Psychological Assessment Test Drill: Prepared and Screened by
Psychological Assessment Test Drill: Prepared and Screened by
Psychological Assessment Test Drill: Prepared and Screened by
Pygmalion effect
C. Flynn effect
DRILL D. IQ rise effect
10. The main reason why the first major intelligence test was created was to:
Prepared and screened by: A. Classify mentally challenged schoolchildren
Prof. Marc Clint A. Maceda, RPm B. Improve entrance exam selection
C. Improve company selection systems
1. He is the author of the books Hereditary Genius (1869) and the first to D. Classify Intellectual adults from normal ones
publish on the heritability of intelligence: 11. Miguel is a researcher on intelligence. He wants to find out about a
A. B. F. Skinner person’s intelligence by examining the correlates and underlying
B. Francis Galton dimensions of assessment tools. Miguel is most probably adhering to
C. Wilhelm Wundt which general trend in studying human intelligence?
D. Alfred Binet A. Information-Processing Approach
2. Who coined the term “mental test”? B. Cognitive Tradition
A. Raymond Cattell C. Multi-stage Approach
B. Francis Galton D. Psychometric Approach
C. James Cattell 12. Galton and Binet differed in their view of intelligence because:
D. Charles Spearman A. Galton believed that intelligence was composed of seven primary
3. It is the doctrine that holds that one’s abilities are predetermined by mental abilities while Binet thought of intelligence as a general
genetic inheritance and that no amount of learning or other intervention intellectual ability factor.
can enhance what has been genetically encoded to unfold in time. B. Binet thought that intelligence was made up of qualitatively different
A. Predeterminism capacities while Galton believed that intelligence was the result of
B. Preformationism human evolution.
C. Teleology C. Galton proposed that intelligence was a number of distinct
D. Empiricism processes measured only by separate tests while Binet argued that
4. Research suggests that the earliest evidence of testing was in China in as processes work together to arrive at a solution.
early as 2200 B.C.E. The initial purpose of their testing process was to: D. Binet viewed intelligence as a result of high sensory and perceptual
A. Know which person got the most share of land among inheritors of ability while Galton saw intelligence as the result of fast neural
deceased people activity and information processing.
B. Know who had substantial knowledge of classical literature 13. Luigi is a child who loves to go to the zoo. He would often ask his parents
C. Know who was able to hold a government position to go with him to look at the different animals and would ask them to name
D. Know who was capable when it came to military tactics all the animals they were looking at. When Luigi saw a lion for the first
5. During World War I, the psychiatric measure on adjustment and emotional time, he was filled with glee and shouted, “Ma, Pa, look a cat!” His parents
stability which never passed the experimental stages of test development chuckled as they corrected him and told him it was a lion. Jean Piaget
was the: would describe Luigi’s action as the process of:
A. Woodworth Psychoneurotic Inventory A. Accommodation C. Schema
B. Personal Data Sheet B. Interactionism D. Assimilation
C. Army Beta 14. Leona was given a walking doll for her birthday. While she was playing,
D. Self-Report Psychiatric Inventory the doll accidentally walked outside the room. Although Leona could not
6. Which of the following is considered as the first group test of intelligence? see the doll anymore, Leona is not worried because she knows it is still
A. Primary mental abilities test there. In Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, this skill develops
B. Binet-Simon Scale of 1905 during the:
C. Army Alpha and Beta A. Sensorimotor Period C. Concrete Operational Period
D. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale B. Pre-operational Period D. Formal Operations Period
7. Which of the following is TRUE about intelligence? 15. The things you learn from the classroom, the facts you gather from your
A. It is impossible to measure intelligence. classmates and the information you receive in the review center can all be
B. The items in an intelligence test are often ipsative items rather than considered as part of which intelligence as proposed by Raymond Cattell?
