SH Perdev-Q1-W2-M4
SH Perdev-Q1-W2-M4
SH Perdev-Q1-W2-M4
Week 2: Module 4
It’s a great way to think that after studying and working on all activities
in this lesson, you will be able to:
By now you had yourself analyzed the various definitions. Such ideas of
yourself have made you special from others. Essential personal duties are to
assess oneself. Social growth is a foundation. Understanding that you are
building blocks helps to become the person you want to be or are meant to
This learning material will provide you with knowledge and exercises
to help you analyze your emotions, feelings and behaviors that will help you
improve as a person.
Activity 1: What I Know
Directions: Below are questions you have to answer. Each question represents
a concept or an idea which is about to be discussed in this lesson. Answer the
pre-test in a separate sheet of paper.
1. This happens when the brain interprets an emotion that is normally
triggered as a response to a certain stimulus through physical sensations
felt by the body.
A. Feelings B. Emotions C. Thoughts D. Behavior
4. These are adjectives that define the characteristics that are good and
attractive and typically illustrate the meaning it reflects.
A. Virtues B. Values C. Thoughts D. Attitudes
5. These are values that establish value and meaning in life. There is
something you give priority to.
A. Values B. Thoughts C. Attitudes D. Virtues
7. This pertains to the heart of every human being is a set of beliefs which
adheres to the highest ideals of human life.
A. Thoughts B. Attitudes C. Values D. Virtues
8. These are the most feared aspect of the self, as individuals are reluctant
and unprepared to manage them.
A. Feelings B. Emotions C. Behavior D. Values
Let’s Begin!
2. Cognitive development. Due to lack of experience and life skills, the
immaturity of many middle and late teens is still prevalent in several
respects. Nevertheless, they are now in a position to do self-reflection
and introspection, to allow a deeper study and comprehension of the
things that are happening to them. We can be idealistic and, at the
same time, face truth by developing imaginative and constructive
solutions to problems.
Activity 1. Remember Me
Directions: Choose your answer from the given choices. Answer this activity
in a separate sheet of paper.
2. What is the creation of the cognitive, mental, intellectual and social
capacities of human beings, and their functioning during life, from
infancy through old age. It is the topic of the so-called developmental
psychology discipline.
A. Physiological development
B. Psycho-social development
C. Spiritual-moral development
D. Cognitive mental development
Understanding Holistic Development of Human Being
Holistic Development
It is a practical approach to a comprehensive system of learning where
the child's physical, financial, emotional , mental and spiritual development
is taken care of. This type of education focuses not only on pure learning, but
also on what is learned being applied.
Five Aspects of Holistic Development
1. Physiological - the physical attributes including the five senses.
2. Cognitive - the intellectual functions of the mind: thinking, recognizing,
reasoning, analyzing, projecting, synthesizing, recalling and assessing
3. Psychological – or how thinking, feeling, and behaving interact and
happen in a person.
4. Social - the manner by which an individual interacts with other
individuals or groups of individuals.
5. Spiritual - the attribute of a person's consciousness and beliefs,
including the values and virtues that guide and put meaning into a
person's life.
Feelings, moods, and emotions do not exactly mean one and the same.
Basic Human Drives are those that are biologically related such as hunger
and thirst that affect the various emotional experiences such as emotions,
moods and affective traits. There are six (6)emotions that human being
experience (Elkman, 2016), these are happiness, sadness, fear, anger,
surprise, and disgust.
achievement, power, security, conformity, tradition, benevolence, and
Values are ideals that create meaning and purpose in life. Something
that you give importance while virtues are adjectives that describe the positive
and desirable qualities which usually mirror a value it represents.
those who don't have healthy and consistent study habits may find
school work very hard, and may find it difficult to cope with different
demands. Adolescents typically believe their teachers are offering
arduous academic loads above and above the other curriculum and
extracurricular activities.
enough to receive scholarship services and study in good schools is a
preparation for accountability, endurance and the world of work.
6. Maturity and Life Goals. Some parents and educators note that there
are still many late teenagers attending the university who are young
and who have no specific future plans. There seems to be a very thin
line for teens, separating needs and desires, between what is necessary
and frivolous. Differentiating and knowing these will enable them to
shape the right personal philosophy, make moral decisions and carry
out their duties and responsibilities that slowly determine their future.
The above-mentioned challenges and demands offer an overall scenario
of how tough it is for middle and late adolescents to manage their lives
during this time, all of which will be addressed in the next units.
Let’s Familiarize Ourselves
Aspects of
Whole Person Thoughts Feelings Behavior
Let’s Strengthen it!
4 3 2 1
Outstanding Very Satisfactory Fairly Score
Satisfactory Satisfactory
Knowledge of Knowledge of Knowledge of Knowledge is
one’s self is shows the major one’s self is limited and has
comprehensive: and important sufficient but the tendency to
includes details of one’s lacks give superficial
strengths. personality evaluation of details that fail to
Limitations, through an one’s provide authentic
feelings, assessment of personality analysis of one’s
aspirations, and one’s strengths strengths and self concept.
behavior. and weaknesses. limitations.
Reflective. Confident and Sincere but Shyness and
Sincere, and tactful; candid defensive with nervousness are
confident in with one’s one somewhat
demeanor; in weaknesses and weaknesses; apparent;
providing highlights generally sincerity is not
personal or personal confident. very evident.
sensitive matters strengths.
about self.
Fluent, clear, and Credible and Clear and Comprehensible
comprehensible; understandable; effective; not but sometimes
persuasive and convincing and quite fluent. vague appears
effective. effective enough. slightly
Let’s Answer it!
Directions: Read carefully each item. Use a separate sheet for your
answers. Write only the letter of the best answer for each test item.
5. As an individual, your concerns and ideals is to make life meaning and
purpose and you add value to something. Which of the following choices
relates to the underlined statement?
A. Habits
B. Values
C. Feelings
D. Emotions
7. Ben needs to participate and share the workload at home while doing his
academic work and become productive in work and recreation.
What is the challenge of being an adolescent is mentioned in the above
A. Financial Management
B. Maturity and Life Goals
C. Study/Work-life Balance
D. Academic Achievement and Career Paths
9. These are the self's most feared element, because individuals are unable
and unprepared to handle them.
A. Values
B. Feelings
C. Behavior
D. Emotions
10. Based on the statement below what is the aspect of whole person
development is being referred to?
We must be loved and learn how to love back
with kindness, we must know how to practice the
perspective-taking, sensitivity, and empathy required
to live and work well with others around them.
A. Cognitive development
B. Physiological development
C. Psycho-social development
D. Spiritual-moral development