless Rage by 1 and choose a feat you qualify for. You cannot
raise an Ability Score above +5 using this feature.
You can enter a berserk rage in battle, fighting with Brutal Assault
an intense ferocity few can match. At 5th level, when you use the Attack action and
As a Bonus Action, you enter a berserk rage as succeed on a Melee check against your target, you
long as you aren’t wearing heavy armor. While roll one additional weapon damage die when
raging, you gain the following benefits: determining the damage for the attack.

 You have Advantage on Might and Endurance Brutal Critical

At 7th level, you can roll one additional weapon
 When you make a melee weapon attack, you
damage die when determining the extra damage for
gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to your
a critical hit when making a Melee check.
Proficiency Bonus.
 You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, Relentless Rage
and slashing damage.
At 10th level, you can keep fighting through the
 While raging, you cannot cast spells, worst of wounds as long as you are raging.
Concentrate, or do anything that requires If you drop to 0 hit points while raging and don’t
intense mental focus. die outright, you can make a DC 10 Endurance check
Your lasts until the end of the encounter (usually and drop to 1 hit point on a success instead.
no more than a few minutes). It ends early if your
Each time you use this feature after the first, the Barreling Charge
DC increases by 5. When you finish a short or long At 6th level, when you move while your Rage is
rest, the DC resets to 10. active, you can attempt to move through your
enemies’ spaces. Make a Might check vs each
Berserker Archetypes enemy’s Endurance DC that you attempt to move
As a berserker, you get to choose the expression of through during your move. With a success, you
your rage through your choice of an archetype at move through their space, but you end your
3rd level. You gain additional features from your movement before entering its space on a failure.
chosen archetype at 6th and 9th level. Additional, any creature you successfully move
through takes damage equal to your Strength
Giant Killer modifier. If you roll a critical success on your Might
The Giant Killer goes after the biggest and baddest check, the creature takes double damage and also
enemy on the field, and usually is the one that walks grants a +2 bonus to anyone who tries to attack
away from that confrontation. them until the end of your next turn.

Colossus Slayer Awesome Strike

At 3rd level, if you use Reckless Attack while your At 9th level, if you use Reckless Attack while your
Rage is active, you deal 4 (1d8) extra damage to the Rage is active and roll a critical success on your
first target you hit on your turn with a successful Melee check, you toss your opponent up to 30 feet
Melee check that is below its hit point maximum. away. If an obstacle would prevent this forced
This damage increases to 6 (2d6) damage if the movement, the target takes falling damage equal to
target is at least one size larger than you. This the remaining distance they have left to move.
damage has the same type as the weapon or
unarmed strike used for the attack. Marauder
Speed and force are your bread and butter. Strike
Low Center of Gravity first, strike hard, no mercy.
At 6th level, you impose Disadvantage on attack
rolls made against you by creatures that are at least Into the Fray
one size larger than you. At 3rd level, if you are not injured when you take
the initiative, you can use an Action, Move, and a
Roll with It Bonus Action on your turn. In addition, when you
At 9th level, when you take 20 damage or more use your Reckless Attack while your Rage is active
from a single attack, you can use your Reaction to and you take the initiative, if your highest roll is 10
reduce the damage by your level (this is after any or less, add your level to your total.
resistances are applied).
Shove Away
Juggernaut At 6th level, if you are neither injured or weakened
The Juggernaut is the unstoppable force on the while your Rage is active and you make a melee
battlefield, charging through foes to get to their attack, you can use a Bonus Action to shove back
target. any number of creatures in reach that are your size
or smaller. Make a Might check vs each creature’s
Giant’s Stature Might DC. On a failure, you push the target five feet
At 3rd level, while your Rage is active, you become back.
larger, increasing your dimensions by about 50%
and multiplying your weight by about 4. Until your Break Their Spirits
Rage ends, your Reach increases by 5ft and you deal At 9th level, when you successfully deal damage to a
an extra 2 (1d4) damage with melee weapons. You target with a melee attack and your Rage is active,
count as Large size, even though you still take up the target must make a DC 15 Insight check or
roughly the same space as normal. become weakened until the end of your next turn.
On a success, the target becomes immune to this
feature for 24 hours.
Ravager Inspire Zealotry
The Ravager fully lets loose in the chaos and At 9th level, as a Bonus Action while your Rage is
violence of their rage, heedless of their own health active, you stoke an ally’s divine fury. One willing
or well-being. creature within 30 feet gains the effects of your
Rage feature, except it can still perform acts that
Frenzy require intense concentration and cast spells.
At 3rd level, if you use Reckless Attack while your
Rage is active, you deal 6 (2d6) extra damage to the
first target you hit on your turn with a successful
Melee check. This damage increases to 9 (3d6)
damage at 8th level. The damage has the same type
as the weapon or unarmed strike used for the

Mindless Rage
At 6th level, you have immunity to the Charmed and
Frightened conditions while your Rage is active. If
you are Charmed or Frightened when you enter
your rage, that condition ends on you.

