2013-10-22 Jim Fleming Lectures

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900 Henley at main • Knoxville, Tennessee • Volume 75 • No. 42 • Oct. 22 , 2013

Dr. Jim Fleming Returns to Church Street
The Education Committee is pleased to welcome Dr. Jim Fleming back to
Church Street for a series of five lectures over two days. This year Dr. Fleming
O P P O R T U N I T I E S will focus on “Little Words in the Bible That Make a Difference.”
Dr. Fleming is the founder and director of the Explorations in Antiquity
Center in LaGrange, GA. There, ancient history comes alive with full-scale
Sunday, October 27 archaeological reconstructions of discoveries from the ancient world. While living
23rd Sunday After Pentecost in Israel from 1974 to 2006, Dr. Fleming founded and directed the World of the
Children’s Sunday Bible Archaeological Museum and Pilgrim Center in Jerusalem. He holds an
Worship Times Ed.D. degree from Southwestern Theological Seminary and has taught classes
8:30 AM & 11:00 AM – Nave at Hebrew University in Israel. He is Adjunct Faculty member of a number of
Rev. Andy Ferguson accredited graduate schools.
• Dr. Fleming always brings to his lectures
warmth, good humor, deep conviction and a remarkable
Monday, October 28 knowledge of the archaeology, geography, history and
Community Worship theology of the Bible. We are pleased to welcome him
6 PM – Chapel back to Church Street.
Rev. Darryll Rasnake The schedule of lectures is below. All lectures
Upcoming Community Worship will be held in Parish Hall and are free of charge. There
Hospitality Hosts is a charge for dinner on Sunday, November 3. Cost is
October 28: Murphy Builders & Potter’s Wheel $7 for adults and $4 for children. Reservations can be
November 4: Youth made by calling 524-3048 or e-mailing reservations@
November 11: Discovery
• There will be a resource table of lecture notebooks (past and present) as well
as gift items from Israel and the Explorations in Antiquity Center in LaGrange, GA.
Wednesday, October 30
Worship & Communion Little Words in the Bible That Make
12 noon - Chapel
Rev. Ashley Helton a Difference
Please note there will be no lunch Saturday, November 2
served after the service. 8:30-9 a.m. Gathering Time & Coffee
9-10:15 a.m. - When Jesus Saw Their Faith: How the faith of others can
help those who lack faith
10:30-11:45 a.m. - Five Barley Loaves and Two Small Fish: How God can
bless and multiply our small gifts
Sunday Supper Sunday, November 3
5:30 PM - Magnolia Lot 9:40-10:40 a.m. - The First Day of the Week: How understanding the
Trunk or Treat Feast of the Firstfruit helps interpret Resurrection Sunday
Sunday, October 27 4-5 p.m. - Now there were 153 Fish: How the Apostles learned to include
Pizza, Dessert, & Drinks as many people as there are kinds of people
$5 (12 & up)  $3 (children) 5:45-7 p.m. - There were Three Generations of 14: Looking to the promised
Davidic descendant

Trunk or Treat is This Sunday
Our annual trick-or-treating event is scheduled for this Sunday, October 27, from 5:30-7
p.m. in the Magnolia Lot. We need plenty of cars to fill the parking lot to make the evening
fun for everyone. All you have to do is choose a theme, decorate your car, and have plenty of
goodies to hand out. Please prepare for at least 100 kids. Participating cars need to be parked
and ready by 5:15 p.m. Cars entering the lot after 5:15 p.m. pose a danger to children who
arrive early so we ask your cooperation with this schedule. Supper will be served outside
that evening (cost: $5 for adults, $3 for children) and there will be inflatables in the gym
beginning at 6:15 p.m. Bring your friends and neighbors and be part of this fun fall event.

