Vessel Class v2.2 - The Homebrewery

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Vessels are people who bear the burden of hosting powerful sealed entities within them, gaining magical abilities. They act as living prisons but also learn to master the entities' powers.

A Vessel is a person who has a powerful sealed entity, such as a creature embodying raw power and force, residing within them. Vessels can contain malicious monsters or wield benevolent creatures' powers as their living hosts.

Vessels have the ability to break, bind, seal and consume power from their sealed entities. Their proximity to this power augments their minds, bodies and souls, allowing magical abilities to develop.


B reak,
reak, bind,
reak, bind,
bind, seal,
bind, seal,
seal, and
seal, and
and devour
and devour
devour power!
devour power!
Command thethe
the might
the might of
might ofof
of legendary
legendary creatures!
of legendary creatures!
Art credit:
Art credit:
credit: Cipactli
credit: Cipactli
Cipactli by
Cipactli by
by Riccardo
by Riccardo
Riccardo Gualdi
Riccardo Gualdi
Vessel Class

goliath elder stands before the beasts that Break and bind
threaten her people. With her piercing stare
and otherworldly presence, the beasts know Vessels have existed for thousands of years in many different
they are not the only monsters present. forms. Whereas warlocks bind and ply their power from
An orc warrior, burdened with power and otherworldly patrons, and sorcerers wield the power lying
responsibility, holds the line against their within their own blood, vessels gain their magic through a
encroaching enemy. They stand alone as they more authoritative position: as a host.
unleash a wave of cataclysmic force that shatters the very Creating a vessel is no small feat and involves a long,
earth beneath their feet. difficult, and often deadly, ritual. Many times this process is
Running desperate through the woods, an elf turns back to seen more as a sacrifice to the entities rather than a
face their pursuers. With an inhuman roar too large for their successful sealing process. The rituals conducted to parcel
body, they shake the mountain side and start an avalanche. out and seal the entity's power can be considered strange by
Vessels are people who bear the burden of a powerful some as the blood and soul of the vessel and the entity are
sealed entity, a creature that embodies raw, untapped power intertwined.
and overwhelming force. Whether to contain a malicious The process can have many different forms as it often
monster or to wield a benevolent creature's power, Vessels changes depending on the time, place, culture of the sealers,
harbor these creatures as their living hosts. and the entity being sealed. The most common process of
Some vessels are born with these powers lurking inside, sealing involves a literal mixing of both parties' blood after
while others are sealed later in life. Whatever their cause or being anointed with sealing symbols and glyphs. Others are
reason, vessels are breakers, binders, jailors, and consumers marked and fed to the entities, devoured whole only to
of power. Every vessel grows as they learn to master, or make emerge with the entity locked inside of them. Whatever the
amends, with the entity living inside of them. process may be, it often involves some of the most powerful
and strange magic available.
Sealed Power
Creating a vessel
In every age, in every land, there exists entities of
phenomenal power. Whether sealed as a way of protecting When creating your vessel, important questions to answer are
the world or as a living weapon, the capabilities of these what entity's power has been sealed inside of you and for
creatures are not to be undermined. A vessel acts as their what purpose. What led such a powerful creature to be
living prison, but it might not always be this way. bound to you? Was it mutual and consensual or was this
Vessels may be saints, their entity as a benefactor willingly sealing a burden placed upon you? Was this intended to give
assisting them as a mentor or guide as they grow together in you power as a sacrifice or to simply contain a great evil?
harmony and bring about a better world together. Others may Every entity is different, each with a long and storied past,
be corrupted by the forces they wield and succumb to the as well as the nature of your seal to them. Work with your
gnawing influence dwelling inside their hearts and minds. DM to establish the overall character of the entity, their
The nature of a vessel is to be a host for their entities and personality traits, ideals, flaws, and temperament, as well as
through their relationship, either mutually beneficial, their relationship and view of you as their vessel. Is your
corruptive, or simply parasitic, their proximity to power relationship mutual, hostile, or benevolent, or perhaps even
changes and emboldens them; mind, body, and soul. For this indifferent? Do they respect you or hate you?
reason many are seen as untrustworthy or inhuman as they These questions will define the course of your character
breach past the limits of what could be considered natural as and depending on the answers, may even define your
magic augments their very being. character's traits, ideals, and flaws as the border between
them and their entity becomes increasingly important.
Quick Build
You can make a vessel quickly by following these suggestions.
First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed
by Constitution. Second, choose the Acolyte, Hermit, or
Haunted one background for a positive, neutral, or poor
relationship with your entity, respectively.
Vessel class
Level Bonus Synergies Features
1st +2 - Unarmored defense, Primal presence
2nd +2 2 Synergy
3rd +2 3 Entity seal, Naturalized presence
4th +2 3 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 3 Extra attack, Brute force
6th +3 4 Entity feature
7th +3 4 Entity awakening
8th +3 5 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 5 Inhuman endurance
10th +4 6 Confrontation
11th +4 6 Apex
12th +4 7 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 7 Two minds aligned
14th +5 8 Subsume power
15th +5 8 Entity feature
16th +5 9 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 9 Titanomachy
18th +6 10 Bound beyond death
19th +6 10 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 11 Entity feature

