Assignment 1

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Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

BE – ECE – Semester 2
19L205 - Circuit Theory

Maximum Marks: 50
S Question
1. In the circuit shown in Fig. 2, determine Vx and the power absorbed by the 60-Ω resistor.

2. In the network in Fig, RL for the maximum power transfer and the maximum power
transferred to this load.

3. An alternating current varying sinusoidally with a frequency of 50 Hz has an rms value of

20 A.
i. Write down the equation for the instantaneous value
ii. Find the instantaneous value at 0.0025 second, and at 0.0125 second after passing
through a positive maximum value.
iii. At what time, measured from a positive maximum value will the instantaneous
current be 14.14 A?
iv. Sketch the waveform marks all the parameters related to ac signal
v. Calculate the form factor and peak factor
4. The switch in Fig. has been in position a for a long time. At t = 0, it moves to position b.
Calculate i(t) for all t > 0.
5. Determine the Y-parameters for the network shown in the Fig. Determine whether the
network is reciprocal and symmetrical.

1. Apply nodal analysis to find the current through the 6 Ω resistor and the power dissipated
in each resistor in the circuit in Fig.

2. Verify the reciprocity theorem in the network shown in the Fig

3. Find the resultant of the following voltages

i. 𝑣1 = 60 cos 𝜃
ii. 𝑣2 = 40 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃 − 4 )
iii. 𝑣3 = 15𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃
iv. Sketch the three waveforms and mark the phase angles.
v.Find the average value for all three waveforms

4. Find the capacitor voltage for t < 0 and t > 0 for each of the circuits in Fig.
5. Find the transmission parameters for the network shown in the Fig.

3 1. Use nodal analysis to find out v1, v2 and v3 in the given circuit shown in Fig.

2. Obtain the incidence matrix of the graph shown in the Fig, Draw all the possible trees.
Select one tree and write the tie-set matrix

3. The following circuit of Fig. shows a parallel RL arrangement connected across

200-V, 50-Hz ac supply. Calculate (i) the current drawn from the supply, (ii) apparent
power, (iii) real power, and (iv) reactive power

4. Find v(t) for t > 0 in the circuit of Fig.

5. Obtain the ABCD parameters for the network shown in the Fig.

4 1. Use nodal analysis to find Vo in the circuit in Fig.

2. Apply Thevenin’s theorem to find Vo in the circuit of Fig.

3. Find the resultant of the following voltages

i. 𝑒1 = 25 sin 𝜔𝑡
ii. 𝑒2 = 10 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜔𝑡 + 6 )
iii. 𝑒3 = 30 cos 𝜔𝑡
iv. 𝑒4 = 20 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜔𝑡 − 4 )
V. Sketch the three waveforms and mark the phase angles.

4. Find v(t) for t > 0 in the circuit of Fig.

5. Determine the hybrid parameters for the network shown in the Fig. Determine whether the
network is reciprocal

1. Use mesh analysis and find the currents i1, i2 and i3 shown in Fig.

2. For the network of Fig., draw the graph and write a cut-set schedule. Using the tie-set
schedule obtain the loop equations and find the currents in all branches .

𝜋 𝜋
3.Three alternating currents 𝑖1 = 141 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜔𝑡 + ), 𝑖2 = 30 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜔𝑡 + )
4 2
and 𝑖3 = 20 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜔𝑡 + ) are fed into a common conductor.
i. Find the resultant current.
ii. Sketch all the three waveforms and mark the phase angles
iii. Sketch the resultant waveform and mark the peak value, peak to peak value
iv. Find the average value of the resultant current.

4. The switch in Fig. moves from position A to position B at t = 0 (please note that the switch
must connect to point B before it breaks the connection at A, a make-before-break switch).
Determine i(t) for t > 0.
5. The Z parameters of a two-port network are Z11 = 20 Ω, Z22 = 30 Ω, Z12 = Z21 = 10 Ω.
Find Y and ABCD parameters.

1. Use mesh analysis to find Vab and Io in the circuit.

2. Find the fundamental tie-set and cut-set matrix for the tree given in Fig.

3. Determine the voltage Vo in the circuit of FIg.

4. Determine the current i(t) in the network of Figure, when the switch is closed at t = 0. The
inductor is initially unenergized.

5. Currents I1 and I2 entering at Port 1 and Port 2 respectively of a two-port network are
given by the following equations:
𝐼1 = 0.5𝑉1 − 0.2𝑉2
𝐼2 = −0.2𝑉1 + 𝑉2
Find y and ABCD parameters for the network.
1. Use mesh analysis to determine I1, I2 and I3 in the given circuit in Fig.