Bed Linens for KARM

Knox Area Rescue Ministries (KARM) sleeps between 250 Thank You to Soup Kitchen
and 400 men and women every night of the year. With the Volunteers
weather turning cooler, the beds will consistently be full Thank you to everyone who volunteered at the 5th
with overflow using mats on the floor. KARM provides Annual Bill & Fran
simple bed linens for each guest every night and is in Sarrett BBQ on
need of new sets to prepare for the winter months. We Thursday, October
are asking Church Streeters to donate new twin sheet sets 17. We served more
consisting of a fitted sheet, flat sheet, and pillow case. than 380 meals as
There is some confusion about KARM only we welcomed our
accepting a specific sheet from Bed Bath and Beyond; this homeless neighbors to
is not the case. KARM is in the process of opening a Men’s Parish Hall. We greatly
transitional housing unit that uses specific sheets. In this appreciate everyone who
instance we are asking for sheets for the overnight dorms: helped out by preparing
Hope Haven and Samaritans Place, ANY twin sheet set and serving the meal. If
will be great. If you would leave your gift of new linens in you are interested in volunteering at the Soup Kitchen
the main church office, it will be greatly appreciated. If you on a weekly basis, please see Pastor Darryll.
have questions, please contact Marc Gamble at mgamble@

Church Street UMC Calendar: Oct. 27 - Nov. 2

Worship Meetings & Ministry Leisure Activities Personal &
Morning Worship Confirmation Parents Meeting & Fellowship Spiritual Growth
Sunday, 8:30 & 11 am, Nave
Sunday, 10 am, CLC 11 BodyWorks Financial Peace University
Rejoice! TV Broadcast Benevolence Team Mon. & Thurs., 5:30 pm, Gym Sunday, 3pm, rm 202
Sunday, 8:30 am (WVLT-TV)
Sunday, 10 am (WVLT2) Monday, noon, CLC 124 Bridge Dr. Wender’s Bible Study
Community Worship Education Committee Monday, 6:30 pm, CLC 120 Sunday, 4 pm, rm 204
Monday, 6pm, Chapel Wednesday, 6:30 pm, CLC 120 Yoga Disciple 3 Bible Study
Midweek Communion Service Soup Kitchen Monday, 7 pm, rm 204 Sunday, 4 pm, rm 118
Wednesday, noon, Chapel Thursday, 11 am, Parish Hall Young Men’s Basketball
Women’s Bible Study
Tuesday, 6 pm, Gym
Wed., 9 am, rm 201-A
Children Men’s Basketball
Wednesday, 6:30 pm, Gym Pastor’s Bible Study (Ferguson)
Sunday School–9:40 AM Trunk or Treat Wednesday, 7 pm, rm 201-A
Sunday, 5:30 pm, Magnolia Lot Jim Fleming Lectures
Singles UMW Saturday, Parish Hall
Line Dance: Thurs., 7–9 pm, Gym Lydia Circle (See cover for schedule)
Music Fun Night: Fri. 7 pm, Gym Friday, noon, rm 119
Youth Choir
Sunday, 4 pm, rm 306 Youth
Handbell Choir Rehearsal Trunk or Treat
The Lectionary
Sunday, 6:15 pm, rm 304 RE A DINGS
Sunday, 5:30 pm, Magnolia Lot
Parish Adult Choir Rehearsal Middle School Girls Bible Study October 27 November 3
Wednesday, 7 pm, rm 306 Joel 2:23-32 Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2: 1-4
Wed., 5:45 pm, Lower CLC
Psalm 65 Psalm 119:137-144
Band Practice 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12
Wed., 6:45 pm, CLC 15 Luke 18:9-14 Luke 19:1-10
Reflections MUSIC n e w s
–Rev. Andy Ferguson
Last Sunday in Moments for All God’s Children, Join us on Sunday, November 10,
Pastor Darryll talked with the children about three at 9 p.m. in the Nave as the men’s
kinds of prayer. He has been reading a book by ensemble Orison will make its
debut performance as part of the
Anne Lamott. One type of prayer he mentioned was
Church Street Master Arts Series
“Wow.” Have you ever said, “Wow!” to God?
in a service of Compline as it might
In recent days, I have been experiencing the
have been sung during the sixteenth
“Wow” prayer -- not practicing, not learning. I have
century in England. No ticket is
been experiencing the “Wow” prayer each time I have
stepped out into this long series of splendid fall days.
The autumn colors are on their way. The air is crisp CHILDREN’S n e w s
and bright. No doubt, some rainy days will come, but This Sunday, October 27, is
so far we have been blessed with a long series of Wow days in East Tennessee. Children’s Sunday at Church
One of the reasons generous stewardship is possible for Christians is the Street. Our children will be active
experience of God’s Wows. We have so much for which to be grateful. We see participants in both services. Please
so many places where God’s gift of creation is still the greatest show on earth. join us for this special day as our
As the great hymn, “For the Beauty of the Earth” declares, “God is the ruler yet.” young people lead us in worship.
Confident of God, we go forward with hope and purpose.
Our stewardship campaign continues as we invite those who have not FOOD s e r v i c e s
made a pledge to the 2014 ministries of Church Street to make their pledge. The Food services is seeking someone to
Finance Committee will work with the other committees of the church to craft assist in the kitchen during special
a ministry plan based on the support we pledge. Your pledge is important! Many events and occasionally on Sunday
thanks to all those who have already turned in a pledge card. evenings. This person must be 18
We have much to do in the coming year: or older and willing to learn to run
• An exploratory committee is looking at updating the Parish Hall and all the first equipment such as the dishwasher.
level of the church building. Please contact Kate Bledsoe at
• We will grow into small group ministry, which will allow more places for new kbledsoe@churchstreetumc.org if
people to find a group to share their faith. you are interested.
• We will continue to add Sunday School opportunities.
• We will put in place a comprehensive Food Services plan to provide fellowship BODY w o r k s
over meals.
BodyWorks, is underway at Church
It is going to be a busy year ahead. God’s will is being done and will be Street. Sponsored by Covenant
done among us and through us. Health, BodyWorks is a convenient,
affordable fitness class that

