Fjaer (1994)
Fjaer (1994)
Fjaer (1994)
IKU Petroleum Research
S eismic data represent the most important source of infor- to be largest for low stresses; for higher stresses the velocities
mation about underground formations that have not been become increasingly independent of the stress.
accessed by excavations or drilling. When target formations The effect of a stress increase in only one direction is quite
can be reached by drilling, more accurate velocity data are different (Figure 3). First, the velocities that are either prop-
available via logging. The primary use of the seismic infor- agating or are being polarized in the same direction as the
mation is still to map structure. However, there is a growing increasing stress are also increasing; the other velocities
interest in using seismic data to derive intrinsic information remain constant. At higher stresses, the velocities of wave
about rock properties such as porosity, clay content, etc. propagating or being polarized normal to the increasing stress
Porosity estimation has traditionally also been the main ap- are decreasing significantly. The result is an increasing acous-
plication of sonic logs. In fact, an established school of tic anisotropy, reflecting the stress anisotropy. The degree of
thought holds that velocities in sedimentary rocks are primar- this stress-induced anisotropy differs from one rock to an-
ily a measure of porosity-the lower the velocity, the higher other. Also, the degree depends on the confining pressure.
the porosity. The effect is smaller for higher confining pressures.
In this context, it is important to notice that velocities may
be strongly dependent on the stress state as well as the stress C racks. It turns out that stress-induced changes in velocities
history of the rock. This is of particular importance when we (Figures 2 and 3), as well as stress history effects (Figure 1),
wish to compare velocities measured under different stress can be explained micromechanically only in terms of cracks.
conditions-in situ stresses, near wellbore stresses, no This seemingly simple-minded explanation of a rather com-
stresses at all-and we often ignore or are unable to account plex behavior does require a somewhat wider definition of
for the effects of the stress history of the rocks. An example the term cracks; but, it is both attractive and useful that the
of the potential impacts of the stress history is shown in Figure stress and stress history effects of sound velocities in many
1. The diagram shows the P-wave velocity versus porosity rocks can be intuitively explained by tracking the stress-in-
(measured under identical conditions) for a set of samples that duced opening and closure of cracks.
have the same lithological characteristics except for stress Any soft inclusion in the material, like a spherical pore or
history. The normal trend, with the velocity decreasing with a flat crack, will reduce both stiffness and, to a lesser degree,
increasing porosity, is inverted, indicating the strong impact density so that the net result is a reduction in the sound
of stress history. These results will be explained in terms of velocities. This explains the normal trend (as shown in Figure
micromechanical processes later in this paper. 1) where sound velocities decrease with increasing porosity.
Theoretically, a sound velocity V in a material is given by A flat crack has a very small volume compared to its exten-
a stiffness C and the density D as Given that density sion, hence the reduction in density due to a crack is marginal
can be obtained by other means, the velocity can be regarded compared to the reduction in stiffness, and the reduction in
as a measure of the stiffness. Experience shows there is often velocities comparatively strong. However, the effect of a
a significant difference between a “dynamic” stiffness ob- crack on the stiffness depends strongly on the orientation of
tained from velocity measurements and the corresponding the crack: the stiffness measured normal to a crack is strongly
stiffness obtained by static measurements. This difference reduced because of the crack but the stiffness parallel to the
depends both on the rock type and the stress state. crack is only marginally affected. Thus, a nonuniform distri-
bution of the orientation of cracks will result in acoustic
I mpact of stress on sound velocities: observations. Sound anisotropy. An example of a remarkably strong crack-in-
velocities in granular rocks generally increase with increasing duced anisotropy was presented by Holt et al. (Canadian
external pressure (Figure 2). This is well known and can be Journal of Exploration Geophysics, 1993) regarding the de-
intuitively explained as being due to a broadening and corre- teriorated soapstone from the Nidaros Cathedral in
sponding stiffening of the grain contacts. The effect is seen Trondheim. The shear wave anisotropy was found to be