Vessel Class v2.2 - The Homebrewery
Vessel Class v2.2 - The Homebrewery
Vessel Class v2.2 - The Homebrewery
B reak,
reak, bind,
reak, bind,
bind, seal,
bind, seal,
seal, and
seal, and
and devour
and devour
devour power!
devour power!
Command thethe
the might
the might of
might ofof
of legendary
legendary creatures!
of legendary creatures!
Art credit:
Art credit:
credit: Cipactli
credit: Cipactli
Cipactli by
Cipactli by
by Riccardo
by Riccardo
Riccardo Gualdi
Riccardo Gualdi
Vessel Class
goliath elder stands before the beasts that Break and bind
threaten her people. With her piercing stare
and otherworldly presence, the beasts know Vessels have existed for thousands of years in many different
they are not the only monsters present. forms. Whereas warlocks bind and ply their power from
An orc warrior, burdened with power and otherworldly patrons, and sorcerers wield the power lying
responsibility, holds the line against their within their own blood, vessels gain their magic through a
encroaching enemy. They stand alone as they more authoritative position: as a host.
unleash a wave of cataclysmic force that shatters the very Creating a vessel is no small feat and involves a long,
earth beneath their feet. difficult, and often deadly, ritual. Many times this process is
Running desperate through the woods, an elf turns back to seen more as a sacrifice to the entities rather than a
face their pursuers. With an inhuman roar too large for their successful sealing process. The rituals conducted to parcel
body, they shake the mountain side and start an avalanche. out and seal the entity's power can be considered strange by
Vessels are people who bear the burden of a powerful some as the blood and soul of the vessel and the entity are
sealed entity, a creature that embodies raw, untapped power intertwined.
and overwhelming force. Whether to contain a malicious The process can have many different forms as it often
monster or to wield a benevolent creature's power, Vessels changes depending on the time, place, culture of the sealers,
harbor these creatures as their living hosts. and the entity being sealed. The most common process of
Some vessels are born with these powers lurking inside, sealing involves a literal mixing of both parties' blood after
while others are sealed later in life. Whatever their cause or being anointed with sealing symbols and glyphs. Others are
reason, vessels are breakers, binders, jailors, and consumers marked and fed to the entities, devoured whole only to
of power. Every vessel grows as they learn to master, or make emerge with the entity locked inside of them. Whatever the
amends, with the entity living inside of them. process may be, it often involves some of the most powerful
and strange magic available.
Sealed Power
Creating a vessel
In every age, in every land, there exists entities of
phenomenal power. Whether sealed as a way of protecting When creating your vessel, important questions to answer are
the world or as a living weapon, the capabilities of these what entity's power has been sealed inside of you and for
creatures are not to be undermined. A vessel acts as their what purpose. What led such a powerful creature to be
living prison, but it might not always be this way. bound to you? Was it mutual and consensual or was this
Vessels may be saints, their entity as a benefactor willingly sealing a burden placed upon you? Was this intended to give
assisting them as a mentor or guide as they grow together in you power as a sacrifice or to simply contain a great evil?
harmony and bring about a better world together. Others may Every entity is different, each with a long and storied past,
be corrupted by the forces they wield and succumb to the as well as the nature of your seal to them. Work with your
gnawing influence dwelling inside their hearts and minds. DM to establish the overall character of the entity, their
The nature of a vessel is to be a host for their entities and personality traits, ideals, flaws, and temperament, as well as
through their relationship, either mutually beneficial, their relationship and view of you as their vessel. Is your
corruptive, or simply parasitic, their proximity to power relationship mutual, hostile, or benevolent, or perhaps even
changes and emboldens them; mind, body, and soul. For this indifferent? Do they respect you or hate you?
reason many are seen as untrustworthy or inhuman as they These questions will define the course of your character
breach past the limits of what could be considered natural as and depending on the answers, may even define your
magic augments their very being. character's traits, ideals, and flaws as the border between
them and their entity becomes increasingly important.
Quick Build
You can make a vessel quickly by following these suggestions.