Thanksgiving Baskets incorporates a variety of exercise

options for a complete workout.
Every year, our church is blessed to be able to provide Thanksgiving Each class is taught by a certified
baskets to needy families in the Knoxville area. This year we are also instructor from Covenant Health
helping Fran Lynch and Willow UMC in Willow, Alaska, provide baskets to and is appropriate for just about
their community. For this to happen we need donations to purchase the any level of fitness. Below are the
food items here and in Willow. We also will need people to assemble and specifics about this opportunity at
deliver the baskets in our area. Getting involved in this ministry is easy! Church Street.
If you would like to: • Every Monday & Thursday, 5:30-
• Provide a monetary donation to buy food items, make checks payable 6:30 p.m. in the gym
to Church Street UMC and note “Thanksgiving Basket” on your check. A
• $3/each class, $2/church members,
suggested donation of $50 will pay for one basket in Knoxville or Willow.
first class is free
• Assemble baskets for the Knoxville area by coming to the Gym on
Thursday evening, November 21, at 6:30 p.m. A pizza snack will be • No membership fees
provided. • No contracts to sign
• Deliver the baskets by coming to the Gym on Sunday, November 24, • Pay as you go, you only pay for the
following Sunday School or 11 a.m. Worship to pick up a basket for a classes you attend
family near your home to be delivered on that afternoon. • Bring your mat, weights, water and

