Fault Ride-Through Capability Improved by Using Bridge-Type Fault Current Limiter For Fixed-Speed Wind Turbine
Fault Ride-Through Capability Improved by Using Bridge-Type Fault Current Limiter For Fixed-Speed Wind Turbine
Fault Ride-Through Capability Improved by Using Bridge-Type Fault Current Limiter For Fixed-Speed Wind Turbine
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Fault Ride-Through Capability Improved by using Bridge-type Fault Current Limiter for Fixed-speed wind Turbine
process situation. These devices are incapable to supply the II. PROBLEM FORMULATION AND IDENTIFICATION
functionalities demand by new interconnection requests,
mainly in fault conditions due to the quadratic reduce of their The relations between wind turbines and grid have been
power insertion capacity. Both normal and fault condition widely investigated in current years. some generator types are
operation of wind farms can be optimized by using power in use for wind power application nowadays. The main
electronic reimbursement devices such as SVCs (Static VAr difference can be made between fixed speed and variable
Compensator) and STATCOMs (Static Synchronous speed wind generator types. Variable speed wind power
Compensator).SVC systems are made up of Thyristor generation skill encompasses the operation of wind turbines at
Controlled Reactors (TCR) and Thyristor Switched most favourable power coefficient for a wide wind speed
Capacitors (TSC). STATCOM devices are untainted power variety. The two most widely used variable speed wind
electronic systems made up of IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar generator concepts are the converter driven synchronous
Transistor), IGCT (Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor) generator and the DFIG.
or GTO (Gate Turn-off Thyristor) based converters. Compare The DFIG is a wound rotor induction generator with a voltage
to SVCs, STATCOMs are quicker, lesser, and have better source converter connected to the slip-rings of the rotor. The
performance at cheap voltages. As it can be seen the stator winding is attached directly to the grid and the rotor
STATCOM can work with its rated current even at compact winding is associated to the grid via a power electronic
voltages. Hence, the inject reactive power vary linearly with converter. For power system immovability study, model of a
the voltage. On the different the current inject by the SVC DFIG should be careful for steady state analysis as well as for
decrease linearly with the voltage and as a result the injected large trouble dynamic investigation. Even though the wind
reactive power decrease quadratic ally. This quality makes the turbines are circulated within the wind farm, the mass power
STATCOM better suitable for transients such as voltage sag from the latter is related to the grid at a lone substation. As a
and therefore for the application analyzed in this work. [4] result, WTGs within the farm are aggregate into a single unit
Therefore, in order to create an accurate model of a wind having an MVA rating equal to the outline of the MVA rating
generator to be used in transient stability studies, Wind of the individual units. Also, as DFIG units have reactive
generators are mainly classified as fixed speed or variable power ability, the wind farm is modeled in a way parallel to
speed. Among mainly fixed-speed units, the turbine drives an the usual generator for steady state analysis and is represent as
induction generator that is directly linked to the grid. The a PV bus with suitable VAr limits. Some components that
turbine speed varies very little due to the vertical angle of the give to the dynamic performance of a DFIG are outline as
generators torque-speed characteristic; therefore, it is termed follows and included in the analysis conduct turbine
a fixed-speed system. With a variable-speed unit, the aerodynamics;
generator is linked to the grid using power-electronic a) Turbine mechanical control (also called pitch control) that
converter technology. This allows the turbine speed to be controls the mechanical power delivered to the shaft;
forced to exploit performance (e.g., power capture). Both b) Shaft dynamics model as a two mass shaft, one mass
approach are regular in the wind industry. We centre of represent rotor/turbine blades and the second represent the
attention on model the fixed-speed part and an equal model of generator;
quite a few fixed-speed units in a wind park. The first-mode c) Generator electrical characteristicsas the rotor side
mechanical frequency of a classic wind turbine is in the 0- to converter drives the rotor current very fast, the rotor flux
12-Hz range; this is also the array for electromechanical dynamics is ignored and the model behaves as a controlled
oscillations. As a result, the mechanical sensations of the wind current source;
turbine cooperate with the electromechanical dynamics. d) Electrical controlsthree controllers are used to give
Therefore, in order to make correct model of a wind generator controls for frequency/active power, voltage/reactive power,
to be used in transitory immovability study, the first-mode and pitch angle/mechanical power;
mechanical turbine dynamics must be exactly represent. The e) Protection relay settings. [2],
wind-generator model existing here is copied by conduct Two main problems throughout the fault condition are the
model decrease on a thorough 650th-order finite-element short-circuit level increase and fault ride-through (FRT)
model of a classic horizontal-axis turbine. smooth and ability decrease. There are two main types of wind turbines
mechanical dynamics are cheap resultant in a nonlinear used today: the fixed-speed wind turbine (FSWT) and the
4th-order two-inertia turbine model mutual with a model variable-speed wind turbine (VSWT). Current wind turbine
generator . Simulation is obtainable to show the correctness of generation systems are usually VSWT. But, over the past
the model. [6] years, FSWTs have been installing in large size in power
Fixed speed induction generator (FSIG) wind turbine.This grids.
