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published: 23 September 2021

doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.666272

The Extended Continental Crust West

of Islas Marías (Mexico)
Diana Núñez 1*†, Jorge A. Acosta-Hernández 1†, Felipe de Jesús Escalona-Alcázar 1,2†,
Edited by:
Simone Pilia 3†, Francisco Javier Núñez-Cornú 1† and Diego Córdoba 4†
Pier Paolo Bruno, 1
Sismología y Volcanología de Occidente, CUCosta, Universidad de Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2Unidad Académica de
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico, 3Department of Earth Sciences-Bullard Labs,
Reviewed by: University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 4Departamento de Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica, Universidad
Takeshi Sato, Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan
Drew Eddy,
BHP Billiton, Australia The crustal structure around the Islas Marías Archipelago has been debated for a long
time. An important unresolved question is where the Rivera-North American plate
Diana Núñez subduction ends and the Tamayo fracture zone begins, from SE to NW. Results
diana@sisvoc.mx from the TsuJal project have shed light on the northwesternmost part of the Jalisco

ORCID: block structure. It is now clear that Sierra de Cleofas and the Islas Marías Escarpment
Diana Núñez
orcid.org/0000-0003-0572-3905 comprise the northwestern continuation of the Middle America trench. However, other
Jorge A. Acosta-Hernández questions remain. In this paper, we present the structure of the shallow and deep crust
and the upper mantle of the Islas Marías western region through the integration of
Felipe de J. Escalona-Alcázar
orcid.org/0000-0002-4066-6160 multichannel seismic reflection, wide-angle seismic bathymetric and seismicity data,
Simone Pilia including records of an amphibious seismic network, OBS, and portable seismic
Francisco J. Núñez-Cornú stations, purposely deployed for this project, providing an onshore-offshore transect
orcid.org/0000-0003-1515-1349 of 310 km length. Our findings disclose new evidence of the complex structure of the
Diego Córdoba
Rivera plate that dips 8°–9° underneath the NW Jalisco block as revealed by two seismic
profiles parallel to the Islas Marías Escarpment. Moreover, we find five sedimentary
Specialty section: basins and active normal faults at the edges of tectonic structures of the E-W oriented
This article was submitted to West Ranges and the N-S trending Sierra de Cleofas. Furthermore, the Sierra de Cleofas
Solid Earth Geophysics,
a section of the journal is the beginning of the active subduction of the Rivera plate beneath North America. The
Frontiers in Earth Science oceanic crust thickens and submerges towards the south while is coupled with the
Received: 09 February 2021 continental crust, from 6 km at the northern ends of the seismic profiles to 15 km in the
Accepted: 27 August 2021
contact region and 24 km at the coast and southern ends of them. The continental Moho
Published: 23 September 2021
was not fully characterized because of the geometry of the seismic transects, but a
Núñez D, Acosta-Hernández JA, low-velocity layer associated with Rivera Plate subduction was observed beneath the
Escalona-Alcázar FdeJ, Pilia S, Jalisco Block. Our results constrain the complexity of the area and reveal new structural
Núñez-Cornú FJ and Córdoba D
(2021) The Extended Continental Crust features from the oceanic to continental crust and will be pivotal to assess geohazards in
West of Islas Marías (Mexico). this area.
Front. Earth Sci. 9:666272.
doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.666272 Keywords: Islas Marías archipelago, crustal structure, basins, OBS, amphibious seismic network

Frontiers in Earth Science | www.frontiersin.org 1 September 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 666272

Núñez et al. Crustal Structure West Islas Marías

INTRODUCTION Traylen, 2000). The southern boundary of the RP is shared with

the CP and is currently defined by the transform Rivera Fault
The study of active oceanic margins is the subject of numerous zone. Recent seismic studies of the southern boundary
investigations globally, especially in regions whose boundaries are demonstrate that this limit is characterized by significant
not well defined. Such is the case for the northern limit of the tectonic complexity (Núñez-Cornú et al., Submitted).
Rivera plate (RP). Traditionally, the northern limit has been The tectonic complexity of the Islas Marías Archipelago is also
defined as the Tamayo Fracture Zone (TFZ); however, the evidenced by high seismicity that has generated earthquakes of
extent of this fracture zone and precisely where the North moderate to large magnitudes, such as the M > 7.0, December 3,
American plate (NOAM) begins along the region between 1948 earthquake that occurred next to the Islas Marías
Islas Marías and Bahía de Banderas (Figure 1) is not obvious. Archipelago and caused significant damage to María Madre
The Islas Marías Archipelago is located in the northern part of the Island. Recent seismicity has been analyzed by Tinoco-Villa
RP and south of the Gulf of California mouth and includes San (2015) and constrained with the systematic recording by the
Juanito, María Madre, Magdalena, and Cleofas Islands (Figure 1). Jalisco Seismic and Accelerometric Network (RESAJ in Spanish)
The origin of the islands is related to the opening of the Gulf of (Núñez-Cornú et al., 2018). The historical seismicity of this
California (Lonsdale, 1989). This archipelago has a poorly- region suggests that earthquakes of M > 7.5 have occurred.
understood, complex tectonic history, with fragments of Some of the largest events occurred on June 3 and 18, 1932,
continental crust in several island’s (San Juanito, María Madre with Ms 8.2 and 7.8, respectively, with an area of rupture from
and María Cleofas) (Pompa-Mera et al., 2013; Schaaf et al., Bahía de Banderas to the Colima rift. In October 1995, a Ms 8.0
2015a), fragments of oceanic crust in María Magdalena earthquake took place in the region, breaking only the southern
(Schaaf et al., 2015b) and intraplate alkali basalts with mantle half of the 1932 earthquake rupture area (Escobedo et al., 1998).
xenoliths (Isabel Island) (Ortega-Gutiérrez and González- Recently, in the western Mexican margin, new geologic and
González, 1980; Housh et al., 2010) (Figure 1). marine geophysical research has been carried out to study the
The oceanic RP originated as a fragment of the Farallon plate interaction between RP, CP, and NOAM (Núñez-Cornú et al.,
with independent movement starting about 10 Ma (Atwater, 2016; Dañobeitia et al., 2016; Núñez et al., 2019; Carrillo-de la
1970; Lonsdale, 1989). The RP, together with the Cocos plate Cruz et al., 2019, among others) and characterize the potentially
(CP), interact with the NOAM through active subduction, whose tsunamigenic and seismogenic structures to assess geohazards
morphotectonic expression is the Middle America Trench and risks of this region. During the active acquisition stage of the
(MAT). Currently, the RP subducts beneath NOAM from the TsuJal project, a combined off- and onshore experiment included
northern tip of the MAT to the south and forms new seafloor two combined seismic methods, multichannel and wide-angle
along its western boundary, the Pacific-Rivera rise (DeMets and seismic, and multibeam bathymetry from Islas Marías (Nayarit

