Titan v4

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The tiefling's dark plate armour clanks as she strides across

the battlefield, her eyes forward and her glaive out, snow
drifting around her. She cleaves through orc after orc, their
lifeless corpses falling to the side, allowing her passage. With
each step she takes, a burst of ice pulses through the ground,
seeping into the nearby corpses. An orc chief in front of her lets
out a battle cry and begins to charge forward. Smirking, she
throws her hand out, and the corpses of the orcs shamble back
to life, rising to do battle for their new master.
Crushing the wyrmling's skull beneath his boot, the dwarf
turns to look over at the snarling red dragon. Rolling his
shoulders and cracking his knuckles, the dwarf breaks out into a Channeled Power
sprint towards the fiery beast as his allies continue to fight back
A titan can receive their magic from nearly any source. The most
the hoard of wyrmlings. Lightning begins to trail after him, and
common are titans that received their magic from a god or
as he brings his fist forward, slamming the weight of his
patron, and either called out to them as they made their
thunderous energy into the dragon, a loud crash fills the cavern,
sacrifice, or were devout during their life, and were especially
and lighting sparks off in all directions.
chosen. These titans often adopt the Sunkeeper Code, since the
Bringing his shield up to deflect another blow, the kobold
brilliant light is reflective of their own desire to see good spread
spits out blood and lets out a vicious snarl. The goblins laugh an
throughout the multiverse.
jeer as they gang up on the lone kobold, and dig into his armour
Other titans are simply chosen by mere fate and are just as
with their shortswords and daggers. Letting out an anguished
likely to adopt one code over another. These titans are unsure of
cry, the kobold's eyes flash with a vibrant orange energy, and
the origin of their powers, but are accepting and quick to learn,
the goblins laughs quickly turn to cries of pain as they are
excited to put their new magic to the test.
consumed in a raging inferno of brilliant sunlight.
A titan's magic is as flexible as it is strong, and it's not
All of these warriors are titans, people who are willing to die
uncommon for a titan to have their magic shift and change as
to protect those that can't protect themselves. Imbued with
they grow. Titans who begin their journey as Stormstrikers
powerful defensive magic, and branded with a powerful
might shift to a Frostwarden, or those who take up the name of
emblem, they dare to tread in the darkest of places, armed with
a Sunkeeper adjust their focus and instead embrace the
the knowledge that they have already spat in the face of
enduring nature of Earthguards.
impossible odds.
No matter how a titan receieved their magic, they are only
able to wield it because of their strong protective spirit. Making
A Defining Moment the sacrifice that is required to become a titan is no easy feat,
Every titan is born of a defining moment, one where their and not all who do so become titans. Some speculate there is an
convictions are truly tested. When someone commits otherworldly force that hand picks titans from birth, and guides
themselves to protecting something, to the point that they're them into their defining moment. Others speculate that it's
willing to die for it, a magic is sparked inside of them that bursts simply chance, and that to be a titan, you must simply have a
forth like a explosion, allowing them to harness powerful unique, powerful desire to protect those in need.
abjuration magic that they can use to shield and protect others.
For some titans, their defining moments involve self-sacrifice,
giving their lives in defence of their charges. Oftentimes, these
titans are later reborn into their bodies, powerful entities that
govern or observe such selfless deeds deeming them worthy
enough to champion their cause in a new life. This second
chance allows titans to think upon who they were in their past
life and apply the lessons they learned as they continue on.
Emblems and Relics
The Titan To a titan, an emblem is more than just a symbol or icon. It's a
Proficiency visualisation of their very soul, an aspect of their personality
Level Bonus Features and force of spirit that they use to identify themselves. When a
titan is born of sacrifice, their crest is etched into their soul,
1st +2 Valiant Protector, Titan's Emblem
marking them for all of time. When two titans with the same
2nd +2 Defensive Bulwark, Undaunted emblem meet, a bond is forged that is stronger than any other.
