SAR Civil Engg
SAR Civil Engg
SAR Civil Engg
submitted to
Madhuban Dam Road,
Department of Technical Education,
Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli(U.T.),
Serial code Item Page No.
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the item
PART A Institutional Information 03
4 Student's Performance 70
7 Continuous Improvements 90
Deemed University
Affiliated √
5. Ownership status
Central Government √
State Government
Government Aided
Self financing
Section 25 Company
Provide Details:
7.Details of all the programs being offered by the Institution under consideration:
Sl. Program Name Year of Intake Increase Year of AICTE Accreditation
No. Commencement Capacity in Intake, Increase Approval Status
if any
1 Diploma in 1994 60 90 2011 Yes Applying
Mechanical First time
2 Diploma in 1994 60 90 2011 Yes Applying
Electrical First time
3 Diploma in 1994 60 60 ----- Yes Applying
Civil Engg. First time
.Granted provisional accreditation for two years for the period(specify period)
. Granted provisional accreditation for five years for the period(specify period)
Dr. B.B.A. Govt. Polytechnic, Karad(D.P.), U.T. of Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Mobile No.: +91-8460259963
Email Id:
Part B
CRITERION 1 Vision ,Mission and Program Educational Objectives 50
1.1 Vision and Mission (List and articulate the vision and mission statements of the institute and
The establishment of Dr. B.B.A. Govt. Polytechnic, at Dadra and Nagar Haveli will help the UT
Administration to meet its man power needs and also in development of tribal regions. Moreover,
the Territory must have a Polytechnic of its own to meet the aspirations of the local people, by
To develop students with knowledge, attitude and skill of employability, entrepreneurship (Be
Job creators than job seekers), research potential and professionally ethical citizens.
*Prepare the students with strong fundamental concepts, analytical capability, and problem
solving skills. Create an ambience of education through faculty training, self learning, sound
*To make the students as for as possible industry ready to enhance their employability in the
*To improve department industry collaboration through internship program and interaction
*Imbibe social awareness and responsibility in students to serve the society and protect
PEO1: To provide the imperatives knowledge of science and engineering concepts fundamental
for a Civil Engineer professional and equip the proficiency of fundamentals of Civil Engineering
PE02: To inculcate ability in creativity & design Structures and impart knowledge and skills for
PE03: To exhibit leadership capability, triggering social and economical commitment and
1.3 Indicate where the Vision, Mission and PEOs are published and
Disseminated among stakeholders (10)
The Vision and the Mission of the Department are the fundamental bedrocks for its activities.
1.3.1 Indicate how and where the Vision and Mission are published and
The Mission and Vision are published and disseminated through
HOD Chamber
Notice Boards of the
department Library
Department Laboratories
Department Corridor
1.3.2 State how and where the PEOs are published and disseminated
Dissemination of PEOs
College Website
Department Laboratories
Department Corridor
HOD Chamber
Faculty Members
1.4 State the process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department, and PEOs of
the program (15)
1.4.1 Mention the process for defining Vision and Mission of the department
The process for defining Vision and Mission of the department was discussed in the department
level and it was established through a consultative process involving the stakeholders of the
department, the future scope of the department and the societal requirements .
In establishing the vision and mission of the department, the following steps were followed:
Step 2: Views are taken from stakeholders of the department such as students, faculty members,
parents, Employers and alumni.
Step 3: The views about the vision and mission of the department are formulated by the team of
faculty members of the department.
Step 4: The vision and mission are analyzed and reviewed to check the consistency with the
vision and mission of the department at the college level by NBA Committee
Step 5: Finally the Principal, Dr. B.B.A. Govt. Polytechnic approve the vision and mission of the
(Describe the process that periodically documents and demonstrates that the PEOs are based on
the needs of the program various stakeholders.)
* The department draws upon constituents input to construct and periodically revise our PEO’s.
Data are collected from constituents in various ways, some formal, systematic, and some not. We
have learned that some modes of input are much more effective than others in
generating useful information, and constantly improving our processes for gathering input from
constituencies in response to these experiences.
* The Program Educational Objectives are established through a consultation process involving
the core constituents such as: Student, Alumni, Faculty, Employers and Parents. The PEOs are
established through the following process steps.
