Colin Et Al 2002
Colin Et Al 2002
Colin Et Al 2002
An error correction model (ECM) of induced innovation, based on the two-stage CES production
function allows direct tests of the inducement hypothesis, which are applied to U.S. data for 1880–1990.
The time series properties of the variables include a structural break in 1920, cointegration is established
and an ECM constructed, which allows factor substitution to be separated from technological change.
Causality tests show that the factor-price ratios and R&D are Granger-prior to the factor-saving biases
of technological change. The inducement hypothesis is corroborated, and identified as one factor in
the complex development of U.S. agriculture.
Hayami and Ruttan’s (1985, p. 4) own de- than establishing a negative correlation be-
scription of induced innovation is “technical tween a measure of factor scarcity, such as re-
change that facilitates the substitution of plen- lative prices and the factor ratios. But, nega-
tiful (hence cheap) factors of production for tive relationships between input quantities and
scarce (hence expensive) factor inputs.” The input prices may merely mean downward slop-
testable implications are that there should be ing input demand functions, which hardly cor-
negative correlations between factor-price ra- roborate the inducement hypothesis, as others
tios and factor ratios, with the causality running have noted. For instance, Binswanger com-
from the first to the second, and that this should mented that the starting point for his own work
be the result of technical change rather than on induced innovation was dissatisfaction with
factor substitution. The relationship may hold Hayami and Ruttan’s tests because they did
either in the changes or in the levels, as Olm- not distinguish factor substitution from techni-
stead and Rhode point out. cal change. Hicks (1932) introduced both con-
Several versions of this relationship between cepts, but he admitted in his Nobel lecture
factor ratios and factor prices and numerous that the distinction between the two, “was left
empirical studies are reported in Thirtle and rather obsure” (reprinted in Hicks 1977, p. 2).
Ruttan. In early cases the hypothesis is not This problem remained central in the criticims
clearly stated and the tests amount to no more of Blaug and of Salter, but Ahmad’s introduc-
tion of the innovation possibility curve rehabi-
litated the induced innovation hypothesis and
Colin Thirtle is Professor of Agricultural Economics in the De- is the basis of the Hayami and Ruttan formu-
partment of Environmental Science and Technology, Imperial Col- lation.
lege of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London,
U.K. and Extraordinary Professor, Department of Agricultural Whereas almost all the simple, early tests
Economics, Extension and Rural Development, University of corroborated some aspect of induced innova-
Pretoria, Republic of South Africa; David Schimmelpfennig is tion, as the tests have become more sophisti-
an agricultural economist with the Resource Economics Division,
Economic Research Service, United States Department of Agri- cated, the empirical results have been far less
culture, Washington, D.C.; and Robert Townsend is an economist supportive of the inducement hypothesis. This
in the Eastern and Southern Africa Rural Development Depart-
ment of the World Bank, Washington, D.C., and when the paper
is especially true of recent tests applied to U.S.
was written he was a Research Fellow, Department of Agricul- agriculture, which all reject the hypothesis.
tural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, University This study applies time series techniques to
of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.
The authors thank Stephen Hall, Junsoo Lee, and Johan van Zyl 111 years of annual data for the U.S. agricul-
for useful discussions and Spiro Stefanou and three anonymous tural sector. While it cannot claim to test the
referees for their helpful comments. The views expressed are not inducement hypothesis in a fully satisfactory
necessarily those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the
World Bank. manner, it goes further than any previous tests
Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 84(3) (August 2002): 598–614
Copyright 2002 American Agricultural Economics Association
Thirtle, Schimmelpfennig, and Townsend Induced Innovation in U.S. Agriculture 599
and does at least confront it with several hurd- United States and Japan, Thirtle (1985a), who
les. First, the series in the relationships must considers U.S. wheat production, and Kara-
have time series properties allowing cointegra- giannis and Furtan who use Canadian data.
tion. Second, if there is a valid long-run re- These studies collectively provide substantial
lationship, cointegration must be established. corroboration for the inducement hypothesis,
Third, factor substitution must be separated but none even touches on causality.
from technical change and there must be some Binswanger’s (1974, 1978) pioneering appli-
amount of factor ratio change, not accounted cations of duality provided further support,
for by factor substitution, for induced inno- by fitting a translog cost function, and using
vation to explain. Fourth, the correlation bet- relative factor prices to explain the residual
ween factor/price ratios and the factor ratios factor shares, net of factor substitution. The
must be negative, and fifth, the causality must numerous duality-based cost and profit func-
run from the prices to the ratios. Last, R&D tion approaches to technical change in agri-
must be one of the variables driving the causal culture that have followed, are conveniently
process if it is to be identified as innovation summarized by Evenson and Pray. The “tech-
rather than factor substitution. nology variables,” such as R&D and exten-
sion expenditures, that shift the flexible func-
tional form over time, are included in the
Background specification of the “meta-profit” function.
Applications such as Huffman and Evenson
Hayami and Ruttan’s (1971) original three (1989) study the bias effects of R&D and com-
equation tests of the inducement hypothesis ment that the fertilizer-using and labor-saving
regressed the logarithms of the factor ratios biases found are “consistent with the induced
(land/labor, fertilizer/land and machinery/ innovation hypothesis,” though there are no
labor) on the logarithms of the factor/price actual tests. This is typical, as most of the dual
ratios. If the coefficient of the relevant price studies address induced innovation only tan-
ratio is negative and significantly different gentially.
from zero, the result is considered to cor- In contrast, Olmstead and Rhode concen-
roborate the inducement hypothesis. In some trate on the inducement hypothesis, begin-
cases, the results were poor; Ruttan et al. re- ning with the observation that the relationship
ported nine tests of the relationship between between factor ratios and factor/price ratios
the land/labor price ratio and the land/labor may be expressed in the levels or in terms of
ratio, in which five outcomes were inconsistent changes. They show that Hayami and Ruttan’s
with the hypothesis.1 As in most early tests, stylized facts do not match the data. Particu-
the form of the production relationship is not larly, before 1910 the land price rose relative
stated, the distinction between factor substitu- to wages and from 1910 to 1940, the price of
tion and induced innovation is not made, nor is land rose relative to the price of fertilizer. They
the causality from price ratios to factor ratios stress the many endogenous factors affecting
tested. the land price, point out the very consider-
The revised edition of Hayami and Ruttan able regional differences that are hidden by
(1985) corrects many of the defects, estimating the aggregation, and conclude that in their re-
the two-stage CES, with time-dependent fac- gressions, the inducement hypothesis is wrong
tor augmentation coefficients, to produce esti- about as often as it is right.
