Data Interpretation

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Directions for questions 1 to 5: Refer to the data in
the TABLE given below.
Given below is the performance of scores in
“University Exams” of students of 5 schools viz.
A, B, C, D and E, in 3 subjects. The numbers
indicate how many students from each of the
schools have passed in a particular subject. The
last column gives details of the total number of
students who took the examination from that

6. How much more expensive is a Maruti Zen

over a Maruti 800 at the beginning of year 0?
A. 30% B. 35% C. 40% D. Indeterminate

7. What is the average annual depreciation for a

Maruti Zen over the period (5 years)?
A. 9.5% B. 11.5% C. 13.5% D. Indeterminate

8. In which year is the price differential

between the 2 cars the least?
A. Year 3 B. Year 5 C. Year 4 D. Indeterminate
1. How many students from school A have passed
9. A good investment is defined as lesser
both in Math and Physics?
A. 300 B. 450 C. 520 D. Data Insufficient depreciation over a specified period of time.
Which car serves as a better investment option?
2. What is the percentage of students in school C A. Maruti 800 B. Maruti Zen
who have passed in Physics? C. Both Equally Good D. Indeterminate
A. 66.66% B. 80 % C. 83.33% D.86.66%
10. If I buy a Maruti Zen, sell it at year 1 and buy
3. The school with the highest pass percentage in a new Maruti 800, how much money will I be left
Math is? with?
A. A B. B C. C D. E A. Rs.60000 B. Rs.65000
C. Zero D.Indeterminate
4. Which subject has the highest pass percentage
when all schools are considered? Direction (Q.11-15): This following table is related
A. Math B. Chemistry C. Physics D. Indeterminate to profit and loss and some values are missing. All
the discounts are on the M.P. and the Profits are on
5. What is the approximate percentage of number C.P. Read the Questions carefully and answer the
of students in School A who have passed in question:
Physics compared to the total number of students Cost Profi MRP Discou Selli
Articl Price t(%) (Rs) nt(%) ng
who have passed in Physics from the 5 schools e(Rs)
put together? (Rs) price
A. 18.7% B. 22.5% C. 12.5% D. 16.66% (Rs)
M 2160 - 2560 - -
N - 20% - - -
LINE GRAPH BASED: O - - 2875 20% -
Directions for questions 6 to 10: Refer to the data P 1800 - - - 1980
in the LINE GRAPH given below. Q - 25% 4000 - -
The graph indicates the value of a car purchased 11. If the ratio of the C.P. of the Article M and
today (year 0) over the years. Assume that the Article Q is 3:4, find out the discount % of Article of
price of a new car remains the same for eternity. Q.
Ignore time value of money for all calculations. A. 12% B. 15% C. 8% D. 10% E. 20%

12. If the discount % and profit % of the Article P is

same. Find out the M.P. of Article P.

A. 2800 Rs. B. 2200 Rs. C. 3500 Rs.

D. 3000 Rs. E. None of these. 20. If contribution of profits by TCS
increased by 50%,then by what percentage
should Telco increase its contribution to profits
13. If the M.P. of Article M is Rs. 130 more than to retain the same angle, given that only these
the C.P. of Article N and the difference between .P. two companies showed an increase in profit
and S.P. of Article N is Rs. 684. Find the discount contribution to Tata Sons?
% of Article N. A. 50% B. 75% C. 17.5% D. 15.8%
A. 18% B. 25% C. 30%
D. 20% E. None of these. CASELET BASED:
Directions to questions 21 to 25: Refer to the data
14. C.P. of Article P is how much % less than the in the CASELET given below:
M.P. of Article M? A school consisting of a total of 1560 students has
A. 26% B. 25.04% C. 29.68% boys and girls in the ratio of 7 : 5. All the students
D. 31% E. 28.02% are enrolled in different types of hobby classes, viz
Singing, Dancing and Painting. One-fifth of the boys
15. The ratio of discount % and profit % is 4:3 of are enrolled in only Dancing classes. Twenty per
cent of the girls are enrolled in only Painting classes.
the Article O. Find CP. of Article O.
Ten per cent of the boys are enrolled in only Singing
A. 1200 Rs. B. 2800 Rs C. 3500 Rs. classes. Twenty four per cent of the girls are enrolled
D. 2000 Rs. E. None of these in both Singing and Dancing classes together. The
number of girls enrolled in only Singing classes is
PIE CHART BASED: two hundred per cent of the boys enrolled in the
Directions for questions 16 to 20: Refer to the same. Onethirteenth of the boys are enrolled in all
data in the PIE CHART given below. the three classes together. The ratio of boys enrolled
in Dancing and Painting classes together to the girls
enrolled in the same is 2 : 1. Ten per cent of the girls
are enrolled in only Dancing classes whereas eight
per cent of the girls are enrolled in both Dancing and
Painting classes together. The remaining girls are
enrolled in all the three classes together. The number
of boys enrolled in Singing and Dancing classes
together is fifty per cent of the number of girls
enrolled in the same. The remaining boys are
enrolled in only Painting classes.