Step 2: Vision and Mission of the department are taken as a basis to interact with various
Step 4: On considering the views that were collected from the stakeholders, the PEOs are
formulated by the team of senior faculty members identified for the program.
Step 5: The PEOs are represented before the Civil Department faculties for additional
inputs to improvise the program
Lessonplan /Curriculum
Student feedback
Faculty Feedback
Employer Feedback
Course content to
Thrice in a semester (
Once in a College/Departmen
M1=Prepare the student with strong fundamental concepts, analytical capabilities and skills
M2= Create ambience education through faculty training, self learning, sound academic practices.
M4=To make the students as far as possible industry ready to enhance their employability in the
M5=Imbibe social awareness and responsibility in students to serve the society and protect
PEO1: To provide the imperatives knowledge of science and engineering concepts fundamental
for a civil Engineer professional and equip the proficiency of fundamentals of civil Engineering
and to Design, Drawing, test, estimate, planning ,construction and documentation of basic Civil
PE02: To inculcate ability in creativity & Design, Drawing, test, estimate, planning, construction
society needed products and engage in construction, repair & maintenance of Components of
Civil Engineering
PE03: To exhibit leadership capability, triggering social and economical commitment and
PEO M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
PEO1 3
PEO2 3 3 2
PEO3 2 3 3
PEO4 3 3 2 2
Listed below are the factors that are involved in the attainment of the PEOs.
*Lesson Plan
*Course File
The various courses for each program were selected in accordance with the PSOs
of the program. The courses both regular and elective were mapped along with the
achievement of the PSO and accordingly distributed among the various semesters of the
program. The Syllabi for the courses are designed in line with the principles of outcome
Lesson Plan :
Learning Process. In order to aid this, all the faculty prepare a lesson plan well before the
commencement of the classes. This includes the theory and lab courses. It involves not
only the contents of the syllabi but focus is given to content beyond syllabus. This lesson
plan is duly signed by the head of the department, discussed in the first class committee
Course File :
It is a practice to maintain a course file for each theory courses. This keeps track of
all the activities carried out in the class room during the course delivery. This includes the
time table, lesson plan, record of content delivery, assessment component details, sample
evaluated answer scripts, marks of the continuous assessments tests and the performance
analysis sheet and remedial action. The performance analysis sheet and remedial actions
taken sheet provides a way for the course teacher to keep track of the students who have
not performed well and also monitor their performance in the next test. The course file
also includes the internal assessment, end semester marks and statement of grades. This
course file is duly monitored by the Head of the Department and maintained in the
Department Library thus serving as a reference for the teachers who handle the courses.
The students are evaluated on the basis their performance. This evaluation is done by way of the
continuous assessment tests and end semester examinations. For Diploma students two
continuous assessments(mid semester test and internal exam) and an end semester examination
is conducted for every course. An entry of the internal marks is made in the GTU website of
Institutional login by every course teacher. The results are available for students by GTU
The NBA Team at Dr. B.B.A. Govt. Polytechnic thus monitors the quality of the entire process
for every course. An NBA- Quality Assurance Cell (NBA-QC) is an integral part of the
system .By assuring that all the above mentioned are duly carried out the PEO’s are
1.5.2. Explain how administrative system helps in ensuring the attainment of PEOs
The following administrative setup is put in place to ensure the attainment of PEOs
*Program coordinator
*Course coordinator
Program Coordinator
Interacts and maintains liaison with key stake holders, students, faculty, Department Head and
Monitor and reviews the activities of each year in program (I/III/V & II/IV/VI) independently
Schedules program work plan in accordance with specifications of program objectives and
Oversees daily operations and coordinates activities of program with interrelated activities of
other programs, departments or staff to ensure optimum efficiency and compliance with
Conducts and interprets various surveys required to assess POs and PEOs.
Course Coordinator
*Coordinates and supervise the faculty teaching the particular course in the module.
*Analyzes results of particular course and recommends the Program coordinator and/or Head
*Liaise with students, faculty, program coordinator and Head of the Department to determine
*Plans various development, delivery and assessment activities of PEOs and POs.