 Your help is needed and you will be blessed! appropriate shoes
Stewardship Our Church Family Contact Us
Baptism: Church Office (865) 524-3048
We will be loyal to the United Methodist Church
and support it with our prayers, presence, gifts,
• Luke Jacob Gaddis, son of Kevin & Hours: Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
service and witness. Allison Gaddis, was baptized Sunday, Fax number (865) 521-0261
October 20, at the 11 a.m. service.
Our Prayers Pastor On-Call Number (865) 236-1518
Memorials For emergencies, call the On-Call Number
and the pastor on call will answer or you may
Home From The Hospital:
In Memory of: leave a message and the pastor will return your
Kate Bledsoe, Diana Brown Taylor, Kathryn
Freeman, Ruth DeFriese to Shannondale
• Arthur Bayer call.
Healthcare Rejoice: Bob & Norma Goff On the Web:
• Naomie Meyers www.churchstreetumc.org
Memorial: Dave & Betty Craig Watch Rejoice! on our web site.
Our Presence Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Sunday Worship 498
Sunday School 329 Honorariums Staff Directory
Weekday Worship 83 In Honor of: Dial 521-0 + extension
• Elizabeth Reagon Senior Pastor Andy Ferguson–260
Altar Guild: Betty Bell Associate Pastor Darryll Rasnake–279
• Betty Bell
Altar Flowers for Rejoice!: Elizabeth Reagon
Associate Pastor Ashley Helton–263
Sunday, October 27 • Rev. Cabel Trent
Associate Pastor Nicole Krewson–298
The Chancel Altar flowers are given Special Needs Pastor Cabel Trent–264
Soup Kitchen: Gene & Juanita Doss
Minister of Discipleship Rick Isbell–266
in loving memory of Grace & Brodie Pastors Discretionary Fund: Gene &
Director of Music Ministries Tim Ward–276
Baynes by Stephanie Baynes Womack Juanita Doss
Music Associate/Organist Edie Johnson–277
and Marcia Lee Baynes.
Children’s Director Sue Isbell–282
Homebound Communion Child Care Coordinator Jamie McKinney–290
Van Drivers Needed Plans Being Made Interim Youth Director Jenny Darden–287
Church Street will reach out to College Intern Merry Reid Sheffer–548-7979
We need van drivers to help with our
Preschool Director Beth Libby–524-3511
Monday night Community Worship its homebound members on All
Kay Center Director Judith Winters–293
service. It is a great blessing to help Saints Sunday afternoon, November Kay Center Kay Center Staff–289
our guests who have no other means 3. Teams are being assembled Church Administrator Kate Bledsoe–268
of transportation to get to church and trained to go out and serve Bookkeeper Francine Jenne–267
each week. You will need to be Communion to all our members who Communications Director Caroline Lamar–299
available from 5:15 p.m. until 8 p.m. cannot get to church on a regular Administrative Assistant Kelly Woods–262
basis. If you have been invited to Ministers’ Secretary Emerita Loretta Best–280
one Monday each month but the
Executive Secretary Doris Lively–271
monthly schedule is flexible. Please be a part of a team or would like to
Receptionist Brenda Flenniken–270
talk with Pastor Darryll if you can volunteer, please contact Rick Isbell, Food Services -273
help. Minister of Discipleship at 521-0266 Part-time Secretary Julie Hill–278
or risbell@churchstreetumc.org. If Sterchi Lodge Caretaker Essie Burgin
you know of someone who would Building Superintendent Walt Sands–295
CSUMC: “A Beacon—Living like to receive Communion, please Head Custodian Mike Plyler–274
Christ, Teaching Christ, Offering contact Rev. Isbell no later than Custodians: Brandon Amburn, Matt Newberry,
Nita O’Dell, Chris Graves
Christ” Friday, October 25, so adequate plans
can be made.

Advent Devotions Still Needed

An Advent devotional book is being prepared with devotions written by
Church Street members and illustrations from our children. We need your
contribution. Please consider writing an Advent-related devotion which
includes scripture, meditation (250 words) and closing prayer. Submissions
need to be e-mailed to Caroline Lamar at clamar@churchstreetumc.org no
later than Friday, October 25. While all submissions are welcome, there
is no guarantee that all will be included. The booklet is sponsored by the
Congregational Care Committee.

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