mates of the Allen elasticities of factor substi- The hypothesis has also been increasingly
tution and the biases of technical change. In a challenged as time series tests have been de-
second stage, the total changes in factor shares veloped. An early dynamic model of U.S. agri-
are split into factor substitution and technical culture by Antle used aspects of time series
change and the share-based bias measures are modeling and concluded that the evidence on
plotted against relative prices, to test the in- induced innovation was mixed, with two out
ducement hypothesis. Similar two-stage CES of seven tests producing results that were con-
approaches are used by Kawagoe, Otsuka, trary to the implications of the hypothesis.
and Hayami who also apply the model to the More recently, there have been two time se-
ries studies of induced innovation in U.S. agri-
culture. Machado fits the factor share equa-
Thirtle (1985b, 1985c) shows that the land/labor ratio tests fail tions from the dual cost function to Capalbo
both because the land price is endogenous and the land/labor ratio
is determined by the relative rates of biological and mechanical and Vo’s data for 1948–83. He estimates the
technical change. biases of technical change and comes to the far
600 August 2002 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.
clearer conclusion that for the preferred model nological change. Frisvold uses the model in a
there is no cointegration between the factor straightforward manner to test the induced
biases and the factor prices, so the hypothesis innovation hypothesis. These two approaches
is soundly rejected. In the second study, Tiffin are combined here, as in Thirtle, Townsend,
and Dawson use Hayami and Ruttan’s (1985) and van Zyl.
data to find that the factor and price ratios
are not of the same order of integration, so F 1−
(1) Ln = 2 Ln + [2 − 1]
the hypothesis cannot hold either in the levels A
or in the changes. Instead, the factor/price ra-
tios must explain changes in the factor ratios, × LnE f − 2 Ln .
but still, cointegration cannot be firmly estab- Pa
lished. Thus, all the recent tests for the United Rearranging the logarithms of the first-order
States are, at the very least, highly critical of conditions from the profit maximization
the induced innovation hypothesis. problem and assuming equilibrium, so that
Other time series studies have reached the marginal products are equal to factor
the opposite conclusion. Khatri, Thirtle, and prices, gives these estimating equations for
Townsend (1998) combine time series analysis the first stage of the two-stage CES
with a third-order cost function fitted to British
agriculture. They test induced innovation ex- M 1−
plicitly and find clear cointegrating relation- (2) Ln = 1 Ln + [1 − 1]
ships and that input prices are both negatively
related and causally prior to input biases. Simi- Pm
× LnE m − 1 Ln
larly, Thirtle, Townsend, and van Zyl applied Pl
cointegration and causality tests to an ECM
based on the two-stage CES and found that all where M/L is the machinery-labor ratio, which
aspects of their tests supported the inducement is explained by a constant term, a term repre-
hypothesis in the case of South African com- senting efficiency, E m , and the own price ratio
mercial agriculture. This model is developed in Pm /Pl . Similarly, the fertilizer/labor ratio, F/A,
the next section. is explained by a constant, an efficiency term,
E f , and the own price ratio, P f /Pa . The ’s
represent the usual substitution parameters
and the ’s are used to construct the factor
A Model for Testing the Hypothesis share parameters of the CES function. The
direct partial elasticity of substitution of labor
The inducement hypothesis implies a long-run for machinery is 1 and that for fertilizer and
relationship between the direction of techni- land is 2 (Kawagoe, Otsuka, and Hayami).
cal change and a measure of factor scarci- Thus, the two-stage CES approach gives a
ties, such as relative prices. The variables theoretical basis for direct tests of the induce-
should not diverge too much in the long run. ment hypothesis, since the factor ratios are
While there may be shorter-run deviations, functions of the price ratios and the efficiency
there should be some equilibrating mecha- parameters. If the current factorprice ratios are
nism bringing them back together eventu- significant in explaining factor substitution, the
ally (Granger 1986). Thus, cointegration tech- coefficients of these terms can be interpreted
niques allow formal testing of the inducement as direct partical elasticities of substitution.
hypothesis. Specifically, the time series prop- Frisvold suggests that if lagged price ratios ex-
erties of the series can be established, to en- plain the factor ratios, then the inducement hy-
sure that there can be a non-spurious relation- pothesis is corroborated.
ship between the variables (Yule). Then, if a The treatment of the efficiency parameters
cointegrating vector exists, an error correction follows de Janvry, Sadoulet, and Fafchamps
model (ECM) can be constructed to determine and Frisvold who assume that the efficiencies
the long-run relationships and the direction of are functions of research activities,
causality can also be established. (3) E f,m = E f,m [, B, R, t]
The model developed by de Janvry,
Sadoulet, and Fafchamps exploits the tractabil- so where is a vector of shares of past public
ity of the two-stage CES by incorporating sector research budgets, B, allocated to land-
transaction costs and collective action as de- saving technical change (E f ) and labor-saving
terminants of the factor-saving biases of tech- technical change (E m ), R is a vector of past
Thirtle, Schimmelpfennig, and Townsend Induced Innovation in U.S. Agriculture 601
private sector research expenditures, and t is to the USDA indices from 1910 onward. These
a time trend representing exogenous change series are defined and referenced in the data
in scientific knowledge. The vector of share appendix and are available upon request.
