Social Pharmacy Chapter 1 Important Questions
Social Pharmacy Chapter 1 Important Questions
Social Pharmacy Chapter 1 Important Questions
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Diploma in Pharmacy 1st Year
Social Pharmacy
Important Questions
Chapter 1 : Introduction to Social Pharmacy
Questions Page No
Q1. Discuss social pharmacy in details with the 3
Q2. Enlist the Role of pharmacists in public health. 3
Q3. Write down the various determinants of health 3
? Discuss the Dimension of health.
Q4. Write about various indicators of health ? 5
Q5. Write note on 6
National Health Policy
Millennium Development Goals ( MDGS )
Sustainable Development Goals
FIP ( International Pharmaceutical
Federation ) Development Goals.
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Chapter 1
Introduction to Social Pharmacy
Q1. Discuss social pharmacy in details with the scope.
Ans. The displine that deals with the medicinal role by considering the social, scientific and
humanistic perceptions. It includes health psychology and all the social factors
fluencing the use of medicines eg. Medicine related brief , regulations, medicine
information etc.
Scope of social pharmacy in improving public health
1. The information present in social pharmacy is very important to link the clinical and
fundamental knowledge to the pharmacist
2. A proficient
nt pharmacist is certified to incorporate his/her knowledge and social /
communication skills for improving patient’s behaviour , treatment outcomes and
diseases managment .
Q2. Enlist the Role of pharmacists in public health.
Ans. Role of pharmacist in public
ublic health
Dimension of health.
Health is complex as it involves various factors, The world health organisation in 1948
recognised some parameters for measuring an individual’s functionality Physical, social,
and mental dimensions were the three measure identified initially while emotional ,
spiritual,, and environmental dimension identified lately
1. Physical health
Physical health is defined as a state indicating perfect functioning of the body In
biological terms, health can be defined as a state in which body cells and organs as
functioning properly
I. Clean skin
II. Bright eyes
III. Proper breath etc
Smoothh and easy coordinated movements are the sign of physical health In an
individual the size and functioning of all the organs should be normal
2. Mental health
Mental health is defined as a state of balance between the individual and the
surrounding world including the environment.
The characteristics of an individual who is mentally fit
The individual should have no internal conficts
The individual should be well adjucted with the surrounding
The individual should kn know
ow himself, his needs, problems and goals
The individual should have a good self control
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3. Social health
Social health is defined as a quantity and quality of an individual inter personalities and
the extent of involement with the community.
Sociall health indicates harmony and intergation with in the individual between the
individual and other member of society
Development good social skills improve an individual’s relationship with other people
helps in making friends helps in career and also to live independelnly in adult life
4. Spiritual health
Spiritual health is defined as a personal matter involving value and beliefs providing a
purpose in an individual’s life
5. Emotional health
Mental and emotional dime
nsions were seen one in the same thing but as more
research becomes available a definite differents is emerging mental health can be
seen as “ knowing” “cognition”, while emotional health refer to “feeling”
Q4. Write about various indicators of health ?
Ans. Health Indicators
A characteristic of an individual, population, or environment which is measured either
directly or indirectly, and is used for describing any health features of the
th individual or
population is termed a health indicator.
The status of a health can be measured using the following indicators
1. Mortality Indicators : This include
a) Crude Death rate : It is the number of death per 1000 population per year in a
b) Life expectancy : It is the average number of the year a new born will live in a
c) Child Mortality rate : It is the number of death of 1-4 years old childrans in a
given year per 100 children of the same age group at the mid
point of the same year
d) Under 5 proportionate Mortality Rate : It is the proportion of btotal deaths of
children below 5 year of age
e) Maternal Mortality rate : It is the Proportion of deaths of women of
ive age in most of the devrloping country
2. Morbidity Indicators : These Indicators are used for improving the mortality data so that
the health status of a population can be properly described
3. Born with Nutritional Status Indicators : Health and weight of children at school entry
& the low birth weight ( less than 2.5 kg)
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4. Healthcare Delivery Indicators : Doctor : Population ratio population : Hospital bed ratio
Population covered by a health centre
Indicators of social and mental Health : There are the rates of suicides , alcohol &
drug abuse Smoking, road traffic accidents etc These Indicators
provides guidance for social action, in improving the health status
Q5. Write note on
National Health Policy
um Development Goals ( MDGS )
Sustainable Development Goals
FIP ( International Pharmaceutical Federation ) Development
Ans. National Health Policy
A national strategy for controlling and optimising the social user of its health knowledge
knowledg of
proposed objectives is called health policy
Accorting to WHO, Health policy is defined as decisions, plane, and action that are
undertaken to achieve specific health care goals with in a society
o The ministry of health and family welfare of government of india evolved a National
health policy in 1983 In 1983 , India got its first National health policy after 36 years of
On 15th march, 2017 the ministry of health and family welfare established the national health
policy 2017 The main aim of the ploicy is to focus on “ Sickcare “ to “ Wellness “
Seven priority areas are also identified by NHP 2017 for improving the environment
for health The swachh bharat Abhiyan
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Balanced, healthy diets and regular exercises
Addressing tobacco, alcohol & substance abuse
Yatri suraksha : preventing dealths due to rail and road traffic accidents
Nirbhaya nari : Action against violence
Reduce stress and improved safely in the work place
Reducing indoor and outdoor air pollution
The united
ed national sustainable development goals also known as the global goals, were
adopted by the united national in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverity ,
protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 are people enjoy peace
Targets of SDG by the year 2030
To decrease the global material mortality rate to less than 70 per 100000 live birth
To end the epidemis of AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria etc
To reinforce prevention and treatment of substance abuse, comprining narcotic drugs
abuse and harmful usese of alcohal
To confirm universal access to sexual and reproduction heaqlth care service for family
planning , information & education of reproduction health into national strategies and
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The FIP Development goals are a major global initiative in the pharmacy field There
were formed on the innovation responsible for the launch of FIP Pharmaceutical
worhforce Development Goals ( PWDG’s )in nov 2016
Academic capacity
Early Career Training Stretegy
Quality Assurance
Advanced and Specialist Development
Competency Development
Leadership Development
Advancing Integrated services
Working With Other Continuing
Professional Development
Equity and Equality
Impact and outcomes
Pharmacy Intelligence
Policy development
People Centred Care
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