3rd +2 Titan Code These titans that bond under the same emblem are whirlwinds
of destruction on the battlefield, and none can hope to break
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement their perfect defence.
5th +3 Extra Attack Relics, however, are ancient artefacts revered by each code.
While not magical themselves, these relics allow a titan that
6th +3 Adaptive Protector, Rapid Defence wields them to unleash new and powerful abilities. These relics
7th +3 Titan Code feature can simply be tied to their belt or hang from a pauldron, but
many titans incorporate the relic into their armour when they
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement summon it. An Earthguard who wields the cracked geode might
9th +4 Vengeful Protector (1d6) have crystal-like formations on their pauldrons, while a
Stormstriker who wields the thunderous bell might have wind
10th +4 Expansive Defence
chimes hanging from a cloak or tabard. Find ways to incorporate
11th +4 Heavy Handed each relic in such a way that compliments your character and
highlights how their code reflects their beliefs.
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Vengeful Protector (2d6) Creating a Titan
14th +5 Unyielding Body As a result of your defining moment, powerful defensive magic
is now yours to command. Titan's bolster this magic with martial
15th +5 Titan Code feature
knowledge, so be sure to consider how your titan character
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement came to learn martial combat; perhaps they trained in a military
17th +6 Vengeful Protector (3d6) academy before they were a titan, or took up learning combat
after their defining moment to further enhance their prowess
18th +6 Titan Code feature on the battlefield.
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement Furthermore, be sure to consider the right emblem for your
titan. A titan's emblem is meant to reflect a titan's most core
20th +6 Last Stand personality, so feel free to replace any animal associated with an
emblem with another animal that you feel better reflects your
character. The animals presented in the feature are merely
suggestions, and you can easily replace the Elk emblem with
something like a jaguar, the Ram emblem with a crocodile, or
even the Lion emblem with a dragon. Work with your DM to
come up with the best representation of your character.

Quick Build
You can make a titan quickly by following these suggestions.
First, put your highest ability score in Constitution, followed by
Strength. Second, choose the folk hero or soldier background.
Third, choose either the Elk, Lion, or Wolf emblem.

Choosing Your Subclass

Your subclass choice defines how you play your titan, which you
gain when you reach 3rd level. If you want flashy elemental
effects and extra damage, choose either the Stormstriker or
Sunkeeper subclass. If you want to have complete control over
the battlefield, choose either the Earthguard or Frostwarden
subclass. If you want to excel with weapons, choose the Dusk-
blade subclass. Finally, if you want to have access to a variety of
useful abilities and have a firm grasp on how spellcasting works,
choose the Weavewalker subclass.
This is only a quick summary of each subclass, and each are
further refined by their relic options. Also remember that it's
common for a titan to shift from one code to another during
their life; if you're not enjoying a subclass, or it doesn't feel like
a good fit for your character, work with your DM to create a
story moment that leads to your character adopting a new code.
Class Features Titan's Emblem
1st-level Titan feature
As a titan, you gain the following class features.
You bear an emblem that reflects the most core aspect of your
Hit Points personality. This emblem grants you an additional boon, which
Hit Dice: 1d12 per titan level you wear on your person, either in the form of a tabbard, a
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier cloak, or a shield design. Once you choose a titan's emblem, you
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution can't choose another one. While you wear this emblem, you
modifier per titan level after 1st gain the benefits associated with it.
Eagle. The eagle reflects splendor. Whenever you make a
Proficiencies Charisma check, you can roll a d4 and add it to the result.
Armour: All armour, shields Elk. The elk embodies agility. Your walking speed increases by
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons 10 feet.
Tools: None
Hawk. The hawk depicts perception. Whenever you make a
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution Wisdom check, you can roll a d4 and add it to the result.