parameters, , allocating the research budget There are several differences from the se-
between activities, itself depends on expected ries constructed by Hayami and Ruttan (1985),
relative factor prices and assumptions regard- the most significant being the treatment of ani-
ing the government and private research bud- mal and mechanical power. Rather than using
get allocation, so that horsepower, the series used here are the ser-
vice flows from the capital stocks of me-
(4) ∗ = Pme /Ple , Pfe /Pae , Pae /Ple , B, R chanical power and machinery and horses
where the price ratios are all expectations. de and mules. The service flows are deprecia-
Janvry, Sadoulet, and Fafchamps also include tion and running costs and the Tornqvist-Theil
transaction costs to explain research alloca- index is used in aggregation to give a single
tions. As the transaction costs for labor (super- series. The corresponding price series are simi-
vising, negotiating, information costs) increase larly a Tornqvist-Theil share-weighted ave-
with farm size there will be an increasing bias rage, whereas Hayami and Ruttan ignored the
in research toward labor-saving technology if prices of the draft animals, which were the ma-
large farmers’ demands prevail. Conversely, jor source of power in the early part of the
the transaction costs for land decrease with period. Olmstead and Rhode point out that
farm size because the fixed cost in land trans- draft animal power needs to be included and
actions implies that the price of land declines that the price fell far more slowly than for ma-
with farm size. This effect decreases the bias chinery.
toward land-saving technology if small farm- The R&D expenditures of the public and
ers’ demands prevail. de Janvry, Sadoulet, and private sectors, from 1888 to 1990, are avail-
Fafchamps substitute (3) and (4) into (1) and able in Huffman and Evenson (1993), who
(2) so that the determinants of the optimal also have public extension expenditures from
technical changes and factor ratios appear in 1915. Prior to 1956, their private R&D series
their reduced form equations.2 are constructed from the results of regressions
The same approach is followed here, but the of private R&D on patenting. Prior to 1915,
model is applied to over 100 years of historical the extension expenditures are assumed to
data. The factor ratios are assumed to be func- be collinear with the funding going to the
tions of factor prices and the past public and Office of Experiment Stations (Huffman and
private R&D expenditures, that generated the Evenson 1993).
technologies and extension expenditures that The dotted line in figure 1 shows that the
transmitted the results to the farmers, there- ratio of animal and mechanical power to labor
by diffusing the technology. Farm size is in- was increasing from 1880 to 1920, as more land
cluded as it is expected to be a cause of factor- was brought into cultivation. The solid line
saving biases and electrification is considered is the same factor ratio, net of factor substi-
as a proxy for rural infrastructure. tution, which follows a similar path.3 During
this period farmers received land at little or
no cost and there was a high rate of capital
formation (Cochrane). After 1920, the area
of agricultural land remained fairly stable,
labor in agriculture declined and mechaniza-
Relatively few series are required to estimate tion increased.4 Although mechanization in
this version of the induced innovation model. agriculture began in the 1930s, figure 1 shows
From 1910 onward the USDA has annual data that the machinery/labor ratio actually fell dur-
for the quantities and prices of land, labor, fer- ing the Great Depression as the decline in the
tilizer, and power, so the main difficulty is to farm population was temporarily reversed. In
decide how the series should be defined. Prior the 1930s farmers lacked financial resources,
to 1910, the basic source is Hayami and Ruttan savings, income or credit to make the outlays
(1985) and in most cases their quinquennial
data have been interpolated and then spliced
The elasticity of substitution estimates are reported later.
Employment opportunities in the cities increased due to the
Unfortunately, it has not been possible to incorporate more wartime and post-war boom. Tests follow later to determine
formal dynamic adjustment costs (Stefanou, Luh and Stefanou) in whether labor was pushed off the land by mechanization, or pulled
this time series approach. off by better paying jobs in the cities.
602 August 2002 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.
Figure 1. Correlation of the machinery/labor factor ratio and the labor/machinery price ratio
required to adopt new technologies, or to that the price trends in these periods did not fit
substitute capital for labor, but by the Sec- Hayami and Ruttan’s stylized facts is reflected
ond World War these financial constraints had in the behavior of the factor ratios, rather than
lifted (Cochrane). The factor ratio then in- being at odds with the induced innovation hy-
creased more rapidly from after the Second pothesis.
World War until it stabilized in the 1970s. To the extent that the factor ratio recovered
The third (notched) line plotted in figure 1 slightly while the price ratio was still falling in
shows that the labor/machinery price ratio rose the Depression can be explained by the need
over the period, like the factor ratios, and that to counter soil exhaustion in the era of the
the series often have the same turning points, Oklahoma dust bowl and the significant ad-
particularly for the wars and the depression vances in biological technologies, which made
periods. However, there is actually a negative fertilizer more productive. From the 1940s
correlation from about 1898 to 1915. As the there is a fairly rapid rise in the factor and price
acreage expanded, the numbers of horses and ratios, until both respond with blips, to the oil
mules grew in response to demand, despite price shock in the early 1970s. Then the factor
their increasing relative price, as Olmstead ratio ceases growing in the 1980s, following the
and Rhode have noted. This is contrary to turn in the price ratio, just as the inducement
the induced innovation hypothesis, which fares hypothesis predicts. However, the fact that the
poorly during periods when the agricultural series are all non-stationary or trended does
land area is increasing. Thirtle, Townsend, and mean that the correlations may be spurious
van Zyl similarly show that in the period af- and that time series tests are required to es-
ter the Second World War, the arable area in tablish the properties of the series and then to
South Africa expanded, and more animal and establish cointegration.
mechanical power was used, although the price
of labor was falling rapidly relative to the prices
of these inputs.
