AM, FM and SSB

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Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation (Transmit and Receive) and Single Side Band

Question 1 Amplitude Modulation

1.1 Mention two possible results caused by overmodulation. (2)

1.2 A 4 MHz, 20 V peak carrier is modulated by a 3 kHz intelligence signal so that
m = 0.6. This AM signal is fed to a 75  antenna. Calculate:
1.2.1 The power of the carrier component (3)
1.2.2 The power of the upper side band (3)
1.2.3 The power of the lower side band. (3)
1.3 Describe an AM signal. (2)
1.4 Suppose that on an AM signal, the Vmax (p-p) value read from the gratitude on
the oscilloscope screen is 5.9 divisions Vmin (p-p) is 1.2 divisions.
1.4.1 Calculate the modulation index? (1)
1.4.2 If the vertical scale is 2V per division, calculate The carrier voltage (Vc ). (2) The modulation voltage (Vm ). (2) The modulation index ( m ). (3)
(Hint: Sketch the signal)
1.5 Name the circuit that causes one signal to modulate another, and give the
names of the two signals applied to this circuit. (3)
1.6 The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 12 A when unmodulated but
increases to 13 A when modulated. Calculate the percent modulation. (3)
1.7 A 1500 kHz carrier and kHz intelligence signal are combined in a non-linear
device. List all the frequency components produced. (4)
1.8 A standard AM broadcast station is allowed to transmit modulating frequencies
up to 5 kHz. If the AM station is transmitting on a frequency of 980 kHz
1.8.1. The maximum and minimum upper and lower sidebands. (2)
1.8.2. The total bandwidth occupied by the AM station. (1)
1.9 An antenna has an impedance of 40 V. An unmodulated AM signal produces a
current of 4.8 A. The modulation is 90 percent. Calculate:
1.9.1. The carrier power. (2)
1.9.2. The total power. (2)
1.9.3. The sideband power. (1)

Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation (Transmit and Receive) and Single Side Band

1.10 A transmitter experiences an antenna current change from 4.8 A unmodulated

to 5.1 A. What is the percentage of modulation? (3)
1.11 Which type of balanced modulator gives the greatest carrier suppression (1)
1.12 Which four signals and frequencies appear at the output of a low-level diode
modulator? (4)
1.13 What is the most critical component value in a diode detector circuit?
Explain. (3)

1.14 Why is it important that the modulation index should be a number between 0
and 1? (2)

1.15 Sketch the waveform that will arise if the modulation index is above 1 (2)

1.16 What is the modulation index called when it is expressed as a percentage? (2)

1.17 What is the name of the frequencies that are generated whenever the carrier is
modulated by the intelligence?

1.18 What is the equation that describes the Amplitude modulation total power that
is driven through an antenna?
1.19 Consider a 250W SENTECH signal that is 70% modulated.
1.19.1 What is the total power in each of the sidebands? (2)
1.19.2 What will be the total power in each sideband if the signal is 100%
modulated? (2)
1.19.3 What can you deduce on the results in 1.19.1 and 1.19.2? (2)
1.19.4 Discuss how you would generate a SSB in an AM modulation and why
is it beneficial to transmit using SSB. (7)
1.20 What are the typical standard intermediate frequencies are for AM broadcast
receivers? (2)

1.21 Explain why sensitivity and selectivity are important characteristics in radio
receivers. (2)
1.22 A certain receiver has the following data:
Received signal at 50 Ω = 12 µV (carrier only)
1 RF amplifier with 12 dB of gain
1 Mixer with 6 dB of conversion loss followed by a multipole filter with 1 dB

Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation (Transmit and Receive) and Single Side Band

insertion loss Input power level at the detector = 0 dBm.

