Law 2 - Reviewer (Corporation)
Law 2 - Reviewer (Corporation)
Law 2 - Reviewer (Corporation)
The Revised Corporation Code of the Phlippines
Title I – General Provisions Succession – the continuation of a
corporation’s legal status despite changes in
Sec. 1. Title of the Code – this code shall
ownership or management.
be known as the “Revised Corporation
Code of the Philippines” Powers of a Corporation
- Took effect on February 23, 2019 A corporation has no power except those
expressly conferred on it by the Corporation
Sec. 2. Corporation Defined – a
Code and those that are implied or incidental
corporation is an artificial being created
to its existence.
by operation of law, having the right of
succession and the powers, attributes, and Right of a Corporation
properties expressly authorized by law or
Property acquired by a corporation is the
incidental to its existence.
property of a corporation and not the
A corporation is a juridical entity vested property of stockholders or members.
with a legal personality separate and distinct
Sec. 3. Classes of Corporation –
from those acting for and in its behalf and,
corporations formed or organized under
in general, from the people comprising it.
this Code may be stock or nonstock
When the corporation is just an alter ego of a corporations. Stock corporations are
person or of another corporation, the those which have capital stock divided
corporate mask may be removed or the into shares and are authorized to
corporate veil pierced. distribute to the holders of such shares,
dividends, or allotments of the surplus
- The corporate veil will justifiable be
profits on the basis of the shares held. All
impaled only when it becomes a
other corporations are nonstock
shield for fraud, illegality committed
against third persons.
Stock Corporations – corporations which
Characteristics of a Corporation:
have capital stock divided into shares and
1. It is an artificial being; are authorized to distribute to the holders of
2. Created by operation of law; such shares dividends or allotments of the
3. It has the right of succession; surplus profits on the basis of the shares held
4. It has the powers, attributes, and are stock corporations.
properties expressly authorized by
Non-stock Corporations – is one where no
law or incidental to its existence.
part of its income is distributable as
Elements of piercing the veil of dividends to its members, trustees, or
corporation fiction officers.