Zhang 2021
Zhang 2021
Zhang 2021
1. Introduction
The research of functional magnetic materials has become a hot topic in the
past few years due to their fast, long-range, and precise response in diverse Recent progress in embedding magnetic
environments. Functional magnetic devices using different magnetic mate- materials to impart objects with various
functions, such as, mechanical reinforce-
rials and structure designs have been developed and demonstrated good
ment,[1] controlled motion,[2] efficiency
advantages to enable various applications. However, the required magnetic improvement,[3] deformation sensing,[4]
materials and structure designs for diverse functions also increase the fabri- and thermogenesis,[5] enables a wide and
cation difficulties while developing such devices. 3D printing technology pre- rising interest in functional magnetic
sents a powerful and promising manufacturing approach to rapidly fabricate material and its applications. For instance,
functional magnetic devices of complex geometries in multiple materials and a magnetic field can be utilized as a non-
contacting operation source to orientate
scales. Here, various 3D printing strategies and the underlying mechanisms
magnetic fillers inside composites, which
of functional magnetic materials for several primary applications are system- exhibits anisotropic performances in
atically reviewed, including, magnetic anisotropy for property enhancement, mechanical,[1a] electrical,[6] thermal,[7] and
magnetic robots, magnetic components in electronics, and magneto-thermal optical properties[8] after alignment. The
devices. Finally, the current challenges and future perspectives in engineering objects with embedded magnetic domains
also show excellent characteristics of con-
3D printed functional magnetic devices are discussed.
trolled motion under an external magnetic
field. Magnetically actuated microrobots
are widely recognized as a promising engi-
neering solution to mimic the motions of plants and animals.[9]
C. Zhang, D. Tang, Prof. P. Zhao, Prof. J. Fu
State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems In electronics, the employment of soft magnetic components
Zhejiang University significantly increases the performance of radio-frequency
Hangzhou 310027, China devices and transformers due to the capability of concen-
E-mail: pengzhao@zju.edu.cn trating magnetic flux using such components.[10] Besides, when
C. Zhang, D. Tang, Prof. P. Zhao, Prof. J. Fu exposed to an alternated magnetic field (AMF), magnetic parti-
Key Laboratory of 3D Printing Process and Equipment of Zhejiang
cles can generate stable heat due to energy dissipation,[11] which
Zhejiang University makes magnetic materials important in the field of thermogen-
Hangzhou 310027, China esis. In these fields, magnetic materials that serve as functional
C. Zhang, Dr. L. Jiang, H. Xu, Prof. Y. Chen fillers exhibit various properties. Therefore, the manufacturing
Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering methods that can precisely construct such magnetic materials
Viterbi School of Engineering with well-designed structures are critical to fabricate functional
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA parts with better performance. Unlike conventional subtractive
E-mail: yongchen@usc.edu and forming manufacturing processes that have limited ability
Prof. X. Li to create products with intricate internal structure, additive
Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering manufacturing (AM, a.k.a, 3D printing) is able to build complex
School for Engineering of Matter functional 3D structures directly from computer-aided design
Transport and Energy
Arizona State University
models using various materials.[12] With the ability of rapid fab-
Tempe, AZ 85287, USA rication and multi-material printing, 3D printing shows great
Dr. L. Jiang, Prof. Q. Zhou potentials in manufacturing parts with novel designs that are
Department of Biomedical Engineering previously unachievable.
Viterbi School of Engineering Currently, over 50 types of 3D printing methods have
University of Southern California been developed based on different principles. According to
Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
the American Society for Testing and Materials (ISO/ASTM
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202102777.
52 900:2015), these diverse 3D printing/additive manufacturing
technologies can be classified into seven different processes:
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202102777 Material jetting, material extrusion, vat photopolymerization,
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binder jetting, powder bed fusion (PBF), energy deposition, the slits was reduced to 7% of the sample. Additionally, mag-
and sheet lamination.[13] Several well-known 3D printing tech- netic fillers were also employed in hyperthermia materials
nologies were derived from these methods, such as, direct and shape memory polymers (SMPs) to take advantage of its
ink writing (DIW), fused deposition modeling (FDM), stereo- uniform and noninvasive heating under a high-frequency mag-
lithography apparatus (SLA), two-photon polymerization (TPP), netic field.[19d,22] Thus, by combining the benefits of 3D printing
inkjet printing (IJP), and selective laser sintering/melting (SLS/ and the understanding of critical mechanisms in magnetic
SLM). These manufacturing methods are broadly applicable functions, engineers can achieve high-performance functional
to metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites, and each tech- magnetic structures/systems with an emphasis on optimizing
nique has its advantages and limitations in constructing objects structural design and the choice of materials.
with some structures and functions. For instance, IJP is usu- This review is intended to discuss the mechanism of func-
ally employed to print parts of small size due to its characteris- tional magnetic material in different applications and the
tics of high-resolution printing ability. FDM is one of the most involved 3D printing techniques and to provide insight into
commonly used 3D printing techniques to print thermoplastic the construction of high-performance magnetic parts through
polymers. DIW has excellent tolerability of polymer selections an optimized combination of design and fabrication methods
and multi-material printability due to its mechanical extrusion based on such mechanism (Figure 1). In this review, we first
method and simple equipment. Particularly, a multi-material introduce the mainstream magnetic materials and 3D printing
multi-nozzle 3D printing system was recently developed based technologies (Section 2), then focus on the recent advance-
on DIW, which allows the high-speed building rate with com- ments in 3D printing of magnetic anisotropic materials with
plex materials designed at the voxel level.[14] Based on SLA, TPP property enhancement (Section 3), magnetic robots (Sec-
is a relatively new 3D printing process that provides a means tion 4), magnetic electronics (Section 5), and magnetic ther-
of activating chemical or physical processes with a high spatial mology (Section 6). Discussions of the key mechanisms, design
resolution (≈100 nm) in three dimensions, capable of micro requirements of magnetic materials and functional structures,
and nanofabrication.[15] Moreover, a developed dynamic mask and the fabrication using the developed 3D printing technology
projection-based method, continuous liquid interface produc- are presented in each section. Finally, we conclude the review
tion, was invented to cure the photopolymer without the time- with our outlook offering current benefits, challenges, and
consuming intermediate recoating step at each layer, reducing future perspectives on 3D printing technologies of functional
the building time from hours to minutes.[16] Metal materials magnetic materials.
can be printed with high quality and fine resolution by SLS/
SLM and binder jetting methods, where the printed part is
supported by uncured powders.[17] Purposely, this review will 2. Overview of Magnetic Material and 3D
not focus on the detailed development of various 3D printing
Printing Methods
technologies, which were covered in several recent reviews.[13,18]
However, recent developments in 3D printing technologies fur- 2.1. Magnetic Functional Fillers
ther result in better performance and finer structures. Hence,
understanding the characteristics of these printing techniques The functional fillers under the magnetic field can be
such as printing resolution, multi-material printability, and aligned into polymer network matrixes with highly ordered
printing material requirements can be a good guideline for structures.[1b] After removing the external magnetic field, most
choosing the appropriate method to print magnetic materials magnetic fillers will return to a non-magnetized state due to
and improve specific functions. the low remanence magnetization, except for the permanently
Well-designed 3D structures based on a deep understanding magnetized materials.[26] So far, either ferromagnetic materials
of the mechanism in magnetically functional applications were or superparamagnetic particles have been used as magnetic
reported to have a potential for increasing the performance of active fillers in most researches to fabricate structures for spe-
structural parts, magnetic robots, transformers, and heat gener- cific properties.[13,27]
ators.[19] For example, inspired by the orientation of reinforcing According to the intrinsic magnetic response, the functional
elements in natural composites, the active magnetic materials fillers can be categorized into ferromagnetic materials and
are assembled to microarchitectures with special reinforcement weakly magnetic materials. The ferromagnetic materials, like
and unique orientation by incorporating magnetic fields during iron (Fe) and iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3) can be magnetized quickly
printing.[1,19a] Fabricated objects can be magnetically manipu- in the magnetic field due to their unpaired electrons.[1a] Con-
lated by mixing magnetic fillers into a polymer base. However, versely, the weakly magnetic materials cannot be significantly
this driving method is inefficient, and the transformation is magnetized in the external magnetic field until the ferromag-
simple.[20] To achieve the design and fabrication of magnetic netic materials are added on the surface by multiple different
robots with high-ratio deformation and fast responding, novel processes, such as, chemical synthesis,[28] surface modifica-
3D printing methods were developed to embed programmed tion,[29] coating,[30] etc.
magnetic moments into planar structures at the micrometer Currently, ferromagnetic materials are widely used to fabri-
scale and millimeter scale.[19b,21] To reduce the energy loss in cate functional composites and structures through 3D printing
high-frequency transformer, SLM of multi-alloys were pro- methods. According to the coercivity (Hc), ferromagnetic
posed to replicate the layered structure of laminated stacks,[3] materials can be divided into hard magnetic materials (Hc >
which was tedious in the conventional manufacturing pro- 1000 A m−1) and soft magnetic materials (Hc ≤ 1000 A m−1).[31]
cess. The energy loss by combining the layered structure and Generally, once magnetized (exposed to a strong external
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Figure 1. The functions and applications of 3D printed magnetic materials. The reviewed functions of magnetic materials include magnetism, force,
torque, electricity, and heat. Primary applications include property enhancement, small-scale robots, electronics, and thermal generation. Repre-
sentative functionality and applications (by clockwise) are mechanics reinforcement (Reproduced with permission.[1a] Copyright 2020, Wiley VCH.),
anisotropic structure (Reproduced with permission.[1b] Copyright 2015, Springer Nature.), microactuators (Reproduced with permission.[23] Copyright
2014, Wiley VCH.), soft robotics (Reproduced with permission.[21a] Copyright 2018, Springer Nature.), transformers (Reproduced with permission.[24]
Copyright 2017, Wiley VCH.), sensors (Reproduced with permission.[4] Copyright 2020, Wiley VCH.), hyperthermia (Reproduced with permission.[5b]
Copyright 2019, Wiley VCH.), and shape memory polymers (Reproduced with permission.[25] Copyright 2019, Elsevier.).
magnetic field, and then removed), the high remnant charac- widely used to fabricate magnetic-aligned composites with ani-
teristics (i.e., high Br) allow hard magnetic materials, such as, sotropic property enhancement, novel magnetic components in
Alnico, SmCo alloys, and NdFeB alloys, to retain strong mag- electronics, and guiding part of microrobots. Due to low coer-
netism. The high coercivity (i.e., high Hc) helps them to sus- civity and hysteresis loss, soft magnetic microparticles are also
tain the high residual magnetic flux density over the applied employed to build devices that can generate heat under AMF,
magnetic fields below the coercive field strength. In contrast, which can be applied in shape memory composites.
soft magnetic materials retain weak magnetism and are easy Another commonly used ferromagnetic functional mate-
to be demagnetized. Therefore, hard magnetic materials are rial is superparamagnetic nanoparticles (NPs). Due to nano-
usually employed as functional fillers to fabricate customized- scale size (usually < 3–50 nm), the magnetization of NPs can
structure magnets and programmable shape-morphing robots randomly flip direction under the influence of temperature.
due to their outstanding remnant magnetism after magnetiza- Therefore, when no magnetic field is applied, their average
tion. Currently, four mostly utilized families of hard magnetic magnetization is zero.[34] In this state, an external field can
materials include Alnico, hard ferrite, SmCo alloys, and NdFeB. magnetize the NPs, like paramagnetic materials, while they
Research efforts on 3D printing have been mainly concentrated have much larger susceptibility. The conventional superpara-
on NdFeB due to its highest magnetic strength at room tem- magnetic materials contain Fe3O4, Fe2O3, MnFe2O4, FePt, and
perature. Soft magnetic materials like Fe,[32] Fe2O3,[1a] and iron FeCo.[35] Among all these materials, Fe3O4 NPs are widely used
(II, III) oxide (Fe3O4),[33] ferrite, and Fe-Si alloys have high rela- for various applications, such as micro-robot, hyperthermia
tive permeability and fast response to the applied field. They are therapy, supporting, and shape-changing due to their good
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biocompatibility, relatively high magnetic susceptibility, and technologies as a guideline for choosing appropriate magnetic
low cost. For example, Fe3O4-based magnetic heating devices material printing methods to improve specific functions of
are commonly used in trachea and occlusion surgery, as well 3D-printed parts.
as, vessel stents.[5b] The magnetic nanomaterials can be syn- Material IJP, also widely known as IJP, is a commonly used
thesized into different structures using numerous approaches, 3D printing technique for selectively depositing materials on a
such as, template-assisted process, electrodeposition, laser abla- substrate to form the object.[50] With high-resolution and multi-
tion, hydrothermal chemical reaction, etc.[36] The synthesized materials abilities, the IJP process is widely used to fabricate
nanomaterials, including nanoparticles, nanorods, nanowires, magnetic substrates with small thicknesses,[51] which can impart
nanotubes, nanobelts, nanosprings, nanoribbons, nanor- flexibility to 3D-printed parts.[19c,24] However, when employing
ings, nanofiber, and nanoclusters, have been attracting atten- this method, it is essential to choose an adequate low-viscosity
tion for the fabrication of magnetic-aligned composite due to liquid polymer and nanoscale magnetic particles as functional
their unique functional properties.[36,37] For example, nickel fillers to avoid clogging of the printhead. Due to the use of a
(Ni) nanowires were assembled and printed under the mag- large amount of solvents evaporated during printing, using IJP
netic field to form aligned Ni rod arrays for semiconductive to build complex 3D structures is difficult.[52]
applications.[38] Materials extrusion, in which the print materials are
Weakly magnetic fillers, which are difficult to be magnetized, extruded through a movable print head to form a continuous
can also be aligned in the external magnetic field to form com- filament and then selectively deposited into 2D layers, is one
posites with tunable properties when coated with ferromagnetic of the most widely used 3D printing processes, particularly
materials.[36] With the decoration of ferromagnetic materials, when working with polymers and thermoplastic composites.[53]
weakly magnetic materials, such as, carbon nanotube,[39] gra- According to the differences in extruding materials, there are
phene,[40] carbon fibers (CNFs),[41] alumina platelets,[42] boron two main methods—FDM and DIW. When printing magnetic
nitride,[43] silica,[1b] glass fiber,[44] calcium phosphate,[45] silicon materials, FDM is mainly used to print permanent magnets
carbide,[46] liquid crystals,[47] etc., can self-assemble in the mag- with near-net-shape and 3D structures.[54] Compared to tradi-
netic field. The related magnetic-aligned composites exhibiting tional manufacturing processes, FDM is becoming an alterna-
exceptional mechanical, electrical, thermal, and optical proper- tive method that can rapidly fabricate magnets with general
ties play a crucial role in various application fields.[48] performance and complex geometry. However, the existence
of nonmagnetic thermoplastic polymers reduces the magnetic
performance of the 3D-printed magnets. In contrast, DIW is
2.2. 3D Printing Methods a widely used fabrication method to print magnetic materials
due to its good tolerability of polymers selections. The great
Most of the magnetic field-based self-assembly is limited multi-material printing ability makes DIW the leading method
to construct 1D and 2D structures for microelectronics and to apply magnetic materials into various applications, such as
microrobotics.[36,38] During the past thirty years, numerous 3D magnetic robot[21a] and bone regeneration.[22]
printing processes have been developed, and the revolution of Vat photo-polymerization (VPP) is a 3D printing process that
3D printing has enabled advances in producing products with selectively solidify light-sensitive liquid polymers using a spe-
complex shapes that are novel and sustainable.[13,49] Besides the cific light source to form solid objects layer-by-layer. Various
mainstream 3D printing techniques, different magnetic field- VPP processes, including SLA, TPP, and mask image projec-
assisted 3D printing processes were investigated by integrating tion-based stereolithography (MIP-SL), were developed based
a designed magnetic field in the current 3D printing processes on this principle. The main advantage of VPP is the ability to
to fabricate anisotropic composites.[1a,19a,21a,32,33,45] The innova- print parts with high resolution, high-quality surface finish,
tions of magnetic field-assisted 3D printing technologies open and wide material selection. However, when the printing mate-
intriguing perspectives for designing functional materials and rials are confined to magnetic materials, the magnetic particle
structures based on the magnetic field-enabled self-assembly.[13] content is limited to a low level due to poor curing performance
The following sections give a general introduction to the com- related to particle-induced absorption.[23] Magnetic microrobots
monly used 3D printing technologies and some related mag- with complicated structures and good biocompatibility were
netic field-assisted 3D printing methods. fabricated using TPP for biomedical applications. Compared
with SLA, the TPP process provides flexibility in fabricating 3D
structures at a micrometer scale. Two strategies are applied to
2.2.1. Commonly Used 3D Printing Technologies couple the 3D structures with magnetic materials. The first one
is to deposit magnetic coating like Ni/Ti bilayers on the surface
The categories of 3D printing technologies were briefly intro- of the helical swimmer by electron beam evaporation,[55] which
duced in Section 1, with each technology having its advan- can not only be actuated by the magnetic field but also improve
tages and limitations in constructing objects with designed microrobots’ surface biocompatibility. The second method is to
structures and functions. These manufacturing methods embed superparamagnetic NPs in the printed structures.[23,56]
are broadly applicable to metals, polymers, ceramics, and During the printing process, a magnetic field was built to trap
composites. The selection of fabrication processes depends and align magnetic microparticles to control their magnetiza-
on the starting materials, requirements of processing speed tion directions.[23] In general, the TPP method makes it pos-
and resolution, and performance requirements of final prod- sible to fabricate in vivo microrobots for therapeutic operations
ucts. Here, we will review these commonly used 3D printing by magnetic propulsion.