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Lion. The lion represents honor. You have advantage on
Perception, and Survival saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Ram. The ram reflects resilience. When you roll initiative, you
Equipment gain 1d12 temporary hit points.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Snake. The snake depicts cunning. Whenever you make an
equipment granted by your background:
Intelligence check, you can roll a d4 and add it to the result.
(a) one martial weapon and a shield or (c) two martial Wolf. The wolf embodies vigilance. When you roll initiative,
weapons you can roll a d4 and add it to the result.
(a) chain mail, (b) scale mail or (c) leather armour
(a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) five javelins Defensive Bulwark
(a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack 2nd-level Titan feature
Alternatively, you may start with 5d4 × 10 gp to buy your own As an action on your turn, you can create a bulwark that's a 10-
equipment. foot radius sphere centred on you (but doesn't move with you)
that lasts for 1 minute and appears as a transparent bubble of
Multiclassing shimmering energy. You can only have one bulwark created at a
Prerequisites. To qualify multiclassing into the titan class, time; if you create a second bulwark, the first one immediately
you must meet these prerequisites: Constitution 15. vanishes. As an action, you can move the bulwark to re-centre
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the titan class, you on you. The bulwark has the following benefits:
gain the following proficiencies: Light armour, medium armour,
shields, and simple weapons. You don't need to be within 5 feet of a creature to use your
Valiant Protector feature, as long as you and the creature are
Valiant Protector both inside your bulwark.
Allied creatures inside your bulwark gain half cover against
1st-level Titan feature ranged attacks.
As a reaction when a creature within 5 feet of you takes Hostile creatures treat the area inside your bulwark as
bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage from a source you can difficult terrain.
see, you can reach out towards it and take that damage, instead Whenever another allied creature is reduced to 0 hit points
of that creature taking it. The feature doesn't transfer any other while inside your bulwark, you can have it drop to 1 hit point
effects that might accompany the damage, and any damage you instead. That creature also gains temporary hit points equal
take this way is first reduced by an amount equal to 1d6 + half to 1d12 + your titan level. Once you return a creature to 1 hit
your titan level (rounded up). This damage can't be further point this way, your bulwark ends.
reduced by any other abilities, features, or spells, but can be
You have a number of uses of this feature equal to your
reduced by resistances or immunities.
Constitution modifier (minimum of 1), and regain all expended
uses when you finish a long rest.
Undaunted Rapid Defence
2nd-level Titan feature 6th-level Titan feature
You can add half your proficiency bonus to any saving throw you You can create a bulwark as a bonus action on your turn, rather
make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus. than as an action.
Additionally, you regain an expended use of your Defensive
Titan Code Bulwark feature when you finish a short rest.
3rd-level Titan feature
Vengeful Protector
You take up a code that defines you as a titan. You can choose
either Duskblade, Earthguard, Frostwarden, Stormstriker, Sun- 9th-level Titan feature
keeper, or Weavewalker; these codes are detailed at the end of When you use your Valiant Protector feature, you deal 1d6 force
the class description. damage to the creature that attempted to damage your ally.
Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, Additionally, when you reduce the damage dealt to 0 with
15th, and 18th level. Those features include the code relics. your Valiant Protector feature, you use the highest number
possible for each damage die. For example, instead of dealing
Code Relics 1d6 force damage, you instead deal 6.
Each code has ancient relics that they can draw on to empower This force damage increases to 2d6 at 13th level and 3d6 at
themselves during battle. When you finish a long rest, you can 17th level.
choose one such relics from the available option, allowing it to
empower you. When you reach 11th level, you can summon Expansive Defence
two relics this way, gaining the benefits of both.
10th-level Titan feature
Saving Throws The radius of your bulwark increases by 5 feet, and increases by
Some of your subclass features require your target to make a an additional 5 feet at 20th level.
saving throw to resist the feature's effects. The saving throw DC
is calculated as follows: Heavy Handed
11th-level Titan feature
Titan Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
While you're above half your hit point maximum, you gain a
your Constitution modifier bonus to the first weapon attack roll you make on each of your
turns. While you're below half your hit point maximum, you
deal bonus damage the first time you hit a creature with a
Ability Score Improvement weapon attack on each of your turns. These bonuses are both
4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th-level Titan feature equal to your Constitution modifier.