Class Features Unarmored defense

As a vessel, you gain the following class features: At 1st level, while you are not wearing any armor, your Armor
Class equals 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Strength
Hit Points modifier.
Hit Dice: 1d10 per vessel level Primal presence
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution At 1st level, you gain an aura of power most creatures can
modifier per vessel level after 1st. recognize and understand. As an action you can wordlessly
communicate and receive simple ideas, emotions, and
intentions to creatures you are aware of within 120 feet,
Armor: None excluding non living creatures, such as most constructs and
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons undead. You can not use Deception in this way, only
Tools: None Persuasion or Intimidation. Your entity may communicate to
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution you in this way.
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Since you are capable of such primal means of
Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival. conversation, this form of dialogue may be prompted by
Equipment powerful creatures when approaching their territory, such as
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the krakens, adult dragons, nature spirits, or even divine beings.
equipment granted by your background: Communication through Primal Presence may temporarily
manifest as harmless environmental effects, such as rushing
(a) a shortsword or (b) any martial weapon wind, the sound of distant thunder, flames flickering, or a light
(a) a shortbow and 20 arrows (b) any simple weapon snowfall. Other effects may be similar to the Thaumaturgy or
(a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack Druidcraft cantrips.
Synergy Naturalized presence
Starting at 2nd level your body has begun to change and At 3rd level, creatures of the same type as your entity sense
adapt to the power sealed inside of you, growing to accept it that you are one of them and regard you as their kind. You
and use it as a natural extension of yourself. may add your Strength modifier to Charisma checks to
At 2nd level you gain two synergies of your choice. When communicate with creatures of the same type as your entity.
you gain certain vessel levels you gain additional synergies of You have advantage on Survival checks to track these
your choice, as shown in the Synergies column of the vessel creatures, as well as Intelligence checks to study and recall
table. You may choose to replace one of your synergies when information about them.
you level up.
Synergies are the primary way the power of the entities are Entity Creature types
manifested. Such close ties to a powerful creature augments Elder dragon Dragons
the very body of the vessel as they adapt themselves and their Deep one Aquatic creatures
seals in increasingly powerful ways.
Each synergy can take on a myriad of forms, but can only Primordial beast Beasts
be taken once. Advanced synergies are entity specific and can Destroyer Celestials or Fiends
only be taken after 3rd level. If they require a saving throw, High Fey Fey
the synergy save is as follows.
Dire Bloom Plants
Synergy save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Strength modifier Ability Score Improvement
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can
choose one of the synergies you know and replace it with When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
another synergy that you could learn at that level. 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
Entity seal 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
When you reach 3rd level, you forge a new seal between using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose a feat.
yourself and your entity to allow you greater control over its
power. Until this point you were merely siphoning strength Extra attack
from it, perhaps unknowingly, and not actively collaborating. Beginning at 5th level, you can Attack twice, instead of once,
Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn.
6th, 15th, and 20th level.
Brute force
Parley Also at 5th level, you strike with the raw power of your entity.
After the completion of the seal, the entity is locked inside of You may add your proficieny bonus to your melee weapon
the vessel's mindscape, where they will reside until the seal is damage rolls and unarmed strikes.
broken. The vessel may reach this area through a trance state
known as Parley, where they can communicate freely. Parley
can only be achieved when both parties agree. Otherwise, the
entity can only communicate through its Primal Presence.
Credit: The First Hammer by A. Shipwright
At the DM's discretion, other creatures may be able to join the
Parley. Should either the Vessel or Entity permit a being, they
may enter if close to the Vessel during the trance. There could
be any number of ways for creatures to join. Spells like Detect
Thoughts and Planeshift may allow beings to temporarily enter
the Parley. Mystic rituals or feats of incredible focus, such as a
monk's meditation or a barbarians rage may allow their spirit
to pass through the seal and grant them access for a time.
Entity Awakening
Beginning at 7th level you have harnessed the might of your
entity and can bring their physical power to bear,
empowering your body for a brief moment.
As a bonus action you may transform into the semblance of
your entity, taking on their form and likeness. While in this
transformation you gain the following benefits:
Your size becomes Large or Huge (your choice) along with
anything you are wearing. If you lack the room to become
Huge, your size becomes Large. Your attacks gain an
additional 5 feet of reach.
You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength
saving throws.
You gain natural weapons fitting your entity. Your natural
weapon attacks deal 1d12 + your Strength modifier of
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (your choice).
These attacks count as magical for the purpose of
overcoming resistance and immunity to non magical
attacks and damage. They possess the siege property,
dealing double damage to objects and structures.
Your melee attacks deal an additional 2d4 damage.
You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to triple
your vessel level (lasting only for the length of the
This transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you are
knocked unconscious. During this transformation you can
not cast or concentrate on spells.
Your equipment falls to the ground in your space, merges
into your new form, or is worn by it. Magical items grow and
adapt to suit this new form. Worn equipment functions as
normal, but the DM decides whether it is practical for the
new form to wear a piece of equipment, based on your shape
and size.
The second time you use this ability, and every use
thereafter before taking a long rest, you gain a level of
exhaustion at the end of your transformation.
Credit: The Darkling Mage - Dustin by Mona Finden
Inhuman endurance
Starting at 9th level your body has become adept at
sustaining incredible amounts of stress and fatigue. Starting at 11th level you have uplifted yourself in the food
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can instead chain and have a keen awareness for creatures beneath you
choose to drop to 1 hit point instead. You regain this ability and possible competition.
after a short or long rest. Alternatively, you may spend 2 hit The range of your Primal Presence expands to 1,000 feet
dice to regain this ability. and you automatically detect the presence and general
After completing a short or long rest you gain an amount of direction of creatures that are the same creature type as your
temporary hit points equal to your vessel level. You also entity within 1,000 feet.
recover 1 level of exhaustion at the end of a short rest and 2 Additionally, you sense the general direction of any Huge or
after a long rest. Gargantuan creatures within 1 mile.
Confrontation Two minds aligned
Starting at 10th level, there is no amount of pain or force you Starting at 13th level, your entity has aligned its mind and
can not withstand head on. When you are subjected to a spell soul closer to your own. You are proficient in Wisdom saving
or effect that allows you to make a Constitution saving throw throws. You can not be possessed.
to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you
succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Subsume power
Starting at 14th level you have unlocked the seal of your
entity to further consume magical power, feeding yourself
and your entity in the process.
When a spell is cast within 15 feet of you by a creature that
you can see, you may use your reaction to attempt to devour
the spell. Make a Constitution check. The DC equals 10 + the
spell's level. On a success, you consume the creature's spell
and gain a number of temporary hit points equal to double
the spell's level.
When you are hit by a spell attack or within the area of
effect of a damaging spell, such as Fireball or Cone of Cold,
you may use your reaction to attempt to devour the spell. The
damage you take is reduced by your Constitution score + your
vessel level. If the damage you would take is reduced to 0, you
consume the spell. The spell fails and has no effect.
You may use this feature an amount of times equal to your
proficiency bonus. You gain all expended uses of this ability
after a long rest.
Starting at 17th level, your power surges to grand new
heights. You can use your Entity Awakening twice between
long rests before gaining a level of exhaustion. When you use
your Entity Awakening feature, you gain the following
You can become Gargantuan. If you do so, your reach
expands by an additional 5 feet.
Your bonus melee damage increases from 2d4 to 2d8.
When grappling a Large creature or smaller, the creature
is also restrained.
Your movement speed increases by 10 feet.
Bound beyond death
At 18th level your seal has tied your very soul to the core of
your entity. As in life, as in death. One flesh, one end.
You are proficient in death saving throws.
When you drop to 0 hit points, you can choose to
immediately stabilize, regain 1 hit point, and use your Entity
Awakening feature without taking exhaustion. You must
complete a long rest before you may use this feature again.
In the event that you die, and at DM's discretion, your
entity may interfere and claim your soul to aid in your
resurrection. The entity can protect your body by
transforming the local terrain into a lair with regional effects,
pull your body into your Parley demiplane, or some other
method. If a sufficient offering is made, such as blood from a
powerful creature or rare ingredients from their home, the
entity can consume the offering to restore you to life as if
through the True Resurrection spell.
Death of the entity
While bound, the entity can not die. If the vessel would die,
they journey with them to the afterlife until the vessel is
revived or their seal is broken. If the vessel is not revived
within one year, they are released. Alternatively, they may
possess the vessel's body. The vessel can willingly release
them upon death with their Bound beyond death feature.
Credit: Death at the Maker by Katorius
Primal intuition
Synergies You tap into the instincts of your entity, allowing you to size
Deafening roar up other creatures. You may use your Primal Presence to
Unbridled power swells within you as you unleash a make an Insight check, DC equal to their CR. On a success,
devastating roar. As an action (or as a bonus action on a the DM tells you if the creature is your equal, superior, or
critical hit with a melee attack roll), you may attempt to inferior in regards to two of the following characteristics of
frighten all creatures who can hear you within a 30 foot cone your choice:
or a 15 foot sphere centered on you. Strength score
All creatures within range must succeed on a Wisdom Constitution score
saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of Armor class
your next turn. Current hit points
Powerful form Accelerated healing factor
Containing your entity has given you incredible strength. You The power of your entity bolsters your health, allowing you to
count as one size larger when determining your carrying break through even the most debilitating conditions. On your
capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift, as well as turn you may spend a hit die to automatically remove one of
grappling. You gain proficiency in Athletics. If you are the following conditions from yourself: blindness, deafness,
proficient in Athletics, you gain expertise. or paralysis. You may spend 2 to remove a level of
Supernatural evasion
Your body is not bound to this world as simply as others, Restorative rest
granting you increased agility. Your movement speed is Your seal has locked your physical being into one whole,
increased by 10. When you take the Dodge action, your eager to repair itself. If a body part has been severed from
Armor Class is increased by an amount equal to your you, such as a finger, arm, ear, eye, tongue, or leg, you regain
proficiency bonus. it over the course of 1d4 rests.
When recovering lost hit dice, you recover a bonus amount
Natural weapons of hit dice equal to your proficiency bonus.
Entities bear powerful natural weapons which you may wield.
You gain a natural weapon fitting your entity, such as claws, Legendary durability
fangs, horns, tentacles, etc. Your natural weapon deals 1d6 The overflowing power of your entity has made you unusually
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. This die resilient to harm. As a bonus action, or a reaction when you
increases to 1d8 at 11th level and 1d10 at 17th. take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you can
At 6th level these attacks count as magical for the purpose make yourself resistant to the triggering bludgeoning,
of overcoming resistance and immunity to non magical piercing, and slashing damage until the start of your next
attacks and damage. turn.
You may use this synergy an amount of times equal to your
Multiple eyes proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses after
Your entity peers through your eyes and has created more to completing a long rest.
better view their surroundings. You have advantage on
Perception checks to see and and can not be surprised. Servants of the Sovereign
As a vessel of a powerful entity, you have limited command
Entity instinct over their forces. When making a Persuasion check towards
You intimately understand the world around you. You gain a creature of the same type as your entity, you may add
proficiency in Insight and Perception skills. double your proficiency bonus.
As an action, you can force a creature of your entity's type
Contender within 30 feet to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure,
You are always prepared for a fight. You gain a bonus to your they are charmed by you, even if they would ordinarily be
Initiative rolls equal to your Strength modifier. If you tie with immune. A legendary creature, or one that would ordinarily
a creature for initiative, you go first. be immune, makes this save with advantage.
If the creature has a CR higher than your character level,
Eternal seal they automatically succeed. If the creature has a CR less than
Your seal has bound you to the extremely long lifespan of your character level, they are charmed for 1 minute. If the
your entity, bolstering your youth. You have advantage on creature has a CR equal to or less than 1/2 of your character
death saving throws. You can not die of old age or exhaustion. level, rounded down, they are instead charmed for 10
You also can not be aged with magic. minutes. If their CR is equal to or less than 1/4th of your
character level, rounded down, they are charmed for 1 hour.
Overwhelming aura This charm ends if you or an ally harms it or its allies. The
When you use your Primal Presence, you may add double creature is aware that you charmed them. You may only have
your proficiency bonus to Intimidation checks. one creature charmed in this way at a time. If the creature
successfully saves against the effect, they are immune to this
ability for the next 24 hours.
Debilitate Prerequisite: 10th level in Vessel
By harnessing the power of your seal you can inhibit a Seal lesser creature
creature's physical defenses. As an action you can force a The seal of a vessel is among the most powerful binding
creature within 5 feet to make a Constitution saving throw. magic to exist. You have learned to unlock and utilize the
On a failure, the target creature has disadvantage on their magic of your seal to bind and ensnare lesser creatures.
next Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw within Over the course of 1 hour you may create a sealing scroll,
the next minute and subtract your proficiency bonus from costing 100 gp of fine paper, ink, and rare ingredients
their roll. befitting your entity, such as metals and crystals, per CR level
You may use this ability an amount of times equal to your of a creature you wish to seal.
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this ability As a 1 minute ritual you may attempt to seal a creature
after completing a long rest. with a CR less than half of your Vessel level. The creature can
be of any type except humanoid. At the end of the 1 minute
You can silence and steal the voices of your enemies. As an ritual the creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw.
action you can force a creature you within 30 feet to make a Unconsious, stunned, paralyzed, or restrained creatures have
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, that creature is disadvantage on their save.
unable to speak for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns On a failure, this creature is sealed in the scroll where it is
the creature can reattempt a Constitution saving throw. On a locked and incapacitated. It is sustained in every way during
success, the creature regains their voice. this time and does not age.
You may use this ability an amount of times equal to your The creature may reattempt the saving throw every 7 days
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this ability for 3 weeks. After 3 subsequent failures, the creature is
after completing a long rest. bound for 1 year. The creature remains there until it is
willingly released, the scroll is destroyed, or the magic of the
scroll is dispelled with a casting of Dispel Magic. Otherwise,
Your defenses are quick and resilient, bending the world the creature is released in 1 year if the ritual is not
around you into your shield. As an action, or as a reaction successfully repeated.
when you or an ally within 15 feet would be take damage, you Credit: Warwitch by Quadri
can raise a solid barrier of natural elements, such as crystal,
ice, or roots, or manifested limbs of your entity to defend
This wall is 5 feet tall and 15 feet wide. This wall counts as
3/4ths cover for Medium creatures and has an AC equal to 13
+ your Strength bonus. The wall has an amount of hit points
equal to triple your character level. The wall dissipates after 1
minute or until it is destroyed.
You may use this ability an amount of times equal to your
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this ability
after completing a long rest.
Prerequisite: 6th level in Vessel
Guard monster
As a action you may call upon a lesser spirit bound to your
entity, conjuring a spectral monster by your side. This spirit
occupies the same space as you. While the spirit protects
you, your AC is increased by 1.
Any creature of your choice who starts their turn within 10
feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure,
they take 2d8 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage
(your choice).
This spirit lasts for one minute. Once you use this ability,
you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it
Breath weapon improvement
Elder Dragon At 15th level your elemental breath weapon increases in
Dragons are among the most powerful, feared, and respected power. You may choose to forfeit damage dice and deal only
creatures in the cosmos. Their incredible strength, durability, your level of elemental damage to gain an additional effect
and majesty are the things of legends. While never truly dying depending on your dragon type.
of old age, particularly enterprising adult dragons, as well as Fire: You eject scorching hot smoke and blinding ash
ancient dragons and great wyrms, are capable of amassing alongside your fire. On a failure, a creature becomes blinded
vast dominions and untold power and resources. for 1 minute. This effect ends if a creature takes an action to
Elder dragons are often too strong to possibly be killed brush the soot and ashes off.
outright. Rather than facing their tyranny, vessels for these On a successful save the creature takes half damage and
entities are often forged as a last resource to lock them away. isn’t blinded. Creatures can repeat their save at the end of
Other, more benevolent elder dragons, tend to wish to share their turn, ending the effect on a success.
their prodigious gifts to mortal kinds. Cold: You spray bitter rime and arctic sleet alongside your
ice. On a failure, their movement is halved and they can’t take
Dragon wings reactions for 1 minute. This effect ends if the creature ever
Starting at 3rd level, you develop dragon wings that you may takes more than 10 fire damage or a creature takes an action
fall on your back or drape over you as a cloak. You gain a to knock the ice away.
flying speed equal to your walking speed. On a successful save their original movement speed is
reduced by 10 for 1 minute but suffer no other adverse
Dragon tongue effects.
Lightning: Your lightning arcs and spreads in volleys. On a
At 3rd level you gain the speech and the elemental power failure, they are stunned until the start of your next turn.
lying inside of dragons. You can speak, read, and write On a successful save the creature is not stunned.
Draconic. Poison: Noxious fumes below alongside. On failure, they
You gain a breath weapon with a save DC equal to your are poisoned for an hour. The creature takes 1d6 poison
synergy save DC. You may use this weapon an amount of damage at the start of their turns and can make another
times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all saving throw at the end of their turns.
expended uses of this after completing a long rest. If you On a successful save the creature takes half damage and
expended all uses, you may spend 2 hit dice to regain a use of isn't poisoned.
it. Acid: Your caustic breath becomes increasingly potent. On
Cone breath weapons deal 3d6 + your vessel level of the a failure, their armor class is reduced by half of your
respective element, increasing to 4d6 at 5th level, 5d6 at 11th proficiency bonus (rounded down). This effect lasts until the
level, and 6d6 at 17th level. armor can be repaired. If a creature has natural armor, this
Cones increase their range to 30 feet at 11th level and 60 effect ends when they are healed or complete a long rest.
feet at 17th level. On a successful save, their armor class is not reduced.
Line breath weapons deal 3d8 + your vessel level of the
respective element, increasing to 4d8 at 5th level, 5d8 at 11th Wrath of the Dragon
level, and 6d8 at 17th level.
Lines increase their range to 120 feet at 11th level and 300 At 20th level you mantle the full power of your entity. When
feet 17th level. you use your Entity Awakening feature, you gain the following
Elder dragon Element Breath weapon
Your flying speed doubles.
Brass, Gold, Red Fire 15 foot cone (Dex. save) Your breath weapon deals its maximum damage. If you do
Silver, White Cold 15 foot cone (Con. save) not have any uses available when you enter your Entity
Blue, Bronze Lightning 5 x 30 foot line (Dex. save)
Awakening, you gain 3 uses for the duration of the
transformation. Their range increases to a 90 foot cone or
Green Poison 15 foot cone (Con. save) 120 foot line.
Black, Copper Acid 5 x 30 foot line (Con. save) As a reaction, you may choose to succeed on a Dexterity,
Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw during your
Elemental infusion
At 6th level the elemental power of your seal suffuses your
heart, granting you a resistance to the type of damage your
breath weapon deals. Additionally, you treat immunity to your
breath weapon's damage as resistance and treat resistance as
Advanced synergies
Roar of the dragon
Prerequisite: Deafening roar
The roar of a dragon is a fearsome thing indeed.
The range of your roar increases to a 40 foot cone or a 20
foot sphere. When a creature fails their saving throw,
creatures take an amount of elemental damage equal to
double your proficiency bonus, or half as much on a success.
This damage is the same type as your breath weapon.
Eyes of the dragon
Prerequisite: Multiple eyes
You gain draconic eyes. You have darkvision to a range of
60 feet. If you already possess darkvision you can see in color.
Additionally, you have advantage on Perception checks to
detect illusions.
Dragon's hoard
Prerequisite: Entity instinct
A dragon minds what is theirs. As an action you can sense
the location of your personal objects and possessions. When
you do so, you are aware of the object's exact location as long
as it is within 1,000 feet and if it has been damaged or
tarnished in any way.
If the object is in motion or beyond 1,000 feet, you sense its
Gale-force wings
Prerequisite: Contender
Your powerful wings lift you with intense winds and air
currents. As an action, you can force all creatures within 10
feet to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are
knocked prone.
Also as an action, you may flap your wings and attempt to
push back all creatures in a 20 foot cone. All creatures within Credit: Cai Zhichao
range must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they
are pushed back 20 feet in a straight line. Draconic minions
Draconic life cycle
Prerequisite: Servants of the Sovereign
Prerequisite: Eternal seal The Elder Dragon inside of you gives a you innate authority
The long lived nature of dragons grants you a fortitude to over lesser dragons.
the ravages of time. For every 4 years that pass you age only 1 You are able to charm dragonborn and kobolds as if they
year. You suffer none of the frailty of old age. are dragons. When you charm a kobold, dragon wyrmling,
pseudodragon, or guard drake they are charmed by you for 1
hour, regardless of their CR.
Wisdom of the Wyrm
Prerequisite: Primal intuition Elder Ire
The insight of an Elder Dragon spans countless ages. Prerequisite: Debilitate
When you use your primal intuition you are aware if the The displeasure of powerful dragons is palpable. Beware
creature is resistant, vulnerable, or immune to your element. the stare, it can be as deadly as any breath weapon.
Also, you have advantage on Arcana and Survival checks. The range of your Debilitate increases to 30 feet. When a
creature fails their saving throw, they take an amount of your
Scales of the dragon elemental damage equal to your level, or half as much on a
Prerequisite: Legendary durability success.
Your skin becomes covered in patches of beautiful,
gleaming dragon scales. Your body becomes exceptionlly
durable and impact resistant.
When you use your legendary durability you turn critical
hits into regular hits and gain resistance to breath weapons.
Prerequisite: 10th level in Vessel
Dragon binder
Prerequisite: Seal Lesser Creature
You are exceptionally skilled at binding dragons. The
maximum CR of dragons you can seal is equal to your Vessel
As a 10 minute ritual you can ritually cast the find familiar
spell. You may forgo the cost by spending 1 hit die and 1 hit
point as a blood sacrifice. Your familiar can take a special
form matching the same type of creature as your entity and
with a CR of 1 or less. In combat it goes after you and can
take the Attack action.
Dragon heart
A dragon's heart burns bright, and never brighter than when
they have something to prove.
When you drop to 0 hit points, you may spend 3 hit dice to
unleash the stored elemental power within you. The creature
who reduced you to 0 hit points must make a Constitution
saving throw.
On a failure, they take 3 x your vessel level of your
elemental damage, or half as much on a success.
Credit: Hui by rerenah
Rage and fury
Prerequisite: 6th level in Vessel The wrath of dragons is infamous. When you reduce a
creature to 0 hit points you may use your reaction to use your
Claws of the dragon breath weapon.
Prerequisite: Natural weapons
You develop long and deadly claws. When you hit with your Prerequisite: 14th level in Vessel
natural weapon attack you may change your damage type to
that of your element. Dragon's pride
As a bonus action when you hit with your natural weapons, You bear the pride of dragons. You have nothing to fear. Your
you may deal an additional amount of elemental damage enemies have everything to fear.
equal to your proficiency bonus. While you have temporary hit points, you may choose to
generate a frightening aura around you. Creatures within 15
Breath weapon mastery feet of you have disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
You have gained a higher level of technical proficiency in your Creatures immune to fear ignore this effect.
breath weapon.
You may use your breath weapon as a bonus action. If you Elemental flare
do so, you deal only half as much damage and can not inflict You may unleash your breath weapon in all directions,
your Breath Weapon Improvement effect. consuming the surrounding area in elemental destruction. All
As a reaction to being in the area of effect of a cone or line creatures within 30 feet of you must make a save against your
that deals fire, cold, lightning, poison, or acid damage, such as breath weapon. On a failure, they take 6d6 damage from your
a Cone of Cold or Lightning Bolt, you may expend a use of element. On a success, they take half as much.
your breath weapon to reduce the damage you take by an For the next minute this area becomes difficult terrain. Any
amount equal to the damage your breath weapon would deal. creature that enters this area on a turn, or starts their turn
within this area, takes 1d6 elemental damage.
Example entities While entities are all unique individuals, these tables may
Syrnthil the Shining. An ancient gold dragon who has assist in the creation of one. As a result of being bound to
deemed themselves protector and patron of mortal kind, their vessel, the vessel may also choose to inherit qualities
Syrnthil is a kind and wise dragon of incredible age. Syrnthil from these tables.
has resolved to find noble souls to bond with, becoming their
entity and granting them all manner of power and secrets so d8 Personality trait
that they may progress and shape the world as they see fit. 1 I love to collect things and take great care of them.
He has taken many artists, aristocrats, and heroes under his Treasure, weapons, etc.
wing to mentor and train as his pupils, though some question 2 I always keep an eye out. Anyone, or anything, could be
the validity of their claim to money, power, and fame with a a threat
masterful gold dragon inside of them.
Ardigal Blackfire. An ancient black dragon of great infamy, 3 I get intense cravings for very specific foods
Ardigal was a scourge across their blighted lands, poisoned 4 I am governed by my emotions, but would never admit
by their acid breath. Entire legions of soldiers have fallen to it
the dragon before a circle of druids managed to seal them 5 I have mature and refined tastes and can not stand
into a vessel. Dragon priests and villains have long sought out things below them
their power as each vessel binds Ardigal to their next host.
The process of resealing Ardigal alerts their many dedicated 6 I am can go on impassioned, long winded speeches
followers and the time has come once again to bind Ardigal. about the things I love anytime they are brought up
The shadows have begun to stir and Ardigal's lands have 7 I often forget others do not share my elemental affinity
since awoken, seeking out their missing master. 8 I take promises, oaths, and contracts very seriously
Venstaltes, Skylord. An ancient white dragon of unusual
intellect and cunning, Venstaltes has used their near peerless d4 Ideal
acumen to unlock powerful arcane secrets and claim
command over their kin and the frigid tundra from which 1 Determination: I never give up
they hail. Rather than watching the Skylord rise to ever 2 Trust: My word is my bond, I do not give it lightly
grander new heights, mortals scrambled to seal them into a
vessel. All who were in attendance that day thought it was too 3 Glory: To be the best you must defeat the best. I strive
ever forward
easy. Many thinks this has been yet another one of the
Skylord's infamous gambits... 4 Beauty: Artistic merit is invaluable, above all else