FIGURE 1 | Topographic map and tectonic setting of the western Mexican region. Abbreviations: BB, Bahía de Banderas; CoR, Colima rift; ChTR, Chapala-Tula rift;
EPR, East Pacific Rise; GDL, Guadalajara; IMB, Islas Marías Block; IME, Islas Marías Escarpment; MAT, Middle America trench; MMR, María Magdalena Rise; PV, Puerto
Vallarta; RT, Rivera Transform; SBF, San Blas fault; SC, Sierra de Cleofas; TFZ, Tamayo fault zone; TZR, Tepic–Zacoalco rift; 1, San Juanito Island; 2, María Madre Island;
3, María Magdalena Island; 4, María Cleofas Island; 5, Isabel Island. (Inset) Location map of the study area within the North American continent.

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Núñez et al. Crustal Structure West Islas Marías

FIGURE 2 | (A) TsuJal experiment deployment map. Symbols are depicted in the legend below the Panel, and abbreviations are the same as in Figure 1. Dash blue
line denotes Cabo-Puerto Vallarta segment studied by Lizarralde et al. (2007). Abbreviations: CP, Cocos plate; JB, Jalisco block; MCS, Multichannel Seismic; NOAM,
North American plate; OBS, Ocean-bottom seismometer; PP, Pacific plate; RESAJ, Jalisco Seismic Accelerometric Telemetric Network stations; RP, Rivera plate;
TMVB, Trans-Mexican volcanic belt; WAS, wide-angle seismic. (B) Deployment map in the study area with seismic stations used to generate the P-wave velocity
model of RTSIM02 seismic transect (green symbols). Red polygons denote the seismic stations deployed but not used in this study.

state) to the south of Manzanillo (Colima state) (Figure 2A) The other crucial tectonic feature of the NOAM is the JB. It is
(Dañobeitia et al., 2016; Núñez-Cornú et al., 2016). In this considered an independent tectonic unit of the NOAM, whose
composite tectonic scenario, we focused on the crustal study separation began in the Early Pliocene as a result of the Gulf of
of the western Islas Marías Archipelago. Here, we present the California rifting and subsequent extension (Luhr et al., 1985).
results by comparing a new P-wave velocity model from wide- The JB structural limit to the east is the Chapala-Tula rift with
angle seismic data with a multichannel seismic profile and 100 km length and a width from 15 to 35 km (Luhr and
hypsometric map of the northwestern boundary of the Carmichael, 1990). The southeastern border of the JB is
archipelago, which allow us to define the tectonic structures defined by the Colima rift, with a range of 190 km and a
and interaction between RP and NOAM. width of 20–65 km, whose seaward prolongation is the El
Gordo-Manzanillo rift with an NNE-SSW trend extending
from the coastline to few kilometers before the intersection
REGIONAL TECTONIC SETTING with the MAT (Rutz-López and Núñez-Cornú, 2004). The
northern border of the JB is the NW-SE oriented Tepic-
The interactions between RP-CP and RP-NOAM characterize the Zacoalco rift (TZR) that is 250 km in length and has an
active western margin of Mexico (Figure 1). The tectonic average width of 50 km (Frey et al., 2007). The northwestern
processes include seafloor spreading, active subduction, extension of the JB to the RP is considered to be the Tamayo fault
transform faulting, and extensional zones (DeMets et al., zone (Bourgois and Michaud, 1991). Nevertheless, it is still not
1994). Within the NOAM, the inland region is characterized clearly defined and could also include the San Blas Fault or the
by two relevant geologic and tectonic features, the Trans-Mexican Islas Marías Escarpment (IME) west of Islas Marías Archipelago.
Volcanic Belt (TMVB) and the Jalisco block (JB). The TMVB In the offshore region, the southern and western JB boundaries
extends from Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit, to Los Tuxtlas volcano, correspond to the MAT. The RP is a young and small plate
Veracruz, with an E-W trend and an obliqueness of 16° from its (Atwater, 1970), detached from the CP at about 5–10 Ma
central and eastern part to the Middle American Trench (MAT) (DeMets and Traylen, 2000). Concerning the CP, NOAM, and
(Ferrari, 2000). This volcanic arc presents variability in the style JB, the relative movement of the RP has been the subject of study
of volcanism, geochemical affinity, and width (Gómez-Tuena for a long time (Wilson and DeMets, 1998). The subduction of RP
et al., 2018). beneath JB is close to perpendicular to the MAT near Colima,

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Núñez et al. Crustal Structure West Islas Marías