2. For the network of Fig., draw the graph and write a tie-set schedule. Using the tie-set
schedule obtain the loop equations and find the currents in all branches .

3. Find I1 and I2 in the circuit of Fig

4. For the network shown in Figure, the switch is closed at t = 0. Determine the current
i1(t)for t > 0.

5. Determine Z and Y parameters of the network shown in the Fig

1. Find the node voltages in the circuit shown in Fig. 2.

2. For the network in Fig., determine the current and verify reciprocity theorem

3. A purely inductive circuit allows a current 20 A to fl ow through a 230 V, 50 Hz supply. Find

(i) inductive reactance,
(ii) inductance of the coil,
(iii) power absorbed, and
(iv) equations for voltage and current

4. In the network of Figure, after the switch has been in the open position for a long time, it is
closed at t = 0. Determine the voltage across the capacitor.

5. Determine the Y-parameters for the network shown in the Fig.

1. Find the voltage drop across 20 Ω in Fig. 3, using nodal analysis.

2. For the network shown in Fig., give fundamental cut-set matrix and hence find KCL

3. An ac circuit has the following voltage and current: 𝑣 = 325 sin 314𝑡 , 𝑣 =
65 sin(314𝑡 − 1.57). Find
(i) frequency,
(ii) rms value of voltage and current,
(iii) impedance, and
(iv) power factor.

4. The circuit of Fig., has been in the condition shown for a long time. At t = 0, switch is
closed. Determine v(t) for t > 0

5. Find the lattice equivalent of a symmetric isπ-network shown in Fig

1. Determine V in the circuit of Fig. Apply star to delta transformation to find the equivalent

2. Use source transformation to reduce the circuit between terminals a and b shown in Fig. to
a single voltage source in series with a single resistor

3. Find R and L for the given circuit

4. In the network shown in Figure, the switch is initially at the position 1 for a long time. At t =
0, the switch is changed to the position 2. Determine current i (t) for t > 0.

5. Determine the Z-parameters for the network shown in the Fig,

1. Find the current flowing through 15 Ω resistor in the circuit shown in Fig. using nodal

2. For the resistive network, write a cut-set schedule and equilibrium equations on voltage
basis. Hence obtain values of branch voltages and branch currents.

3. A capacitive load takes 10 kVA and 5 kVAR, when connected to a 200 V, 50 Hz ac supply.
(i) resistance,
(ii) capacitance,
(iii) active power, and
(iv) pf

4. In the network shown in Fig., the steady state is reached with the switch open. At t = 0, the
switch is closed Find vC (t) for t > 0.

5. Find Y-parameters of the network shown in Fig

1. Apply source transformation to find vx in the circuit of Fig.

2. Determine the directed graph, cut-set and tie-set matrix for the given circuit

3. A resistor of 100 Ω is connected in series with a 50 μF capacitor to a 50 Hz, 200 V supply.

(i) impedance
(ii) current
(iii) power factor
(iv) phase angle
(v) voltage across the resistor and across the capacitor

4. The circuit shown in Fig has acquired steady state before switching at t = 0.
(i) Obtain vC (0+), vC (0−), i (0+) and i (0−).
(ii) Obtain time constant for t > 0.
(iii) Find current i (t) for t > 0.

5. Find ABCD parameters for the network shown in Fig.

1. Calculate Io in the circuit of Fig

2. Use superposition to obtain vx in the circuit of Fig.

3. Determine the voltage Vo in the circuit of Fig.

4. In the given circuit shown in Figure, the switch K is closed at time t = 0, the steady state
condition having reached previously. Obtain expression for the current in the circuit at any time
t. If R1 = R2 = 100 ohms, V = 10 volts, and L = 1 henry. Calculate at time t =5 ms, (a) current
i, (b) voltage drop across R2 , and (c) voltage across L

5. A series RL circuit shown in Fig. 10.195 has a constant voltage V applied at t = 0. At what
time does vR = vL
1. Apply Superposition theorem and find the voltage Vx for the circuit shown in Fig.