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Binder jetting is a 3D printing method in which powders with unique orientations in the photocurable polymer
are fused and selectively bonded with binders, a liquid bonding matrix.[1,32,33,41] Compared with MIP-SL, the DIW-based 3D
agent, in each layer.[57] It is mainly used for metal or ceramic printing process enables the fabrication of non-photocurable
powders, and there are no thermal gradient-induced stresses polymer-based composite. It is more convenient for DIW to
inside the printed part. Until now, only a few attempts have deposit multiple types of materials at the same layer.[64] A mag-
been made to print magnets and shape memory alloys using netic field was applied to DIW as well as the tape casting-based
this method.[58] However, due to its capacity of printing com- printing processes to overcome the fibers’ shear alignment
plex 3D structures by using powders as supporting structures, during the extrusion process. For example, calcium phosphate
this method will show more applications in fabricating novel microrod coated with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanopar-
soft magnetic components with the diversification of soft mag- ticles (SPIONs) were successfully aligned during extrusion by
netic devices. using the magnetic-assisted DIW process.[45] In the magnetic-
PBF is a 3D printing process that uses a focused laser or an assisted DIW and tape casting approaches, the magnetic active
electron beam as the power source to fuse powdered materials fibers were aligned when a localized magnetic field was applied
on a bed layer-by-layer.[59] According to the differences in the at the printing location (refer to Figure 2b).[19a,21b,45,62] Also, a
powders’ phase state during printing, it is also known as SLS new 3D printing process was developed to fabricate magnetic
or SLM. Compared with binder jetting, PBF has the potential aligned composite by combining a well-established slip-casting
of combining geometrical freedom with an improved magnetic process with an external magnetic field (Figure 2c).[65] With the
performance by increasing the volume content of magnetic deposition of active magnetic suspension in the added mag-
materials since a polymer binder is not needed.[60] Moreover, netic field, heterogeneous composites with controllable orienta-
the multi-material printing ability of PBF opens up new possi- tions and particle distributions were fabricated.[65]
bilities, such as using different materials within a single trans- When printing functional materials with embedded magnet-
former to create areas of changing magnetism and conductivity, ization, DIW[21a,69] and the SLA-based methods[21b] can program
which will reduce eddy current losses significantly.[3] the internal magnetization of printed structures by orientating
Directed energy deposition (DED) utilizes thermal energy the magnetized NdFeB particles during the printing process.
to fuse materials by melting while being deposited rather than For example, the electromagnetic coil or ring magnet was set
after deposition of a new layer. Like other powder-based 3D around the writing nozzle of a DIW system to generate a uni-
printing methods, DED is mainly focused on the fabrication of form magnetic field along the flow direction of the ink (refer
soft and hard magnetic parts with near-net-shape and superior to Figure 2d).[21a] The magnetized NdFeB microparticles that
magnetic performance.[61] are initially non-oriented will reorient along the magnetic field,
remaining a durable magnetic moment within the magnetized
filament. By switching the magnetic field direction, the mag-
2.2.2. Magnetic Field Assisted 3D Printing netic domains of the printed filaments can be programmed,
enabling the transformation of printed structures controlled
Magnetic fillers are usually suspended in liquid solution for by the added magnetic field. Like the DIW method, the SLA-
3D printing magnetic-aligned composites. The magnetic fillers based methods also apply magnetic fields to encode the mag-
are randomly distributed in the liquid polymer matrix without netization of the magnetic particles in the resin vat. With an
applying the magnetic field. Magnetic fillers can be assembled applied magnetic field, the dispersion and distribution of the
and manipulated into 1D, 2D, and 3D structures using external magnetic microparticles in the resin can be controlled by reori-
and locally applied magnetic fields.[21b] For example, magnetic enting them (refer to Figure 2e). Diller et al.[21b] illustrated
fillers can be assembled into micro chains in 3D printing of the feasibility of printing a dual-layer structure with different
magnetic-aligned composites. The magnetic fillers interact with magnetization components. Compared with DIW, the SLA-
each other through dipolar-dipolar forces and tend to aggregate based methods can fabricate soft robots with more complex
to form chains in the orientation controlled by the magnetic magnetizations and morphologies, since the resolution of the
field direction. The morphology of the aligned magnetic filler used digital light allows for higher accuracy in patterning 3D
chains can be modulated by changing the fillers’ concentration, magnetization.
the fillers’ size, and the strength of the magnetic field.[62] Due The self-assembly of magnetic fillers in the polymer-based
to the magnetic dipole-dipole and electrostatic repulsive forces, composite can be instant. The fast response is one of the main
the assembled magnetic particle chains are separated with uni- benefits of magnetic field-assisted self-assembly compared
form interchain spacing at the final equilibrium state.[19a,21a] with the field-assisted 3D printing approaches based on elec-
The interchain spacing can be adjusted by changing the particle trical and acoustic fields. For example, IJP is widely used in
concentration and the strength of the magnetic field.[1a] electronics manufacturing due to its high resolution, simul-
Based on the magnetic field-assisted self-assembly, several taneous multi-material fabrication, and large-scale printing
new 3D printing processes have been developed. For example, abilities.[70] As shown in Figure 2f, a magnetic field was applied
MIP-SL is a 3D printing method in which layers of liquid photo- below the inkjet nozzle by an electromagnet, so the magnetic
curable polymer are selectively solidified when the liquid resin particles in the jetted droplets were aligned during the printing
is exposed to the irradiation of UV light beam.[63] By incorpo- process.[66] Furthermore, electrospinning exhibits strengths in
rating the magnetic field generated by either permanent magnet the fabrication of thin films with composite nanofibers over a
or computer-controlled solenoids (Figure 2a), the active mag- large area.[71] In the magnetic field-assisted electrospinning, the
netic materials are assembled into special microarchitectures external magnetic field enables the alignment of electrospun
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Figure 2. Magnetic-field-assisted 3D-printing technology: a) Magnetic field-assisted SLA technology. Reproduced with permission.[1b] Copyright 2015,
Springer Nature. b) DIW-based multi-material magnetic 3D printing. Reproduced with permission.[19a] Copyright 2015, Springer Nature. c) Magneti-
cally assisted slip casting. Reproduced with permission.[65] Copyright 2015, Springer Nature. d) DIW-based 3D printing for orientating magnetization.
Reproduced with permission.[21a] Copyright 2018, Springer Nature. e) Permanent magnet assisted SLA technology. Reproduced with permission.[21b]
Copyright 2019, American Association for the Advancement of Science. f) Magnetic field-assisted inkjet printing. Reproduced with permission.[66]
Copyright 2014, AIP Publishing. g) Magnetic field-assisted electrospinning. Reproduced with permission.[67] Copyright 2010, Wiley-VCH. h) Magnetic
field-assisted screen printing. Reproduced with permission.[68] Copyright 2016, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
polymer nanofibers. Furthermore, it brings a new opportunity remotely since the permanent magnet or computer-controlled
to assemble and align ultralong nanowires on a large scale solenoids can generate the magnetic field without contact with
(refer to Figure 2g).[67] Magnetic field-assisted screen printing the composites. The magnetic field-assisted 3D printing pro-
was also developed by placing the magnet under the fabrication cesses have provided a powerful fabrication tool to produce
substrate in the screen printing, a long-established technology complex composites with tailored structures and functionalities
for fabricating organic electronics.[72] Hence, the magnetically due to the advantages mentioned above.[13]
self-healing ink was aligned along the magnetic field direction
in the screen printing process (refer to Figure 2h).[68]
To summarize, the newly developed magnetic field-assisted 3. 3D Printing of Magnetic Anisotropy for Property
3D printing processes can realize the functional fillers’ align-
ment in spatial directions by applying a designed mag-
netic field.[27] Compared to other field-assisted 3D printing The magnetic field-assisted assembly has been widely used in
approaches, the magnetic field-assisted 3D printing process is the manufacturing of functional magnetic material for various
fast, taking no more than a few seconds for the magnetic fillers applications, owing to their unique capability in controlling the
to assemble in the polymer matrix.[1a] Besides, the magnetic orientation and spatial arrangement of fillers, including 1D, 2D,
field-assisted alignment has good robustness, high dynamic, and 3D aggregates.[73] For example, the high-rate performance
and excellent static performance. The magnetic field enables of lithium-ion batteries can be improved dramatically because of
one to control the orientation and spatial arrangement of fillers aligned graphite particles in the fabricated electrode by applying
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magnetic alignment technology.[74] However, due to the limited arrangement of micro and nanostructures can manipulate light
fabrication capability, traditional manufacturing technologies to create fantastical structure color in nature.[29] The feathers
can only construct the magnetic-aligned composite into simple of hummingbirds show iridescent blues and greens generated
geometric shapes, which restricts the applications of magnetic- by aligning keratin, air hole, and melanin into nanoarrays
aligned composite in acoustic, optical, electronic, mechanical, (Figure 3a).[30] Similarly, the spines of polychaete worms
and thermal fields.[75] Recently, 3D printing provides a potential exhibit iridescent color due to hexagonally packed cylindrical
solution to fabricate the magnetic-aligned composite with com- hollow channels, which selectively reflect long-wavelength light
plex structures and precise arrangement of functional fillers.[13] (Figure 3b).[29] Besides, the ring teeth of squid sucker, com-
This section will discuss the recent advances in 3D printing of posed of oriented tubular structures with graded pore size,
magnetic anisotropy for property enhancement, including the reveal anisotropic physicochemical and thermomechanical
principle and mechanism, material selection, innovative mag- properties (Figure 3c).[77]
netic field-assisted 3D printing processes, and 3D printing of In addition, there are some examples of biological mate-
magnetic aligned composite with various tunable properties. rials with unique microarchitectures that demonstrate brilliant
mechanical enhancement.[78] For example, the cross lamellar
structures of seashell (Figure 3d) enable the absorption of
3.1. Property Enhancement Principle and Mechanism more energy during the deformation without fracturing. The
seashell’s underlying toughness enhancement mechanisms,
Over the millions of years of evolution, natural material with such as channel cracking, interlocking, and crack deflection of
optimized architectures exhibits specific functions that even lamellar structures, contribute to the fracture resistance of sea-
sophisticated human-made materials cannot match.[26] Natural shells.[79] The brick-mortar architectures learned from bone and
material with anisotropic properties, attributed to unique hier- nacre also reveal significant enhancement of the fracture resist-
archical architectures, has attracted significant attention for ance (Figure 3e).[80] For example, the underlying mechanism
various applications because of better economic benefits and of anisotropic mechanical behavior of nacre results from the
broader applied perspectives.[76] Such natural hierarchical archi- specific topological arrangement of a soft and ductile mortar
tectures are regularly arranged and composed in a variety of layer and stiff and hard bricks.[80] Moreover, biological materials
alignments and make up whole biological materials with opti- across different species, such as, fish scales, beetles, crabs, lob-
mized constituent and aspect ratio.[28] For example, the delicate sters, mantis shrimps, demonstrate outstanding toughness and
Figure 3. Examples of natural functional composite with hierarchical architectures. a) Aligned platelets of a hummingbird for structural color. Repro-
duced with permission.[30] Copyright 2009, Royal Society. b) Hollow channels array of polychaete worms for structural color. Reproduced with permis-
sion.[29] Copyright 2012, American Society for Photobiology. c) Suckerins structures of squid sucker. Reproduced with permission.[77a] Copyright 2017,
American Chemical Society. d) Cross-lamellar structures of a seashell. Reproduced with permission.[79] Copyright 2003, Royal Society of Chemistry.
e) Brick-mortar structures of nacre. Reproduced with permission.[80] Copyright 2007, Elsevier. f) Bouligand structure of lobster. Reproduced with per-
mission.[48] Copyright 2017, Elsevier. g) Aligned goethite nanofiber inside limpet teeth. Reproduced with permission.[81] Copyright 2015, Royal Society.
h) Dentin-enamel structures of mouse teeth. Reproduced with permission.[82] Copyright 2010, Elsevier. i) Pseudo-orthogonal structures of weevil ros-
trum. Reproduced with permission.[83] Copyright 2019, Wiley-VCH.
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stiffness owing to Bouligand structures (Figure 3f).[48,84] Such 3.2. 3D Printing of Magnetic Aligned Composite
Bouligand structures play a significant role in the remarkable for Mechanical Reinforcement
damage tolerance with the mechanism that energy dissipates
and stress mitigates along the twisting microcracks without Biological material exhibits anisotropic mechanical properties
leading to catastrophic failure.[84] Recently, limpet teeth were because of different reinforcing structural features (refer to
identified as the strongest natural material, whose tensile Figure 3d-i).[41] Bio-mimicking such hierarchically organized
strength is even higher than that of spider silk.[81] This distinc- reinforcing features are challenging for traditional composite
tive mechanical reinforcement results from aligned goethite fabrication methods.[41] Physical field-assisted 3D printing
nanofiber in the goethite/protein composite (Figure 3g). Unlike opens a new way to replicate reinforcing structural architec-
the hierarchical microarchitectures of limpet teeth, natural tures inspired by biological material, such as, bone, seashells,
mammal teeth offer excellent mechanical strength with archi- limpet teeth, shrimp, lobsters, etc.[13] The integration of 3D
tectures of specific arrangements of rigid enamel layer and printing and dynamic control of the magnetic field enables the
flexible dentin.[85] As shown in Figure 3h, reinforcing blocks fabrication of composite with specific alignments of functional
are aligned parallel and perpendicular to the loading force’s fillers, enhancing the strength, stiffness, and toughness of the
direction in the enamel layer and the dentin layer of mouse 3D printed materials.[42a]
teeth.[82,86] The endocuticle of the weevil rostrum consists of The mechanical property of the structures fabricated by the
macro fiber laminae piled in a pseudo-orthogonal manner magnetic field-assisted 3D printing process improves dramati-
(Figure 3i) so that the crack formation and propagation can be cally by spatially controlling the alignment of functional fillers
effectively prevented. Although the pseudo-orthogonal struc- during the printing process.[1a] For example, alumina Al2O3
tures are less rigid, they exhibit better toughness compared to microparticles decorated with iron oxide nanoparticles (IOPs)
the Bouligand structures.[83] were aligned under the magnetic field to form the reinforcement
Biological materials with hierarchical architectures in nature architectures.[1b] As shown in Figure 4a, the particle orientation
provide design inspiration of functional structures with prop- was adjusted by controlling the magnetic field. The assemble ori-
erty enhancement.[82] The enhanced functionalities can be entation played a significant role in either strengthen or weaken
accurately modulated by controlling the spatial distribution the mechanical properties of the 3D-printed composite. When
and orientation of functional fillers in the hierarchical architec- the alignment of the alumina microparticles was parallel to the
tures.[82] However, due to the fabrication capability limitation, loading direction, the printed composite was reinforced and
there are several challenges in reproducing hierarchical bio- revealed high compression strength. The alignments of mag-
logical architectures with special spatial orientations of func- netic fillers induced by the magnetic field provide a new way to
tional fillers by using traditional manufacturing technologies. create programmable composites with anisotropic mechanical
Utilizing advanced 3D printing with the assistance of physical properties. To achieve mechanical enhancement, natural her-
fields opens the way toward the fabrication of bioinspired struc- ringbone and Bouligand structures were replicated with aligned
tures for performance enhancement.[82] Different strategies, micrometer-sized nickel-coated carbon fibers (NiCFs) in the
such as magnetic field,[1b] electric field,[87] mechanical shear photocurable polymer matrix by using magnetic field-assisted
force,[88] freeze-casting,[89] self-assembly,[90] have been devel- slurry-based SL (refer to Figure 4b).[41] The toughness and com-
oped to achieve the fabrication of highly ordered structures.[27] pression strength of the printed composite were determined
Compared with other strategies, the magnetic field exhibits by the mass fraction of NiCFs and the morphology of micro-
advantages in remote control and no restriction on the orienta- architectures formed under the magnetic field.[41] The young’s
tion direction. Specifically, the magnetic dipole moment m of modulus of 3D-printed parts with alignments of NiCFs is more
a magnetic particle under the external magnetic field is deter- than ten times of the one of pure polymer. The magnetic field
mined by the volume susceptibility of the particle, the magnetic is not only able to modulate the static mechanical properties of
field strength, and the particle size. The magnetic moment m the 3D-printed composite but also can change the mechanical
of the magnetic particle will increase with the magnetic field index of the 3D-printed structures dynamically.[91] For example,
until it reaches a saturated value.[21b] The magnetized particle magnetoactive lattice structures were printed by MIP-SL using
generates the local magnetic field, and the adjacent magnetic elastomers and ferromagnetic nanoparticles. The modulus of
particles will be attracted by its local magnetic field. The inter- printed lattice structures can be adjusted from positive to nega-
particle magnetic dipole-dipole force will drive the alignment tive with the increase of magnetic field (refer to Figure 4c).[91a]
of particles into micro chains along the external magnetic The dynamic regulation of the mechanical performance of
field direction.[21b] To align the magnetic fillers in the external 3D-printed composite has an extensive prospect in diverse appli-
magnetic field, the attractive forces, including the magnetic cations. Additionally, the magnetic-aligned composite showed
force, electrostatic force, and van der Waals’ force, should be advantages in the mechanical reinforcement for biomedical
big enough to overcome the repulsive force and fluid drag application. For instance, bioinspired painless microneedles
force.[45] The assemble force drives the magnetic particles to (MNs) were fabricated using the magnetic field-assisted MIP-SL
move to regions with the maximum magnetic field strength.[45] with biocompatible polymer and IOPs (refer to Figure 4d).[1a]
The formation and the length of magnetic particle chains will The magnetic iron oxide particles (IOPs) were assembled in the
be diminished by decreasing the magnetic field strength.[21b] magnetic field to generate the limpet teeth-inspired reinforce-
The use of magnetic field-assisted 3D printing to fabricate ani- ment architecture during printing. It opens intriguing perspec-
sotropic structure for mechanics reinforcement is the focus of tives for designing MNs with high mechanical strength based
this section. on the limpet teeth-inspired hierarchical structures.
