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the rectifier is in charge of the main power transfer—generally the same authors looked at the problem from a different angle,
through the stator. The concept was originated from the well- by proposing sinusoidal stator-current operation achieved via a
known ac DFIG largely used in wind energy conversion systems bank of RCs to eliminate current harmonics. This scheme can
[1], with the intent of having a relatively cheap power electron- only partially mitigate the torque ripple, because the stator flux
ics interface while allowing high-performance torque control is distorted.
and avoiding machine oversizing when operating with constant The impact of harmonic decoupling terms in the current chain
dc voltage and variable speed. was then investigated in [21]. Effective though periodic control
Most regulation techniques for frequency and torque in the techniques are when running in on-spec conditions, they all
DFIG-dc system rely on field-oriented control. Field orientation require the knowledge of stator frequency, which makes the im-
is achieved by either using the estimated flux angle [2] or driving plementation for variable frequency operation extremely chal-
the control frame directly at a constant frequency [3]—as in ac lenging. As a matter of fact, no results can be found in the
stand-alone DFIGs. When the DFIG-dc system feeds a stand- literature showing the performance of these controls when the
alone dc load rather than a dc grid, the torque set-point comes DFIG-dc system is running with a variable frequency set-point.
from an outer controller in charge of dc-voltage regulation [4]. Predictive delay compensation [22] was proposed with the in-
Direct torque control based on either frame transformations or tent to overcome these limitations, with the idea to correct the
switching tables and avoiding current control chains is explored torque ripple rejection signal in advance so as to compensate for
in [5] and [6], respectively. the delay introduced by the current control chain. The algorithm
Although the stator frequency set-point is free, the majority works effectively even with off-spec reference frequency, but it
of control strategies just keep it constant at the rated value. has not been tested against dynamic changes in the reference
Nonetheless, in order to minimize losses, the stator flux set- frequency set-point. Furthermore, it still needs PI current con-
point should be varied forcing flux weakening at low load levels trollers and related tuning issues, especially for the choice of
[7]: under constant dc voltage, this results in a frequency-wild the advance time.
operation. Ideally, in the DFIG-dc system, any torque ripple compensa-
The torque ripple originated by the flux and current harmonic tion strategy should be highly robust against frequency fluctu-
interaction is the most severe drawback of the DFIG-dc system ations, to effectively integrate flux weakening control aimed at
and is inherently associated with the presence of the uncon- minimizing losses [7]. To the authors’ best knowledge, how-
trolled rectifier. An early study reported in [8] for an ac stand- ever, combining simultaneous torque ripple elimination and
alone DFIG feeding nonlinear loads proposed to compensate flux weakening control has not been attempted yet, being the
for the harmonics by operating the grid-side converter (GSC) frequency-insensitive torque ripple mitigation method the most
as an active filter. As the DFIG-dc system does not include any critical aspect for this integration to succeed.
GSC, the only way to implement an active filter is by adding Such a challenge is taken and addressed in this paper by
an extra converter [9], or replacing the diode bridge with a sec- proposing a new predictive torque and flux control strategy,
ond VSI, which turns the system into a dual-VSI DFIG [10], which regulates the instantaneous rotor flux and torque with
[11]. Twelve-pulse rectifiers are another viable option to tackle very fast dynamics. The method is studied and implemented for
the harmonics at the source [12]. All these solutions need extra a dc grid-connected DFIG-dc system. However, it may be also
hardware and/or a custom-made multiphase DFIG [13], which valid for the stand-alone operation by introducing an additional
makes the case for a DFIG less compelling over PM or induction dc voltage controller setting the reference torque.
generators with a fully rated converter. In recent years, finite control set model predictive control
The last few years have seen several proposals being issued to has been widely reported in the literature for application in
address the torque ripple of the DFIG-dc system at the control electric drive systems [23], where predictive torque (and flux)
level, preserving the cheapest possible power electronics. They control (PTC) is the strategy that provides less torque ripple in
are largely inspired by the strategies devised to improve the per- comparison to predictive current control (PCC) [24]. Regarding
formance of ac DFIGs operating under distorted grid voltage the DFIG connected to a dc microgrid, only a PCC strategy
[14], [15] or with nonlinear loads [16]. In [14], Hu et al. have has been reported so far [25], where the authors have neither
formalized control conditions required for different targets such compensated the algorithm execution delay nor addressed the
as zero torque ripple, zero stator power ripple, sinusoidal stator, torque ripple compensation issue. Furthermore, Abu-Rub and
or rotor currents. In DFIGs operating with distorted stator volt- Ellabban [25] consider constant frequency operation and do not
age like the DFIG-dc system, these targets cannot be achieved tackle the minimization of losses.
