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Abstract: The Slave – Northern Cordillera Lithospheric Evolution (SNORCLE) corridors of the northern Cordillera
sample some of the most, and least, seismically active regions of Canada. The earthquake history of this region is
short. Precise determination of earthquake locations and depths is not possible even today. Nonetheless, significant
gains in our knowledge of the seismicity of this region have been made in recent years from studies of historic earth-
quakes, microseismicity studies, and advances in waveform modelling techniques combined with broadband data that
allow for determination of focal mechanisms and depths for moderate earthquakes. This article summarizes our current
knowledge of the seismicity and seismic hazards across the region. These detailed analyses have shown that (i) the
largest historical earthquakes have occurred in regions of ongoing microseismicity; (ii) the largest earthquakes have
occurred in pairs or in swarms, suggesting that stress triggering is important in this region; (iii) the active faults are
concentrated in the offshore region; (iv) there is a concentration of seismicity in the Fold and Thrust belt, several hun-
dred kilometres from the active plate margin; and (v) there is no seismicity associated with the Quaternary volcanic
zone in northern British Columbia. Potentially damaging (magnitude M ≥ 5) earthquakes can be expected every few
years in the vicinity of the northern Cordillera. The Mw = 7.9 Denali, Alaska, earthquake (where Mw is the moment
magnitude) was a good reminder that the effects of a large earthquake can be substantial, even hundreds of kilometres
from the epicentre. Detailed studies of seismicity, earth structure, and tectonics, with the latter made possible in large
part by the SNORCLE transect, will allow for informed decision-making for resource development and the design of
safe structures and infrastructure in the northern Canadian Cordillera.
Résumé : Les corridors du projet SNORCLE de la Cordillère septentrionale permettent d’échantillonner quelques-unes
des régions sismiques les plus et les moins actives du Canada. L’histoire des séismes de cette région est brève. Même
de nos jours, il est impossible de déterminer avec précision les endroits et les profondeurs des séismes. Néanmoins, au
cours des dernières années, nous avons grandement amélioré notre compréhension de la séismicité de cette région à
partir de l’histoire des tremblements de terre, des études de microsismicité et des avances dans les techniques de modé-
lisation des types d’ondes, combinés aux données à large bande qui permettent de déterminer les mécanismes focaux et
les profondeurs de séismes à intensité modérée. Le présent article résume nos connaissances actuelles de la séismicité
et des dangers sismiques à travers la région. Ces analyses détaillées ont démontré que : (i) les plus grands séismes
historiques ont eu lieu dans des régions de microsismicité active; (ii) les plus grands séismes ont eu lieu par paires ou
par groupes, suggérant que le déclenchement des contraintes est important dans cette région; (iii) les failles actives sont
concentrées dans la région au large des côtes; (iv) la sismicité est concentrée dans la ceinture de plis et de chevauche-
ments, à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres de la bordure de la plaque active et (v) il n’y a pas de sismicité associée à
la zone volcanique quaternaire du nord de la Colombie-Britannique. L’on peut s’attendre à des séismes (M ≥ 5) causant
potentiellement des dommages régulièrement à quelques années d’intervalle à proximité de la Cordillère septentrionale.
Le séisme de Denali, en Alaska, MW = 7,9, est un bon rappel que les effets d’un gros séisme peuvent être substantiels,
même à des centaines de kilomètres de l’épicentre. Des études détaillées de la sismicité, de la structure de la Terre et
de la tectonique, cette dernière étant rendue possible en grande partie par le transect SNORCLE, permettront de
prendre des décisions informées dans le développement des ressources et la conception de structures et d’infrastructures
sécuritaires dans la Cordillère canadienne septentrionale.
[Traduit par la Rédaction] Cassidy et al. 1148
Received 8 December 2003. Accepted 12 August 2004. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at http://cjes.nrc.ca on
23 September 2005.
Paper handled by Associate Editor R.M. Clowes.
J.F. Cassidy3 and G.C. Rogers. Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, BC V8L 4B2,
Canada and School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2, Canada
J. Ristau. School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2, Canada.
This article is one of a selection of papers published in this Special Issue on The Lithoprobe Slave – Northern Cordillera
Lithospheric Evolution (SNORCLE) transect.
