Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 Week 4

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Negros Island Region


Senior High School School GUINPANA-AN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 11
Weekly Lesson Log Teacher AIAH T. BITOLINAMISA Semester FIRST
EARTH & LIFE SCIENCE Teaching Dates September 18-22 Quarter 1

Week No. 4 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an
Content Standard understanding of geologic processes that occur within the Earth understanding of the folding and
faulting of rocks.
The learners shall be able to:
Conduct a survey to assess the possible geologic hazards that your community may experience.
Performance Standard (Note: Select this performance standard if your school is in an area near fault lines, volcanoes, and steep
1. Describe where the Earth’s 1. Describe how magma is formed Compare and contrast the 1. Describe the changes in mineral
internal heat comes from. (magmatism). formation of the different types of components and texture of rocks due to
2. Describe what happens after igneous rocks. changes in pressure and temperature
the magma is formed (plutonism (metamorphism).
Learning Competency
and volcanism). 2. Describe how rocks behave under
different types of stress such as
compression, pulling apart, and

Code: S11/12ES-Ib-14 S11/12ES-Ic-15, S11/12ES-Ic-16 S11/12ES-Ic-18 S11/12ES-Ic-17, S11/12ES-Ic-19

1. Describe where the Earth’s 1. Describe how magma is formed 1. Compare and contrast the 1. Describe the changes in mineral
internal heat comes from. (magmatism). formation of the different types of components and texture of rocks due to
DAILY TASK 2. Identify the escape routes of igneous rocks. changes in pressure and temperature
magma. 1.1. Describe how the differences (metamorphism).
3. Describe what happens after in the formation of intrusive and 2. Differentiate the types of rock

Senior High School Module & Lesson Plan Exemplar: Earth Science First Version: September 2017
Department of Education
Negros Island Region

the magma is formed (plutonism extrusive rocks result to varying metamorphism.

and volcanism). textures. 3. Describe how rocks behave under
different types of stress such as
compression, pulling apart, and
II. CONTENT Endogenic Processes
• • • •
ganizations/579dd74b09eb8c ch?v=_hyE2NO7HnU ownloads/Chapter_1/Activities tions/579dd74b09eb8c7f12000343/
7f12000343/curriculum • /Magma_mash.pdf curriculum
• ganizations/579dd74b09eb8c • •
ch?v=rfbB8Hy-XbI&t=212s 7f12000343/curriculum h?v=0OswHih-i1U rs/resources/jesei/meta/home.htm
• https://www.scientificamerica • •
References: teachers/resources/jesei/volc science/terc/content/visualizations/
earths-core-so/ ano/home.htm • Alternative activity: es0607/es0607page01.cfm
• • https://www.nationalgeograp •
how_volcanoes_work/ /by- 1oQ1J0w3x0o
ml subject/science/earthspace- •
science/ GlNgC3bjZnE
1. Review of previous topic 1. Review of previous topic 1. Review of previous topic 1. Review of previous topic
What is an exogenic process? Where does internal heat of the How magma is formed? How intrusive and extrusive igneous
earth come from? rocks are formed?
2. Communicate Learning 2. Communicate Learning
Objectives. 2. Communicate Learning Objectives. 2. Communicate Learning Objectives.
INTRODUCTION (Paste or write on the board the Objectives. (Paste or write on the board the (Paste or write on the board the
learning Objectives). (Paste or write on the board the learning Objectives). learning Objectives).
learning Objectives).
3. Introduce the topic. 3. Introduce the topic. 3. Introduce the topic.
3. Introduce the topic.
• The layers of the Earth • Magma that cools slowly over • When you expose igneous rocks to