1.22.1 The received power in dBm. (3)
1.22.2 The number of IF amplifiers required if Ap = 20 dB/ amplifier. (3)
1.23 Sketch and explain the operation of a diode detector. (6)
1.24 A superheterodyne receiver with fIF = 400 kHz and 2.0 < fLO < 4.0 MHz has a
tuning dial calibrated to receive signals from 3 to 2.0 MHz. It is set to receive a
3.0 MHz signal. The receiver has a broadband RF amplifier, and it has been
found that the local oscillator (LO) has a significant third harmonic output.
1.24.1 Determine the carrier frequency with f LO of 2.0 MHz (2)
1.24.2 Hence determine the image frequency. (2)
1.24.3 The oscillator’s third harmonic is 10 MHz; what is the corresponding
carrier frequency hence the image frequency? (4)
1.25 Describe the difference between self- oscillation and parasitic oscillation. (4)
1.26 Contrast between the receiver’s sensitivity and selectivity (2)
1.27 List the major benefit of using RF amplifiers in AM broadcast receivers. (3)
1.28 Explain the term sideband splatter (1)
1.29 Given that SENTEC intelligence signal is amplified by 70% efficient Motorola
amplifier before being combined with 10 kW carrier to generate AM signal. If
SENTEC wants to operate at 100 % modulation, what is the DC input power to
the final intelligence amplifier? (3)
1.30 What is amplitude modulation and briefly explain why transistors are often
preferred than diodes in this process. (3)
1.31 A 1500 kHz carrier and kHz intelligence signal are combined in nonlinear-ear
device. List all the frequency components produced. (4)
1.32 What are advantages to be obtained from adding a tunned stage ahead of
detector stage of superheterodyne receiver?
1.33 What is sideband splatter and why is it unacceptable in communication system?
1.34 Given that 𝑋𝐶 (𝑡) = (1 +cos (20𝑡)). cos (2𝑓𝑐 𝑡).
1.34.1 What type of modulation does the equation correspond to? (1)
1.34.2 What is the modulation index? (1)

Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation (Transmit and Receive) and Single Side Band

1.34.3 Calculate the maximum transmitted power when modulated with single
sine wave with carrier power equal to 10kW. (2)
1.34.4 Determine the power efficiency. (2)
1.34.5 Calculate the total transmitted power if the carrier is simultaneously
modulated with another sine wave at 50 percent. (3)
1.35 What are the advantages of utilising FETs instead of BJTs in RF amplifiers?
2.1 What determines the amount and rate of frequency deviation, and how many
times the carrier frequency deviates above and below its center frequency? (4)

2.2 What is the deviation ratio of the TV sound if the maximum deviation is 25kHz
and the maximum modulating frequency is 15 kHz? (2)

2.3 The total power of FM transmitter is 100 W while modulation index is 2.0.

2.3.1 Calculate power levels in all frequency components (hint: use Bessel
table) (4)

2.3.2 If frequency of used modulation signal (fm) is 1.0 kHz, estimate the FM
signal bandwidth required. (2)

2.4 An FM signal, 1000 sin [ 2 x 108t + (2 x104) cos ( x 104 t)] is applied to a 50
Ω antenna. Determine:

2.4.1 The carrier frequency. (2)

2.4.2 The modulation index. (2)

2.4.3 The transmitted power. (2)

2.4.4 Power in the largest and smallest sidebands (use Bessel table) (2)

2.5 With the aid of diagram, explain how a varactor diode can be used to directly
generate the FM signal. (8)
2.6 Considering the functions, differentiate between limiters and discriminators in
FM receivers? (2)
2.7 Briefly define three possible phase lock loop states of operation. (6)
2.8 Define the following terms:

2.8.1 Modulation index (1)

Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation (Transmit and Receive) and Single Side Band

2.8.2 Frequency multiplexing (1)

2.9 An FM transmitter delivers, to a 75 Ω antenna, a signal of v = 2000 sin (2π ×

108t+ 2 sin π × 104t). Determine:
2.9.1 The carrier frequency (2)
2.9.2 The transmitter power (2)
2.9.3 Modulation index (mf) (1)
2.9.4 Modulating frequency (fi) (2)
2.9.5 Use Bessel Function table to find the bandwidth (BW) (3)
2.9.6 Power in the largest and smallest sidebands predicted in Bessel Table.
2.10 List at least five categories in which FM is used? (5)
2.12 What determines the frequency deviation rate, or how many times per second
the carrier frequency deviates above and below its center frequency. (2)
2.23 What is the deviation ratio of TV sound if the maximum deviation is 25 kHz and
the maximum modulating frequency is 15 kHz? (2)
2.14 The total signal power of FM transmitter is Pt= 100W while modulation index is
2.14.1. Calculate power levels contained in all frequency components. (4)
2.14.2. If frequency of the used modulation signal is fm = 1.0 kHz estimate the
FM signal bandwidth requirement. (3)
2.15 Discuss preemphasis and deemphasis as applied to FM transmission. (4)
2.16 An FM signal, 2000sin (2𝜋 × 108 𝑡 + 2𝜋 × 104 𝑡) is applied to a 50Ω antenna.
2.16.1. The carrier frequency. (2)
2.16.2. The transmitted power. (3)
2.16.3. The modulation index. (2)
2.16.4. The intelligence frequency. (2)
2.16.4. The bandwidth using Carson’s rule or Bessel table. (2)
2.16.5. Power in the largest and smallest sidebands (use Bessel table
provided). (3)