You can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you
can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, Unyielding Body
you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. 14th-level Titan feature
Your Strength score, Dexterity score, Constitution score, and hit
Extra Attack point maximum can't be reduced. You also have advantage on
5th-level Titan feature ability checks and saving throws to avoid being knocked prone,
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the grappled, restrained, or otherwise moved against your will.
Attack action on your turn.
Last Stand
Adaptive Protector 20th-level Titan feature
6th-level Titan feature You can draw on your protective magic to allow you to return to
You can choose two of the following damage types: acid, cold, battle. When you would drop to 0 hit points as a result of taking
fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, radiant, and thunder. You can damage, you can instead regain all your hit points and recover
use your Valiant Protector to reduce the damage a creature any expended uses of your class features (no action required). If
takes when the damage it takes is one of your chosen damage you're prone, you stand up, and you can end any number of
types, in addition to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. conditions afflicting you.
You can choose two more damage types at 10th level, and Once you use this feature, you can't do so
another two at 14th level. again until seven days have passed.
Titan Codes 7th-level Code of the Duskblade feature
Different titans choose different codes, depending on their
As an action, you can expend a use of this feature to create a
beliefs, personal fighting style, or aesthetics. The code a titan
copy of a Titan Relic from any subclass. You gain the benefits of
adopts isn't as important to them as their emblem is, and some the relic created this way, and it lasts for 10 minutes before
titans have been known to change their code during their life, as
vanishing into shadow. The total number of copied relics you
their approach to battle and safeguarding their allies changes.
can have at a single time using this feature is equal to half your
proficiency bonus; attempts to summon additional relics while
Code of the Duskblade at this limit fail, wasting a use of this feature. Any additional
Duskblades are agents of shadow, wielding a lethal arsenal of copies of a relic you already have provide no additional benefit.
weapons to put down those that threaten their charge. They You have a number of uses of this feature equal to your
commit themselves to the art of battle in a way no other titan proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish
does, using darkness as a conduit to not only hone their skills a long rest.
with weapons, but also the reach out and wield the magic used
by other titans, allowing them to adapt to any situation. Other Evasion
titans find their lack of commitment to protective magic 15th-level Code of the Duskblade feature
dishonourable, but Duskblades know that the least threatening When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a
foe is a dead one. Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead
take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only
Duskblade Relics half damage if you fail.
3rd-level Code of the Duskblade feature
Duskblades can draw upon the following relics, allowing them to Duskblade's Deluge
harness magical powers. You can choose one relic when you 18th-level Code of the Duskblade feature
finish a long rest. At 11th level, you can choose two relics.
When you create your bulwark, or as a bonus action on your
Empty Scabbard. No sword fits this scabbard, and it leaves turn while inside your bulwark, you can empower it. Allied
you feeling hollow. Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 creatures inside your bulwark become invisible when you
damage. When you deal this additional damage to a creature, empower it this way and at the end of each of their turns while
the damage increases by 1d4 for each weapon attack you've inside the bulwark. Invisibility granted this way lasts until the
already hit that creature with this turn. creature attacks, casts a spell, or leaves the bulwark. Your
Sealed Shadow. This glass bottle contains a mysterious bulwark remains empowered until it vanishes, or until you lose
shade, writhing inside the glass. You gain darkvision out to a concentration (as if concentrating on a spell).
range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, you increase its Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
range by 60 feet. Additionally, armour you're wearing doesn't finish a long rest.
impose disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Weighted Cloak. A heavy garment to hide your nimble
arsenal. While not wielding a shield, you can freely draw and
stow weapons any number of times on your turn (no action
required), and gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls you
make with weapons you haven't attacked with already that turn.

