Geographical Information Systems
Geographical Information Systems
Geographical Information Systems
A. Course Identification
The course is composed of two components: lectures and labs. The lectures will discuss the
above theories and concepts and the labs will reinforce them through hands-on exercises and
projects. Students must be clear that this is not a class on any specific GIS software. It is a course
on the underpinning theory and concepts in GIS. However, students will be exposed to a major
commercial GIS software packages i.e. ArcGIS in their labs.
2. Course Main Objective
This course aims at providing an introduction to geographic information systems concepts, data
models and their applications. The students will also be introduced to basic geographic concepts
that are needed for the understanding and the development of a geographic information system.
After the completion of this course, students will be able to analyze relevant application areas,
design and develop geographic information systems and run spatial analyses.
3. Course Learning Outcomes
1 Knowledge and Understanding
1.1 Define, the basic concepts related to geographic information systems K1
List down the hardware and software components essential for GIS
1.2 K1
Explain the nature of geographic information and explain how it is
1.3 stored in computer (including map projection) and the two types of GIS K1
data structure;
2 Skills :
2.1 Digitize spatial data using ArcGIS S2
2.2 Conduct spatial analysis using GIS software S2
2.3 Create effective spatial visualizations using appropriate map types S2, S3
3 Values:
Work in team to design and develop a GIS project from
3.1 V2
C. Course Content
No List of Topics
Introduction to Geographical Information Systems & geographical
1 2
information: Basic concepts, benefits, GIS in action
GIS components: GIS Hardwar and Software, ArcGIS, GeoMedia,
2 MapInfo, Idrisi, Manifold, Maptitude, AUTOCAD MAP 3D, GRASS, 2
MicroImages, ERDAS, Bentley Map, Smallworld, GIS in Organizations.
Data Models: Coordinate Data, Common Spatial Data Models: Vector
3 Data Models, Raster Data Models, Other Data Models, Data and File 4
Geodesy, Datums, Map Projections, Coordinate Systems, Output: Maps,
4 4
Digital Data, Metadata
Building a GIS Database, Digitizing: Coordinate Capture, Coordinate
5 4
Transformation, Output: Maps, Digital Data, Metadata
Digital Data: National and Global Digital Data, Tables: Selection Based on
6 4
Attributes, Normal Forms in Relational Databases
7 Data standards and quality: Data accuracy and error analysis 2
Basic Spatial Analysis: Selection and classification, proximity function and
8 4
buffering, overlays, network analysis
New development in GIS: Cloud-based GIS, open standard for GIS, open
9 4
source GIS, a hybrid model. Modern applications and case studies.
Total 30
Lab Topics
1 Getting to know GIS & Arc GIS Desktop Software 2
Exploring Arc Map: Displaying map data, Navigating a map, Feature
2 6
Exploring Arc Catalog: Browsing map data, searching for map data,
3 6
adding data to ArcMap, Create map
4 Symbolizing features and raster 4
5 Classifying features and raster 4
6 Mapping density and Querying data 4
7 Analyzing Feature relationships 4
9 Getting to know GIS & Arc GIS Desktop Software 2
Total 30
3.0 Values
Work in team to produce a database Mini-project
3.1 Mini-Project
application supervision
E. Student Academic Counseling and Support
Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student
consultations and academic advice:
The instructors will be available in the office during the office hours posted outside his/her
office. The students are encouraged to visit for any course related issue. In addition, students
can also send email or course message on Blackboard to seek help or book an appointment.
F. Learning Resources and Facilities
1.Learning Resources
Geographic Information Systems – An Introduction By Tor
Bernhardsen. 3rd Edition. John Wiley and Sons, INC.
Required Textbooks
Getting to Know ArcGIS for Desktop, Michael Law, Amy Collins,
3rd edition, 2018ISBN: 978-1589485105, ESRI Press
GIS Fundamentals, 5th Edition (May 1, 2016), by Paul Bolstad,
Publisher: XanEdu Publishing Inc; ISBN-13: 978-1506695877.
Essential References
GIS Tutorial 1: Basic Workbook, 10.3 Edition, Wilpen L. Gorr,
Kristen S. Kurland, 5th edition, 2016. ISBN: 978-1589483354.
ESRI Press
Electronic Materials
Other Learning All other material will be made available via course’s Blackboard page
2. Facilities Required
Item Resources
Accommodation 1 Classroom
(Classrooms, laboratories, demonstration
rooms/labs, etc.)
1 Computer Lab
Technology Resources
(AV, data show, Smart Board, software, Data show, ArcGIS 10.1
Other Resources
(Specify, e.g. if specific laboratory None
equipment is required)
H. Specification Approval Data
Council / Committee Department Council
Reference No. 1-18-42
Date 18-March-2021