Iso 7214 2012

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Fourth edition

Cellular plastics — Polyethylene —

Methods of test
Plastiques alvéolaires — Polyéthylène — Méthodes d’essai


ISO 7214:2012

Reference number
ISO 7214:2012(E)

© ISO 2012
ISO 7214:2012(E)


ISO 7214:2012


© ISO 2012
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s
member body in the country of the requester.
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Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
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Published in Switzerland

ii  © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved

ISO 7214:2012(E)

Contents Page

Foreword............................................................................................................................................................................. iv
1 Scope....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references.......................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Test specimens..................................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Conditioning.......................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 Atmosphere during test...................................................................................................................................... 2
6 Measurement of dimensions............................................................................................................................. 2
7 Mandatory tests.................................................................................................................................................... 3
7.1 Apparent density.................................................................................................................................................. 3
7.2 Compressive stress............................................................................................................................................. 3
7.3 Compression set.................................................................................................................................................. 3
7.4 Tensile strength and elongation....................................................................................................................... 3
7.5 Dimensional stability at elevated temperature............................................................................................. 3
7.6 Water absorption.................................................................................................................................................. 4
7.7 Burning characteristics...................................................................................................................................... 5
8 Optional tests........................................................................................................................................................ 5
8.1 Dynamic cushioning performance.................................................................................................................. 5
8.2 Compressive creep.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Thermal conductivity........................................................................................................................................... 6
8.4 Water-vapour transmission............................................................................................................................... 6
8.5 (
Dynamic stiffness................................................................................................................................................. 6
8.6 Cell count................................................................................................................................................................ 6
8.7 Tear strength..........................................................................................................................................................
ISO 7214:2012 6
8.8 Permanent set after repeated compression.................................................................................................. 7
9 7c23d74a9a5f/iso-7214-2012
Test report.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Annex A (normative) Cell count procedure................................................................................................................ 10

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ISO 7214:2012(E)


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 7214 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 61, Plastics, Subcommittee SC 10, Cellular plastics.

This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 7214:2007). Figure 1, which was dimensionally
incorrect in the previous edition, has been replaced by Figure 2 from ISO 34-1:2010.


ISO 7214:2012

iv  © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved


Cellular plastics — Polyethylene — Methods of test

1 Scope

1.1 This International Standard specifies methods for testing flexible and semi-rigid cellular plastics made from
polyethylene. Cellular plastics containing copolymers of ethylene or blends of polymers with polyethylene may
also be tested by the procedures of this International Standard provided these materials have characteristics
similar to polyethylene as described in ISO 1872-1, or copolymers of ethylene as described in ISO 4613-1.

1.2 Mandatory tests suitable for characterization of cellular polyethylene, regardless of end use, are described in
Clause 7. Optional tests for the determination of properties that are relevant to certain uses are described in Clause 8.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document
(including any amendments) applies.

ISO 845:2006, Cellular plastics and rubbers — Determination of apparent density

ISO 1663, Rigid cellular plastics — Determination of water vapour transmission properties
ISO 1798, Flexible cellular polymeric materials — Determination of tensile strength and elongation at break

ISO 1856, Flexible cellular polymeric materials

Determination of compression set
ISO 1872-1, Plastics — Polyethylene (PE) moulding and extrusion materials — Part 1: Designation system and
basis for specifications

ISO 1923, Cellular plastics and rubbers — Determination of linear dimensions

ISO 2796, Cellular plastics, rigid — Test for dimensional stability

ISO 2896, Rigid cellular plastics — Determination of water absorption

ISO 3386-1, Polymeric materials, cellular flexible — Determination of stress-strain characteristics in

compression — Part 1: Low-density materials

ISO 3582, Flexible cellular polymeric materials — Laboratory assessment of horizontal burning characteristics
of small specimens subjected to a small flame

ISO 4613-1, Plastics — Ethylene/vinyl acetate (E/VAC) moulding and extrusion materials — Part 1: Designation
and specification

ISO 4651, Cellular rubbers and plastics — Determination of dynamic cushioning performance

ISO 7850:1986, Cellular plastics, rigid — Determination of compressive creep

ISO 8301, Thermal insulation — Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties —
Heat flow meter apparatus