Senior High School Module & Lesson Plan Exemplar: Earth Science First Version: September 2017
Department of Education
Negros Island Region

include the crust, the mantle, • Igneous come from the Latin thousands of years develops intense heat and pressure, they
and the core. The core is the word ignis which means heat minerals throughout its entire could undergo metamorphism.
hottest layer of the Earth. or fire. All igneous rocks mass. These minerals continue • Metamorphism is the process of
• The Earth's internal heat originate underground in the to grow larger until all liquid has change in the form and structure of
source provides the energy molten state as magma. changed to crystal. We call rocks due to intense heat and
for our dynamic planet, Magma is hot molten rock these igneous rocks intrusive, pressure. It comes from the Greek
supplying it with the driving containing chemical elements or plutonic, in commemoration word metamorphoun meaning
force for plate-tectonic from melted mantle rock and of Pluto, the Greek god of the transform or change shape. The
motion, and for on-going oceanic plate. It also contains Underworld. Granite and rocks that undergo metamorphism
catastrophic events such as dissolved gases such as granodiorite are common are converted to metamorphic
earthquakes and volcanic water, carbon dioxide, sulfur plutonic rocks. rocks.
eruptions. dioxide, and possibly a few • Some magma ascends through • The earth’s crust is constantly
• This internal heat energy was crystals. Igneous rocks are cracks and breaks through the subjected to forces that push, pull,
much greater in the early formed when the magma or surface during a volcanic or twist it. These forces are called
stages of the Earth than it is lava cools and solidifies. It eruption. The resulting stress. In response to stress, the
today, having accumulated may happen below (plutonic) extrusive rock or volcanic rocks rocks of the earth undergo strain,
rapidly by heat conversion or above (volcanic) the Earth’s from lava cools quickly, also known as deformation. Strain
associated with three surface. providing little or no time for is any change in volume or shape.
separate processes, all of chemical elements to group
which were most intense together and form minerals.
during the first few hundred Volcanic rock minerals can be
thousand years of the Earth's so small they are difficult to
history identify without magnification.

Senior High School Module & Lesson Plan Exemplar: Earth Science First Version: September 2017
Department of Education
Negros Island Region

Picture analysis: Earth’s Internal Video analysis: Magma / Lava.(5 Picture analysis: Intrusive and Picture analysis: BEFORE & AFTER
layer. min.) extrusive igneous rock. Metamorphosis of igneous rock;

What was the video all about?

MOTIVATION How do you think magma is
Do these rocks belong to the same
group/type? Based on the pictures shown, Is there
Why did you say so? any change occur in the rock?
What is the hottest layer of the What changes have you observed?
What made the difference on their
Earth? What do you think happened to diorite,
What makes the core hot? which made it change into gneiss?

Activity: Group presentation Activity: Volcano in the lab: a wax Activity: Magma Mash Activity: Metamorphic modelling:
(Tasked was given a day before volcano in action. simulating metamorphic processes
the lesson) oads/Chapter_1/Activities/Magma_
Procedure: ers/resources/jesei/volcano/home. mash.pdf esources/jesei/meta/home.htm
1. Group students into 6 groups htm
2. Let them choose a leader 1. Students are grouped prior to Working in groups, students will Working in groups, students will follow
3. Students are provided with the activity. follow guided activity. Each group guided activity. Each group is given the
INSTRUCTION/ reading materials as reference. 2. Let them choose a leader, is given the task to describe how task to simulate some of the ways in
DELIVERY During the lesson proper: secretary and a reporter. the difference in the formation of which metamorphic rocks are formed,
Each group will be given 5 3. Groups are tasked to bring the intrusive and extrusive igneous and to explain how both increased
minutes to present their output. chemical materials needed, rocks results to varying textures. pressure and heat affect the formation
Instruction: manila paper and pentel pen. of the different types of metamorphic
1. Present in front of the class the 4. During the activity, additional rock.
topic/source of heat assigned to reading materials are provided for
your group? the group to discuss.
2. Find creative way/s on how