normative ones. A. Fluid Intelligence
C. An intelligence test is a type of test that yields no error. B. Crystallized Intelligence
D. The items in an intelligence test will depend on how the test C. Intrapersonal Intelligence
developer defines intelligence. D. Specific Intelligence
8. The Binet-Simon of 1905 had several issues EXCEPT FOR? 16. Which of the following is FALSE about Gardner’s theory of multiple
A. insufficient classification of intellectual deficiency intelligences?
B. lacked normative data and evidence for validity A. Linguistic intelligence refers to using words effectively, having good
C. norms were based only on 50 children auditory skills and often thinking in words like reading, playing word
D. lacked personality-based items games, making up poetry or stories.
9. This refers to observed substantial increase in intelligence scores due to B. People with high interpersonal intelligence understand one's own
several factors such as culture specificity. interests & goals. These people are highly attuned to their inner
A. Rosenthal effect feelings
C. People with high visual-spatial intelligence like to draw, do jigsaw 26. When you want to measure a person’s stable ability to solve problems,
puzzles, read maps and are aware of their environment. adapt to different situations and his/her ability to think abstractly, you
D. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence refers to reasoning, calculating, would most likely administer a:
thinking conceptually, and being able to see and explore patterns A. Achievement Test
and relationships B. Performance Test
17. A type of intelligence test or assessment process designed to minimize C. Personality Test
the influence of culture with regard to various aspects of the evaluation D. Intelligence Test
and assessment procedures. 27. Which of the following is FALSE about testing?
A. Culture fair intelligence test A. It is the mere gauging of an ability or an attribute
B. Culture free intelligence test B. It can be done individually or by group
C. Cultural assessment C. The tester cannot be substituted by another because it might affect
D. Culture-inclined assessment test results
18. Miss Reyes’ chronological age is 18. Her mental age is 25. Which of the D. Usually involves just adding up responses with little regard of the
following statements is true about Miss Reyes? mechanics of such content
A. Her intellectual capacity is normal for her age. 28. Which of the following is TRUE about assessment?
B. Her intellectual capacity is superior compared to people of her age. A. Assessment is typically done as a group since it focuses on how
C. Her intellectual capacity is inferior compared to people of her age. individuals process their answers and the reasoning behind it
D. Her intellectual capacity is irrelevant. B. It does not need to answer a referral question to arrive at a decision
19. Yoona loves looking at paintings. She feels at awe every time she looks at through evaluation
wonderful paintings in the museums she visits. She loves looking at the C. The assessor is the key to the process; he/she cannot be substituted
magnificent images, the bright colors and appreciating the painting as a because it affects the results
whole. Aleksandr Luria would describe Yoona’s visual information D. Only one strong and credible source of data is needed to engage in
processing as: a problem-solving approach
A. Successive C. Simultaneous 29. During World War I, Robert Yerkes and his team developed a test for the
B. Sequential D. Re-integrative US military designed to screen literate recruits. This test is called
20. Which of the following is NOT a projective test? ____________.
A. Rorschach Test C. Word Association Test A. Personal Data Sheet
B. Thematic Apperception Test D. MMPI B. Army Alpha
21. Bea was tasked to screen applicants for the Philippine Psychometrics C. Army Beta
Club. The club adviser instructed Bea to make sure that the new members D. 16 Personality Factors
of the club have the potential to learn advanced concepts in 30. He was the first to propose the verbal-performance dichotomy in
psychometrics. If she follows her adviser’s instructions, the type of test intelligence testing and believed that personality was a crucial part of
that she should use to screen the applicants is _________________. intelligence:
A. Intelligence test A. David Wechsler C. Robert Sternberg
B. Achievement test B. Howard Gardner D. Charles Spearman
C. Aptitude test 31. This type of test contains items that are generally easy but have a short
D. Screening test time limit. It is designed in a way that only few will actually be able to
22. At the end of every school semester, teachers usually give a test to complete the entire test. This is a:
measure how much the student has learned from the subject after a A. Achievement Test C. Aptitude Test
period of time. This measurement can be done through a: B. Power Test D. Speed Test
A. Aptitude Test
B. Speed Test 32. Which party determines the creation of tests?
C. Intelligence Test A. Those who utilize the test C. Those who develop tests
D. Achievement Test B. Those who take the tests D. Society at large
23. Gary is answering a test at school. As he was answering, he noticed that 33. Aptitude tests, adjustment tests for normal populations and other tests
the more items he answered, the harder the items became. Eventually, he similar to it which require technical knowledge of test construction and use
was already trying to answer questions that are way beyond his level of of supporting psychological and educational fields such as statistics,
knowledge. This type of test can be described as a: individual differences, psychology of adjustment, personnel psychology,
A. Power Test and guidance are considered:
B. Speed Test A. Level A
C. Performance Test B. Level B
D. Diagnostic Test C. Level C
24. Tests such as projective tests, clinical tests or higher forms of tests which D. Level D
require substantial understanding of testing and supporting psychological 34. Which of the following statements about traits and states is TRUE?