Figure 2 shows that the land/fertilizer price Time Series Tests
ratio rises throughout the period, except dur-
ing the First World War and the Depression, If the variables are cointegrated, then there
just as Olmstead and Rhode have pointed out. is a valid relationship and divergence from a
But, the fertilizer/land factor ratio, either in stable equilibrium state must be stochastically
gross terms, or net of factor substitution, also bounded (Banerjee et al., p. 136). In simple
increased for the entire period, except during cases, two conditions must be satisfied for vari-
the First World War and the Great Depres- ables to be cointegrated. First, the series for
sion. Thus, Olmstead and Rhode’s observation the individual variables should be integrated
Thirtle, Schimmelpfennig, and Townsend Induced Innovation in U.S. Agriculture 603
Figure 2. Correlation of the fertilizer/land factor ratio and the land/fertilizer price ratio
of the same order, which they are, since all the are checked using the Schmidt and Phillips
variables are non-stationary in the levels, but (SP) test for the familiar unit root hypothesis
stationary in first differences. Second, a lin- that the coefficient on the lagged term in the
ear combination must exist that is integrated random walk should be equal to unity. The SP
of an order one less than the original vari- test is chosen because it is a Lagrange Multi-
ables. That is, the error terms from the coin- plier test like the KPSS test. The known break
tegrating regressions must be stationary. This is then incorporated in the SP test following
methodology was used in the analysis of in- Amsler and Lee.
duced innovation in South Africa by Thirtle, Table 1 begins with the KPSS test results,
Townsend, and van Zyl, but their tests are ap- which find all the variables to be non-
plied to shorter series and are somewhat dated, stationary in the levels (the test statistic is
so more recently developed tests are used here greater than the critical value at the 95% level
(Kwiatkowski, et al., Schmidt and Phillips). of confidence) and stationary in first differ-
Orders of integration are more difficult to ences (the test statistic is less than the crit-
determine when structural breaks occur in the ical value). The SP test results in the next
series. Figures 1 and 2 suggest periods of sig- column corroborate these results, since at the
nificant structural changes between the World 91% confidence level, most variables are non-
Wars. Thus, the first step is to check for struc- stationary in the levels and stationary in first
tural breaks which could affect the properties differences. The exceptions are the one case
of the variables. Perron tests, originally used where the test was inconclusive and the results
to identify the date of the oil price shock in for private research expenditures and wages,
the 1970s, find a structural break with persis- which are both stationary in the levels, at the
tent effects from 1920 as do the unit root tests 95% confidence level. These results seem to
(Maddala and Kim). This is when the Great indicate that the series are long enough, for
Depression first hit agriculture and the agri- the annual data from 1910 onward to outweigh
cultural land area stabilized, nine years before the effects of interpolation and extrapolation
the stock market crash (Cochrane, p. 100). in the 1880–1910 period.5
The low power of the most common unit root Apart from establishing that all of the fac-
tests (Dickey-Fuller, Phillips-Perron) make tor and price ratios are integrated of order one
the break likely to influence the test out- and may be cointegrated, these results indicate
comes. As low power increases, the proba-
bility of making a type-II error, the KPSS
(Kwiatkowski et al.) test is used, in which the 5
This tends to make stochastic series look rather more like
null hypothesis of stationarity is the reverse of trended series since a lot of the movement is obviously destroyed.
The tests on the time series properties of the series were applied to
the usual unit root test, and the break is in- the whole period and also from 1910 onward and fortunately the
cluded following Lee et al. The KPSS results results are not different.
604 August 2002 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.
Table 1. Testing the Variables for Order of Integration with a Structural Break
in 1920
Variable Name and Abbreviation KPSS Tests SP Tests
Log of ratio machinery/labor (M/L) 0.1775 −3.504
Log of ratio machinery/labor 0.1221∗ −3.750∗∗
Log of ratio price machinery/labor (PM /PL ) 0.2145 inconclusive
Log of ratio price machinery/labor 0.1356∗ inconclusive
Log of ratio fertilizer/land (F/A) 0.1484 −2.472
Log of ratio fertilizer/land 0.1163∗ −7.092∗∗
Log of ratio price fertilizer/land (PF /PA ) 0.2193 −3.623
Log of ratio price fertilizer/land 0.1096∗ −3.994∗∗
Log of ratio price land/labor (PA /PL ) 0.1729 −3.568
Log of ratio price land/labor 0.1222∗ −3.782∗∗
Log of real public R&D expenditures (RDPUB) 0.2287 −3.562
Log of real public R&D expenditures 0.1136∗ −4.047∗∗
Log of real private R&D expenditures (RDPRI) 0.1692 −3.621∗
Log of real private R&D expenditures 0.1259∗ −3.517
Log of real extension expenditures (EXT) 0.1839 1.51
Log of real extension expenditures 0.1283∗ −4.257∗∗
Log of farm size (size) 0.1705 −3.249
Log of farm size 0.1144∗ −3.674∗∗
Log of electrical power (ELEC) 0.1757 −3.584
Log of electrical power 0.1188∗ −3.772∗∗
Log manufacturing wage/farm wage (WM /WF ) 0.1976 −3.573∗
Log manufacturing wage/farm wage 0.1047∗ −3.393
Critical values 0.146 (95%) −3.63 (99%)
∗ Indicates stationarity at 95% confidence level.
∗∗ Indicates stationarity at 99% confidence level.
that for these annual data, the induced inno- Juselius) allowing estimation of cointegrating
vation hypothesis should be formulated in the relationships by directly testing the number
original manner (Hayami and Ruttan 1985), of cointegrating vectors and the direction of
with factor ratios as a function of factor/price causality.
ratios, in either the levels or the changes. Table 2 begins with the equation explaining
Olmstead and Rhode’s observation that the the machinery/labor ratio, where the possible
two models differ, is taken care of in the ECM explanatory variables were the own price ratio,
which uses the changes to model the shorter the land/labor price ratio, public and private
run and the levels to test for long-run equilib- R&D, extension and farm size. The maximum
rium. Tiffin and Dawson’s suggestion that the lag length of the VAR was found to be five
hypothesis must be altered to make changes in years, using the Schwartz criterion and with
factor ratios a function of factor/price ratios, this specification, both the tests in the Johansen
because the factor ratios may be integrated of procedure indicate that there is a single coin-
order two, can be rejected. With more and bet- tegrating vector for the variables shown. The
ter data there is no evidence of this problem. land/labor price ratio was not significant and
extension was collinear with public and private
R&D and expenditures. The tests showed that
the preferred model retained the private R&D
Cointegrating Relationships and the Error stock, but not public R&D and extension. This
Correction Representation result is hardly surprising since the farm ma-
chinery industry is responsible for most me-
Having established that the variables are inte- chanical innovations (Binswanger 1984) and it
grated of the same order one, the next stage is is independent of the extension service.
