Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
2 0 2 2 4
• The objective is to provide the student with the ability to analyze GIS data of all sorts, and to
understand the uses and limitations of GIS data. Emphasis is placed on both theoretical aspects of
GIS data analysis and geo-computation, as well as hands-on familiarity with basic GIS software
Module I Geodatabase Models 20%
Basics of Geodatabase Model (Object-oriented Concepts), Role of Databases in GIS, Creating, Editing and Managing Geo-
databases, Creating and Editing Linearly Referenced Features, Case Study of Geodatabase Model
Module II Spatial Data Analyses Techniques 20%
Classification Scheme of Vector-Based and Raster-Based GIS Operations
Raster–Based Techniques
Methods of Reclassification, Overlay Analysis, Slope and Aspects, Buffering, Viewshed Analysis (Inter-Visibility Analysis),
Cost-Distance Calculation
Vector-Based Techniques
Map Manipulation Techniques, Buffering, Overlay Analysis, Network Analysis
Digital Terrain Analyses and Modeling: TIN and DEM, Surface Representation & Analysis
Module III Geostatistical Analysis Techniques (Elementary Concepts) 20%
Geostatistical Analysis: Introduction, Descriptive Statistics: Central Tendency, Dispersion , Spatial Autocorrelation: Geary’s
Index, Moran’s Index , Quadrant Count and Nearest-Neighbour Analysis , Trend Surface Analysis, Gravity Models
Module IV Geostatistical Analysis Techniques (Advanced Concepts) 20%
Spatial Interpolation: Introduction, Control Points, Global Methods: Trend Surface Analysis, Regression Models, Local Methods:
Thiessen Polygons, Density Estimation, Inverse Distance Weighted Interpolation, Kriging: Ordinary Kriging (Semivariance,
Semivariogram), Universal Kriging, Other Kriging methods
Comparison among the Local Methods
Module V Spatial Modeling 20%
Model Conceptualization and Formulation ,
Spatial Data: Definition, Analyses, Processes & Steps, Software and Tools for Performing Spatial Data Analyses
Spatial Modeling
Introduction, Raster-Based and Vector-Based GIS Modeling, Binary Models, Index Models, Regression Models,
Index Models, Regression Model and Process Model 5
Case studies
Process model
Theory Assessment (L&T):
Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment
End Term Examination
Components (Drop down)
Mid-Term Home Assignment Presentation Attendance
Weightage (%)
15 10 10 5 60
• Maquire, David J., Michael Batty, And Michael F. Goodchild, Eds. GIS, Spatial Analysis, And Modeling, Redlands, CA: ESRI Press, 2005.
• Mitchell, Andy. The ESRI Guide To GIS Analysis: Volume 2: Spatial Measurements And Statistics, Redlands, CA: ESRI Press, 2005.
• Zeiler, Michael. Modeling Our World: The ESRI Guide To Geodatabase Design, Redlands, CA: ESRI Press, 1999.
• Waller, Lance A. And Carol A. Gotway. Applied Spatial Statistics For Public Health Data, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004.
• Longley, Paul A. And Michael Batty, Eds. Advanced Spatial Analysis: The CASA Book Of GIS, Redlands, CA: ESRI Press, 2003.
• - Griffth, Daniel A. And Larry J. Layne. A Casebook For Spatial Statistical Data Analysis: A Compilation Of Analyses Of Different
Thematic Data Sets, New York: Oxford Press, 1999.
• Collett, David. Modeling Binary Data (Second Ed.), Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall, 2003.
• Clarke, Keith C., Bradley O. Parks, And Michael P. Crane. Geographic Information Systems And Environmental Modeling, Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.
• Clark, Isobel And William V. Harper. Practical Geostatistics 2000, Columbus, Ohio: Ecosse North America, LLC, 2000.
• Burrough, Peter A. And Rachael Mcdonnell., Principles Of Geographical Information Systems. Oxford University Press, New York .1998.
Geodatabase Fundamentals
Spatial Data Formats
• The GIS uses the geometric objects of point, line, and area to represent simple spatial features
Spatial Data Formats
Formats are based on representations of the real world
Coverage Types
Spatial Data Formats
• Geodatabase – introduced in ArcInfo 8.
• Object-oriented model – can characterize features more naturally by defining
object types, topological, spatial and general relationships and interactions.
• Geodatabase features can be stored in a single database.
• Create custom features in addition to points, lines, polygons
Supported Data Types
• ArcInfo 8 supports four representations of geographic data.
• Vector data for representing features.
• Raster data for images, grids, and surfaces.
• Triangulated irregular networks (tins) for surfaces.
