Developmental Psychology

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Gabrielle Ann Canlas, RPm.

1. Stage theories of development assume that __________ 11. The term “crack baby” is a term used to refer to __________
a. Development is like climbing a staircase, with each a. Babies who have received prenatal exposure drugs like
step corresponding to a more mature reorganized way cocaine, heroin, and methadone.
functioning. b. Babies who are born with hairline skull fractures as a
b. People undergo rapid periods of transformation as they result extreme pressure during normal delivery.
move from one stage to the next. c. Babies who suffer from a range of mental, physical,
c. All individuals follow the same sequence of and behavioral outcomes because of being dropped on
development. their heads as a baby.
d. All the options are correct. d. Babies who suffer from cyanosis or blueness of the
skin due to low oxygen levels in the blood.
2. Which stage of labor is the longest? Lasting up to 12 to 14
hours for the first birth and 4 to 6 hours with later birth. 12. Jenna and Mike cohabitated when they were both 19 years
a. Stage 1 b. Stage 2 c. Stage 3 d. Stage 4 old before getting married at the age of 26. Based on the
research on cohabitation, what is their greatest risk factor
3. If there is family history of intellectual disability, for divorce?
psychological disorders, physical defects, or inherited a. Premarital cohabitation at an early age.
diseases, a genetic counselor interviews the couple and b. Length of cohabitation.
prepares a __________, a chart that diagrams the c. Premarital cohabitation per se.
inheritance of a trait or health condition through generations d. Both a and b are correct.
of a family. This picture is then used to estimate the
likelihood that parents will have an affected child. 13. Martial Law under the Marcos Regime was declared on
a. Family tree c. Pedigree September 21, 1972. Generation X babies born in the mid-
b. Genogram d. Punnett Square 1960s to early 1980s, and Silent Generation” babies born in
between 1928 to 1945 would most likely have a very
4. Which among the following is an age-graded influence different experience of this day. Their difference in
primarily determined by social customs? experience is due to __________
a. The age of menarche c. The age of alcohol drinking a. Age-graded influences
b. The age of puberty d. The age of menopause b. History-graded influences
c. Non-normative influences
5. What is the function of the Moro reflex? d. None of the options are correct. No difference in their
a. It may have helped infants cling to their mother. experience should have been observed.
b. Allows child to take in nutrients; protects against choking.
c. Help babies find the nipple for nursing. 14. A skipped generation family means __________
d. Assist the baby move from danger in water and survive until a. A family that extends beyond the nuclear family of
a caregiver can come to its rescue. parents and their children to include aunts, uncles,
grandparents, cousins, or other relatives.
6. Jennifer is a 24-year-old African American woman with 4 b. Children live with relative or nonrelative adults who
children from a previous marriage. Their family is known in have been approved by the State, or by an agency
their hometown for having lots of twins and triplets. Which licensed by the State, to provide them with shelter and
among the following factors about Jennifer is least likely care.
linked to multiple pregnancies? c. Instead of having biological children, couples decide to
a. Her race c. Her age adopt a child with whom they have no relation to.
b. Her number of children d. Her heredity d. Grandparents take care of their grandchildren in the
absence of parents.
7. __________ was coined by Jeffrey Arnett to refer to a
distinct phase between adolescence and adulthood. 15. What is the strongest predictor of frequent, face-to-face
a. Mid-life crisis c. Moratorium interaction of grandparents and their young grandchildren?
b. Emerging adulthood d. Senescence a. Desire to affect development of grandchildren.
b. Living nearby.
8. Which psychological figure described adolescence to be a c. Same sex between grandparent and grandchild.
period of “storm and stress”? d. Number of grandchild sets (households with
a. Erik Erikson c. Anna Freud grandchildren).
b. G. Stanley Hall d. Margaret Mahler
16. Bella has been wanting to get a set of toy airplanes as a gift
9. According to the evolutionary perspective, women tend to for Christmas. When asked what they think their brother
prioritize the following traits the most when choosing a male would want for his birthday, Bella immediately answered
partner, except __________ that he would also like to get a truck. This is an example of
a. Emotionally committed. c. Ambition. a. Animism c. Egocentrism
b. Earning power. d. Capacity for reproduction. b. Conservation d. Magical thinking

17. Time-out is a form of __________ that involves having your

10. Negative stereotypes of aging __________
child removed from where the misbehavior happened. Your
a. More likely affect women than men.