d4 Flaw
Famous figures 1 Greed: I deserve all that I have, regardless of
Denevier, Last Acolyte of the Rising Sun. The infamous circumstances
dragonborn prodigy trusted by the Dragon Court, Denevier 2 Pride: All other life forms could never reach the same
was a champion among the imperial court. When the Court peaks and heights as dragon kind
was attacked, the ancient red dragon Rezalma, the Rising
Sun, decided to enact the rites of binding and sealed 3 Territorial: I react harshly and even violently to people
themselves into their prized pupil, rather than seek justice for encroaching on my space or property
their many crimes. It has been a few centuries since the 4 Vanity: I am obsessed with my own image
disbandment of the Court and the capture of the Court's
champions, all vessels. Denevier, however, was never caught Credit: The Last One by Grzegorz Rutkowski
and has not been seen, much to the concern of the free
Amerila Oculescence, Sword Saint and Winter Queen.
An elven warrior known for her fearsome reputation, her
legend was cemented when she, rather than slaying her
greatest foe, the ancient white dragon Rishala, she sealed her
power and claimed it as her own. Amerila has ruled over
Rishala's lands for 200 years with progress, grace, and peace,
though she has since begun her retirement and has entered a
seclusion deep into the frozen wastes, something that has
brought great concern to her allies, enemies, and people.
King Verell, Dragonlord. A proud orcish king who had
changed the course of his people's future. In the past they
were run out by their enemies and forced into dragon
territory with nowhere left to run. Rather than die, he
enlisted his greatest druids and sealed away the dragon pair
and their offspring. Though he is long dead, his lands are
prosperous and his bloodline carries the dragons to this very
Storm surge. You summon a powerful wave to bash
Deep one against your enemies. All creatures in a 20 foot cone must
Terrifying creatures lurk within the depths of the world's make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d6
oceans. Sea monsters, for as long as they have existed, have bludgeoning damage and are pushed back 10 feet. On a
terrorized the world above. Whether skulking in the abyssal success they take half as much damage.
deep or breaching the surface, as long as one is nearby, At 11th level this increases to 4d6 and 30 feet. At 17th level
nothing is safe. There is one rule of the waters and it is this: this increases to 5d6 and 40 feet.
there is always a bigger fish. You may use this feature an amount of times equal to your
Deep Ones reign supreme over lesser sea monsters, proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this after
embodying the truly destructive eldritch force of the ocean completing a long rest. If you expended all uses, you may
depths. Colossal in scale and wielding total power over the spend 2 hit dice to regain a use of it.
sea, anything or anyone wishing to compete is almost
certainly out of their depths. The Deep End
Vessels of these entities are often formed by cults or By 15th level you have mastered the ocean's depths. Once on
civilizations vying for mastery of the waters, hoping to rule each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon
the seas as their own. Occasionally these entities have been attack, you can cause the attack to deal an additional 1d8
known to create their own vessels as emissaries of the storm cold damage.
that is to come and to help expand their domain. Additionally, your Rising Tide feature gains an additional
effect if they fail by 5 or more.
Ocean's passage Glacial frost: Their speed is reduced to 0 until the start of
Starting at 3rd level, your entity gives you the mobility it your next turn.
enjoys through its domain. You gain a swimming speed equal Crushing darkness: They are restrained until the start of
to double your walking speed. Additionally, you can breathe your next turn.
underwater. Whirlpool vortex: They are knocked prone.
Storm surge: They are pushed back an additional 10 feet.
Abyssal adaptations Wrath of the Deep
Also at 3rd level, you find yourself at home in the freezing At 20th level you mantle the full power of your entity. When
depths. You gain resistance to cold damage and you don't you use your Entity Awakening feature, you gain the following
suffer the effects of extreme cold. properties.
Rising tides Your swimming speed doubles.
At 6th level you have inherited the domain of your entity, Your Rising Tide deals its maximum damage and gains
allowing you to manifest it wherever you go. As an action you the siege property. If you do not have any uses available
conjure one of the following effects. when you enter your Entity Awakening, you gain 3 uses.
Their save DC is the same as your synergy save DC. Creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you have
Glacial frost. You unleash the freezing cold of the frigid disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving
oceans. Creatures of your choice within up to 15 feet of you throws.
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they Credit: Darkice by Denis Loeber
take 3d6 cold damage and their movement speed is halved
until the start of your next turn. On a success they take half as
much damage and are not slowed.
At 11th level this increases to 4d6 and 20 feet. At 17th level
this increases to 5d6 and 25 feet.
Crushing darkness. The destructive force of the abyss
bears down upon you. Creatures of your choice within up to
15 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failure, they take 3d6 bludgeoning damage and are blind until
the start of your next turn. On a success they take half as
much damage and are not blinded.
At 11th level this increases to 4d6 and 20 feet. At 17th level
this damage increases to 5d6.
Whirlpool vortex. You open a spinning vortex to devour
your enemies. Creatures of your choice within up to 15 feet of
you must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they
take 3d6 slashing damage and are dragged 10 feet closer to
you in a straight line. On a success they take half as much
damage and are dragged 5 feet.
At 11th level this damage increases to 4d6 and 20 feet. At
17th level this increases to 5d6 and 25 feet.
Prerequisite: Contender
Advanced synergies When you roll for initiative, or as an action, you can ride a
wave forward. You and up to 2 allies within 5 feet, either next
Beasts below to you or behind you, move up to your swimming speed in a
Prerequisite: Powerful form straight line. This movement does not provoke attacks of
The sheer size and power of deep sea monsters is a thing opportunity.
of legend. Any creature in your way must make a Strength saving
You count as one size even larger when determining your throw. On a failure, the creature is knocked prone and takes
carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to your vessel level.
This increases again while in water. Also while in water, you On a success, you and your allies' movement ends and the
have advantage on Athletics checks and Strength saving creatures take no damage.
throws. You may use this synergy an amount of times equal to your
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this after
Darkwater dive completing a long rest.
Prerequisite: Supernatural evasion
Your body temporarily becomes water and mist, allowing Pressure resistance
you to merge and flow through your surroundings. When you Prerequisite: Legendary durability
take the Dodge action you can move through the space of The crushing depths of the ocean would kill a weaker
another creature. You can also move through a space as creature. You are not a weaker creature.
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. You are immune to the effects of extreme pressure, such as
the deep ocean or amplified gravity. When you would be
Rip current pushed or pulled, such as by strong wind or forceful magic,
Prerequisite: Natural weapon and you are conscious, you can choose to remain where you
Your entity's natural weapon manifests as tentacles, a are.
ghostly harpoon, or the powerful draw of the abyssal deep.
Your natural weapon gains the reach property, giving it a Unrelenting
range of 10 feet. Restorative rest
If you have both hands free, you have advantage on grapple The ability for Deep Ones to shrug off immense damage is
checks as your natural weapons easily ensnare creatures. a thing of legend. You share their unrelenting energy.
Trench lurker
You reroll 1s and 2s when regaining health from rolling hit
Prerequisite: Multiple eyes dice or through healing potions. You can not be killed by
Your senses have adapted to the crushing darkness of the massive damage.
deep below. You gain darkvision to a range of 120 feet. As an Credit: Monster in deep by Bayard Wu
action, you may bloom with bioluminescence, creating bright
light for 5 feet and dim light for an additional 5 feet.
Ocean dominion
Prerequisite: Entity instinct
Your entity commands the seas as the undisputed master
of their domain. This domain is now yours.
When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check relating
to forest, grassland, or swamp coastal terrains, your
proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill you are
proficient in.
While you are in coastal and ocean environments, you gain
the following benefits
Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s travel.
Your group can’t become lost except for by magical means.
If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a
normal pace.
When you forage, you find twice as much food as you
normally would.
While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact
number, their sizes, and how long they passed through the
While engaged in combat, moving through non magical
difficult terrain costs you no additional movement.
You can pass through non magical plants without being
slowed by them and without taking damage from them if
they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard.
Crashing waves
Siren call Prerequisite: 10th level in Vessel
Prerequisite: Servants of the Sovereign Ocean binder
You have a naturally magnetic presence, drawing and Prerequisite: Seal Lesser Creature
luring in people just as a siren or angler fish lures in their You are exceptionally skilled at binding aquatic creatures.
prey. The maximum CR of aquatic beasts and monsters you can
As an action, you may target an amount of humanoids seal is equal to your Vessel level.
equal to your proficiency bonus. The targets must succeed on As a 10 minute ritual you can ritually cast the find familiar
a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are charmed by spell. You may forgo the cost by spending 1 hit die and 1 hit
you, as long as you maintain concentration on them (as if point as a blood sacrifice. Your familiar can take a special
concentrating on a spell) or until you take a short or long rest. form matching the same type of creature as your entity and
The charmed creature regards you as enchanting and with a CR of 1 or less. In combat it goes after you and can
mesmerizing. take the Attack action.
The target has disadvantage on this saving throw if you are
in a large body of water, such as a lake or the sea. Sunken treasure
If the target successfully saves against the effect, or you or When you reduce a creature that you know the name of to 0
your allies act hostile towards them, the target is immune to hit points and kill them, you lay claim over their soul and all
this feature for the next 24 hours. possessions. You gain an amount of gold pieces equal to 5
You must complete a short or long rest before you can use multiplied by their CR. You must complete a long rest before
this synergy again. you can use this ability again.
Any personal items or equipment they have of sentimental
Prerequisite: 6th level in Vessel or material value that could reasonably fit inside the chest,
Rough waters unless otherwise warded or magically protected, such as the
Prerequisite: Guard Monster effects of Arcane Lock or other spells, is stored in a watery
Your Guard Monster excels at controlling territory. The demiplane for the next 24 hours. You can access items from
range of your Guard Monster increases to 15 feet. You may this demiplane as an action, summoning an ornate
choose to deal cold damage instead. waterlogged chest with their belongings inside. Any items you
At 10th level, its range increases to 20 feet. do not claim within the chest within 24 hours are left where
they originally were, or left to the bottom of the ocean, at your
Lurk beneath the surface and the DMs discretion.
As an action, you may turn into a gallon of water. While in Any documentation that proves that they would have
this state, you may not take any actions except to transform owned something is instead altered to yourself. This does not
back, though you do retain your senses and movement. This compell creatures to believe your ownership, however.
transformation lasts for an amount of minutes equal to 10 +
your Constitution modifier or until you end this effect as an Prerequisite: 14th level in Vessel
action. Ruler of the waves
You may squeeze through any crack large enough for you You rule over the seas with an iron fist, claw, tentacle, maw,
and fit into any suitable container, such as a canteen, a fish or whatever have you. Water bends to your will.
tank, a teapot, a bucket, etc. You know the Shape Water cantrip and can affect a 15 foot
Dredge cube instead of 5 feet. Your range for this spell doubles from
Your entity drags all things to the deep. You can use this 30 feet to 60 feet.
powerful call as well. While you are submerged in a body of water, you gain
As an action you can lash out a tentacle, harpoon, or some control over that body of water and may use any of the effects
other manifestation of your entity and attempt to drag a of the Control Water spell as an action on it. While you are in
creature within 40 feet closer towards you. The creature your Entity Awakening form, this range increases to 600 feet
must make a Strength saving throw. and you do not have to be submerged in the water to use this
On a failure, the creature is grappled and dragged up to 20 ability.
feet closer to you. On a success, they are not grappled and Tidebreak
remain where they are. As an action you may expend a use of your Entity Awakening
The creature may use their action to attempt to break your to create a miniature ocean around you, creating a 60 foot
grapple. If the creature is still grappled by you at the start of sphere of water centered on you that lasts for 1 minute.
your next turn, you may use a bonus action to drag them up You may choose a number of creatures equal to your
to 20 feet closer to you. This grapple immediately ends proficiency bonus to grant a swimming speed and the ability
afterwards. to breathe underwater. If one of these creatures already has a
swimming speed, their swimming speed is doubled.
When a creature enters this area for the first time on a
turn, or starts its turn there, they must make a Strength
saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained until the start
of their next turn and moved up to 30 feet in a direction you
choose. On a success, they are not restrained and are not
forcibly moved.
Example entities Tables
Levorda, Sea Warden. A once powerful tyrant, Levorda is a While entities are all unique individuals, these tables may
kraken of immense size and incredible strength. The ocean assist in the creation of one. As a result of being bound to
was theirs to rule and they governed it with awe and terror. their vessel, the vessel may also choose to inherit qualities
Their treasure hoards became the envy of the worlds above from these tables.
and below. All hungered for the prizes Levorda kept locked d8 Personality trait
away. In time, their many enemies came together to destroy 1 I have an overwhelming and profound love for the sea
Levorda and steal their treasures, but Levorda had one last and its mysteries
grand prize left unveiled: the power of sealing. They haunt the
ocean depths, finding the power hungry with the will and 2 I mind my own business so long as everyone else can
ambition to reclaim what is theirs. mind theirs
Kyra, the Dread Jelly. It would be easy to assume that sea 3 I like scaring people, just to see what they would do
jellies would be incapable of ascending the hierarchy of sea 4 When out of options, I will always seek to undermine
creatures, but there is something different about Kyra. Kyra or bash my way through
the Dread Jelly is a massive pinkish purple jellyfish, glowing
and radiating with strange arcane power. It's clever, cunning, 5 I splash water and cause messes without realizing
and worst of all, ambitious. It was only when they were sealed others don't like it
that the true arc of their consciousness was revealed. Their 6 I think ships and sea vessels are an afront against
mind and power wear down their vessels like batteries. It is nature
only a matter of time until a new host must be chosen... 7 I have a tendency to curse people over minor
Averlon, Grand Leviathan. In the southern seas of the disagreements and slights (both expletives and magical
world lies a portal to the Elemental Plane of Water. This rift curses)
between the worlds is guarded by all manner of tritons, but 8 I like the taste of soggy food
one creature from the elemental plane has managed to
escape. Averlon. A towering water elemental of vast power d4 Ideal
even amongst their own kind, the mortal world was
unprepared for the Eye of Averlon, the hurricane that lasted a 1 Ambition: Power comes to those who are willing to do
decade before they were sealed away. In time, their bonds anything for it
will break loose and they will take to the surface once more. 2 Freedom: It is not enough to live free, one must live
Or worse, reclaim the rift between worlds. with vigor and without restraint
3 Neutrality: The ocean claims no sides and neither do I
Famous figures 4 Dominion: True power is shown through immunity and
Meridian, Sea Warden. Meridian is a triton who once lived rulership
in Ashureth, the glistening underwater city. Banished and
cast out for overweening ambition, they were snatched up d4 Flaw
and whisked away by Levorda, the Sea Warden. Meridian, 1 Spiteful: I take and destory whatever displeases me
hungry for power and prestige, now works alongside Levorda 2 Revenge: Grevious sins must be paid for in blood
as a prized pupil, a vessel for their power who can infiltrate
the lands they have been barred from and amass their 3 Gluttony: The ocean claims what it wishes, regardless
collection of powerful magic items. Gods only know what the of consequence or waste
two of them will do with their collection fully restored. 4 Fatalism: The tides do not change for others, neither
Captain Aaliyah Silanos A human woman of wide does fate, nor me
renown, Captain Aaliyah became pirate queen of a southern
ocean. She was loved by all and established peace and fair
trade among warring rivals. When her first mate betrayed her
and attempted to steal her throne, she was saved by sea
witches she once aided in her reign. With no other way to
save their ally, they bound a powerful ocean spirit to her. With
her newfound power and crew of sea witches, she has carved
a bloody path across the ocean, devastating everything in her
wake until she finds the traitor who dethroned her.
Captain Hadford. Born to a pirate king and a sea witch,
with the Ruby Wars on the horizon, Captain Hadford took to
the seas to inherit what was rightfully theirs. With the
magical blood coursing through their veins they took the
ocean by storm, sealing and binding all sorts of strange and
dangerous creatures. With a hoard of sharks, crabs, octopi
and more, they embody the wrath of the waters as a
monstrous conqueror.
Primordial beast Monstrous fortitude
A titanic beast of incredible power has been sealed inside of Starting at 6th level, you have learned the true strength that
you. These creatures of myth and legend sit atop the animal comes from raw power, the ability to resist and preserve
kingdom as the unrivaled apex of their kind. These beasts through sheer brute force and determination alone.
embody the untameable power of the wilds and pose a very If you are forced to make an Intelligence, Wisdom, or
real threat to civilizations across the world. Charisma saving throw, you may add your Strength or
The reputation of these vessels is incredibly polarized, Constitution modifier to your saving throw.
more so than for the already divisive vessels. While some are You may use this feature an amount of times equal to your
viewed as civilization prevailing over chaos, many others view proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this after
them as harboring ill intent for all of society. It is very rare to completing a long rest.
see one considered for their mind over their might. Many
have become game wardens and gladiators to control or Rampage
embrace the narrative surrounding them. Starting at 15th level you fight with a fury and intensity of a
rampaging beast. You gain the following benefits:
The Great Migration When you take the attack action you may use a bonus
At 3rd level, you have learned to move through this world action to make an unarmed or natural weapon attack
with all the strength and grace of your entity. Choose one of against a different creature that is within 5 feet of the
the following options. original target.
Burrowing: You gain a 15 foot burrow speed and tremor When you make an attack of opportunity, you make two
sense out to 15 feet. As an action, you may reduce your attacks instead of one.
movement speed to 0 and expand this sense to 30 feet. As a reaction when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points,
Climbing: You gain a climbing speed equal to your you may move up to half of your movement speed and
movement speed. Your jump height and distance are doubled. make an unarmed or natural weapon attack.
Charging: Your movement speed increases by 10. When
you move at least 10 feet towards a target and make a melee Wrath of the Beast
weapon attack, you deal an extra 1d6 bludgeoning damage. At 20th level you mantle the full power of your entity. When
This increases to 2d6 at 11th level and 3d6 at 17th level. you use your Entity Awakening feature, you gain the following
Survival of the fittest
Also at 3rd level, your body is well suited to the harsh wilds You are resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
and what it takes to survive. It takes 2 levels of exhaustion for damage.
you to take 1. You can not be charmed or frightened.
Additionally, you may choose to devour prey to become You may make an additional attack when you take the
stronger. Once per day you may spend a minute to consume Attack action.
10 pounds of flesh from a creature you have recently killed,
no longer than 24 hours ago. You gain benefits according to
the table below until you take a long rest.
Size Benefit
Medium +10 to maximum hp
Large +20 to maximum hp
Huge +1 bonus to AC and +20 to maximum hp
Gargantuan +2 bonus to AC and +25 to maximum hp