wind turbine uses a squirrel cage induction generator that is Detailed technical development, made in response to FRT
attached to the power system through a between transformer. needs of both FSWT and VSWT, can be considered as
As the stator voltage of most wind turbine electrical follows. [1]
generators is 690 V, this transformer is necessary for link to 1) Dynamic reactive power compensation (RPC) by means of
the supply network and should be consider when model the FACTS device such as SVC and STATCOM;
electrical relations with the power system. Induction 2) Pitch control;
machines get through reactive power and so it is usual to give 3) Rotor converter protection by crowbar resistor;
power factor improvement capacitors at each wind turbine. 4) Braking resistor. [1]
These are typically rated at around 30% of the wind farm 2.1 Dynamic reactive power compensation (RPC) by using
capacity and are used to pay compensation the induction FACTS device such as SVC and STATCOM:
machine magnetising current. [7]
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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2014
The performance of wind generation systems in usual and achieve depends on the outstanding voltage value, the apathy
fault situation depends on the technology on which they are of the system, the period of the fault and the quantity of power
base. Variable speed wind generators are able to control the extract from the wind. This speed must be lower than the
reactive power exchange with the grid (in a limited range) due greatest reasonable speed to avoid the separation of the
to the power electronic devices that they include. It is generator.
essential to save from harm these electronic devices, much After the fault clear, the generator consumes large amount of
more aware than the electrical machine itself, from the over reactive power due to its magnetization and to the add to of
current and over voltages that follow any rapid voltage the machine slip throughout the fault. This power use makes it
difference. This is achieve by disconnect them and by linking not easy the revival of the terminal voltage. The most
power rakishness secondary elements (crowbar), which are excellent way to avoid fault imitative problems on wind
also used for speed up the machine demagnetization and generators and progress their ride-through capacity is to
falling the short-circuit current. Throughout the fault control the relation point voltage by compensate voltage sags.
improvement, and once the hardest transitory has been damp, This way the generator will be protected from any voltage
fixed power electronic converters can add to voltage revival defect. This being able to be done by using a series power
by reactive power insertion. But, in some cases it may not be electronic compensator Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)
enough and it may be essential to add additional reactive which inject the essential voltage in the system in order to
recompense devices to assurance the execution of the fault keep the generator voltage stable. However, this compensator
ride-through wants. About fixed-speed generators, they do requires active power combination ability during faults, and it
not have the ability to rule their reactive power swap because may also need an active power handling capacity in normal
they always need to attract a exacting amount of reactive operation conditions in order to avoid an excessive wind farm
power. voltage modification. [4].
Consequently, they generally consist of fixed reactive power
carry devices (capacitors) meant at obtain a unit power factor
in standard process situation. These devices are not capable to
supply the functionalities demand by new interconnection III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY
needs, particularly in fault situation due to the quadratic
reduce of their power insertion ability. Both normal and fault The use of shunt FACTS controllers to improve the fault
condition operation of wind farms can be optimized by using ride-through of induction generators (IGs) by RPC. The RPC
power electronic compensation devices such as SVCs (Static method, which can be provide by STATCOM and SVC, can
VAr Compensator) and STATCOMs (Static Synchronous only control the reactive power after fault happening. Thus,
Compensator). SVC systems are made up of Thyristor the RPC method is able only to reduce voltage fluctuations of
Controlled Reactors devices are pure power electronic the IG after fault happening [5], [8]. The pitch control system
systems made up of IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar is the cheapest key for the wind generator stabilization, but its
Transistor), IGCT (Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor) reply is slow.
or GTO(Gate Turn-off Thyristor) based con-verters.
