Advanced Control Strategy of DFIG Wind Turbines For Power System Fault Ride Through
Advanced Control Strategy of DFIG Wind Turbines For Power System Fault Ride Through
Advanced Control Strategy of DFIG Wind Turbines For Power System Fault Ride Through
Abstract—This paper presents an advanced control strategy for power grid connection codes in most countries require that WTs
the rotor and grid side converters of the doubly fed induction gen- should remain connected to the grid to maintain the reliability
erator (DFIG) based wind turbine (WT) to enhance the low-voltage during and after a short-term fault [1]. The ability of WT to
ride-through (LVRT) capability according to the grid connection
requirement. Within the new control strategy, the rotor side con-
stay connected to the grid during voltage dips is termed as the
troller can convert the imbalanced power into the kinetic energy of low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) capability.
the WT by increasing its rotor speed, when a low voltage due to a In order to fulfill the LVRT requirement for DFIG WTs, there
grid fault occurs at, e.g., the point of common coupling (PCC). The are two major issues to be addressed properly under a fault
proposed grid side control scheme introduces a compensation term condition. The first one is the over-current that can occur in
reflecting the instantaneous DC-link current of the rotor side con- rotor and stator circuits, while the second one is the DC-link
verter in order to smooth the DC-link voltage fluctuations during
the grid fault. A major difference from other methods is that the over-voltage. Both can be attributed to the excessive energy that
proposed control strategy can absorb the additional kinetic en- cannot be transmitted into the grid during the faults. As the
ergy during the fault conditions, and significantly reduce the os- power electronics converters in the DFIG system have relative
cillations in the stator and rotor currents and the DC bus voltage. lower power rating compared with the WT with fully rated con-
The effectiveness of the proposed control strategy has been demon- verters, the LVRT capability of the DFIG WT is of special in-
strated through various simulation cases. Compared with conven-
tional crowbar protection, the proposed control method can not
terest with respect to the stability issue of such system. Quite a
only improve the LVRT capability of the DFIG WT, but also help few studies have been carried out to improve the LVRT capa-
maintaining continuous active and reactive power control of the bility of the DFIG WT [3]–[19].
DFIG during the grid faults. Among the available control strategies, the crowbar protec-
Index Terms—Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), low tion is the mostly used. During the faults, the rotor side con-
voltage ride through, power system fault, wind turbine. verter will be blocked, and the crowbar circuit, installed across
the rotor terminals, will be triggered to damp the over-current
in the rotor circuit. Consequently, the generator operates as a
I. INTRODUCTION conventional induction machine, which absorbs reactive power
from the faulted grid [2]. The chopper circuit, with a resistor
D OUBLY fed induction generator (DFIG) is a popular wind
turbine (WT) system due to its high energy efficiency,
reduced mechanical stress on the WT, and relatively low power
across the DC bus, is usually used along with the crowbar to
smooth the DC-link voltage by dissipating the excessive power
rating of the connected power electronics converter of low costs. over the DC bus [3], [4].
With increasing penetration level of WTs into the grid, the wind Based on the conventional crowbar protection, some im-
proved crowbar solutions have been proposed to enhance the
Manuscript received December 15, 2010; revised May 05, 2011 and July
LVRT performance of the DFIG WT [5]–[10]. Although the
27, 2011; accepted October 24, 2011. Date of publication December 23, 2011; crowbar circuits are able to protect the machine and the con-
date of current version April 18, 2012. This work was supported by the Hong verter during the faults, the controllability of the rotor converter
Kong Polytechnic University via projects A-PJ81 and 4-ZZ7Q, State Key Lab-
oratory of Electrical Insulation and power Equipment (EIPE11309), and the
with respect to the active and reactive power of the DFIG is
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China. Paper no. temporarily lost. Moreover, the usage of crowbar and chopper
TPWRS-00989-2010. actually installs extra hardware in the DFIG that can increase
L. Yang is with the State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and the costs and decrease the system reliability.