First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed
by Constitution. Second, choose the Acolyte, Hermit, or
Haunted one background for a positive, neutral, or poor
relationship with your entity, respectively.
Vessel class
Level Bonus Synergies Features
1st +2 - Unarmored defense, Primal presence
2nd +2 2 Synergy
3rd +2 3 Entity seal, Naturalized presence
4th +2 3 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 3 Extra attack, Brute force
6th +3 4 Entity feature
7th +3 4 Entity awakening
8th +3 5 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 5 Inhuman endurance
10th +4 6 Confrontation
11th +4 6 Apex
12th +4 7 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 7 Two minds aligned
14th +5 8 Subsume power
15th +5 8 Entity feature
16th +5 9 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 9 Titanomachy
18th +6 10 Bound beyond death
19th +6 10 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 11 Entity feature
d4 Flaw
Famous figures 1 Greed: I deserve all that I have, regardless of
Denevier, Last Acolyte of the Rising Sun. The infamous circumstances
dragonborn prodigy trusted by the Dragon Court, Denevier 2 Pride: All other life forms could never reach the same
was a champion among the imperial court. When the Court peaks and heights as dragon kind
was attacked, the ancient red dragon Rezalma, the Rising
Sun, decided to enact the rites of binding and sealed 3 Territorial: I react harshly and even violently to people
themselves into their prized pupil, rather than seek justice for encroaching on my space or property
their many crimes. It has been a few centuries since the 4 Vanity: I am obsessed with my own image
disbandment of the Court and the capture of the Court's
champions, all vessels. Denevier, however, was never caught Credit: The Last One by Grzegorz Rutkowski
and has not been seen, much to the concern of the free
Amerila Oculescence, Sword Saint and Winter Queen.
An elven warrior known for her fearsome reputation, her
legend was cemented when she, rather than slaying her
greatest foe, the ancient white dragon Rishala, she sealed her
power and claimed it as her own. Amerila has ruled over
Rishala's lands for 200 years with progress, grace, and peace,
though she has since begun her retirement and has entered a
seclusion deep into the frozen wastes, something that has
brought great concern to her allies, enemies, and people.
King Verell, Dragonlord. A proud orcish king who had
changed the course of his people's future. In the past they
were run out by their enemies and forced into dragon
territory with nowhere left to run. Rather than die, he
enlisted his greatest druids and sealed away the dragon pair
and their offspring. Though he is long dead, his lands are
prosperous and his bloodline carries the dragons to this very
Storm surge. You summon a powerful wave to bash
Deep one against your enemies. All creatures in a 20 foot cone must
Terrifying creatures lurk within the depths of the world's make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d6
oceans. Sea monsters, for as long as they have existed, have bludgeoning damage and are pushed back 10 feet. On a
terrorized the world above. Whether skulking in the abyssal success they take half as much damage.
deep or breaching the surface, as long as one is nearby, At 11th level this increases to 4d6 and 30 feet. At 17th level
nothing is safe. There is one rule of the waters and it is this: this increases to 5d6 and 40 feet.
there is always a bigger fish. You may use this feature an amount of times equal to your
Deep Ones reign supreme over lesser sea monsters, proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this after
embodying the truly destructive eldritch force of the ocean completing a long rest. If you expended all uses, you may
depths. Colossal in scale and wielding total power over the spend 2 hit dice to regain a use of it.
sea, anything or anyone wishing to compete is almost
certainly out of their depths. The Deep End
Vessels of these entities are often formed by cults or By 15th level you have mastered the ocean's depths. Once on
civilizations vying for mastery of the waters, hoping to rule each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon
the seas as their own. Occasionally these entities have been attack, you can cause the attack to deal an additional 1d8
known to create their own vessels as emissaries of the storm cold damage.
that is to come and to help expand their domain. Additionally, your Rising Tide feature gains an additional
effect if they fail by 5 or more.
