Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
The non-functional aspects that need to be addressed in embedded system design are
commonly referred as quality attributes. Whenever you design an embedded system, the
design should take into consideration of both the functional and non-functional aspects.
Unlike general purpose computing systems, embedded systems possess certain
specific characteristics andthese characteristics are unique to each embedded system.
Some of the important characteristics of an embedded system are:
1. Application and domain specific
2. Reactive and Real Time
3. Operates in harsh environments
4. Distributed
5. Small size and weight
6. Power concerns
Application and Domain Specific:
If you closely observe any embedded system, you will find that each embedded system is
having certain functions to perform.
Embedded systems are developed in such a manner to do only intended functions. They
cannot be used for any other purpose. It is the major criterion which distinguishes an
embedded systemfrom a general purpose system.
o For example, you cannot replace the embedded control unit of your microwave
oven with your air conditioners embedded control unit, because the embedded
control units of microwave oven and air conditioner are specifically designed to
perform certain specific tasks.
Also you cannot replace an embedded control unit developed for a particular domain say
telecom with another control unit designed to serve another domain like consumer
Reactive and Real Time:
Embedded systems are in constant interaction with the Real world through
sensors and user defined input devices which are connected to the input port of
the system.
o Any changes happening in the Real world (which is called an Event) are
captured by the sensors or input devices in Real Time and the control
algorithm running inside the unit reacts in a designed manner to bring
the controlled output variables to the desired level.
The event may be a periodic one or an unpredicted one. If the event is an
unpredicted one, then such system should be designed in such a way that it
should be scheduled to capture the events without missing them.
Embedded systems produce changes in output in response to the changes in the
input. So they are generally referred as Reactive Systems.
Real Time System operation means the timing behavior of the system should be
deterministic; meaning the system should respond to requests or tasks in a
know amount of time.
A Real Time system should not miss any deadlines for tasks or operations.
It is not necessary that all embedded systems should be Real Time in operations.
o Embedded applications or systems which are mission critical, like flight
control systems, Antilock Brake Systems (ABS), etc. are examples of Real
Time systems.
The design of an embedded Real Time system should take the worst case
scenario into consideration.
Operates in Harsh Environment:
It is not necessary that all embedded systems should be deployed in controlled
The environment in which the embedded system deployed may be a dusty one or a high
temperature zone or an area subject to vibrations and shock. Systems placed in such
areas should be capable to withstand all these adverse operating conditions. The design
should take care of the operating conditions of the area where the system is going to
o For example, if the system needs to be deployed in a high temperature zone, then
all the components used in the system should be of high temperature grade.
Here we cannot go for a compromise in cost. Also proper shock absorption techniques
should be provided to systems which are going to be commissioned in places subject to
high shock.
Power supply fluctuations, corrosion and component aging, etc. are the other factors that
need to be taken into consideration for embedded systems to work in harsh environments
The term distributed means that, embedded systems may be a part of larger
Many numbers of distributed embedded systems form a single large embedded
control unit.
o An automatic vending machine is a typical example for this. The vending
machine contains a card reader (for pre-paid vending systems), a
vending unit, etc. Each of them are independent embedded units but
they work together to perform the overall vending function.
o Another example is the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM). An ATM
contains a card reader embedded unit, responsible for reading and
validating the user's AIM card, transaction unit for performing
transactions, a currency counter for dispatching/ vending currency to
the authorized person and a printer unit for printing the transaction
details. We can visualize these as independent embedded systems. But
they work together to achieve a common goal.
o Another typical example of a distributed embedded system is the
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system used in
Control & Instrumentation applications, which contains physically
distributed individual embedded control units connected to a
supervisory module.
Small Size and Weight:
Product aesthetics is an important factor in choosing a product.
o For example, when you plan to buy a new mobile phone, you may make
a comparative study on the pros and cons of the products available in
the market. Definitely the product aesthetics (size, weight, shape, style,
etc. will be one of the deciding factors to choose a product.