Geological Survey of Canada Contribution 2003147; Lithoprobe Publication 1376.
Corresponding author (e-mail: jcassidy@nrcan.gc.ca).
Can. J. Earth Sci. 42: 1137–1148 (2005) doi: 10.1139/E04-063 © 2005 NRC Canada
1138 Can. J. Earth Sci. Vol. 42, 2005
Fig. 1. (a) Simplified tectonic map of the SNORCLE transect region. The small Yakutat block (YAK) is caught between the Pacific (PAC)
and North America (NA) plates. The arrows indicate the motion of the Pacific Plate and Yakutat block relative to North America. The
SNORCLE corridors are indicated by thick, numbered lines. Major fault systems are labelled, including the Denali (Den), Tintina (Tin),
Fairweather (Fai), Queen Charlotte (Qci), Chugach – St. Elias (Chu), Pamplona (Pam), Chatham Strait (CS), and Transition (Tra) faults.
(b) Topographic map of the northern Canadian Cordillera, showing the locations of the major mountain ranges discussed in the text,
the Beaufort Sea, the accreted terranes, and the stable North American craton.
Fig. 2. Seismic stations of the northern Canadian Cordillera and adjacent regions as of January 2003. 䊏, three-component broadband
stations of the Canadian National Seismograph Network (CNSN); 䉱, single-component short-period stations of the CNSN; 䊉, seismic
stations (primarily single-component short-period) in Alaska. Also shown is the distribution of seismic stations across the region in 1951
and 1971. BMBC, Bull Mountain; COL, College; DAWY, Dawson; DLBC, Dease Lake; FNBC, Fort Nelson; FSB and FSJ, Fort St.
John; HYT, Haines Junction; INK, Inuvik; RUB, Prince Rupert; SIT, Sitka; WHY, Whitehorse; YKA and YKW, Yellowknife.
Table 1. Magnitude com- is illustrated in Fig. 3. It is clear that the most seismically
pleteness as a function of active region is along the plate boundaries in the coastal and
time in the vicinity of the offshore area. This is where the largest earthquakes, and the
SNORCLE transects. vast majority of the earthquakes, occur. Eight earthquakes of
magnitude > 7 have struck this region since 1899 (Fig. 4).
Year Magnitude, M
The most significant inland seismicity occurs along segments
1899 7.2 of the Denali fault zone system (Fig. 3), where the seismicity
1917 6.3 rate is an order of magnitude lower than that in the coastal
1951 5.3 region. The largest known earthquake to have occurred in
1972 3.8 the vicinity of the Canadian portion of this fault system is an
1979 3.0 MS = 6.5 (where MS is the surface wave magnitude) in 1944
(Fig. 4). In November 2002, an Mw = 7.9 earthquake
occurred along the Alaska segment of the Denali fault. This
that provide some constraints on earthquake depths and earthquake is described in more detail later in the paper. The
faulting style in specific areas. region between the Denali and Tintina systems (sampled by
SNORCLE lines 31 and 22) is relatively aseismic, with rela-
Seismicity patterns tively few (and small) earthquakes (Figs. 3, 4). There appears
Seismicity recorded across the SNORCLE transect region to be an alignment of epicentres along the Tintina fault
Fig. 3. Seismicity of northwestern Canada and adjacent parts of Fig. 5. Locations of temporary seismograph stations operated for
Alaska during the period 1899–2002. The smallest dots represent microseismicity studies (described in text). 䉬, study of Leblanc
earthquakes of local magnitude ML = 3–4.4, the mid-sized dots and Wetmiller (1974); 䊉, stations operated near the Denali fault
ML = 4.5–6.4, and the largest dots ML > 6.4. The thick grey zone by Horner (1983); 䊏, Windy Craggy station operated by
lines denote the SNORCLE corridors. Thin black lines denote Horner (1989); 䉱, stations operated by Rogers (1976); 夹, stations
faults and structures that are labelled in Fig. 1. Seismicity shown operated by BC Hydro and the GSC during the 1980s. Focal
in Alaska to the west of 145° is not complete. Faults: Den, mechanisms determined from these studies are shown. Letters
Denali; Tin, Tintina. correspond to the microseismicity surveys described in the text.
