D Pharma Paper
D Pharma Paper
D Pharma Paper
Time: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
i) Attempt all questions
ii) Students are advised to specially check the Numerical Data of question paper in both
versions. If there is any difference in Hindi Translation of any question, the students
should answer the question according to the English version.
iii) Use of Pager and Mobile Phone by the students is not allowed.
Answer any six questions. Each question carries equal marks. [6x5=30]
Q1) Describe the principle and chemical reactions involved in the limit test for the
following: (any one) [5]
a) Iron
b) Arsenic
Q2) What is redox titration? Discuss about the standardization of potassium permangnate
against oxalic acid. https://www.bteuponline.com [5]
Q4) What are heterocyclic compounds classify heterocyclic compounds giving one
structure from each class. [1+4=5]
Q5) Write the chemical structure of any five of the following: [5x1=5]
a) Paracetamol
b) INH
c) Dapsone
d) Metformin
e) Phenobarbital
f) Imipramine Hydrochloride
g) Dopamine
Q6) Write the stability and storage conditions of any five of the following: [5x1=5]
a) Chloramphenicol
b) Insulin
c) Aspirin
d) Sulphacetamide
e) Cyclophosphamide
f) Diazepam
g) Acyclovir
Q7) Write the popular brand name and uses of any five of the following: [5x1=5]
a) Isobarbide dinitrate.
b) Sulfacetamide.
c) Propranolol.
d) Diclofenac.
e) Оfloxacin.
f) Rifampicin.
g) Remdesivir.
h) Chlorpromazine.
Answer any ten questions. All guestions carry equal marks. [10x3=30]
Q1) Discuss any three different sources of impurities in pharmaceuticals. [3]
Q2) Write in short about gravimetric analysis. [3]
Q3) Discuss the combination of antacids. [3]
Q4) Write a note on narcotic antagonists. [3]
Q5) Discuss in short about Anti-hypertensive drugs with suitable examples. [3]
Q6) Write the storage conditions of any three of the following. [3x1=3]
a) Oxygen
b) Silver Nitrate
c) Ferrous Sulphate.
d) Sodium Fluoride.
e) Aluminium Hydroxide Gel.
9) What are hypoglycemic agents? Give examples of oral hypoglycemic agents. [1+2=3]
Multiple choice questions/Fill-in the blanks. Answer all questions. Each question carries
equal marks. 20x1=20]
Multiple Choice Questions.
Q1) A chemical that changes its colour in acidic and basic medium during titration is
a) Indicator b) Titrant
c) Analyte d) None of these
Q10) Griseofulvin is
a) Anaesthetic b)Hypoglycemic
c) Antifungal d) Laxative