Ocean's passage Glacial frost: Their speed is reduced to 0 until the start of
Starting at 3rd level, your entity gives you the mobility it your next turn.
enjoys through its domain. You gain a swimming speed equal Crushing darkness: They are restrained until the start of
to double your walking speed. Additionally, you can breathe your next turn.
underwater. Whirlpool vortex: They are knocked prone.
Storm surge: They are pushed back an additional 10 feet.
Abyssal adaptations Wrath of the Deep
Also at 3rd level, you find yourself at home in the freezing At 20th level you mantle the full power of your entity. When
depths. You gain resistance to cold damage and you don't you use your Entity Awakening feature, you gain the following
suffer the effects of extreme cold. properties.
Rising tides Your swimming speed doubles.
At 6th level you have inherited the domain of your entity, Your Rising Tide deals its maximum damage and gains
allowing you to manifest it wherever you go. As an action you the siege property. If you do not have any uses available
conjure one of the following effects. when you enter your Entity Awakening, you gain 3 uses.
Their save DC is the same as your synergy save DC. Creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you have
Glacial frost. You unleash the freezing cold of the frigid disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving
oceans. Creatures of your choice within up to 15 feet of you throws.
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they Credit: Darkice by Denis Loeber
take 3d6 cold damage and their movement speed is halved
until the start of your next turn. On a success they take half as
much damage and are not slowed.
At 11th level this increases to 4d6 and 20 feet. At 17th level
this increases to 5d6 and 25 feet.
Crushing darkness. The destructive force of the abyss
bears down upon you. Creatures of your choice within up to
15 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failure, they take 3d6 bludgeoning damage and are blind until
the start of your next turn. On a success they take half as
much damage and are not blinded.
At 11th level this increases to 4d6 and 20 feet. At 17th level
this damage increases to 5d6.
Whirlpool vortex. You open a spinning vortex to devour
your enemies. Creatures of your choice within up to 15 feet of
you must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they
take 3d6 slashing damage and are dragged 10 feet closer to
you in a straight line. On a success they take half as much
damage and are dragged 5 feet.
At 11th level this damage increases to 4d6 and 20 feet. At
17th level this increases to 5d6 and 25 feet.
Prerequisite: Contender
Advanced synergies When you roll for initiative, or as an action, you can ride a
wave forward. You and up to 2 allies within 5 feet, either next
Beasts below to you or behind you, move up to your swimming speed in a
Prerequisite: Powerful form straight line. This movement does not provoke attacks of
The sheer size and power of deep sea monsters is a thing opportunity.
of legend. Any creature in your way must make a Strength saving
You count as one size even larger when determining your throw. On a failure, the creature is knocked prone and takes
carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to your vessel level.
This increases again while in water. Also while in water, you On a success, you and your allies' movement ends and the
have advantage on Athletics checks and Strength saving creatures take no damage.
throws. You may use this synergy an amount of times equal to your
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this after
Darkwater dive completing a long rest.
Prerequisite: Supernatural evasion
Your body temporarily becomes water and mist, allowing Pressure resistance
you to merge and flow through your surroundings. When you Prerequisite: Legendary durability
take the Dodge action you can move through the space of The crushing depths of the ocean would kill a weaker
another creature. You can also move through a space as creature. You are not a weaker creature.
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. You are immune to the effects of extreme pressure, such as
the deep ocean or amplified gravity. When you would be
Rip current pushed or pulled, such as by strong wind or forceful magic,
Prerequisite: Natural weapon and you are conscious, you can choose to remain where you
Your entity's natural weapon manifests as tentacles, a are.
ghostly harpoon, or the powerful draw of the abyssal deep.
Your natural weapon gains the reach property, giving it a Unrelenting
range of 10 feet. Restorative rest
If you have both hands free, you have advantage on grapple The ability for Deep Ones to shrug off immense damage is
checks as your natural weapons easily ensnare creatures. a thing of legend. You share their unrelenting energy.