People believe in the phrase "Small is beautiful". Moreover it is convenient to
handle a compact device than a bulky product.
In embedded domain also compactness is a significant deciding factor. Most of
the application demands small size and low weight products.
Power Concerns:
Power management is another important factor that needs to be
considered in designingembedded systems.
Embedded systems should be designed in such a way as to minimize the heat
dissipation by thesystem.
The production of high amount of heat demands cooling requirements like
cooling fans which in turn occupies additional space and make a system bulky.
Nowadays ultra low power components are available in the market. Select the
design according tothe low power components like low dropout regulators, and
controllers/ processors with power saving modes.
Also power management is a critical constraint in battery operated applications.
The more the power consumption the less is the battery life.
Washing machine comes in two models, namely, top loading and front loading machines.
In top loading models the agitator of the machine twists back and forth and pulls the
cloth down to the bottom of the tub. On reaching the bottom of the tub the clothes work
their way back up to the top of the tub where the agitator grabs them again and repeats
the mechanism.
In the front loading machines, the clothes are tumbled and plunged into the water over
and over again. This is the first phase of washing.
In the second phase of washing, water is pumped out from the tub and the
inner tub uses centrifugal force to wring out more water from the clothes by
spinning at several hundred Rotations Per Minute (RPM). This is called a 'Spin
If you look into the keyboard panel of your washing machine you can see three
buttons: Wash, Spin and Rinse. You can use these buttons to configure the washing
As you can see from the picture, the inner tub of the machine contains a number of
holes and during the spin cycle the inner tub spins, and forces the water out through
these holes to the stationary outer tub from which it is drained off through the outlet
It is to be noted that the design of washing machines may vary from manufacturer
to manufacturer, but the general principle underlying in the working of the washing
machine remains the same.
The basic controls consist of a timer, cycle selector mechanism, water temperature
selector, load size selector and start button.
The mechanism includes the motor, transmission, clutch, pump, agitator, inner tub,
outer tub and water inlet valve. Water inlet valve connects to the water supply line
using at home and regulates the flow of water into the tub.
The integrated control panel consists of a microprocessor/ controller based board
with I/O interfaces and a control algorithm running in it. Input interface includes the
keyboard which consists of wash type selector: Wash, Spin and Rinse; clothe
selector: Light, Medium, Heavyduty and washing time setting, etc.
The output interface consists of LED/ LCD displays, status indication LEDs, etc.
connected to theI/O bus of the controller.
The other types of l/O interfaces which are invisible to the end user are different
kinds of sensor interfaces: water temperature sensor, water level sensor, etc., and
actuator interface including motor control for agitator and tub movement control,
inlet water flow control, etc.
The major application domains of embedded systems are consumer, industrial,
automotive, telecom, etc., of which telecom and automotive industry holds a big market
share. The following Figure gives an overview of the various types of electronic control units
employed in automotive applications.
2. Local Interconnect Network (LIN): LIN bus is a single master multiple slave (up to
16 independent slave nodes) communication interface.
o LIN is a low speed, single wire communication interface with support for data
rates up to 20 Kbps and is used or sensor/ actuator interfacing.
o LIN bus follows the master communication triggering technique to eliminate the
possible bus arbitration problem that can occur by the simultaneous talking of
different slave nodesconnected to a single interface bus.
o LIN bus is employed in applications like mirror controls, fan controls, seat
positioning controls, window controls, and position controls where response time
is not a critical issue.
3. Media Oriented System Transport (MOST) Bus: MOST is targeted for automotive
audio/ video equipment interfacing, used primarily in European cars.
o A MOST bus is a multimedia fibre-optic point-to-point network implemented
in a star, ringor daisy- chained topology over optical fibre cables.
o The MOST bus specifications define the physical (electrical and optical
parameters) layer as well as the application layer, network layer, and media
access control.
o MOST bus is an optical fibre cable connected between the Electrical Optical
Converter (EOC) and Optical Electrical Converter (OEC), which would translate
into the optical cable MOST bus.