fields together with supervised experience in these devices are A. States are any distinguishable, relatively enduring way in which one
considered: individual varies from another
A. Level A B. A trait is not expected to manifest in behavior all of the time
B. Level B C. A psychological state exists as an informed scientific concept
C. Level C constructed to explain behavior
D. Level D D. Traits are relatively less enduring than states
25. These tests categorized as _______ can be adequately administered, 35. Marty wants to create a test to measure cyber bullying among teenagers.
scored, and interpreted with the aid of the manual and general orientation He develops the test by asking teenagers about their experiences on
to the kind of institution or organization in which one is working. cyber bullying, the typical behaviors involved and the antecedents for that
A. Level A behavior. After integrating his interview results and substantial literature
B. Level B on cyber bullying, he then proceeds to create a test. Marty’s actions
C. Level C support which assumption in testing and assessment?
D. Level D A. Tests and other measurement techniques have strengths and
B. Test-related behavior predicts non-test related behavior A. Most of Edwin’s students were not able to complete the whole test
C. Psychological traits and states can be quantified and measured due to situational variables such as time and/or psychological
D. Testing and assessment benefit society variables such as test fatigue.
36. Test takers who have illnesses while taking tests, unclear or questionable B. The test Edwin administered was probably too easy for his students
items in a test, poor lighting conditions and deviations from the procedure C. Most of Edwin’s students gave alternate responses to a substantial
during testing and assessment verifies which assumption? amount of questions in the test
A. Various sources of error are part of the assessment process D. The test Edwin administered was probably too hard for his students
B. Testing can be conducted in a fair and unbiased manner 45. Converting raw scores to standard scores are done because:
C. Psychological traits and states can be quantified and measured A. The score gains a more meaningful interpretation and relative
D. Psychological traits and states exist performance is seen
37. Gordon took a test on work satisfaction. Later on, his results on the test B. It helps us see the transition from one scale to another
were found to be fairly high. His co-workers can attest to his results C. The test taker’s performance is improved because it is already
because they’ve observed that Gordon sings during work hours, has a converted into a better and more understandable manner
light mood and never complains about the hassles of his job. This D. It helps us predict the future performance of test takers
situation reflects what assumption in testing and assessment? 46. Jennifer scored 100 on a Psychometrics test and 50 on a Human
A. Psychological Traits and States exist Resource Management test. The mean for the Psychometrics test is 70
B. Test-related behavior predicts non-test related behavior with a standard deviation of 15.While the mean for the Human Resource
C. Psychological traits and states can be quantified and measured Management test is 45 with a standard deviation of 5. In what test did
D. Testing and assessment benefit society Jennifer perform best?
38. You took a test an intelligence test. After a while, your answers were A. Psychometrics test
checked and your results were compared with the scores of previous test B. Human Resource Management test
takers who took the test a long time ago. This group, whom your scores C. She performed equally well on both tests
were compared with and whose scores were used for reference of other D. She performed poorly on both test
individual test takers, is called the: 47. In a normal distribution, if you get a z-score of 2 then you can say that:
A. Comparative Group C. Normative Sample A. Only 2% of the other test takers got a higher score than you
B. Contrast Group D. Performance Sample B. 95% of the other test takers got a score equal to or lower than yours
39. You can say that a test is standardized if: C. Only 5% of the other test takers got a higher score than you
I. It has clear specified procedures for administration. D. 68% of the other test takers got a score equal to or lower than yours
