Agriculture, 1939-77: A Translog Cost Function Analysis of U.8
Agriculture, 1939-77: A Translog Cost Function Analysis of U.8
Agriculture, 1939-77: A Translog Cost Function Analysis of U.8
Agriculture, 1939-77
Subhash C. Ray
The translog cost function provides a convenient framework for analyzing U.S.
agricultural production in a multioutput context. Treating crops and livestock as two
distinct outputs, this study utilizes standard results of neoclassical duality theory to
obtain measures of pairwise elasticities of substitution between inputs, price elasticities
Over the past four decades major changes
have occurred in U.S. agriculture. A new era
(1) In C = In k + L a, In qi
in agricultural production in the United States
began in 1939. World War II gave a boost to m m n
agriculture still bogged in the depression. Pro- + ILL di j In qi • In qj + L b; In Wr
i=lj=l r=l
ductivity increases over the period 1939-77
have been quite impressive. Measured crudely n n
by the ratio of the indices of output and input, + ILL irs In Wr • In W s
the productivity index (1967 = 1(0) increased r=ls=1
from 59 in 1939 to 119 in 1977. To study this m n
phenomenon, a multi-input translog cost func-
tion incorporating Hicks-neutral technical
+ LL gir In a. . In W r + hT.
i=1 r=1
change (HNTC) was specified. Annual time-
series data for the United States was used to Here C is cost, qi is output of product i, w, is
estimate the model. Neoclassical duality the- the price of input r, and T is an annual index of
ory provides an approach for computing the time. This translog (dual) cost function can be
pairwise elasticities of substitution between regarded as a quadratic approximation to the
inputs for each year as well as the annual unspecified "true" cost function. In this con-
(own- and cross-) price elasticities of demand text, di j = dji and j., = Isr for all i.j,s, and r.
for inputs. Any sensible cost function must be
homogenous of degree 1 in input prices. In the
translog function (1), this requires that
The Translog Cost Function for Multiple Out- n n
puts L b; = 1, L Isr = 0 (r = 1,2, ... , n) and
r=1 s=1
The m-output-n-input translog cost function Lgir =0 (r = 1,2, ... n). Essentially, the
incorporating Hicks-neutral technical change i=1
(HNTC) is same set of restrictions on parameters follows
from the "adding up" requirement of the fac-
Subhash C. Ray is a visiting lecturer, Department of Economics, tor shares.
University of California, Santa Barbara. The translog form is flexible because
The author is grateful to an anonymous referee for valuable specific features of technology (like returns to
comments on an earlier version of this paper and is indebted to
Thomas Cooley for suggestions for improvement. All remaining scale or homotheticity) may be tested by ex-
errors are the author's responsibility. amining the estimated model parameters.
index of all commodities purchased for farm try to test for such linear homogeneity in the
production (w s ) ' The trend variable, T, in- cost function taking the equation (1) sepa-
cluded as an explanatory variable to capture rately as a single-equation model. This, al-
HNTC starts with T = 39 for 1939 and in- though theoretically possible, proved to be
creases by 1 annually. impractical in our case due to severe mul-
The dependent variables are as follows: ticollinearity.
SI is (total wages paid to hired labor) A test for profit-maximizing behavior was
(farm production expenses); illustrated by Appelbaum. He imposed linear
S2' (repairs and operation expenses on capi- homogeneity on the cost-function parameters,
tal items + depreciation and other consump- adding up restrictions on share-equation pa-
tion of farm capital + taxes on farm property rameters separately and then tested for
+ interest on farm mortgages + net rent paid uniqueness of parameters across equations. It
to nonfarm landlords) -:- (farm production ex- was assumed that if firms really maximized
penses); profits (and were efficient in the neoclassical
Table 1. Estimated Coefficients of the Trans- sical duality theory to compute these elas-
log Cost Function ticities of substitution from the data using es-
timated parameters. Uzawa showed that in a
(Asymptotic) profit-maximizing, competitive model, the
Parameter Value t Ratio
Allen partial elasticities of substitution be-
k (intercept) -7.150465 -1.1201 tween inputs i andj can be derived from the
r (trend) -0.018004 -9.9244 (dual) cost function as
al 1.152584 3.0331
a2 1.170444 2.2545 Sij = (iJ 2 c / aw/JWj . C)/(aC/aWi . ac/aWj).
d ll 0.038830 0.5493
d 12 -0.139765 -1.9625 In the translog model, we obtain
d 22 0.022331 0.1869
b1 0.595642 4.3981 (4) Sij = (lij + Si . Sj)/(Si . Sj).
b2 0.780157 4.0054
b3 0.104822 1.6336 In equation (4) the hats indicate estimated
1939 0.8546 4.6947 1.5196 -0.4423 1.2192 0.3137 1.5857 -0.2677 -6.5114 -0.9661
1949 0.8035 5.2288 1.4198 -0.9056 1.2334 0.4834 1.7205 0.1438 -7.2964 -0.5339
1959 0.7542 5.5655 1.4974 -1.1354 1.2057 0.5006 1.6592 0.2851 -5.5520 -0.3295
1969 0.6722 6.2039 1.6595 -1.4686 1.1776 0.4984 1.5773 0.3898 -3.5189 -0.1885
1977 0.6196 6.9961 1.8846 -1.5140 1.1667 0.4522 1.4787 0.3344 -3.0374 -0.1094
Mean 0.7482 5.7250 1.5272 -1.1473 1.2117 0.4865 1.6607 0.2249 -5.9461 -1.0278
Note: $12 is elasticity of substitution between labor and capital; $13 is elasticity of substitution between labor and fertilizers; S14 is elasticity
of substitution between labor and feed, seed, and livestock; SUI is elasticity of substitution between labor and miscellaneous inputs; S23 is
elasticity of substitution between capital and fertilizers; $24 is elasticity of substitution between capital and feed, seed, and livestock; Sn is
elasticity of substitution between capital and miscellaneous inputs; $34 is elasticity of substitution between fertilizers and feed, seed, and
livestock; $35 is elasticity of substitution between fertilizers and feed, seed, and livestock; $35 is elasticity of substitution between
fertilizers and miscellaneous inputs; $45 is elasticity of substitution between feed, seed, and livestock and miscellaneous inputs.
