Internet & Java Course Breakup
Internet & Java Course Breakup
Internet & Java Course Breakup
Course Description: This course is an introduction to Internet and Java In this class, we will focus on Internet, Protocols, Applications etc. More specifically, we will cover the following topics: Introduction to internet and Java Encapsulation Polymorphism Java Virtual Machine Exceptions Threads Applets Event Handling
Prerequisites: Students should have basic knowledge of following topics for the better understanding of concepts of internet and java: Encapsulation Class and Objects Polymorphism Inheritence
Course Goals: The goal of this course is for you to learn internet , its benefits , develop an understanding of java virtual machine ,exception handling, applets. The course includes topics on world wide web, internet protocols ,internet addressing, java applets, exception handling, event handling
The objective of this course : Students should be able to describe the internet. Students should be able to write programs in java Students should possess the skills to test and debug java programs in the laboratory. Students should understand techniques for writing a program in eclipse editor so that they can easily differentiate these two different concepts. Students should understand the exception handling, threads, event handling, network programming Scope and Opportunities: This course offers an opportunity to be at the forefront of the emergent practice of internet and java. The graduates of this course can be absorbed in the mainstream of applets, internet programming and JDBC. Grading: Assignments: Tests: Presentation: MSEs: Behavior: Total: 5 10 5 15 5 40
Rules for Assignments: Purpose: The assignments will primarily be practice problems for the exams. Thus, you should not collaborate on it with others by splitting the work and sharing answers. You will gain the most benefit from doing it by yourself. You can, of course, ask me for help. If someone in the class asks you for help on assignments, handle the situation as if you are a course instructor. Dont just give them an answer, but make sure they know how to find the answer on their own. If I feel that people have submitted answers that are merely copies of each other, I will grade the one solution and divide the credit for it equally among the copies i.e. ZERO. Due Date: As indicated in the course break-up below. Late Policy: You must do your work on time because we'll be correcting/discussing it in class. No assignment will be accepted after the due date. If you know that you have a specific time conflict, make arrangements with me in advance for a separate assignment for late submission. Format:
All assignments should be done according to the following format: Assignment must have a cover page including title of assignment, subject, date of submission, students name, class, roll no. and submitted to. Tests: Tests can be oral/written/open book. Open book test is so that you can look up formulas or data from the text or lecture notes. You need to be sufficiently familiar with the material in the book to know where to look up the information that you need. The purpose of the exams is for you to demonstrate that you have attained an operational level of understanding of the material. The tests will be conducted on the dates mentioned in the course break-up. No extra test will be conducted for the absentees. If you have any time conflict for the test, contact me in advance so that we can make sufficient arrangements. Keep in mind that there will be no improvement test at the end of the semester. Therefore, its your responsibility to give test on time. Presentation: One presentation will be held for operating system. You will be informed well in advance. The rules for presentation are as follows: Group will be of 3-4 students. Students can make groups of their choice. Students should be in strict formals for the presentation. Three attendances will be taken during presentation. One at sharp 9:00 am, second after lunch break, and third at the end of the presentation. Present will be counted only for those students wholl be present in all the three attendances. Marks will be given only to the present students. Marks will be deducted for each misbehavior/indiscipline during the presentation. Topics will be given at first-cum-first-get basis. No topic will be repeated. Marks for the presentation are distributed as follows: For a sample of cover page, visit my website Use loose sheets with one side plain and other side lined. Write questions/headings with black pen and other text with blue pen. Draw diagrams (if necessary), neat and clean with pencil on plain side of paper. Pages should be numbered. Mention Contents at the beginning and References at the end of each assignment.
Class Participation: A large component of your learning takes place in class. The actual concepts of operating system are fairly simple, although their implementation is often complicated by real-world constraints. Thus, I tend to give lectures to explain these concepts, and pose questions for discussion that are meant to draw out these implications. I will guide discussion, and add information here and there as necessary to carry the discussion forward or to lead it into a digression that adds depth in a different direction. I will frequently have in-class exercises that you will do as individual/groups. Thus, it is very important that you attend class regularly. I will keep attendance throughout the semester. Please let me know in advance of any scheduled absences. It is very important that we focus our attention during the limited time we have together. Each of us comes to the classroom distracted by thoughts from outside. Thus, each day we will take about two minutes at the beginning with a brief mind-clearing exercise, followed by a focusing exercise. During the mind-clearing exercise we will sit in silence and concentrate on our breathing. Because it is important that we not be distracted while doing these exercises, I will close the door promptly at the starting time for class. If you arrive late and the door is already closed, please wait outside until I reopen it and invite you in. Classroom Policies: Following are the classroom policies and they are meant to be strictly followed: Be punctual for the class; try to minimize your disturbance if you are late. I may not reject students who come after 5 minutes from the scheduled time but without attendance. Student coming late will be considered as late arrival and I will record late arrivals on the days attendance. Three late arrivals equals to one absent. Mobile phones are not allowed in the classroom. If any student found using the mobile phone, he/she has to pay Rs. 200 as fine in the account office. During lecture delivery, if you have any kind of query, just raise your hand. Queries are important for the understanding of the concepts. So, do ask queries but make sure they are relevant to the subject. Be disciplined in the classroom and dont make any noise while we are studying.