2.17 Discuss the difference between the limiters and discriminators as applied in FM
receivers. (6)

Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation (Transmit and Receive) and Single Side Band

2.18. A certain receiver provides a voltage of 200,000 (106dB) prior to its limiter. The
limiter quietening voltage is 200mV. Determine the receiver’s sensitivity? (2)
2.19 Draw a diagram of a phase locked loop (PLL) and explain its
operation? (8)
2.20 Complete the frequency spectrum of an FM signal as shown below showing
the values of the lower and upper sidebands as shown in the diagram. (6)

Figure 1: Frequency spectrum of an FM signal

2.21 Suppose you are driving along the Jan smuts avenue listening to 5FM radio.
Suddenly you hear another radio station overriding the 5FM radio. Explain the
phenomenon that just happened? (3)
2.22 A PLL is setup so that its VCO free runs at 10MHz. The VCO does not change
frequency until the input is within 50kHz of 10Mhz. after that condition, the
VCO follows the input to ±200kHz of 10Mhz before the VCO starts to free run
again. Determine the lock and the capture ranges of the PLL. (4)

2.23 Describe the process of quadrature detection. (6)

2.24 As an SABC technologist you are required, by the head of engineering

department, to set the SABC FM transmitter to a modulation index of 2.2 and a
deviation of 7.48 kHz. What is the maximum modulating frequency needed to
achieve the above values? (3)
2.25 After working as technologist, you are required to set up a transmitter in the
rural parts of Mpumalanga. What is the maximum bandwidth of an FM signal if

Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation (Transmit and Receive) and Single Side Band

the deviation required for the FM signal is 30 kHz with a maximum modulating
signal of 5 kHz? Determine bandwidth using:
2.25.1. The Bessel table (2)
2.25.2. The Carson’s rule (2)
2.26 Draw a diagram of a phase locked loop (PLL) and explain its
operation? (8)
2.27 A superheterodyne receiver must cover the range from 220 to 224 MHz. The
first IF is 10.7 MHz; the second is 1.5 MHz. Find: (Assume a local oscillator
frequency higher than the input by the IF.)
2.27.1. The local oscillator tuning range. (2)
2.27.2. The frequency of the second local oscillator. (2)
2.27.3. The first IF image frequency range. (2)
2.28 Suppose you are driving along the Jan smuts avenue listening to 5FM radio.
Suddenly you hear another radio station overriding the 5 FM radio. Explain the
phenomenon that just happened? (3)
2.29 Discuss why the single side band transmission is more preferable over
double side band. (4)
2.29.1 What determines the amount of the carrier frequency in FM
system. (2)
2.29.2 What determines the rate of the carrier frequency deviation in FM
system. (2)
2.30. A certain radio station wants to determine the bandwidth required to transmit a
FM signal with intelligence frequency of 30kHz and maximum deviation of 60.
2.30.1 Calculate the modulation index. (1)
2.30.2 By using the Bessel table, determine the value of the first four
sidebands of frequency. (4)
2.31.3 Determine the bandwidth required for transmission. (2)
2.31.4 Using Carson`s rule approximate the value of the bandwidth. (2)

Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation (Transmit and Receive) and Single Side Band


3.1 The SSB receiver in Figure 2 has outputs at 1 kHz and 3 kHz. The carrier used
and suppressed at the transmitter was 2 MHz, and the upper sideband was
utilized. Determine the exact frequencies at all stages for a 455 kHz IF
frequency. (7)

Figure 2
3.2 Explain how to generate an SSBSC signal from the balanced modulator. Make
use of sketch to enhance your answer. (8)

3.3 Prove that the phasing method to generate SSBSC is v 0 ( t ) = cos2π ( fc - fm ) t. (5)

3.3 What are two major benefits of single side band? (2)
3.4 Sketch the block diagram of SSB receiver (8)
3.5 What is the main disadvantage of DSB and SSB signals? (1)

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