You must complete a long rest before you use this

ability again.

Credit: Titanroth Rex by Svetlin VelinovPRO

Ruler of the wilds
Advanced synergies Prerequisite: Overwhelming aura
Earthshaker When you spend a long rest in a wilderness environment,
Prerequisite: Deafening roar you can declare the territory around you, a mile radius, as
Your roar shatters the will of your enemies, shaking the your own for as long as you remain in the general area.
very earth beneath their feet. When a creature fails their Creatures with a CR equal to your total vessel level or
Wisdom saving throw, they are knocked prone. lower regard it as your lair. Creatures with a CR equal to or
above your total vessel level disregard your claim or take it as
Strong stance an act of aggression. Legendary creatures might see this
Prerequisite: Powerful form opposition as threatening if too close to their own domains.
Your unshakeable stance allows you to weather any storm. While within your territory you have advantage when using
If you would be pulled or pushed, you are moved half as far. your Primal Presence and its range increases to 1 mile.
As a reaction, when you would be pushed, pulled, or knocked Unbreakable
prone, you can decide to remain standing where you are. Prerequisite: Accelerated healing factor
Wild and free Your grit and fierce determination allows you to shrug off
Prerequisite: Supernatural evasion even life threatening damage.
Your power is not able to be tamed so easily. You have While at 0 hp, instead of falling prone and having 0
advantage on rolls to resist becoming grappled, restrained, or movement speed, you remain standing and retain 15 feet of
paralyzed. walking speed.
You can not be killed by massive damage.
Primal strength Environmental adaptation
Prerequisite: Natural weapons Prerequisite: Restorative rest
Your body is overflowing with physical strength. Your You can call even the most inhospitable wastes home. If
unarmed strikes deal a greater damage die than normal. Your you spend a long rest in an extremely hot or cold
natural weapons deal 1d8 now and increase to 1d10 at 11th environment, you gain advantage on Constitution throws to
level and 1d12 at 17th level. resist extreme cold and extreme heat.
Your unarmed strikes have the siege property, dealing Additionally, non magical difficult terrain does not cost you
double damage to objects and structures. extra movement.
Keen senses
Prerequisite: Multiple eyes Credit: 妖異 by Dark Dock
Your senses are insufficient for the beast you bear. This has
been amended.
You gain advantage on Perception checks to smell and
hear. You also have advantage on Survival checks to track
things by smell.
Rules of nature
Prerequisite: Contender
Your instincts are overpowering, pushing you to stand as
the only apex creature.
When you roll for initiative, and are not surprised, you may
immediatly spend your full movement to move closer to a
creature that you can see. If you end this movement within
melee range of a hostile creature, you have advantage on
melee attack rolls against that creature during your first turn
in combat.
If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may immediately
make a melee attack against a creature within range before
falling unconscious.
Prerequisite: 6th level in Vessel Crash landing
All things belong to you, nothing lies beyond your reach. You
Wrecking crew summon a tendril of energy from your being and attempt to
Prerequisite: Guard Monster rip up to 3 creatures currently flying within 120 feet of you to
Your Guard Monster is particularly forceful. They deal the ground. The creature must make a Strength saving throw.
2d10 instead of 2d8. On a failure, their flying speed is reduced to 0 until the end
At 10th level, when a creature fails their Dexterity saving of your next turn and they plummet to the ground and take
throw, you can choose to force them up to 10 feet away or to falling damage. On a success nothing happens.
knock them prone.
Violent retort
Tyrants tango Even when a Vessel is ‘losing’ they must be winning. When
The battle for dominion is great indeed. When you roll for you’re struck by an attack from a creature within range of
initiative, or as an action, you may select the most dangerous your melee attack, you may use your reaction to make an
enemy you can see (whether perceived threat or actual attack against them. If the attack roll you make is higher than
threat) to mark as your opponent. When you do so, the the one made against you, it is a hit and considered a critical
creature must make a Charisma saving throw. hit. If it’s lower, your attack misses.
On a failure, both creatures are forced to spend their
reaction to immediately rush towards the other. For the next Prerequisite: 14th level in Vessel
minute, or until you or your opponent drops to 0 hit points,
you have advantage to attack the other and disadvantage to Hibernation
attack any other creature. Any creature, no matter how powerful, needs rest. You’ve
While compelled in this way both creatures may spend learned though that rest must be timely.
their reaction to make an unarmed strike or use a cantrip Once per week, when you take a short rest, you can treat it
against each other or to move up to your movement speed in as if you took a long rest. During this rest your passive
pursuit of them. perception is reduced to 5 and you automatically fail all
saving throws.
Prerequisite: 10th level in Vessel Wild ride
Beast binder When you have grappled a monster of size Large or larger,
Prerequisite: Seal Lesser Creature you can use a special attack action to force them to move up
You are exceptionally skilled at binding beasts. The to their movement speed in a direction you choose.
maximum CR of beasts that you can seal is equal to your As a bonus action during this grapple, you can force them
Vessel level. to make a Wisdom save. On a failure, they lash out, making a
As a 10 minute ritual you can ritually cast the find familiar melee attack at at a target you choose or use a special innate
spell. You may forgo the cost by spending 1 hit die and 1 hit ability, such as a dragon's breath weapon, targeting any
point as a blood sacrifice. Your familiar can take a special creature or area of your choice. This does not expend a use of
form matching the same type of creature as your entity and that ability for the creature.
with a CR of 1 or less. In combat it goes after you and can
take the Attack action.
Credit: King of the Elephants by nurikabe
Entity examples Tables
Scardorah, the King of the North: Once the runt of his While entities are all unique individuals, these tables may
litter, the now powerful Behemoth was abandoned by his assist in the creation of one. As a result of being bound to
kind and left to die. It was only through the kindness of their vessel, the vessel may also choose to inherit qualities
travelers that he survived and was taken in by a small local from these tables.
village. For generations he has watched over the town, d8 Personality trait
growing ever larger alongside it. He became the master of the 1 I have little understanding or respect for manners and
realm, guarding his people from all manner of monsters and high society
men. It was with nobility in his heart that he enacted the rites
of sealing, so that his strength may become that of his people. 2 I devour every meal like its the last thing I will ever eat
Zacama, the Primal Calamity: When the world was 3 I can't stop having petty confrontations with small
young, monsters roamed the world. When the gods arrived, animals, like cats and dogs
they sought to replace them as masters of the world, and so 4 I have a habit of sorting people into predator and prey
they sought to exterminate them. Thus, Zacama was born. categories
Standing hundreds of feet tall with 3 massive heads, each
spewing fire, lightning, and ice, Zacama quickly ran out of 5 I stare at people when they come close to me, my
monsters to hunt and turned their gaze to the gods. Zacama territory, or loved ones
had grown too powerful to kill outright, so the gods bound it 6 I'm drawn to scenes of destruction and ruin, to either
to a mortal, so that it may pass down through generations, bask and revel in or simply witness
siphoning their strength until they were weak enough to kill. 7 I groom my loved ones like an animal
There they remain, waiting to hunt all life to extinction.
Shenvey Void-Maw: Once, in an older age, the vast 8 I have an overwhelming desire to hunt
tundras of the world were not barren wastelands, but teemed
with life. This was irrevocably altered when Shenvey grew to d4 Ideal
power. An all consuming tyrant, Shenvey Void-Maw was 1 Accountability: I won't start a fight, but I will end it
monikered for the vast darkness of their gaping maw and the 2 Honest: I do not value trickery and deception, they
chilling winds emanating from it. The historical records are only get in the way
conflicted about when or why the mysterious beast
disappeared, but some have theorized that Shenvey had 3 Tolerant: To me and mine, to you and yours
migrated south by way of vessel... 4 Courage: Live free and die free, there is no other way to
Famous figures d4 Flaw
Raenglia Steeleye: A Dwarven woman who, while fighting 1 Bloodlust: I love the taste of fresh meat and hot blood
the dreaded monster Forgebreaker (a massive serpent that on my teeth
slithered through the earth and belched gouts of flame) threw
herself into the beast’s maw. There, she invoked the Seal of 2 Wild: I despise civilization and its trappings
Binding, a Dwarven art from the times of Muradin. After 3 Ferocious: No mercy, no surrender, until my enemies
hours of agonizing in the flaming pit of Forgebraker’s stop breathing
stomach, it was absorbed into Raenglia. She would go on to 4 Territorial: My land is mine and mine alone
become a local hero, even eventually becoming Regent. Now,
she sits upon a throne of sculpted iron, one hand on her
scarred, scorched flesh, the other on her massive maul.
Xerana, Silvermane: A noblewoman by birth, Xerana was
always known for her incredible beauty and presence, with
her long silver hair earning her a reputation. So great was
her natural overwhelming presence that the wilds themselves
flocked to her, gaining even the attention of the forest spirits
who dwelled in her kingdom. When her rule was threatened
by outsiders, the spirits, so enraptured by her beauty, bound
themselves to her to lend her their strength. Her now spectral
silver hair and halo of moonlight crown her as a living god
among the beasts and monsters of her forest.
Kerock the Unbreakable: Many take the path of the vessel
for power, to tame, steal, or borrow abilities far beyond their
own. Few pursue it for fame. Kerock, the goliath wrestling
champion of the world, thought that the Great Butcher of
Karldune would make for a nice trophy and boost his
reputation. As chairman of the International Vessel Fighting
Tournament, he has proven his assumption correct.
In countless ages, in countless nations, in countless wars,
blood has been spilled. The slaughter, the killing of innocent,
righteous, and guilty alike spawns beings of unquenchable
bloodlust. These entities, living embodiments of violence
itself, assail their enemies with a profound and horrifying
efficiency and dedication.
Regardless of noble or cruel intentions, these zealous
entities are often bound in the midst of battle to forge living
weapons or sealed as signs of peace, that the past may rest.
Field training
At 3rd level, the ways of combat and battle have become
second nature to you. You gain the following benefits.
You learn 2 fighting styles of your choice.
You gain proficiency in light armor, medium armor, heavy
armor, and shields.
You gain proficiency in Initiative rolls.
You have advantage to save against being frightened.
When you would be frightened, you instead go berserk. On
your turn you can only attack the source of your fear and
can not move any further away from it. You have
disadvantage on attack rolls and disadvantage on any
ability check not related to your fear.
Cruel weaponry
Also at 3rd level, you have adapted to endure some of the
most vile of weapons, and even wield some for yourself. You
gain resistance to fire damage and necrotic damage.
As a bonus action, you can cause your attacks to deal fire Horrors of War by Billy Christian
or necrotic damage instead of typical weapon damage until
the start of your next turn. Firing range. You add your Brute Force damage to ranged
weapon attacks. You can use your action to make a ranged
Art of war attack against any number of creatures within 5 feet of a
point you can see within your weapon’s range. You must have
At 6th level you have learned supernatural combat arts from ammunition for each target, as normal, and you make a
your entity. You learn 2 of the following. You learn another at separate attack roll for each target.
11th and 17th level. This increases to 10 feet at 11th level and increases to 15
Air slash. As an action you can force all creatures within a feet at 17th level.
15 foot cone or a 30 foot line to make a Dexterity saving Deflect attacks. When you, or an adjacent ally would be
throw. On a failure, they take an amount of fire or necrotic hit by an attack, you may use your reaction to add your
damage equal to 2 rolls of your weapon die + your Strength proficiency bonus to their AC. If wielding a ranged weapon,
modifier. On a success, they take half as much. you can use this reaction for an ally within the normal range
At 11th level this increases to a 30 foot cone or 60 foot of your weapon and would be hit by a ranged attack.
long line and you add your Brute Force bonus to the damage. At 11th level, you may use this reaction to cancel the extra
At 17th level this increases to a 60 foot cone or a 300 foot damage of a critical hit on you. At 17th level, you may use a
line and the damage increases to 3 rolls of your weapon die. reaction to give yourself this bonus to a Dexterity save.
Advanced criticals. When you score a critical hit, you Rushdown. As a bonus action you can move up to half of
reduce that creature's AC by an amount equal to your your movement and make a melee attack. You do not add
proficiency bonus until the start of your next turn. This ability your Strength modifier or Brute Force bonus to this damage.
does not stack. At 11th level, you can move up to your full movement speed
At 11th level, your critical range expands to 19-20. At 17th and may add your Strength modifier. At 17th level, you can
level, when you score a critical hit, a creature must make a add your Brute Force bonus to this damage.
Charisma saving throw. On a failure, it is frightened of you Merciless. As a reaction when you reduce a creature to 0
until the end of your next turn. hit points, you can make a single unarmed strike attack roll
against any number of creatures within melee range to you.
At 11th level, you can make a weapon attack instead of an
unarmed strike. At 17th level, when you are hit by an enemy
within melee range, you can make an attack of opportunity.
Sublime violence
Starting at 15th level, your capacity for ultraviolence is a
thing of fear and awe, some might even consider beauty.
Once per turn when you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit
points on your turn, you heal an amount of damage equal to
your proficiency bonus.
When you score a critical hit on an attack roll, you deal an
extra amount of fire or necrotic damage to the creature equal
to your vessel level. Additionally, all allies who see or hear you
make a critical hit gain an amount of temporary hit points
equal to your Vessel level.
Wrath of the Destroyer
At 20th level you mantle the full power of your entity. When
you use your Entity Awakening feature, you gain the following
You make an additional attack when you take the Attack
You double your Brute Force proficiency bonus on damage
When you make an attack of opportunity, you can attack
up to any 2 other creatures within melee range.
Credit: Del'Tora Quest by bone-dust
Advanced synergies Battle formations
Battle cry Prerequisite: Contender
Prerequisite: Deafening roar When you roll for initiative and are not surprised, any
Your roar is not a simple shout, but a rallying cry that number of friendly creatures within 30 feet of you can move
bolsters your allies. up to 5 feet x your proficiency bonus.
When you use your deafening roar, all allies within 15 feet As an action you may issue a command to your allies to
of you gain advantage on their next attack roll or saving throw readjust their positioning. An amount of allies equal to your
before the end of their next turn. proficiency bonus that can hear you and are within 30 feet
may use their reaction to take the Disengage action and move
Siege engine up to their movement speed.
Prerequisite: Powerful form
You are a living battering ram, capable of smashing and Tactical advantage
destroying even the strongest of fortresses. Prerequisite: Primal intuition
Your weapon attacks and unarmed strikes deal double Knowing is half the battle. When you successfully use your
damage to objects and structures. You also always deal the primal intuition on a creature, you become aware of that
maximum amount of damage to objects and structures. creature's weapon and armor proficiencies, as well as their
prefferred form of combat.
Retaliation Your keen insight extends to all martial matters. You are
Prerequisite: Supernatural evasion immediately aware of when a weapon or piece of armor is
You excel in keeping yourself safe and punishing the magical, as if through Detect Magic and Identity spells.
mistakes of your enemies.
When you take the Dodge action and a creature misses a Cold blooded
melee attack roll against you, they take an amount of Prerequisite: Overwhelming aura
piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning damage equal to your Fear has no place in war, unless as a tool. When you make
proficiency bonus (depending on your weapons available). an Intimidation check, you can treat a d20 roll of an 9 or
lower as a 10. You also have advantage to attack any
Battlefield awareness frightened creature.
Prerequisite: Multiple eyes
Your expert eyes are trained for the haze of the battlefield Warlord
and the weakness of your enemies. Prerequisite: Servants of the sovereign
You can see through lightly and heavily obscured areas Warriors and soldiers are yours to lead. Humanoids with
caused by smoke, fog, or any other similar aerial effect. proficiency in martial weapons or heavy armor are
Additionally, you have advantage to track bloodied considered to share your entity type for the purpose of your
creatures. You are aware of the location of any bloodied vessel abilities. Additionally, you have advantage on
creatures within 100 feet of you. Persuasion checks to convince others to fight with you or to
supply you with munitions and battle equipment.
Trench warfare Defiance
Prerequisite: Rampart You refuse to give your enemy the satisfaction.
Your place is on the battlefield. The defenses you raise are When you drop to 0 hit points, you may spend 3 hit dice to
intended to withstand the violence of war. unleash your fury. The creature who reduced you to 0 hit
Your rampart is resistant to fire damage, as well as points must make a Constitution saving throw.
piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage. When an ally On a failure, they take 2 x your vessel level of fire or
stands within 5 feet of the rampart uses it as cover and necrotic damage and take a penalty to their next 2 d20 rolls
makes a ranged weapon attack, they may add your Brute equal to your proficiency bonus.
Force bonus to the damage. On a success, they take half as much damage and a penalty
equal to half of your proficiency bonus, rounded down.
Prerequisite: 6th level in Vessel
Prerequisite: 14th level in Vessel
Deadly intent
Prerequisite: Guard Monster Combo breaker
Your Guard Monster is particularly bloodthirsty. They deal You tap into the great engine that is your entity, allowing
2d10 instead of 2d8. You may choose to deal fire or necrotic combat to fuel you in the same way it feeds them.
damage instead. On your turn, when you make at least one successful
At 10th level, your Guard Monster deals 3d10. attack, your speed increases by 5 feet and you gain +1 to your
damage rolls and a +1 to your Strength, Dexterity, and
Hold the line Constitution saving throws. This can stack an amount of
Never back down. As an action you can choose to hold the times equal to your proficiency bonus. All stacks are lost
line, reducing your movement speed to 15 feet. upon missing an attack against a creature or when combat
You and all allies within 5 feet add half your proficiency ends.
bonus, rounded down, to their AC, Strength saving throws,
Dexterity saving throws, and Constitution saving throws. Unstoppable
This state ends early if you are stunned, paralyzed, or You are a juggernaut, relentlessly moving forward.
knocked prone. As an action, you can attempt to break through magical
barriers, such as a Wall of Force. Make an Athletics check
Prerequisite: 10th level in Vessel with a DC equal to the caster’s save DC. On a success, you
pass through as if it is difficult terrain. If you succeed by 10 or
Destruction binder more, you puncture a hole in the barrier equal to your size.
Prerequisite: Seal Lesser Creature Whenever you would be stunned or paralyzed, your
You are exceptionally skilled at binding fiends or celestials. movement becomes 15 instead of 0.
The maximum CR of fiends or celestials you can seal is equal
to your Vessel level.
As a 10 minute ritual you can ritually cast the find familiar
spell. You may forgo the cost by spending 1 hit die and 1 hit
point as a blood sacrifice. Your familiar can take a special
form matching the same type of creature as your entity and
with a CR of 1 or less. In combat it goes after you and can
take the Attack action.
Astral armory
You are capable of forging weapons in the most dire of times,
able to arm your allies with your very soul.
As an action, you create a magical simple or martial
weapon. You can create and sustain an amount of these
weapons equal to half your vessel level at a time, rounded
down. These weapons deal an additional amount of fire,
force, necrotic, or radiant damage (your choice) equal to your
proficiency bonus.
Additionally, you are capable of storing magical items and
equipment in a harmless demiplane bound to your heart. As
an action, you can store or remove a weapon, piece of armor,
or spellcasting focus. You can store an amount of items in
this way equal to your vessel level. If you die while storing
items, they immediately reappear next to your body.