with a convergence rate of 5.0 cm/year to the NE (Bandy and lines RTSIM02 and TS08 obtained during the active part of the
Hilde, 2000). At the northwestern end, the convergence rate of RP TsuJal project (Núñez-Cornú et al., 2016). During February and
beneath JB decreases to 2.0–3.0 cm/year and becomes oblique to March 2014, Spanish and Mexican researchers carried out the
the NNE (Kostoglodov and Bandy, 1995). Moreover, the dip deployment and collection of multidisciplinary data offshore
angle of the subducting plate varies along the MAT. One of the and onshore in western Mexico with the participation of the
first studies suggested an angle of 20° (Eissler and McNally, 1984); British oceanographic research vessel RRS James Cook during the
while Dañobeitia et al. (1997) argued that in the southern part, it cruise JC098. In a month of fieldwork, the RRS James Cook was
is approximately 12° decreasing to the north to 7–8°. This almost- tasked with providing the seismic source, deploying and
flat subduction angle has also been suggested by recent studies in collecting the ocean-bottom seismometers (OBSs), as well as
this region (Gutiérrez-Peña et al., 2015; Núñez-Cornú et al., 2016; acquiring multichannel seismic reflection (MCS), multibeam
Núñez et al., 2019). and high-resolution bathymetry, and potential fields
Detailed geologic and geophysical studies of the archipelago (magnetism and gravity) data. The wide-angle seismic (WAS)
have been carried out only in recent years (e.g., Pompa-Mera data were recorded by the RESAJ stations, an on-land temporary
et al., 2013; Schaaf et al., 2015a; Schaaf et al., 2015b; Ruiz- seismic network, and the OBSs, particularly deployed for this
Martínez et al., 2016). In addition to the tectonic complexity project.
of the poorly understood boundary between RP and NOAM, the
structural and tectonic relationships between the continental and
oceanic crust are vaguely understood in this region. Some seismic Wide-Angle Seismic Data Acquisition and
and tectonic studies around the archipelago provide new Seismic Phases
information about the structural characteristics to the north The RTSIM02 seismic transect was located west of the Islas
(Madrigal et al., 2021), west (Santibáñez-López, 2018), and Marías, parallel to the coastline, in a northwest-southeast
south (Carrillo-de la Cruz et al., 2019). Further, the term orientation (Figure 2A). The shooting line had an
“Islas Marías Block” (IMB) has been proposed as a tectonic approximate length of 230 km, where 749 shots were
unit bounded by the West Ranges, which are three linear performed. The source design was adapted to this experiment
morphological features controlled by NE-SW and NW-SE to obtain the maximum possible energy concentrated in the
faults (Escalona-Alcázar et al., 2019). lowest frequency range and the maximum possible offset
In addition to the earthquakes caused by the subduction distance. Table 1 shows the seismic source parameters used
process between the RP and the NOAM, there are other for this transect. These shots were recorded by seismic stations
tectonic structures in the north of the RP capable of located both on the continent and on the ocean bottom.
producing seismic events of moderate magnitudes and Throughout the RTSIM02 seismic profile, the WAS
significant seismic hazards (Marín-Mesa et al., 2019). In this acquisition was recorded on six short-period OBSs (model
region, the seismicity is principally concentrated around Sierra de LC2000SP with L28 three-component geophone sensors,
Cleofas (SC) and Magdalena south fault, while in the north and natural frequency of 4.5 Hz), and a single HiTech HYI-90-U
east of the archipelago, seismic events are scarce (Tinoco-Villa, hydrophone deployed at OBS1, OBS5, OBS6, OBS9, OBS11, and
2015; Núñez-Cornú et al., 2018; Escalona-Alcázar et al., 2019; OBS16 locations. On land, four Quanterra Q330S (Kinemetrics)
Marín-Mesa et al., 2019). This scarcity could be due to the lack of instruments with LE-3D Lennartz sensor (1 Hz) were installed at
seismic stations near the IMB, making it difficult to record and C01, C02, C03, and C04 locations, as well as two permanent
locate lower magnitude events or true quiescence. On December stations of the RESAJ network, were used (RESJ and CORJ) with
4, 1948, an Mw 6.4 earthquake occurred at IME close to María the same type of sensors as the temporary land-based stations,
Madre Island; the focal mechanism is consistent with high-angle making a total of 12 seismic instruments (Figure 2B). The WAS
reverse faults suggesting compression caused by oblique transect had a total length of 320 km.
convergence in the accretionary prism (Jaramillo and Suárez, The raw seismic data were processed, including band-pass
2011). Other events occurred during January and February 2007 filtering and merging with navigation data, corrections due to
and September 2010 to the north and south of IMB, respectively, clock drift of instruments, and zero-phase band-pass filters
with Mw > 5.0. Additionally, Tinoco-Villa (2015) reported (4–10 Hz). Traveltime corrections follow the methodology
seismic swarms along the Sierra de Cleofas that could be presented in Núñez et al. (2016). The P-wave phase
grouped into families. The swarms occurred from October interpretation was completed with the bathymetry and
2012 to February 2013 and were registered by the Jalisco topography data (Figures 3, 4).
Seismic Accelerometric Telemetric Network (RESAJ) (Núñez- P-wave refracted and reflected phases were correlated to
Cornú et al., 2018). determine the different discontinuities in the crust and the
uppermost mantle along the RTSIM02 profile. The apparent
velocities of refracted waves were determined for the
DATA AND METHODOLOGIES (MATERIALS generation of the initial velocity and depth distribution. We
AND METHODS) identified five refracted phases [two within the sediments (PS1,
PS2), one within the crust (Pg), one in the lower crust (PLC), and
The main tectonic structures from the western region of Islas one within the uppermost mantle (Pn)], one reflected phase in the
Marías to the Jalisco coast were characterized using the seismic lower crust (PLCP), one crust-mantle boundary reflection (PMP),

Frontiers in Earth Science | www.frontiersin.org 4 September 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 666272

Núñez et al. Crustal Structure West Islas Marías

TABLE 1 | Seismic source parameters used during the RTSIM02 wide-angle (WAS) and the TS08 multichannel seismic (MCS) data acquisition.

Seismic source parameters WAS MCS

Source controller Big Shot® Big Shot®

Source type Bolt® G.Guns 1500LL Bolt® G.Guns 1500LL
Air pressure 2,000 psi 2,000 psi
Volume 6,800 in3 3,540 in3
Compressors 4 × Hamworthy® 4TH 565 W100 4 × Hamworthy® 4TH 565 W100
Number of air-guns and strings 11 air-guns in 5 strings 12 air-guns in 4 strings (3 air-gun/string)
Synchronization ±0.1 ms ±0.1 ms
Deployment depth 15 m 8m
Trigger interval 120 s 50 m

FIGURE 3 | Record sections of the marine seismic stations recording the RTSIM02 seismic transect. All of them have the bathymetry along with the RTSIM02
seismic profile in the upper panel. The lower panel shows the vertical component of the corresponding station with a reduced velocity of 6 km/s (OBS01) and 8 km/s
(OBS11 and OBS16), 4–10 Hz band-pass filter applied, trace-normalized amplitudes, and interpreted reflected and refracted P-wave horizons indicated by different
color dashed lines. (A) OBS01; (B) OBS11; (C) OBS16.