II. It has clear specified procedures for scoring. 48. Which of the following is FALSE about the scales of measurement?
III. It has clear specified procedures for interpretation. A. Assignment of Basketball player numbers are an example of nominal
IV. Its norms are identified. scale of measurement
A. Only I and II B. Interval scales allow for averaging a set of measurements and
B. Only II and IV obtaining much more meaningful results than lower scales of
C. Only III and IV measurement
D. All of the above C. Ordinal scales emphasize how much greater one ranking is from the
40. Most of the time, a sample is taken from the population because: other by using numbers as units of measurement
A. The sample is sure to be representative of the whole sample D. Ratio scales have the property of magnitude, equal intervals and
B. It is impractical or impossible to administer the test to the whole absolute zero
population 49. Wilson got a z-score of 1 in his biology exam. His mother, who is a
C. It helps in specifying proper procedures for administration and psychometrician, wanted to see what his t-score was so she approached
scoring you. You then told her that Wilson’s t-score was:
D. It increases the validity and reliability of the measurement tool A. 80
41. You created a clinical test to measure anxiety. You planned to give it out B. 75
to a sample of people who consistently experience anxiety. You decided C. 55
to give out the test to the people diagnosed with anxiety disorders in the D. 60
health center in your town. Your method of sampling can be classified as: 50. Which of the following statements is TRUE about correlation?
A. Purposive Sampling A. A negative correlation indicates no relationship between two
B. Random Sampling variables
C. Stratified Sampling B. -0.7 is lesser in magnitude compared to 0.7
D. Convenience Sampling C. The closer the correlation is to 2, the stronger it is
42. After you asked one participant to answer the test you created, you asked D. A positive correlation of 0.9 between two variables does not matter if
the participant about others like him/her who could possible answer your p>.05
test. You were then referred to people whom the participant knows are 51. Which of the following is FALSE about ethics?
capable of answering your test. This sampling method is called: A. When problems that have no clear or agreed on moral solution arise,
A. Cluster Sampling ethical standards are needed
B. Systematic Sampling B. Ethics are laws established by government bodies and violation of
C. Snowball Sampling such leads to court trials
D. Quota Sampling C. Ethics are statements by professionals within a profession regarding
43. If everyone in the population has an equal opportunity to be chosen for appropriate/inappropriate behavior in practice
the sample, then the sampling method employed can be called as: D. Ethics are made primarily for the professionals in the organization
A. Random sampling 52. Ivy was a researcher on the effects of monetary reward on aggressive
B. Systematic Sampling tendencies. To hide the true purpose of her study, she created a cover
C. Stratified Sampling story for her participants telling them that everyone was to participate in a
D. Purposive Sampling basketball game. She divided the participants into two groups, one with
44. Edwin administered a test to his class. When he got the results back, he monetary reward and one without. After a while of observation, she ended
checked the distribution of the scores of his students. He found out that the games and immediately told the participants to go home. What is
the distribution of scores was negatively skewed. Which of the following is wrong in this situation?
TRUE in this situation?
A. Ivy did not need to use deception to gather her data; the cover story hands over to Dr. Strange files related to the therapy sessions of Jean
was completely unnecessary Grey. Did Charles do the right thing?
B. She was not able to measure her subject of interest properly A. No, because those files should’ve been kept confidential
C. She was not able to fully debrief participants especially since she B. Yes, because those files are used for obtaining payment of Charles’
used deception services
D. Her deceptive cover story caused emotional distress towards her C. No, because those files should’ve been eliminated when therapy
participants was terminated
53. Sometimes, when test takers are not capable to give informed consent D. Yes, because those files are used for the professional services of Dr.
themselves, such consent may be obtained from a legal Strange
representative or parent through written form containing the following 61. Our Psychology law is called the:
EXCEPT for? A. RA 10029 (IRR-BR 03 series of 2012)
A. Previous scientific research related to the test B. RA 10028 (IRR-BR 03 series of 2012)
B. General purpose of the test C. RA 10029 (IRR-BR 04 series of 2012)
C. The reason why the test is given to the test taker D. RA 10028 (IRR-BR 04 series of 2012)
D. The instruments involved in the test process 62. Which of the following statements is TRUE about limitations of
54. During the earlier years of testing, the full range of implications of test confidentiality?
results were not given out and explained to test takers so as to: A. The confidentiality rule can be broken if the client has transferred
A. Earn the test takers trust and so re-testing could be done residency to another country
B. Minimize conflict between the test taker and other pertinent parties B. Confidential information can be released to students for academic
with regards to results purposes and for interns of clinics
C. Avoid panic and arousing anxiety in test takers C. Necessary confidential information can be released to obtain
D. Maintain confidentiality at all times and purposes giving it only to payment in instances where the client refuses to
concerned parties D. The psychological data of a person can be utilized and released if
55. This was introduced on August 1947 after the trials of Nazi doctors who he/she is already deceased.
were sentenced to death due to their crimes in human experimentation. 63. Which of the following is TRUE about the right to privacy and