Credit: The Curse by Ami Thompson

Example entities While entities are all unique individuals, these tables may
Vinizere, Commander of the Red Legion: An archdevil of assist in the creation of one. As a result of being bound to
wide renown, Vinizere is a proud hero of the Blood War their vessel, the vessel may also choose to inherit qualities
against the demons and the personal champion of Zariel. A from these tables.
force of incredible violence, they sacrificed themselves to
strike down a demonic superweapon. At the last moment, d8 Personality trait
they sealed their power to their favored acolytes, scattering 1 I have a profound love and respect for weapons and
the embers of their soul so that they may one day return. armor, sometimes even more than people
Starbright: Among the most powerful celestials of the 2 I'd rather smell of blood and steel than anything
heavens, the Solars, there has been a rare, but potent point of pleasant, like flowers
contention. They have always fought for noble ideals across
the multiverse, but their disagreements on method are 3 I always choose fight, never flight
legendary. While Zariel has fallen to become an Archfiend of 4 The first thing I do when faced with an obstacle is
Hell, Starbright, another Solar, has set themselves upon the figure out how to irrevocably destroy it
Prime Material plane. They had massacred legions of 5 I have high stress ticks like nervous leg shaking, biting
mercenaries, cultists, and sinners. In response, a group of nails, and pulling hair even when calm
clerics have come together to seal and bind Starbright,
fracturing their power and hosting it among themselves, 6 I can't sleep at night before triple checking my
becoming a team of magical-girl style heroes. defenses
Crimson Tide: In the blood-soaked battlefields of the 7 I compulsively adjust my armor and weapons
Ashen Glade ended the war to end all wars. Over 1,000 years 8 I always try to appear strong and powerful when
ago a brutal war collapsed and born from its mass meeting new people
devastation was the Crimson Tide, the culmination of its
death, violence, and harmful magic. As the living embodiment d4 Ideal
of the war, the many armed, gore-soaked creature dressed
itself in the countless bones and banners of the dead. It was 1 Efficiency: Wasted time and energy makes for sloppy
bound by survivors in a desperate last ditch effort to lock the execution
violence away and to let the war end. In truth, the Crimson 2 Justice: Crimes must be attoned for. Let the wicked pay
Tide's rage and wounds fester to this very day inside of the for their crimes.
noble soul destined to carry that burden. 3 Honor: Respect to warriors, mercy to noncombatants
4 Mercy: A stayed blade is a blessing. A swift end, if
Famous figures neccessary, can be a kindness.
Sapphire Custodia: Once a powerful sentient blade during d4 Flaw
the Blood War, Sapphire, along with their 5 siblings, were
created by Vinizere to serve under them. When Vinizere fell, 1 Ruthless: It is only about winning. Any means will
they, along with their siblings, became their vessels and were suffice
sent to the Prime Material Plane to grow in strength and to 2 Cruelty: I relish in the failures and weakness of others
bring their creator back to life. Sapphire, however, has
chosen to abandon their master, a fact unknown to their 3 Aggressive: I always push things too far, even when I
don't mean to
siblings and the forces of Hell.
Eratress Seren: A paladin of unrivaled skill, Eratress was 4 Judgemental: The strong and the weak are the only
a famous warrior throughout the realm. When she betrayed division that matters. Everyone should know their place
her order it echoed in the hearts of all noble souls. In an act
of treason, she shattered and broke an archangel, binding it to
herself through sheer force of will. She has since begun a
crusade against the order she once served. No one is quite
certain if her tales of desecration and deception are to be
believed or if she is simply seeking to justify her treason. She
has grown quite a following and quite a lot of enemies in her
Farmer John: As the noble class of the land forced higher
taxes upon the lower classes, a rebellion sparked in the
kingdom. In what was to be a decisive act of destruction, the
royal mages razed the fields. Farmer John, a humble
commoner, stood defiant against the slaughter. In a moment
of pure, divine rage, he tore the screaming souls of the
archmages from their bodies and bound them to his flesh
with the blood of his friends, neighbors, and countrymen. He
uses the power of the hostage souls to lead a great revolution
that aims to annihilate the despotic lords of the land.
Chaos ascendant
High fey Starting at 6th level, you have learned to harness the power of
While the ever changing archfey rule over the Fey Wilds, the the Fey Wild to run circles around the bodies and minds of
high fey (their courts, as well as powerful rogue, unaffiliated other creatures.
fey) are left to their own devices to do as they see fit. Whether As a bonus action on your turns you can take the
lacking in the ability to rule or simply content to chase other Disengage action.
desires, the high fey are a chaotic and wild lot beholden to no Additionally, as an action, or as a reaction when you take
one and nothing. damage, you can use one of the following abilities.
These entities are often sealed opportunistically, in hopes Bend the veil. You teleport to an unoccupied space you can
of striking pacts and bargains with them. High fey have also see with 30 feet.
been known to enact sealing rites as a way to break their This distance increases to 40 feet at 11th level and 60 feet
boredom, going on adventures with mortals to ease their at 17th level.
appetites. Psychic reprisal. You force a creature of your choice
within 60 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure,
Ways of the Fey the creature takes 4d6 psychic damage. On a success, they
At 3rd level, your entity has taught you a great many things take half as much damage.
about the secret and subtle natures of the fey. This damage increases to 5d6 at 11th level and 6d6 at 17th
You can speak, read, and write Sylvan. level.
You become proficient in your choice of one of the Pacify. You force a creature within 60 feet to make a
following skills: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you for 1
Persuasion, Deception, or Performance. Your proficiency minute or until you or your companions do anything harmful
bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses to it. This creature knows you have charmed them.
that skill. You may use this feature an amount of times equal to your
Additionally, you can add half of your proficiency bonus, proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this after
rounded down, to either Dexterity skills or Charisma skills completing a long rest. If you expended all uses, you may
that you are not proficient in. spend 2 hit dice to regain a use of it.