Fig. 4. Locations of the largest (M ≥ 6) earthquakes in the northern active plate boundary. This fold and thrust belt seismicity is
Canadian Cordillera. Focal mechanisms are shown for select concentrated in two areas: the MacKenzie–Ogilvie mountains
events. Key earthquakes discussed in the text are labelled with region and the Richardson Mountains region (Fig. 3). The
their year of occurrence. largest known earthquakes in the Canadian Cordillera have
occurred in these regions. The MS = 6.6 and 6.9 Nahanni
earthquakes (Horner et al. 1990; Wetmiller et al. 1988) of
1985 (see Fig. 4) are located not far from the western end of
SNORCLE line 1 and the eastern end of line 21. In the
northern McKenzie Mountains a series of MS = 6.0–6.5 earth-
quakes occurred in the mid-1950s (Cassidy et al. 2002), and
earthquakes of MS = 6.0–6.5 have occurred in the Richardson
Mountains (Cassidy and Bent 1993). It is noteworthy that
these large earthquakes are not located at the deformation
front, but rather 50–150 km to the west (Fig. 4).
Another cluster of earthquake activity, significantly to the
north of the SNORCLE corridors and hence not dealt with in
detail here, is located in the Beaufort Sea. Seismicity in this
area is of interest for potential oil and gas exploration. The
largest earthquake recorded in the Beaufort Sea is an MS =
6.5 (Fig. 4) in 1920 (Basham et al. 1977). There is some evi-
dence that earthquakes here occur at a depth of about 40 km
(see Hasegawa et al. 1979; Rogers and Horner 1991).
To the east of the Fold and Thrust belt, very few earth-
quakes have been recorded on the stable craton of the North-
west Territories.
(Fig. 3), however, these are all very small earthquakes (ML Detailed studies and faulting styles
< 3) and most of the activity is at the northern end, close to Five detailed microseismicity studies have been conducted
the Alaska border. in northern British Columbia, the Yukon, and the Northwest
Farther inland, the only significant seismicity is along the Territories during the past 30 years (see Fig. 5). Each of
eastern edge of the Cordillera, more than 600 km from the these studies utilized short-period vertical component seis-
mometers with analogue recording instruments. None applied the plate boundary along the southeast coast of Alaska. The
modern analysis or location techniques. Nonetheless, they second active zone was an -15–20 km-wide band centred on
provided far more detailed images of seismicity patterns than the Duke River and Dalton segments of the Denali fault system
is available using a sparse regional network. In addition, (see Horner 1983). All focal depths were shallow (<-15 km).
there have been detailed studies of the largest earthquakes in A composite focal mechanism revealed a predominantly strike-
the region (some of Canada’s largest earthquakes). Here, we slip faulting pattern (Fig. 5), along either a north–south- or
summarize the results of those studies. Faulting styles for an east–west-striking nodal plane. It is noteworthy that nei-
this region are inferred from earthquake focal mechanisms ther of these aligns with the mapped surface faults in the
and the rupture characteristics of the largest earthquakes. area.
Until very recently, however, focal mechanisms could only
be determined for those earthquakes large enough to be re- (C) Windy Craggy area, northwest British Columbia
corded across North America and Europe (typically ML > 5). One seismograph station operated 30 June to 3 August
For these events, focal mechanisms could be determined using 1987 and June 1988 to August 1990 in the northwest corner
the polarity of first motions (P-nodal technique), or by of British Columbia to monitor seismic activity near the
modelling body waves and surface waves (e.g., see Cassidy Windy Craggy copper deposit and proposed mine (Fig. 5).
and Bent 1993). These studies were time-consuming in that During this deployment, earthquakes as small as ML = 1
they required digitizing analogue records prior to modelling. could be recorded, although focal depth could not be re-
Only a small number of earthquakes (described here) could solved with this single station. This study (see Horner 1989)
be analysed using these methods. As described later in the demonstrated the high rate of seismic activity in the St. Elias
paper, it is now possible to obtain many more focal mechanisms region (about one earthquake per day). The pattern of seis-
from earthquakes as small as Mw ≈ 4 by modelling high- micity located during this survey was similar to that ob-
quality digital waveforms at regional (up to about 1000 km) tained from the historical record.
seismic stations.