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Figure 4. Magnetic-field-assisted 3D printing of the mechanically reinforced composite. a) Mechanical properties of composite with programmable
reinforcement architectures printed by magnetic field-assisted SLA. Reproduced with permission.[1b] Copyright 2015, Springer Nature. b) Bioinspired
composites with tunable mechanical properties created by 3D magnetic printing. Reproduced with permission.[41] Copyright 2018, Springer Nature.
c) Magnetic actuation of elastomer lattices printed with ferromagnetic nanoparticle-based composite. Reproduced with permission.[91a] Copyright 2018,
Wiley VCH. d) Limpet teeth-inspired microneedles printed by magnetic field-assisted SLA for drug delivery. Reproduced with permission.[1a] Copyright
2020, Wiley VCH. e) Scanning electron images of 3D printed composite with tuning the local orientation of fillers to reproduce the heterogeneous
architecture of natural teeth. Reproduced with permission.[65] Copyright 2015, Springer Nature. f) Multi-material magnetic 3D printing of heteroge-
neous composites with programmable mechanical performance. Reproduced with permission.[19a] Copyright 2015, Springer Nature. g) Schematics
of shapeshifting of pinecone-inspired composite with different microfibril arrangement. Reproduced with permission.[92] Copyright 2019, Elsevier.
h) Wheat awn and orchid tree seedpod inspired reinforced composites with aligned cellulose microfibrils. Reproduced with permission.[42b] Copyright
2013, Springer Nature. i) Schematics of bending and twisting of self-shaping ceramic bilayer result from the different alignment of platelets magnetic
field-assisted screen printing. Reproduced with permission.[93] Copyright 2016, Springer Nature.
High volume fraction particulate composite with tunable alignment.[65] As shown in Figure 4f, heterogeneous material
stiffness and toughness can be designed and fabricated using with anisotropic mechanical properties was fabricated by the
magnetically assisted slip casting, which addresses the current magnetic field-assisted DIW, by which multiple materials can
challenges on the specific functional demands in the biomed- be deposited using separate syringes.[19a] The used composite
ical field.[65] For example, the dentin-enamel layers of the nat- ink consisted of polyurethane acrylate, polyhydroxy ethyl meth-
ural tooth were reproduced by assembling 20 vol% of alumina acrylate, photo-initiator, magnetically modified alumina platelets,
platelets and 13 vol% of alumina nanoparticles for dentin-like and fumed silica. When the ink was extruded, the alumina plate-
layer, and 20 vol% of alumina platelets, 4% isotropic silica, and lets were aligned by a permanent magnet during the printing
9 vol% of alumina nanoparticles for enamel-like layer in a 5wt% process. The strength and elastic modulus of the aligned 15 wt%
poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) aqueous solution (Figure 4e).[65] The hard- alumina platelets composite in the tensile loading direction
ness of the 3D-printed composite can be adjusted by changing increased by 49% and 52%, respectively, than those of the sam-
the particulate content and particle orientations.[65] Besides, ani- ples whose alignment is perpendicular to the loading direction.
sotropic stiff platelets were assembled in a ceramic, metal, or Moreover, the alignment of the alumina platelets influences the
polymer functional matrix to create programmed microstructural local swelling response of the 3D-printed parts. The Z directional
designs using magnetically assisted slip casting.[65] For instance, swelling ratio of 3D-printed parts with the perpendicular align-
the alumina composite with reinforcement alignment exhibits ment of 15 wt% alumina platelets was 30% higher than the one
a threefold increase in fracture toughness than the one without with the alignment parallel to the Z-axis.[19a]
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The reinforcing fillers improve the mechanical properties possibilities in manipulating and mimicking natural hetero-
and endow the printed composite with anisotropic shape defor- geneous microstructures with tunable electric, thermal, and
mation capabilities.[42b,92,94] For example, pinecone-inspired optical characteristics.[13]
stripes were fabricated using 40 wt% short steel fiber-based
composite by the slurry-based SLA. The shape-changing ratio
of the 3D-printed strip with aligned fibers parallel to the force 3.3.1. Electrical Conductivity
loading direction was much larger than the one with the align-
ment direction orthogonal to the force loading direction (refer Magnetic nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanowires, and nanoplates
to Figure 4g).[92] Besides, the reinforced composite demon- have become popular active fillers in inducing remarkable elec-
strated anisotropic swelling/ shrinkage due to the aligned trical performance.[96] The alignment of functional fillers can
fillers. The shape-changing performance of bioinspired com- induce anisotropic electrical conductivity and enhance elec-
posite cellulose microfibrils can be modulated by changing the tronic performance.[97] Current magnetic-aligned composites
reinforcement orientation.[42b] For instance, the swelling and have potential applications in electronic coatings, electronic
shrinkage of 7.5 vol% alumina platelets aligned perpendicular devices, energy storage and supply, etc.[98] For example, Kimura
to the reinforcement direction is 250% and 200% higher than et al. were the first to align multiwalled carbon nanotubes in
the one with alignment parallel to the reinforcement direction, a polyester matrix by applying the external magnetic field for
respectively (Figure 4h).[42b] The bending and twisting of the the anisotropic electrically conductivity.[99] Later, single-walled
fabricated layers can be programmed by controlling the ori- carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs)/epoxy resin composite were fab-
entation of the magnetic fillers in the 3D-printed composite. ricated with the uniform alignment of SWCNTs. The electronic
Moreover, the printed composite can be converted into a fully conductivity of 3% SWCNT/ epoxy composite perpendicular to
ceramic part after removing the inside polymer matrix.[94] For the alignment direction is 1.4 times of the one along the align-
example, magnetic alumina platelets were aligned inside the ment direction.[100] Additionally, graphene is another form of
alumina nanopowders-based slurry. Then the self-shaping carbon material discovered with outstanding electrical proper-
ceramics were obtained after the sintering, owing to the orthog- ties.[87,101] To align the graphene inside the polyimide composite
onal anisotropic shrinkage in the reinforced microstructures.[93] using the magnetic field, the Ni nanoparticles were tethered to
The ceramic’s final shape after sintering can be regulated by the graphene. The electrical conductivity of aligned 1.3v% Ni-
the geometry and the particles’ reinforced microstructures graphene composite was 2.5 times higher than the randomized
(Figure 4i). 1.3v% Ni-graphene composite.[102]
Owing to the reinforcement microstructures, the shape- The electrical conductivity enhancement of magnetite CNFs/
changing of 3D printed objects provides a programmable epoxy nanocomposite was also studied.[103] For instance, the
method to fabricate parts with complex geometries in a simple electrical conductivity of the composite measured parallel to the
manner. It also paves the way for 4D printing of the magnetic- alignment is consistently over one order of magnitude higher
aligned composite with anisotropic swelling/shrinkage for var- than that of the randomly-oriented nanocomposites, of which
ious applications in the future.[13,49] The bioinspired structural the concentration of CNFs ranges from 0.2 to 0.6 wt% (refer to
material with aligned fillers can be successfully fabricated using Figure 5a).[103] Moreover, the alignment of metallic fillers (nan-
magnetic field-assisted 3D printing.[1,41,65] Magnetically aligned oparticles and nanowires) in the composite can also enhance
fillers not only enhance the anisotropic mechanical properties the composite’s electrical conductivity. For example, the elec-
of the 3D-printed composite but also trigger the anisotropic trical conductivity of silicon/Ni composite with the alignment
shape-changing under the external stimulus.[42b,92,94,95] The of Ni is more than sevenfold compared with the composite with
discussed achievements would be helpful to understand the randomly distributed Ni fillers (refer to Figure 5b).[6,104] In sum-
effect of aligned architectures on mechanical reinforcement, mary, the bioinspired arrangement of functional fillers can dra-
shape-changing, and the dynamic control of the magnetic field matically increase the electrical conductivity of the composite,
for anisotropy mechanical performance with programmable and magnetic field-assisted 3D printing of aligned composite
alignments. with anisotropic electrical properties can further facilitate
promising applications such as flexible sensor, supercapacitor,
battery, and solar cell in the future.[105]
3.3. Magnetic Aligned Composites for Other Tunable Properties
Magnetic fillers are aligned in the polymer matrix in the mag- 3.3.2. Thermal Conductivity
netic field, and the magnetic aligned composite is further
built by different types of 3D printing processes.[1a,19a,21a,32,33,45] Thermally conductive fillers, including ceramic, metal oxides,
Because the functional fillers are oriented in a particular direc- metals, and carbon material, exhibit excellent thermal perfor-
tion, the mechanical, electrical, thermal, and optical proper- mance, and composites with magnetically aligned thermally
ties of the magnetic-aligned composite exhibit anisotropic conductive fillers offer great efficiency in heat conduction and
performances compared with the composite where the fillers heat transfer.[106] Thermal ceramic fillers, such as hexagonal
are randomly distributed.[27] The anisotropic performance of boron nitride (hBN) microplates,[43,107] boron nitride nanoplate-
functional composite can be modulated by controlling the lets (BNNP),[108] and aluminum nitride[7] platelets were coated
aligned microarchitectures and adjusting the material composi- with IOPs to enhance the magnetic responsibility in the mag-
tion.[40,41] The magnetic field-assisted 3D printing also promotes netic field. For example, the aligned hBN microplates/epoxy
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Figure 5. Magnetic aligned composite with tunable electrical, thermal, and optical properties. a) The electrical conductivity of Fe3O4 CNFs/epoxy
composite with different volume fractions of Fe3O4-CNFs. Reproduced with permission.[103] Copyright 2015, Elsevier. b) Electrical conductivity of Ni/
Silicone composite with different volume fractions of Ni. Reproduced with permission.[6] Copyright 2014, Elsevier. c) Thermal conductivity of aligned
boron nitride/polyurethane composite. Reproduced with permission.[109b] Copyright 2019, Elsevier. d) Thermal conductivity of polyvinylidenefluoride
composites with magnetic oriented carbon nanotube. Reproduced with permission.[110] Copyright 2014, Springer Nature. e) Fabrication of different
polarization structures with aligned liquid crystal via lithography. Reproduced with permission.[8] Copyright 2014, American Chemical Society. f) Spiral
aligned cellulose nanocrystals for stretchable optics. Reproduced with permission.[111] Copyright 2019, Springer Nature.
composite induces a significant reduction of thermal expan- the 40 wt% hBN microplates/TPU composites measured par-
sion and improves thermal conductivity along the alignment allel to the alignment is 2.8 times higher than that of samples
direction.[43,107] The measured thermal conductivity of the measured perpendicular to the alignment (Figure 5c).[109b]
9.14 vol% hBN microplates/silicone composites in the par- Besides, the alignment of hBN platelets significantly affects
allel and perpendicular directions to the alignment are 44.5% thermal expansion (TE) of the 3D printed hBN microplates/
higher and 37.9% lower than that of unaligned composites, TPU composite.[109b]
respectively.[107] The thermal conductivity and the thermal con- Due to low conductivity, a thermally insulating polymer
ductivity enhancement factor of aligned 20 wt% BNNP/epoxy matrix was formed with the random dispersion of the spherical
composite can reach 1.07 W mK−1 and 463.2%, respectively.[108a] Al2O3 particles. With the decoration of Fe3O4, Al2O3 particles
When the BN filler loading ratio was increased to 30 vol%, the can be aligned inside the epoxy resin under the external mag-
thermal conductivity of aligned BN/epoxy composite measured netic field. The assembled Al2O3 particles form direct contact
parallel to the alignment increased to 3.445 W mK−1, which with each other, enhancing the thermal conductivity of Al2O3/
is 1.96 times that of the BN/epoxy composite with randomly epoxy composite.[112] The Ni/silicone composite with the align-
oriented BN fillers.[108b] Currently, both hBN/thermoplastic ment of Ni particles displayed anisotropic thermal conduc-
polyurethane (TPU) composites and BN/alumina (Al2O3)/ tivity and diffusivity.[6] For instance, the thermal conductivity
polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) composites were fabricated of aligned 15 vol% Ni/silicone composite was 1.8 and 2.0 times
using advanced 3D printing technologies.[109] The thermal con- of that of the composites filled with random and perpendicular
ductivity of aligned 35 wt% BN/ 30 wt% Al2O3 /PDMS com- distribution of Ni particles.[6] Besides, the carbon material is
posite reached 3.64 W mK−1.[109a] The thermal conductivity of one type of attractive thermal material due to its exceptional
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thermal properties. For example, the thermal conductivities of by adjusting the sizes of the photonic crystals.[120] Also, CNCs
graphene and carbon nanotubes are in the range of 2000–6000 were assembled into a helical arrangement in an elastomer
and 2000–5000 W mK−1, respectively.[6] The magnetic carbon matrix to mimic natural Bouligand structures, enabling stim-
nanotube (mCNT) can be prepared by coating the iron oxide uli-responsive stretchable optics (refer to Figure 5f).[111] The
or Ni particles. The thermal conductivity of the aligned mCNT/ arrangement of the CNCs changed from a chiral nematic to
polyvinylidene fluoride composite was 1.62-fold that of the una- pseudo-nematic upon stretching, inducing the color changing
ligned composite.[39] Graphene nanosheets (GNSs) coated with of the composite from white to green. This bioinspired
Fe3O4 particles were aligned in the magnetic field. The thermal photonic sensory mechanism facilitates flexible optics and sen-
conductivity of aligned GNSs/epoxy composite measured in sors to visualize mechanical stresses and detect critical failures.
the parallel direction was more than two times the one meas- Due to their tunable optical performance, the magnetically
ured in the perpendicular direction (refer to Figure 5d).[110] The aligned photonic composites will reveal attractive prospects
outstanding thermal properties can be achieved by controlling in numerous fields, such as light guiding, chemical sensing,
the alignment of thermally conductive fillers in the magnetic responsive display, and energy harvest.[47,111,114]
field. The heat transfer of the magnetically aligned composite
can be further programmable for applications in numerous
fields, such as fuel cells, thermoelectricity, and thermal barrier 3.4. Discussion
The bioinspired architectures, made with aligned magnetic
fillers, show remarkable anisotropic properties and excel-
3.3.3. Optical Properties lent property enhancement.[13] Many magnetic field-assisted
3D printing processes were developed, and functional ferro-
The magnetic-aligned photonic material displays anisotropic magnetic and paramagnetic fillers were aligned to reproduce
light propagation, scatting, and emission owing to the unique bioinspired architectures (Figure 6a). Compared with the shear
photonic architectures, such as, multi-layer structures, Bouli- force-assisted alignment in which the alignment is only lim-
gand structure, photonic crystals, ordered networks, etc.[114] For ited to the printing direction, the magnetic field-assisted 3D
example, aligned photonic crystals showed splendid structural printing approach offers a much flexible approach to dynamic
colors by modulating the refractive index for controllable light control of the alignment orientation in the 3D space.[1a] Besides,
propagation.[114] The visible light can be selectively diffracted by magnetic field-assisted 3D printing enables composite fabrica-
helical structures, of which the distance of one rotation approxi- tion with complex geometric shapes and 3D filler alignment for
mates the wavelength of light.[115] Besides, the jewel beetle has anisotropic properties. It provides more potential opportunities
iridescent elytra due to the Bouligand structures made by chitin to reproduce the smart materials in nature for mechanical, elec-
nanocrystals.[115a] The attractive color of Pollia condensata is trical, thermal, and optical applications.[19a,41,45] Magnetic field-
also attributed to the Bouligand-type structure of cellulose.[115b] assisted 3D printing process has successfully produced several
To mimic such intense color, cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) natural materials with excellent mechanical properties, which
were self-assembled into a chiral nematic liquid crystal with are not accessible for the homogeneous composite fabricated
Bouligand structure-shaped arraignments that demonstrated by conventional manufacturing processes (Figure 6b).[19a,41]
attractive optical properties and enabled the development of Furthermore, the development of magnetic field-assisted 3D
mirrorless lasing and security film.[116] CNCs can be aligned printing technology provides more potential opportunities
vertically to generate crossed polarizer images of the fingerprint to investigate the aligned composite with tunable electrical,
texture in the magnetic field with a strength of 10 T.[117] Further- thermal, and optical properties.[19a,41,47,73,75,101] For example,
more, the flexible iridescent film was fabricated by assembling electrically conductive fillers were assembled in the polyimide-
the CNCs in the polymer matrix, which generated a wide spec- based resin, and the electrical conductivity of the 3D-printed
trum range of structural color from blue to red.[118] The high composite showed enhancement in the direction that are par-
concentration of polymer in the composite enables multi-color allel to the alignment orientation (refer to Figure 6c).[102] Simi-
domains visible at the microscopic level due to the increase larly, the thermal conductivity of polymer matrix with magnetic
of photonic bandgap.[118] Aligned CNCs with Bouligand struc- fillers assembled under the magnetic field showed dramatic
tures in the iridescent films produced photonic structures that improvement (Figure 6c).[39] Also, photonic nanocrystals assem-
reflected both right and left circularly polarized light.[119] bled in the magnetic field showed intense structural color and
The transmittance intensity of polarized light of the responsive visible-light diffractions.[8,120,121]
3D-printed film can be modulated by changing the orienta- Although the 3D-printed material with controlled mag-
tion of magnetic liquid crystal (LC) nanorods.[8] As shown in netic filler alignment can improve material properties, there
Figure 5e, the area with the arrangement of the LC nanorods is still a big gap between the printed materials and the nat-
parallel to the transmission axis of the polarizer appeared ural materials.[13,49] The materials fabricated by the magnetic
dark under the polarizing optical microscope, and the one field-assisted printing process need to be further improved
with the arrangement of the LC nanorods oriented 45° to the to enhance their properties.[13] First, the base matrix can be
transmission axis of the polarizer appeared bright.[8] Besides, extended from polymer to other kinds of material such as
with the help of a magnetic field, ellipsoidal photonic crystals ceramic and metals. The interface bonding between the mag-
were assembled into superlattices that showed striking struc- netic fillers and the base materials can be further enhanced by
tural color, and the displayed structural color can be changed adding chemical bonds. Second, only limited types of magnetic
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Figure 6. 3D printing of magnetic-aligned composites for properties enhancement. a) Schematic diagram showing the materials, fabrication resolution,
and 3D printing processes used to fabricate magnetic-aligned composite; b) the young’s modulus of magnetic composite with/without mechanical
reinforcement; and c) the electrical and thermal conductivities of magnetic composite with/without alignment.