Creeping Shadow
3rd-level Code of the Duskblade feature
The area inside your bulwark is lightly obscured, and
opportunity attacks against you and allied creatures inside your
bulwark have disadvantage. At the start of each of your turns,
you can move your bulwark up to 10 feet in any direction.
Code of the Earthguard
The Earthguard are enduring and everlasting. They know that
they must weather the storm so that they can resist what comes
after it. Other titans believe that the Earthguards aren't
adaptive, and are too focused on the future, but the Earthguard
know that looking forward doesn't blind them to the present,
but instead allows them to better protect the ones they love.

Earthguard Relics
3rd-level Code of the Earthguard feature
Earthguards can draw upon the following relics, allowing them
to be unyielding forces of nature. You can choose one relic when
you finish a long rest. At 11th level, you can choose two relics.
Ancient Runestone. This runestone adds weight to your Woven Earth
strikes. The first time you hit a creature with a weapon attack on 7th-level Code of the Earthguard feature
your turn, you can move it 5 feet to an unoccupied space,
provided the target is no more than one size larger than you. You tug at the earth, weaving it to your will. As an action, you
Cracked Geode. This geode proves that even the strongest can choose to either pull or push a wave of earth towards or
stone can be moved. You can recenter your bulwark as a bonus away from you in a line 15-feet wide and 60 feet long, forcing
action on your turn, rather than as an action. each creature in the line to make a Strength saving throw.
Tangled Root. Gripping your armour, this root allows you to Pull. Creatures are pulled 20 feet directly towards you on a
failed save, and only pulled half as far on a success.
crush your foes. When you successfully grapple or shove a
creature on your turn, that creature takes bludgeoning damage Push. Creatures are pushed 20 feet directly away from you
equal to your proficiency bonus. You can also deal this damage on a failed save, and only pushed half as far on a success. A
to one creature that starts its turn grappled by you. creature can't be pushed beyond the end of the line.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Tectonic Shift proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish
3rd-level Code of the Earthguard feature a long rest.

You call, and the earth answers. At the end of each of your Slate Skin
turns, you can grant creatures of your choice inside your 15th-level Code of the Earthguard feature
bulwark temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.
When you create your bulwark, you can instead shift the Your skin becomes as hard as rock, allowing you to resist the
earth itself to act as your shield, rather than creating a sphere. attacks of distant foes who can't pierce it. When a non-magical
When you conjure your bulwark this way, the area of the ranged attack that targets you deals damage equal to or less
bulwark consists of up to three 15-foot cubes, which you can than your titan level, it instead deals no damage to you.
arrange with the following limitations; one cube must be placed
centred on you, and each cube must have at least one face
Earthguard's Resolve
18th-level Code of the Earthguard feature
adjacent to the face of another cube.
When you use your action to recenter your bulwark while You can safeguard those who rely on your shelter. As an action
using this feature, you instead dismiss any one cube and create on your turn, creatures of your choice inside your bulwark
a new one, following the limitations for placing it as above. become immune to all damage until the start of your next turn.
When you reach 10th level, you can place up to five cubes Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
using this feature. At 20th level, you can place up to seven. finish a long rest.
Glacial Shroud
3rd-level Code of the Frostwarden feature
Dark ice twists inside your bulwark, impeding your foes.
Creatures of your choice that start their turn inside your
bulwark or move into it for the first time on their turn have their
speed reduced by 10 feet. Additionally, creatures of your choice
that move from a space inside your bulwark to a space outside
of it must spend all their remaining speed to do so.

Rise to Battle
7th-level Code of the Frostwarden feature
You can call upon a frostbitten servant, summoning it in an
unoccupied space within 10 feet of you as an action on your
turn. The servant uses the skeleton stat block in the Monster
Manual, except it has a number of hit points equal to your
Constitution modifier + your titan level. It remains animated for
1 hour, after which time it collapses and dies. The total number
of servants you can have summoned at a single time is equal to
half your proficiency bonus; attempts to summon additional
servants while at this limit fail, wasting a use of this feature.