(D) Northwest British Columbia and southeast Alaska
Microseismicity studies For 80 days in the summer of 1968, for 81 days in the
summer of 1969, and from September 1971 to December
(A) Richardson Mountains region, Yukon and Northwest 1972 seismographs were operated within and around the
Territories Quaternary volcanic zone (Fig. 5) in northern British Co-
Six seismograph stations were operated in this region for lumbia (Milne et al. 1970; Rogers 1976). The main conclu-
a 6 week period during the summer of 1972. Details are pro- sion of these studies was that there was not any significant
vided in Leblanc and Wetmiller (1974). This experiment seismic activity associated with the volcanic zone (including
covered the northern Yukon and parts of the Northwest Ter- Mt. Edziza). Other seismic activity was detected throughout
ritories (Fig. 5). During this experiment, 27 earthquakes of the region, however. In 1969, 140 microearthquakes (the
ML ≥ 1.2 were located, and many more (too small to locate) largest about ML ≈ 2.5) were detected and 77 could be lo-
were recorded. Fortuitously, an Mb = 4.8 (where Mb is the cated (as described in Rogers 1976). The most common seis-
body wave magnitude) earthquake (large enough to be re- mic event observed during all these studies (about 8000 in
corded at seismic stations across North America and Eu- 1968 and 7000 in 1969) was small, low-frequency events
rope) was recorded in the Richardson Mountains during this that had a pronounced seasonal cycle, with high rates of ac-
experiment. This study demonstrated the presence of two tivity in the summer and fall and almost no activity in the
clusters of earthquakes; one in the southern part of the Rich- winter and early spring. Their locations were concentrated in
ardson Mountains and the other in the northern Mackenzie a few source zones in the vicinity of large glaciers in southeast
Mountains. Both areas have a concentration of mapped sur- Alaska, and they were interpreted as having a glacial origin
face faults and have experienced large (M > 6) historical (Rogers 1976). These studies also showed a concentration of
earthquakes (described later in the textr). Two other key ob- seismic activity in the Glacier Bay region, some activity
servations for this study (based on the Mb = 4.8 earthquake along the Queen Charlotte and Fairweather faults, some ac-
and its aftershocks) are that (i) earthquakes in the Richard- tivity in the vicinity of the Denali fault zone, scattered seis-
son Mountains are in the lower crust (at about 20–30 km micity in the archipelago of southeast Alaska and the Coast
depth), and (ii) the interpreted focal mechanism (the first de- batholith (the latter is a different pattern than that exhibited
termined for the region) suggested right-lateral strike-slip by seismicity from regional networks), and a distinct lack of
motion along a near-vertical north-northwest-striking nodal seismic activity along the Chatham Strait fault.
plane (Fig. 5).
(E) Northern British Columbia
(B) Southwest corner of the Yukon During the 1980s, BC Hydro and the Geological Survey
Three seismograph stations operated in the southwest corner of Canada (GSC) operated three seismograph stations (Bob
of the Yukon from September 1978 to March 1981. Seismic Quinn Mine, Dease Lake, and Muncho Lake) in northern
monitoring over this 2.5 year period (for details, see Horner British Columbia (Fig. 5) to better assess seismic hazard in
1983; Horner et al. 1982) provided the most detailed image the vicinity of proposed hydroelectric developments in the
of the seismicity, accurate focal depths, and possible associ- region. Data from these stations were analyzed with data
ation with surface faults in this area to date. This study re- from other seismographs operated by the GSC, effectively
vealed two principal zones of seismicity that are consistent lowering the detection threshold of earthquakes in northern
with historical patterns. The most active region was along British Columbia to about ML = 2.5 (e.g., see Drysdale and
Horner 1986). This monitoring revealed for the first time a earthquake sequence will be published over the next few
weak band of seismicity associated with the Rocky Moun- years.