21. What is the total number of boys who are

enrolled in Dancing?
16. What was the contribution of Tisco to the total 1)318 2)364 3)292 4)434 5) None of these
profits of Tata Sons?
A. Rs. 312.5 crores B. Rs. 112.5 crores C. Rs. 22. Total number of girls enrolled in Singing is
125 crores D. Rs. 375 crores approximately what per cent of the total number of
students in the school?
17. Contribution of TCS towards the total 1)37 2)19 3)32 4)14 5)26
profit exceeded contribution of TataChem by
how much percentage? 23. What is the total number of students enrolled in
A. 100 % B. 200 % C. 300% D. 600% all the three classes together?
1)135 2)164 3)187 4) 142 5) None ofthese
18. If Titan was to be represented under the
head “Others”, then what would be the 24. Number of girls enrolled in only Dancing classes
percentage increase in the area under the head is what percent of the boys enrolled in the same?
“Others”? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
A. 14.25% B. 16% C. 18% D. 11.5% 1)38.67 2)35.71 3)41.83 4)28.62 5) None

19. I in the next year, all companies showed

no increase in contribution of profits and only
TCS increased its contribution by 50% then
what would be the measurement of the arc
subtended by the TCS portion to the center of
the pie?

The table shows the distance travelled by five 30-34:There are six companies which produce a
different boats upstream and downstream in same particular item in two models M1 and M2. These
time and the line chart shows the speed of stream companies produce 5 lakh items. The given pie-chart
shows the percentage distribution of the total items
produced and the table shows the ratio of model M1
to M2 produced by these companies and their
percentage sale.

25.Find the ratio of the speed of Boats P and Q

together in still water to the speed of Boats S and T
together in still water?
A. 25:32 B. 27:19 C. 24:39
D. 65:48 E. None of these

26. If the speed of Boat R in still water is increased 30. . What is the total number of model M2 items
by 10% and the speed of stream is increased by sold by Company A?
20%, Find the time taken by Boat R to cover the A. 19750 B. 20250 C. 21450
distance of 91 km upstream. D. 22500 E. None of these
A. 3.5 hrs B. 4 hrs C. 6 hrs
D. 2.5 hrs E. None of these 31. If Company C sells model M2 at Rs115/piece
,Whats the total earning?
27. The distance between point A and point B is A. 11.25 lakhs B. 12.45 lakhs C. 13.75 lakhs D.
210 km. Boat T travels from point A to B and 14.95 lakhs E. None of these
comes back. What is the time taken by Boat T to
cover the total distance? 32. The total number of model M2 items sold by
A. 10 hrs B. 12.5 hrs C. 14 hrs Company E is what percent of the total number of
D. 20 hrs E. 8 hrs model M1 items sold by Company C?
A. 30% B. 35% C. 40% D. 45% E. 50%
28. The ratio of the speeds of the Boat Q to the Boat
U in still water is 4 : 5. If the Boat U travels 126 km 33. What is the difference between the total
distance downstream and 81 km distance upstream
number of model M2 items sold by Company F
in 7 hours 30 minutes, What is the speed of stream
and the total number of model M1 items sold by
of Boat U?
Company D?
A. 15 km/h B. 10 km/h C. 20 km/h D. 12 A. 750 B. 800 C. 850 D. 900 E. 950
km/h E. None of these
34. What is the total number of unsold items of
29. The speed of Boat Q and S in still water model M1 and M2 of Company B?
together is approximately how much percentage A. 50000 B. 52500 C. 55000
more than the speed of stream of the same boats D. 57500 E. 60000
A. 70% B. 120% C. 170%
D. 80% E. 270%
35-39:The following table shows the data (%) for a
recruitment drive conducted in an Engineering
college for 4 branches of the 8th Semester,
Mechanical(ME), Civil(CE), Electrical(EEE) and
Computer Science(CS). The recruiters were Aloha,
Borche, Chipola and Delpha and Enigma. Each
Company had a target recruitment, and the
percentages shown are percentage of target recruited
for that branch. The data for the CTC (per annum) is
also given, which is given to each student who
accepts the offer letter of each company. Assume
that all the students were eligible as per the
requirements of the 4 companies and no one sat out
of the recruitment drive. Also, no student got
multiple offers from any company, but 45 students
did not get any offers. 41. What is the ratio of his misses to hits?
(A) 7 : 23 (B) 23 : 7 (C) 30 : 7 (D) 7 : 30 (E) 3 : 1
42. If Voldermort used 60 spells of ‘Abracadabra’
where his ratio of hitting is 0.5 : 1, then what
would be the final outcome?
(A) Voldermort Wins (B) Voldermort Loses
(C) It’s a Tie (D) Harry Loses (E) Option A or D
43. Voldermort has his cruciatus spell up his sleeve.
To Use it he has to sacrifice 3 of his ‘Abracadabra’
35. How many students appeared for the interview? spells to use 1 cruciatus spell. If the cruciatus has
What % of the total 8th Semester got selected?
a ratio of hitting = 1 : 1, and voldermort uses 4 of
(A)500,9% (B) 600,91% (C) 500,91%
them, then what would be the outcome?
(D) 600,9% (E) 500,0.9% (A) Voldermort Wins (B) Voldermort Loses
(C) It’s a Tie (D) Harry Loses
36. Which Branch had the best average CTC?
(E) Cannot be determined
(A) CS (B) EEE (C) CE
(D) ME & CS (E) ME 44. Hermione joins Harry. If she can get out 10 spells
of Petrificus then what will the outcome be?
37. If EEE forms 25% of the 8th Semester, then how (A) Voldermort Wins (B) Voldermort Loses
many engineers from EEE were not recruited? (C) It’s a Tie (D) Hermione Wins
(A) 15 (B) 25 (C) 5 (E) Cannot be Determined
(D) 10 (E) 20
45-48: Akash travels from Mumbai to Pune in four
38. Which Company gave the highest Cumulative laps and records the following data as shown below:
CTC, assuming that all offer letters were accepted?
(A) Borche (B) Delpha (C) Enigma
(D) Chipola (E) Both Delphi and Enigma