child is away from all things that are fun. She does not get
b. Equally affect men and women.
any attention in time-out. She cannot interact with her
c. More likely affect men than women.
parents or anyone else.
d. Equally effect all women, regardless of social class.
a. Negative punishment c. Positive reinforcement
b. Positive punishment d. Negative reinforcement
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18. Janine, a 25-year-old law student, attended a family reunion 26. Which among the following is true about autism and
for Christmas. The moment she arrived, her aunts and vaccination?
uncles would incessantly ask her questions like “Do you not a. Vaccines decrease the likelihood of measles, mumps,
have a partner yet?”, “When will you get married?”, “You and rubella (MMR) but increase risk for autism.
really shouldn’t let yourself grow an old maiden”. These b. Research has found strong evidence for the causal
statements prompt Janine’s __________ relationship between MMR vaccination and autism.
a. Non-normative influences c. History-graded influences c. Thimerosal, a mercury-based vaccine preservative,
b. Social clock d. Biological clock played a vital role in the ASD epidemic in the 90s. This
also sparked the move towards preservative-free
19. Which among the following is false about the regrets of vaccines.
mature, contented adults? d. There is a coincidental temporal association between
a. Mature, contended adults report having little to no when vaccine is given and when ASD is first
regrets in life. diagnosed/suspected.
b. Mature, contended adults take corrective actions of
what went wrong in the past. 27. You observed your 5-year-old niece, Jada, has frequently
c. Mature, contented adults who have resolved their engaged in games such as playing house, acting as a
disappointments report better physical health and nurse, imitating storybooks, or TV characters. Given your
greater life satisfaction. competent knowledge on childhood development, you can
d. None. A, B, and C are all factual statements. say that Jada is now engaging in __________
a. Functional play c. Solitary play
20. Which among the following pertains to the teratogen that b. Constructive play d. Make-believe play
was widely prescribed between 1945 to 1970s to prevent
miscarriages. However, as the children of these women 28. It is prom night and Kurt has been panicking over the pimple
aged into adolescence and adulthood, a significantly higher on his nose. He keeps thinking that his friends will bully him
rate of reproductive abnormalities (vaginal/testicular and say he is in love with his date or that his crush might
cancer, infertility, malformations) were observed to occur think he is unattractive because of it. This heightened self-
among them. consciousness among teenagers is known as __________
a. Thalidomide c. Diethylstilbestrol a. Personal fable c. Illusion of invulnerability
b. Isotretinoin d. Valproate b. Imaginary audience d. Centration

21. Which among the following is true about voluntary 29. Tina was involved in a motor vehicular collision. He was not
childlessness? hearing a crash helmet. Paramedics assessed that he
a. The voluntarily childless are usually highly educated, suffered whiplash, severe injuries to the head, multiple
have prestigious occupations, are very committed to lacerations, and internal bleeding. Shortly after he
their work, and are less-traditional in gender-role manifests rattled breathing sounds, gasps, muscle spasms,
attitudes. and his regular heartbeat is slowly disintegrating. This is
b. Most voluntarily childless adults eventually express known as __________
regret and discontent in their decision later on in life. a. The agonal phase
c. Voluntarily childlessness adults subsume those who b. Unresponsive wakefulness syndrome
did not find a partner to share parenthood or those c. Clinical death
whose fertility treatments failed. d. Mortality
d. Both a and b are true.