fillers were used in the current magnetic field-assisted 3D novel metamaterials based on tunable properties. Considering
printing processes. Expanding the types of fillers can further the enabled anisotropic mechanical/electrical/thermal/optical
enhance the functional properties of 3D-printed composites. properties of magnetic field-responsive composites, the fabrica-
The third reason for the limited enhancement of magnetic field tion ability of 3D printing technology will create a wide range
assembly is the concentration of magnetic active fillers in the of potential applications in aerospace engineering, electronics,
base matrix currently is relatively low to make sure the com- biomedical engineering, biological science, and civil engi-
posite can be 3D printed, such as being cured by light, being neering in the future.
extruded from the nozzle, or being spread by the blade. Future
research work can be performed on the process optimization
to fabricate composite architectures with a higher volume frac- 4. 3D Printing of Magnetic-Driven Robots
tion of functional fillers for performance enhancement. Finally,
how to disperse the magnetic fillers homogeneously in the base Magnetic materials have been widely used to design and
material matrix is another challenge in the 3D printing of mag- fabricate various robots due to their excellent mechanical
netic aligned composite. Some research works have been done response to an external magnetic field, including magnetic
to enhance the interfacial interaction between the base matrix force and torque. In recent years, using an external mag-
and the magnetic fillers by modifying fillers’ surface character- netic field to build robots with designed magnetizations in
istics for better dispersion. More studies are needed to better different areas to achieve complex and controllable motions
understand the dispersion of functional fillers and their align- has been a hot topic. Compared with the traditional fabrica-
ment in magnetic fields. tion methods, 3D printing technology provides the benefits of
In summary, magnetic field-assisted 3D printing opens fabricating complex structures accurately, enabling the novel
intriguing perspectives for designing artificial material based design of magnetic-driven robots. Besides, among the external
on aligned magnetic fillers to enhance functional perfor- power sources to drive robots remotely, including optical,
mances.[13] The tunable effect of the property is due to the acoustic, magnetic, and electrical fields, the magnetic field is
morphologies and concentration of magnetic fillers in the com- regarded as the most promising source for powering robots
posite. It provides an efficient manufacturing tool to fabricate remotely. This section will review the recent developments of
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Figure 7. The mechanisms of driving methods for magnetic robots driven by magnetic force or magnetic torque.
mechanisms, materials, applications of 3D-printed magnetic- properties. M is a constant if the object is permanently magnet-
driven robots. ized, which is determined by the magnetic field and its geom-
etry in the case of a soft-magnetic object. It is convenient and
straightforward to propel robots by the magnetic force since the
4.1. Mechanism of Magnetic-Driven Robots magnetic field gradient can be generated by either permanent
magnets or electromagnetic coils.
Magnetic-driven robots, regarded as one kind of untethered and In comparison, for the magnetic torque-driven robots, the
off-broad actuated robots, have obtained considerable progress in magnetic torque Tm results from a higher energy state (Um)
recent years. However, it remains challenging to apply the mag- when the magnetization M of the object is misaligned with the
netic field for actuating robots precisely to realize their functions. applied magnetic field. For cases in which the material is sur-
The mechanisms of magnetic actuation should be considered rounded by a nonmagnetic medium, B = μ0 H, giving
when designing magnetic-driven robots. According to the basic
principle of magnetic actuation, the magnetic-driven robots are dU m
Tm = − = µ0 VM × H (2)
classified as magnetic force-driven robots and magnetic torque- dθ
driven robots in this paper, mainly actuated by the quasi-static
and periodically changing magnetic field, respectively. The magnetic torque can be established by two methods.
For the magnetic force-driven robots, the controlled motion The first method can result from the permanent magnetic
of a magnetic object originates from the interaction with the moment (with constant M) within the materials according to
gradient of the magnetic field. As shown in Figure 7-i, the mag- Equation (2) (Figure 7-ii). However, for the materials without
netic particle tends to move toward the strongest magnetic field internal magnetic moment (with M = χH , where χ is the shape
in the field gradient direction. The principle is also applicable corrected susceptibility of the object) such as superparamag-
to the 3D-printed objects containing magnetic particles. There- netic particles, the required magnetic torque cannot be gener-
fore, it is feasible to fabricate parts with 3D-printing materials ated from the relationship of magnetic moment and applied
filled with magnetic particles, and the actuation of 3D-printed magnetic field.[122] But it is still possible to generate magnetic
parts can be realized with a static magnetic field. This actuating torque through a designed magnetic shape (Figure 7-iii). The
method is intuitive and effective. Either a permanent magnet driving source can be derived and quantitatively analyzed using
or an electromagnetic coil can be applied to control the robots the same deductive methods. The detailed computation method
since the actuating method has no demand for a uniform mag- has been reviewed before and will not be further discussed
netic field. The actuating force resulting from the gradient of here.[122] For the two magnetic torque generation methods, the
the magnetic field (H) is given by: former is mainly used to fabricate morph-changing robots,
while the latter is more applicable to fabricate microscale mag-
Fm = V ( M × ∇ ) H (1) netic robots.
Compared with the controlled motion driven by magnetic
where V is the volume of the magnetic object and M = m/V force, the magnetic torque-driven methods can provide a more
is the magnetization of the object that depends on magnetic effective manipulation platform for the magnetic-driven robots
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for the following reasons.[122] The soft matter system with higher efficiency of propulsion and fewer requirements on the
embedded magnetization tends to deform in the magnetic field applied actuating devices. In comparison, the magnetic torque
until the magnetization of each domain is collinear with the is more attractive for its comprehensive functions and the
applied field. This principle can be used to design and fabri- advantages of precise control, especially for actuating shape-
cate soft shape-morphing robots (Figure 7). It can be induced morphing robots and microrobots in vivo. Notably, these two
from the equation that the maximum magnetic torque exists actuating methods are not mutually extrusive. It is worth fur-
when the object’s permanent magnetization is perpendicular ther investigation to combine these two methods for the diver-
(θ = 90°) to the applied magnetic field. In magnetic robots with sified actuating of robots.
designed shapes, the magnetic torque is maximal when the Magnetic propulsion raises a high requirement for robots’
applied field is misaligned by 45° from the designed axes of the materials and fabrication methods since the magnetic-driven
materials.[122] robots must maintain the magnetic properties and functional
Quantitative analysis has been conducted to understand structures. It is difficult for the conventional manufacturing
the effect of physical parameters on the magnetic actuation of processes to realize magnetic-driven robots with controlled
ideal soft samples with programmed magnetic domains.[21c] magnetic composition. Benefited from the layer-by-layer depo-
For example, when a simple beam with residual magnetization sition, 3D printing can overcome the restrictions on processing
Br = μ0 M is placed in a perpendicularly applied magnetic field complex structures. Moreover, various materials ranging from
Bapplied, the maximum deflection of the bending beam scales polymers to biocompatible hydrogels can serve as the basic
can be calculated as: printing inks integrated with magnetic materials to achieve
controlled magnetic properties. Based on the mechanisms of
BrBapplied L3 magnetic propulsion, different 3D printing technologies can be
δ max ∝ (3)
applied to fabricate magnetic-driven robots with diverse appear-
GH 2
ances and internal compositions, which enormously expand
where G is the shear modulus of materials, L and H are the the functions and applications of robots.
length and height of the beam, respectively. According to Equa- The bodies of 3D-printed magnetic-driven robots are com-
tion (3), several strategies can be applied during the design posed of either soft or hard magnetic materials.[125] Typically,
and manufacturing processes to realize the robot’s effective NdFeB microparticles, SPIONs,[126] Ni/Ti bilayer coatings,[127]
shape-morphing, including 1) the embedded magnetization M and other magnetic materials are embedded in the robots’
can be increased by employing magnetic materials with better bodies or deposited on the body surfaces. Based on different
properties or increasing the proportions of the magnetic fillers; 3D printing technologies and application scenarios, various 3D
2) printing slender structures with large length-to-height ratio printing materials are used as the hosting matrix for the mag-
L/H can promote the deflection of robots; and 3) the shear netic materials, including alginate,[126b] silicone,[128] SU-8,[127]
modulus G can be reduced by reducing the crosslinking den- polyethylene-polypropylene glycol,[126c] hydrogel,[20b] and so on.
sity of the composites.
Second, the object with an integrated magnetization will
rotate under magnetic torque then keep still. To continuously 4.2. 3D Printing of Robots Driven by Magnetic Force
propel the object, a rotating or oscillating magnetic field with
a certain frequency can be applied to maintain the magnetic The robots actuated by magnetic force have various morpholo-
torque on the object. Besides actuating the rotation of magnet- gies since the propulsion of magnetic force has few limitations
ized objects, magnetic torque can also realize the robots’ linear on robots’ structures. These robots are typically composed of
motion coupled with elaborate structures. The most common hybrid materials that respond to the applied magnetic field. It is
type of such structures is the helical swimmer. Benefited from crucial for the fabricated structures to maintain homogeneous
its helical body, the rotational motion around the helical axis magnetic loads. With the help of 3D printing technologies,
can be transferred into the translational motion.[123] Swim- robots containing different magnetic materials have been devel-
ming robots driven by this method are usually fabricated at a oped in the applications of drug delivery,[126c,128] bionics,[20a,129]
microscale size with a small Reynolds number (<<1), making biomedicine,[127] and so on. Due to its good printability of
the viscous forces dominant during motion control. Thus, in various composites, DIW was applied to fabricate elastomeric
such a viscous environment, comparisons between the torque- robots driven by magnetic force that undergo complicated
driven and force-driven methods are concerned. The propul- reconfiguration and shape change (Figure 8a).[128] The soft
sion matrix relating the velocity and rotational speed to the silicone paste embedding carbonyl iron particles was directly
external force and torque was thoroughly studied.[124] Generally printed in the shape of ultrasoft wavy structures, which is nearly
speaking, it can be concluded that the maximum velocity scales impossible to be fabricated by the traditional manufacturing
with size (≈R) for the torque-driven helical swimmer but ≈R2 processes. Under the action of magnetic force, the “elastin-like”
for the force-driven equivalent swimmer.[124a] This principle structures can contract easily, and the functions such as the
indicates that the torque-driven method is more effective than switchable water droplet dispenser were demonstrated.[128]
the force-driven method when actuating microrobots. Besides the DIW process, the SLA-based methods were also
Both magnetic force and magnetic torque determine the investigated to print hybrid materials containing magnetic par-
design and fabrication of magnetic-driven robots, which must ticles due to their fast fabrication speed and high resolution.
be considered carefully according to different applications of An artificial fish guided by magnetic force was fabricated using
magnetic-driven robots. Generally, the magnetic force has a a microscale continuous optical printing (μCOP) system.[130]
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Figure 8. 3D printed magnetic robot driven by magnetic force. a) Elastomeric robots with ultrasoft wavy structures printed by DIW method. Reproduced
with permission.[128] Copyright 2019, Wiley VCH. b) Artificial fish printed by high-resolution COP technology can be guided by magnetic force through
embedding magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Scale bar, 100 µm. Reproduced with permission.[130] Copyright 2015, Wiley VCH. c) Pictures of porous micro
niches for multi-cell culture and transportation. Reproduced with permission.[127] Copyright 2013, Wiley VCH. d) Starfish-inspired robots were actuated
by magnetic force. Reproduced with permission.[20a] Copyright 2018, Wiley VCH. e) Inchworm-inspired robots can realize linear locomotion and leg
crawling. Reproduced with permission.[129] Copyright 2019, Mary Ann Liebert. f) 3D printed impellers integrating components with different materials.
Reproduced with permission.[32] Copyright 2017, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. g) Flexible grippers with embedded magnetic micropar-
ticles in the top of the bodies. Reproduced with permission.[126c] Copyright 2017, Wiley VCH. h) Soft octopus robots can move under the driving of a
magnetic force. Reproduced with permission.[20b] Copyright 2019, Wiley VCH.
By changing the solutions during 3D printing, the fabricated great control over the geometry and porosity. It was indicated
fish contains different functional particles in the head and tail that the microrobot had good biocompatibility and cells can
(Figure 8b). The fish head was polymerized by photocuring adhere, migrate, and proliferate in the porous structures. The
matrix material embedding magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles with 3D-printed microrobot enabled the manipulation by magnetic
a concentration of 5 mg mL–1, which were used to guide the force since the magnetized body tended to move along the posi-
fish motion. Notably, the tail, encapsulated with Pt nanopar- tive gradient of the magnetic field in the DI water with a low
ticles, enables a self-propulsion motion through the decom- Reynolds number. This kind of magnetic-driven robot illus-
position of the peroxide fuel. In another study, porous micro trated the potential of targeted cell or drug transportations for
niches for multi-cell culture and transportation were fabri- further in vivo applications.
cated using a TPP-based lithography process. The fabricated Inspired by mollusks in nature, some biomimetic soft robots,
niches were coated with Ni/Ti bilayers (Figure 8c).[127] The such as the starfish-shaped robot (Figure 8d)[20a] and the inch-
inner coating of Ni can be used for magnetic actuation and the worm-inspired robot (Figure 8e)[129] driven by magnetic force,
outer coating of Ti can minimize the cytotoxicity to the cells. were fabricated using 3D printing technologies. An advantage
Considering the requirements for culturing and transporting of 3D printing is its ability to build flexible materials that can
cells, such a lithography process is one of the best choices to mimic mollusks’ bodies.[13] For the starfish-shaped robots,
fabricate porous microstructures due to its high resolution and GelMA mixed with 40% w/v of IOPs were directly printed into
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the geometry of the fins of the starfish and then crosslinked magnetic domains printed using DIW, as shown in Figure 9a.
by UV exposure. The artificial starfish could realize the basic An electromagnetic coil was placed around the printing nozzle
motions with the help of three electromagnets. Tetherless to generate a uniform magnetic field along the flow direction of
inchworm-inspired robots were directly printed using SLA, the ink. The magnetization of the magnetic ink can be modi-
which could ensure linear locomotion and leg crawling. Struc- fied by switching the printing path or external magnetic field.
tures with multi-material composites and locally programmed This improved DIW configuration provides a universal model
material compositions are also achievable. Magnetic particles for programming magnetizations of robots. The magnetic ink
embedded in the anterior and posterior legs had a volume was prepared first by mixing the 20 vol% NdFeB microparti-
loading fraction of 37.34%, which was sufficient to serve as cles and silicone-based materials. The ink was then magnetized
the actuators. The leg crawling was achieved with the sequen- under a strong magnetic field (≈2.7 T). This ink preparation
tial activation of actuators using two permanent magnets. The sequence improved the printability of the composite ink since
incorporation of magnetic-responsive materials within the its yield stress prevented the dispersed magnetized particles
3D-printed soft materials provides templates for the fabrication from aggregation.[21a] Support ink extruded from another nozzle
of bionic systems. buttressed the adjacent magnetic ink during printing and 3D
Compared to other fabricating methods, 3D printing structures were constructed layer-by-layer. The 3D-printed
can also integrate components with different materials structures with programmed magnetizations provided a fast
(Figure 8f–h).[20b,32,126c] For example, in the flexible gripper made and fully reversible folding process.
by SLA (Figure 8g), the magnetic microparticles were selectively Furthermore, guided by the model-based prediction, complex
embedded in the top of the bodies, serving as the magnetic 3D structures with negative Poisson’s ratios were designed and
responsive parts. As a result, the magnetic force can only impact fabricated to exhibit shrinkage in both length and width actu-
the bodies’ responsive portions to realize the precise control of ated by a magnetic field. The proposed method can be extended
the robots. The multi-material structures far exceed the conven- to create various soft robots with untethered and fast shape-
tional fabrication ability, while 3D printing offers more flexibility shifting. Zhao et al. fabricated a ferromagnetic soft continuum
in selectively printing magnetic materials during the layer-based robot using the same process (Figure 9b).[69b] The robot’s body
fabrication process. The integration of multiple materials in was composed of soft polymer matrices with embedded hard
3D-printed structures presents a promising direction for the magnetic microparticles (NdFeB). The outer surface of the
future magnetic-driven robot development. robot was covered with hydrogel skin to decrease the surface
friction. Controlled by magnetic torque, the continuum robot
could navigate through complex and constrained environments,
4.3. 3D Printing of Robots Driven by Magnetic Torque providing an option for minimally invasive robotic surgery in
inaccessible lesions like the tortuous cerebrovascular phantom.