simultaneously. Unlike usual stator flux based DTC controls for DFIG-dc
The first attempt to tackle the torque ripple in the DFIG-dc systems, this paper uses the rotor flux as it is more conve-
system was made in [17] using resonant controllers (RCs) in nient for predictive control, as discussed later on. The PTC
the current control chain to improve the tracking of the instanta- algorithm devised in this paper predicts the optimal voltage
neous torque. Nian et al. [18] envisaged the implementation of space vector to minimize a cost function combining predicted
direct RC signal injection in the q-axis rotor voltage command rotor flux and torque errors. The rotor flux set-point is torque-
in order to bypass the current control chain. A further refinement dependent and follows an optimal trend to minimize losses. The
was then made in [19] using repetitive control in such a way as control algorithm includes dead-time and sampling-delay com-
to compensate for all the harmonics in a single shot. In [20], pensation features, and allows the DFIG-dc system to achieve
B. Control Layout Ls
ψs = (ψr − σLr ir ) . (6)
The DFIG-dc system under study along with a general
overview of the proposed control system is shown in Fig. 1. The method to predict the rotor flux and torque is imple-
The rotor circuits of the DFIG are fed by a VSI that is con- mented in two steps. In the first step, the flux is estimated using
nected to the dc link, while its stator circuits are connected to the actual measurements and the algebraic flux–current relationship
same dc link through a three-phase diode bridge rectifier. The (4). In the second step, predictions are made by combining (1)
VSI in the rotor side is in charge of the control, which adjusts and (2).
the rotor flux (and indirectly the stator frequency) and torque.
The control is implemented in the rotor reference frame, and D. Rotor Flux Estimation
all the stator variables are transformed to that reference frame
using the measured rotor position angle. The rotor flux is estimated using the so-called current model.
It is based on the following equation:
The mathematical model of the DFIG is expressed in the rotor This method is sensitive to parameter and rotor position mea-
reference frame with all rotor quantities and parameters referred surement errors. However, it allows the system to operate in the
to the stator windings. entire speed range, including the synchronous speed.
according to
The resulting expression (21) for ψ opt still depends on the
Te∗ = T ∗ + kT × sat (F (|ir (k + 1)|) − im
) (16) r
rotor current magnitude |ir |, directly and through (18), and can-
0 ⇐ x ≤0 not be manipulated to eliminate |ir | and get a closed-form ex-
sat (x) = . (17) pression for ψ opt as a function of Te∗ only. In the practical
x ⇐ x>0 r
implementation, however, |ir | in (18) and (21) can be directly
In (16), im
represents the maximum admissible rotor cur- measured, avoiding algebraic loops.
rent. The torque gain kT can be chosen equal to the rated torque Maximum and minimum rotor flux conditions should also
of the machine. With this procedure, the average current value be included to limit magnetic saturation and maximum stator
is always maintained within the established limits without in- frequency, respectively. This is the purpose of the saturation
creasing the torque or flux ripples when the system operates block in Fig. 1.
close to its current limit.
H. Optimum Rotor Flux Level
This section presents some simulation results comparing the
For a given torque demand Te∗ , the reference rotor flux level in
performance of the proposed PTC with that of a direct torque
the DFIG [ψ ∗r in (14)] determines not only the stator frequency
control based on PI controllers [5]. In order to allow cross vali-
but also the losses of the DFIG-dc system. It was demonstrated
dation, simulations use a detailed MATLAB/Simulink model
in [7] that the sum of the DFIG Joule losses due to the funda-
with the same parameters of the 4 kW Lab setup given in
mental component of currents and VSI conduction losses can
Appendix II.
be minimized by a proper choice of the stator flux level. The ex-
pression of the optimal stator flux magnitude for a given torque
demand Te∗ has been derived in [7] using per-unit notation. The A. System Based on DTC With Ordinary-Bandwidth
resulting expression in SI units is Torque and Flux Controllers
' ! The considered benchmark system is quite similar to the direct
( # $2 "
& ( Pinv0 +3 Rs + LLms Rr LLms IB |ir | stator flux and torque control [5]: this is not exactly a classic
opt 2Ls ∗ ( 4
) DTC since the control is performed in the stator flux reference
ψs = |T | .
3p e Pinv0 + 3Rr LLms IB |ir | frame similar to vector control. In the benchmark system, the
main difference with respect to [5] is the use of the rotor flux
instead of the stator one.
The background required for the derivation of (18) is resumed The simulation refers to a step on the reference torque, which
in Appendix I. is changed from –4 to –25 Nm, while the DFIG is operated close
Fig. 10. Rotor flux level optimization. Rotor speed of 1350 r/min. Fig. 12. Response to a speed ramp variation.
