Of Mice and Men Project
Of Mice and Men Project
Of Mice and Men Project
Directions: Choose one of the following projects to complete. Develop your ideas
thoroughly, following all requirements. Use examples, details, and quotes
from the book to support your ideas wherever possible. Be prepared to write a
rough draft/sketch and then a final draft on good paper. Work individually; you will each
turn in a final project.
Steps to take
*Artistic projects must be drawn and colored neatly on large, unlined paper 18’ x 24’ or
1. Write three fully developed-letters from any characters in the novel to “Dear Abby” or
some other advice columnist. What problems or concerns would the characters
mention? Write Abby’s replies to all of the letters. Use three or more actual quotes
from the book with pagination.
2. A social media profile from someone on the ranch has just been found. Write FIVE
diary entries that may have been written. Each entry should be 100 words or more.
Perhaps we can discover another side to their personality, or maybe a twist in the
account of their history. Focus on their inner feelings/emotions rather than simply
summarizing the events of the book. Include possible appropriate dates for each entry.
Use three or more actual quotes from the book with pagination.
3. Using a large sheet of poster board, appropriate paper, create a project to resemble
a newspaper which could represent Of Mice and Men. Your newspaper should contain
at least four or more of the ideas listed below. Use at least three actual
quotes from the book with pagination. Two columns are preferred.
a. News story- Stress the who, what, where, when, and why of the major happenings in
the novel (the death of Curley’s Wide, the death of Lennie, etc…).
b. Feature article- Imagine that you (as a student reporter) are interviewing John
Steinbeck. What questions regarding his personal and professional life might you ask
him? Using factual information you have gathered from sources, answer those
questions in your own words. (Attach copies of all sources used.)
c. Editorial- Review the positive and negative aspects of the book. What characters
were well developed? What parts did you like best? What part did you like least? What
other aspects should have been included in the novel?
d. Advertisement- Sell the book. Look at current ads in magazines and newspapers for
e. Comic strip- The comics should contain information about the plot and/or characters.
4. Create an artistic rendering of each chapter from the book focusing on the setting
and major events. Be sure to capture a significant event from each scene. Please use
more involved artistic methods than simple stick figures! Final product must fill a
posterboard (22” by 28” minimum) One quote from the book with pagination must
appear on each image.
Crayons and colored pencils are forbidden. Paint is required.(6 total images)
5. Perform (live or recorded) a scene from the novel keeping in mind to capture the
spirit, tone of voice and appropriate props. Your performance should last about
five minutes and include a director’s creative take on how this scene should play out.
Please make sure any props used are appropriate – please see me if you are not sure!
Costuming and props are required. Location matters. Modern backgrounds will be
penalized. YOU MUST PROVIDE A WRITTEN SCRIPT. Multiple people can be
involved, but only one will be graded.