ISO 8302, Thermal insulation — Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties —
Guarded hot plate apparatus

ISO 8497, Thermal insulation — Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties of thermal
insulation for circular pipes

© ISO 2012 – All rights reserved  1

ISO 7214:2012(E)

ISO 9772, Cellular plastics — Determination of horizontal burning characteristics of small specimens subjected
to a small flame

3 Test specimens
The specimens shall be cut so that the edges are clean and the sides are planar and normal to the surface. The
specimens shall be cut from the sample so that a representative value is determined for each physical property
investigated. With anisotropic samples, take specimens in the appropriate direction.

Clauses 7 and 8 outline the requirements for the number of specimens, their shape and their dimensions.
Unless otherwise required by a specific test method, the surfaces of the specimens shall be the same as the
surface of the material in normal use.

4 Conditioning
Unless otherwise specified in Clause 7 or 8, specimens shall be conditioned for a minimum of 24 h at

(23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 10) % relative humidity,


(23 ± 5) °C and 50 +−20

10 % relative humidity,


(27 ± 5) °C and 65 +−20
% relative humidity.

ISO 7214:2012
NOTE Some materials may require up to 30 days ageing after manufacture for the physical properties to stabilize.
5 Atmosphere during test
Unless otherwise specified, testing shall be carried out under the following conditions:

(23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 10) % relative humidity,


(23 ± 5) °C and 50 +−20

10 % relative humidity,


(27 ± 5) °C and 65 +−20

10 % relative humidity.

6 Measurement of dimensions
All measurements shall be taken in accordance with ISO 1923 unless the specimens are not planar over the
area of measurement (e.g. because they have been cut from curved articles). With non-planar specimens,
dimensions not exceeding 30 mm shall be measured using a hand-held dial gauge with a circular 20-mm-
diameter foot. A maximum of 1 kPa pressure can be applied to the foot of the hand-held dial gauge, provided
that the deformation of the specimen is less than the required accuracy of measurement.

2  © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved

ISO 7214:2012(E)

7 Mandatory tests

7.1 Apparent density

Determine the apparent density in accordance with ISO 845.

For specimens that are 15 mm thick or less, the requirement for the minimum volume of the specimen specified
in subclause 5.1 of ISO 845:2006 shall be amended to 15 cm3.

A dial gauge with measuring surface of 10 cm2, as specified in ISO 1923, shall be used for measurement of
thicknesses not greater than 15 mm.

7.2 Compressive stress

Determine the compressive stress in accordance with ISO 3386-1.

Test specimens shall be a minimum of 10 mm thick. For thinner materials, stack individual specimens to attain
the minimum 10 mm thickness.

The test shall be conducted in such a way that the rate of compression is (50 ± 10) % of the initial specimen
thickness per minute.

Determine the compressive stress during the first compression.

Determine the compressive stress at 10 %, 25 % and 50 % deformation.

7.3 Compression set
Determine the compression set in accordance with ISO 1856.
ISO 7214:2012
Compress the specimen to a deformation of 25 % of its original thickness for 22 h.
Measure the thickness after a 30 min and 7c23d74a9a5f/iso-7214-2012
a 24 h recovery period.

7.4 Tensile strength and elongation

Determine the tensile strength and elongation at break in accordance with ISO 1798.

The speed of the grip of the test machine shall be (500 ± 50) mm/min.

For materials manufactured at less than 10 mm thickness, test the material in the thickness supplied. For
materials 10 mm thick or more, test the material at (10 ± 1) mm thickness.

7.5 Dimensional stability at elevated temperature

7.5.1 Method A

Determine the dimensional stability at elevated temperature in accordance with ISO 7850:1986, procedure A.

The specimen thickness shall be a minimum of 20 mm. For materials manufactured at 20 mm or greater
thickness, test the material as manufactured. For materials manufactured at less than 20 mm thickness, stack
specimens to provide the minimum 20 mm thickness required.

Determine the temperature at which the thickness changes by more than 5 % by carrying out the creep test
(ISO 7850) for 7 days with an applied stress of 40 kPa, increasing the test temperature at 5 °C intervals until
the thickness change during the test exceeds 5 %.

