Control System1
Control System1
Control System1
1. (a) A second order control system is subjected to a unit-step input. Draw its response curve, hence
define each of the following:
(i) Delay time;
3. (a) State two advantages of open loop over closed loop control systems. (2 marks)
(b) Figure 1. Shows a block diagram of multi-input control system. Derive the expression for the
output C.
(13 marks)
(c) Figure 2 Shows a signal flow graph. Obtain its transfer function, R . (5 marks)
4. (a) Define the following terms with respect to signal flow diagrams:
(i) Loop;
(ii) Sink;
(b) Figure 5.Shows a remote position-control system. Derive its differential equation.
(7 marks)
6. (a) (i) Distinguish between open-loop and closed loop control system.
(I) Plant;
(c) A second order control system is subjected to a unit step input. Draw it’s response curve,
hence define the following terms:
d θ0 dθ 0
+2 +4 θ0 =4 θi
2 dt
Determine the:
(τ )
(i) System time constant ;
(ii) Damping frequency ( ). (11 marks)
(ii) Using Maison’s gain formula determine the closed loop transfer function.
(b) The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback second order control system is given
G( S )=
by S( S+5 )
(ii) Determine:
(b) Draw a 2nd order systems response curve showing the following:
(i) Overshoot;
(c) A unity negative feedback control system has a forward transfer function:
G( S )=
(S +a1 )(S +a 2 )
7. (b) The open loop transfer function of a control system is given by:
G( S )=
S( S+ 4 )( S 2 + S+1 )
The system has unity feedback. Determine the characteristic equation. (4 marks)
d θ0 dθ0
3 +6 =12 E
2 dt Where
E=(θi −θ0 ) .
Determine the:
(c) Figure 3 shows a signal flow graph of a control system. Using Mason’s gain formula
determines the closed loop transfer function. (8 marks)
(ii) Feedback;
(ii) Use Mason’s gain formula to determine the transfer function. (14 marks)
7. (b) Outline the procedure for obtaining the Bode plot of a given transfer function. (5 marks)
OCT/NOV 2018
(i) Control;
(c) Figure 3 shows a block diagram of a control system. Using block diagram reduction
technique, determine the transfer function of the system. (7 marks)
(d) Figure 4 shows a signal flow graph of a control system. Determine the transfer function.
A second order system with damping ratio ξ of 0.5 and angular frequency n of 6
rad/sec is subjected to a unit step input. Determine the:
(b) Describe the following methods of damping with respect to sinusoidal system
(ii) Determine the overall transfer function for the system. (6 marks)
(d) Figure 1 shows a signal flow graph for a control system. Determine the overall
system transfer function using Mason’s formula. (8 marks)