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International Journal of Environment and Climate Change

12(10): 991-996, 2022; Article no.IJECC.87918

ISSN: 2581-8627
(Past name: British Journal of Environment & Climate Change, Past ISSN: 2231–4784)

Physico-Chemical Analysis of Groundwater of

Shekhawati Vicinity of Rajasthan (Pre-Monsoon)
Hari Ram a*, N. P. Lamba a and Praveen Kumar a
Department of Chemistry, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur (Raj), India.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final

Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/IJECC/2022/v12i1030889

Open Peer Review History:

This journal follows the Advanced Open Peer Review policy. Identity of the Reviewers, Editor(s) and additional Reviewers,
peer review comments, different versions of the manuscript, comments of the editors, etc are available here:

Received 03 April 2022

Accepted 06 June 2022
Original Research Article
Published 15 June 2022


The Shekhawati regions constitute of Sikar, Neemkathana and Khandela areas of Rajasthan
where actually exist various types of groundwater problems. Due to this reason, there are various
diseases found in these regions such as Fluorosis, methaemoglobinaemia etc. For this purpose,
samples from the Shekhawati region in Rajasthanwere first collected and subsequently various
parameters such as pH, EC, TDS, Total Hardness, Total Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, Magnesium
- -
Hardness, Chloride content, NO3 content, F content were determined. The study showed that many
of the all given parameters were either lower or higher than the ideal limits prescribed by WHO and
ISI and are causing health problems to the people living in the region.

Keywords: Groundwater; physico-chemical parameters; Shekhawati region.

1. INTRODUCTION mountains, glaciers and difficult terrains. Only1%

is available in the form of fresh water [2].
Water is the precious natural resources, and is Groundwater is easily available to us for drinking,
used for drinking, irrigation, washing, bathing and agricultural, industrial and domestic purposes
without it, we cannot think of life on earth [1]. 97 and henceis useful to animals and humans [3].
% of the earth’s water supply is in the oceans. The only resource of water is fresh water.
Only 3% of fresh water is available in which one Surface water is water present in rivers or lakes
third is inaccessible as it is being locked up in the and in wetland which is naturally replenishment

*Corresponding author: E-mail: hrkurichemistry@gmail.com;