Senior High School Module & Lesson Plan Exemplar: Earth Science First Version: September 2017
Department of Education
Negros Island Region

your group could illustrate the Lecturette / Discussion: Video Presentation: Lecturette / Discussion:
origin of the earth’s internal heat.Differences in temperature, • Video Presentation of
pressure, and structural 0OswHih-i1U Metamorphic Textures -
RUBRICS: formations in the mantle and crust YouTube
Content – 50% cause magma to form in different Lecturette / Discussion:
Creativity – 30 % ways. Igneous rocks are formed from the gC3bjZnE
Mastery – 20% 1. Decompression Melting solidification of molten rock
Decompression melting involves material. There are two basic Metamorphism of Rocks
Video Presentation: (5 min.) the upward movement of Earth's types.
• mostly-solid mantle. This hot • When you expose igneous rocks to
ch?v=rfbB8Hy-XbI&t=212s material rises to an area of lower Intrusive igneous rocks intense heat and pressure, they
pressure through the process of crystallize below Earth's surface, could undergo metamorphism.
convection. Areas of lower and the slow cooling that occurs Metamorphism is the process of
Lecturette / Discussion: pressure always have a lower there allows large crystals to form. change in the form and structure of
There are three main sources of melting point than areas of high Examples of intrusive igneous rocks due to intense heat and
heat in the deep earth: pressure. This reduction in rocks are diorite, gabbro, granite, pressure. It comes from the Greek
(1) Theoritically, Heat from when overlying pressure, or pegmatite, and peridotite. word metamorphoun meaning
the planet formed and accreted, decompression, enables the transform or change shape. The
which has not yet been lost. mantle rock to melt and form Extrusive igneous rocks erupt rocks that undergo metamorphism
All of the impacts from when magma. onto the surface, where they cool are converted to metamorphic
early Earth formed caused Decompression melting often quickly to form small crystals. rocks.
friction & heat. occurs at divergent boundaries, Some cool so quickly that they form
The early solar system was filled where tectonic plates separate. an amorphous glass. These rocks Types of Metamorphism
with planetesimals that collided Decompression melting also include andesite, basalt, obsidian,
with one another causing huge occurs at mantle plumes, columns pumice, rhyolite, scoria, and tuff. 1. Contact metamorphism occurs
amounts of heat from each of hot rock that rise from Earth’s when magma intrudes or forces its way
impact. This heat continues to be high-pressure core to its lower- into existing rock. The heat of the
a main reason for why the Earth’s pressure crust. magma bakes the surrounding rocks
interior is hot today. 2. Transfer of Heat causing them to change. This is a local
Earth is still cooling off from the Magma can also be created when event. The changes due to contact
friction & heat from those early hot, liquid rock intrudes into metamorphism are relatively small and

Senior High School Module & Lesson Plan Exemplar: Earth Science First Version: September 2017
Department of Education
Negros Island Region

impacts 4.6. Billion years ago. Earth’s cold crust. As the liquid are said to be low-grade
(2) Frictional heating, caused by rock solidifies, it loses its heat to metamorphism. An example of contact
denser core material sinking to the surrounding crust. Much like metamorphism is the metamorphic rock
the center of the planet. hot fudge being poured over cold marble. Marble is created from
As you go deeper into Earth, the ice cream, this transfer of heat is limestone that has been subjected to
pressure increases. As the able to melt the surrounding rock heat.
pressure increases so too does (the “ice cream”) into magma.
the temperature. Pressure does Transfer of heat often happens at 2. Dynamic metamorphism is the
cause a temperature increase, convergent boundaries, where process where rocks along the fault
but not in huge amount. tectonic plates are crashing zones are altered due to high pressure.
(3) Heat from the decay of together. As the denser tectonic The rocks that are formed with this type
radioactive elements. plate subducts, or sinks below, or of metamorphism are called mylonites.
During the Earth formation, more the less-dense tectonic plate, hot Mylonites are compact, fine-grained
dense substances like nuclear rock from below can intrude into rocks with thin laminations or layers.
uranium sunk to the core the cooler plate above. This
Earth’s core has Uranium in it. process transfers heat and 3. Regional metamorphism is the
Uranium is very dense and creates magma. Over millions of most common form of metamorphism
radioactive. years, the magma in this that occurs in broad areas. It is caused
• The radioactive energy subduction zone can create a by high temperature and pressure that
releases from this layer. The series of active volcanoes known resulted from the thickening of the crust
radioactive energy as a volcanic arc. and plate tectonics.
transforms into thermal 3. Flux Melting
energy (heat). Flux melting occurs when water or Types of Stresses in the Earth’s
• This radioactive energy is a carbon dioxide are added to rock. Crust
heat source for Earth’s These compounds cause the rock
interior to melt at lower temperatures. 1. Compression causes the rocks to
• This is why the mantle is hot. This creates magma in places push or to collide with each other. This
• The radioactive core heats it. where it originally maintained a can make the rocks come together or
Radioactive Decay –The solid structure. make the plates rise. Mountains and
spontaneous transformation of an Much like heat transfer, flux hills could be formed when two plates
unstable atomic nucleus into melting also occurs around collide.