to test for cointegrating vectors which imply The Schwartz criterion was also used to de-
that non-spurious long-run relationships termine the lag on R&D, which was found to
exist between the variables. The Johansen be thirteen years. This is a reasonable time pe-
procedure used is a maximum likelihood test riod for the machinery stock to adjust and is
for cointegration (Johansen, Johansen and close to the eleven-year lag reported by Khatri,
Thirtle, Schimmelpfennig, and Townsend Induced Innovation in U.S. Agriculture 605
F/A Pf /Pa Pa /Pl Public R&D stock (−23) SIZE 34.69 (34.4) 100.60 (76.1)
24.18 (28.1) 65.91 (53.1)
20.21 (22.0) 41.73 (34.9)
Thirtle, and van Zyl for South Africa. two-step procedure. Using the variables for
Granger’s Representation Theorem shows which cointegration was established, as shown
that in asymptotic results such lags should not in table 2, the ECMs for the two equations are
be necessary, but with limited data imposing
more structure in this way made the cointe-
grating relationship considerably stronger. (5) ln(M/L)t = 0 + 1i ln(M/L)t−i
For the fertilizer/land equation, the list of i=1
possible independent variables is similar to
the first equation, with the addition of rural + 2i ln(PM /PL )t−i
electrification which was included as a proxy i=0
for infrastructure development, which was ex-
pected to affect the price of land.6 In this case, + 3i ln RDPRIt−i
the own price ratio, the land/labor price ratio, i=1
the public R&D stock and farm size all proved
to be significant in the cointegrating equation. + ln(M/L)t−1 − 1 ln(PM /PL )t−1
Although the trace test version of the Johansen
model identifies two or possibly three cointe-
grating vectors, the eigenvalue test indicates
only one and no other combination of vari- − 2i ln RDPRIt−i
ables cointegrated according to both tests. The i=1
maximum lag in the VAR was again five years
and the R&D lag was found to be twenty-
three years. This is long in comparison with
most studies, but in the only previous appli- (6) ln(F/A)t = 0 + 1i ln(F/A)t−i
cation of similar tests to time series this long,
Pardey and Craig found that lags of up to
thirty years were necessary to capture all the + 2i ln(PF /PA )t−i
effects of public R&D on agricultural output. i=0
+ 3i ln(PA /PL )t−i
Estimation and Results of the Error i=0
Correction Model (ECM)
+ 4i ln RDPUBt−i
Granger’s Representation Theorem proves i=1
that a cointegrated system of variables can be
adequately represented as an ECM (Engle and + 5i ln SIZEt−i + ln(F/A)t−1
Granger) and Campos, Ericsson, and Hendry i=1
show that in the presence of a structural − 1 ln(PF /PA )t−1 − 2 ln(PA /PL )t−1
break, error correction models are generally
more powerful than Engle and Granger’s
− 3i ln RDPUBt−i
Olmstead and Rhode argue that improvements in transport 3
and communications led to increases in land values. Since the rail-
road system was largely in place by 1880, electrification is a better
− 4i ln SIZEt−i
proxy for infrastructure. i=1
606 August 2002 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.
where M/L, is machinery/labor quantity ratio, substitution, which were used in conjunction
F/A, is fertilizer/land quantity ratio, PM /PL , with the relative price changes, to calculate
is machinery/labor price ratio, PA /PL , is land- the changes in the factor ratios that resulted
to-labor price ratio, PF /PA , is fertilizer-to-land from factor substitution. The total changes,
price ratio, RDPRI, is private research stock, net of this factor substitution, were plotted in
RDPUB, is public research stock, and SIZE, is figures 1 and 2. The coefficient , in the sec-
average farm size. Extension expenditures ond part of the ECM, is the adjustment elas-
and electrical power were not significant in ticity, which for stability, must be negative.
either equation and were dropped. This indicates that when the system is not
In each equation the first set of terms are at long-run equilibrium, it will be moving
first differences, while the long-run equilib- toward it.
rium, in the levels, is represented in the second The results of the ECMs reported in
set of terms (in the square brackets). ECMs, table 3 were chosen on the criteria of goodness
like VARs more generally, have been criti- of fit (variance dominance), data coherence
cized for their lack of theoretical foundation (white noise error process), parameter parsi-
(Alogoskoufis and Smith). This usually leads to mony and consistency with theory (Hendry
difficulty in interpretation of the coefficients, and Richard). Seemingly unrelated estimation
but in this case the underlying model is the first- was used to gain efficiency, since the errors
order condition of the two-stage CES produc- of the two equations are correlated, as they
tion function, as in (1) and (2), so the meaning should be, since the prices of machinery and
of the variables is known. land are correlated.
The ECM results can be interpreted in two For both equations the results are reported
parts. The coefficients on the first-difference for the full period (the starting dates allow
terms are shorter-run elasticities because the for the lags on R&D) and from 1920 onward,
variables are in natural logarithms.7 The own both because of the structural break in 1920
price coefficients are the direct elasticities of and to avoid using the early data that involved
interpolation, extrapolation and estimation
The term “shorter-run” in the ECM context means that the sys-
for some variables. For the machinery/labor
tem is not in long-run equilibrium, which in a model that includes equation the post-structural break results are
R&D expenditures implies that technology generation and adop- better. The adjusted R2 of 0.35 for the full
tion must occur for equilibrium to be attained. The shorter run
may be any lesser period, rather than the production economics period is reasonably high for an ECM and
view in which at least one factor is fixed. this increases to 0.39 for the period after the
Thirtle, Schimmelpfennig, and Townsend Induced Innovation in U.S. Agriculture 607
break. The coefficient of the constant term saving technological change, in the manner
is insignificant and the two significant lagged predicted by the induced innovation hypothe-
changes in the dependent variable are required sis.9 However, the poor quality of the early data
to remove the autocorrelation from the sys- is perhaps responsible for the insignificance of
tem. The shorter-run elasticity of interest is the key variables in the full period. For the
the own price coefficient, which may be inter- shorter period, the own price ratio is signifi-
preted as the direct elasticity of substitution cant and so is private R&D (whereas public
(2 here and 1 in equation (1)). This is sig- R&D was not).