Ram and Lamba; IJECC, 12(10): 991-996, 2022; Article no.IJECC.87918

by precipitation or naturally lost through District and studied different water quality
discharge to the oceans, evaporation and ground parameters, such like pH, Electrical
seepage. Surface water is having combination of Conductivity, TDS, TH, DO, calcium,
O2, inorganic nutrients etc and it is the sunlight magnesium, sodium, potassium,
which supports different life forms in the water, carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate,
including algae, bacteria, fungi, small insects nitrate and fluoride content. Electrical
and fish [4]. Conductivity, TDS, nitrate, chloride and
fluoride content in some samples are found
Rajasthan state is having a climate of to be more than desired range in sikar
prominently low rain-fall, intense summers with district.
very high temperatures, high day to day variation 2. S. Gupta and P. Kumar [11] studiedwater
of temperatures and low dimness and high quality of 136 villages during the period
evaporation. Rajasthan states is one Indian state January 2009 to January 2012 in
with complex agro-climatic zones and is in urgent Jhunjhunu district, Rajasthan. It was found
need of enlarge groundwater resources [5]. that 152 patients were suffering from Blue
Moreover, increase in population and baby syndrome (methaemoglobiemia).
urbanization leads to groundwater depletion. 3. M. S kurdi [12] Physico-chemical and fitful
Thus, groundwater study plays an important role variations under anthropogenic activities,
in estimation, observation, planning, in two consecutive years were studied. The
development and combined Water Resources bacteriological analysis included total
Management in Rajasthan state because the viable counts (TVC), total coli forms (TC),
Rajasthan State of 33 districts have been fecal coli forms (FC) and fecal streptococci
affected area by fluorosis [6]. The Blocks of Sikar (FS). The physicochemical factors included
district, (Sikar, Neemkathana and Khandela) are pH, temperature, conductivity, TDS,
the main hotspots for drinking water and also the dissolved oxygen (DO), (BOD) and (COD).
quick increment in the human population, the The pure bacterial isolates belonged to the
study on drinking water management is not families obacteriaceae, micrococcaceae,
sufficient. A qualitative study of drinking water is pseudomonadaceae and bacillaceae.
needed to be done [7]. 4. U. Barwar [13] studied groundwater from
the Fatehpur area (district Sikar) and the
The man objective of this studyis to find out the samples were collected from the different
groundwater quality in the critical zones of locations and analyzed for their physco-
Rajasthan. Since there are no Surface water chemical parameters such as
Sources in the Sikar District, the only Source of Temperature, pH, EC, TDS, Total
drinking water is underground water. The hardness, dissolved oxygen, Calcium
underground water table varies from 50 meter to hardness, Magnesium hardness,
250 meter. Due to scanty rainfall, the recharging Bicarbonate, Carbonate, Na+, K+, Cl-,
of groundwater is much less [8]. The available SO42-, NO3- and F-. The study was
groundwater quality in some Blocks (Sikar, carried out to demonstrate the advantage
Neemkathana and Khandela)of the district is very of multi- component data analyses.
poor. 5. H.Kanwar et al. [14] studiedvariation in the
physic-chemical parameters in
1.1 Area of Study groundwater quality of Amer tehsil, Jaipur
Study area Shekhawati region (27,527 km )
2 in Pre- and Post-monsoon phase of the
includes the districts of Sikar, Jhunjhunu and year 2017. Groundwater quality of
Churu in Rajasthan state of India.Shekhawati parameters such as pH, electrical
division of Rajasthan is administered by 13 conductivity, Hardness, Alkalinity,
blocks and 13 Tehsils.The geographical and Phosphate, Cl-, SO42-, NO3- and F- were
historical area is of 11,151 sq. km that study to analyze the drinkable groundwater
constitutes the north eastern part of Rajasthan quality of the area.
state which covers approximately 3.3% of the 6. S. K. Verma et al. [15] studied the Quality
State [9]. Index of Drinking Water in Ganeshwar and
Chala Villages of Neemkathana Block,
2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Sikar District. It was not of a good quality
for drinking purposes. The drinking water
1. R. Shyam andG.S. Kalwania [10] studied quality TDS level of Ganeshwar and Chala
Ground water samples,collected from Sikar villages found higher than the sufficient