30. All the following are true about death anxiety, except _____
22. Your OB-GYN wants to quickly assess the physical a. Regardless of age, in both Eastern and Western
condition of your newborn baby 1 and 5 minutes after birth. cultures, women appear more anxious about death
Which among the following are they most likely to use? than men do.
a. Brazelton NBAS c. PGCS b. Individuals with an overcoming perspective of death
b. NNNS d. APGAR test fear it less more than those with a participatory
23. Which among the following is not an assumption of the c. Death anxiety reaches its lowest level during late
lifespan perspective of development? adulthood.
a. Development is a life-long process. d. In moderation, death anxiety can motivate people to
b. Development is explained by the gain-stability-loss strive to live up to internalized cultural values.
c. Development is affected my multiple interacting forces. 31. Kate and Dalton have been trying to conceive for the past
d. Development is highly plastic. five years. Unfortunately, their efforts have been
unsuccessful. After much thorough consultations with
24. Red-green color blindness is caused by a recessive gene
multiple fertility clinics, they came to a consensus that the
that appears on the X chromosome. Thus, __________
best option for them would be an IVF. The IVF procedure
a. Males are more likely to suffer from red-green
involves __________
a. Injecting sperm, either from a woman’s partner or from
b. Females are more likely to suffer from red-green
a donor, into her uterus.
b. Injecting a single live sperm directly into the center of a
c. Both males and females are more likely to suffer from
human egg.
red-green colorblindness.
c. Removing several ova from a woman’s ovary and
d. Cannot say. Provided information is insufficient to
manually combining it with sperm before being return
come up with any valid conclusions.
to the woman’s uterus.
d. A procedure, often supported by a legal agreement, in
25. The first time Sky saw a rabbit, he told himself “Rabbits are
which a woman accepts to carry out a pregnancy to
white and furry”. After a week, his mother showed him a
term for a couple or for another individual, either
white and furry creature, so Sky referred to it as a “rabbit”.
altruistically or for financial gains.
His mother corrected him and told him that it was a “sheep”.
For a while, he felt confused, so he observed and saw that 32. “A woman was near death from a unique kind of cancer. There
“This is not a rabbit. Mommy called it a sheep. It’s white and is a drug that might save her. The drug costs $4,000 per
furry but is also much bigger and has four legs”. Which dosage. The sick woman's husband, Heinz, went to everyone
among the following did Sky go through? he knew to borrow the money and tried every legal means, but
a. Assimilation. c. Disequilibrium. he could only get together about $2,000. He asked the doctor
b. Accommodation. d. All the options are correct. scientist who discovered the drug for a discount or let him pay
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later. But the doctor scientist refused. Should Heinz break into c. Experts in thanatology found out Kubler’s order of stages
the laboratory to steal the drug for his wife? Why or why not?” might be wrong as they’ve observed that bargaining
According to Kohlberg’s theory, someone with a post- usually comes first before anger.
conventional level of moral reasoning would answer with _____ d. There is a sixth stage – hope.
a. It's right to steal because Mr. Heinz means well by trying
to help his dying wife. He'll pay the doctor the money when 41. This form of babbling happens when infants begin to produce
he is able. sound combinations that sound like words and often involve
b. Should Heinz be prosecuted for stealing, then the law multisyllabic utterance such as “mamama”, “dadada”
needs to be reinterpreted because a person’s life is at a. Canonical c. Conversational
stake. b. Cooing d. Manual
c. Heinz should steal the drug because then he would feel
relief and no longer worry about his wife’s health. 42. Symptoms of Fragile X syndrome is __________
d. As her husband, Heinz’s has a duty to save his wife so he a. More severe among boys
should steal but should also be prepared to accept the b. More severe among girls