nificant and the value of −0.08 in the shorter The fertilizer/land model is more robust and
period suggests that the shorter-run substitu- gives significant and similar results for both
tion possibilities were extremely limited, rela- periods. The error correction term for the
tive to South Africa, where Thirtle, Townsend, fertilizer-to-land equation is −0.44, which indi-
and van Zyl estimated the equivalent elastic- cates quite rapid adjustment toward the long-
ity as −0.37. However, that figure must be in- run equilibrium level in the current period,
flated by the perverse labor policies such as with full adjustment taking a little more than
the Pass Laws, which caused artificial labor two years. The negative sign shows that the
scarcity and forced farmers to substitute ma- direction of correction is toward equilibrium.
chinery. The price of capital was also artifi- The negative coefficient on the long-run own
cially cheapened by tax incentives and cheap price variable indicates that a decrease in the
credit. fertilizer/land price ratio generates land-saving
The fertilizer/land model performed equally technological change, in the manner predicted
well in terms of explaining the deviations in by the induced innovation hypothesis. The neg-
the dependent variable for both time periods. ative sign on the land/labor price coefficient
The shorter-run coefficient on the fertilizer-to- indicates substitutability and is in agreement
land price ratio, of −0.58, is the direct par- with Frisvold’s prediction. Public R&D expen-
tial elasticity of substitution (2 here and 2 ditures are positive and significant, leading to
in equation 2), which is low, but higher than increased fertilizer use. The farm size parame-
for South Africa, where the Thirtle, Townsend, ter is also positive and significant, indicating
and van Zyl estimate was −0.39. This sug- that larger farms are more fertilizer-intensive.
gests that the shorter-run substitution possi- While the R&D result is consistent with de
bilities between land and fertilizer are not Janvry et al., the farm size outcome is not.
as limited as for machinery and labor. The However, this is not a matter of small farm-
land/labor price ratio coefficient is also neg- ers using less fertilizer than large farmers. The
ative and highly significant in the shorter run, farm size measure in this time series is just
suggesting that labor and fertilizer are substi- the average farm size for each year, and since
tutes.8 farms both grew larger and used more fertilizer
In the long run, the error correction term, , in later years, this result is generated. Exten-
for the machinery/labor equation is −0.02. This sion and electrification, the rural infrastructure
indicates little adjustment toward the long-run variables, are not significant in the cointegra-
equilibrium level in the current period, with tion tests or the ECM.
full adjustment taking as much as fifty years. The long-run elasticities can be calculated
This is perhaps excessive, even for durable ca- from the results in table 3 simply by dividing
pital items, but for the shorter period the value the long-run coefficients by −, to preserve the
of −0.06 suggests full adjustment in just under signs on the estimated coefficients. Whereas
seventeen years, which is only slightly longer the shorter-run elasticities of substitution in
than the fifteen years suggested by Antle. The table 3 may be viewed as movements around
negative sign shows that the direction of cor- the isoquants, the long-run equivalents can be
rection is toward equilibrium, which is essen- viewed as movements around innovation pos-
tial for ECM stability. sibility surfaces, which encompass all the tech-
The negative coefficient on the long-run own niques which can be developed, given the state
price variable indicates that a decrease in the of scientific knowledge (following Ahmad’s
machinery/labor price ratio generates labor- definition of the innovation possibility curve).
If this meaning is attributed to disequilibria in
Perhaps the most obvious omitted variable is pesticide, which
the system, it implies that long-run equilibrium
does not fit naturally into the model and is most likely to have been
a substitute for labor. Pesticide can be included (it is positively
correlated with the machinery/labor ratio) but only at the cost In this aggregate time series, the farm size measure only varies
of dropping one of the other variables which are more directly with time, so all this establishes is that over time farms get bigger
relevant to the current argument. and use more machinery. The causality issue is pursued later.
608 August 2002 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.
is attained only after the adoption of innova- Figure 2 showed the fertilizer/land factor
tions that are induced by changes in relative ratio net of substitution effects and again there
prices.10 remained a large portion of the change in fac-
Thus, figure 1 showed the machinery/labor tor ratios to be explained by the long-run effect
factor ratio net of own price effects. The figure of the price ratios, public R&D expenditure,
suggests that when factor substitution has been and farm size. The long-run elasticities for the
accounted for, the major proportion of the fertilizer/land equation are less different from
change in factor ratios is still left unexplained. the shorter run, due to the higher adjustment
This remaining portion can be explained by coefficient of −0.44. This gives an elasticity of
the lagged effect of relative prices, causing long-run substitution, around the innovation
technology-induced substitution around the possibility curve, of −0.61 for the full period.
IPC, private R&D expenditures that produced Coincidentally, the elasticity with respect to
the mechanical technologies, and farm size the land/labor price ratio is also −0.61. In the
which also drives the process. Table 4 shows long run, a 1% increase in public R&D changes
that the low speed of adjustment for the the factor ratio by 0.16% and a 1% increase in
machinery/labor equation means that the long- farm size increases the fertilizer/land ratio by
run own price effect, which includes innova- 1.26%.
tions, is almost fifteen times as large as for the The relative shares of factor substitution
shorter run, with a value of 0.84 for the full and technical change, in explaining changes
period and 0.64 for post 1920.11 Similarly, a in the two factor ratios, are summarized in
1% increase in private R&D expenditures will, table 5. Over time, the share of technological
in the long run, increase the machinery/labor change becomes greater, so that in the later pe-
ratio by 0.41%, or 0.72% for the post-1920 riod, factor substitution explains less than 20%
period. Applying a similar model to South of the change in the machinery/labor ratio and
African data Thirtle, Townsend, and van Zyl only one-third of the change in the fertilizer/
found a long-run elasticity of substitution of land ratio. This demonstrates Hayami and
0.47 and an R&D impact of only 0.13%. Ruttan’s proposition that innovations are re-
quired to allow continuing, long-run substitu-
tion, over periods of this length.