A. Minnesota Code of 1947 C. Declaration of Helsinski confidentiality?
B. Code of Nuremburg D. RA 10029 A. Confidentiality refers to protection of clients information within
56. Which of the following is the test user’s rights? judicial proceedings while privacy talks about anonymity outside the
A. The right of informed consent courtroom
B. The right to privacy and confidentiality B. Confidentiality can be breached without consent in special cases
C. The right to the least stigmatizing label such as when the client threatens to cause harm
D. None of the Above C. The client must answer all kinds of questions directed to him/her
57. During intelligence testing, when clients get a low IQ score, classification during court trials
systems often avoid using “moron” or “retard” as a category for people D. The client’s confidential information should not be given away in
with low IQ. More positive and non-judgmental categories are used court at all times
instead. This upholds what right of the test taker? 64. The principle that talks about maximizing benefits, minimizing potential
A. The right to privacy and confidentiality harm, and offsetting or correcting harm is the principle of:
B. The right to the least stigmatizing label A. Respect for the Dignity of Persons and Peoples
C. The right of informed consent B. Integrity
D. The right to be informed of test findings C. Professional and Scientific Responsibilities to Society
58. Chandra was brought to court and was asked a few questions by an D. Competent Caring for the Well-Being of Persons and Peoples
attorney. She allegedly committed the crime of murdering her neighbor’s 65. As a researcher on various cultures, you have been doing your best to
uncle. During the trial, the lawyer asked her what weapon she used to treat everyone equally and to see that every human being that you’ve
commit the murder. She refused to answer this question due to its self- encountered is worthy of equal consideration. Every time you immerse
incriminating nature. This information is then referred to as: yourself in a new culture, you try to understand their customs and beliefs
A. Confidential Information C. Priviliged Information and you appreciate the diversity of the different people you meet. You are
B. Judicial Information D. Clinical Information upholding which principle?
59. Rosaline is the psychologist of a controversial patient who claims to have A. Respect for the Dignity of Persons and Peoples
a million split personalities. One of her supposed personalities allegedly B. Integrity
murdered a family member and stole money from another. After due C. Professional and Scientific Responsibilities to Society
investigation, the court called Rosaline to testify in court about the things D. Competent Caring for the Well-Being of Persons and Peoples
she discusses with her client within the therapeutic process. What should 66. Which of the ff. is FALSE about RA 10029?
Rosaline do? A. It recognizes the importance of giving psychological services to
A. Rosaline must divulge the confidential information to the court clients
because she is compelled to do so B. It includes the definition of what a psychologist & psychometrician is
B. Rosaline may decide not to divulge information to the court for her together with what the limitations of their work are
client is protected by her rights to confidentiality C. It created the Professional Regulatory Board of Research and
C. Rosaline must not divulge the confidential information to the court Experimentation in the field of Psychology
because she might accidentally prove her patient guilty for the D. It protects the public by preventing inexperienced or untrained
crimes she allegedly committed individuals from offering psychological services
D. Rosaline should decide to resign her role as her patient’s therapist 67. Louise is a psychologist who has been in practice for over 15 years now.
for fear of gaining too much attention from the press and She has mastered a lot of psychological techniques and therapy
endangering her life necessary for her trade. Despite this, she still updates herself on newer,
60. Charles Xavier is a psychologist. His patient, Jean Grey, has been under more efficient techniques on therapy through different researches she
his care and has been undergoing cognitive therapy for quite some time reads. She is upholding which ethical principle?