penalty for breaking the law. c. Equally severe between sexes
d. Usually resolve by the time that a child reaches
33. All the following are true about sudden infant death syndrome adolescence.
(SIDS), except __________
a. Pacifier use during sleep is a protective factor against 43. What vitamin is crucial in preventing major birth defects of the
SIDS. brain (e.g., anencephaly) and spine (e.g., spina bifida)
b. Soft bedding helps protect infants from SIDS. a. Folic acid b. Oxytocin c. Iron d. Calcium
c. Having babies sleep on their backs significantly reduces
the likelihood of SIDS. 44. Abigail is planning to go on a Harry Styles concert for her 16 th
d. Infant-parent bed sharing increases the risk of SIDS. birthday and is eyeing VIP tickets. She mentioned the idea to
her dad and told him that “I really want to go. This is once in a
34. In Levinson’s theory of the Seasons of Life, he found out that lifetime”. Her dad agreed and even offered to give her a ride on
during the transition to adulthood, individuals create an image the way to and home from the concert. However, he said that
of themselves in the adult world that guides their decision Abigail must earn the tickets, meaning she must agree to baby-
making. He referred to this as a/the __________. sit their neighbor’s baby on the weekends and help with the
a. Ideal self c. Dream groceries every Wednesday. This style of parenting by Abigail’s
b. Subjective final goal d. Actualizing tendency dad is characterized by __________
a. High control, high responsiveness
35. Jonathan believes in the adage that “spare the rod, spoil the b. Low control, high responsiveness
child”, so he subjects his children to corporal punishment c. High control, low responsiveness
(physical force that inflicts pain but not injury). Research on this d. low control, low responsiveness
way of discipline shows that __________
a. Children who were subjected to corporal punishment are 45. ___ involves the use of a hollow needed that is inserted through
more likely to transfer the practice to their own children. the abdominal wall to obtain a sample of fluid in the uterus.
b. It achieves immediate compliance but fails to teach long- a. Amniocentesis
lasting and desirable behaviors. b. Non-invasive prenatal testing
c. Corporal punishment can quickly escalate to abuse as it is c. Chorionic villus sampling
often negatively reinforcing for parents. d. Fetoscopy
d. All the options are correct. e. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis

36. Zola’s parents are both surgeons. Now that she is about to 46. All the following are predictors of early-onset menopause in
enter college, she thought to herself “Mom’s a general surgeon. women, except __________
Dad’s a neurosurgeon. Since I was a child, I always believed I a. Having no biological children
wanted to be a surgeon too. However, I’m starting to question b. Long menstrual cycles
if medicine is really the right path for me. I’m not quite sure c. Menstruating at an early age
which way to go”. Zola’s statement fits James Marcia’s identity d. Smoking
status of __________
a. Diffusion c. Moratorium 47. The white, cheese-like substance that protects the baby’s skin
b. Foreclosure d. Achievement from chapping during the long months they spend bathing in
amniotic fluid inside the womb is known as the __
37. Which among the following is the best predictor of infant a. Placenta b. Vernix c. Neural tube d. Chorion
survival and healthy development?
a. Gestational age 48. Adversity and life satisfaction have been found to have a __
b. Birth weight a. Positive correlation c. Concave curvilinear relationship
c. Simplified age-weight-sex (SAWS) score b. Negative correlation d. Convex curvilinear relationship
d. Clinical Risk Index for Babies II (CRIB II) score
49. During their family’s Christmas party, 3-year-old Matilda was
38. Edna has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Prior to surgery, she and given a red bill which amounts to PHP 50. Her mischievous
her physician signed a DNR order directing health care older cousin then brought Matilda to a corner and offered to
providers to not perform CPR should her heart stop beating or give her two orange PHP 20 bills so she could have more
should she stop breathing. When her heart failed 80 minutes money. Matilda agreed and walked happily because she now
into the procedure, they followed her wishes and did not had two bills instead of one, not understanding that the red bill
resuscitate her. The physicians engaged in what is known as__ was worth more than what she has now. Her cousin
a. Physician-assisted dying c. Passive euthanasia successfully tricked Matilda because her understanding is still
b. Active euthanasia d. Advance care directive characterized by _____
a. Conservation c. Animistic thinking
39. According to the __________, babies are more sensitive in b. Centration d. Egocentrism
areas of the body such as the face and mouth compared to
other parts such as the legs and feet. 50. “Is the developing person’s ability to think in more complex
a. Proximodistal principle. c. Orthogenetic principle. ways largely the result of a built-in timetable of growth, or is it
b. Cephalocaudal principle. d. Reverse cephalocaudal principle. primarily influenced by stimulation from parents and teachers?”
This question falls under the _________debate.
40. What has research shown about Kubler-Ross stages of dying? a. Continuity vs. discontinuity c. Early vs later experiences
a. It follows a chronological pattern of (1) denial, (2) anger, b. Nature vs. nurture d. Stability vs. plasticity
(3) bargaining, (4) depression, and (5) acceptance.
b. Decades of research have yielded no evidence for a
universal, linear sequence of stages experienced by dying
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