The long run here allows for technological change since for the
system to be in “long run” equilibrium the effects of R&D should
The share of technology can be further
have had time to take èffect: this is often called the very long run. decomposed into the effects of relative price
This is well below the estimate of the long-run elasticity of changes, of R&D, and of increases in farm
substitution reported by Kislev and Peterson (1982), which was
−1.7, but it is close to the previous studies they quote, in which size. Although this is perhaps useful, it does
Griliches and Binswanger’s results were around unity. not imply that these are separate effects. The
Thirtle, Schimmelpfennig, and Townsend Induced Innovation in U.S. Agriculture 609
Table 6. Decomposition of Long-Run Tech- and 1982, private R&D and market forces had
nical Change in ECM Results a larger impact on farm size and specialization
in crops than they had in the livestock sector.
Share of Change (%)
Variable Machinery/labor Fertilizer/land
Causality Tests
Own price ratio 38 36
Land-labor The final stage in the procedure is to apply
price ratio – 14 causality tests to the ECMs to ensure that it is
R&D stock 62 22 also true that the price ratios are causally prior
Farm size – 28
to the factor ratios. Causality tests within the
ECM framework can be conducted by testing
the loading matrix in Johansen’s model. If the
R&D generated the price-induced effects matrix has a complete column of zeros, no
and both of these changed farm size, which cointegrating vector will appear in a particular
itself fed back into changing the factor ratios. block of the model, indicating no causal rela-
Thus, all the effects are from R&D, which has tionship. Direct Wald tests on the loading pa-
a direct impact and indirect effects through rameters (Hall and Milne; Hall and Wickens)
prices and farm size. With this proviso, are used to determine these restrictions. The
table 6 shows that private R&D accounts rank tests on the loading matrices, reported in
for almost two-thirds of the change in the table 7 confirm causality from own price ratios
machinery/labor ratio. The own price ratio to factor ratios and indicate that disequilibrium
accounts for the other third and has a very in the machinery/labor factor ratio does not
similar share in explaining the fertilizer/land feed back to the machinery/labor price. There
ratio, but here the direct public R&D share is, however, feedback to private R&D because
falls to 22%, as the land/labor price ratio and both are significant.
farm size also make substantial contributions. This two-way causality is unfortunate since
In summary, to corroborate the induced in- private R&D is causing mechanization and the
novation hypothesis, the crucial requirement machinery/labor ratio is also causing private
is that the coefficients on the lagged own- R&D to increase. So, labor could have been
price terms should be negative and significant, pushed off by mechanization, or pulled off by
which is true in both models. Also, since it is rising urban wages, as suggested by Kislev and
R&D that produces new technologies, its sig- Peterson. This issue remains unresolved and is
nificance in affecting both factor ratios directly, further investigated in the next section.
further corroborates the hypothesis. Finally, The dynamics of the causal relations in the
public R&D was concentrated on biological fertilizer/land system are similar. The results
technology, so it produced land-saving techni- indicate causality from own price ratios to
cal change, whereas much private R&D was in factor ratios and that disequilibrium in the
the farm machinery industry, so it resulted in fertilizer/land factor ratio does not feed back
labor-saving innovations. These roles may not to the fertilizer/land price. There is feedback
be as clear as they once were, since the private from disequilibrium in the fertilizer/land factor
sector has been moving into the biological area ratio to the land/labor price ratio and farm
over the last ten years, to exploit the promise size. This suggests that the land/labor price
of biotechnology. Recent results by Huffman ratio and farm size are not weakly exogenous
and Evenson (2001) show that between 1950 and it may have improved the results to create
Table 7. Causality Tests. Wald Test Results of Zero Restrictions on the Loading Matrix,
Machinery/Labor Factor Ratio Machinery/Labor Price Ratio Stock of Private R&D
3.38 0.1 139.23∗∗
Fertilizer/Land Fertilizer/Land Land/Labor Price Stock of Public
Factor Ratio Price Ratio Ratio R&D Farm size
12.55∗∗ 0.37 3.65∗ 1.73 51.06∗∗
Key: ∗∗ Significant at 99%; ∗ significant at 90%.
610 August 2002 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.
instruments for these variables. This was not sufficient to give white noise errors and labor
done because it was possible to establish coin- is found to be causally prior to machinery at
tegration in both the machinery/labor and lags of two, three and five years, at the 95%
fertilizer/land equations without instrumented confidence level. Testing for reverse causal-
variables. ity, machinery is Granger-prior to labor only
with an eight-year lag. This is reasonable evi-
dence that mechanization is required because
Wage-Pull or Technology-Push? labor leaves, but a second test below is more
The choice between the competing explana- The second two rows show that according
tions of machinery-labor substitution were not to both tests, the machinery/labor factor ratio
resolved above because the causality was two- (M/L) and the ratio of the change in the
way. Kislev and Peterson (1981) and especially manufacturing/farm wage (WU /WR ) are coin-
Peterson and Kislev suggest that labor may tegrated. The coefficients are not interesting,
leave agriculture because of better opportuni- but single-equation Granger causality tests
ties in urban areas, as opposed to being forced show unidirectional causality, with changes
off the farm by mechanization. Table 8 reports in the ratio of urban-to-rural wages causally
the results of cointegration tests intended to prior to the machinery-labor ratio at lags
distinguish between these two causes. 1 through 5, and no reverse causality from the
The first two rows show that the machin- M/L ratio to changes in the ratio of wages at
ery (including animals) and labor series do the same lag lengths with 90% confidence or
cointegrate, according to both tests, for both better. This supports the hypothesis that la-
periods. This implies causality in at least one bor was pulled off the land by the higher in-
direction. If the decline in labor is causally come opportunities in urban areas. Thus the
prior to the increase in machinery, it would technology-push hypothesis is rejected and the
suggest that there is no sense in which labor wage-pull hypothesis is supported by these
was forced off the land by mechanical tech- simple tests, but other unavailable variables,
nology. Conversely, if the rise in the use of such as increasing levels of rural education,
machinery is Granger-prior (1969) to the de- that enable the farm population to move to
cline in labor, then it would seem probable urban jobs, must also have a role.
that the labor was displaced by mechanical in-
novations. The coefficients are not reported
to save space, but single-equation Granger Conclusion
causality tests support the proposition that the
decline in labor is causally prior to mecha-
nization far more strongly than the labor dis- This article tests Hayami and Ruttan’s (1985)
placement argument. Five lags in the VAR are induced innovation hypothesis using annual
data for U.S. agriculture from 1880 to 1990.