Trench lurker
You reroll 1s and 2s when regaining health from rolling hit
Prerequisite: Multiple eyes dice or through healing potions. You can not be killed by
Your senses have adapted to the crushing darkness of the massive damage.
deep below. You gain darkvision to a range of 120 feet. As an Credit: Monster in deep by Bayard Wu
action, you may bloom with bioluminescence, creating bright
light for 5 feet and dim light for an additional 5 feet.
Ocean dominion
Prerequisite: Entity instinct
Your entity commands the seas as the undisputed master
of their domain. This domain is now yours.
When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check relating
to forest, grassland, or swamp coastal terrains, your
proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill you are
proficient in.
While you are in coastal and ocean environments, you gain
the following benefits
Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s travel.
Your group can’t become lost except for by magical means.
If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a
normal pace.
When you forage, you find twice as much food as you
normally would.
While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact
number, their sizes, and how long they passed through the
While engaged in combat, moving through non magical
difficult terrain costs you no additional movement.
You can pass through non magical plants without being
slowed by them and without taking damage from them if
they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard.
Crashing waves
Siren call Prerequisite: 10th level in Vessel
Prerequisite: Servants of the Sovereign Ocean binder
You have a naturally magnetic presence, drawing and Prerequisite: Seal Lesser Creature
luring in people just as a siren or angler fish lures in their You are exceptionally skilled at binding aquatic creatures.
prey. The maximum CR of aquatic beasts and monsters you can
As an action, you may target an amount of humanoids seal is equal to your Vessel level.
equal to your proficiency bonus. The targets must succeed on As a 10 minute ritual you can ritually cast the find familiar
a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are charmed by spell. You may forgo the cost by spending 1 hit die and 1 hit
you, as long as you maintain concentration on them (as if point as a blood sacrifice. Your familiar can take a special
concentrating on a spell) or until you take a short or long rest. form matching the same type of creature as your entity and
The charmed creature regards you as enchanting and with a CR of 1 or less. In combat it goes after you and can
mesmerizing. take the Attack action.
The target has disadvantage on this saving throw if you are
in a large body of water, such as a lake or the sea. Sunken treasure
If the target successfully saves against the effect, or you or When you reduce a creature that you know the name of to 0
your allies act hostile towards them, the target is immune to hit points and kill them, you lay claim over their soul and all
this feature for the next 24 hours. possessions. You gain an amount of gold pieces equal to 5
You must complete a short or long rest before you can use multiplied by their CR. You must complete a long rest before
this synergy again. you can use this ability again.
Any personal items or equipment they have of sentimental
Prerequisite: 6th level in Vessel or material value that could reasonably fit inside the chest,
Rough waters unless otherwise warded or magically protected, such as the
Prerequisite: Guard Monster effects of Arcane Lock or other spells, is stored in a watery
Your Guard Monster excels at controlling territory. The demiplane for the next 24 hours. You can access items from
range of your Guard Monster increases to 15 feet. You may this demiplane as an action, summoning an ornate
choose to deal cold damage instead. waterlogged chest with their belongings inside. Any items you
At 10th level, its range increases to 20 feet. do not claim within the chest within 24 hours are left where
they originally were, or left to the bottom of the ocean, at your
Lurk beneath the surface and the DMs discretion.
As an action, you may turn into a gallon of water. While in Any documentation that proves that they would have
this state, you may not take any actions except to transform owned something is instead altered to yourself. This does not
back, though you do retain your senses and movement. This compell creatures to believe your ownership, however.
transformation lasts for an amount of minutes equal to 10 +
your Constitution modifier or until you end this effect as an Prerequisite: 14th level in Vessel
action. Ruler of the waves
You may squeeze through any crack large enough for you You rule over the seas with an iron fist, claw, tentacle, maw,
and fit into any suitable container, such as a canteen, a fish or whatever have you. Water bends to your will.
tank, a teapot, a bucket, etc. You know the Shape Water cantrip and can affect a 15 foot
Dredge cube instead of 5 feet. Your range for this spell doubles from
Your entity drags all things to the deep. You can use this 30 feet to 60 feet.