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Núñez et al. Crustal Structure West Islas Marías

FIGURE 4 | Record sections of the terrestrial seismic stations recording the RTSIM02 seismic transect. Each panel shows the vertical component of the
corresponding station with a reduced velocity of 8 km/s, 4–10 Hz band-pass filter applied, trace-normalized amplitudes, and interpreted reflected and refracted P-wave
horizons indicated by different color dashed lines. (A) CORJ. (B) C04.

and three reflections in the first layers of the upper mantle PM1, are shown in Table 1. The TS08 seismic line consisted of 3,445
PM2, and PM3. shots with a total length of 172 km approximately.
The OBS sections show phases traveling through the The MCS data processing was carried out by Seismic Unix
sediments, crust, and the most upper mantle discontinuity software (Cohen and Stockwell, 2013), applying the main stages
(Figures 3A–C), while the land station sections provide better and parameters shown in Table 2. Finally, we obtain our MCS
insights into the most profound upper mantle boundaries images of the TS08 seismic profile.
(Figures 4A,B). A total of 5,402 first arrivals (PS1, PS2, Pg, The bathymetric data were acquired from a Kongsberg EM120
PLC, and Pn), PLCP, PMP, and reflections in the upper mantle and Kongsberg EM710 multibeam echosounders mounted
were manually picked. A weighted average estimation for each aboard the RRS James Cook. Using bathythermograph (XBT)
phase picking error was calculated (Supplementary Table S1) probes, sound velocity profiles in the water column were obtained
following the methodology proposed by Núñez et al. (2016). The daily and included during processing.
picking error estimation consisted in determining the individual The data recovered in the area of the RTSIM02 and TS08
uncertainties in arrival time picking of every seismic phase, seismic profiles were processed using CARIS HIPS and SIPS
adding the uncertainty due to the offset distance between the (Teledyne) software, including sound speed and tide corrections
seismometer position and the shooting line. This factor was provided by CICESE (Centro de Investigación Científica y de
significant for seismic phases recorded by land stations. The Educación Superior de Ensenada). During this processing stage,
two-dimensional (2-D) velocity and structure model was vertical and horizontal data produced georeferenced data,
obtained after assembling the travel-time interpreted picks and including calculating the total propagated uncertainty for each
using the Rayinvr software (Zelt and Smith, 1992) for forward sounding. Finally, regular grid and variable resolution surfaces
modeling, while for travel-time inversion, we applied TOMO2D with different filters and editors were applied to generate the final
(Korenaga et al., 2000). Additional water depth and elevation bathymetric surface with an 80 × 80 m resolution grid, which was
values from bathymetry and navigation data provided by RRS interpolated and depicted using System for Automated
James Cook and a regional digital elevation model were included. Geoscientific Analyses (SAGA) and Geographic Information
We established the origin of the model distance along this Systems (GIS) (Conrad et al., 2015).
transect from a selected point located 30 km north of the
OBS01 (Figure 2).
Multichannel Seismic and Bathymetry Data
MCS data acquisition was carried out by a streamer of 5.85 km MCS and Bathymetry Data
length (468 active channels, separated 12.5 m) deployed at 10 m The bathymetric map shows the seafloor structures and their
depth. The common depth point (CDP) distance is 6.25 m, trends (Figure 5). The structural features of the continental
providing a CDP nominal fold of 58–59 traces. These data borderland of the JB were described by Núñez-Cornú et al.
were sampled at 1 ms and recorded initially in SEG-D format. (2016), Carrillo-de la Cruz et al. (2019). However, those of the
The technical parameters of the seismic source used in this study RP near the JB are poorly known. During the TsuJal project, the

Frontiers in Earth Science | www.frontiersin.org 6 September 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 666272

Núñez et al. Crustal Structure West Islas Marías

TABLE 2 | Processing flow applied to the TS08 multichannel seismic profile using Seismic Unix.

Process Parameters

Format change SEG-D to SU

Trace and shot editing Antialias and bad traces killed (252 and 260). Dummy events (486-495, 747-751, 811-821)
Bandpass filtering 4-6-130-150 Hz
Predictive deconvolution Maximum lag 200 ms, minimum lag 13.4 ms
Geometry specifications CDP gathering
Bandpass filtering 4-6-120-130 Hz
Velocity analysis Semblance spectra, each 100 CDP
NMO correction Velocity model
Stack Velocity model
Second predictive deconvolution Maximum lag 133 ms, minimum lag 5 ms
Migration Phase-shift method

FIGURE 5 | Bathymetry map of the western Islas Marías region. (A) Hypsometric map with interpreted surface lineaments. (B) Bidirectional rose diagram of the
structural features interpreted from bathymetry showing a N-S preferential tendency. Black dotted lines represent the interpreted lineaments observed. Data obtained
with EM120 multibeam echosounder and processed with CARIS Hips and Sips (v.10.4). Abbreviations: BC, Banderas Canyon; MB, Magdalena basin; SB, Sisvoc basin;
SC, Sierra de Cleofas; TB, TsuJal basin; TMB, Tres Marías basin.

new detailed bathymetry allowed us to generate a detailed seafloor (Carrillo-de la Cruz et al., 2019). This structural trend changes to
map and combine it with the seismic reflectors. The seafloor NW-SE along the IME, being oblique to the María, Magdalena,
patterns show that ranges and basins are structurally controlled. and South Magdalena ranges.
From NW to SE (Figure 5A), the Magdalena basin lies between The TS08 seismic profile is oriented NW-SE, parallel to the
the E-W oriented María and Magdalena ranges (Escalona- Islas Marías Archipelago trend and the RP. This profile was made
Alcázar et al., submitted). To the SE, the Sisvoc basin is to characterize the shallow structure west of the archipelago. We
limited by the ENE-WSW South Magdalena range (Escalona- divided the seismic section into three zones (I to III) according to
Alcázar et al., submitted). To the south, this range is the northern the structures observed (Figure 6). Zone I is 90 km long, counting
limit of the larger Tres Marías basin (Núñez-Cornú et al., 2016) the CDPs 28,000 to 13,500. Normal faults define the morphology;
(Figure 5A). The continental borderland structures south of the the horsts are the María and Magdalena ranges (Figure 6B), while
Islas Marías Archipelago are mostly oriented N-S (Figure 5B) the grabens are the North Rivera, Magdalena, and Sisvoc basins.