tain Trench, a southward extension of the Tintina fault. It In the interior of the northern Cordillera, as described earlier,
also reconfirmed that there was no significant seismicity as- the largest earthquakes have occurred several hundred kilo-
sociated with the volcanic zone, and that the most numerous metres to the east of the plate margin, in the Fold and Thrust
seismic events recorded were the seasonal events emanating belt. A pair of large earthquakes (MS = 6.2 and 6.5) occurred
from the region of large glaciers in southeast Alaska. in the Richardson Mountains of the northern Yukon Territory
(about 450 km north of SNORCLE line 31) in May and June
Largest earthquakes of 1940. A detailed analysis of these earthquakes (Cassidy
The largest earthquakes in the area (Fig. 4) have occurred and Bent 1993) showed that they represented strike-slip faulting
offshore, along the active plate boundaries. The most signifi- along either a north–south-striking fault or an east–west-
cant earthquakes are the 1899 sequence (including Mw = 7.8, striking fault. The earthquakes occurred at depths of 7–14 km
8.2, and 8.6 events) at Yakutat Bay, an MS = 7.9 event in and had no detected (or felt) aftershocks. It is likely that
1958 along the Fairweather fault (Fig. 4), an Mw = 7.6 event these earthquakes are associated with the predominant north–
in 1972 at the northern end of the Queen Charlotte fault, an south-striking Richardson Fault system.
Mw = 7.5 event in 1979 along the Chugach – St. Elias fault A sequence of strong earthquakes (MS = 6–6.5) occurred
zone, and a series of events (including two of MS = 7.6) in the northern Mackenzie Mountains (about 300 km north
within the Pacific Plate. In the onshore region, the largest of SNORCLE line 31) between 1953 and 1957. A detailed
earthquakes include the 2002 Mw = 7.9 Denali, Alaska, study of these earthquakes (Cassidy et al. 2002) showed that
earthquake, the 1944 MS = 6.5 earthquake near the Dalton they were very different from those in the Richardson Moun-
fault in the southern Yukon (Fig. 4), the 1920 MS = 6 earth- tains. These earthquakes had a well-defined aftershock se-
quake near the Denali fault in the Yukon, and the 1952 MS = quence, occurred at a depth range of 7–15 km, and were
6 event near the northern end of the Fairweather fault in the associated with thrust faulting along a shallow-dipping plane
Yukon. dipping to the north-northeast.
The 3 November 2002 Mw = 7.9 Denali fault (Alaska) The largest earthquake recorded in the northern Cordillera,
earthquake was one of the largest strike-slip earthquakes an MS = 6.9 event, occurred in the southern Mackenzie
ever recorded in North America. It was felt strongly across Mountains (near the western end of SNORCLE line 11) in
the Yukon and Northwest Territories (causing some minor December 1985 (Fig. 4). This earthquake was part of a
damage) and caused buildings to sway and generated seiches sequence that included an MS = 6.6 earthquake in October
up to 2400 km from the epicentre (Cassidy and Rogers 2004). 1985 and an MS = 6 event in March 1988. These earth-
It was located -300 km to the west of the Alaska–Yukon quakes were a surprise in that they were nearly two magnitude
border and produced surface rupture over a distance of -340 km units larger than any previous earthquakes in the southern
(Eberhart-Phillips et al. 2003). This earthquake sequence Mackenzie Mountains. They were also significantly larger
began as a thrust event (40 km of surface rupture) on a pre- than any previous earthquakes recorded (maximum MS =
viously unrecognized fault (the Susitna Glacier fault) and 6.5) within the entire northern Canadian Cordillera. Detailed
then ruptured 218 km as right-lateral strike slip down the analyses of these earthquakes are presented in Horner et al.
Denali fault towards Canada (see fig. 2 in Eberhart-Phillips (1990), Wetmiller et al. (1988), and Weichert et al. (1986).