powerful call as well. While you are submerged in a body of water, you gain
As an action you can lash out a tentacle, harpoon, or some control over that body of water and may use any of the effects
other manifestation of your entity and attempt to drag a of the Control Water spell as an action on it. While you are in
creature within 40 feet closer towards you. The creature your Entity Awakening form, this range increases to 600 feet
must make a Strength saving throw. and you do not have to be submerged in the water to use this
On a failure, the creature is grappled and dragged up to 20 ability.
feet closer to you. On a success, they are not grappled and Tidebreak
remain where they are. As an action you may expend a use of your Entity Awakening
The creature may use their action to attempt to break your to create a miniature ocean around you, creating a 60 foot
grapple. If the creature is still grappled by you at the start of sphere of water centered on you that lasts for 1 minute.
your next turn, you may use a bonus action to drag them up You may choose a number of creatures equal to your
to 20 feet closer to you. This grapple immediately ends proficiency bonus to grant a swimming speed and the ability
afterwards. to breathe underwater. If one of these creatures already has a
swimming speed, their swimming speed is doubled.
When a creature enters this area for the first time on a
turn, or starts its turn there, they must make a Strength
saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained until the start
of their next turn and moved up to 30 feet in a direction you
choose. On a success, they are not restrained and are not
forcibly moved.
Example entities Tables
Levorda, Sea Warden. A once powerful tyrant, Levorda is a While entities are all unique individuals, these tables may
kraken of immense size and incredible strength. The ocean assist in the creation of one. As a result of being bound to
was theirs to rule and they governed it with awe and terror. their vessel, the vessel may also choose to inherit qualities
Their treasure hoards became the envy of the worlds above from these tables.
and below. All hungered for the prizes Levorda kept locked d8 Personality trait
away. In time, their many enemies came together to destroy 1 I have an overwhelming and profound love for the sea
Levorda and steal their treasures, but Levorda had one last and its mysteries
grand prize left unveiled: the power of sealing. They haunt the
ocean depths, finding the power hungry with the will and 2 I mind my own business so long as everyone else can
ambition to reclaim what is theirs. mind theirs
Kyra, the Dread Jelly. It would be easy to assume that sea 3 I like scaring people, just to see what they would do
jellies would be incapable of ascending the hierarchy of sea 4 When out of options, I will always seek to undermine
creatures, but there is something different about Kyra. Kyra or bash my way through
the Dread Jelly is a massive pinkish purple jellyfish, glowing
and radiating with strange arcane power. It's clever, cunning, 5 I splash water and cause messes without realizing
and worst of all, ambitious. It was only when they were sealed others don't like it
that the true arc of their consciousness was revealed. Their 6 I think ships and sea vessels are an afront against
mind and power wear down their vessels like batteries. It is nature
only a matter of time until a new host must be chosen... 7 I have a tendency to curse people over minor
Averlon, Grand Leviathan. In the southern seas of the disagreements and slights (both expletives and magical
world lies a portal to the Elemental Plane of Water. This rift curses)
between the worlds is guarded by all manner of tritons, but 8 I like the taste of soggy food
one creature from the elemental plane has managed to
escape. Averlon. A towering water elemental of vast power d4 Ideal
even amongst their own kind, the mortal world was
unprepared for the Eye of Averlon, the hurricane that lasted a 1 Ambition: Power comes to those who are willing to do
decade before they were sealed away. In time, their bonds anything for it
will break loose and they will take to the surface once more. 2 Freedom: It is not enough to live free, one must live
Or worse, reclaim the rift between worlds. with vigor and without restraint
3 Neutrality: The ocean claims no sides and neither do I
Famous figures 4 Dominion: True power is shown through immunity and
Meridian, Sea Warden. Meridian is a triton who once lived rulership
in Ashureth, the glistening underwater city. Banished and
cast out for overweening ambition, they were snatched up d4 Flaw
and whisked away by Levorda, the Sea Warden. Meridian, 1 Spiteful: I take and destory whatever displeases me
hungry for power and prestige, now works alongside Levorda 2 Revenge: Grevious sins must be paid for in blood
as a prized pupil, a vessel for their power who can infiltrate
the lands they have been barred from and amass their 3 Gluttony: The ocean claims what it wishes, regardless
collection of powerful magic items. Gods only know what the of consequence or waste
two of them will do with their collection fully restored. 4 Fatalism: The tides do not change for others, neither
Captain Aaliyah Silanos A human woman of wide does fate, nor me
renown, Captain Aaliyah became pirate queen of a southern
ocean. She was loved by all and established peace and fair
trade among warring rivals. When her first mate betrayed her
and attempted to steal her throne, she was saved by sea
witches she once aided in her reign. With no other way to
save their ally, they bound a powerful ocean spirit to her. With
her newfound power and crew of sea witches, she has carved
a bloody path across the ocean, devastating everything in her
wake until she finds the traitor who dethroned her.