At 9th level, when you take damage from a creature
that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your
Reaction to make one melee attack against that

Zealots are driven to a battle fury by their gods – or
for them. Their faith pushes the berserker and their
allies to push beyond their limits.

Divine Fury
At 3rd level, if you use Reckless Attack while your
Rage is active, you deal 4 (1d8) extra damage to the
first target you hit on your turn with a successful
Melee check. The extra damage is necrotic or
radiant: you choose the type of damage when you
gain this feature.

Warrior of the Gods

At 6th level, if you fail check to resist an effect while
your Rage is active, you can reroll it, and you must
use the new roll. You can use this feature once per
In addition, if a spell, such as raise dead, has the
sole effect of restoring you to life (but not undeath),
the caster doesn’t need material components to cast
the spell on you.
Fighter Defensive Fighting
Requires wielding a shield
As a Bonus Action, select one enemy creature within
Class Features 5 feet of you. That target has Disadvantage on the
As a fighter, you gain the following class features. first Melee check it makes against you or an ally
within 5 feet of you before the start of your next
Health turn.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 18
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 8 per fighter level Dual Weapon Fighting
after 1st. Requires wielding two weapons
Resolve Points: 4 + your Proficiency Bonus As a Bonus Action, you can make a weapon attack
with a light melee weapon you are holding. You add
Proficiencies your ability modifier to the damage of this attack as
Armor: Light & medium armor normal. If the light melee weapon has the thrown
Weapons: Simple & martial weapons, shields property, you can choose to throw it for this attack.
Skills: Endurance, Might, Melee, Ranged and 3
others of your choice. Great Weapon Fighting
Requires wielding a two-handed weapon or a
The Fighter versatile weapon with both hands
Proficiency As a Bonus Action, you select a target you can see
Level Bonus Feature within reach of your melee weapon. If you make a
1st +2 Action Surge, Fighting Melee check against that target with a melee
Style, Second Wind weapon using two hands before the end of your
2nd +2 Maneuvers turn, you double your Proficiency Bonus for the first
3rd +2 Fighter Archetype attack roll.
4th +2 Improvement
5th +3 Multiattack (1) Second Wind
6th +3 Archetype Feature
7th +3 Indomitable When you take damage that would cause you to
8th +3 Improvement become injured, you can use your Reaction to spend
9th +4 Archetype Feature a Resolve point and heal your HP.
10th +4 Multiattack (2) Once you use this feature, you must complete a
Long Rest before you can use it again.
Action Surge
On your turn, you can take one additional action. Maneuvers
This additional action must be used for one of the When your foe tries to leave your reach, you can use
following: Attack, Dash, Disengage, or Dodge. a Reaction to follow them, staying within their
You must finish a Short or Long Rest before you reach, up to your Speed or until they stops moving.
can use this feature again.
Fighter Archetype
Fighting Style Upon reaching 3rd level, you begin to show your
Your particular combat training expresses itself in a particular style of fighting. Choose one of the
particular Bonus Action you can take on your turn. Fighter Archetypes found at the end of this class
Choose one of the following styles you know: write up.
You gain additional features at 6th and 9th level
Ranged Fighting from your chosen archetype.
Requires wielding a ranged weapon
As a Bonus Action, select one target you can see. If Improvement
you make a ranged weapon attack against that At 4th and 8th level, you increase one Ability Score
target before the end of your turn, you double your by 1 and choose a feat you qualify for. You cannot
Proficiency Bonus for the first Ranged check. raise an Ability Score above +5 using this feature.
Multiattack Giant’s Stature
At 5th level, you can make two attacks when you At 3rd level, while your Rage is active, you become
take the Attack action. At 10th level, you can make larger, increasing your dimensions by about 50%
three attacks when you take the Attack action and multiplying your weight by about 4. Until your
instead. Rage ends, your Reach increases by 5ft and you deal
an extra 2 (1d4) damage with melee weapons. You
Indomitable count as Large size, even though you still take up
At 7th level, if you fail a check to resist an effect, you roughly the same space as normal.
can reroll it with a bonus equal to your Fighter level
Barreling Charge
and you must use the new roll. You cannot use this
At 6th level, when you move while your Rage is
feature again until you finish a Long Rest.
active, you can attempt to move through your
enemies’ spaces. Make a Might check vs each