et al. 2003). It is noteworthy that rupture did not continue Due to the large number of stations around the world recording
along the Denali fault into Canada, but rather stepped to the these earthquakes, and because portable instruments were
right through a 14 km-wide series of fault segments and con- deployed in the area to record aftershocks, these are the best
tinued as right-lateral slip along the Totschunda fault system studied earthquakes in the region to date. The focal depths
(fig. 2 in Eberhart-Phillips et al. 2003) for another 76 km. for these earthquakes and their hundreds of aftershocks (Horner
This earthquake produced up to 3.3 m of dip slip on the et al. 1990) are 4–10 km. Despite the relatively shallow
Susitna Glacier fault, up to 8.8 m of right-lateral slip along depth, no surface break was found. Focal mechanisms for
the Denali fault, and up to 2.1 m of horizontal slip along the each of these events show thrust faulting on north-striking,
Totschunda fault. This earthquake triggered thousands of shallow, west-dipping planes. It is noteworthy that the main
landslides (some as large as 30 million m3 of rock and ice), shocks or aftershocks did not fall on any of the mapped
most within about 30 km of the surface rupture. There were Laramide faults in the area (Wetmiller et al. 1988). This
also liquefaction features observed over a large area (Eberhart- earthquake sequence was interpreted (Horner et al. 1990) as
Phillips et al. 2003). The 3 November 2002 earthquake occurred having occurred along a buried Laramide-age fault that ex-
only 11 days after an Mw = 6.7 earthquake that occurred on tends through the Proterozoic and Paleozoic rocks above the
the Denali fault about 55 km to the west. This earthquake crystalline basement. These earthquakes were likely caused
and its aftershock sequence, which extended to within 10 km by the regional compressive stress field activating optimally
of the 3 November event, increased the Coulomb stress (and aligned faults. This suggested the possibility that large earth-
therefore the chance of an earthquake) along both the Susitna quakes may occur anywhere within the Fold and Thrust belt
Glacier fault and the Denali fault. The Mw = 7.9 earthquake of the Canadian Cordillera, with clear implications for earth-
has, in turn, increased the Coulomb stress along both the quake hazards. A number of other earthquake-related studies
Denali fault in the vicinity of the Alaska–Yukon border and were conducted in the Nahanni region following this earth-
the Totschunda fault. An initial overview of this earthquake quake sequence. These include (i) mapping earthquake-induced
sequence and its effects is presented in Eberhart-Phillips et landslides (Evans et al. 1987), and (ii) remote sensing methods,
al. (2003). Numerous detailed studies of all aspects of this including optical, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), and SAR
interferometry (InSAR). Both the optical and SAR images Fig. 6. Select CMT focal mechanisms for recent Mw > 4.5 earth-
revealed north–south- and east–west-trending tectonic fea- quakes in the northern Canadian Cordillera obtained using the
tures that had not previously been mapped (Moon et al. centroid moment tensor method and regional waveforms (see text).
1991, 1998) and demonstrated the applications of these tech- Location of the major faults and the SNORCLE corridors are shown.
niques to hazard studies in remote areas.
It is noteworthy that the largest earthquakes within the
northern Cordillera have occurred either in pairs (1940
Richardson Mountains earthquakes, 2002 Denali Alaska earth-
quakes) or in swarms (1953–1957 northern Mackenzie
Mountains, 1985–1988 Nahanni). This suggests that Cou-
lomb stress triggering plays an important role in this region.
cinity of the Tintina fault system. They are a mixture of Fig. 7. Normalized magnitude–recurrence curves for seismic
right-lateral strike-slip and thrust earthquakes and do not source zones in the northern Canadian Cordillera. The zones pro-
align with the orientation of the Tintina fault system. posed for use in the 2005 edition of the National Building Code
Throughout the Fold and Thrust belt of the northeastern of Canada seismic hazard maps are defined as follows: DENH,
Canadian Cordillera, focal mechanisms have been determined Denali zone; MCK, Mackenzie Mountains; RIC, Richardson
for the largest historic earthquakes, the Nahanni earthquakes Mountains; SCC, stable craton of North America; SYT, southern
of the 1980s, and, using the CMT method, several dozen Yukon (interior). All curves have been normalized to an area of
modern moderate-sized earthquakes (Fig. 6). In the Mackenzie 100 000 km2 to show the relative rate of seismicity across the re-
Mountains, the largest earthquakes all show thrust faulting. gion. Note that the offshore region (US) is not shown (but would
CMT solutions show mainly thrust faulting, but with some be an order of magnitude higher than the highest curve plotted).
strike-slip mechanisms also (see Fig. 6). In the southern Used with permission of the National Earthquake Hazard Pro-
Mackenzie Mountains the nodal planes are oriented north– gram, Geological Survey of Canada.
south, in agreement with local geological structures. In the
northern Mackenzie Mountains, the nodal planes rotate to
become northwest–southeast, again in agreement with the
orientation of local surface structures. In the Richardson
Mountains, focal mechanisms of the larger historic earth-
quakes show right-lateral strike-slip faulting, consistent with
the Richardson fault system. The pressure axes for all of
these earthquakes are in agreement with the regional stress
field and have been interpreted as resulting from Yakutat
collision and strain transfer across the rigid northern Cana-
dian Cordillera (Mazzotti and Hyndman 2002; Hyndman et
al. 2005).