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Núñez et al. Crustal Structure West Islas Marías

FIGURE 6 | TS08 Multichannel Seismic Profile. (A) Migrated seismic line with Zones I, II, and III indicated for a better interpretation. (B) Enlargements of Zones I, II,
and III. Abbreviations: CDP, Common Depth Point; IMF, Islas Marías fault; MB, Magdalena basin; SB, Sisvoc basin; SC, Sierra de Cleofas; TB, TsuJal basin; TMB, Tres
Marías basin; TWTT, two-way travel time.

The North Rivera basin has a buried horst in the middle; the two equal to 2.5 s of TWTT. The main feature of this zone is the tilting
small basins show slightly tilted seismic reflectors to the SE, with a to the SE and the splay array of the seismic reflectors towards the
slim splayed array. The faults are no longer active since the Islas Marías fault (IMF) (Figure 6). This array suggests that the
uppermost reflector is subhorizontal in the whole basin. The IMF is currently active. Zone III is located in the southern part of
maximum sedimentary depth is 0.6 s of TWTT. The structure of the profile, with the IMF, SC, and TB as the main tectonic
the Magdalena basin are normal faults, actually inactive, showing structures in this region (Figure 6B). The TB has 1.0 s of
a synthetic array. The seismic reflectors are somewhat tilted to the TTWT of sedimentary thickness, with its reflectors gently
SE. The Magdalena and South Magdalena ranges are the Sisvoc tilted to the NW.
basin, showing subhorizontal seismic reflectors in its first 10 km.
Advancing to the SE, zone II (Figure 6B) corresponds to the WAS Data
southern part of the Sisvoc Basin, the South Magdalena range, Modeling of the RTSIM02 data produced a P-wave velocity
and the Tres Marías basin (TMB). The acoustic basement is model that constrains sedimentary, crustal, and uppermost
faulted and composed of gabbroic intrusions and basalts mantle structures of the western region of Islas Marías to a
overlayed by thin sedimentary layers of silt and clay according depth of 60 km. The model origin was placed at the
to the lithologies found at the DSDP site 473 (Yeats et al., 1981). northwesternmost shot location of the seismic line, 29.3 km
The TMB has the maximum sedimentary thickness of the profile, from the OBS01 (Figure 7).

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Núñez et al. Crustal Structure West Islas Marías

FIGURE 7 | (A) Final RTSIM02 P-wave velocity model across the western region of Islas Marías (Mexico). Black inverted triangles depict land stations of the TsuJal
RTSIM02 seismic profile. Vertical and horizontal axes show depth below sea level and model position, respectively. The colored area is the region where ray tracing
provides the velocity values. Black lines describe layer boundaries, and the thick ones mark positions where rays are reflected, showing the well-defined areas. The gray
zone represents the area not crossed by rays. (B) Ray tracing and velocity model with average velocities in km/s. (C) Comparison between observed (vertical bars)
and calculated (lines) travel times. In all panels, distances refer to the velocity model origin. Abbreviations: MgR, Magdalena range; MR, María range; SC, Sierra de
Cleofas; TB, TsuJal basin; TMB, Tres Marías basin.

A 2 km-thick sedimentary sequence was imaged along the lateral velocity variation between 2.3 and 2.4 km/s at the top and
North Rivera Basin, composed of two layers whose velocity range 4.1–4.3 km/s at the bottom, being the first sedimentary layer
varies from 2.5 km/s to 4.5 km/s top to bottom (Figure 7A). In ∼3 km thick. To the southeast, the Sierra de Cleofas divides the
the Magdalena basin, between the María and Magdalena ranges TMB from TB. The TB presents two layers of sediments with
(40–50 km model distance), the sedimentary cover thickens from P-wave velocities of 2.4-2-6 km/s and 4.0–4.2 km/s, and
2.0 to 4.6 km depth with similar velocities as the North Rivera thicknesses of 2.1 and 1.2 km, respectively.
Basin. From the Magdalena range, the Sisvoc basin throughout In the Rivera Plate region, a thin layer is located under the
TMB, the seafloor deepens to ∼2.0 and 4.1 km while the sediment sedimentary cover with P-wave velocities between 5.1 and
layers are thickened 1.5–2.6 km. The TMB is characterized by a 5.3 km/s, and its lower limit would be associated with the

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FIGURE 8 | (A) Final RTSIM02 seismic velocity model after inverting wide-angle refractions and reflections with TOMO2D. The black thick line shows the location of
the Moho reflector and oblique dash black lines denote the region interpreted as extended and thinned continental crust. (B) Final standard deviation values for the
P-wave velocity values resulted from the statistical uncertainty analysis.

acoustic basement observed in the TS08 profile. This layer has a seismic layers in the upper mantle with velocities increasing in
maximum thickness of 0.5 km in the north Rivera basin region, depth, reaching maximum values of 8.6 km/s at 60 km depth.
approximately 1 km below the West Ranges (conjointly called the Once adjusted for travel time and controlled by amplitudes
María, Magdalena, and South Magdalena ranges), increasing through synthetic seismogram calculations, our model
towards the TMB. In the Sierra de Cleofas and TB region up reproduces 5,246 of 5,402 (97%) of observed travel times
to the coastal zone, this layer appears thickened with values of throughout the entire length of the profile (320 km). We
2–2.5 km, while in the continental region, the thickness decreases determined the arrival-time fit quality (χ 2N ) for each
to values to less than 1 km. interpreted phase with the following values for PS1 (0.8), PS2
The lower crust is characterized as thin in the oceanic region, (0.9), Pg (1.0), PLCP (1.2), PLC (1.0), PMP (1.0), Pn (0.9), and
showing a vertical gradient from 6.0–6.9 km/s with average reflected P-phases observed in the mantle PM1 (1.6), PM2 (1.3),
thicknesses of 6 km and a cortical thickness between 7 and and PM3 (1.2). Our final model is not far from the ideal case
9 km with a velocity contrast of 6.9–7.8 km/s. In the contact (χ 2N  1) producing a χ 2N of 1.2 (Supplementary Table S1).
zone between RP and JB, the lower crust dips with an angle of
8°–9°, where the Moho is located deeper than 15 km, increasing in Tomography and Resolution
depth towards the coastal zone where it reaches 24 km. Due to the The seismic structure of the western Islas Marías Archipelago
spatial arrangement of land seismic stations in the profile, it has along RTSIM02 is constrained by the inversion of our wide-angle
not been possible to characterize continental Moho, but a low- seismic travel time data for the previous 2D P-wave velocity
velocity layer associated with RP subduction was observed under model. We used a layer stripping strategy to find a seismic
JB. Throughout the RTSIM02 seismic profile, we identified three velocity model that fits our data by linear inversions. First, we