In combat, the servant's turn comes immediately after yours.
It obeys your mental commands, and the only action it can take
is the Attack action, making one attack. While in inside your
bulwark, it gains a bonus to its AC and attack rolls equal to your
Constitution modifier.
You have a number of uses of this feature equal to your
proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish
a long rest.

15th-level Code of the Frostwarden feature
You can have your Vengeful Protector feature deal cold damage,
rather than force damage.
Code of the Frostwarden When you deal cold damage to a creature with a titan class
Frostwardens are as hard as ice, unmoving on the battlefield. No feature or one of your servants hits a creature with a weapon
matter how the battle shifts and flows, a Frostwarden stands tall attack, that creature's speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start
of your next turn. A creature can suffer this effect multiple
against it, knowing that if they don't, no one will. They reach to
times, but can't have its speed reduced below 0.
darker magics to bolster their defensive capabilities, using
necromancy and undead to further their cause. Other titans see
Frostwardens as dark, and some believe they are something far
Frostwarden's Authority
18th-level Code of the Frostwarden feature
from the noble name of titan. Frostwardens, however, know
that any sacrifice is worth protecting those you love. You can invoke upon an ancient frostwarden to aid you in battle.
You can summon an ancient frostwarden in an unoccupied
Frostwarden Relics space within 10 feet of you as an action on your turn. The
Frostwardens can draw upon the following relics, allowing them ancient frostwarden shares your statistics, but has half of your
to both wield and endure the harshest winters. You can choose hit point maximum and is undead, rather than a humanoid. It
one relic when you finish a long rest. At 11th level, you can remains summoned for 1 minute, after which time it vanishes in
choose two relics. a cold breeze. The ancient frostwarden also has any armour or
Bearskin Blanket. This blanket is a reminder that even the weapons that you're carrying, which are non-magical.
harshest winters can be endured. You gain temporary hit points The ancient frostwarden is friendly to you. It obeys your
equal to half your proficiency bonus at the start of each of your spoken commands, moving and acting in accordance with your
turns. If you're below half your hit point maximum, you gain wishes and taking its turn immediately after you in combat.
temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus instead. The ancient frostwarden benefits from and can use any of
Frozen Skull. This rimed skull is painfully cold to touch. You your titan class features, but expends your uses of those
have advantage on death saving throws, and when you become features as if you had used them when it does so. The ancient
stable, you recover 1 hit point in 1d4 rounds. frostwarden counts as a servant for the purposes of your
Shard of True Ice. A representation of Frostwarden beliefs, Permafrost feature.
this ice is resilient and unchanging. Once per turn, you can give Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
yourself advantage on a weapon attack you make against a finish a long rest.
creature who's movement speed has been reduced or is 0. If
this attack hits, you deal an additional 1d6 cold damage.
Code of the Stormstriker
Stormstrikers hit first and ask questions later. Living by the
phrase "flow like lightning, strike like thunder", they use their
quick reflexes to weave through combat. Other titans often see
Stormstrikers as too brash or aggressive, but Stormstrikers know
that when push comes to shove, someone has to punch first.

Stormstriker Relics
3rd-level Code of the Stormstriker feature
Stormstrikers can draw upon the following relics, allowing them
to become an unstoppable force on the battlefield. You can
choose one relic when you finish a long rest. At 11th level, you
can choose two relics.
Blighted Totem. Crafted from a tree that was struck thrice by You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
lightning, this wooden totem focuses the storm. You have proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish
advantage on initiative rolls, and you can create your bulwark as a long rest. If you use this feature and reduce the target to 0 hit
a reaction when you roll initiative. points, you immediately regain one use of this feature.