Member of the Masquerade Royal incarnate

Also at 3rd level, your proximity to the fey has shielded your Starting at 15th level, your presence is a thing of legend, able
mind to the prying eyes of mystics. to sway the hearts and minds of others.
You are immune to magic that allows other creatures to You gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws.
read your thoughts, determine whether you are lying, or You are proficient in all Charisma skills. If you are already
know your alignment. proficient, you gain expertise. If you have expertise, you gain
Credit: Dreamcatcher by Rossdraws
Wrath of the Fey
At 20th level you mantle the full power of your entity. When
you use your Entity Awakening feature, you gain the following
You are immune to psychic damage.
Your Chaos Ascendant feature increases in power.
Teleportation becomes 80 feet, psychic damage becomes
10d6, and charmed creatures are charmed for 10 minutes.
If you do not have any uses available when you enter your
Entity Awakening, you gain 3 uses.
Creatures of your choice within 15 feet of you have
disadvantage on Wisdom checks and saving throws.
Advanced synergies Prerequisite: Primal intuition
Otherworldly grace You are adept at seeing people for who they are and getting
Prerequisite: Supernatural evasion a read on them very quickly. When you successfully use your
Your fluidity and poise is unmatched, well exceeding what Primal Intuition you learn 2 of the following as well:
is capable of by most people. If they are your equal, superior, or inferior in regards to
Choose two skills: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or your Charisma score
Performance. 2 ideals
When you make a check with these skills, you can treat a 2 flaws
d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10. Their background or general history
Behind the curtain Fitful mind
Prerequisite: Multiple eyes Prerequisite: Accelerated healing factor
Your eyes have grown accustomed to seeing past the many Your mind is difficult to get a grasp on. As a reaction, you
illusions and lies that make up the Fey Wilds. may spend 2 hit dice to succeed against a charm effect, an
Within 15 feet you can automatically detect visual illusions Enchantment spell, or an Illusion spell.
and perceive the original form of a shapechanger or a
creature that is transformed by magic. Reign of the court
Prerequisite: Servants of the Sovereign
Eye for Enchantment You speak with the elegance of fey royalty, with each
Prerequisite: Entity instinct honeyed word dripping with subtle, but powerful magic.
Your proximity to the Fey courts has provided you with You can use your Servants of the Sovereign feature to
uncanny insight into subtle and manipulative magic. You can charm humanoids as well as fey.
detect Enchantment magic within 30 feet of you, as if you When you charm a creature with this ability, you may
were under the effects of Detect Magic. choose to either have that creature be charmed by you for 10
Over the course of 1 minute you may analyze a creature minutes instead or have it be unaware that you charmed
affected by Enchantment magic and determine how recently them.
the creature was affected.
Prerequisite: Contender
Your natural aura instills doubt and mistrust. Creatures do Credit: Contaminated fairy by Clarisse Magand
not gain advantage on attacks against you from being unseen
by you.
Sway of the seasons
Prerequisite: Eternal seal
Your body exists in a constant state of flux, able to shift and
change as easily as the seasons. You gain full control over
your aging and as an action can shift to anywhere in your life
Additionally, you don't need to eat or drink.
Stranger from the Deep Wood
Prerequisite: Overwhelming aura
Your presence is particularly hard to parse, allowing you to
easily fool even the most cunning of creatures.
You may use your Primal Presence to make Deception
checks, passing off your presence as that of another or as
disarming and harmless altogether.
Insight checks made against you are made with
Prerequisite: 6th level in Vessel Prerequisite: 14th level in Vessel
Facade Royal glamor
You change identities as easily as you change clothes. You have mastered powerful fae magic known as glamor,
You can cast Alter Self to take on the appearance of giving you an overwhelming and captivating aura.
another creature. While pretending to be this creature you As an action, you can expend a use of your Entity
have advantage on Deception and Performance checks made Awakening to transform into a charming, otherworldly, and
to impersonate them. impossibly beautiful person. You gain the following benefits
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you You have advantage on Charisma checks and saving
finish a short or long rest. throws, as well as Insight and Perception checks.
You are immune to charm effects and Enchantment spells.
Master of ceremonies You may cast Gift of Gab without requiring material
The fey are overly fond of their games and artistic interests, components.
striving towards mastery, sometimes to the point of
obsession. You are no different. This transformation lasts for 10 minutes or until you are
You become proficient in 2 artisan tools, instruments, or knocked unconscious. You may use this synergy again by
gaming sets of your choice. When you make a check with an spending another use of your Entity Awakening and 5 hit
artisan tool, instrument, or gaming set you are proficient in, dice, but not before the previous use has ended.
you can treat a d20 roll of 11 or lower as a 12.
Fairy Circle
Prerequisite: 10th level in Vessel There are many secret doors that crisscross through reality,
and for you, they are eternally open.
Fey binder As a 1 hour activity you may choose to create a Fairy
Prerequisite: Seal Lesser Creature Circle. This may take the shape of a ring of mushrooms, a
You are exceptionally skilled at binding fey creatures. The strange archway with sylvan glyphs, a mysterious
maximum CR of fey you can seal is equal to your Vessel level. freestanding door, or any other form you like.
As a 10 minute ritual you can ritually cast the find familiar By spending 1 hour and sacrificing 100 gp worth of
spell. You may forgo the cost by spending 1 hit die and 1 hit trinkets and fineries, you may allow yourself and any creature
point as a blood sacrifice. Your familiar can take a special within 10 feet of you to teleport to any other Fairy Circle.
form matching the same type of creature as your entity and You may create and support an amount of Fairy Circles
with a CR of 1 or less. In combat it goes after you and can equal to your proficiency bonus. When you create a new one,
take the Attack action. you may choose to destroy a previous one.
Master of Chaos Credit: L. M. Fly
You are a master of the wild and chaotic magic of the Fey. You
may use your Chaos Ascendant feature as a bonus action.
End of the Rainbow
You hold within you a slice of the Fey Wilds, an
extradimensional space that many fey make use of to hold
their secrets and treasures.
You may hold up to 1,000 pounds, not exceeding 100 cubic
feet. As an action, you may store or retrieve an item from this
space. A living creature may enter this space if they are
willing or unconscious.
Any living thing stored in this space is rendered
incapacitatedand time stops for them entirely. Extended time
within this space may cause them to develop short term or
long term madness.
Example entities While entities are all unique individuals, these tables may
The Old King: Once a great and powerful ruler, the lord of assist in the creation of one. As a result of being bound to
moths and rot had brought ruin across the Fae Wilds. His their vessel, the vessel may also choose to inherit qualities
curse had salted the earth and with a mere gaze he tarnished from these tables.
the beauty of even the most powerful archfey. Fey nobles
schemed against the Old King and devised a court system d8 Personality trait
with which to bind their strength and seal their ruler away. 1 I can't tell a direct lie, even when I want to
Due to the nature of his curse, no fey dares face him to strike
him down, and have instead pushed the burden of bearing 2 I'm fond of all sorts of games and get extremely
competitive with them
the Old King from vessel to vessel over the millenia.
Shavra, The Great Tigerlily: A beautiful tiger of immense 3 I have bizarre tastes in food and drink
power and otherworldly beauty, Shavra is a fey guardian over 4 I can never properly match my clothes or sort things by
spring pleasantries, growth, beauty, and joy. A kind and color
benevolent spirit, Shavra has become intensely intrigued with 5 I am repulsed by raw iron
the mortal realm. She now frolicks across the lands with the
curiosity of a cat, spreading mirth wherever she goes. Those 6 I collect small, useless knick knacks and trinkets
who court her favor may be granted charms and gifts, while 7 I have a terrible sense of time and can not remember
the truly good and genuinely joyful adventurer may become how long minutes, hours, days, are supposed to feel
her true vessel.
Phaeace, Lady of the Lily Pads: A proud and elegant high 8 My artistic tastes can be described as eccentric at best
fey, Phaeace is a sorceress who has watched over the murky
swamplands of the Fey Wilds for countless generations. d4 Ideal
Desiring more than what her domain could ever offer, 1 Luxury: It's not enough to live well, one must live with
Phaeace has lured countless adventurers in with promises of grandeur
riches and splendor, only to return as husks with lotuses 2 Opportunistic: Fortune favors those who dare
blooming from their body. Little did they know each blossom
granted them a piece of her power and, should they ever be 3 Cunning: A silver tongue and keen mind are deadlier
tended to, allow them to trap Phaeace and to claim her vast than any weapon
lands as their own. It is only a matter of time until one of her 4 Passion: No path is more true than chasing one's
vessels grows wise... or perhaps she is counting on that very desires
d4 Flaw
Famous figures 1 Fickle: I'm indecisive, my thoughts and opinions rarely
ever stick
Ayorna Rotian: A once noble eladrin of the autumn court, a 2 Cruel: I delight in the suffering of others
grim and bitter jealousy brewed in them against their eldest
sibling. Desiring nothing more than to destroy their sibling 3 Obsessive: Once I get focused on something I become
and take their crown, they traveled into the dark depths of the fixated
castle in search of long lost and forbidden magic. There, they 4 Impulsive: I follow my whims, even when foolish
found the Old King, lurking. Taking the King's power for
themself, and their curse of rot as a weapon, they brutally
assassinated their sibling and have fled the Fey Wilds for a
new life, consumed by their need for attention and desperate
to escape the consequences of their actions.
Shell, the Petal Knight: A glory hound of ill repute, Shell
(or whatever they were known before their descent into
madness) was one of the unlucky husks created by Phaeace
and were the only vessel ambitious enough to take her bait.
Having sought out all others and killed them to devour their
lotuses and gain their power. With dozens of lotus flowers,
lily pads, and seaweed in their hair, their mind has grown
splintered under the influence of their entity. As Phaeace's
prized possession, they stalk the marshlands of the mortal
realm with a merciless fury, for reasons unknown...
Trishala, Heir of all Hags: The product of a cruel ritual
undergone by a coven of hags, Trishala was flesh-forged to be
the embodiment of their magic. With a coven sealed inside of
her for guidance, Trishala has made a name for herself across
the realms. With 4 powerful and scheming beings bound in
blood, and an unnerving level of support from other hags, her
rise to prominence has been swift and devastating.
Dire Bloom
Druid groves, spirit trees, and other magically gifted plants
stand as beacons of health and vitality. When such a place
takes on a soul and will of its own, it becomes a dire bloom.
These entities are particularly resilient, able to survive and
thrive in even the most difficult of conditions or in the most
extreme of landscapes.
Vessels of these entities are most often sealed by Druids to
better harness their power, to replant them, or spread their
influence. Others have sought to contain the dire bloom for
their own ends, to command the wilds with an iron fist.
One with nature
Starting at 3rd level, you have become naturally suited for the
wilds. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed
and ignore difficult terrain caused by nonmagical plants.
Unbound vitality
At 3rd level, the vitality of your entity is yours. You are
exceptionally hardy.
Whenever you regain hit points, such as through healing
potions, spells, or resting, you may add your proficiency
bonus to the total amount of hit points you recover.
At the end of a short or long rest, you can gift an amount of
unspent hit dice equal to your proficiency bonus to a nearby
ally. These hit dice remain d10s but use the allies
Constitution modifier.
Starting at 6th level, you have learned to harness the power of
your entity and manifest their splendor, adapting and evolving
as they have.
As an action you can bloom and cause one of the following
effects to manifest. Credit: by flyukishila
Roots and vines. You conjure roots and vines to constrict
and bind any number of creatures within 10 feet of you. Endless life
These creatures must make a Strength saving throw. On a Starting at 15th level, the limitless wellspring of life your
failure, a creature is grappled by you until the start of your entity provides has made you incredibly resilient.
next turn. If a creature is already grappled, prone, paralyzed, You are resistant to necrotic damage. You are immune to
or stunned, they are instead restrained until the start of your poison and disease.
next turn. Any time you would normally roll dice to heal yourself or
This range increases to 15 feet at 11th level and 20 feet at other creatures, and you roll less than half the number of the
17th. die, you instead use half. For example, 4 for a d8 and 5 for a
Petals and leaves. You summon a whirlwind of petals and d10.
leaves to obfuscate you and your allies. You and any allies
within 5 feet of you are granted half cover until the start of Wrath of the Dire Bloom
your next turn.
This range increases to 10 feet at 11th level. At 17th level, At 20th level you mantle the full power of your entity. When
this cover increases to 3/4ths. you use your Entity Awakening feature, you gain the following
Spores and seeds. You disperse spores and seeds to heal properties.
yourself and a number of allies up to your proficiency bonus You are immune to necrotic damage.
and within 15 feet. All creatures heal 3d4 and gain 3d4 The range of your Evergrow features double. If you do not
temporary hit points. have any uses available when you enter your Entity
This healing increases to 3d6 at 11th level and 3d8 to 17th Awakening, you gain 3 uses for the duration of the
level. transformation.
You may use this feature an amount of times equal to your At the start of each of your turns you regain 5 hit points.
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this after You may instead grant this to a creature within 30 feet.
completing a long rest. If you expended all uses, you may This does not benefit from your Unbound Vitality feature.
spend 2 hit dice to regain a use of it.
Ecologial awarness
Advanced synergies Prerequisite: Primal intuition
Deep roots Your awarness of the natural world extends well beyond
