2013-10-22 Jim Fleming Lectures
2013-10-22 Jim Fleming Lectures
2013-10-22 Jim Fleming Lectures
900 Henley at main • Knoxville, Tennessee • Volume 75 • No. 42 • Oct. 22 , 2013
Dr. Jim Fleming Returns to Church Street
The Education Committee is pleased to welcome Dr. Jim Fleming back to
Church Street for a series of five lectures over two days. This year Dr. Fleming
O P P O R T U N I T I E S will focus on “Little Words in the Bible That Make a Difference.”
Dr. Fleming is the founder and director of the Explorations in Antiquity
Center in LaGrange, GA. There, ancient history comes alive with full-scale
Sunday, October 27 archaeological reconstructions of discoveries from the ancient world. While living
23rd Sunday After Pentecost in Israel from 1974 to 2006, Dr. Fleming founded and directed the World of the
Children’s Sunday Bible Archaeological Museum and Pilgrim Center in Jerusalem. He holds an
Worship Times Ed.D. degree from Southwestern Theological Seminary and has taught classes
8:30 AM & 11:00 AM – Nave at Hebrew University in Israel. He is Adjunct Faculty member of a number of
Rev. Andy Ferguson accredited graduate schools.
• Dr. Fleming always brings to his lectures
warmth, good humor, deep conviction and a remarkable
Monday, October 28 knowledge of the archaeology, geography, history and
Community Worship theology of the Bible. We are pleased to welcome him
6 PM – Chapel back to Church Street.
Rev. Darryll Rasnake The schedule of lectures is below. All lectures
Upcoming Community Worship will be held in Parish Hall and are free of charge. There
Hospitality Hosts is a charge for dinner on Sunday, November 3. Cost is
October 28: Murphy Builders & Potter’s Wheel $7 for adults and $4 for children. Reservations can be
November 4: Youth made by calling 524-3048 or e-mailing reservations@
November 11: Discovery
• There will be a resource table of lecture notebooks (past and present) as well
as gift items from Israel and the Explorations in Antiquity Center in LaGrange, GA.
Wednesday, October 30
Worship & Communion Little Words in the Bible That Make
12 noon - Chapel
Rev. Ashley Helton a Difference
Please note there will be no lunch Saturday, November 2
served after the service. 8:30-9 a.m. Gathering Time & Coffee
9-10:15 a.m. - When Jesus Saw Their Faith: How the faith of others can
help those who lack faith
10:30-11:45 a.m. - Five Barley Loaves and Two Small Fish: How God can
bless and multiply our small gifts
Sunday Supper Sunday, November 3
5:30 PM - Magnolia Lot 9:40-10:40 a.m. - The First Day of the Week: How understanding the
Trunk or Treat Feast of the Firstfruit helps interpret Resurrection Sunday
Sunday, October 27 4-5 p.m. - Now there were 153 Fish: How the Apostles learned to include
Pizza, Dessert, & Drinks as many people as there are kinds of people
$5 (12 & up) $3 (children) 5:45-7 p.m. - There were Three Generations of 14: Looking to the promised
Davidic descendant
Trunk or Treat is This Sunday
Our annual trick-or-treating event is scheduled for this Sunday, October 27, from 5:30-7
p.m. in the Magnolia Lot. We need plenty of cars to fill the parking lot to make the evening
fun for everyone. All you have to do is choose a theme, decorate your car, and have plenty of
goodies to hand out. Please prepare for at least 100 kids. Participating cars need to be parked
and ready by 5:15 p.m. Cars entering the lot after 5:15 p.m. pose a danger to children who
arrive early so we ask your cooperation with this schedule. Supper will be served outside
that evening (cost: $5 for adults, $3 for children) and there will be inflatables in the gym
beginning at 6:15 p.m. Bring your friends and neighbors and be part of this fun fall event.