Baer Karen
Baer Karen
Baer Karen
Subject: ENGLISH
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
1. Subject Matter Content
Demonstrates depth and breadth of the subject matter /
Shows mastery of the subject matter /
2. Organization of the Lesson
Presents subject matter sequentially and logically /
States clear learning outcomes /
Synthesizes main points /
Meets class at schedule time /
3. Rapport/Interaction with the students
Is respectful, fair and impartial /
Provides immediate feedback /
Encourages active participation /
Interacts with students /
Show enthusiasm /
4. Teaching Methods and Strategies
Utilizes relevant teaching methods/strategies /
Uses learning aids, materials and technology /
Employs cooperative/group involvement in the classroom and remote learning /
Uses examples that are simple, clear, precise and appropriate /
Stays focused on and meets stated learning outcomes /
5. Presentation of the Lesson
Maintains eye contact /
Uses a clear voice, strong projection, proper enunciation /
Has a good command of the language /
Uses language within the level of students /
6. Classroom Management
Uses time wisely /
Demonstrates leadership ability; maintains discipline and control /
7. Sensitivity to Student’s Needs
Exhibits sensitivity to students’ personal culture, gender differences and /
Respond appropriately in a non-threatening, pro-active learning environment /
8. Support/Assistance to Students
Assists students with academic problems /
Clarifies points in the lessons which are not clear to the students /
Allots time for questions/comments /
9. Personal Competence
Shows self-confidence /
Maintains professional distance and professional appearance /
10. Physical Aspects of the Classroom
Oversees the attributes of classroom /
Checks number of students in attendance /
Average 137/31=4.4
5 = Outstanding (100)
4.8-4.9= Very Satisfactory (98)
4.6-4.7= Satisfactory (95)
4.1-4.5= Good (90)
3.7-4.0= Needs Improvement (85)
3.5-3.6= Fair (80)
1-3.4= Re-demo
Total: 5 52
Average: 57/14= 4.1
5 = Outstanding (100)
4.8-4.9= Very Satisfactory (98)
4.6-4.7= Satisfactory (95)
4.1-4.5= Good (90)
3.7-4.0= Needs Improvement (85)
3.5-3.6= Fair (80)
1-3.4= Re-demo