Prerequisite: Powerful form that of lesser beings. When you successfully use your Primal
Thanks to your entity, your ties to the earth are strong and Presence to make an Insight check, you always learn their
vast. You have advantage to not be knocked prone and creature type and alignment if they have one.
attempts to shove you are made with disadvantage. Additionally, on a successful Insight check, you may size up
the creature to tell if they are your equal, superior, or inferior
Petal dance in regards to one of the following characteristics of your
Prerequisite: Supernatural evasion choice:
You develope leaves and petals across your body, allowing Wisdom score
you to move and flow through the air more easily. You may Maximum hit points
add 1d4 to your Acrobatic and Performance checks. You take
half damage from falling and can move horizontally 2 feet for Harvest
every 1 foot you fall. Prerequisite: Accelerated healing factor
Your lifeforce is a wellspring for growth and renewal that
Poisonous sap can be parceled out to those in need, manifesting nurishing
Prerequisite: Natural weapon fruit, berries, spores, or other similar food.
When you hit with your natural weapon you may use your As an action you may spend a hitdie to create one of these
bonus action to deal an amount of poison damage equal to magical healing items. Eating it as a bonus action removes
your proficiency bonus. the poisoned condition and grants the eater 1d10 + your
When you make a critical hit with your natural weapons, proficiency bonus of temporary hitpoints. If left uneaten, it
the target creature becomes poisoned for 1 minute. At the withers and decays after 10 minutes.
end of a creature's turn they may make a Constitution saving
throw to no longer be poisoned. Jagged thorns
Prerequisite: Legendary durability
Earthbound You have learned to manifest thorns to protect yourself,
Prerequisite: Multiple eyes harming any creature who would seek to harm you.
Your ties to the earth are so strong that you can sense When you use your legendary durability, any creature that
disturbances in it. You gain tremorsense to a range of 15 feet. touches you or hits you with a melee attack while within 5
When you take a short or long rest plants naturally grow feet of you takes 1d6 magical piercing damage. This
around you as you become connected to the earth, increasing increases to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at
your tremor sense to 60 feet. 17th level.
Life sense Credit: Tree spirit by Jake Ortman
Prerequisite: Entity instinct
Your sense for all things living is far greater than others
and you have an uncanny awarness for how they work.
You are proficient with the Nature or Medicine skill and
one tool of your choice: Carpenter's tools, Cook's utensils,
Herbalism kit, Woodcarver's tools.
If you are already proficient with this skill or tools, your
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make
that uses these proficiencies.
Prerequisite: Eternal seal
Your overflowing vitality keeps you young and healthy. You
can choose to stop aging. You may choose to not eat and
instead subsist on 1 hour of sunlight each day and half as
much water. In the event of your death, your body is under
the effects of Gentle Repose for 1 year.
Prerequisite: 6th level in Vessel Prerequisite: 10th level in Vessel
Forest warden Plant binder
Prerequisite: Guard Monster Prerequisite: Seal Lesser Creature
Your Guard Monster is exceptionally defensive. You may You are exceptionally skilled at plant creatures. The
choose to deal poison damage instead of bludgeoning, maximum CR of plants you can seal is equal to your Vessel
piercing, or slashing damage. level.
While your monster is active, your AC increase by 2. As a 10 minute ritual you can ritually cast the find familiar
spell. You may forgo the cost by spending 1 hit die and 1 hit
Garden wall point as a blood sacrifice. Your familiar can take a special
Prerequisite: Rampart form matching the same type of creature as your entity and
You can call the Direbloom to spawn hedges, roots, and with a CR of 1 or less. In combat it goes after you and can
other large natural elements to your defense. take the Attack action.
Your Rampart increases from 15 feet wide to 30 feet wide.
Their hit points increase from triple your vessel level to Panacea
quadruple your vessel level. Your Direbloom is capable of curing any disease or ailment.
As an action you can spend 4 hit dice to produce a magical
Nature dominion fruit. Any creature that eats this fruit is cured of one condition
Your entity commands nature as the undisputed master of affecting it and has the spell Greater Restoration cast on
their domain. This domain is now yours. them. This fruit withers and decays into dust if not ingested
When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check relating after 10 minutes.
to forest, grasslands, or swamp terrains, your proficiency
bonus is doubled if you are using a skill you are proficient in. Reforestation
While you are in forest, grasslands, or swamp You are able to spread the spirit of your entity wherever you
environments, you gain the following benefits may place your roots. Wherever you go, the the Direbloom
will prosper.
Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s travel while not Whenever you start to take a long rest, you can choose to
engaged in combat. have the spell Druid Grove cast on the area for 8 hours.
Your group can’t become lost except for by magical means.
If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a Prerequisite: 14th level in Vessel
normal pace.
When you forage, you find twice as much food as you Web of Life
normally would. Your connection to the Direbloom grants you access to the
While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact vast network of life that crosses through the world.
number, their sizes, and how long they passed through the You may spend a use of your Entity Awakening to cast
area. Transport Via Plants.
While engaged in combat, moving through non magical
difficult terrain costs you no additional movement. Breath of life
You inspire life and growth, so profound and eternal, that not
Credit: Big tree by Denis Loebner even death may stop you.
As a 10 minute ritual you may sacrifice an amount of hit
dice equal to a creature's CR level or character level,
(minimum of 1) and a use of your Entity Awakening to return
them to life. A creature must be dead for no more than 1 year
and their soul must be willing and able to return.
This ability neutralizes any poison and cures nonmagical
diseases that affected the creature at the time it died, but
does not remove magical curses, disease, or similar effects. It
also closes all mortal wounds and regrows any organs and
body parts required for survival, such as the heart and head,
but does not restore any other missing body parts.
Coming back from the dead is an ordeal. The target is
revived with 4 levels of exhaustion.
Example entities Tables
The Sunflower, Heart of the Hearth. In ages past there While entities are all unique individuals, these tables may
were great empires, powerful nations where mortals sought assist in the creation of one. As a result of being bound to
to wield powers that were not theirs. When the Verdant their vessel, the vessel may also choose to inherit qualities
Emperor collapsed, so great was their stolen power that it from these tables.
burst from their body and bloomed as the legendary d8 Personality trait
Sunflower. Sunflower has spawned a renewed vigor in the 1 I prefer plants over people
land, creating a beautiful garden and farmlands known as the
Hearth, which they reside over to this very day. In times of 2 If I don't get enough water and sunlight I will cry
great need, they will bind themselves to a vessel, to protect 3 Cities make me deeply uncomfortable
the lands they so cherish.
Thundertree, Sapling of the World Tree. Born as a 4 I never notice how much dirt and grime is on me
means of rebirth for the eternal World Tree, and struck down 5 I'm deeply curious about poison and disease
before their time, Thundertree turned from stalwart protector 6 I always smell like a nice spring day
to mad undead tyrant desperate to cling to life. When
encountered by Nia Rivers and her adventuring party, they 7 My pollen makes some people allergic to me
saw the genasi as an engine to siphon life force from. The 8 I can go days, even weeks without speaking
two had come to terms, forming a symbiotic relationship in a
mutual bid for power. Now replenished and sane, he has d4 Ideal
reclaimed his former glory and acts as guide and aid to his
disciple and redeemer. 1 Growth: There is always room to grow. The world is
Blightrose. A cruel and twisted briar patch beyond filled with opportunities.
compare, the Blightrose is as beautiful as it is destructive. 2 Determination: No roots, no fruit. To begin to grow one
The Blightrose has consumed an entire kingdom, corrupting must first dig deep.
the people and land to serve them. While all nations, 3 Nurturing: Life needs life to exist. To get through life
travelers, and beasts knows to give the Blightrose a wide we need to share.
berth, attacks and acts of aggressiona and intimidation have
drastically decreased. For reasons unknown, the Blightrose 4 Healing: You can always be your best self and live your
best life. The act of creating will save you.
has found a vessel.
d4 Flaw
Famous figures 1 Suffocating: Good luck getting rid of me.
Rowan Ethridge, the Garden. An avid nature witch and an 2 Self righteous: I know I’m right and I’m going to make a
artist of wide renown, Rowan was beloved by all the big deal about it.
inhabitants of the mystic woods they called home. The trees, 3 Violent enterprise: I will overthrow and subsume
the flowers, the grass, the rivers and their fish, the animals, anything in my way
and all the insects that crawled along the earth. No sunshine
lasts forever, but a love and life so rich and vibrant is not so 4 Morbid: Dead bodies have many oppertunities and
easily forgotten. With their passing, the forest they loved so resources
dearly found home in them. Though it has been years,
everyone knows of the witch in the woods, the one with moss
matted hair and emerald eyes. A weary traveler may find
comfort with a story, a song, and a warm meal at Rowan's
hearth, should they treat their garden well, of course.
Aciano, Keeper of the Hearth. A kind orcish man of wide
renown, Aciano is the energetic leader of the Hearth and its
people. While an incredibly friendly, humble, and nurturing
man, the Hearth is a treasure trove of rare and powerful
plants that people would hope to steal and misuse. Aciano is
powerful protector and his hard earned wrath can devestate
any enemy.
Nia Hawthorn Rivers. A water genasi who, by a stroke of
luck and brush with destiny, encountered the corrupted
corpse of Thundertree. She made a pact with the starving
demigod, nurturing it with their excessive life force and
gaining his power in return. The two have bonded immensely,
with Thundertree becoming mentor and guardian in turn.
Together, Nia has forged herself into a legendary hero of the
World Tree, the Planar Arbiter.
Magic items
Uncommon Rare
Primordial wrappings Crown of Kinship
Uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3) (requires Rare
attunement by a vessel) This regal crown radiates with authority and shifts to
These wrappings bear the symbol of your entity, sanctified match the likeness of your entity.
with rare natural materials from their territory. While you are wearing this crown you treat all rolls of 9 or
While you wear these wrappings you gain a bonus to lower as a 10 when you make an Intelligence or Wisdom
natural weapon and unarmed strike attack rolls, as well as check to discover or remember lore regarding the creature
your Synergy save DC. type of your entity and the enviroments those creatures live
Facsimile charm You also become immediately aware of the presence of any
creature of your entity within 1 mile of you. You also learn
Uncommon their general direction and if they are within 100 feet, within
A simple charm bracelt from bone, wood, stone, or other 1,000 feet, or beyond 1,000 feet.
natural elements that appears blank. When worn by a Vessel,
intricate symbols and depictions of their entity appear on the Staff of binding
beads and talismans.
As an action while worn, a Vessel can speak the command Rare, (requires attunement by a vessel)
word to take on the size and appearence of their entity as if This ceremonial staff is carved with sealing sigils and
through the Entity Awakening feature, but they gain none of adorned with the symbols of primordial monsters.
its benefits. This form lasts for 1 hour or until the wearer Creatures summoned by this staff are creature's matching
speaks the command word. the entity type of the vessel. The summoned creatures are
This ability recharges after a short or long rest. friendly to you and your companions. In combat, they take
their turn immediately after yours. They obey any verbal
commands that you issue to them (no action required by you).
If you don’t issue any commands to them, they defend
themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no
While your minion is within 1,000 feet of you, you can
communicate with it telepathically. Additionally, as an action,
you can see through your minion's eyes and hear what it
hears until the start of your next turn, gaining the benefits of
any special senses that the familiar has. During this time, you
are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses.
This staff has 3 charges and can be spent in the following
ways. The staff can sustain no more than 3 summons at a
Call lesser minion, 1 charge. As an action you can
conjure a creature of CR 1/4th or less. This creature remains
summoned for 12 hours.
Call middling minion, 2 charges. As an action you can
conjure a creature of CR 1 or less. This creature remains
summoned for 1 hour.
Conjure greater minion, 3 charges. As an action you can
summon a creature of your entity type with a CR of 3 or less.
This creature remains summoned for 10 minutes.
This staff regains all charges at dawn. The wielder can
sacrifice a hit die to regain 1 charge.
Very rare
Alpha championship belt
Very rare, requires attunement
This guady championship wrestling belt is drenched in
gold and emblazed with a large A at the center. Cresting it are
the words 'Recognize the Alpha'.
While wearing this belt, your Strength is increased to 24. If
your Strength is already equal to or greater than the belt's
score, the item has no effect on you.
Roar of the Alpha. Your voice is booming loud, like
thunder, capable of shattering glass. As an action you can
roar, forcing all creatures in a 30 foot cone to make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d6 thunder
damage and are deafened until the end of your next turn. On
a success, they take half as much and are not deafened.
Challenge the Apex. You can cast Compelled Duel at will.
Curse. While attuned to the championship belt, it becomes
your prized possession and you become unwilling to part
with it. Your Intelligence is reduced by 4. You gain the flaw
Arrogance: I'm the champion. I'm the best there has ever
been. Ever.
Gimmick or bust
All great champions have a strong gimmick amplified by the
power of the belt. While worn, the wearer has a strong urge to
hype up the crowd at all times. On an account for newfound
arrogance and less Intelligence, this is not always thematically
on point.
-Kurock's signature death howl (his entity is not a wolf, not
that he would know that)