Senior High School Module & Lesson Plan Exemplar: Earth Science First Version: September 2017
Department of Education
Negros Island Region

a lighter one, in which radiation is

subduction zones. In this case,
released in the form of alpha water overlying the subducting 2. Tension is the opposite of
particles, beta particles, gamma seafloor would lower the melting compression. The tension force pulls
rays, and other particles. The temperature of the mantle, the rocks away from each other. This
rate of decay of radioactive generating magma that rises to force created continental drifts and mid-
substances such as carbon 14 or the surface. ocean ridges. It moved the oceanic
uranium is measured in terms of Magma Escape Routes: crust away from each other that
their half-life. Magma leaves the confines of the resulted in the rising of less dense
upper mantle and crust in two rocks coming from the mantle.
How this heat in the core reaches major ways: as an intrusion or as
to the mantle and to the crust? an extrusion. An intrusion can 3. Shear force pushes the crust in
form features such as dikes and different directions. Shearing results in
xenoliths. An extrusion could the breaking of the large parts of the
include lava and volcanic rock. crust into smaller sizes. This force
always happens along the plate
Magmatism is the activity or the boundaries. Plate boundaries are the
motion of the magma. Rocks that location where the two plates meet.
are subjected to high temperature When the two plates rub each other
and pressure melt and become and move in opposite directions, it
the magma. Magma is a semi- creates friction. This friction leads to the
liquid molten rock mixture that can shaking of the Earth’s ground or
be found in the lower portion of earthquake.
the crust and the upper part of the
mantle. Depending on the
temperature, pressure, and
formations in the crust and the
mantle, the magma can be formed
in different ways.
Plutonism On 1788, James
Hutton developed the idea about
plutonism. He stated that the

Senior High School Module & Lesson Plan Exemplar: Earth Science First Version: September 2017
Department of Education
Negros Island Region

formation of intrusive igneous

rocks or plutonic rocks came from
the solidification of magma
beneath the Earth’s surface.
These rocks will reach the Earth’s
surface through the process of
uplifting - a force that pulls the
crust apart and lets the rocks from
the underground to be brought up.
When the hot molten magma does
not solidify, it will be brought up to
the Earth’s surface through
uplifting. When the magma
reaches the surface, it becomes
lava - streams of molten rocks
that cool and solidify to form
extrusive igneous rocks.
Volcanism - Magma is being
brought up to the surface through
a volcano. Volcano is any
opening in the Earth’s crust that
allows magma and gases to be
released in the upper crust. This
process of bringing up the magma
is called volcanism.

Key Questions: Key Questions: Key Questions: Key Questions:

1. Where does Earth’s internal 1. How magma is formed 1. How plutonic/intrusive igneous 1. How mineral components and
PRACTICE heat (magmatism)? rock and volcanic/extrusive igneous texture of rocks change as the rocks
Come from? 2. As magma escape from the rock are formed? are exposed to high pressure and
2. How these processes/events chamber, what route does it take? 2. How these formation results to temperature (metamorphism)?

Senior High School Module & Lesson Plan Exemplar: Earth Science First Version: September 2017
Department of Education
Negros Island Region

generate heat? (Describe each) 2. What happens after the magma the varying textures of 2. How do types of rock metamorphism
is formed (plutonism and plutonic/intrusive igneous rock and differ from one another?
volcanism)? volcanic/extrusive igneous rock? 3. How rocks behave under different
Complete the Venn diagram. draw types of stress such as compression,
pulling apart, and shearing?

1. How earth’s internal heat Complete the concept map of What is the geologic importance of the
affects the rest of the layers? Igneous Rock Formation. varying features of metamorphic rocks?
2. What geologic features/ events
are powered by this heat?