Magnetic torque enables the orientation, reconfiguration, and However, this method was limited by the constant magnetiza-
manipulation of magnetic materials, attracting increasing atten- tion, and the lack of flexibility in the embedded magnetization
tion in soft robots and microrobots.[131] However, the designs density and direction.[69a]
and fabrications of magnetic torque-drive robots present strict Inspired by origami, a shape-morphing microrobot with
requirements. The mechanisms analyzed in Section 3.1 can encoded magnetization was proposed (Figure 9c).[19b] To fabri-
divide magnetic torque-driven robots into two types: i) Robots cate its microscale body, electron beam lithography was used to
with embedded magnetization, and ii) robots with designed produce nanomagnets, followed by coatings of thin cobalt films.
magnetic shapes. Combined with 3D printing, both of them Since varying aspect ratios of nanomagnets led to different
expand the applications of magnetic-driven robots. The fol- coercive fields, the same microrobot could be programmed with
lowing sections will discuss them in detail. different magnetic configurations through specific arrange-
ments of nanomagnets and consequent magnetization fields.
As a result, the magnetic moment can be tuned by modifying
4.3.1. 3D Printing of Robots with Embedded Magnetization the orientations and ratios of different nanomagnet types. An
origami-like microscale “bird” with controlled flying modes was
Due to magnetic field-assisted 3D printing technologies, mag- designed to demonstrate folding behaviors such as bending
netically responsive materials can now have anisotropic mag- and twisting. The proposed magnetic-driven robots based on
netization profiles generated during the fabricating process. The encoded nanomagnet arrays were tunable in terms of the mag-
magnetic-driven robots are no longer limited by homogeneous netic configurations, which provided an excellent template for
magnetic materials with uniformly mixed magnetic micropar- further study of shape-morphing robots.
ticles. Unlike the 3D printing methods used to fabricate the Another research improved the magnetic-field-assisted
magnetic force-driven robots, an external magnetic field is now DIW to expand the tunability of magnetization by applying
required to regulate magnetization orientations inside robotic voxel-encoding printing (Figure 9d).[69a] Each voxel consisting
bodies during the 3D printing process. Hence robots with pro- of hard-magnetic microparticles and silicone-based matrix
grammed magnetization can be actuated by magnetic torque was considered as the basic element to encode. For the voxel
and reconfigured to adapt to various situations. with three layers, the total number of effective magnetization
Many outstanding studies focusing on 3D-printed robots variations can be up to 7. Consequently, the density and direc-
with embedded magnetization have been reported. Notably, tion of magnetization for the entire body can be programmed
Zhao et al.[21a] demonstrated the application of programmed according to the vector summation of each voxel. Moreover, the
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Figure 9. 3D printed magnetic robot with embedded magnetization. a) Robots with programmed magnetizations printed by DIW method using NdFeB
particles. Reproduced with permission.[21a] Copyright 2018, Springer Nature. b) Soft continuum robots can navigate through complicated environments.
Reproduced with permission.[69b] Copyright 2019, American Association for the Advancement of Science. c) Origami-like micro robots based on encoding
nanomagnet arrays. Reproduced with permission.[19b] Copyright 2019, Springer Nature. d) Three-layered voxel expanding the tunability of magnetization
for biomimetic robots. Reproduced with permission.[69a] Copyright 2020, Wiley VCH. e) Pictures of different planar magnetic robots with discrete 3D
magnetizations printed via SLA-based method. Reproduced with permission.[21b] Copyright 2019, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
evolutionary algorithm was utilized to achieve the most suit- 3D magnetization,[21b] as shown in Figure 9e. Compared to
able design of magnetization distributions based on the desired other 3D printing technologies, the reported UV lithography
shape of deformation. For example, to mimic the crawling device could program both horizontal and vertical magnetiza-
motion of the inchworm, the shape of the inchworm body was tion in the soft materials by adding a 2-DOF motorized perma-
set as the target shape in the evolutionary algorithm. Following nent magnet below the curing tank. As a result, the discrete
that, the optimum solution of magnetization distribution was 3D magnetization could promote the performance of magnetic
obtained, which helped mimic the actual crawling motion of actuators and bring more novel robot designs. The precise and
an inchworm successfully. The voxel-encoding method sig- multidimensional programming of embedded magnetization
nificantly improved the tunability of magnetization in terms endues robots with much more functions. Such capability will
of density and direction. The excellent magnetic property tun- be attractive to the field of magnetic-driven robots, especially
ability will promote the production of magnetic-driven robots the design of shape-morphing robots.
with more precise shape-morphing, broadening the application
potentials of biomimetic robots in the future.
Besides the aforementioned methods, other 3D printing 4.3.2. 3D Printing of Robots with Designed Magnetic Shapes
technologies such as SLA were also developed to arrange the
magnetization in the printed structures. For example, an ultra- The most conspicuous characteristic of the magnetic-driven
violet (UV) lithography-based method was reported to encode robot with designed magnetic shapes is the helical structures.
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In the microrobots with helical structures, the applied rotating into polymers before the DLW curing process.[23] The super-
magnetic field induces the robots’ rotation around their hel- paramagnetic magnetite nanoparticles were dispersed in the
ical axes, generating a translational movement. This mode photoresist before the printing process. Different from the
of movement is similar to the motion of bacteria that swims deposited magnetic layers, the dispersion of aligned magnetic
by rotating their flagella. The movement driven by magnetic nanoparticles helped set the magnetization axis in the printing
torque maintains a high efficiency only when the robot size process to improve the performance of locomotion.[23,138] The
is small enough.[124a] Hence the small-size requirement raises helical structures were printed using a SU-8 negative photore-
a challenge in fabricating micrometer-scale robots with high sist with the dispersion of superparamagnetic magnetite nan-
accuracies. Benefited from the breakthrough of high-accuracy oparticles (Figure 10f).[23] A uniform magnetic field (≈30 mT)
3D printing technologies like the TPP process, microrobots was applied to assemble these nanoparticles in a filamentous
with designed magnetic shapes can be fabricated through structure owing to dipole-dipole magnetic attraction between
3D printing, which significantly lower the barriers of applying them.[139] The alignment of particles inside the helical body
the magnetic-driven robots in the biomedical and environ- defined the magnetization axis, enabling the superparamag-
mental fields. netic helical robots with programmed magnetic anisotropy.
One efficient and mature method to fabricate helical micro- Due to a large variety of magnetic particles that can be used
robots is 3D direct laser writing (DLW), which was proposed by in the printing process, the functions of 3D-printed objects are
Nelson’s group.[132] As a micro and nanoscale fabrication pro- enriched, and the biodegradation of microrobots becomes pos-
cess developed from TPP, DLW has become a versatile and rou- sible. For example, the helical swimmers composed of GelMA
tine tool for precise batch fabrication of complex structures.[131a] and core-shell magnetoelectric nanoparticles (MENPs) were
As shown in Figure 10a, a micro helical structure was produced fabricated to be a highly integrated device (Figure 10g).[136] The
with a negative photoresist deposited on a substrate by DLW. degradative swimmers were also used to electro-stimulate neu-
Subsequently, a thin film of Ni/Ti bilayers was deposited on ronal cells since MENPs can induce neuronal differentiation
the surface by electron beam evaporation for magnetic actua- of the targeted cells. The microrobots’ bodies would degrade
tion and excellent biocompatibility.[133] The magnetic shape after a period bringing few influences on the cell growth. The
anisotropy effect of a helical robot was explored and plotted by 3D-printed biodegradable microrobots coupled with embedded
showing the misalignment angle α and helix angle θ. It can be functional magnetic nanoparticles provide a promising strategy
concluded that helical robots with larger helix angles tend to be for controllable drug delivery and disease diagnosis.
perpendicular to the direction of the external field.
Some other delicately designed structures were proposed
based on the blueprint of helical swimmers,[55b,137] like the 4.4. Discussion
syringe-like microtransporter (Figure 10b). This wirelessly
controlled robot was designed based on Archimedes screw Figure 11 shows a comparison of different magnetic-driven
pumping mechanism. The integrated structure containing robots with related properties. The main challenges for devel-
two parts, that is, a magnetically driven screw and a hollow oping magnetic-driven robots lie in the fabrication of com-
cylinder, could move relative to each other under the mag- plicated multiscale structures with embedded magnetic
netic field and was manufactured without further assembly. materials. Benefited from emerging 3D printing technologies
This delicate micro-transporter enables the collection, encap- such as TPP, MIP-SL, and DIW, it becomes possible to fabri-
sulation, transportation, and release of microbeads or cells,[55b] cate robots with complex and customized geometry ranging
which benefits many complicated tasks such as precise drug from microscale to macroscale features. Also, a wide variety of
delivery or diagnostic analysis. Due to the micrometer size of 3D printable materials (refer to Figure 11a) enable the flexible
helical swimmers, many trials of in vivo manipulations were integration of diverse magnetic materials in a magnetic-driven
demonstrated with impressive results. For example, helical robot, laying the foundation for better control of the robot’s
swimmers to monitor the targeted delivery in the body were internal magnetization.
coupled with NIR-797 isothiocyanate, whose fluorescent signal According to the actuating methods, the magnetic-driven
in the near-infrared (NIR) spectral region could be tracked by robots can be divided into robots driven by magnetic force and
optical microscopy (Figure 10c).[132b] The microswimmer was magnetic torque. Both maintain diversified shapes and func-
also shown to catch and carry sperms to deliver them to the tions. Common 3D printing devices can fabricate magnetic
oocyte for fertilization (Figure 10d).[134] This investigation rep- force-driven robots, and the performance under the magnetic
resents significant progress of accurate control of 3D-printed force mainly depends on the proportions of magnetic materials.
helical swimmers in the field of microsurgery. It was also Generally, a larger robot size will lead to a higher proportion
reported that helical swimmers could be functionally decorated of embedded magnetic materials (Figure 11b). The highest pro-
with lipoplexes containing pDNA (Figure 10e).[135] In this work, portion of magnetic materials reported (by weight) is around
the targeted single-cell gene was delivered to human embryonic 50 wt% limited by the pastes’ viscosity, which raises the require-
kidney cells based on the magnetic actuation. The examples ment of improving magnetic printing processes and materials.
mentioned above present the great potential of helical swim- For the magnetic torque-driven robots, magnetic field-assisted
mers for in vivo manipulations. high-resolution 3D printing is needed depending on robots’
Besides physical vapor deposition, an alternative method to size. For instance, with an applied magnetic field around the
include magnetic shape anisotropy into the helical structure nozzle, the DIW method can print structures with different
was proposed by embedding superparamagnetic nanoparticles magnetizations by tuning the magnetic field direction and the
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Figure 10. 3D-printed magnetic robots with designed magnetic shapes (organized papers by manufacturing processes and shapes). a) Microscale
helical robots printed by DLW with a thin film of Ni/Ti bilayers deposited on the surface. Reproduced with permission.[133] Copyright 2012, Wiley VCH.
b) Syringe-like microtransporters for drug delivery or diagnostic analysis. Reproduced with permission.[55b] Copyright 2015, Wiley VCH. c) Helical
swimmers whose fluorescent signals could be tracked by optical microscopy. Reproduced with permission.[132b] Copyright 2015, Wiley VCH. d) Micro
swimmers designed for fertilization. Reproduced with permission.[134] Copyright 2015, American Chemical Society. e) Helical swimmers decorated with
lipoplexes containing pDNA. Reproduced with permission.[135] Copyright 2015, Wiley VCH. f) Helical structures produced by DLW embedding aligned
superparamagnetic nanoparticles. Reproduced with permission.[23] Copyright 2014, Wiley VCH. g) Biodegradable swimmers composed of magneto-
electric nanoparticles could induce neuronal differentiation. Reproduced with permission.[136] Copyright 2020, Wiley VCH.
moving path.[21a] The SLA method was employed to print 2D efficiency since the ratio between velocity and size is close to 1.
soft robots with 3D magnetizations under a magnetic field in Hence, how to improve the velocity of magnetic torque-driven
the curing plane generated by a 2-DOF motorized permanent robots is still a challenge. Moreover, limited by fluid dynamics,
magnet.[21b] Micro swimming robots with designed magnetic the microscale robots developed so far are mainly helical swim-
shapes can be fabricated by DLW followed by physical vapor mers. They are less functional and flexible than the morphing-
deposition of magnetic films.[133] In this situation, robots’ changing robots with programmed magnetizations.
moving velocity is a primary concern for the researchers. There is still much progress needed in 3D printing mag-
As shown in Figure 11c, robots share a similar movement netic-driven robots to realize their unique advantages for
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Figure 11. Comparison of various 3D printing magnetic-driven robots. a) Schematic diagram showing the 3D printing technologies, materials, and
printing resolutions applied to produce magnetic-driven robots; b) the weight proportion of magnetic materials of force-driven robots with different
sizes; and c) the moving velocities of magnetic torque-driven robots with different sizes.
applications in practice. First, there is no 3D printing process features of interest to electromagnetic devices. Various
to produce structures with complex 3D magnetization, mainly magnetic components of soft and hard magnetic materials
due to the lack of further research on the preparation, regu- can be efficiently manufactured using 3D printing tech-
lation, and printing process of magnetic inks. Second, a pri- nology.[31,140] Specific fabrication processes such as the mag-
mary method to improve the performance of magnetic robots netic-field-assisted and laser-sintering-assisted methods were
is to increase the proportion of magnetic materials. However, utilized to print components with performance comparable
the increase of magnetic particles inside the composites will with commercial counterparts.[66,141] Moreover, 3D printing has
raise the printing difficulty resulting from particle-induced noticeable advantages in fabricating miniaturized and flexible
absorption or changing of rheological properties. Moreover, components with complex structures and multimaterials,[24,142]
the increased proportion of magnetic materials will reduce making it possible to integrate efficient magnetic components
the flexibility of robots, which reduces the performance of into miniaturized devices, flexible electronics, and sensors.
robots. Hence, the base matrix polymer needs to be optimized This section will review basic principles, recent 3D printing
for better printability and performance. Finally, the design developments, and novel applications of magnetic components
of magnetic robot structures with maximum performance is in electronics.
another challenge. Research on the prediction of the motion
of magnetic robots has emerged. We expect a complete ana-
lytical model to be established and perfected to understand the 5.1. Principle and Mechanism of Magnetic Components
relationship between materials, structures, and performance in Electronics
in the future.
Fundamental principles of magnetic components in electronics
originate from Faraday’s law of induction, that is, electrical
5. 3D Printing of Magnetic Components energy can be generated by changing magnetic flux through a
coil, as shown in Equation (4).
in Electronics
Besides mechanical property as shown in the reinforced ∆Φ B ∆ ∫ BdA
ε= = (4)
structures and robotic actuation, magnetic materials provide ∆t ∆t
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Figure 12. Schematic of typical magnetization and working mechanism of a) soft and b) hard magnetic materials and electronics components.
c) Magnetic path and ratio of magnetic particles of composite materials under an external magnetic field applied from top to bottom. Reproduced
with permission.[146] Copyright 2003, Elsevier.