Wraps of the Unyielding

Very rare, requires attunement
These well worn wraps bear strange arcane and druidic
glyphs and siglis. Such wraps are most often made as gifts by
archdruids to vessels who protect their sacred places.
As a reaction when you are forced to make a saving throw,
you may spend up to 3 hit dice to increase your saving throw.
The increase to the saving throw is equal to your Constitution
modifier for each hit die spent.
Cloak of the Unfettered God
Artifact, requires attunement
This rough hewn cloak is made from a Tarrasque scale and
soaked in the blood of powerful monsters. It thrums with
violent and destructive power.
Unchained, unbound. When you use your Entity
Awakening feature while wearing this cloak, you gain the
following attributes:
You gain an amount of temporary hitpoints equal to
sextuple times your vessel level instead of triple.
Your natural weapon deals an extra 1d12 bludgeoning,
piercing, or slashing damage.
You gain 3 legendary actions. 1 can be spent to make a
single melee attack or to move up to your movement
speed. 2 can be spent to use one of your subclass features,
such as an Elder Dragon's breath weapon or a Deep One's
rising tide.
Your transformation lasts for 1 hour instead of 1 minute.
Random properties. The cloak has the following
randomly determined attributes
2 minor beneficial properties
1 major beneficial property
2 minor detrimental properties
1 major detrimental property
Bane of the bound
Sealing an entity (and A vessel is so tighly bound with their seal and entity, certain
other optional rules) spells and effects may be considered harmful to them.
Sealing an entity is no small feat and requires multiple When a vessel has Dispel Magic cast on them, for
powerful spellcasters and days or even weeks of intense whatever reason, they take 2d4 psychic damage,
perperation. It is a very powerful and strange form of magic, regardless of if the caster was trying to dispel their seal or
requiring alternative methods than standard arcane not.
practices. When banished they take 2d4 force damage as the planar
There are many, many ways that a vessel can be created. It disturbance between them and their seal strains.
might require several powerful wizards specializing in While in an antimagic field, they have a -1 penalty to all
different schools of magic or perhaps a specialized casting of d20 rolls.
the Imprisonment spell. Powerful monks, with their
manipulation of ki, can also be involved in creating a vessel. A Primal presence reception
cleric may use their divine intervention to create a vessel. It is Generally speaking, the idea behind having a primal presence
often the work of druids due to their long and varied history is an instinctual attunement to the natural world that most
with the natural world and wild shaping. living creatures have. Creatures who live, breath, and bleed,
A couple things are determined for sealing an entity. who can feel fear and pain, have this closeness with nature.
Firstly, an entity must be designed. The most powerful Most undead and constructs do not meet this criteria.
entities are quasi-divine beings, closer to the gods than they
are to mortals. These beings are on par with powerful
warlock patrons or demigods, if perhaps less enterprising. Poor host, rude guest
Even weaker entities are exceptionally powerful creatures The relationship of god and cleric or warlock and patron have
with a minimum CR of 10, and typically a minimum size of clear hierarchies in terms of power and authority, but this
Huge. For any possible reason, when an entity is sealed, their distinction is not so clear in vessels. The entities are locked
CR is equal to 10 + their vessel's level. within their vessel and are typically not in a position to make
Secondly, the method. This area is a lot less mechanical demands or threats.
can be assumed to utilize a lot of occult concepts such as The vessel'ss power derives from siphoning off their
blood sacrifice, invoking nature spirits, etc. The ritual itself is incapacitated entity, but such power comes with a price.
a big deal and must be peformed by masters of magic, the While entities are far less likely to strip away power, they can
strange, and the occult to be successful. forcefully give further or activate their powers at
Thirdly, the release. A vessel, after 3rd level, can not be disadvantageous times.
unsealed by anything short of a Wish spell. When they die, Causing a natural weapon to manifest at a classy dinner
their entity and seal will come with them, albeit temporarily. party, for example. Using their Primal Presence to scare a
If the vessel permanentlly dies, the entity will return to life would-be business partner away. Refusing to parley. Taunting
after 1 year. Afterwards, they will usually regain their original the vessel in their dreams or upon their failures, a faint
CR over the course of 3d4 days. Should the vessel return to whispering voice of doubt, guilt, and shame dwelling in the
life, so will their seal and their entity will be bound to them depths of their mind. So on and so forth.
once again. (With DM discretion this may change) Make sure to discuss this relationship and player/DM
boundaries beforehand.
Prerequisites: Strength 13 and Constitution 13 Alternate flavor: Shifter
Proficiencies: Simple weapons, martial weapons, one skill If a player or DM would rather not have a relationship with a
from the class's skill list powerful creature, an alternate flavoring could be that of a
Consider that the flavor of Vessel could be complimentary shifter, a person who is half dragon/sea monster/etc as they
to Sorcerers and Warlocks and allow Charisma in place of learn to mantle and reclaim their true power.
Strength. In this context, the relationship with an entity would be
replaced with their own natural instincts that might not
Creature type completely fit in with how a mortal society functions.
The vessel may count as the same creature type as their
entity and subject to spells and effects related to them. A thank you
A vessel of a Primordial Beast might be charmed when An incredible thank you to my DM, collaborator, editor, play
Animal Friendship is cast on them. tester, and the only person crazy enough to ride shotgun on
A vessel of the Cosmic Horror might be subject to the the journey of making this class, my friend PJ.
effect of Magic Circle. Cheers, dude.

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