*Prepare an outcome-based assessment plan (OBAP) with the same broad structure across all
*Act as a guiding and monitoring body for all departments committees and teams.
achieving PEOs and POs for each program based on the departmental Committees
*Analyze the results of the assessment and present the same to Academic Advisory Board
and POs.
faculty representatives
Prepares periodic reports records on program activities, progress, status or other special
Motivates the faculty and students towards attending workshops, developing projects,
Interact with students, faculty, and Program Coordinators, Module Coordinator and
Sl.No. Committee
1 Time table Shri K.B.Patel
2 Mentor Dr.B.Jha
6 Dr. B.Jha
Conference/Workshop, etc
7 Professional bodies Dr. B.Jha
12 1 Year Co-ordinators Mr.R.N.D. Sharma
13 II year Class Teacher Mr.D.L.Sahu
17 Placement Dr.B.Jha
20 Newsletter Dr.B.Jha
21 Cultural Mr.R.N.D.Sharma
The Dr. B.B.A. Govt. Polytechnic, Karad (D.P.),U.T. of Dadra & Nagar Haveli is affiliated
So our program curriculum is as per the scheme and syllabus of affiliated university. Generally
Curriculum maintains the balance in the composition of basic science, humanities, professional
courses and their distribution in core and elective and breadth offerings. If some components, to
attain CO’s/ PO’s, are not included in the curriculum provided by the affiliated university then
(Closing the Quality loop)
(ii) Do it
(iii)Initiate appropriate action based on what was planned and what was achieved
All the processes required for accreditation need to have the step of "closing the loop".
1. A subject teacher does a thorough study of the curriculum. After discussion with other subject
teachers a common platform is created wherein the link between various subjects is discussed. The
curricular and knowledge gaps are identified and the strategy to overcome these gaps is arrived at.
2. Recent advances in the industry are identified with discussion between visiting faculties and
departmental staff. The discussion also highlights the need for students to have knowledge of these
3. A review of curriculums offered by autonomous institutes is taken into consideration and the
i. POs and PSOs are achieved through formal courses and other co-curricular and
extracurricular activities.
ii. Target levels of attainment of POs and PSOs are set; program is delivered; actual attainment
of POs and PSOs is determined; The loop is closed either by increasing the target level for the
next cycle of the program or by planning suitable improvements in all the relevant activities to
iii. Closing the loop must be carried out, in a similar manner, at the level of PEOs also.
PO2 . An ability to apply discipline - specific knowledge to solve broadly defined Civil
PO3 An ability to conduct standard tests and measurements, and to conduct, analyze,
PO4 An ability to apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of their
PO5 Demonstrate knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues
and society )
PO6 Understand the impact of the engineering solutions in societal and environmental
contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge and need for sustainable development.(
PO7 Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
PO9 An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in both technical
literature (Communication)
PO10 Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
long learning)
List of PSO’s
PSO1: The program must demonstrate that diplomats can apply specific program principles to
PSO2: The program make diplomats Design, Drawing, test, estimate, planning ,construction
society needed products and engage in construction, repair & maintenance such quality products
with utmost environment safety and committed for and provide good service to the society.
1. Certain gaps like knowledge of fundamentals in Mathematics and Science(10th level) which is not
covered in the curriculum but are required for studies of Diploma curriculum. They are taught in the
2. Personality is the most important virtue of the engineer. It is achieved through subject such as
interview techniques, importance of team work etc. are covered by inviting experts in respective fields
B. List the curricular gaps for the attainment of defined POs and PSOs.
Recommended subjects to bridge academic and industry
Formation → Notification → Implementation
2.1.2. State the delivery details of the content beyond the syllabus for the attainment of POs
and PSOs (10)
S.N Gap Action Date- Resource No.of Relevanc
o. taken month year Person students e to
present POs&PS
1 knowledge of Faculties During (1)Shri 30% of the PO1,PO2
fundamentals in are giving whole D.N.Shinde class ,PO9
Mathematics special academic (Lect. in Maths)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10
Pre-placement √ √ √
Training on √ √ √
Soft skills
Creative / √ √ √ √
Hobby Projects
Guest lectures √ √
workshops √ √ √ √
Industrial Visits √ √ √
Lesson plan with course objectives and course outcomes are prepared by the subject
handling faculty before the commencement of the semester and is dually approved by the Head of
the department and made available to the students. Lesson plan is published by the GTU website..