Fig. 11. Torque step response. Rotor speed of 1350 r/min. Fig. 13. Test at synchronous speed run for an extended period of time.
tion of torque harmonics—in particular at 300 and 600 Hz— 4) Rotor Speed Variation: The response of the system
was accomplished. These results were also confirmed by the when the rotor speed is ramped up between 1030 and 1750 r/min,
mechanical torque recorded with the torque sensor mounted on for a constant torque reference of –12.5 Nm, is shown in Fig. 12.
the DFIG shaft. The rotor flux and torque of the machine are well regulated, in-
2) Rotor Flux Level Optimization: The optimization of the dependently of the rotor speed. The rotor frequency initially de-
rotor flux level as a function of the torque reference is illustrated creases until the machine reaches the speed of synchronism, and
in Fig. 10. In order to minimize the losses in the DFIG-dc then increases for higher speeds. The system operates smoothly
system, the flux level is lower for lower torque levels, while it even at the synchronous speed, when the rotor currents are dc
increases up to the rated flux for higher torque values. These quantities.
results demonstrate once again the absence of low-order torque 5) Operation at Synchronous Speed: Fig. 13 shows the
oscillations and the ability of the system to operate correctly at behavior of the system when operating with a torque reference
different load levels. of –12.5 Nm at rated rotor flux and zero rotor frequency during
3) Torque Step Response: The system response to a an extended period of time. The rotor speed (1520 r/min) is
torque step variation is shown in Fig. 11. Even considering slightly different from 1500 r/min due to the tolerance in the
the need to increase the flux level in the machine, a torque step value of the rated flux, making the stator frequency slightly
variation from –2.5 to –12.5 Nm leads to a torque rise time of higher than the rated 50 Hz.
only 2.5 ms without exhibiting any overshoot. This fast torque This figure shows clearly that, due to the characteristics of
response is one of the attracting features of predictive control the flux estimator used, the method proposed here is valid for
algorithms in general, being also confirmed in this system. To synchronous operation.
eliminate small ripples in the rotor flux reference, a first-order All these results combined demonstrate the ability of the
low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 30 Hz is used. This system to perform very well both in steady state and under
influence is observable in the flux response as it is slower than transient conditions, allowing the torque ripple to be suppressed
the torque response. even when the system operates with variable frequency.
Appendix I
According to [7], by neglecting iron losses and using per-unit
notation, the optimal stator flux level for a given torque demand
t∗e is given by
- τ + λ|iR |pu
ψ spu = ls |t∗e | × 4 (22)
τ + |iR |pu
⎧ # $2
⎨ |iR | = |ir |pu × lm
; rR = rr × ls
pu ls lm
. (23)
⎩τ = pin v 0
; λ= r s +r R
; pinv0 = Pin v 0
Fig. 14. Trend of the sum of copper and inverter conduction losses in 2r R rR 3
2 U B IB
the DFIG during a test with a linearly decreasing reference flux (DFIG
operating with –6 Nm at 1350 r/min). In (22) and (23), small caps are used for quantities ex-
pressed in per-unit, subscript R denotes the rotor current and
6) Verification of Minimum Loss Operation: In order to
resistance referred to the Γ equivalent circuit [7], and sub-
assess the soundness of the minimum-loss optimal rotor flux script B denotes the base quantities—peak stator rated volt-
level given by (21), the simulation results in Fig. 5 were vali- age (phase) UB and current IB . Furthermore, Pinv0 repre-
dated experimentally. The system was run with a variable ref- sents the conduction losses in the inverter when it supplies the
erence rotor flux following a decreasing ramp instead of using DFIG rated rotor current. After replacing the definitions for per
(21). The DFIG Joule winding losses and the VSI conduction unit quantities rx = Rx IB /UB , lx = Lx ωB IB /UB , |ir |pu =
losses were indirectly evaluated from the measured currents, be- |ir |/IB , t∗e = Te∗ /(3pUB IB /2ωB ) in (23) and (22), the expres-
ing presented in Fig. 14 along with the imposed rotor flux level sion of ψ opts (18) is obtained.
and the (constant) optimal value predicted by (21) for the con-
sidered operating conditions. Fig. 14 clearly demonstrates that Appendix II
when the reference flux equals the optimal value given by (21), Induction machine parameters: 4 kW, 4-pole; stator: 400 V,
the aforementioned losses are at the minimum value. This also 9.4 A; rotor: 230 V, 11.5 A; Rs = 1.29 Ω, Rr = 1.31 Ω, Ls =
shows the importance of operating the DFIG with an adaptive Lr = 144.1 mH, Lm = 136.2 mH.
flux level, in order to keep the losses to a minimum value. Prime mover: 400 V, 7.5 kW, 4-pole induction machine, con-
trolled by a WEG CFW11 converter.
V. CONCLUSION VSI and dv/dt filter: Pinv0 = 100 W, Lf = 2.6 mH.
This paper addressed the elimination of the low-frequency
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