BLR Corp
BLR Corp
BLR Corp
Government-owned or controlled
Philippines (R.A. No. 11232) corporations – are those organized by
Year of revision: 2019 the government or corporations of
which the government is a majority
TITLE I AND II (Sections 1 to 21) stockholder.
1. Voting and non-voting shares; A corporate term for a specific period may
2. Par Value and No-par value Shares; be extended or shortened by amending
3. Common and Preferred Shares. the articles of incorporation: Provided,
3.1 Preferred as to asset that no extension may be made earlier
than three (3) years prior to the original or
subsequent expiry date(s) unless there are
justifiable reasons for an earlier extension Grounds when Articles of Incorporation or
as may be determined by the Commission Amendment may be Disapproved
(a) The articles of incorporation or any
amendment thereto is not substantially
Contents of the Articles of Incorporation in accordance with the form prescribed
(a) The name of corporation; herein;
(b) The specific purpose or purposes for (b) The purpose or purposes of the
which the corporation is being formed. corporation are patently
Where a corporation has more than unconstitutional, illegal, immoral or
one stated purpose, the articles of contrary to government rules and
incorporation shall indicate the primary regulations;
purpose and the secondary purpose or
purposes: Provided, that a nonstock (c) The certification concerning the
corporation may not include a purpose amount of capital stock subscribed
which would change or contradict its and/or paid is false; and
nature as such;
(d) The required percentage of Filipino
(c) The place where the principal office of ownership of the capital stock under
the corporation is to be located, which existing laws or the Constitution has
must be within the Philippines; not been complied with.
(h) To enter into a partnership, joint venture, 5. POWER TO ACQUIRE OWN SHARES (SEC.
merger, consolidation, or any other 40) - Provided, That the corporation has
commercial agreement with natural and unrestricted retained earnings in its books
juridical persons; to cover the shares to be purchased or
acquired, a stock corporation shall have
(i) To make reasonable donations, including the power to purchased or acquired, a
those for the public welfare or for hospital, stock corporation shall have the power to
charitable, cultural, scientific, civic, or purchase or acquire its own shares for a
similar purposes; Provided, that no foreign legitimate corporate purpose or purposes,
corporation shall give donations in aid of including the following cases:
any political party or candidate or for
purpose s of partisan political activity; (a) To eliminate fractional shares arising
out of stock dividends;
(j) To establish pension, retirement, and other (b) To collect or compromise an
plans for the benefit of its directors, indebtedness to the corporation, arising
trustees, officers, and employees; and out of unpaid subscription, in a
delinquency sale, and to purchase
(k) To exercise such other powers as may be delinquent shares sold during said sale:
essential or necessary to carry out its and
purpose or purposes as stated in the (c) To pay dissenting or withdrawing
articles of incorporation. stockholders entitled to payment for their
shares under the provisions of this Code.
Other Powers and Capacity
corporation may extend or shorten its term Subject to the provisions of this Code, a
as stated in the articles of incorporation private corporation may invest its funds in
when approved by a majority vote of the any other corporation, business, or for any
board of directors or trustees, and ratified purpose other than the primary purpose for
at a meeting by the stockholders or which it was organized, when approved by a
members representing at least two-thirds majority of the board of directors or trustees
(2/3) of the outstanding capital stock or of and ratified by the stockholders
its members. representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the
outstanding capital stock, or by at least two-
2. POWER TO INCREASE OR DECREASE thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock,
CAPITAL STOCK; INCUR, CREATE OR or by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members
INCREASE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. (SEC. in the case of nonstock corporations at a
37) - No corporation shall increase or meeting duly called for the purpose.
decrease its capital stock or incur, create or
increase any bonded indebtedness unless 7. POWER TO DECLARE DIVIDENDS (SEC. 42)
approved by a majority vote of the board of - The board of directors of a stock
directors and by two-thirds (2/3) of the corporation may declare dividends out of
outstanding capital stock at a stockholders' the unrestricted retained earnings which
meeting duly called for the purpose. shall be payable in cash, property, or in
stock to all stockholders on the basis of
3. POWER TO DENY PREEMPTIVE RIGHT (SEC. outstanding stock held by them: Provided,
38) - All stockholders of a stock corporation that any cash dividends due on delinquent
shall enjoy preemptive right to subscribe to stock shall be first be applied to the unpaid
all issues or disposition of shares of any balance on the subscription plus costs and
class, in proportion to their respective expenses, while stock holders until their
unpaid subscription is fully paid: Provided, incorporation.
further, that no stock dividend shall be
issued without the approval of stockholders
representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the
outstanding capital stock at a regular or Content of Bylaws
special meeting duly called for the purpose.