© ISO 2012 – All rights reserved  3

ISO 7214:2012(E)

7.5.2 Method B

Determine the dimensional stability at elevated temperature in accordance with ISO 2796, using (70 ± 5) °C
and (20 ± 1) h.

Specimens shall be (150 ± 5) mm × (150 ± 5) mm square and flat, with parallel upper and lower faces. The
thickness shall be that of the material as manufactured.

It is recommended that both vertical and horizontal dimensional change be measured.

7.6 Water absorption

7.6.1 Method A — For specimens greater than 25 mm thick

Determine the water absorption in accordance with ISO 2896.

The specimen thickness shall be that of the material as manufactured.

7.6.2 Method B — For specimens not more than 25 mm thick Specimens

For materials without skins:

Following the requirements of ISO 1923, cut out three specimens (100 ± 5) mm wide and (100 ± 5) mm long.
The thickness shall be that of the material as manufactured.
For materials with a skin on one or both surfaces:

Following the requirements of ISO 1923, cut out threeISO test7214:2012

samples (120 ± 5) mm long and (120 ± 5) mm wide, of
the thickness of the material as manufactured, and mark on each a 100 mm square defining the test specimens.
7c23d74a9a5f/iso-7214-2012 Apparatus Water tub and alcohol tub, large enough for the test specimens/test samples to be immersed at
least 50 mm below the surface of the liquid. Air-circulation drying oven, capable of maintaining a temperature of (60 ± 2) °C. Balance, capable of measuring the mass of the specimens to within ±1 %. Procedure

Immerse the test specimens/test samples (50 ± 5) mm beneath the surface of the water, using a piece of wire
gauze to hold them under the surface, for (24 ± 0,5) h. Remove them from the water and immerse them in ethyl
alcohol (concentration at least 95 %) for (5 ± 1) s.

For materials without skins, remove the specimens from the alcohol, air-dry at (60 ± 2) °C for (5 ± 0,5) min, and
weigh immediately. Then dry at (60 ± 2) °C for (24 ± 0,5) h and weigh each specimen again.

For materials with a skin layer on one or both surfaces, remove the test samples from the alcohol and air dry
at (60 ± 2) °C for (5 ± 0,5) min. Immediately cut out (100 ± 5) mm wide and (100 ± 5) mm long test specimens
by cutting along the marked lines, and weigh them. Then dry at (60 ± 2) °C for (24 ± 0,5) h and weigh each
specimen again.

4  © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved

ISO 7214:2012(E) Calculation Calculate the water absorption Qv (g/cm3) or Qs (g/cm2) using the equation in or,
respectively. For material without skins, use the following equation:

Q v = (m1 − m2)/V


Q v is the water absorption (g/cm3);

m1 is the mass of the test specimen immediately after drying at 60 °C for 5 min (g);

m2 is the mass of the test specimen after drying at 60 °C for 24 h (g);

V is the volume of the test specimen (cm3). For material with skins on one or both surfaces, use the following equation:

Qs = (m1 − m2)/2A

Qs is the water absorption (g/cm2);

is the mass of the test specimen immediately after cutting it out of the test sample (g);
m2 is the mass of the test specimen after 7214:2012
at 60 °C for 24 h (g);
A is the area of the test specimen (cm2).

7.7 Burning characteristics

Determine the burning characteristics in accordance with ISO 3582 or ISO 9772.

NOTE Additional burning-characteristics testing may be required by regional or national codes and regulations.

8 Optional tests

8.1 Dynamic cushioning performance

Determine the dynamic cushioning performance in accordance with ISO 4651.

8.2 Compressive creep

The compressive creep shall be determined in accordance with ISO 7850:1986, procedure A.

Determine compressive creep curves at 23 °C and 40 °C, at ambient humidity, at intervals up to a maximum
of 1 000 h elapsed time. Determine the compressive deflection at 0,1 h, 1 h, 24 h and 168 h intervals after the
load has been applied.

Normally, the applied load shall be such that the initial compressive stress is one-tenth of the compressive
stress at 10 % deformation (as determined in 7.2). A different stress may be used, however, if it is agreed that
a different stress is likely to occur in practice.

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