• Tabular data.
o Locators and addresses for finding a geographic position from an address.
o Locators apply national postal conventions to convert an address to a
Lecture 2
• Geodatabase Components
• Geodatabase Advantage
• Geodatabase Types
• Geodatabase Elements
ArcCatalog is the principal user interface
used to define and manage the
Arc Map
Project file
Tabular data
Data Types
Feature Classes
• In a geodatabase there are features classes for points, lines and areas
(polygons) as well as for rasters (surfaces), annotation (labels), and
Geodatabase Advantages
• Geodatabases offer numerous advantages:
• Multiple spatial layers and non-spatial data sources can be stored in a single file
(personal GDB) and organized thematically
• Rules can be easily defined that can apply to all classes
• These rules can include relationships between layers
• Example: one subclass with water lines and one with water valves; you can ensure
that if you move a water line, the water valve that connects that line will move as
well, or it ensures that, say, if the material attribute for a water line is set to copper,
the water valves that connect to it will also be copper
Geodatabase Advantages
• Other advantages:
• Spatial layers maintain the same measurement and geographic reference systems,
because new layers added to the geodatabase can “inherit” properties of existing
• Labeling “behavior” can be stored as an annotation feature class, making it easier
to keep labels consistent
• “Domains” can be established, which specify the valid ranges of values for
attributes, which reduces input error.
• Personal geodatabase.
• Implemented as a microsoft access database (*.Mdb file) by using MS jet engine which
is installed with AI8.
• Can be placed on local or network drives.
• Generally used for personal or small work-group use.
• Can handle small to moderately sized datasets.
• If a personal geodatabase is deleted its gone.
• ArcSDE geodatabase
• The Geodatabase
• Inside the Geodatabase
• Object classes, feature classes, Rasters
• Feature datasets
• Validation rules
• Domains, subtypes, relationship classes
• Annotation, dimensions
• Advanced Behavior
• Geodatabase extension datasets
Lecture 3
Feature datasets
41 21 41 92 92 Placerville
43 23 43 94 94 Sacramento
47 27 47 95 95 Topanga Canyon
Dimension features
• Type of annotation that displays specific distances on a map
• Graphic features stored in a dimension feature class
• Can be created automatically from features
• Set of editing tools
• Define a style, description of symbology
1 3/8"
Object behavior
• You can:
• Control the default value and acceptable values for any attribute (Domains)
• Partition the objects into like groups (Subtypes)
• Represent classes with predefined behavior (Dimensions and annotation)
• Control the general relationships in which an object can participate (Relationship
• Advanced behavior
• Attachments
• Geometric networks
• Network datasets
• Geodatabase topology
• Geodatabase extension datasets
Geometric networks offer a way to model common networks and infrastructures found in the real world.
Water distribution, electrical lines, gas pipelines, telephone services, and water flow in a stream are all examples
of resource flows that can be modeled and analyzed using a geometric network
Geometric Networks
• A geometric network is associated with a logical network
• Each network feature is associated with one or more elements in the logical
• Trace solvers on the logical network provide
• Connectivity tracing, cycle detection, flow directions
• Upstream / downstream tracing, isolation tracing
Downstream Trace
Network Datasets
• Multimodal
• Points span multiple connectivity groups
• Used to create connectivity between lines in different groups
• Turns do not alter connectivity, but traversability (e.g. U-
turn restriction)
GeoDatabase Topology
• A topology manages a set of simple feature classes that share geometry
• Topology is used to:
• Constrain how features share geometry
• Define data integrity rules
• Control editing tools
• Validate features
• Ensure the quality of your data
Topological Integrity
• Your options:
• Ignore the error
• Mark as exception
• Fix the error
• Data that define a location. These are in the form of graphic primitives that are usually either
points, lines, polygons or pixels.
• Spatial data are data that have a spatial component, it means that data are connected to a place in
the Earth.
Dissemination of spatial data
Dividing line between visualization of spatial data and exploratory data analysis is somewhat
artificial. The distinction is made based on the degree of data manipulation.
Exploratory methods do not involve any explicit model for the data.
However several exploratory techniques involve informal comparison of
some summary data. Hence models do enter into exploratory techniques.
The distinction is based on the degree to what extent any comparison made
between the model. Moreover models depend on certain assumptions.
Modeling Spatial Data
Models are mathematical abstraction of reality and not reality itself. A
statistical model involve using a combination of both:
Reasonable assumptions
There are basically four types of problem that an analyst can face:
Spatial data analysis is concerned with detecting and modeling spatial pattern. However, pattern at
one geographical scale may be simply random variations in another pattern at a different scale.
E.g. Local variations in disease rates may die
out against the national scale.
• However, spatial data are not indexed most of the time. While some data
(those from satellites) come in the form of regular grid or lattice, much
spatial data are provided for a patchwork quilt of areal units or irregularly
distributed set of sites.