A private corporation may provide the
8. POWER TO ENTER INTO MANAGEMENT following in its bylaws;
CONTRACT (SEC. 43) - No corporation shall
conclude a management contract with [a] The time, place and manner of calling
another corporation unless such contract is and conducting regular or special meetings
approved by the board of directors and by of the directors or trustees;
the stockholders owning at least the majority
of the outstanding capital stock, or by at [b] The time and manner of calling and
least a majority of the members in the case of conducting regular or special meetings and
a nonstock corporation, or both the mode of notifying the stockholders or
managing and the managed corporation, at members thereof;
a meeting duly called for the purpose.
[c] The required quorum in meetings of
No management contracts shall be entered stockholders or members and the manner of
into for period longer that five (5) years for voting therein;
any one term.
(d) The modes by which a stockholder,
ULTRA VIRES ACTS OF THE CORPORATION member, director or trustees may attend
meetings and cast their votes;
No corporation shall possess or exercise
corporate powers other than those conferred [e] The form for proxies of stockholders and
by this Code or by its articles of members and the manner of voting them;
incorporation and except as necessary or
incidental to the exercise of the powers (f) The directors' or trustees' qualifications,
conferred. (Sec. 44) duties and responsibilities, the guidelines for
setting the compensation of directors or
trustees and officers, and the maximum
number of other board representations that
TITLE V: BYLAWS (Sections 45 to 47) an independent director or trustee may have
which shall, in no case, be more than the
Definition number prescribed by the Commission;
By-laws signifies the rules and regulations or (g) The time for holding the annual election
private laws enacted by the corporation to of directors or trustees and the mode or
regulate, govern and control its own actions, manner of giving notice thereof;
affairs and concerns, and its stockholders or
members and directors and officers with [h)The manner of election or appointment
relation thereto and among themselves in and the term of officers other than directors
their relation to it. or trustees;
- Guidelines to order the conduct of (I) The penalties for violation of the bylaws;
stockholders and board of directors.
() In the case of stock corporations, the
Adoption of Bylaws manner of Issuing stock certificates; and
For the adoption of bylaws by the (k) Such other matters as may be necessary
corporation, the affirmative vote of the for the proper or convenient transaction of
stockholders representing at least a majority its corporate affairs for the promotion of
of the outstanding capital stock (majority good governance and anti-graft and
vote), or of at least a majority of the members corruption measures.
in case of nonstock corporations, shall be
necessary. The bylaws shall be signed by the Amendment to Bylaws
stockholders or members voting for them and
shall be kept in the principal office of the A majority of the board of directors or
corporation, subject to the inspection of the trustees, and the owners of at least a
stockholders or members during office hours. majority of the outstanding capital stock or
A copy thereof, duly certified by a majority of at least a majority of the members of a
the directors or trustees and countersigned nonstock corporation, at a regular or special
by the secretary of the corporation, shall be meeting duly called for the purpose, may
filed with the Commission and attached to amend or repeal the bylaws or adopt new
the original articles of incorporation. bylaws.
(e) Amounts transferred from unrestricted - If no one bought the stock, corporation
retained earnings to stated capital; can acquire the stock and fall under
treasury shares.
(f) Outstanding shares exchanged for stocks
in the event of reclassification or Effect of Delinquency
No delinquent stock shall be voted for, be
(g) Shares of stock in another corporation; entitled to vote, or be represented at any
and/or stockholder's meeting, nor shall the holder
thereof be entitled to any of the rights of a
(h] Other generally accepted form of stockholder except the right to dividends in
consideration. accordance with the provisions of this Code,
until and unless payment is made by the
Where the consideration is other than actual holder of such delinquent stock for the
cash, or consists of intangible property such amount due on the distribution with accrued
as patents or copyrights, the valuation interest, and the costs and expenses of
thereof shall initially be determined by the advertisement, if any.
stockholders or the board of directors,
subject to the approval of the Commission.