39. In addition to data given in (3), If it was also

known that ME forms 32% and CE forms 15%
of the 8th Semester, then who fared the best in
the recruitment drive (in terms of % recruited)?
(A) CS (B) EEE (C) CE
(D) ME (E) Cannot be determined

40-44: Voldermort and Harry are fighting again, in a

timed battle of 15 minutes. The table below shows 45. What Is the total distance travelled?
the different spells used by Harry and the ratio that a (A) 115 kms (B) 275 kms (C) 385 kms
spell will hit and the number of spells used till the (D) 400 kms (E) Cannot be determined
end of 15 minutes.
40. What is the probability that Harry won’t 46. What is the average speed over this distance?
hit Voldermort? (A) 37.5 km/hr (B) 38.5 km/hr
28 23 7 7 27 (C) 27.5 km/hr (D) 40km/hr
(A)110 (B) 30 (C) 120 (D) 30 (E) 30 (E) Cannot be determined
47. If the average mileage of the car is 10 km/ Liter 53-56: A New alloy Spartanium was found on the
and the tank has a 10 Liter capacity, then how moon. Astronauts brought back 20 kg. Details of
many fuel stoppages are required assuming that he breakup of its constituent elements are as below.
had only 5 liters in the tank when he started, and he
refuels when there is 1 Liter left in the tank.
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 5 (E) Cannot be determined

48. Suppose in the second lap, he had to take a 30

minute lunch break, then what is the % change in
average speed for that lap to ensure there would be
no change in distance travelled at the end of 5 hours.
(A) 20% Increase (B) 16.67% Increase
(C) 16.67% Decrease (D) 20% Decrease
(E) Cannot be determined
On research and testing of the unknown alloy On
49-53: The Pie chart below shows the Foreign research and testing of the unknown alloy, the
Investment sflows through different categories in following constituent elements were found.
2015-2016. Total Investment Flows = US $ 10000

53. What percentage of the other alloy is the unknown

(A) 30% (B) 125% (C) 10% (D) 400% (E) 25%

49. What was the value of total investment(Mn) 54. What is the compound ratio of Iron : Mercury and
flows through Equities? Plutonium : Zutonium?
(A) 500 (B) 1500 (C) 600 (D) 2000 (E) 1200 (A) 7 : 5 (B) 3 : 2 (C) 5 : 7 (D) 2 : 3 (E) 5 : 12

50. What is the approximate ratio of investment 55. If it takes 5 kg of Zutonium to create energy for
flows through FII’s to NRI’s household purposes, then how much of moon alloy
(A) 3 : 1 (B) 3 : 2 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 1 : 2 (E) 1 : 3 would be required?
(A) 35.71 grams (B) 35.24 kg (C) 30 kg
51. What is the combined central angle(approximate) (D) 32.25 kg (E) 35.71 kg
for the Offshore Funds and RBI?
(A) 58° (B) 60° (C) 16° 56. If spherical balls of radius 5 mm were to be made
(D) 36° (E) 45° from the unknown metal, then how many balls (in
lacs) could be prepared if the density
52. If the total investment flow was doubled & FII’s of the unknown metal is 44 kg/m3.
were halved in the next year, what would be the (A) 1.75 (B) 2.4 (C) 1.68
contribution by the FII’s to total Investment Flow. (D) 1.5 (E) Cannot be determined
(A) 45% (B) 22.5% (C) 11.25%
(D) 12.25% (E) Cannot be determined

53. In the next FY, NRI’s contribution increased by

5%, which accounted for 25% of the foreign
investment flows. What would be the percentage
change in investment through RBI, assuming all
other % contribution remains constant?
(A)17.78% decrease (B) 16% increase
(C) 17.78% increase (D) 16% decrease
(E) No Change

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