2. Determine the directed graph, tie-set matrix and current ‘i ‘using the same matrix for the
circuit below.

3.A resistor of 20 Ω, an inductor of 0.2 H and a capacitor of 100 μF are connected in series
across a 220 V, 50 Hz supply. Determine
(i) impedance
(ii) current flowing through the circuit
(iii) voltage drop across each element
(iv) power consumed
4. Determine i(t) in the circuit of figure when the switch is moved from the position 1 to 2.
Initially, it was under a steady state
5. The z-parameter of a 2-port network are z11=10 Ω , z22 = 20 Ω, z12 = z21= 5 Ω . Find the
ABCD-parameters. Also find the equivalent T-network.

1. Determine V in the circuit of Fig

2. Determine the directed graph, cut-set and network equilibrium equation using the same
matrix for the circuit below.

3. A series RLC circuit having a resistance of 8 Ω, an inductance of 80 mH and a

capacitance of 100 μF is connected across a 150 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate
(i) current,
(ii) power factor, and
(iii) voltage across the inductance and capacitance.

4. A series RC circuit consists of a resistor of 10 V and a capacitor of 0.1 F as shown in Figure.

A constant voltage of 20 V is applied to the circuit at t = 0. Obtain the current equation.
Determine the voltages across the resistor and the capacitor
5. The model of a transistor in CE mode is shown in Fig. Determine the h parameters of the

16 1. Find the mesh currents i1, i2, and i3 in the circuit in Fig.

2. For the network in Fig., determine the current and verify reciprocity theorem

3. Find the current in the circuit of Fig

4. A series RL circuit with R = 30 and L = 15H has a constant voltage V = 60 V applied at t = 0

as shown in Figure. Determine the current i, the voltage across resistor and the voltage across
the inductor.
5. Find the open-circuit impedances of the network shown in Fig

1. Find i1, i2, and i3 in the circuit of Fig.

2. Verify the reciprocity theorem for the circuit below

3. Find the total impedance, supply current and pf of the entire circuit

4. In the circuit of Fig, the switch instantaneously moves from position A to B at t = 0. Find
v(t) for all t ≥ 0.
5. Obtain the z-parameters for the circuit shown in Fig. and hence draw the z-parameter
equivalent circuit.

1. Use mesh analysis to find i1, i2, and i3 in the circuit of Fig

2. For the graph shown in Fig., draw the number of possible trees. Write the complete
incidence matrix. Write the tie-set matrix for one selected graph.

3.Determine kVA, kVAR and kW consumed by the two impedances 𝑍1 = (20 + 𝑗37.7)Ω and
𝑍1 = (50 + 𝑗0)Ω, when connected in parallel across a 230 V, 50 Hz supply.

4. The switch in the circuit of Fig. has been closed for a long time but is opened at t = 0.
Determine i(t) for t > 0.
5. Find out the z-parameters of the two-port network shown in Fig.

1. Apply mesh analysis to find i in Fig.

2. State and Verify the reciprocity theorem for the circuit below

3. A coil of resistance 20 Ω and inductance of 300 mH is connected in parallel with a

capacitance of 200 µF. The combination is connected across 200 V, variable frequency
power supply. At what frequency, will the parallel circuit resonate and what would be the
current at resonance?
4. For the circuit shown in Fig., determine the current when the switch is closed at t = 0.

5. Find the h-parameters for the network shown in Fig

1. Use mesh analysis to obtain io in the circuit of Fig.

2. Find the voltage V and verify reciprocity theorem for the network shown in Fig.

3. A coil of R = 10 Ω, L = 0.023 H is connected in parallel with another coil of R = 5 Ω, L =

0.035 H. The combination is connected across at 200 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate the current
drawn from the supply and the power factor.

4. A series RLC circuit shown in Fig., comprising R = 10 Ohms, L = 0.5 H and C = 1 mF, is
excited by a constant voltage source of 100 V. Obtain the expression for the current. Assume
that the circuit is relaxed initially.
4. Switch S1 in Fig. 9 is closed at t = 0, and switch S2 is closed at t = 2s. Calculate i(t) for all
t. Find i(1) and i(3).

5. Obtain the Z parameters for the two-port unsymmetrical lattice network shown in Fig.

1. Use mesh analysis to find the current ix in the circuit shown in Fig.
2. Find the current I and verify reciprocity theorem for the network shown in Fig

3. A coil of resistance 5 Ω and inductance 20 mH is connected across a voltage of v = 230

sin 314t.
1. Write an expression for the current flowing through the circuit.
2. The value of impedance
3. Power factor
4. Power consumed
4. For the circuit shown in Fig., determine the current in the circuit when the switch is closed
at t = 0. Assume that there is no initial charge on the capacitor or current in the inductor

5. Determine the z and y parameters for the circuit in Fig

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