Ionized Harness. Allowing you to embrace lightning, this
harness lets you flow through the battlefield. Once per turn Leaping Lightning
when you take the Attack action, you can move up to 10 feet 15th-level Code of the Stormstriker feature
without provoking attacks of opportunity immediately after you Lightning surges through your body, leaping to nearby foes.
make an attack as part of that action. Once per turn when you hit a creature with a weapon attack,
Thunderous Bell. This bell charges your body with the might you can cause any number of other creatures within 5 feet of
of thunder. Your body becomes a natural weapon, which you your target to take 1d6 lightning damage.
can use to make melee weapon attacks. You are proficient with If you're inside your bulwark and hit a creature who's also
your body, and if you hit with it, you deal thunder damage equal inside your bulwark, you can instead target any number of other
to 1d10 + your Strength modifier. Attacks you make with your creatures who are also inside your bulwark.
body deal twice as much damage to objects and structures.
Stormstriker's Ferocity
Rolling Thunder 18th-level Code of the Stormstriker feature
3rd-level Code of the Stormstriker feature
The full power of the storm is granted to you. As an action on
When you create your bulwark, you can have it be centred on your turn, you can begin channelling, becoming a conduit for
you and move with you. Creatures of your choice that start their lightning. You can channel this way for 1 minute, after which the
turn inside your bulwark have their walking speed increased by built-up lightning discharges harmlessly. It also discharges
10 feet until the start of their next turn. harmlessly if you're reduced to 0 hit points or become
incapacitated while channelling.
Seismic Strike At the end of a turn you've spent channelling this ability, you
7th-level Code of the Stormstriker feature
can release a devastating blast of lightning, forcing any number
You're able to build up momentum, allowing you to deal of creatures of your choice within 20 feet of you to make
devastating blows to your enemies. When you hit a creature Dexterity saving throws. A creature takes lightning damage
with a melee weapon attack, you can have that creature take an equal to the total accumulated damage on a failed save, or half
additional 1d12 lightning damage and must make a Strength as much damage on a successful one. The base damage is 4d12,
saving throw or be knocked prone. If you move 20 straight and increases by 2d12 at the start of each of your turns you're
towards a creature and then use this feature against it on the channelling.
same turn, the target takes an additional 1d12 lightning damage Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
and has disadvantage on the saving throw. finish a long rest.
Code of the Sunkeeper Burden of Light
7th-level Code of the Sunkeeper feature
Sunkeepers channel powerful solar magic to smite their foes. To
Sunkeepers, good and evil is as clear and light and dark, and When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can summon
those who fall on the wrong side are quick to feel their wrath. a radiant inferno of pure burning sunlight centred on a point
Even though other titans believe Sunkeepers are too narrow in within 5 feet of it, expending a use of this feature. The area is a
their ideas, no one can deny their prowess in battle. 10-foot radius sphere that lasts for 1 minute and is filled with
bright light. The first time each turn a hostile creature inside the
Sunkeeper Relics area takes fire damage, or a creature hits it with an attack that it
3rd-level Code of the Sunkeeper feature has advantage on, it takes an additional 1d4 radiant damage.
Sunkeepers can draw upon the following relics, allowing them to You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish
nurture the smallest flame and fan the fires of battle. You can
a long rest.
choose one relic when you finish a long rest. At 11th level, you
can choose two relics.
Empyrean Band. This arm band fills you with the grace of
Roaring Flames
15th-level Code of the Sunkeeper feature
the sun. You can take the Help action as a bonus action on each
of your turns. Once per turn when you deal fire damage to another creature
Golden Medallion. This worn medallion is warm to the using a titan class feature, you can choose of the following:
touch, reminding you of the sun's fire, even when its heat is
Another creature within 10 feet of the target takes the
distant. Once per turn when you hit a creature with a weapon
same amount of fire damage.
attack, you can deal an additional 2d4 fire damage.