Fighter Archetypes enemy’s Endurance DC that you attempt to move
As a berserker, you get to choose the expression of through during your move. With a success, you
your rage through your choice of an archetype at move through their space, but you end your
3rd level. You gain additional features from your movement before entering its space on a failure.
chosen archetype at 6th and 9th level. Additional, any creature you successfully move
through takes damage equal to your Strength
Giant Killer modifier. If you roll a critical success on your Might
The Giant Killer goes after the biggest and baddest check, the creature takes double damage and also
enemy on the field, and usually is the one that walks grants a +2 bonus to anyone who tries to attack
away from that confrontation. them until the end of your next turn.
Colossus Slayer Awesome Strike
At 3rd level, if you use Reckless Attack while your At 9th level, if you use Reckless Attack while your
Rage is active, you deal 4 (1d8) extra damage to the Rage is active and roll a critical success on your
first target you hit on your turn with a successful Melee check, you toss your opponent up to 30 feet
Melee check that is below its hit point maximum. away. If an obstacle would prevent this forced
This damage increases to 6 (2d6) damage if the movement, the target takes falling damage equal to
target is at least one size larger than you. This the remaining distance they have left to move.
damage has the same type as the weapon or
unarmed strike used for the attack. Marauder
Speed and force are your bread and butter. Strike
Low Center of Gravity
first, strike hard, no mercy.
At 6th level, you impose Disadvantage on attack
rolls made against you by creatures that are at least Into the Fray
one size larger than you. At 3rd level, if you are not injured when you take
the initiative, you can use an Action, Move, and a
Roll with It
Bonus Action on your turn. In addition, when you
At 9th level, when you take 20 damage or more
use your Reckless Attack while your Rage is active
from a single attack, you can use your Reaction to
and you take the initiative, if your highest roll is 10
reduce the damage by your level (this is after any
or less, add your level to your total.
resistances are applied).
Shove Away
Juggernaut At 6th level, if you are neither injured or weakened
The Juggernaut is the unstoppable force on the while your Rage is active and you make a melee
battlefield, charging through foes to get to their attack, you can use a Bonus Action to shove back
target. any number of creatures in reach that are your size
or smaller. Make a Might check vs each creature’s
Might DC. On a failure, you push the target five feet Warrior of the Gods
back. At 6th level, if you fail an Endurance, Insight,
Mobility, or Insight check to resist an effect while
Break Their Spirits your Rage is active, you can reroll it, and you must
At 9th level, when you successfully deal damage to a use the new roll. You can use this feature once per
target with a melee attack and your Rage is active, Rage.
the target must make a DC 15 Insight check or In addition, if a spell, such as raise dead, has the
become weakened until the end of your next turn. sole effect of restoring you to life (but not undeath),
On a success, the target becomes immune to this the caster doesn’t need material components to cast
feature for 24 hours. the spell on you.
Ravager Inspire Zealotry
The Ravager fully lets loose in the chaos and At 9th level, as a Bonus Action while your Rage is
violence of their rage, heedless of their own health active, you stoke an ally’s divine fury. One willing
or well-being. creature within 30 feet gains the effects of your
Rage feature, except it can still perform acts that
Frenzy require intense concentration and cast spells.
At 3rd level, if you use Reckless Attack while your
Rage is active, you deal 6 (2d6) extra damage to the
first target you hit on your turn with a successful
Melee check. This damage increases to 9 (3d6)
damage at 8th level. The damage has the same type
as the weapon or unarmed strike used for the

Mindless Rage
At 6th level, you have immunity to the Charmed and
Frightened conditions while your Rage is active. If
you are Charmed or Frightened when you enter
your rage, that condition ends on you.

At 9th level, when you take damage from a creature
that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your
Reaction to make one melee attack against that

Zealots are driven to a battle fury by their gods – or
for them. Their faith pushes the berserker and their
allies to push beyond their limits.

Divine Fury
At 3rd level, if you use Reckless Attack while your
Rage is active, you deal 4 (1d8) extra damage to the
first target you hit on your turn with a successful
Melee check. The extra damage is necrotic or
radiant: you choose the type of damage when you
gain this feature.

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