The document provides a rubric for assessing a teacher intern's daily demonstration teaching performance. It assesses performance in 4 domains: [1] Lesson Planning, [2] Directing Teaching-Learning Situation, [3] Assessment of Learning, and [4] Utilization of Instructional Materials. Each domain contains criteria that are checked as observed or not observed during the teacher's demonstration, along with any remarks. The teacher demonstrated strengths in clearly stating objectives, preparing appropriate learning tasks, maintaining learner attention and interest, conducting appropriate assessments, and using instructional materials properly.
The document provides a rubric for assessing a teacher intern's daily demonstration teaching performance. It assesses performance in 4 domains: [1] Lesson Planning, [2] Directing Teaching-Learning Situation, [3] Assessment of Learning, and [4] Utilization of Instructional Materials. Each domain contains criteria that are checked as observed or not observed during the teacher's demonstration, along with any remarks. The teacher demonstrated strengths in clearly stating objectives, preparing appropriate learning tasks, maintaining learner attention and interest, conducting appropriate assessments, and using instructional materials properly.
The document provides a rubric for assessing a teacher intern's daily demonstration teaching performance. It assesses performance in 4 domains: [1] Lesson Planning, [2] Directing Teaching-Learning Situation, [3] Assessment of Learning, and [4] Utilization of Instructional Materials. Each domain contains criteria that are checked as observed or not observed during the teacher's demonstration, along with any remarks. The teacher demonstrated strengths in clearly stating objectives, preparing appropriate learning tasks, maintaining learner attention and interest, conducting appropriate assessments, and using instructional materials properly.
The document provides a rubric for assessing a teacher intern's daily demonstration teaching performance. It assesses performance in 4 domains: [1] Lesson Planning, [2] Directing Teaching-Learning Situation, [3] Assessment of Learning, and [4] Utilization of Instructional Materials. Each domain contains criteria that are checked as observed or not observed during the teacher's demonstration, along with any remarks. The teacher demonstrated strengths in clearly stating objectives, preparing appropriate learning tasks, maintaining learner attention and interest, conducting appropriate assessments, and using instructional materials properly.
Name of Teacher B: _JENNY ROSE GOCO_________________________
Subject and Grade Level Taught: _GRADE 7________________ ____ Date of Teaching: __MAY 06, 2023____ Name of Assessor/s: Queen Jasmine A. Sabado
Check the corresponding column.
PPST NOT OBSERVED REMARKS Domain OBSERVED A. Lesson Planning 4 – S2 1. Stated clear and precise objectives √ 4 – S3 2. Prepare relevant and appropriate learning tasks and √ activities 3. Neatness and proper format are observed √ B. Directing Teaching-Learning Situation 1 - S7 1. States clear and precise objectives to the class √ 1 – S7 2. Integrates past to new lesson √ 1 – S7 3. Gives clear directions, logical presentation and √ explanation 1 – S4 4. Uses contextualization and/or differentiated activities √ appropriate to learner’s need 1 – S1 5. Demonstrates mastery of content within and/or across √ curriculum teaching area 1 - S5 6. Integrates activities to develop 21st century skills √ 1 – S5 7. Asks appropriate and varied types of questions to √ develop critical and creative thinking 1 – S7 8. Uses verbal and non-verbal classroom communication √ strategies 1 – S1 9. Clarifies misconceptions immediately √ 1 – S6 10. Displays proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino or language √ English to facilitate teaching and learning switching 2 – S3 11. Pays attention on routine matters √ 2 - S4 12. Motivates and keeps learners attention and interest √ 3 – S6 13. Manages learners behavior constructively √ 3 – S1-5 14. Exhibits sensitivity to students personal, cultural, prayer is for all √ gender differences and disabilities religion C. Assessment of Learning 5 – S1 1. Conducts appropriate assessment/ evaluation √ 5 – S5 2. Presents appropriate rubrics before actual evaluation √ (if necessary) D. Utilization of Instructional Materials 4 – S5 1. Instructional materials are appropriate for the activity √ given and/ or ICT 4 – S1 2. Show the teacher creativity and resourcefulness √ 4 – S5 3. Integrates materials (examples, cases, simulation) √ 4 – S5 4. Utilizes instructional materials properly and √ efficiently)