A creature within 10 feet of the target gains temporary
Scorched Battle-Standard. This banner smells of ash
hit points equal to the fire damage you dealt.
and smoke, and its presence causes your flames to roar.
When you deal fire damage to a creature with a titan Sunkeeper's Edict
class feature, you can roll the damage twice and take 18th-level Code of the Sunkeeper feature
the higher result.
You can pass judgement on another creature within 30 feet of
Blazing Bulwark you as an action on your turn, choosing one of the following:
3rd-level Code of the Sunkeeper feature Sun's Grace. The creature gains 10d12 temporary hit points,
which last for 1 minute. While it has these temporary hit points,
The area inside your bulwark is bright light, which is sunlight.
it has advantage on attack rolls.
Creatures of your choice that start their turn inside your
Sun's Fury. The creature takes 10d12 radiant damage and is
bulwark take fire damage equal to 1d4 + half your proficiency
blinded until the start of your next turn.
bonus. They also take this damage the first time they move
Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
inside your bulwark on their turn.
finish a long rest.
Code of the Weavewalker Arcane Rift
3rd-level Code of the Weavewalker feature
The Weavewalkers are an adaptable presence on the battlefield.
Tapping into arcane magic, they control the flow of battle like a Inside your bulwark, magic cascades in on itself. When you use
symphony, pulling on strings of arcane power to bolster the your Valiant Protector feature on an allied creature inside your
protective magic they already wield. Other titans believe that bulwark, it can use its reaction to immediately teleport to an
the Weave-walkers are too dependant on their magic and not unoccupied space of its choice inside your bulwark.
enough of the might of their weapons, but Weavewalkers easily
flourish both blade and spell in the heat of battle. Magical Rite
7th-level Code of the Weavewalker feature
Weavewalker Relics As an action on your turn, you can expend up to 2 uses of this
3rd-level Code of the Weavewalker feature feature. You can cast a spell that has a level equal to the number
Weavewalkers can draw upon the following relics, allowing of uses you expend. The chosen spell must appear on the wizard
them to harness magical powers. You can choose one relic when spell list and have a casting time of 1 action or bonus action. You
you finish a long rest. At 11th level, you can choose two relics. don't require material components for a spell you cast this way,
Ancient Tome. This tome imparts lost knowledge. When you even if the component has a gold cost or is consumed.
first gain this tome or finish a long rest with it, you can choose You have a number of uses of this feature equal to your
up to three wizard cantrips. Until you next finish a long rest, you proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish
can cast these cantrips at-will, and you don't require material a long rest.
components to cast them. Constitution is your spellcasting
ability for them. Eldritch Guardian
Gleaming Crystal. Focusing your strikes, this arcane focus 15th-level Code of the Weavewalker feature
sparks with latent energy. The first time you make an attack roll You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other
on each of your turns, you can roll a d4 and the number rolled magical effects.
to your attack roll.
Pure Incense. This incense heightens your senses and allows Weavewalker's Negation
you to see beyond. You're always under the effects of the detect 18th-level Code of the Weavewalker feature
magic spell, and it doesn't require concentration for you.
When you create your bulwark, or as a bonus action on your
turn while inside your bulwark, you can empower it. Your
bulwark gains the functionality of an antimagic field. Creatures
of your choice inside your bulwark can ignore the effects of the
antimagic field while your bulwark is empowered this way. Your
bulwark remains empowered until it vanishes, or until you lose
concentration (as if concentrating on a spell).
Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
finish a long rest.

Lead Designer/Producer: u/Rain-Junkie
Version: 4.0 [19/06/23] Changelog
References: Player's Handbook
Editing/Proofreading: u/Cometdance, u/InfKore,
Titan Icon: Game Icons
Interior Illustrators: Bone Dust, Anton Fadeev,
Matteo Bassini, and Dominik Mayer.
The Titan is unofficial Fan Content permitted
under the Fan Content Policy. Not
approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the
materials used are property of Wizards of the
Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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