Power Equipment, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China (e-mail: Considering these drawbacks, some researchers have pro-
Z. Xu is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Hong Kong Poly- posed new solutions for reducing the inrush currents in the
technic University, Hong Kong (e-mail: rotor as well as the DC-link over-voltage during the faults, by
J. Østergaard is with the Centre for Electric Technology, Department of Elec-
trical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Den- means of designing more advanced control strategies for the
mark (e-mail: rotor and grid side converters [11]–[19]. However, some of
Z. Y. Dong is with the Centre for Intelligent Electricity Networks, The Uni- these algorithms are too complicated to implement in industrial
versity of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia (e-mail:
applications and depend strongly on the proper design of the
K. P. Wong is with the School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer control parameters or the estimation of certain parameters,
Engineering, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia (e-mail: which may have adverse effects on its robustness.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
This paper presents an innovative control strategy for both
at the rotor and grid side converters to enhance the LVRT capacity
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2011.2174387 of the DFIG WT, without the need of additional current and
0885-8950/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE
B. Drive Train
When studying the dynamic stability of the DFIG WT, the
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the DFIG WT system. two-mass model of the drive train is important due to the wind
turbine shaft is relatively softer than the typical steam turbine
shaft in conventional power plants [2]. The equations which
voltage protections. The key idea is to increase the generator represent the two-mass model of the drive train are expressed
rotor speed through proper control of the rotor side converter as
during a grid voltage dip. Different from conventional methods,
the proposed control strategy is based on a simple concept to
transform the unbalanced energy into the kinetic one, rather than
being dissipated otherwise. For the grid side control scheme, a
compensation item, which reflects the variation of the DC-link (3)
current of the rotor side converter, is added during the fault to
smooth the fluctuations of the DC-link voltage. Compared with (4)
the LVRT solution in [19], the proposed control strategy for the
grid side controller can effectively reduce the extremely high where is the wind turbine speed. and [SI unit (s)]
transient when the stator voltage dips to zero during faults. Sim- are the generator and turbine inertia constants, respectively.
ulation studies using Matlab/Simulink have been conducted on is the friction coefficient of the generator. is the shaft twist
a 1.5-MW DFIG WT to validate the effectiveness of the pro- angle, which is in radian (rad.). The electromagnetic torque ,
posed control strategy. the shaft torque , and the mechanical torque , which is
the torque input of the wind turbine, are
The schematic diagram of a grid-connected DFIG WT system (5)
is shown in Fig. 1. The DFIG WT system, including the wind (6)
turbine, the drive train, the induction generator, the back-to-back
PWM converters, and the control system, is connected to the (7)
grid through a transformer. The control system consists of two
control levels including the WT control and the DFIG control. where is the air density, is the turbine radius, is the pitch
The WT level controls the output mechanical power of the wind angle, is the wind speed, is the power coefficient, and
turbine through the pitch angle and generates the reference value
for the rotor speed of the DFIG based on the measured wind
speed and optimum power-speed characteristic curve. A two-
stage control strategy is used to implement the power optimiza-
tion strategy below the rated wind speed, and the power limita-
tion strategy above the rated wind speed [20]. The DFIG control
level, including the rotor and grid side controllers, is to control
where is the blade tip speed ratio, has
the active and reactive power of the DFIG using the vector con-
a maximum value for the optimal tip speed ratio
trol technique. In Sections II-A–II-C, a detailed dynamic model
and optimized pitch angle . The wind turbine control is
of the DFIG WT will be presented.
achieved by driving the generator/turbine speed along the op-
A. Generator timum power-speed characteristic curve, illustrated in Fig. 2
[20], which corresponds to the maximum energy capture from
The voltage equations of the stator and rotor circuits of the in- the wind. In this curve, when the wind speed is larger than the
duction generator can be given in a - reference frame rotating cut-in wind speed and less than the lower limit
at the synchronous speed [21], [22] (zone A–B), the generator rotor speed reference for the rotor
side controller is set as the minimal value ,
, to ensure the generator slip smaller than 0.3. When
(1) the wind speed is between the lower limit and the rated value
(zone B–C), the DFIG is operated in the variable speed
mode, where is kept constant to (usually ), while
Fig. 4. Control scheme of the rotor side converter in normal operation. Fig. 6. Control scheme of the grid side converter in normal operation.
13 m/s, which is higher than the rated wind speed, the DFIG
WT will be operating at the rated rotor speed accordingly. The
over-speed of the WT caused by the proposed control strategy
of the RSC can be effectively restrained by the pitch control.
This will limit the transformation of the electric energy into the
kinetic one. So when the pitch control is triggered, introducing
the compensation term in the grid side controller can
help reducing the over-voltage on the DC bus. Hence the neces-
sity of including the GSC in the proposed control strategy has
been justified in order to achieve a better LVRT performance of
the DC-link voltage during the grid faults.