Ray Translog Cost Analysis of u.s. Agriculture 495
of the cost elasticities with respect to output. be used to obtain the marginal costs of each
If only one output (qi) is varied, while other output, using the relation
outputs and input prices are held constant, the (8) Me.• = (I/SCE.) . (C/qi) (. 1 2)
partial scale economy may be measured as . . I = , .
Next, consider nonjointness in the outputs.
In the absence of jointness in production, the
This is the inverse of the revenue share of marginal cost of one output is independent of
output i defined in equation (3). The overall the production of the other. Stated rigorously
scale economy is obtained as SCE = in the translog model, the condition for non-
[I i (1/ S CE i )]- I . It may be shown that for jointness is d l 2 = - a la2' This is a nonlinear
any given proportionate increase in each out- restriction and not directly tested in this linear
put simultaneously, the computed value of model. However, from the estimated param-
SCE is greater than 1, when total costs in- eters, dl 2 = -0.139765 whereas al • a2 =
crease by a lower proportion than the outputs. 1.349035. This is not a conclusive test, but it
Similarly, SCE is less than 1 when costs in- does suggest that non-jointness of the two
crease by a greater proportion than outputs. outputs does not hold.)"
The overall scale economy may thus be inter- Finally, consider Hicks-neutral technical
preted as measuring the returns to scale in a change. The rate of technical change in U.S.
multiproduct situation. In this particular agriculture captured by the HNTC coefficient
study, the scale economies relate to variable on the time variable measured up to 1.8% per
costs only. The partial and overall scale econ- year. It is statistically very significant, and
omies are reported for selected years in table
5. The computed values of SCEi (i = 1,2) may 2 Noniointness of the outputs would require that the marginal
cost of one should be independent of the level of production of the
Table S. Partial and Overall Scale Economies other, i.e.,
(Selected Years) iJ(MCj)/iJqJ = tflC/iJqjiJqJ = 0
(for all i andj). It may be shown that when the above condition
Year SCE! (Livestock) SC& (Crop) SCE (Overall) holds, we obtain the relation,
1939 1.2003 1.3517 0.6357 iJ2lnC/ iJlnql . iJlnq2 = -(iJInC/iJlnql) . (iJlnC/iJlnq2)'
1949 1.2050 1.4278 0.6534
1959 1.3273 1.5237 0.7094 This is a necessary condition for nonjointness and must hold for all
levels ofq and w. If we setqj = W r = 1 for alli andr, the condition
1969 1.5205 1.6313 0.7870 reduces to d l2 = -ala 2. Note that this is a necessary but not a
1977 1.7044 1.6340 0.8342 sufficient condition for nonjointness.
496 August 1982 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.
may be compared with other estimates of pro- (e) The overall scale economy is less than 1,
ductivity increase. Schultz found that during implying that the average variable costs rise
the period 1910-50 (at 1946-48 prices) the when both outputs increase.
index of productivity measured by the ratio of (j) Nonhomotheticity of technology (evi-
output to input indexes in agriculture in- denced by the F-tests) indicate that the cost
creased at a 1.35% annual rate. For the subpe- function is not multiplicatively separable in
riod 1924-50, the annual growth rate was 2%. outputs and input prices. This violates Sol-
Such simple measures incorporate both tech- ow's condition for the existence of an aggre-
nological changes and factor substitution due gate production function for U.S. agriculture.
to price changes. We also computed a similar We may compare these findings with those
exponential trend using data from U. S. De- of Binswanger, who also used a translog ap-
partment of Agriculture (USDA) Statistical proximation for the cost function for U.S. ag-
Bulletin No. 612, obtaining an annual HNTC riculture. There are some major differences
rate of 1.77%. The measure of technological between his model and ours. He estimated a
real estate and machinery prices along with an growth rate of productivity sustained over de-
interest rate of 16% in 1982 would cause this cades is quite impressive.
price index of capital to increase to 999.8. We The overall scale economies computed from
further assume that farm wages would rise by the cost function indicate that while U.S. ag-
12% and fertilizers price by 10% during 1979- riculture operated under diminishing returns,
82. In that case it would cost in 1982 about the returns to scale factor increased over time.
72% more to produce the same amounts of The cost function was tested for homothe-
crops and livestock as in 1977. ticity and rejection of this property indicates
Using these projected prices we find that the that aggregation of different outputs into a
marginal cost of livestocks and crops [com- single index of agricultural production is in-
puted using equation (8)] would be $830.1 mil- valid. Further, it was found that there is joint-
lion and $690 million, respectively, in 1982. If ness in the production of crops and livestock
prices are to correspond to marginal costs, the in the sense that the marginal cost of one is
livestock price index should rise by 66% and influenced by the output of the other. In this
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