Compared to SVCs, STATCOMs are faster, smaller, and have TABLE I
better performance at compact voltages. As the STATCOM WIND TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENTS TO MEET FRT
can be operate with its rated current even at reduced voltages. CHALLENGE
Hence, the inject reactive power varies linearly with the
voltage.This characteristic makes the STATCOM improved
suitable for transients such as voltage sag and therefore for the
application analyzed. [4]
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Fault Ride-Through Capability Improved by using Bridge-type Fault Current Limiter for Fixed-speed wind Turbine
reactor without any wait. This characteristic of the near-instantaneous tripping of the switch. Current would then
bridge-type FCL suppress the immediate voltage drop and it flow through the inserted resistor for the period of the fault
is able to develop transient performance of WECS in fault and the initial post-fault revival. When voltage improved
instant, which is the main advantage of the bridge-type FCL to above a lowest reference level, the switch would close and the
other FRT improvement techniques. On the other hand, the circuit would be restore to its usual state. During the short
discharge resistor of the bridge-type FCL aims to raise the introduction period, the energy would be dissolute in the
voltage at the terminals of the generator, thereby justifying the resistor, raise its heat. The resistor would be particular
destabilize electrical torque and power during the fault. The according to the warning high temperature of its resistive
WECS is careful as a fixed-speed system able to with a elements and the most energy dissipates during the insertion
squirrel-cage IG. The simulation results show that not only the period. The advantage of series-SDBR over shunt-DBR is
fault current is limited but also FRT ability of WECS is derived from the fact that its effect is related to current
improved. Also, a relative study of bridge-type FCL and magnitude rather than voltage magnitude. SDBR is therefore
SDBR for improving FRT ability is accepted out. [1].The most effective during the mutual high generation, low
wind industry has responded to the beginning of FRT needs in outstanding voltage conditions that are most difficult for FRT.
several ways according to wind turbine technology type. For We know generated power is transfer across the wind farm
the purpose of considering FRT response, it is suitable to system, while surplus dynamic power is store in its drive train
classify commercial wind turbines in four main types, and heat is dissipate by SDBR. As we know that stator voltage
A) fixed-speed wind turbines (FSWTs) with fixed pitch; is increased in magnitude by the voltage across SDBR. Since
B) FSWTs with variable pitch (active stall); mechanical torque is proportional to the square of the stator
C) variable-speed wind turbines (VSWTs) with doubly-fed voltage of an induction machine, it can be indirect that the
induction generators (DFIGs); attendance of SDBR will add to the mechanical power extract
D) VSWTs with fully-rated converters. from the abstract advantage of SBDR under fault conditions.
The purpose of this paper is to present detailed analysis and [3].
transient simulation results of its performance and assess its
beneficial effects compared to state-of-art alternatives [3].
The SDBR idea aims to give directly to the balance of active IV. 4. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULT
power during a fault, thus displace or eliminate the need for
pitch control. It does this by animatedly insert a resistor in the 4.1 simulated power system
generation circuit, rising the voltage at the terminals of the
generator and thereby justifying the destabilizing despair of A single line diagram of power system with FCL is shown in
electrical torque and power throughout the fault period.The Fig.2. The parameter of this system is listed in Table I.
schematic planning of SDBR is shown in Fig.1.SDBR is
shown situated between the wind turbine(s) and the grid in
Fig. 1.
228 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2014
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (S)
Voltage (V)
. 0.8
Fig. 5 and 6 shows the fault current of the line 2 for both cases
(1 and 2). In the case 1, the fault current increases to the peak 0.6
the fault current is limited to the peak value of 6.3 kA. 0.2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (S)
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Fault Ride-Through Capability Improved by using Bridge-type Fault Current Limiter for Fixed-speed wind Turbine
Speed (pu)
Fig.7 Torque verses speed without FCL
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (S)
Speed (pu)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (S)
Electrical Torque (pu)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (S)
Electrical Torque (pu)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (S)
Fig.14.Torque verses time with FCL
Fig.10.Voltage verses speed with FCL Figs. 15, 16, 17 and 18 show the total active power generated
by the induction generator and the total reactive power
230 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2014
exchange between the Induction generator and the grid, V. CONCLUSION
respectively. During the fault (2 s < t < 2.2 s), the active
power generated by the Induction generator is significantly In this paper, the application of the bridge-type FCL, which
reduced by using the bridge-type FCL, as shown in Fig. 17 has a control scheme based on dc reactor current
and 18. Fig. 19 and 20 shows the total reactive power measurement, has been proposed for improving the FRT
exchange between the Induction generator and the grid. After capability of FSWT and limiting the fault current. Based on
fault clearing (at t = 2.2 s), the absorbed reactive power from simulation results of a system with an FSWT and the
the grid is significantly reduced (negative values in Fig. 20). bridge-type FCL, the following points can be drawn:
However, compared with the case 1, the IG delivers more 1) During the fault condition, the increment of the fault
active power to the power grid in case 2, and the reactive current
power absorbed by the Induction generator is reduced, which is limited by dc reactor without any delay and smoothing the
helps to avoid other problems such as voltage collapse and surge current waveform and prevention from instantaneously
recovery process. deep voltage drop during fault. This characteristic of
bridge-type FCL improves transient behavior of FSWT
2 system in fault instant before inserting discharging resistor in
series with dc reactor.
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