RAE3601-2023-Assignment 1
RAE3601-2023-Assignment 1
RAE3601-2023-Assignment 1
Open Rubric
RAE3601-2023-Assignment 1
1.2 Name the technique used to extract multiple intelligence signals that have
been transmitted simultaneously over a single communication channel. (1)
1.3 What are decibels used for and what is important when using the decibels in
calculations? (3)
1.4 One of the limitations of transmitting the low frequency intelligence is the
requirement of more antennas for efficient propagation. Briefly explain the
technique that can be used to transmit the low frequency signals. (2)
1.5 Barkhausen states criteria for converting the electrical energy from dc to ac,
name them. (2)
2.2 Suppose that on an AM signal, the 𝑉𝑉max (𝑝𝑝−𝑝𝑝) value read from gratitude on the
2.3 The AM broadcast station is allowed to operate at its maximum output power
at 90 percent. Given that its antenna has 40V and 4.8 A, calculate:
RAE3601-2023-Assignment 1
3.1 Suppose you are driving along the Jan smuts avenue listening to 5FM radio.
Suddenly you hear another radio station overriding the 5FM radio. Explain the
3.2 An FM signal, 1000 sin [ 2π x 108t + (2π x104) cos (π x 104 t)] is applied to a
50 Ω antenna. Determine:
3.2.4 Power in the smallest and largest sidebands (use Bessel table) (2)
FM receivers? (2)
3.4 A certain receiver provides a voltage of 200,000 (106dB) prior to its limiter.
The limiter quietening voltage is 200mV. Determine the receiver’s
sensitivity? (2)
TOTAL= [40]
Unisa 2023