Fig. 12. Simulated transient responses of the studied DFIG WT at wind speed Fig. 13. Simulated transient responses of the studied DFIG WT at wind speed
of 8 m/s with the control strategies A (crowbar) and C (the newly proposed of 13 m/s with the control strategies A (crowbar) and C (the newly proposed
LVRT strategy), when the voltage at the PCC drops to 15% of its nominal LVRT strategy), when the voltage at the PCC drops to 0 for 150 ms. (a) Active
value for 625 ms. (a) Voltage at the DFIG terminal. (b) Generator rotor speed. power to the grid. (b) Reactive power to the grid. (c) Magnitude of the stator
(c) Active power to the grid. (d) Reactive power to the grid. (e) Magnitude of current. (d) Magnitude of the rotor current. (e) DC-link voltage. (f) Generator
the stator current. (f) Magnitude of the rotor current. (g) DC-link voltage. rotor speed. (g) Pitch angle. (h) Shaft torque.
speed due to the proposed control scheme during the fault will
make the rotor speed above its rated value, which will trigger
the pitch control immediately. This can limit the transforma-
tion of the electric energy into the kinetic one. Therefore in
Fig. 13(e), (f), and (h), the differences of the DC-link voltage,
the rotor speed, and shaft torque during the fault between the
strategies A and C are smaller than the case when the DFIG WT
operating at low wind speed. However, the transient behaviors
of the active and reactive power, stator and rotor current, and
pitch angle in the case of the proposed control strategy C are still
observed better than with the conventional crowbar protection.
Especially, the proposed control strategy can suppress the tran-
sient stator and rotor currents lower than the crowbar threshold;
thus, the DFIG can maintain uninterrupted control of active and
reactive power, potentially enabling the grid supporting services
during the fault.
Fig. 14 shows the LVRT behaviors of the studied DFIG WT
operating at wind speed of 13 m/s, when the voltage at the PCC
drops to 15% for 625 ms. This illustrates that with the proposed
control strategy C, the DFIG WT operating at high wind speed
can remain connected to the grid during a longer duration of
fault without triggering the crowbar protection and has better
LVRT behaviors of the active power, reactive power, stator and
rotor current, DC-link voltage, pitch control, and shaft torque
than the case with conventional crowbar protection.
In Figs. 13(f) and 14(f), the rotor speed slightly exceeds the
rated value. However, the maximum over-speed is only 2.72%
and the period of the whole violation is 230 ms when the voltage
at the PCC drops to 0 for 150 ms; the maximum over-speed is
only 6.06% and the period of the whole violation is 1.5 s when
the voltage at the PCC drops to 15% of its nominal value for
625 ms. The corresponding increase of the thrust and centrifugal
forces due to the over-speed is little according to their expres-
sions [2], and the over-speed duration is short, indicating a very
little impact on the wind turbine construction, which verifies the
analysis in Section III.
High penetration of WTs imposes a significant challenge to
the safe operation of power systems. To ensure the security of
electricity supply with substantial wind power, the WTs must
ride through and even contribute to supporting the grid operation
under the fault conditions.
This paper proposes a new and efficient control strategy for
both the rotor and grid side converters to improve the LVRT
capability of the DFIG WT. The new control strategy enables
the DFIG to continue the electricity production, and absorb the
excessive energy by increasing the generator rotor speed tem-
porarily when a fault occurs at, e.g., the PCC. The new strategy
also introduces a compensation item to the grid side controller
in order to suppress the DC-link over-voltage during the faults.
The simulation results show that the proposed control strategy
is able to effectively suppress the transients in the rotor circuit Fig. 14. Simulated transient responses of the studied DFIG WT at wind speed
current and the DC-link voltage. Compared with the conven- of 13 m/s with the control strategies A (crowbar) and C (the newly proposed
tional crowbar protection, the DFIG WT installed with the pro- LVRT strategy), when the voltage at the PCC drops to 15% of its nominal value
for 625 ms. (a) Active power to the grid. (b) Reactive power to the grid. (c)
posed control strategy gives a better transient behavior in event Magnitude of the stator current. (d) Magnitude of the rotor current. (e) DC-link
of short-term grid voltage dip. By using the new control strategy, voltage. (f) Generator rotor speed. (g) Pitch angle. (h) Shaft torque.
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