Captain Hadford. Born to a pirate king and a sea witch,
with the Ruby Wars on the horizon, Captain Hadford took to
the seas to inherit what was rightfully theirs. With the
magical blood coursing through their veins they took the
ocean by storm, sealing and binding all sorts of strange and
dangerous creatures. With a hoard of sharks, crabs, octopi
and more, they embody the wrath of the waters as a
monstrous conqueror.
Primordial beast Monstrous fortitude
A titanic beast of incredible power has been sealed inside of Starting at 6th level, you have learned the true strength that
you. These creatures of myth and legend sit atop the animal comes from raw power, the ability to resist and preserve
kingdom as the unrivaled apex of their kind. These beasts through sheer brute force and determination alone.
embody the untameable power of the wilds and pose a very If you are forced to make an Intelligence, Wisdom, or
real threat to civilizations across the world. Charisma saving throw, you may add your Strength or
The reputation of these vessels is incredibly polarized, Constitution modifier to your saving throw.
more so than for the already divisive vessels. While some are You may use this feature an amount of times equal to your
viewed as civilization prevailing over chaos, many others view proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this after
them as harboring ill intent for all of society. It is very rare to completing a long rest.
see one considered for their mind over their might. Many
have become game wardens and gladiators to control or Rampage
embrace the narrative surrounding them. Starting at 15th level you fight with a fury and intensity of a
rampaging beast. You gain the following benefits:
The Great Migration When you take the attack action you may use a bonus
At 3rd level, you have learned to move through this world action to make an unarmed or natural weapon attack
with all the strength and grace of your entity. Choose one of against a different creature that is within 5 feet of the
the following options. original target.
Burrowing: You gain a 15 foot burrow speed and tremor When you make an attack of opportunity, you make two
sense out to 15 feet. As an action, you may reduce your attacks instead of one.
movement speed to 0 and expand this sense to 30 feet. As a reaction when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points,
Climbing: You gain a climbing speed equal to your you may move up to half of your movement speed and
movement speed. Your jump height and distance are doubled. make an unarmed or natural weapon attack.
Charging: Your movement speed increases by 10. When
you move at least 10 feet towards a target and make a melee Wrath of the Beast
weapon attack, you deal an extra 1d6 bludgeoning damage. At 20th level you mantle the full power of your entity. When
This increases to 2d6 at 11th level and 3d6 at 17th level. you use your Entity Awakening feature, you gain the following
Survival of the fittest
Also at 3rd level, your body is well suited to the harsh wilds You are resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
and what it takes to survive. It takes 2 levels of exhaustion for damage.
you to take 1. You can not be charmed or frightened.
Additionally, you may choose to devour prey to become You may make an additional attack when you take the
stronger. Once per day you may spend a minute to consume Attack action.
10 pounds of flesh from a creature you have recently killed,
no longer than 24 hours ago. You gain benefits according to
the table below until you take a long rest.
Size Benefit
Medium +10 to maximum hp
Large +20 to maximum hp
Huge +1 bonus to AC and +20 to maximum hp
Gargantuan +2 bonus to AC and +25 to maximum hp