Ram and Lamba; IJECC, 12(10): 991-996, 2022; Article no.IJECC.87918

limit of 500 mg/L. This study gave a 1280-1750 ppm which is slightly lower
direction for researchers in this area and andhigher than the allowable limit. The high
facilitates the reason to analyze the TDS Indicated that drinking water is highly
sickness in the area due to these abnormal mineralized. If human body is allowed to
Physico-chemical parameters. take water with large TDS content, it will be
expose body to various chemical, toxic and
3. MATERIALS AND METHODS may cause chronic health problems in lever,
kidney and even can cause cancer.
3.1 Sample Collection and 4. Total Alkalinity:- According WHO and ISI
Physiochemical Investigations standards for drinking water, the desirable
limit of alkalinity is 200-600 mg/L and in
In present investigation 24 ground water samples Shekhawati region consisting of Sikar,
were collected in Blocks (Khandela, Neemkathana and Khandela of Rajasthan,
Neemkathana and Sikar) from the tube wells and it varies from 390-910 ppm which is
bore wells. Polythene bottles of 2.5 L capacity considered as high range. The
were thoroughly cleaned with hydrochloric acid, highalkalinityin water can make people to
washed with tap water until rendered free of acid suffer from nausea and vomiting disease.
and then with distilled water twice and finally 5. Total Hardness:- Hardness is one the
rinsed with the water sample to be collected in important properties of drinking water.
the session (July2019 to January 2019) Pre and According to WHO and ICMR Permissible
post Monsoon. limit oftotal Hardness of drinking water is
500 mg/l [17]. Total hardness in
In present investigation complete chemical Shekhawati region consisting of Sikar,
analysis [16] including determination of various Seemkathana and Khandela of Rajasthan
parameters like, pH, EC, TDS are calculated and state varies from 185-410 ppm which is
Total Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Calcium + quite higher than the ideal limit.Hard water
Magnesium Hardness and Chloride were studied is harmful to the health of humans as it
- -
by Titrametric MethodwhereasNO3 and F content contains soap level released from houses,
were determined by Spectrophotometric method laundries and textile plants. It also has
and Ion Selective method. effect on human body particularly muscle
cramps & blood pressure.
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 6. Calcium hardness:- Calcium is essential
element of drinking water and has
The analysis of physico-chemical parameter important rolein bone building.According to
reported in Tables 1-3. WHO and ISI standards for drinking water,
the desirable limit of calcium is 75 mg/L
1. PH:- pH regulates biological functions and and in Shekhawati region consisting of
can inhibit some biological processes. The Sikar, Neemkathana and Khandela of
pH range of 6.5-8.5 is considered normal Rajasthan, calcium concentration is found
and in the Shekhawati region of Rajasthan from 80-200 ppm which is a bit higher than
state consisting of Sikar, Neemkathana ideal range. Large calcium content in
and khandela the pHranged from 7.1 to 8.2 drinking water may negatively influence the
which is considered as normal. human health as it causes irritation and
2. Electrical Conductivity:-The permissible abnormalities in skin, eyes and in
limit of EC is 2100ms/cm and in the mucousmembrane.
Shekhawati region consisting of Sikar and 7. Magnesium hardness:- As the maximum
Neemkathana normal range is 1595-2050 relaxable limit of magnesium is 100 ppm
ms/cm and in khandela, it was in high and in Shekhawati region consisting of
range of 2140-2280 ms/cm in Sikar, Neemkathana and Khandela of
Rajasthanstate. The specific conductivity is Rajasthan, it varies from 190-290ppm
responsible for heart stroke and disturbing which is slightly above than the normal
osmotic pressure of bodyregions. limit. After Calcium, it is the most
3. TDS:-The desirable concentration of TDS is commonly found cation in oceans. Human
less than 500 ppm and maximum allowable body contains about 25 g of magnesium, of
limit is 1500 ppm and in Shekhawati region which 60% is present in the bones and
consisting of Sikar, Neemkathana and 40% is present in muscles and other
Khandela of Rajasthan state it varies from tissues [18]. The large oral doses of

Ram and Lamba; IJECC, 12(10): 991-996, 2022; Article no.IJECC.87918

magnesium may cause vomiting and Neemkathana and Khandela of Rajasthan;

diarrhoea. it varies from 22-97 mg/L depicting the
8. Chloride (Cl ):- Chloride is one of the high nitrite concentration present. It was
major inorganic anions in drinking water. found that it effected 204 patients in this
The highest desirable limit of chloride in area.
drinking water is 250-1000 ppm and in 10. Fluoride (F ):- According to ISI and WHO,
Shekhawati region consisting of Sikar, the permissible limit of fluoridecontent in
Neemkathana and Khandela of Rajasthan drinking water is 1.0 - 1.5mg/L. High
state, it varies from 290-511 ppm which is concentration of fluoride, cause fluorosis
considered as desirable limit. which affects the teeth and bones. Chronic
9. Nitrites (NO3 ):- According to ISI and high-level of fluoride can lead to skeletal
WHO, the permissible limit of nitrate in fluorosis which include stiffness and pain in
drinking water is 45 mg/L.TheNO3 then the joints [11]. Fluoride above 4ppm is
combines with the hemoglobin of blood to considered as hazardous. In Shekhawati
form methemoglobinemia, which interferes region consisting of Sikar, Neemkathana
with the O2 carrying capacity of the blood. and Khandela of Rajasthan, it varies from
The disease produced is called 1.6-3.8 mg/L.The present research study
methaemoglobinaemia (Blue Baby revealed that fluoride concentration was
Syndrome). Symptoms include shortness found more than 1.5 ppm in different water
of breath and blue coloration of skin. The samples. From the total, 1139 patients
ideal range is of 5-10 ppm and in were affected by the fluorosis (Dental
shekhawati region consisting of Sikar, Skeletal and leg fluorosis).