The utilization of magnetic materials can concentrate and hysteresis. After every full completion of the magnetization
increase the magnetic flux to maximize the energy transmis- process, the magnet will cause energy lost equal to the area
sion efficiency, such as transformer core and electromagnetic inside the curve. Therefore, the increase of frequency can con-
shield layers for wireless power transfer (WPT) systems. These tribute to a massive loss, even for materials with low coercivity.
devices require a soft magnetic core to achieve high power den- The second source is the eddy current loss caused by the elec-
sities. Another application of magnetic materials is to generate trical current inside magnetic components generated by the
a static magnetic field. The electrical energy can be induced alternative magnetic field. Thus, magnetic materials with low
through relative motion between hard magnets and coils. This resistivity can be lossy in a time-varying magnetic field. As
concept of energy conversion is widely used for 3D-printed operating frequency increases, power losses from eddy currents
magnetic sensors.[143] become a dominant source of energy loss.[10] Several methods
Several key magnetic parameters for magnetic materials to tackle this challenge include adding insulating materials to
are important descriptors. The relative magnetic permeability isolate magnetic particles, employing laminated sheet stacks to
is defined as μr = B/(μ0H), where μ0 = 4π × 10−7 NAm2 cor- reduce skin effect, and utilizing soft magnetic materials with
responds to the magnetic permeability of the free space, B is high resistivity.[51b,145]
the magnetic flux density, and H is the magnetic field. μr is 3D printing technology provides a fast manufacturing
not a constant, as it varies with process parameters, including method to build soft magnetic components with complex struc-
frequency of magnetic field, domain wall motion, eddy current tures and multiple materials. The additives in the 3D printing
losses, and rotation of magnetic moments.[31] Saturation mag- process can reduce the total hysteretic loss in high-frequency
netization (Bs) is the sample’s maximum magnetization. The applications. The reduction does not come without a cost, as
magnetic remanence (Br) represents the ability of maintaining magnetic permeability is sacrificed because the flux has to
magnetization after the external magnetic field is removed. The cross the insulating gaps between magnetic particles,[31] as
coercive field (Hc) is the field strength required in the opposing shown in Figure 12c. The additive content currently used in
direction to remove the sample’s magnetization. Hc is also the most 3D printing processes is usually polymers, which is still
parameter that distinguishes hard (Hc > 1000 Am−1) and soft higher than adequate for a component with appropriate mag-
(Hc ≤ 1000 Am−1) magnetic materials. All these parameters can netic performance. Thus, 3D printing must bring solutions to
be extracted from the magnetization curve shown in Figure 12. provide competitive magnetic properties in a rapid integrated
Low coercivity, high saturation magnetizations, and high fabricating process. For hard magnetic materials, the proper-
permeability are three ideal relevant parameters of soft mag- ties of 3D-printed hard magnets are not strong enough due
netic components. The increase of energy conversion efficiency to the additives. However, the printed hard magnetic compo-
through employing soft magnetic components is important nents can be imparted with flexibility and complex structures,
for modern society (Figure 12a). However, the soft magnetic making them competent as magnetic sensors (Figure 12b).
core becomes a place of inducing energy loss, especially when Manufacturing of multi-materials, such as magnetic materials
working frequency increases.[144] One such source is the hyster- and conductive materials, or hard magnetic materials and soft
etic loss associated with dissipative effects in rate-dependent magnetic materials, can also be realized through 3D printing
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processes to achieve the integration, optimization, and minia- example, an efficient transformer structure of toroidal geom-
turization of electronics. etry was fabricated using the FDM process by Bollig et al.
The selection of magnetic materials and 3D printing pro- (Figure 13a).[149] Magnetic filament consisting of polylactic acid
cesses ultimately depends on the design requirements of mag- (PLA) polymer matrix and 40 wt% iron particulate phase was
netic components in electronic devices. The magnetic proper- employed to achieve magnetic properties. For the developed
ties of 3D-printed components are mainly influenced by three FDM-based method, the performance of the 3D-printed trans-
factors: i) Materials selection, ii) structures in both micro and former core can be increased by utilizing high fill factors and
macro scales, and iii) volumetric fraction of magnetic materials. iron contents. The internal pattern of filaments did not appear
Most materials for 3D-printed magnetic components are iron- to affect the performance of the 3D-printed core. However,
rich materials, including various Fe-based particles and alloys. the magnetic susceptibility of the FDM-printed transformer
Soft magnet components with requirements on concentrating displayed a surprising improvement when the infill orienta-
magnetic flux, such as transformers, inductors, and shields, are tion parallel with the applied field due to the absence of air
fabricated with typical soft magnetic materials like ferrite, iron gaps between adjacent printed filaments (Figure 13b).[151] The
oxide, Fe-Si alloys, etc. Materials with inherent high resistivity results exhibit a potential method to tune the magnetic prop-
are used for high-frequency applications to minimize eddy cur- erties of soft magnetic components via the extrusion-based 3D
rent loss, while materials with low resistivity are used for low- printing processes. Moreover, to further increase the loading
frequency applications. However, for 3D printing processes that of magnetic particles, a printable aqueous magnetic suspen-
need polymer additives, the insulating additive matrix allows sion of ≈81 wt% IOPs was developed for DIW.[152] An additive
high-frequency applications using low resistivity materials was employed to provide electrostatic and steric repulsion to
because it eliminates the current paths. 3D printing of multi- maintain the rheological properties for printability and to sta-
materials also provides a potential solution to reduce eddy bilize the suspension of IOPs at its highest loading through the
current loss by integrating magnetic materials and insulating minimum use of a single additive. The printed inks exhibited
materials.[3] For hard magnetic components with inherent mag- nearly no deterioration of magnetic behavior than the pure
netization, such as magnetic sensors and permanent magnets, IOPs samples (Figure 13c).
hard magnetic materials are commonly used due to their high Besides printing parameters, post-processing has been
remanence and intrinsic coercivity, including Alnico, SmCo studied for increasing components’ performance. A high
alloys, and NdFeB alloys. Efforts on 3D printing research are temperature (950 °C) pressure-less sintered NiZn paste was
mainly concentrated on NdFeB due to its highest magnetic developed for fabricating high-performance magnetic cores
strength at room temperature. via the DIW process (Figure 13d).[153] Methyacrylamide and
Particle size and orientation are the main factors in micro- N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide were used as the matrix mate-
scale structures that affect magnetic properties. Larger particle rial, and NiZn ferrite powder was employed as the magnetic
sizes can increase magnetic properties for the resultant smaller filler. Before the printing process, small amounts of dispersant
number of non-magnetic discontinuities.[147] Due to the shape and plasticizer were added to achieve desired particle disper-
anisotropy of magnetic particles, the orientation of particles or sion and flowability. The characterization of the pressure-less
grains during printing was proved to be effective in improving sintered core indicated that the core-loss density of the printed
magnetic properties.[66,148] The macroscale geometric shapes of core was around 50% lower than that of the commercial trans-
magnetic components can also affect the performance. With former with permeability at 5 MHz.
the help of 3D printing, components with optimized struc- For transformers in high-frequency applications, soft mag-
tures, typically complex shapes, can be fabricated to realize netic alloys, such as FeSi alloys, are also a good choice for their
better properties in magnetism, flexibility, and mechanical excellent magnetic performance, such as high magnetic satura-
strength.[19c,143,149] Moreover, further increasing the volumetric tion, high permeability, and low coercivity. In the conventional
fractions of magnetic materials leads to improved magnetic manufacturing process, the silicon steels are manufactured
properties since magnetic materials are the key functional into laminations and then stacked to form the laminated cores
materials in 3D-printed components. of transformers with insulation materials between each layer to
lower the eddy current loss resulting from high-frequency and
low resistivity. Through SLM of multi-alloys, the complex pro-
5.2. 3D Printing of Soft Magnetic Components for Transformers cessing can be integrated into one step.[3] To reduce eddy current
loss, 3D printing technologies were used to fabricate efficient
Soft magnetic components are a type of electric device that magnetic cores by taking advantage of their ability to manufacture
can be employed to concentrate magnetic flux when subjected topology structures and multiple materials (Figure 13e). Layers of
to a static or time-varying magnetic field, such as transformer, FeSi6.7 alloy (thickness at 600 µm) with good magnetic perfor-
antenna, and magnetic shields. Soft magnetic materials can mance and layers of FeAl16 alloy layers (thickness at 140 µm) with
be easily magnetized and demagnetized. Consequently, small high resistivity were alternately fabricated using a SLM machine
energy losses for each cycle of magnetization are indispensable that had two process chambers containing different materials.
for these applications. Geometric shape is an important factor The alternating layers of two materials replicated the layered
that affects the performance of a magnetic transformer.[150] 3D structure of laminated stacks. The slits of the topology structures
printing provides excellent flexibility on the design and fabri- also guaranteed electrical insulation in the remaining direction.
cation of soft magnetic components with complex structures, Combining these two strategies, the loss amount reduced to 28%
which opens the possibility to improve their performance. For of the layered structure, or 7% of the sample without layers.
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Figure 13. 3D printing of soft magnetic components. a) Different transformer cores with different filling patterns, percent fill, and structures printed
by a FDM printer. Reproduced with permission.[149] Copyright 2017, Elsevier. b) Normalized magnetization versus applied field for rectangular samples
printed with non-equivalent aspect ratios for 60% infill percentage via FDM. Reproduced with permission.[151] Copyright 2019, Elsevier. c) 3D printing
of thin-walled toroidal magnetic core using the suspension of highly loaded IOPs by DIW. Reproduced with permission.[152] Copyright 2018, American
Chemical Society. d) Relative permeability versus frequency of a core printed by NiZn ferrite paste and a commercial 4F1 core. Reproduced with per-
mission.[153] Copyright 2018, IEEE. e) Design, prototype, and simulation of a SLM-printed sample using combined strategies of alternating materials
and slits structures. Reproduced with permission.[3] Copyright 2019, Elsevier. f) A NZF film manufactured by IJP and the sintering process shows
good performance of the flexible WPT near metallic components. Reproduced with permission.[24] Copyright 2017, Wiley VCH. g) Magnetic 3D trench
structure and the built-in coils of multiple PI/Ag bilayers are printed via IJP to reduce resistance. Reproduced with permission.[19c] Copyright 2019,
Elsevier. h) Schematic of a laser-assisted 3D printing technology and a picture of the laser-sintered NZF film surface. Reproduced with permission.[141]
Copyright 2018, Elsevier.
Soft magnetic components in flexible electronics also packing density. The fabricated ferrite layers with the thick-
received numerous attentions for their ability to increase effi- ness from 5 to 25 µm were proved with excellent flexibility and
ciency in transferring electromagnetic energy. For flexible elec- mechanical robustness through a bending test with a 10 mm
tronics applications, a sufficiently thin geometrical form of the bending radius. The printed magnetic film also maintained
magnetic layer is required to minimize the strain for a given good WPT performance in a conductive environment under
bending radius due to the linear relationship between bending- compressive or tensile stress conditions (Figure 13f). Moreover,
induced strain and thickness.[154] Therefore, a flexible NiZn- a 3D NZF trench structure with the spiral coil was fabricated
ferrite (NZF) ceramic film working as a magnetic substrate by the IJP process to achieve a high-aspect-ratio coil.[19c] With
for WPT can be achieved by a thin film 3D printing technique the multi-material printing ability, the IJP process was also
using IJP.[24] The flexibility of the film was imparted by embed- employed to build both the magnetic 3D trench structure and
ding it into PDMS. The magnetize saturation was improved to the built-in coils with multiple PI/Ag bilayers (Figure 13g).
a high value of 412 emu cc–1 after sintering in 950 °C compared The coils’ WPT efficiency in 3D magnetic structures (≈34%)
to the as-printed film (≈200 emu cc–1) due to the increasing improved by more than 100% at a zero-gap compared to the 2D
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coils (≈15%) due to the reduction of resistance. However, the Among these classes of materials, advanced permanent mag-
processes of NZF materials mentioned above require sintering nets play an important role in providing high efficiency and
in a high-temperature furnace. To evade this high-cost and reliability, improved compactness, low cost, and low mainte-
time-consuming process, 3D printing based on laser-assisted nance solutions for renewable energy technologies, including
sintering was explored as an alternative method.[141] Microc- wind turbines, hydroelectric power generators, and wave power
racks on the film surface induced by laser sintering were used buoys. The main attempts of permanent magnets printing are
to impart flexibility (Figure 13h). The 3D-printed receiving coils held with NdFeB magnets,[54a,58b,60,158,163] as mentioned above,
kept a competitive WPT efficiency value of 22%. The control because of their outstanding magnetic characteristics. Addi-
of microcracks during the laser sintering process presents an tionally, conventional permanent magnet synthesis typically
option to improve the flexibility of 3D-printed magnetic films. involves complex multi-step processing.[164] Developing new or
improving permanent magnet alloys with decreased amounts
of critical materials requires accelerating both the alloy syn-
5.3. 3D Printing of Hard Magnetic Components for Sensors thesis and property characterization. Therefore, Meng et al.[159]
reported bulk combinatorial synthesis via the laser engineered
An electromagnetic sensor is a device that converts changes net shaping (LENS) process coupled with high-throughput
in the magnetic properties of sensitive components induced characterization techniques to rapidly identify potential per-
by magnetic fields, currents, stresses, strains, temperatures, manent magnet alloy compositions in the Ce-Co-Fe-Cu quater-
and light into electrical signals and detects the corresponding nary system (Figure 14d). Bulk sample libraries synthesized by
physical quantities accordingly. Such sensors are widely used LENS proved ideal for high-throughput characterization tech-
in infrastructure health monitoring and damage detection.[155] niques of magnetic, thermal, and structural properties. Using
Magnetic materials are the core components of an electromag- this approach, researchers have rapidly identified promising
netic sensor. Their development is essential and indispensable compositions and prepared those with more conventional melt
for improving the efficiency and performance of devices in elec- processing and casting synthesis. Combined structures of fer-
tric power generation, conditioning, conversion, transportation, rite-based soft (NiFe2O4) and hard (BaFe12O19) bulk magnetic
and other energy-use sectors of the economy.[156] Conventional with 3D morphologies were also developed by Peng et al.[160]
magnet manufacturing is a significant bottleneck in developing They successfully used inexpensive metal oxide powder (NiO/
magnet-based products because of the long lead times required Fe2O3 and BaCO3/Fe2O3) precursors in a simple extrusion free-
for every design adaption and production step. forming technique coupled with a high-temperature solid-state
3D printing of magnetic components delivers the opportunity reaction process (Figure 14e). The 3D-printed structures exhib-
to shift to agile and test-driven development in early prototyping ited either soft or hard magnetic material behavior with i) satu-
stages, as well as new possibilities for complex designs.[157] For ration magnetization values up to approximately 86% and 95%
example, Li et al.[54a] developed a big area 3D printing of high-per- of the NiFe2O4 and BaFe12O19 theoretical bulk magnetization
formance bonded NdFeB magnets based on a nozzle deposition values, respectively, and ii) high densities up to ≈93% of their
process as shown in Figure 14a. The fabricated isotropic near-net- respective theoretical bulk density.
shape NdFeB bonded magnets with magnetic and mechanical Advances in magnetic materials and their processing tech-
properties comparable to or even better than traditional injection nology are revolutionizing the preparation and application
molded magnets. The starting polymer magnet composite pellets of devices, especially electromagnetic sensors. For instance,
consist of 65 vol% isotropic NdFeB powder and 35 vol% polyam- Leigh et al. demonstrated an impeller flow sensor by multi-
ides (Nylon-12). The density of the 3D-printed magnet product material FDM printing technology.[161] To maintain the impel-
reached 4.8 g/cm3, and the magnetic properties at room tem- ler’s structural integrity, standard ABS material was utilized
perature were intrinsic coercivity Hci = 688.4 kA/m, rema- to fabricate the main body of the sensor, and several layers of
nence Br = 0.51 T, and energy product (BH)max = 43.49 kJ m−3 formulated magnetite composite are deposited afterward on
(5.47 MGOe). Also, tensile yielded an average ultimate tensile the top surface. A paddle of the impeller was magnetized to
strength of 6.60 MPa and an average failure strain of 4.18%. The improve the magnitude of magnetic fluctuations for detection
present process significantly simplifies the manufacturing of using a Hall effect sensor to measure flow velocity during rota-
near-net-shape bonded magnets. Huber et al.[54b] also presented tion (Figure 14f). The printed magnetic flow sensor exhibited
a method to 3D print polymer-bonded isotropic hard magnets good linear response over an extensive range of flow rates and
with a low-cost, end-user 3D printer based on the extrusion pro- demonstrated good robustness. The utilization of magnetic
cess (Figure 14b). The presented fabrication method using dual materials in this application showed that 3D printing would
extruder was used to print magnets composed of locally dif- be a promising method to manufacture functional devices by
ferent polymer matrix materials and different magnetic powders customized design and multi-material printing when the raw
ranging from soft magnetic alloys to hard magnetic NdFeB or materials may be scarce.
ferrite alloys. Commercially available isotropic NdFeB powder Additionally, a material combination concept to realize
inside a PA11 matrix was used for the printing process. An 4D-printed products with newly emerging property/
example of a 3D-printed magnet with a complex shape designed functionality was proposed by Wu et al.[4] Traditional 3D
to generate a specific stray field was presented. The same group printing technologies can generate complex-structural prod-
further developed a similar 3D printing of polymer-bonded rare- ucts in one step; however, it fails to endow the products with
earth magnets with a variable magnetic compound fraction for a a “smart” feature. 4D printing shows the capability of addi-
predefined stray field (Figure 14c).[158] tively manufacturing structures whose shape, property, and
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Figure 14. 3D printing of magnetic sensors. a) Images of fabricating isotropic near-net-shape NdFeB bonded magnet using a big area additive manufac-
turing method. Reproduced with permission.[54a] Copyright 2016, Springer Nature. b) Picture of area scan of a magnetic field with a step size of 0.1 mm
in the middle of the printed magnet via a commercial FDM printer. Reproduced with permission.[54b] Copyright 2016, AIP Publishing. c) Images of a
model of hollow cylinder magnet with a predefined stray field, the homogeneity within a radius of 2.5 mm on three planes in the field box (d = 2 mm,
L = 30 mm) is lower than 2%. Reproduced with permission.[158] Copyright 2017, Springer Nature. d) As-printed bulk Ce-Co-Fe-Cu rods using the laser
engineered net shaping method and the samples’ chemical deposition distributions after heat treatment. To help identify compositions for permanent
magnet applications with appropriate properties, the compositions that met normalized properties are plotted on the radar plot. Reproduced with
permission.[159] Copyright 2018, Minerals, Metals & Materials Society. e) Pictures of bulk samples printed via extrusion free-forming technique coupled
with high-temperature solid-state reaction process using NiO/Fe2O3 and BaCO3/Fe2O3. Reproduced with permission.[160] Copyright 2017, Royal Society
of Chemistry. f) The operation of a flow sensor and the printed magnetic flow sensor by multi-material printing. Reproduced with permission.[161] Copy-
right 2014, IOP Publishing. g) Schematic of the fabrication process of flexible integrated magnetoelectric sensors: A porous structure printed using TPU/
NdFeB composite and a helix structure with two flat plates printed using conductive steel powders. Both structures were printed by the SLM process.