The two-stage CES production function leads
Table 8. Wage-Pull versus Technology-Push to estimating equations that directly test the in-
Explanations of Labor Displacement ducement hypothesis, by making factor ratios
(net of factor substitution) functions of factor/
Johansen Test price ratios. The model also incorporates the
(95% Critical Value)a variables that generate new technologies (pub-
Variable Eigenvalue Trace lic and private R&D and extension) and farm
size, which also affect factor-saving biases.
M and L (1882–1990) 20.8 (15.7) 24.7 (20.0) The results corroborate the inducement hy-
M and L (1920–1990) 19.8 (15.7) 29.0 (20.0) pothesis with respect to the role of factor/price
9.2 (9.2) 9.2 (9.2)
M/L and change
ratios in generating long-run changes in factor
in WU /WR 34.3 (15.7) 37.4 (20.0) ratios net of factor substitution. The relation-
(1886–1990) 3.1 (9.2) 3.1 (9.2) ships are shown to cointegrate, the correlation
M/L and change is negative, as predicted and the causality runs
in WU /WR 26.2 (15.7) 28.4 (20.0) from the price ratios to the factor ratios. The
(1920–1990) 2.1 (9.2) 2.1 (9.2) results also show public and private research
a The
expenditures and farm size are further impor-
VAR lengths are 2 over both periods for the M and L equation and 5
over both periods for the change in the wage ratio equation as selected by the
tant determinants of the observed rates and bi-
Schwartz Criterion. ases of technological change. Hence, the biases
Thirtle, Schimmelpfennig, and Townsend Induced Innovation in U.S. Agriculture 611
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612 August 2002 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.
with the BLS Index for Agricultural Machinery and of the BLS series that is available from 1926 to
Equipment from BLS Labstat Series Report, se- 1990. So, from 1926 onward, the BLS index is used;
ries WF0111 (also available in U.S. Department of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment, Table 127,
Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Handbook of in U.S. Department of Labor, BLS, Handbook of
Labor Statistics). The series constructed can be Labor Statistics, Bulleting 2000, 1979. This is up-
viewed as depreciation and running costs for farm dated to 1990 with the BLS Index for Agricultural
machinery and equipment, evaluated using the Machinery and Equipment from BLS Labstat Series
USDA’s rules, but scaled up to allow for the BLS Report, series WF0111.
index treatment of quality improvement.
Price series. Horses and Mules, from Historical
Quantity series. 1880–1950, Horses and Mules, Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to
from Historical Statistics of the United States: Colo- 1970 (annual data from 1867). Both the numbers
nial Times to 1970 (annual data from 1867). 1950–60, and values are given in Series K 195–212, so prices
Agricultural Statistics, various issues. From 1960-90, can be retrieved with no difficulty, and updated to
the figures are only available for the agricultural 1960, using Agricultural Statistics, various issues.
census years, as Hayami and Ruttan (1985) explain. From 1960 to 1990, the figures are only available
These figures are for capital stocks, so to derive a for the agricultural census years, as Hayami and
service flow a constant price value series was gen- Ruttan (1985) explain, so the series used is Feeder
erated and interest was fixed at four percent for the Livestock, Indexes of Prices Paid, from USDA,
Tornguist-Theil weights, which is the figure used in Economics and Statistical Service, Crop Reporting
capital stock calculations by the USDA. The aver- Board, Agricultural Prices: Annual Summary, 1980,
age working life of horses and mules was assumed updated to 1990 from USDA, Agricultural Statistics,
to be eight years, so they are depreciated at 12.5% 1992. Note that by 1960, the share of animals in the
per annum. The running cost element of the service total is only just over 2%, so the errors imparted
flow is taken to be mainly the cost of feed, and a cannot be important.
stall-fed animal is assumed to require three tons of
hay and a ton of oats per annum. However, farm Aggregation. Input and Price series for Animals,
animals may be put out to graze when not working Machinery and Equipment. The approach taken is
intensively, so only an arbitrary 50% of the feed re- to form a value-share weighted aggregate of animal
quirement was incorporated. This intake is valued and mechanical power service flows. The shares be-
at a constant price and added to the depreciation, gin at two thirds to one third in 1880, but machinery
to complete the service flow of horses and mules. overtakes in 1915 and by 1990 the animals account
for only a little over 1% of the total value.
Price series. Machinery and Equipment. These
figures follow the approach of Hayami and Ruttan R&D and Extension
(1985), Table C-2. 1880–1890, Warren-Pearson
Wholesale Price Index for Metal and Metal Prod- Public R&D from Huffman and Evenson (1993).
ucts, From Historical Statistics. 1890–1910, BLS The figures for 1880–87 were extrapolated. Private
Wholesale Price Index for Metal and Metal Prod- R&D from Huffman and Evenson (1993). The fig-
ucts, From Historical Statistics. 1910–60, Farm Ma- ures are decennial until 1956, then annual. Pub-
chinery, Indexes of Average Prices, Table 85, in, lic Extension From Huffman and Evenson (1993).
USDA, ERS, Statistical Bulletin No.368, Costs and The series for total extension begins at 1915. From
Returns on Commerical Farms: Long Term Study, 1888 to 1915, the extension series is assumed to
updated to 1990 from Table 16, USDA Database be collinear with the expenditures of the Office of
at the Albert R. Mann Library at Cornell Univer- Experiment Stations (Huffman and Evenson 1993,
sity (USDA.MANNLIB.CORNELL.EDU). How- Table 4.2). The figures for 1880–87 were extrapo-
ever, the USDA series lack the quality adjustment lated.