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carried out an inversion of 897 first-arriving crustal phases (PS1, the East Pacific Rise (Lizarralde et al., 2007; Páramo et al., 2008;
PS2, Pg, and PLC) to create a smooth image of the seismic velocity Sutherland et al., 2012; Abera et al., 2016). From the western
structure with a root-mean-square misfit of 0.17 s. Secondly, we Mexico coastline to the SW, the results obtained from the seismic
incorporated the PMP phases (1,087 travel-time picks) in our and geophysical profiles have revealed different deformation
inversion with the initial Moho discontinuity reflector obtained styles and structures. Close to the western Mexican continental
from the previous forward 2D seismic velocity model. For the last margin, the Tamayo Banks were defined as a microcontinent
inversion, Pn phases (978 travel-time picks) and Moho reflector (Abera et al., 2016), bound to the SW by the Tamayo fracture
obtained from the previous inversion were included. Our zone, while to the NW is the Alarcón basin with oceanic crust.
simultaneous wide-angle refraction and reflection travel-times The SE limit is the Tamayo trough, an extended portion of
inversion constrains the boundary depths and velocities of the continental crust with poor oceanic crust development
crust and upper mantle throughout our seismic profile (Lizarralde et al., 2007; Sutherland et al., 2012; Abera et al.,
(Figure 8A). We used a total of 2,962 travel-time picks. 2016). Next to the SE is the San Blas basin, the largest in the
The uncertainty of our velocity model was determined by region, built on continental crust, with a sedimentary thickness of
calculating the standard deviation of successful inversions of 2 s of TWTT and slightly deformed (Sutherland et al., 2012).
random velocity models. The result of inverting 100 Monte Previous seismic profiles west of the Islas Marías Archipelago
Carlo realizations is shown in Figure 8B. From seafloor to have different lengths and different levels of detail. Páramo et al.
basement, the standard deviation obtained is less than 0.3 km/ (2008) made multichannel seismic profiles from Los Cabos to the
s, which increases until 0.4 km/s close to Moho depth. Below East Pacific Rise (EPR), 150 km west of the Islas Marías
Moho, maximum values of standard deviation are less than Archipelago. The horst and graben array found in the
0.6 km/s. continental crust and the sharp ocean-continent transition are
The P wave velocity distribution and their standard deviation similar to those found along the western gulf coast. There is
shown in Figure 8 clearly define the Moho. Its depth varies evidence of syndepositional deformation and post tectonic
between 9–11 km until the OBS11, increasing up to 25 km at the sedimentation (Páramo et al., 2008). Lizarralde et al. (2007)
OBS16 in the Tres Marías Fault. presented the wide-angle seismic profile from Los Cabos to
Puerto Vallarta close to the RTSIM02 and TS08 profiles. From
NW to SE, Lizarralde et al. (2007) showed the oceanic crust of the
DISCUSSION María Magdalena Rise, followed by a thinned continental crust
with a thin sedimentary cover until it reaches the Sierra de
Other studies in Western Mexico have used a variety of seismic Cleofas. The velocity model has a lower crust with velocities of
techniques to understand the tectonic relationship between the 6 km/s, which were associated with granitic rocks, velocities of
various tectonic plates and formation of their related structures ∼5 km/s were associated with volcanic and sedimentary rocks,
(Dañobeitia et al., 1997; Fabriol et al., 1999; Aragón-Arreola et al., and those of <3 km/s related to sediments (Lizarralde et al., 2007;
2005; Lizarralde et al., 2007; Brothers et al., 2012; Núñez-Cornú Páramo et al., 2008). In our velocity model (Figure 8A), the
et al., 2016; Núñez et al., 2019; Carrillo-de la Cruz et al., 2019; thinned continental crust region is defined from the West Ranges
among others). The region of the Gulf of California and the to Tres Marías basin and Sierra de Cleofas, with small basins in
tectonic processes involved have been addressed with different between (Magdalena and Sisvoc basins). The area along the
seismic techniques. The crustal structure at the mouth of the gulf profile TS08/RTSIM02 is in the seaside west of the IMF,
region was defined by wide-angle seismic profiles that included oriented NW-SE. Its location offers a unique opportunity to
OBS and land stations (Lizarralde et al., 2007). understand the nature of the crust immediately west of the
Some experiments used multichannel and wide-angle seismic Islas Marías Archipelago. Along our seismic profile
profiles, either with or without OBS and land stations, (Figure 8A), around OBS05 to OBS11 (next of the IMF), we
perpendicular to the main structural trend of the Gulf of observe a thin and continuous layer of ∼1 km thickness with
California (e.g., Fabriol et al., 1999; Aragón-Arreola et al., velocities belonging to granitic and volcanic/sedimentary rocks.
2005; Brothers et al., 2012; Macías-Iñiguez et al., 2019), This cover is underlain by ∼5 km thick lower crust. These crustal
finding that the end of the continental crust is a sharp zone velocities are in agreement with those reported from 6.0 to
along most of the eastern margin of Baja California. However, in 6.6 km/s for the average continental crust in this region
the eastern margin of the gulf, there is an ocean-continent (Chulick and Mooney, 2002); nonetheless, it is only ∼6 km
transition zone with extension and thinned continental crust. thick. Below it, the velocity increases to >7 km/s, typical values
These studies suggest different rifting and basin evolution styles, at the base of layer 3 for the oceanic crust (Christeson et al., 2019).
some of them with related volcanism and others without, based The velocity distribution varies from ∼3 to 6.6 km/s, except in the
on the thermal state of the mantle and the rigidity of the lower TMB, where it decreases to 2.4 km/s due to the sedimentary cover
crust (Lizarralde et al., 2007). thickening. Our velocity model is similar to that from Lizarralde
In the region between Puerto Vallarta and Los Cabos and et al. (2007); however, ours is able to characterize the uppermost
extending a bit further to the NW within the gulf, the geophysical, part of the crust.
multichannel, and wide-angle seismic profiles were carried out We compare three 1-D velocity–depth profiles across our
with general NW-SE orientation, such that the trend of these seismic transect with compilations made for young and old
profiles is perpendicular to the ridges in the Gulf of California and oceanic crust formed at slow-spreading centers (age <7.5 Ma,