Reproduced with permission.[162] Copyright 2020, Wiley VCH.
functionality can be varied with time under external stimuli.[162] the 4D-printed magnetoelectric device. The future development
Here, a material combination concept was proposed to con- of 3D/4D printing of magnetic sensors will benefit from the
struct 4D-printed devices whose property and functionality novel combination of multiple mechanisms and applications
can be modulated in a programmable manner. The 4D-printed such as thermoelectric/piezoelectric/photoelectric/ultrasound
devices consist of conductive and magnetic parts, enabling the required to enhance the sensors’ efficiency.[165]
integrated devices to show a piezoelectric property even neither
part is piezoelectric individually (Figure 14g). Consequently,
the devices’ functionality is endowed to transfer mechanical 5.4. Discussion
to electrical energy based on the electromagnetic introduction
principle, laying the foundation for performance-changed and Figure 15a shows the 3D printing processes and the related
functionality-changed 4D printing by putting forward a mate- magnetic materials used to fabricate magnetic components.
rial combination concept. This work extends the applications of Since 3D printing is a relatively new manufacturing technology,
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Figure 15. Magnetic components by 3D printing technology. a) Schematic diagram showing the materials and 3D printing methods and their resolu-
tions in fabricating magnetic components. b) The relative permeability with working frequency relationship of typical soft magnetic materials employed
in 3D printing. c) Radar plot of comparison between four typical hard magnetic materials.
the magnetic components’ design and fabrication using 3D Hard magnetic materials have great potential for novel magnetic
printing are still in their infancy. There are many optimiza- sensors due to their high magnetization remanence. Figure 15c
tions to be explored for the best performance of the 3D-printed shows six important factors of different hard magnetic materials,
magnetic materials. Some primary challenges lie in the fabri- including magnetic properties, operating temperature, chemical
cation of magnetic materials with controlled orientation and stability, and cost. 3D printing for permanent magnetic materials
high pack density. Meanwhile, many efforts have been spent on mainly focuses on building a strong permanent magnet. The
manufacturing an electronic device that contains diverse com- main methods are to increase the proportion of magnetic parti-
ponents/materials using 3D printing.[4,166] The surface finish cles and induce crystallographic anisotropy, which can be used to
and accuracy of 3D-printed components with small feature guide the manufacturing of high-performance magnetic sensors.
sizes is another challenge. However, compared to the tedious However, how to use the advantages of 3D printing to build com-
fabrication and assembly process of the conventional methods, plex structures and control microscale structures to achieve novel
3D printing opens new avenues in rapidly manufacturing novel magnetic sensors has become a mainstream research direction.
designed prototypes, which will accelerate the future develop- 3D printing also provides benefits in integrating magnetic com-
ment of electronics. ponents and electronic circuits by the multimaterial fabrication
Magnetic components in electronic devices can benefit from processes. The 3D-printed hybrid objects can also expand poten-
3D printing techniques due to their ability of fabricating complex tial applications such as medical devices, miniaturized elec-
geometry and controlling microscale structures to improve mag- tronics, and intelligent sensors.
netic performance. Figure 15b shows the relative permeability
of 3D-printed soft magnetic components and their working fre-
quencies. 3D printing techniques that aim at fully dense metal 6. 3D Printing of Magneto-Thermal Materials
manufacturing have also been explored. In addition, proper-
ties of flexibility and mechanical strength can be imparted into Heat generation of materials and structures is an essential
3D-printed components through geometric shape optimization. method for property control and shape changing. Recently,
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research on magnetically induced heating methods utilized 6.1. Mechanism of Magneto-Thermal Effect
the magnetothermal effect as a unique heat source in hyper-
thermia therapy, cell signaling, stem cell cryogenic recovery, The mechanisms of magnetothermal effect on magnetic fillers
and actuation of SMP.[167] Magneto-thermal devices have the are mainly governed by hysteresis loss and Néel-Brownian
benefits of molecular-level heating selectivity, nanoscale spatial relaxations when magnetic materials are exposed to an AMF.[171]
resolution, and the ability of indirect actuation, providing a less In the former case, if a magnetic field (H > Hc) is applied in
invasive, less toxic, and more precise heat control compared to the direction antiparallel to the easy axis of magnetization of
the conventional heat sources. For example, Yoo et al. reported magnetic particles, the magnetization reverses. Consequently,
a hyperthermia therapy conducted by magneto-thermal devices the Zeeman energy falls and causes heat dissipation.[172] The
to destruct cancer cells via apoptosis and necrosis. In this study, area within the hysteresis loop shows the energy required to
resistance-free apoptosis-inducing magnetic nanoparticles complete a full cycle of magnetization and reverse, which rep-
triggered by AMF generate heat to release geldanamycin and resents the energy dissipated during this process. For the cured
create protein inhibition. It achieves high efficacy of apoptotic magnetic particles inside a 3D-printed structure, it is hard
hyperthermia at a mild temperature without affecting normal to apply H parallel to the easy axis. According to the Stoner-
cells.[168] Moreover, the thermal effect of magnetic nanoparticles Wohlfarth model, the hysteresis loop becomes narrower when
can act as a controller of drug release in chemotherapy. Kak- the angle θ between applied field H and the easy axis increases,
were et al. introduced a PNIPAm polymer-based smart mate- as shown in Figure 16a. Therefore, to efficiently improve heat
rial, which triggered drug release in chemotherapy by actuating generation through hysteresis loss, the alignment of magnetic
the surface functionalization of the cubic-IOPs. It was shown particles should be uniform, and the amplitude of AMF should
90% of the drug could be released by magnetothermal effect be adjusted to Hc.
in 5 hours. The release rate was much faster than the control When the magnetic particles become relatively small (usu-
without the magnetothermal effect (8%).[169] ally < 50 nm), thermal fluctuation becomes predominant, and
Besides the direct use of thermal energy, the magneto- the direction of the easy axis is randomly reversed. In that case,
thermal effect can be converted to the shape change of SMP Néel-Brownian relaxation loss contributes to the heat generation
composites. By incorporating magnetic nanoparticles in ther- of magnetic nanoparticles. The Néel relaxation process domi-
moplastic SMP, the magnetically induced recovery process nates when the size of magnetic nanoparticles decreases below
can be triggered by inductive heating in an AMF. Mohr et al. a certain critical domain wall thickness, as shown in Figure 16b.
reported a TFX composite mixed with 10 wt% Fe2O3 nanopar- In this case, the barrier of magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy
ticles presenting a 65% shape recovery rate in a magnetic field that separates the axis of the magnet is low and can be over-
f = 258 kHz and H = 30 kA · m−1.[170] Although magnetic come by the external magnetic field. When an applied external
thermal devices have broad applications in biomedical fields, magnetic field is sufficient to overcome the energy barrier, the
the fabrication capability limits the design freedom and the magnetic spins are flipped. Their magnetization direction is
commercializing of magneto-thermal devices. Due to its reversed, and the provided magnetic energy is released as heat.
ability to fabricate composite material with complex geom- It is the only relaxation process occurring in immobilized mag-
etry, multiple materials, and novel shape-changing behaviors, netic nanoparticles.[171a] As the particle size increases, the mag-
3D printing technology with an integrated magnetic field has netic anisotropy energy barrier becomes high enough to block
shown its fabrication potential for magneto-thermal devices. the Néel relaxation process, and then the Brownian relaxation
Figure 16. Representative working principles of the magneto-thermal effect due to hysteresis loss and relaxation loss. a) Magnetic hysteresis loop of
magnetic single-domain particles in the magnetic field applied in different directions to the easy axis of magnetization. b) Schematic diagram of Néel
relaxation and Brownian relation. c) Frequency dependence of AC susceptibility and relaxation loss PH. Reproduced with permission.[172] Copyright
2019, Elsevier.
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dominates. The applied magnetic field leads the particles to TPU, a supporting material to maintain ductile behavior at
rotate in the surrounding medium with the magnetic spin direc- room temperature.[179] When the deformation happens, the
tions. When the particles rotate, the heat is emitted by the rota- strain energy will be stored in the system until the tempera-
tional friction between the particles and the medium, known as ture increased above the glass transition temperature (Tg) of
Brownian relaxation. These two relaxation processes have been PLA. In the glassy state, PLA regains mobility and returns to
discussed in detail in former research.[171a,172] its original shape when the temperature is higher than Tg. 3D
Considering the reversal and rotation when responding to an printing can be applied to fabricate composites with changeable
applied AMF, a magnetic nanoparticle’s relaxation time could dynamic properties. For example, by combining hard magnetic
be expressed using Equation (5), where τN and τB represent materials with soft PNIPAm, researchers achieved hybrid mag-
the relaxation time of Néel relaxation and Brownian relaxation, netic responsive devices under AMF, leading to new design
respectively. The power loss PH corresponding to relaxation can freedom.[5a]
be calculated by Equation (6), where χ0 is the initial static sus-
ceptibility of nanoparticles, ρ is the mass density, and Hac is the
amplitude of AMF. The frequency of AMF should be adjusted 6.2. 3D Printing of Magneto-Thermal Response Devices
to a suitable value (2πf = τ −1 ) to maximize the heat genera- and Applications
tion due to the relaxation loss. As shown in Figure 16c, the out-
of-phase susceptibility of nanoparticles (solid yellow line) has The magnetic nanoparticle-mediated heating system has
its maximum, and accordingly, the dependence of losses on become an effective strategy to finely control biological systems
frequency shows a sharp maximum.[172,173] According to Equa- from high temperature to cell signal transmission in a time-
tion (6), Hac should be increased to the maximum possible space controlled manner.[180] In magnetic-induced heating,
value for maximizing PH. magnetic NPs play a major role in converting external elec-
tromagnetic energy (i.e., AMF) to heat via Néel-Brownian
τ −1 = τ N−1 + τ B−1 (5) relaxations.[174] The material selection of matrix polymer is
mainly based on the applications. For example, for magnetic
hyperthermia therapy purposes, biodegradable materials
PH =
µ0 χ 0Hac
(2π fτ ) (6) 2
are commonly used to avoid second surgery of removing the
2ρτ 1 + ( 2π fτ )
implanted device. A polycaprolactone (PCL) mat was used
for the anti-cancer magneto-thermal device.[22] In another
Research on the magnetothermal effect has been done to magnetic hyperthermia application, 3D-printed Akermanite/
study the relationship between the parameters of magnetic nano Fe3O4/CaO2 scaffolds aimed at realizing the subsequent tissue
particles and the heating effect. The heating effect was mainly regeneration.[5b] To obtain satisfactory performance, advanced
affected by particle size, particle shape, and particle material.[174] design concepts enabled by 3D printing have been developed to
Designed experiments showed the thermal energy generated customize the property of magneto-thermal response devices to
by γ-Fe2O3 magnetic nanoparticles measured under an applied directly control the nanoparticles’ heating characteristics and
AMF of 25 kA m−1 at 700 kHz was gradually increased from their therapeutic effect.
4 to 275 W g−1 when the magnetic nanoparticle diameter was Magnetic hyperthermia therapy is a promising method for
increased from 5 to 10 nm.[175] The size effect of Fe3O4 MNPs treating tumors due to its effectiveness and only mild side
was also studied. The thermal energy was increased from 30 to effects. Zhang et al. reported a study of 3D-printed magnetic
61 W g−1 when the size was increased from 10 to 16.2 nm under Fe3O4/MBG/PCL composite scaffolds to achieve multifunction-
an AMF of 21 kA m−1 at 170 kHz.[176] Besides particle size, the ality of bone regeneration, local anticancer drug delivery, and
particle shape is also crucial to the magnetic heating effect. hyperthermia (Figure 17a).[22] Regular macros porous structures
Cubic Fe3O4 nanoparticles generated higher thermal energy with 0° and 90° angle steps between two successive layers were
than nanoparticles with a spherical shape under the identical fabricated via a 3D Bioplotter. The fabricated composite scaf-
stimulus.[177] Furthermore, the heating effect can be improved folds (6 × 6 × 6 mm3) containing mesoporous bioactive glass
by modifying the material of magnetic nanocomposite. For (MBG) and PCL with magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The results
instance, MnFe2O4 nanoparticles exhibited a more substantial showed that the 3D-printed scaffolds had uniform macropores
heating effect due to their unpaired electrons. Experiments of 400 µm, high porosity of 60%, and excellent compressive
also showed that ZnxMn1−xFe2O4 nanoparticles showed much strength of 13–16 MPa. The addition of Fe3O4 nanoparticles into
higher thermal energy (432 W g−1) than conventional IOPs MBG/PCL scaffolds did not affect their apatite mineralization
(115 W g−1).[178] It can be drawn based on the previous experi- ability but provided excellent magnetic heating ability. Such
ment results that higher AMF intensity and frequency generate heating ability significantly stimulated proliferation and alka-
increased heat effect per unit mass. And the selection of nano- line phosphatase activity. For instance, the scaffolds induced
particles also has a significant impact on the heat effect. the temperature increase from 20 to 43 °C at an AC frequency
By integrating magneto-thermal materials and shape- of 409 kHz and magnetic strength of 180 G within 2 min, sug-
memory materials, a new type of composite material can con- gesting considerable potential for their use in the treatment.
vert magnetic energy to heat energy and finally to mechanical Critical requirements for administering magnetic
energy. This hybrid material is categorized as magneto-thermal nanoparticles for in vivo therapy include selecting a secure
shape memory material. Most of the magneto-thermal shape pathway to deliver carriers explicitly targeting the tumor and
memory devices use PLA as a SMP. PLA is compounded with retaining those carriers in the tumor region in a sufficient
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Figure 17. 3D printing of magnetothermal devices for hyperthermia therapy. a) Photograph of different 3D-printed scaffolds, including (E) MBG/PCL,
(F) 5Fe3O4/MBG/PCL, (G) 10Fe3O4/MBG/PCL, and (H) 15Fe3O4/MBG/PCL, and their temperature changes under an AMF of 409 kHz. Reproduced with
permission.[22] Copyright 2014, Royal Society of Chemistry. b) Schematic description of experimental design using magnetic hyperthermia for tumor
treatment. Reproduced with permission.[181] Copyright 2017, Wiley Periodicals. c) Schematic illustration of 3D-printed scaffolds co-loaded with Fe3O4
and CaO2 nanoparticles for bone regeneration and tumor therapy under AMF. Reproduced with permission.[5b] Copyright 2019, Wiley VCH. d) Heat-
induction properties and cytocompatibility of magnetic hydrogels with different iron concentrations. Reproduced with permission.[182] Copyright 2019,
Royal Society of Chemistry. e) Schematic of electrostatic spraying system and the microcapsules with different structures. Reproduced with permis-
sion.[183] Copyright 2018, Royal Society of Chemistry. f) Schematic and thermal IR pictures of the electromagnetic heating process of O-GaIn e-skin.