Farther north, beneath the Beaufort Sea, only a few focal
mechanisms are available (Fig. 4). They show (Hasegawa et
al. 1979; Rogers and Horner 1991) normal faulting and a
nearly horizontal tension axis (in contrast with the nearly
horizontal pressure axes observed throughout the northern
Cordillera). These earthquakes are interpreted to occur in the
lower crust (Hasegawa et al. 1979) and cannot be associated
with any surface faults.
Fig. 8. Predicted peak ground acceleration (PGA) (2% in 50 years probability level) proposed for the 2005 edition of the National
Building Code of Canada. Only values in Canadian territory are plotted. The frequency of shaking shown would affect small (one or
two storeys) structures. Used with permission of the Geological Survey of Canada.
studies of historic earthquakes, (ii) microseismicity studies Alaska earthquakes) or in swarms (1953–1957 northern
that have been conducted in the area, and (iii) recent ad- Mackenzie Mountains, 1985–1988 Nahanni). This sug-
vances in waveform modelling techniques combined with gests that stress triggering plays an important role in
three-component broadband data, which now allow for rou- this region.
tine estimation of focal mechanisms and depths for moderate (3) There is no seismicity associated with the volcanic zones
earthquakes (as small as ML = 4). This allows for a better in northern British Columbia.
understanding of faulting style and will yield improved esti- (4) The active faults (based on an alignment of epicentres
mates of the rate of seismic moment release as more data are and faulting style from focal mechanisms) are concen-
collected. This article summarizes our current knowledge of trated in the offshore region (e.g., Fairweather, Queen
the seismicity and seismic hazards across the region. This Charlotte, Transition zone, and Pampolona faults). In
information, combined with the detailed structural and tec- the onshore region, the only faults that appear to be
tonic interpretations that have been made using SNORCLE seismically active are in Alaska (e.g., the Denali,
data (this volume), will provide an improved understanding Totschunda, and Chugach – St. Elias faults). There has
of seismic hazard and active tectonics of the northern Cana- been no evidence found for active faulting along the
dian Cordillera. Tintina fault or the Canadian segments of the Denali
Detailed analyses of large historic earthquakes and results fault system.
from microseismicity studies and waveform modelling of (5) There is a concentration of seismicity in the foreland
smaller, recent events have shown the following: Fold and Thrust belt, several hundred kilometres from
(1) The largest historical earthquakes have occurred in regions the active plate margin. This seismicity appears to be
that exhibit ongoing microseismicity. concentrated along predominantly strike-slip faults in
(2) The largest earthquakes have all occurred either in pairs the Richardson Mountains and blind thrust faults in the
(1940 Richardson Mountains earthquakes, 2002 Denali Mackenzie Mountains. In both areas, the stress orientation
suggests that earthquakes are triggered by the regional Evans, S.G., Aitken, J.D., Wetmiller, R.J., and Horner, R.B. 1987.
stress field along optimally aligned faults (see Hyndman A rock avalanche triggered by the October 1985 North Nahanni
et al. 2005). earthquake, District of Mackenzie, N.W.T. Canadian Journal of
Although seismicity cannot be attributed to specific onshore Earth Sciences, 24: 176–184.
faults in the northern Canadian Cordillera, the rate of activity Gabrielse, H. 1985. Major dextral transcurrent displacements along
is still very significant. On average, M ≥ 5 (potentially dam- the northern Rocky Mountain Trench and related lineaments in
aging) earthquakes can be expected every 2–3 years in the north-central British Columbia. Geological Society of America
Richardson Mountains region and every 3–5 years in the Bulletin, 96: 1–14.
southwest corner of the Yukon. The Mw = 7.9 Denali, Alaska, Hasegawa, H.S., Chou, C.W., and Basham, P.W. 1979. Seismo-
earthquake was a good reminder that the effects of a large tectonics of the Beaufort Sea. Canadian Journal of Earth Sci-
earthquake can be very substantial, even at distances of hun- ences, 16: 816–830.
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