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FIGURE 9 | 1-D velocity-depth profiles extracted from the final P-wave velocity model at distances corresponding to (A) OBS01 (30 km); (B) OBS09 (130 km), and
(C) CORJ (210 km). We compare our velocity profiles with the range of typical velocity profiles for “young” and “old” oceanic crusts formed at slow-spreading centers
(grey and orange 1-D profiles from Christeson et al. (2019) and extended continental crust (blue line, from Christensen and Mooney, 1995) with its uncertainty (light blue

> 7.5 Ma and 5–20 mm/yr half spreading rate, respectively, as profile (Figure 6) and the velocity distribution (Figure 8A), the
defined by Christeson et al. (2019) as in Pilia et al. (2021). extended and thinned continental crust could vary from extended
Figure 9A shows that our profile located at 30 km (OBS01) in to extremely extended. From NW to SE the structural array is of
the North Rivera Basin suggests velocities and thicknesses close to horst (María, Magdalena and South Magdalena ranges) and
those reported for the young oceanic crust and according to RP grabens (Magdalena, Sisvoc and Tres Marías basins). In some
age which is <7.5 Ma with possible remnants that could reach ca. parts, the extension could be large enough to break the
9 Ma (Lonsdale, 1989). However, in Figure 9B, our 1D continental crust and develop an oceanic one like the
velocity–depth profile at 130 km close to OBS09 (NE lithologic assemblage described in María Magdalena Island
boundary of the Tres Marías Basin) is slower than the models (Schaaf et al., 2015b). The lower crust gently dips to the SE
of slow-spreading ridges (Christerson et al., 2019). This difference until the Sierra de Cleofas with an angle of 8°–9° beneath the NW
could be associated with the transition from oceanic to an part of the Jalisco Block.
extended and thinned continental crust, as proposed in the Our model integrated the bathymetric, multichannel, and
velocity model (Figure 8A), and could be related to gabbroic wide-angle seismic data, together with the regional seismicity
intrusions associated with the oceanic crust lithologic assemblage (see references in Figure 10A). Along with the TS08 multichannel
of María Magdalena Island (Schaaf et al., 2015b). Figure 9C also seismic profile (Figure 6), the seismic reflectors are gently tilted to
shows velocities slower than the young and old oceanic crust the SE and indicate post-depositional deformation in the North
models characteristic of continental crust that is slightly extended Rivera and Magdalena basins. In the northern part of the Sisvoc
in this region. basin, the seismic reflectors are subhorizontal; then, they tilt to
Our final velocity model in Figure 8A depicts a subparallel the SE until the northern fault bounding the South Magdalena
velocity distribution that gently becomes deeper and dips towards range, where reflectors have a slight splay array towards this fault,
the SE. The velocities and thicknesses that characterize the crust suggesting that it is currently active. This observation is
have been considered as a continent-ocean transition (COT) in constrained by the seismicity around the region between the
places like the Labrador Peninsula (Keen et al., 2018), the Flemish OBS9 and OBS11 (Figure 9). From the south of the Magdalena
cap (Funck et al., 2003), or the South China Sea (Cameselle et al., range, the seismic reflectors are faulted and tilted, following the
2015). In addition, due to the more detailed data, we were able to slope direction. Although the sediments are faulted, these
define the dip of the lower crust and the shallow structure of the structures do not extend until the top of the sedimentary
NE edge of the Rivera plate. Based on our seismic reflection coverage; they are over-filled with thin post-rift sediments. At

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Núñez et al. Crustal Structure West Islas Marías

FIGURE 10 | (A) Seismicity map of western Mexico. Data sources obtained from Gutiérrez-Pena et al. (2015), Marín-Mesa et al. (2019), Núñez-Cornú et al. (2002),
Núñez-Cornú et al. (2004), Núñez-Cornú et al. (2014), Núñez-Cornú et al. (2018), Núñez-Cornú et al. (2020), Rutz-López and Núñez-Cornú (2004), Rutz-López et al.
(2013), Tinoco-Villa (2015). The blue line is the projection of seismicity throughout the RTSIM02 seismic profile with a width of 40 km. Black inverted triangles depict
seismic stations which recorded these data. (B) RTSIM02 tomographic P-wave velocity model with the seismicity projected along the profile depicted in Panel (A)
(40 km of total width). Abbreviations as for Figure 7A.

the change in slope, the reflectors dip, following it. Like in the different studies between 2002 and 2016 (Gutiérrez-Pena et al.,
Sisvoc basin, the lower sedimentary fill is faulted in the Tres 2015; Marín-Mesa et al., 2019; Núñez-Cornú et al., 2002; Núñez-
Marías basins, while the uppermost layers are not. These faults Cornú et al., 2004; Núñez-Cornú et al., 2014; Núñez-Cornú et al.,
are in an antithetic array with respect to Sierra de Cleofas 2018; Núñez-Cornú et al., 2020; Rutz-López and Núñez-Cornú,
(Figure 6). Covering the faults, the sedimentary layer is thin 2004; Rutz-López et al., 2013; Tinoco-Villa, 2015). These data
in the slope, but it thickens in the Tres Marías basin towards the belong to different projects that SisVOc has been involved with,
SC, reaching a maximum sedimentary thickness of 1.7 s of TWTT including RESAJ, MARS, and individual research projects. The
with a splay array towards the fault (Figure 6). hypocenters depicted were located using at least four P-phase and
Figure 10A shows the compilation of seismicity data in the four S-phase readings. In some cases, P–Pn times were used to
study region carried out by the research group CA- SisVOc from constrain hypocentral depths (Urías-Espinosa et al., 2016). The