Internet Applications and Java BC-501(N2) Max. Marks 100 Internal Assessment 40 External Assessment: 60 Instructions for paper setter The question paper will consist of two sections A and B. Sections B will have Six questions and will carry 10 marks each. Section A will have 10 short answer type questions, which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all. Instructions for Candidates Candidates are required to attempt four questions from section B and the entire section A. Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed Introduction: Internet Architecture board, understanding the internet. Concept: Working, Surfing and security on the internet. Internet protocols Internet addressing, internet routing protocols internet message protocol, internet group management protocols, internet mail protocol. Internet applications: E-mail, multi cost backbone, net news. Web: World Wide Web advantages of web, web terminology, web access using web browser, locating information on the web. Introduction to Java: Applets, application & JDK, different b/w Java & C++, working with Java objects: Encapsulation, inheritance & polymorphism, constructors. Garbage collection & finalisers, data types, modifies & expressions, array & flow control statements. Exception handling threads, event handling, network programming & Java virtual machines, Java & databases. REFERENCES: 1.Andews Staunebaum 2.Harley Haun Computer Networks(Tata McGraw Hill) The Internet Complete Reference (PHI) Mastering Java (BPB Publications)
This paper will comprise of what is learnt under BC 501 (Java Programming) and Practical on Internet access to: Create E-mail address Perform transactions Send and receive messages Use of search engines Note: The break up of marks for the practical will be as under Lab Record Viva Voce Program development And execution 15 marks 15 marks 30 marks
THEORY BREAK UP Proposed Week 1 Lect. No. 1 2 Lecture Content Basic concepts of OOP,applications,Introduction to Java:Features of Java Basic concepts of OOP,applications,Introduction to Java:Features of Java contd.. Applets,application & JDK, Difference between Java & C++ Internet architecture board,understanding internet,working Consatnts,variables,data types,scope of variables,symbolic constants,type casting,operators java tokens,Java program structure,,java virtual machine Tutorial 1 Assignment 1 Decision making and branching,decision making and looping surfing and security on the internet, types of connections, Internet Resources Introduction:defining class,adding variables,adding methods,creating objects,accessing class members Constructors,method overloading(polymorphism),static members,nesting of methods A1 Assignment Test DOD
3 4 2 5
6 7 8 9 10 11
14 15
Internet protocols,addressing, modem Hierarchical inheritance,Multiple Inheritance Tutorial 2 Test 1 Overriding methods,final variables and methods,final classes,finalizer methods,abstract classes and methods,visibilty control Arrays:one dimensional ,two dimensional,strings:methods,arrays,strin g buffer class Internet routing protocols,Internet message protocols, Internet group management protocols,Internet mail protocol. Vectors,wrapper classes,packages:Java API packages,naming conventions,creating package,accessing &using package Browsers, e- mail Adding class to a package,hiding classes,Multithreading:creating threads,extending thread class contd.. stopping,blocking thread,life cycle of thread,using thread methods,thread exceptions Assignment 2 Thread priority,synchronization,runnable interface Internet applications:E-mail,multi cost backbone Errors and exceptions:types of errors,exceptions:try-catch statement,multiple catch statements finally statement,throwing our own exceptions,Applet programming:local and remote applets,Difference between applets and applications Test 1
16 5 17 18
22 23 24
25 26 27 28
building applet,applet life cycle,designing web page,applet tag,adding applet to HTML file Running the applet,passing parameters to applets,aligning the display,displaying numerical values net news,WWW,its advantages,web terminology, Portals Test 2 Drawing arcs,polygons,file handling:stream classes,creation of files,reading-writing characters, getting input from user,drawing lines and rectangles,circles and ellipses contd web accessing using web browser,locating information on the web (Searching via search and meta search engines Java and Databases Tutorial 3 Assignment 3 Java and Databases contd IRC, TELNET, FTP Socket programming Socket programming contd Socket programming contd Test 3 E-Commerce, Internet and job placements Internet2, DNS & URL'S, Ip Telephony, Intranet, Extranet Assignment 4 Revision of entire Syllabus from Q. Papers Study of Java Eclipse Full Syllabi Test Test 3 A3 Test 2
32 9 33 34
35 36
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
45 46 47 48
49 50 51
Test 4
Name of Program
Program to find the sum of two numbers Program to convert Farnehite temperature into celsius temperature Program to find square root of a number Program to print sum of the series 1+1/2+....+1/10 Program of that implements the basic functionality of a calculator Program to print prime numbers between 0 and 100 Program to find the reverse of a number Program to find the sum of the digits of a number Program to find biggest of three numbers Program to calculate the compound interest Program to calculate the depriciation Program to print pattern 1 23 456 7 8 9 10 Program to print pattern 1 11 101 1 0 01 Program to print pattern 1 01 101 0 1 01 Program to print numbers divisible by 7 in between 100 and 200 Program to find the roots of a quadratic equation Program to print pattern * * * * * *
25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
* * * Program to check whether a number is palindrome or not Program to display perfect numbers from 1 to 60 Program to print sum of series 1+x+x2+x3+......+xn Program to print sum of series 1-(x/1! +x2/2!+......+xn/n!) Program to check wether a number is Armstrong or not Program to convert a decimal no into binary, octal, hexadecimal Program to display pattern 1 11 121 1331 14641 Program to display tables from 1 to 10 using 2d array Program to print next prime no. Program to search an element in an array Program to delete an element from array Program to calculate area and circumference of circle Program to calculate area of rectangle Program to count total no. of objects created for a class Program to find greatest of three no.s Numbers should pass through constructor Program to implement record of 5 students in 3 semesters and 3 tests per sem. and display the records A bookshop maintains the entries of books .Whenever a customer wants a book it gives message "Not available in stock" if value of stock =0 or gives details of book available Ask for no. of copies required and simultaneously update the stocks Imagine a tollbooth and a bridge .Cars passing by have to pay Rs. 50 Some cars passed by without paying the tax and some have to pay .Display msg 1.No. of cars passed by ,2.Total no. of cars who have not paid the tax and 3. Amount of cash collected An election is contested by 5 candidates which are numbered from 1 to 5 and voting is done by marking the candidate no.on ballet paper .WAP to count the no. of votes obtained by all the candidates Program to find the factorial of a number using recursion Program to perform merge sort Program to implement the concept of inheritence with the help of bank operation Program that illustrate the use of interfaces Program that implements the concept of multiple inheritance Program to handle three inbuilt exceptions Program to accept marks of a student in 5 subjects raise an exception if marks goes negative Program to illustrate all the methods of ArrayList class Program to illustrate the use of methods of String class Program to illustrate the use of methods of stack class
47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.
Program to illustrate the use of methods of StringBuffer class Program to illustrate the use of methods of vector class Program to illustrate the use of Linkedlist class Program to create a package that contains method to find square and cube of a number Program to create a package that contains a method to find reverse of a string Program to create a package that uses print.p statement to display any thing on screen Program to design an applet to draw a Bar Chart Program to design an applet to draw a square with different color lines Program to design an applet to draw circles with random colors Program to design an applet to draw a polygon Program to design an applet having 3 labels,textboxes and a butoon On the click of button change the colr of rectangle acc to values of textbox Program to design ajn applet that performs the basic functionality of a calculator Program to design an applet in which a smiley should be drawn on the click of a mouse Program to design an applet that consists of three scrollbars.On the change of the value of scrollbars the color of rectangle should change Program to design an applet of a smiley face Program to design an applet that fill multiple rectangles with different color Create an applet to handle double click of mouse Create an applet to handle mouse dragged option . Whenever you drag a mouse on applet it should display ovals Create an applet to draw your name at a distance of 10,20,30, pixels Create an applet to attach an image to a cursor and image should move along with cursor Create an applet to draw lines with circle of different colors wherever mouse moves Create an applet having two listboxes , one should be having list of fruits and second should be empty .There should be two buttons for shifting items from one listbox to another and vice versa Create an applet to make scientific calculator Create an applet that can display image animation 1) display different image on every move 2) display different image at one position whenever applet is loaded Program to play audio clip Program to copy one file to another byte by byte Program to copy one file to another character by character Create an applet to show the Flow Layout Create an applet to show the Border Layout
State whether statements given are true or false and justify your answer: (9*1=9) 1. Name of java program file must match name of the class having main method with extension java. 2. Two methods cannot have same name in Java. 3. Modulus operator works only on integer operands. 4. All the bitwise operators are having same precedence in Java. 5. When x is +ve then both expressions x>>2 & x>>>2 will give the same result. 6. One problem with OOP is that once a class is created it can never be changed. 7. The main emphasis of POP is on algo rather than on data. 8. One of the striking features of OOP is division of programs into objects to represent real world entities. 9. OOP approach cannot be used to create data bases. Multiple choice questions: (10*1=10) 1. Which of the following are invalid constants? a) 0.0001 b) 5*1.5 c) +100 d) -45.6 e) 15.75 f) 75.45E-2 g) RS 75.50 h) 0.000001234 2. Which of the following are invalid variable names and why? a) Minimum b) first.Name c) n1+n2 d) doubles rd e) float f) 3 -row g) sum Total h) N$ i) Total-Marks 3. Which of the following represents a hexadecimal? a) 570 b)(hex)5 c) 0x9F d) 0X5 4. Which of the following assignments are valid? a) float x=123.4 b) long m=023; c) int n=(int)false; d) double y=0x786; 5. What is the default value of a char variable? a) \u0020 b) \u00ff c) d) \u000 6. Which of the following are correct? a) int a=16; a>>2=4; b) int b=-8; b>>1=-4; c) int a=16; a>>>2=4; d) int b=-8; b>>>1=-4; e) All of the above 7. Which of the following are not keywords? a) NULL b) implements c) protected d) extended e) string 8. Which of the following are the keywords? a) switch b) integer c) default e) boolean f) object 9. Which of the following keywords are used to control access to class members?
a) default b) abstract c) protected d) interface e) public 10. Which of the following keywords are reserved but not used in initial versions of java are: a) union b) const c) inner d) goto e) boolean f) synchronized Write the output of following questions and point out syntax errors if there are any: (6*2=12) a) byte x=64,y; y=(byte)(x<<2); System.out.println(y); b) byte b; double d=417.35; b=(byte)d; System.out.println(b); c) x=13 & 25; System.out.println(x); d) x=9 | 9; System.out.println(x); e) x=m%n; (where m=5 and n=2) System.out.println(x); x=m%n; (where m=-14 and n=-3) f) int x,m,n; x=++m + n++; System.out.println( x is + x + m is + m + n is + n); 11. Find out the errors, if any in the following declaration statements: (6*1=6) a) Int x; b) float length, HEIGHT; c) Character CI; d) Final int TOTAL; e) Final pi=3.142; f) Long int m;
1. 2. 3. 4.
What is internet server and Internet Client? What do you understand by headers? What are the issues related in setting up a website? Explain the concept of threads in detail with help of thread class and runnable interface programs. 5. What is a website and a home page? 6. How trozan horse attacks computer softwares? 7. How E-Mail is sent from a user to another? 8. Explain four layers of TCP/IP. 9. What is the relationship between a datagram and a packet? 10. Four differences between an applet and an application. 11. Write an applet to display a solid circle that fits perfectly inside the outline of a square. 12. Write a program that writes your phone number to a file as an int containing seven digit number. 13. Describe the handling of database in java with example.
1. 2. 3. 4.
What are the differences between a repeater and a bridge. What is difference between a switch and a hub? Explain gateways and subnets. Write a program to find whether a 2-D matrix contains negative number and at what portion using applet method. 5. Write a program in java to accept a string from user and convert its first letter to capital letter and display the string again. 6. Which are the three common kind of programs used in WWW? 7. Difference between ftp and http sites. 8. What are the issues related to database design? 9. Write a java program to update a telephone directory using a file. 10. How applet saves s/w from being attacked by the virus?
ASSIGNMENT 5 (On Internet) 1. Media search is also called _____________________________. 2. Write 5 features of ISP. 3. What is a dial up adapter? Where it can be used? 4. What are the tools available for web page designing? 5. What is the difference between Binary and Moderated News Groups? 6. What are web directories? and give 2 examples of web directories. 7. Write 2 functions of a web browser. 8. Describe various Internet Routing Protocols. 9. Describe various Internet Mailing Protocols. 10. List Internet Group Management Protocols. 11. What is multicast backbone? 12. What are net news protocols? Give examples also. 13. Describe the security implementation on internet. 14. How Proxy server works? 15. Explain the concept of IP addresses in detail. 16. Describe the privacy enhanced mail process. 17. What are the four features of Pretty Good Privacy? 18. Are internet and WWW different? 19. Explain Internet Architecture Board. 20. What is a cookie? 21. What is web portal? 22. How Netscape Navigator is good enough as compared to Internet Explorer?
1. Java in Mobile Technology 2. Sun Microsystem 3. Life without internet 4. Use of java in internet 5. Java - a true OOP 6. Wifi and WiMax 7. Internet Protocols 8. Java Applications and JDK 9. Comparison between C, C++ and Java 10. Data types in Java 11. Arrays in Java 12. Control Statements 13. Data mining 14. Neural Networks 15. Internet architecture board and working of internet