now. Unfortunately, Charles could not handle Jean anymore so he A. Integrity
decides to hand her over to Dr. Strange (a co-psychologist). Charles then B. Respect for Dignity of Persons and Peoples
C. Professional and Scientific Responsibilities to Society
D. Competent Caring for Well-being of Persons and Peoples 78. Refers to a tendency to respond to a test item or interview question in
68. Which of the following statements is FALSE about the role of a some characteristic manner regardless of the content of the item or
psychometrician? question:
A. Able to administer and score objective & structured personality tests A. Response styles C. Rosenthal Effect
but not projective tests B. Reactivity D. Random Error
B. Able to interpret results of the same test and write a written report 79. When the participants answers in a way that creates a good impression or
about it puts him/her in a favorable light that is called:
C. Able to conduct preparatory intake interviews for clients’ A. Acquiescence C. Extreme Responding
psychological intervention sessions B. Social Desirability D. Faking good
D. Able to develop, plan and monitor psychological programs needed 80. The content of the test manual include the following EXCEPT FOR?
for treatment of individuals A. evidence of the distinctiveness of the constructs being measured
69. John was asked to answer a questionnaire on attitudes towards violent B. an explanation in sufficient detail and clarity the procedures for
movies. He was asked to mark the statements which he agreed with. administering and scoring the test to maximize accuracy of scoring
He noticed that the statements ranged from disliking these types of C. a list of the previous test takers involved in the normative sample
movies to completely wanting violent movies to vanish from the face of during the initial stages of the test
cinema. He is probably answering a: D. evidence to support any use of a single item as a basis of
A. Degree Preference Scale assessment by providing adequate description of the domains
B. Ordinal Rating Scale assessed
C. Guttman Scale 81. These are designed to assist in judgments regarding how honestly the test
D. Checklist taker responded:
70. Test items that convey one or more idea are called: A. Reliability Scales C. Carefulness Scales
A. Compound items C. Dual-Faced items B. Validity Scales D. Assessment Scales
B. Double-Barreled items D. Stemmed items 82. A measure has high internal consistency when:
71. Ronald had been injured in a motorcycle incident. At the clinic, he was A. Multiple observers make the same ratings using the measure
asked to assess the level of pain he felt by placing a mark on a line that B. Multiple users obtain the same score every time they use the
had both ends with extreme vategories from “no pain” to “very much in measure
pain”. He was probably answering a: C. Each item correlates with other items in the measure
A. Guttman Scale C. Visual Analog Scale D. Participants score at random every time they answer the scale
B. Semantic Differential Scale D. Paired Comparison Scale 83. The acceptable level of item difficulty for multiple choice questions with 4
72. If you were asked to rate a subject of interest and your rating scale utilizes options is:
a pair of clearly opposite words, then you are probably answering a: A. .625 C. .715
A. Visual Analog Scale C. Semantic Differential Scale B. .50 D. .60
B. Paired Comparison Scale D. Checklist 84. Leila was given a test by a classmate. When she received the test, she
73. The type of error that does not affect score consistency when given to the immediately perceived the test to be unorganized, a little bit messy and
same subjects under the same conditions is: lacking in a sense of trustworthiness. She is probably taking a test with:
A. Systematic Error C. True Score Error A. Low inter-rater reliability C. Low content validity
B. Random Error D. Error variance B. Low internal consistency D. Low face validity
74. Classical Test theory states that: 85. When you utilize expert opinions on the construct you are trying to
A. The more error variance represents the test taker’s score, the more measure by sending out your items to them so that they can check the
systematic the error is construct you are trying to measure, its dimensions and the items under
B. The less error variance represents the test taker’s score, the more each dimension, then you are trying to get:
reliable the test is A. Content Validity C. Face Validity
C. The more true variance represents the test taker’s score, the less B. Construct Validity D. Criterion Validity
valid the test is 86. This is considered the “umbrella” validity because evidences gathered in
D. The less true variance represents the test taker’s score, the more this validity covers the other types of validity:
random the error is A. Content Validity C. Predictive Validity
75. Anderson took a test on intelligence and job resiliency. After the testing B. Construct Validity D. Concurrent Validity
period, he asks the test users about his test results. Which of 87. How many days since the first administration of the test should the 2nd
the following statements is TRUE about explaining test results to clients? administration be given when looking for Test-retest reliability?