Reproduced with permission.[184] Copyright 2019, Wiley VCH.
concentration. Recently, a novel method of preparing mag- eliminate chemotherapeutic-insensitive tumors.[185] However,
netic heating mats for high-performance hyperthermia was the insufficient concentration of intrinsic hydrogen peroxide
developed using electrohydrodynamic jet (E-jet) printing (H2O2) and low intra-tumoral penetrability hinder their appli-
(Figure 17b).[181] When Fe3O4 nanoparticles were used in the cations and therapeutic efficiency. The synchronous enriching
mats at a concentration of 6 mmol L−1, the mats with 0.07 g intratumor H2O2 amount or nano agents and promoting
PCL/Fe3O4 were able to increase the temperature peripherally osteogenesis are intriguing strategies to solve the dilemma
to 45 °C under an AMF within 45 min. The artificially induced in osteosarcoma therapy. Therefore, Dong et al.[5b] proposed a
hyperthermia close to a tumor caused tumor cell death. There- multifunctional “all-in-one” biomaterial platform that was con-
fore, in vivo experiments indicated clear signs of tumor growth structed by co-loading calcium peroxide (CaO2) and iron oxide
inhibitory and prolonged survival time of tumor-bearing mice (Fe3O4) nanoparticles into a 3D-printed akermanite scaffold
after four weeks of treatment. Furthermore, the main advan- (AKT-Fe3O4-CaO2) (Figure 17c). The loaded CaO2 nanoparticles
tage of such implantable magnetic mats is the local and precise acted as H2O2 sources to achieve H2O2 self-sufficient nano cata-
delivery of Fe3O4 NPs, ideal for the hyperthermia treatment of lytic osteosarcoma therapy as catalyzed by coloaded Fe3O4 nano
easily accessible tumors. agents. They also provided calcium ion (Ca2+) pools to enhance
Recently developed nanocatalysts based on Fenton-like reac- bone regeneration. The synergistic osteosarcoma-therapeutic
tions for catalytic therapy demonstrated a high potential to effect was achieved from both magnetic hyperthermia (>50 °C)
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(frequency, 500 kHz; output current, 22 A; coil diameter, control. For the shape-changing purpose, SMPs such as PLA,
100 mm) as enabled by Fe3O4 nanoparticles under AMF and PEGDA, and PNIPAm are often used. The SMP recovers to
hyperthermia-enhanced Fenton-like nano catalytic reaction for its original shape due to external stimuli such as tempera-
producing highly toxic hydroxyl radicals. ture, plasticizing effect, and chemical effect. The temperature
A better understanding of therapeutic principles against change induced by the magneto-thermal effect can be used as
bone tumors, designing restorative biomaterials of bone a “switch” for the temperature-responsive shape memory mate-
defects, and further developing bio-application of 3D-printed rial. For instance, Lin et al. reported a 3D printed biocompatible
scaffolds can all profit from the magneto-thermal method and shape memory occluders actuated by AMF as an accurate and
the related biomaterial platform. Gang et al.[182] developed a controllable treatment of the atrial septal defect (Figure 18a).[187]
robust magnetic double-network hydrogel with self-healing, Occluders with 3/4/6 arms and the size of 16 mm in diameter
MR imaging, cytocompatibility by 3D printing (Figure 17d). were printed using the PLA-based magnetic nanocomposites.
First, Fe3O4 nanoparticles of about 40–50 nm were fabricated The occluders can be remotely actuated to expand and block the
with relatively few surface groups and proved to be suitable defect in a heart chamber within 22 s magnetic stimulus (AMF,
for in situ surface coating and reaction. Then, AA, AM, and 7.5 kHz, 4 kA m−1) due to the heat generated from embedded
DAm monomers were chemically polymerized by APS in the 10 wt% Fe3O4 nanoparticles. After implantation, the occluder
presence of chitosan and nano-Fe3O4 to form a physically and will serve as a temporary platform for cell growth and adhesion
chemically crosslinked polyolefin—chitosan double network to complete the defect’s closure. The occluding membranes
hydrogel. The hydrogel exhibited enhanced heating ability at were prepared by an electrospinning technology that uses
higher intensity AMF. The hydrogel with heat-induction prop- shape memory PLA, whose fiber porous structure can be used
erties was used to treat tumors and drug-controlled release,[186] as a substrate to guide cell adhesion, growth, and proliferation.
offering superior functionalities than previously reported. A Tang et al. reported an approach to achieve the shape mor-
similar study on cryogenic recovery of stem cell-laden alginate- phing of magnetic hydrogels in an AMF by combining mag-
Fe3O4 nanocomposite hydrogels by magnetothermal heating netic polymer structures with 2D and 3D origami structures
has also been reported (Figure 17e).[183] (Figure 18b).[188] The shape-changing composite fabricated by
In addition to the magnetic nanoparticle-loaded composite NPNIPAm and Fe3O4 nanoparticles can respond to static field
materials for magneto-thermal therapy, 3D-printed conform- and AMF.
able liquid metals for electronic skin (e-skin) have been inves- The device navigation, shape-changing, and fixation can be
tigated for wireless multisite tumor therapy.[184] Gallium-based achieved by the noncontact magnetic stimulus method. This
functional liquid metals (LMs) have been increasingly evaluated approach can be readily incorporated in 3D/4D printing tech-
for biomedical applications, especially as e-skin, due to their nologies to have novel applications in biomedical devices and
inherent flexibility, high electroconductivity, excellent thermal soft robots. Wei et al. developed a magnetically controlled and
conductivity, and easy printability. A new biomedical applica- guided vessel stent with a length of 30 mm and a diameter of
tion of e-skin with bioelectromagnetic thermal effect to spati- 1 mm (Figure 18c).[189] The authors first printed a multilayer
otemporally controlled wireless multisite tumor treatment was scaffold with a width of 2 mm using a DIW nozzle of 150 µm
introduced (Figure 17f). The heat was generated by eddy current inner diameter under a pressure of 1.4 MPa and a velocity
under an AMF due to good conductivity of LM electrode rather of 2 mm s−1. The 3D-printed scaffold was deformed into a
than magnetic hysteresis loss or relaxation loss. Due to its super spiral structure before being sent to the target location in the
thermal and electroconductivity, excellent softness, biosafety, vessel. After applying the magnetic stimulus, the spiral struc-
and easy printability, oxidized GaIn (O-GaIn) LM material was ture changed from 1 to 2.7 mm within 10 s, which presented
directly printed on the skin surface with customized patterns a great potential to be used as a self-expandable intravascular
as a conformable bioelectrode covering an abnormal tumor. stent. The key strategy of the devices is that the recovery shape
After 1 min of electromagnetic, thermal induction, the tem- triggered in a restrictive circumstance will keep the deformed
perature of the skin-LM rose to around 42 °C, while the tem- spiral structure with a larger diameter. Moreover, Zhang et al.
perature of skin without the LM remained unchanged (≈17 °C). fabricated a 3D-printed shape-changing structure for personal-
Based on the effective electromagnetic, thermal induction of ized bone repairment since different bone sizes can be printed
O-GaIn e-skin, temperature-controlled DOX-loaded chitosan as required to fit the bone defect (Figure 18d).[25] PLA composite
(CS) hydrogel was introduced under an AMF for electromag- with 15 wt% Fe3O4 printed by a 1.75 mm nozzle and with the
netic hyperthermia and chemotherapy. This engineered LM temperature set as 175 °C showed a 95.6% shape recovery ratio
e-skin, which serves as an excellent bioelectromagnetic agent, within 5 s under 24.7 kHz. Noticeably, the working surface tem-
can successfully achieve WPT for multisite tumor treatment, perature of the 3D-printed shape-changing polymer was distrib-
which is promising for expanding tumor therapeutics. uted from 20 to 40 °, indicating that the material and structural
design is suitable for tissue engineering.
Furthermore, the magneto-thermal SMP can be served as
6.3. 3D Printing of Magneto-Thermal Shape Memory Polymer the external supporting structure in tissue engineering. For
instance, Zhao et al. designed a tracheal scaffold with bidirec-
3D printing of SMP is being developed for biocompatible actua- tional spiral ridge and porous holes structure whose shape can
tors and personalized implant devices. The shape-changing and be remotely controlled by AMF (Figure 18e).[19d] The 3D-printed
recovery properties actuated by the magneto-thermal effect have tracheal scaffolds, compared with traditional tracheal scaffolds,
advantages in low invasive, remote intervention, and indirect have increased conformable fixation, larger cell tissue load
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Figure 18. 3D printing of magnetothermal SMP devices. a) Interventional therapy for ASD using 3D-printed magnetic occluders. Reproduced with
permission.[187] Copyright 2019, Wiley VCH. b) Schematic for the magnetic navigation of a starlike magnetic bilayer and its shape morphing in AMF.
Reproduced with permission.[188] Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society. c) A 3D-printed magnetic multilayer scaffold deforming under mag-
netically induced heating and recover under a restrictive condition. Reproduced with permission.[189] Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society.
d) Shape recovery of a 3D-printed structure using PLA and 15wt% Fe3O4 under 27.5 kHz AMF. Reproduced with permission.[25] Copyright 2019, Elsevier.
e) Photographs showing the shape recovery of a bioinspired tracheal scaffold in 35 s under 30 kHz AMF. Reproduced with permission.[19d] Copyright 2019,
Elsevier. f) The working mechanism of magnetic shape memory polymers by embedding soft (Fe3O4) and hard (NdFeB) magnetic particles. Reproduced
with permission.[5a] Copyright 2019, Wiley VCH.
capacity, and biocompatibility. Fe3O4 and PLA composite with a were mixed mechanically and cured by UV light. The SMPs
ratio of 3:17 was extruded out by a 0.4 mm FDM nozzle at the under investigation have high mechanical strength and thermal
printing speed of 50 mm min−1 at 210 ° and the bed temperature stability compared to traditional SMP, which can be applied in
at 60 °C. The 3D-printed tracheal scaffolds wrapped the patient numerous fields, from medical devices to soft robotics with con-
tracheal under shape memory deformation that served as tissue tact and noncontact triggering stimuli.
growth support, solving the scaffold migration and facture led by Taking advantage of 3D printing materials that have different
traditional tracheal scaffolds. The researchers also demonstrated mechanical properties, multi-material 3D printing methods can
the 3D-printed shape memory had a gradient structure that further improve shape-changing performance. For example, Ze
responded to various types of SMPs through different sources of et al. developed a hard-magnetic powder and soft SMP com-
stimuli such as contact and noncontact triggering. In the study, posite material, completing the reprogrammable, untethered,
monomer (BMA) mixed with a crosslinker (PEGDMA) and pho- fast, and reversible actuation and shape locking (Figure 18f).[5a]
toinitiator (phenyl-bis (2,4,6-trimethyl benzoyl) phosphine oxide) Both Fe3O4 and NdFeB were in acrylate-based amorphous SMP
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Figure 19. a) Summary of 3D printing methods and materials in fabricating magnetothermal devices. b) The heating rate of magnetic hyperthermia
materials in 3D printing. c) Comparison of shape recovery ratio between different SMP materials under AMF stimuli.
that can be 3D printed. Although the acrylate-based amorphous SMP could be heated in a noninvasive method, making it pos-
SMP was not prepared by 3D printing, similar materials such sible to achieve controllable shape morphing in an enclosed envi-
as PNAPAm are known to be 3D printable. The Fe3O4 particles ronment. The SMP structures can perform more sophisticated
enable inductive heating under a high-frequency AMF and thus shape-changing behaviors by combining multi-material and high
can be employed to change the stiffness of materials for shape precision fabrication presented by 3D printing technology.
locking and unlocking. The NdFeB particles were magnetized On the other hand, as a newly emerged field, 3D-printed
with predetermined magnetization profiles for programmable magnetothermal devices still encounter challenges in response
deformation under a low-frequency actuation magnetic field. speed, heating rate, energy efficiency, and fabrication cost.
The 3D-printed devices utilizing two types of embedded mag- The heating rate of magnetothermal devices varies from 0.1 to
netic particles for inductive heating and magnetic actuation 1.0 °C s−1 (Figure 19b). Although it has the advantages of uni-
can provide effective lock and unlock control for functions such form and non-invasive heating, a higher heating rate needs to
as soft robotic grippers, employable/reconfigurable antennas, be achieved in the future for the cancer surgery application. A
sequential actuation devices, and digital logic circuits. higher heating rate can significantly reduce surgery time and
increase the number of surgeries per day. Another essential
factor for magnetothermal devices is the shape recovery ratio
6.4. Discussion (Figure 19c). The larger shape recovery ratio indicates the mate-
rial’s capability of recovering to the original shape. A larger
Broad design freedom for magnetothermal devices has been ena- shape recovery ratio is needed for the accurate control of shape-
bled by 3D printing technology, benefited from its ability of com- changing devices. Current shape recovery ratios vary from 80%
plex shape, multiscale fabrication, and multi-material printing (PNIPAm) to 98% (SMP-NdFeB composite polymer). To further
of magnetic materials and other functional materials. Figure 19a increase the shape recovery ratios, the development of magne-
shows the representative 3D printing methods and the related tothermal devices with new materials, shape structures, and
magnetic materials. As a low toxic therapy for tumors, magnetic microstructure are some potential research directions.
hyperthermia has the increasing need of fabricating personally
customized devices with well-designed structures and embedded
magnetic nanoparticles. Benefits from the multi-material fabri- 7. Conclusions and Outlook
cation enabled by 3D printing, the ability of in-situ heat genera-
tion of implants may attract more attention in the fields of drug In summary, the development of 3D printing technology and
delivery, bone regeneration, and cancer treatment.[139] the profound understanding of magnetic mechanisms have
In SMP applications, 3D printing is a widely used fabrication prompted the exploration of functional magnetic materials for
method for its excellent ability to build complex and accurate various applications. Particularly, functional magnetic materials
structures. The high porosity structure such as hyperthermia mat, can benefit from 3D printing in many areas, such as property
smart material with switchable dynamic properties, and biocom- enhancement, microrobots, electronics, and heat generation.
patible SMP with complex geometry such as tracheal and heart In anisotropic alignment, magnetic field-assisted 3D printing
scaffolds can be fabricated. By introducing magnetic materials, technology is a promising method to orientate magnetic
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Figure 20. Perspectives on the future development of 3D printing functional magnetic materials and devices.
micro fillers. This novel fabrication method with non-contact simulation framework will be established to understand the
alignment can duplicate the excellent mechanical properties relations between materials, mechanism, structure, and per-
of natural materials[1a] and provide potential opportunities to formance of 3D-printed magnetic devices. With such improved
reproduce smart materials for electrical, thermal, and optical understanding and established computational framework, the
applications with tunable properties. In microrobots, advanced design of geometry, the choice of materials, and the selection of
3D printing technologies are employed to build well-designed 3D printing methods will be more well-guided to realize given
magnetic robots with high driving efficiency. For example, the functions. Third, new 3D printing methods that can handle
TPP method was used to build micrometer swimming robots composites with high magnetic filler concentrations are needed
because robots with helical structures have the best swimming to produce a compound structure with a much higher volume
performance on such a small scale.[133,138,190] Also, 3D printing fraction of magnetic fillers.
technology facilitates the fabrication of electronic devices that This review emphasizes the potential of novel 3D printing
can be integrative and flexible in the future. The performance technologies to build functional parts using magnetic mate-
of 3D-printed magnetic devices can be improved by optimizing rials. 3D printing of magnetic materials is still in its infancy
geometry and structure. As for heat generation, 3D printing and needs tremendous contributions and extensive collabora-
technology is a powerful tool in fabricating magnetically tions from multiple disciplines, such as electromagnetism,
heating materials and precisely depositing such materials in a materials science, physics, and mechanics. The collabora-
designed structure. Novel non-invasive heating devices using tion of scientists and engineers will lead to further advance-
hyperthermia materials and biocompatible shape memory ments in 3D printing of magnetic materials to satisfy myr-
structures can significantly benefit from 3D printing’s precise iads of functional applications, including, but not limited
geometry building and multi-material printing ability. to, robots, electronics, thermology, and biomedicine. With
Although the research in 3D printing functional magnetic increasing progresses obtained to address the identified limi-
materials has progressed significantly, many challenges need tations, the 3D printing of functional magnetic materials may
to be well addressed before broad uses in more practical appli- exert a promising alternative for advanced applications, such
cations. Specifically, the concentrations of magnetic active as anisotropy for property enhancement, magnetic robots,
fillers in the base matrix in current research are still relatively magnetic components in electronics, and magneto-thermal
low. Such low concentrations of magnetic fillers are mainly to devices.
ensure the current 3D printing methods can deposit the mag-
netic composite. The lack of research on the optimization of
preparation, control, and printing of magnetic composites Acknowledgements
hinders the fabrication of composite architectures with a high-
The authors at USC would like to acknowledge the visiting scholar
volume fraction of magnetic fillers. Also, selecting magnetic
program at the University of Southern California. The authors at ZJU
materials with strong magnetic-response and preparing them would like to acknowledge the National Natural Science Foundation of
to better integrate with the matrix materials need to be explored China (grant numbers 51635006, 51875519, 51821093) and the Natural
for improved functions. Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (grant number LZ18E050002).
Some additional research directions to promote 3D printing
functional magnetic materials and their applications are iden-
tified (Figure 20). First, the research on miniaturization and Conflict of Interest
integration of 3D-printed parts needs to be developed. With
improved shape and material control enabled by 3D printing The authors declare no conflict of interest.
technology, high-precision fabrication of multi-material compo-
nents has become a trend. 3D-printed magnetic materials com-
bined with other functional materials will allow engineers to Keywords
realize more complex and diverse functions. Second, the design
additive manufacturing, composite, magnetic, robot, sensor
of 3D-printed magnetic robots with improved performance and
more functions is a new research direction. At present, research Received: March 22, 2021
on accurate motion analysis and prediction for magnetic robots Revised: May 9, 2021
has emerged. We expect a complete multi-scale model and Published online:
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 2102777 2102777 (34 of 38) © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Yong Chen is a Professor in the Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and
Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Southern California.
He received his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology
in 2001. Before joining USC in 2006, he was a Senior Research and Development Engineer at
3D Systems Inc. His research focuses on additive manufacturing (3D printing) in micro- and
mesoscales and related modeling, control, material, and application. He is a Fellow of the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
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