Table 1. Physicochemical parameters of groundwater of Shekhawati region, Sikar

- - -
S. No. Sample pH EC TDS Alk. T.H Ca-H Mg-H NO3 Cl F
1 W1 7.2 1820 1410 420 310 120 190 40 310 2.2
2 W2 7.2 1810 1415 440 320 110 210 52 290 2.2
3 W3 7.6 2050 1750 530 410 165 245 35 290 2.5
4 W4 7.4 1960 1680 510 390 175 215 30 420 2.4
5 W5 7.5 1960 1680 550 370 145 225 45 380 2.4
6 W6 7.6 1970 1700 470 410 200 210 22 350 2.2
7 W7 8.0 1990 1750 680 320 100 220 49 340 3.8
8 W8 8.1 1980 1750 650 320 120 200 78 360 2.7

Table 2. Physicochemical parameters of groundwater of Shekhawati region, Khandela

- - -
S. No. Name pH EC TDS Alk. T.H Ca-H Mg-H NO3 Cl F
1 W1 7.9 2210 1490 910 240 110 130 46 410 2.1
2 W2 7.3 2190 1450 750 205 95 110 72 410 1.9
3 W3 7.8 2240 1770 610 210 105 105 62 511 2.2
4 W4 7.7 2230 1890 615 215 110 105 66 390 3.6
5 W5 8.1 2140 1410 710 235 115 120 48 510 2.6
6 W6 8.2 2205 1800 650 240 115 125 43 420 1.9
7 W7 8.0 2180 1590 570 225 110 115 69 460 2.5
8 W8 7.9 2280 1420 580 185 90 195 52 390 2.7

Table 3. Physicochemical parameters of groundwater of Shekhawati region, Neemkathana

- - -
S. No. Name pH EC TDS Alk. T.H Ca-H Mg-H NO3 Cl F
1 W1 7.4 1810 1350 410 310 90 220 97 350 2.9
2 W2 7.9 1790 1310 450 330 80 250 49 320 2.8
3 W3 7.1 1750 1460 390 300 90 210 22 415 2.3
4 W4 7.8 1800 1470 440 380 120 260 44 340 2.1
5 W5 7.7 1680 1370 580 300 110 190 56 360 1.6
6 W6 7.9 1670 1510 510 370 120 250 66 410 3.7
7 W7 7.4 1715 1290 380 370 80 290 32 380 2.6
8 W8 7.5 1595 1280 390 360 80 280 43 390 2.7

Ram and Lamba; IJECC, 12(10): 991-996, 2022; Article no.IJECC.87918

Fig. 1. Graphical representations of different physico-chemical parameters

5. CONCLUSION NO3 and alkalinitywere higher than the desirable
limits. Whereas in the Khandela region pH, TDS,
- -
In this study, various physic-chemical parameters Cl and F are lying in normal range and MG-H,
were studied and analyzed. It was found that in Ca-H, NO3 , alkalinity, EC and T.H are higher
- -
Sikar region, pH, EC, Cl , and F are lying in than the desirable limit and at last in
- -
normal range whereas Mg-H, Ca-H, TDS, TH, Neemkathana region pH, EC, TDS,Cl and F are

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© 2022 Ram and Lamba; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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