Multiple Choice. Write only the Multiple Choice. Write only the Multiple Choice. Write only the letter of
letter of the correct answer. letter of the correct answer. the correct answer.
1. Where does the Earth’s 1. Volcanic rocks are also known 1. Which of the following differentiates
internal heat come from? as ______ contact metamorphism from regional
I. It is the result of the a. intrusiive rocks metamorphism?
EVALUATION radioactive decay of elements b. plutonic a. contact metamorphism results when
within the Earth. c. explosive rocks in a wide area or region are
II. The pressure is great in the d. extrusive buried deeply beneath the crust
core and thus temperature. 2. The following explains the b. Contact metamorphism occur due to
III. It is the result of volcanic formation of magma, EXCEPT earthquake
Activity _______. c. Regional metamorphism occurs

Senior High School Module & Lesson Plan Exemplar: Earth Science First Version: September 2017
Department of Education
Negros Island Region

IV. The sun heats up the Earth a. plutonism when lithospheric plates are in contact
a. I & II b. II & III c. III & IV b. decompression Melting d. Contact metamorphism occurs when
d. I, II, III & IV c. transfer of Heat magma comes in contact with
2. Radioactivity decay d. flux Melting surrounding rocks
means_______. 3. Which of the following best 2. Foliation is ________.
a. the spontaneous describes plutonic rocks? a. layering observed in sedimentary
transformation of an unstable a. It is an intrusive rock rocks
atomic nucleus into a lighter one. came from the b. alignment of any kind observed in
b. The process by which atoms solidification of magma. any kind of rocks
of an element are active requiring b. It is an extrusive rock c. an alignment of mineral grains in a
huge amount of heat. formed from the metamorphic rock
c. The process by which heat solidification of lava. d. layering of igneous rocks
from the sun is absorbed by the c. Neither of the two 3. Regional metamorphism is
layers of the Earth. d. a & b associated with:
d. None of the above 4. After the magma is formed it a. divergent plate boundaries
3. Which of the following is TRUE leaves the confinement of the b. transform plate boundaries
about pressure and temperature upper mantle and crust through its c. convergent plate boundaries
in relation to heat production? escape route/s ______. d. all plate boundaries
a. As pressure decreases, a. intrusion and extrusion 4. Under compression stress, rocks
temperature increases. b. intrusion only _______.
b. As pressure increases, c. extrusion only a. come together or make the plates
temperature increases. d. mantle rise.
c. As pressure increases, 5. This type of igneous rock has b. break into smaller sizes.
temperature decreases. visible crystals, and probably c. are pulled away from each other.
d. All mentioned formed through slow cooling. d. All mentioned
4. Through which of the following a. Plutonic/intrusive igneous rock 5. Which of the following BEST
process below heat from the core b. volcanic/extrusive igneous rock describes the change in mineral
is released to the surface? c. Both components in rocks as exposed to
I. Convection d. Neither a nor b extreme heat and pressure?
II. Evaporation a. Minerals transformed in the solid
III. Precipitation state

Senior High School Module & Lesson Plan Exemplar: Earth Science First Version: September 2017
Department of Education
Negros Island Region

IV. Conduction b. Minerals melt first, then crystallizes

a. I & II b. II & III again to form a new rock
c. I & IV d. II & IV c. Minerals are shattered by
5. Which of the following is/are mechanical processes
the products of radioactive decay d. Minerals went ugly first, then
of elements? beautiful
a. Heat
b. new kinds of atoms
c. Emitted nuclear particles
d. All mentioned
From the evaluation,
No. of Learners who
• 80% and
• Below 80%:
Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
Learners who:
• have caught
up with the
• continue to
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
What difficulties did I

Senior High School Module & Lesson Plan Exemplar: Earth Science First Version: September 2017
Department of Education
Negros Island Region

encounter which my
Principal/ Supervisor
can help me solve?
What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Senior High School
Weekly Lesson Log Signature: Signature:
Week No. 4 Date Submitted: September 18 Date:

Senior High School Module & Lesson Plan Exemplar: Earth Science First Version: September 2017

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