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Núñez et al. Crustal Structure West Islas Marías

criteria applied to select the better location were: root-mean- by the new bathymetric and OBS–land stations combined
square (RMS) arrival time error <0.5 s, the epicentral and focal wide-angle and multichannel seismic data.
depth standard errors (ERH and ERZ, respectively) < 10.0 km. In The basins to the north of the South Magdalena range contain
the RP-JB contact region, the seismicity is mainly located above sedimentary cover that records the faulted syn-rift deposits
40 km depth, which increases landward where the hypocenters covered by a thin post-rift sedimentary layer. The faults along
reach maximum depths of 60 km at the coast. The hypocenter the profile are active and inactive. Inactive faults cross-cut the
distribution shown in Figure 10A is in the uppermost part of the lowermost sedimentary layers of the basins along with the profile.
lithospheric mantle, the COT and the continental crust. These Simultaneously, active faults are located at the northern limit of
events are from the TMB towards the continent, being more the South Magdalena range and the Sierra de Cleofas, evidenced
abundant at the continental crust. The events distribution from by the seismicity and the splay array of the sedimentary strata,
TMB to TB could be related to the unbalanced stress and where we establish the beginning of the northernmost active
accommodation due to the NE movement of the Rivera Plate subduction between the Rivera and North American plates. In
against the NW movement of the Jalisco Block. Both structural this region, the bottom of the crust dips from 8° to 9°.
blocks could be coupled moving together, producing seismicity This study contributes to the knowledge of the active tectonic
along the major faults. Previous studies in this region establish structures in the Islas Marias Archipelago region, with potential
focal mechanisms of high-angle reverse faulting obtained from implications on geohazard identification and associated risks in
seismograms collected from regional and teleseismic stations this area.
(Jaramillo and Suárez, 2011), which could also be associated
with the oblique convergence between RP and NAP. Additionally,
the NW orientation of the MAT, whose end is bending towards DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
the north, starts the N-S oriented Sierra de Cleofas (Figure 1),
contributing to the unbalanced forces and the seismicity. The original contributions presented in the study are included in
Moreover, the splay array of the sedimentary reflectors in the the article/Supplementary Materials, further inquiries can be
TMB towards the IMF at the western edge of the Sierra de Cleofas directed to the corresponding author.
suggests that the IMF is an active fault (Figure 6B).
Figure 10B shows the seismicity projected in a line of 320 km
coincident with our RTSIM02 tomography velocity model AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
(Figure 8A) with a total width of 40 km (20 km wide on each
side of the line) to compare to the WAS and MCS results. The DN: Conceptualization, methodology, investigation, data
correlation between both data sets shows consistency with the processing, data analysis, conclusions, and original draft
structures we propose. Moreover, we observe that the seismicity writing. JA-H: Data processing, investigation. FE-A: Data
data indicate the slab is subducting in this zone with a dip angle of analysis, methodology, investigation, original draft writing, and
8° approximately, as previously was reported by Carrillo-de la conclusions. SP: Data analysis, methodology, review and
Cruz et al. (2019) and less than reported by Núñez-Cornú et al. conclusions. FN-C: Conceptualization, funding acquisition,
(2016). methodology, investigation, review, and editing. DC: Funding
The faults bounding the Sierra de Cleofas are active since the acquisition, review, and editing.
seismicity is widespread around it (Figure 10). Further research
using the RESAJ network, as well as the records from the seismic
stations installed in María Madre and María Cleofas islands, FUNDING
could improve the locations, depth, and azimuth coverage of the
seismicity presents in the Islas Marías to determine the focal This research was mainly funded by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia
mechanisms and improve the tectonic evolution knowledge of the y Tecnología (CONACYT) –FOMIXJal (2012-08-189963)
NW boundary of the Jalisco Block and its interaction with the (Mexico), CGL (2011-29474-C02-01) (TsuJal Project) and RTI
Rivera Plate. 2018-094827-B-C21 (KUK AHPAN Project) DGI Plan Nacional
I + D + i (Spain); RESAJ network was funded by
CONACYT–FOMIXJAL 2008–96538 (2009) (Mexico). JA-H
CONCLUSION was financially supported by a master fellowship from
CONACyT with code 401435 and CVU 660422.
The new multidisciplinary data acquired in the west of the
Islas Marías Archipelago have allowed us to establish the
cortical architecture of the transition between the oceanic ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
crust of the Rivera Plate and the extended and thinned
continental crust, where, from NW to SE, it is formed by The authors gratefully acknowledge Wendy McCausland for her
the North Rivera basin, María range, Magdalena basin, valuable comments and observations, including the English
Magdalena range, Sisvoc basin, South Magdalena range, grammar revision that help to improve this article and Juan
and the Tres Marías basin. These new ranges and basins Luis Carrillo-de la Cruz for his help with bathymetric and 1-D
are defined along the RTSIM02 and TS08 profiles obtained velocity-depth profiles figures. The authors also truly appreciate

Frontiers in Earth Science | www.frontiersin.org 14 September 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 666272

Núñez et al. Crustal Structure West Islas Marías

the colaboration during the TsuJal project of NOC Cruise JC098, were generated using the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT-6;
RRS James Cook (United Kingdom); COIP/COPO/UNAM Wessel et al., 2019). SP acknowledges support from the
J-GAP2013 Cruise (BO El Puma); Unidad de Tecnología European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
Marina (Spain); Secretaría de Marina (Mexico) ARM programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement
Holzinger; Secretaría de Defensa Nacional (Mexico); Unidad 790203.
Municipal de Protección Civil y Bomberos (Jalisco State,
Mexico); Unidad Municipal de Protección Civil y Bomberos
(Puerto Vallarta, Mexico); Unidad Estatal de Protección Civil SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
y Bomberos (Nayarit State, Mexico); Reserva de la Biosfera (Islas
Marías) CONANP-SEMARNAT; Secretaría de Relaciones The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:
Exteriores (Mexico); and Órgano Desconcentrado de https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feart.2021.666272/
Prevención y Readaptación Social de la SEGOP. Some figures full#supplementary-material

Latin American Pacific Margin. Pure Appl. Geophys. 173, 3553–3573.

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