Problem 3: Problem of edge or boundary
• In the middle of a study area, a site or zone may likely to be surrounded by others;
i.e. zone may have neighbors.
• However, at the edge of the map or study region, the neighbors extend in one
direction only. In spatial domain there is potentially much greater set of
observations around the edge of the map.
• Therefore edge effects play critical role. This problem can be overcome by leaving
a guard area.
Problem 4: Problem of modifiable areal
• When data are measurements on a set of zones, often they are aggregated measurements such as households or
individuals living in a zone.
• For the sake of confidentially, the data are realized for arbitrary areal units.
• The important point is to note that any result from the analysis of these area aggregations is usually
conditional on the set of zones. Depending on different aggregated areas the result is subject to change.
Thank you
Spatial Data Analysis
Lecture 6
• Introduction
• Significance
• Use of GIS in Spatial Analysis
Spatial Analysis
• Geographic analysis allows us to study and understand the real world processes by developing
and applying manipulation, analysis criteria & models and to carryout integrated modeling.
• These criteria illuminate underlying trends in geographic data, making new information
• A GIS enhances this process by providing tools which can be combined in meaningful sequence
to reveal new or previously unidentified relationships within or between data sets, thus
increasing better understanding of real world.
• The results of geographic analysis can be commercial in the form of maps, reports or both.
• Integration involves bringing together diverse information from a variety of sources and analysis
of multi-parameter data to provide answers and solutions to defined problems.
Spatial analysis is the vital part of GIS. It can be done in two
ways. One is the vector based and the other is raster based
Significance Of Spatial Analysis
• Spatial analysis is one of the most important uses of GIS. Since the advent of GIS in the
1980s, many government agencies have invested heavily in GIS installations, including
the purchase of hardware and software and the construction of mammoth data-bases.
• Two fundamental functions of GIS have been widely realized : generation of maps and
generation of tabular reports.
• Indeed, GIS provides a very effective tool for generating maps and statistical reports
from a database.
• However, GIS functionality far exceeds the purposes of mapping and report compilation.
• In addition to the basic functions related to automated cartography and data base
management systems, the most important uses of GIS are spatial analysis capabilities.
• As spatial information is organized in a GIS, it should be able to answer complex
questions regarding space.
• Making maps alone does not justify the high cost of building a GIS.
• The same maps may be produced using a simpler cartographic package.
• Likewise, if the purpose is to generate tabular output, then a simpler database
management system or a statistical package may be a more efficient solution.
• It is spatial analysis that requires the logical connections between attribute data and map
features, and the operational procedures built on the spatial relationships among map
• These capabilities make GIS a much more powerful and cost effective tool than either
automated cartographic packages, statistical packages, or data base management
• Indeed, functions required for performing spatial analyses that are not available in either
cartographic packages or data base management systems are commonly implemented in
Using GIS For Spatial Analysis
Example: From a database of a city parcel map where every parcel is listed with a land use code, a
simple attribute query may require the identification of all parcels for a specific land use type. Such a
query can be handled through the table without referencing the parcel map (Fig. 1). Because no spatial
information is required to answer this question, the query is considered an attribute query. In this
example, the entries in the attribute table that have land use codes identical to the specified type are
Spatial Query:
• Single layer operations: are procedures, which correspond to queries and alterations of data that
operate on a single data layer.
• Example: Creating a buffer zone around all streets of a road map is a single layer operation. As
shown in the figure3:
• Multi layer operations: are useful for manipulation of spatial data on multiple data layers.
• Figure 4 depicts the overlay of two input data layers representing soil map and a landuse map
• The overlay of these two layers produce the new map of different combinations of soil and land
use are delineated.
Topological overlays: These are multi layer operations which allow to combine
features from different layers to form a new map and give new information and
features that were not present in the individual maps.
Spatial Modeling:
• Spatial modeling: involves the construction of explanatory and predictive models for statistical
testing. Figure 5 shows an example of air pollution spatial modeling.
• Emissions of a specific particulate are measured at monitoring stations represented as point
locations on the bottom layer.
• The distribution of air pollution is believed to be related to soils (silt content and other soil
characteristics), agricultural operations roads, and topography.
• With a data base containing all required data elements, a spatial model can be constructed to
explain the distribution of air pollution based on these related variables.
Fig. 7: The most cost effective route links five point locations
on the street map.
Surface analysis:
• Surface analysis: deals with the spatial distribution of surface information in terms of a three-
dimensional structure.
• The distribution of any spatial phenomenon can be displayed in a three-dimensional perspective
diagram for visual examination.
• A surface may represent the distribution of a variety of phenomena, such as population, crime, market
potential, and topography, among many others. The perspective diagram in figure 8 represents
topography of the terrain, generated from digital elevation model (DEM) through a series of GIS
based operations in surface analysis.