A. Test results can be explained to relatives of the client without client’s A. Typically within 3 days to 1 week
permission B. Typically 10-15 days to allow participants to relax and/or forget about
B. Test protocols should be given to the client after explaining test the test content
results C. Number of days should be as minimal as possible; preferably 1-2
C. Test results should be stated with the use of non-technical language days after
D. Test results should be given in a positive manner and negative D. Number of days does not matter as long as it is reported together
implications should not be given with the coefficient of stability
76. This refers to chance physiological, emotional and psychological 88. You can expect most projective tests who do not have standard grading
fluctuations test takers experience while taking the test: scales to have:
A. Environmental Variables C. Systematic Error A. Low validity and reliability
B. Random Error D. Administration Variables B. Low validity but High reliability
77. If a question on the test, “Who was the father of psychoanalysis?”, got an C. High validity but low reliability
item difficulty index of 0.9, what can you say about the item? D. High validity and reliability
A. The item was too difficult 89. Concurrently validating a test on Relationship satisfaction with couples
B. Most of the high-scorers on the test got the item correct than low who found out their relationship satisfaction scores on the same test you
scorers were trying to validate results in:
C. The item was too easy A. Relevant Criteria
D. Most of the low scorers on the test got the item correct compared to B. Criterion Contamination
high scorers C. Valid and Reliable Criteria
D. High prediction of long-lasting relationships 100. It is a broad-based test designed to assess a number of major patterns of
90. Early in his career, Alex took a test on athletic success. When he read his personality, emotional, and behavioral disorders. It consists of 567
results, it showed that he had high scores on the test that he took. Years statements that a subject mark true or false. This is the:
later, Alex has become one of the greatest athletes in the history of the A. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2
world, with 1,000 gold medals in different sports. What can you say about B. Edwards Personal Preference Schedule
the test Alex took? C. Beck Depression Inventory
A. It had high concurrent validity D. Kolbe Index
B. It had high internal consistency
C. It had high convergent validity
D. It had high predictive validity
91. Board exams, driving exams and other licensure exams usually use a:
A. Criterion Referenced Approach
B. Norm-Referenced Approach
C. Characteristic Approach
D. Classical Trait Approach
92. You were applying for a job as an HR in a company. You and other
applicants were told to take a test that measures different abilities related
to the job. Afterwards, the recruiter compared your results with the results
of those who took with you. The recruiter was using which approach:
A. Criterion Referenced Approach
B. Norm-Referenced Approach
C. Characteristic Approach
D. Classical Trait Approach
93. Which of the following validity measures is non-statistical?
A. Predictive Validity C. Construct Validity
B. Concurrent Validity D. Face Validity
94. Which of the following is FALSE about Raymond Cattell’s 16 PF?
A. Cattell used factor analysis to derive the 16 personality factors
B. Cattell identified 16 surface traits which became the primary basis
for the 16PF model
C. Self-reliance, Warmth, Emotional Stability are part of the 16
identified personality factors
D. L-Q-T data was considered by Cattell as the major sources of data
when it came to his research
95. Marissa is a hard worker. Her boss often compliments her organized work,
her punctuality, the efficiency of the activities she does, and the
thoroughness of her plans. If she took the NEO-PI-R, Marissa would most
probably have:
A. A high score on Neuroticism
B. A high score on Conscientiousness
C. Low scores on Extraversion
D. Low scores on Agreeableness
96. This was a projective test created by Murray and his colleagues which
consisted of 31 pictures that depicted a variety of situations. The
participants were then tasked to tell a story about each picture. This test is
A. Rorschach Test C. Word Association Test
B. House-Tree-Person D. Thematic Apperception Test
97. The test that is based on and uses Jung’s psychological types in order to
make it more understandable and useful in people’s lives is the:
98. Clark is an extremely negative person. He would often have many
negative thoughts about future events, have a negative attitude about
things coming into his life, and would sometimes think of self-destructive
behaviors. Among the tests listed below, which test would you most likely
give to Clark to assess his condition?
A. Bender-Gestalt Test C. Beck Hopelessness Scale
B. California Psychological Inventory D. Conner’s Rating Scales
99. This test was designed to assess handicapped and non-handicapped
persons in their personal and social functioning. It was organized around
four Behavior Domains: Communication, Daily Living Skills, Socialization,
and Motor Skills. This is the:
A. Raven Standard Progressive Matrices
B. California Psychological Inventory
C. Word Association Test
D. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales