Law On Corporation Reviewer 1
Law On Corporation Reviewer 1
Law On Corporation Reviewer 1
Management ln absence of stipulation, partner is considered an lt is vested in the board of directors or trustees.
agent of the partnership
Right of Succession No right of succession Possesses right of succession
Extent of Liability to Third Persons Partners (except limited partners) are liable Stockholders are liable only to the extent of
personally and subsidiarily for partnership debts their investments as represented by the shares
to third persons. subscribed by them.
Transferability of interest A partner cannot transfer interest so as to A stockholder has the right to transfer his
make a partner without the consent of all other shares without the prior consent of the other
existing partners. stockholders.
Term of existence May be established for any period of time stipulated May not be formed for a term in excess of 50 years
by the partners. extendible to not more than 50 years.
Firm name A limited partnership is required to add the A corporation may adopt a firm name provided it
word ‘Ltd.’ to its name. is not identical or deceptively similar to any
registered firm name or contrary
to existing laws.
Dissolution May be dissolved at any time by the will of any May only be dissolved with the consent of the state.
or all partners.
Governing Laws Civil Code Revised Corporation Code
i. Gamboa v. Teves, G.R. No 176579, June 28, 2011 Can a corporation recover damages? YES
ii. Roy lll v. Herbosa, G.R. No. 207246, November 22 2016 Exception: Moral damages
iii. Section 2, SEC- Memorandum Circular No. 8 Is a corporation entitled to moral damages?
Exception: The corporation may recover moral
damages under item 7 of article 2219 of the New Civil Code
b. Grandfather Rule
because said provision expressly authorizes the recovery of
Grandfather rule (strict rule) – lf a corporation is less than 60%
moral damages in cases of libel, slander, or any other form of
Filipino-owned, then the corresponding percentage belonging to
defamation. Article 2219 does not qualify whether the
Filipino shall be the only shares to be recorded as Filipino shares.
injured party is a natural or juridical person. Therefore, a
Grandfather rule is applied to corporations where 60- 40 Filipino-
corporation, as a juridical person, can validly complain for
foreign ownership is in doubt. Under this rule, the combined totals
libel or any other form of defamation and claim for moral
of the foreign and filipino-owned corp. must be traced (i.e.,
“grandfathered”) to determine the total percentage of Filipino
ii. Doctrine of Piercing the Corporate Veil
Disregards the separate personality of a corporation if this
i. Read: Narra Nickel Mining and Dev. Corp. vs. Redmont
separate personality is used as an alter ego of another entity and
Consolidated Mines, G.R. No. 195580, Apr. 21, 2014
was used to justify wrong, protect fraud, perpetrate deception, or
defeat public convenience. This doctrine may also be used to
c. Corporate Juridical Personality:
achieve equity.
Can a corporation become a partner in a partnership?
General rule: NO
Exceptions: The authority to enter into a partnership relation is The three-pronged test to determine the application of the alter ego
expressly conferred by the charter of (or) the articles of theory, which is also known as the instrumentality theory, namely:
incorporation of the corporation and the nature to be undertaken by (1) Control, not mere majority or complete stock control, but
the partnership is in line with business of the corporation. complete domination, not only of finances but of policy and
lf it is a foreign corporation, must obtain license to transact business practice in respect to the transaction attacked so
business in the Philippines. that the corporate entity as to this transaction had at the time
no separate mind, will or existence of its own;
i. Doctrine of Separate Personality [It is the “instrumentality” or “control” test. This test
As a general rule, a corporation has a separate and distinct requires that the subsidiary be completely under the control
personality from those who represent it. lts officers are solidarily and domination of the parent. lt examines the parent
liable only when exceptional circumstances exist, such as cases corporation’s relationship with the subsidiary. It inquires
enumerated in Sec. 31 of the corporation code. (Pioneer whether a subsidiary corporation is so organized and
lnsurance Surety Corp. vs. Morning Star Travel & Tours, lnc., et. controlled and its affairs are so conducted as to make it a
al., G.R. No. 198436, July 08, 2015) mere instrumentality or agent of the parent corporation such
that its separate existence as a distinct corporate entity will
be ignored. lt seeks to establish whether the subsidiary
1. Read: Shrimp Specialists, lnc., vs. Fuji-Triumph Agri-
corporation has no autonomy and the parent corporation,
Ind’l Corp., G.R. No. 168756, Dec. 7, 2009
though acting through the subsidiary in form and
appearance, “is operating the business directly for itself.”]
2. Limited Liability for Torts and Crimes
Is a corporation liable for torts?
YES, whenever a tortuous act is committed by an officer or (2) Such control must have been used by the defendant to
agent under the express direction or authority of the commit fraud or wrong, to perpetuate the violation of a
stockholders or members acting as a body, or, generally, statutory or other positive legal duty, or dishonest and
from the directors as the governing body. (PNB v. CA, G.R. unjust act in contravention of plaintiff’s legal right; and [It
No. L-27155, May 18, 1978) is the “fraud” test. This test requires that the parent
corporation’s conduct in using the subsidiary
Is a corporation liable for crimes? corporation be unjust, fraudulent or wrongful. lt
NO, since a corporation is a mere legal fiction, it cannot be examines the relationship of the plaintiff to the
held liable for a crime committed by its officers, since it does corporation. lt recognizes that piercing is appropriate
not have the essential element of malice; in such case the
responsible officers would be criminally liable.
Treated by Law as a separate person a separate person that is distinct from 3. Setting in motion the machinery which
the investors or the incorporators that are making up the Corporation and leads to the incorporation of the corporation
this is what we call the doctrine of corporate entity because of such itself. A founder or organizer of a
doctrine the corporation then can be liable for acts or contracts that are corporation or business venture; one who
entered into in the name of the corporation. takes the entrepreneurial initiative in
funding or organizing a business
enter into contracts in its own name it can sue and it can also be sued again enterprise.23
separately and distinctly
from the stockholders or the members composing the corporation b. Juridical Personality=It is one that is created by law, it is
not really a person but by operation of law it is treated
Created by Operation of Law (“Creature of the Law ”) as such as if it is a person. Hence, it can act only
Mere consent of the parties is not sufficient. The State must give its through its directors, officers, and employees.
consent either through a special law (in case of government corporations) c. Limited Liability Rule
or a general law (i.e., Corporation Code in case of private corporations). C. Formation
a. Components
Has the Right of Succession (“Strong Juridical Personality ”) b. Certificate of Incorporation
A corporation has the capacity for continuous existence despite changes in
c. Articles of Incorporation
stockholders/members or by any transfer of shares by a stockholder to a
d. Capital Requirement
3rd person.
D. Classes of Corporation
Has the Powers, Attributes, and Properties Expressly Authorized by a. Stock v Non-Stock (Sec. 3, RCC)
Law or Incident to Its Existence (“A Creature of Limited Powers”) b. Created under RCC v. Special Charter (Sec. 4, RCC)
As a mere creature of law, it can exercise only such powers as the law c. Public v. Private
may choose to grant it, either expressly or impliedly. d. De Jure v. De Facto
e. Corporation by Estoppel
B. Nature of Corporation f. Domestic v. Foreign
g. Aggregate v. Sole v. One Person Corporation (there is
a. Composition
1. Corporators- those who compose corp. only one incorporator-sole stockholder)
whether as stockholders or as members h. Close Corporation
2. Incorporators- mentioned in the articles of i. Educational Corporation
incorporation and signatories thereof. j. Religious Corporation
3. Stockholders (shareholders) - The owners of E. Corporation as Distinguished from a Contract of Partnership:
shares of stock in a stock corporation. F. Nationality of Corporations
4. Members- The corporators of a non-stock si=54rmV7pJj20DIYCo
corporation. a. Control Test
5. Board of Directors or Board of Trustees The i. Gamboa v. Teves, G.R. No 176579, June 28,
board of directors is the governing body in a
stock. corporation, while the Board of
ii. Roy III v. Herbosa, G.R. No. 207246,
Trustees is the governing body in a non-
stock corporation. November 22 2016
6. Corporate Officers The president, who shall iii. Section 2, SEC- Memorandum Circular No.
be a director, a treasurer who may or may 8
not be a director, a secretary who shall be a b. Grandfather Rule
resident and citizen of the Philippines, and i. Read: Narra Nickel Mining and Dev. Corp.
such other officers as may be provided for in vs. Redmont Consolidated Mines, G.R. No.
the by-laws. If the corporation is vested with 195580, Apr. 21, 2014
public interest, the board shall also elect a c. Corporate Juridical Personality:
compliance officer. UYB91J0?si=54rmV7pJj20DIYCo
7. Subscribers Persons who have agreed to i. Doctrine of Separate Personality
take and pay for original, unissued shares of 1. Read: Shrimp Specialists, Inc., vs. Fuji-Triumph Agri-Ind’l Corp.,
a corporation formed or to be formed. G.R. No. 168756, Dec. 7, 2009
8. Underwriter A person who guarantees on a 2. Limited Liability for Torts and Crimes
firm commitment and/or declared best effort 3. Recovery for Damages
basis the distribution and sale of securities
a. Read: Filipinas
of any kind by another company. A person
Broadcasting Network
or entity, especially an investment banker,
vs. Ago Medical and
Downloaded by Azi Prems (
Educational Center, G.R. the SEC that the majority interest in the corporation has voted upon
141994, January 17, retaining the original corporate term
ii. Doctrine of Piercing the Corporate Veil now remember that what is only required to retain the original corporate
1. Grounds term is the vote of the stakeholders representing the majority interest and
2. Test in Determining its Applicability that such decision to retain as voted upon by the stockholders
a. READ: Zambrano v. representing the majority interest Classification of Shares – (Sec. 6, RCC)
Philippine Carpet
Manufacturing Corp., For extension- amendment, not earlier than 3 years from the time that
G.R. No. 224099, June the renewed term will expire
21, 2017
d. Capital Structure
Effectivity- the day after the expiration of the original term
i. Number and Qualifications of incorporators
– (Sec. 5, 10, RCC)
If not extended-they can still continue by applying for revival of
corporate existence-the same rights and obligations.
No minimum but not more than 15