According to the lesson plan, work done has been inculcated in the academic file to ensure
For each course, a course file is prepared by the concerned faculty. The course file consists
of following items
Teaching Plan
Teaching plans for each and every course are prepared by the faculty. Whole syllabus is divided
into 6 units and 42 lectures as per the teaching scheme prescribed by the university.
The course objectives are defined for each course in line with the POs.
Lesson plan: Lesson plans are prepared for each lecture in the teaching plan by the faculty
before the commencement of the semester and it is duly approved after careful examination by the
The lesson plan encompasses the learning outcomes and the assessment of outcomes.
Question Bank: Question banks are prepared for each topic in the course based on the course
objectives and considering the nature of the university question papers. The previous previous
Assignment questions list and test question papers along with key solutions are included in the
course files
The faculty use chalk and board and audio visual aids in teaching. Students are also
encouraged to actually interact during the lecture hour by getting the doubts clarified on
Project-based learning:
During the period of study in the 6th to 8th semester, many real time projects are
given to the students and they are guided by both faculty and Industry/Research personnel.
Computer-assisted learning:
application software’s and system software’s. These are effectively used for teaching. The
students are also encouraged to develop software’s for the solution of the assignments and
tutorials. Many final year projects are completed through the use of software.
Faculty are using SMART class room to interactive session. Projector is used for
The Counselors regularly conduct meetings regarding progress of their mentees and are
responsible to identify students who scored less than 60% marks in their internals. Under the
HOD direction, the students Counselors evaluates the progress card of those students who score
below 60% marks in three or more subject and below 75% attendance are considered as
Students scoring less than 60% of marks in 1. Student counselor follows their
Internal Assessment. progress regularly advising students
about attending classes, making up
classes missed, and getting additional
2. Intimating parents to counsel their
3. Conduction of remedial classes
Diploma students who entered with less basics Conduction of remedial classes.
of mathematics
Students who fail in semester exams Conduction of extra classes to those who failed
in previous semester subjects.
Peer Learning *Compete
*Workshops in
*Participating State&
in seminars National
exams Events
*Computers are used for teaching purposes and internet facility is available to students
and faculty.
*Faculty members are taking advantage of sources like National Program on Technology
*Well structured lesson plans are prepared / revised for all theory and practical courses
on a period to period basis, scrutinized by HODs and made available in the website for
student’s access.
E. Conduct of Experiments:
Students carry out more than the required number of experiments, beyond the minimum
specified by the University. All laboratory have excellent facilities. For the experiments detailed
instruction manuals are provided. The observations are checked and verified by faculty and
record books are maintained systematically. One faculty member is assigned for each practical
The assessment is done on the basis of submission of laboratory records, understanding of the
experiment through oral viva voce questions and participation in performing the experiment.
Neatness of the laboratory record book is also given weightage in the assessment.
At the end of the semester, all the students are required to fill a feedback-form apprising
Lecture classes are monitored by senior faculties and the HoD of the Department. They
give constructive comments to improve the quality of teaching and the teaching- learning
Counseling by the respective HoD for those faculty members who have secured low
scores and negative comments, if any, in the feedback. This motivates them to improve
the skills of the faculty members in the nuances of teaching, thus improving the
(Mention the initiatives, implementation details and Analysis of Learning levels related to
A .Process for Internal Semester Question Paper setting and evaluation and effective
process implementation:
In a semester, there are three tests. Each of the test consists of descriptive questions as well as
quizzes. The average of the best two tests is considered for final internal assessment.
Step-1Defining Course
Outcomes for every course
Step-5Evaluation of answer
sheets based on scheme
Process of Internal Semester Question Paper setting and evaluation
Blooms Taxonomy is followed while setting the internal exam question papers where the
Each question is mapped with CO's PO's & Blooms taxonomy (BT) levels .Student who
answered to particular question is taken into consideration and average of all students marks is
Individual student’s blue book is evaluated and question answered by student is mapped
After the completion of every unit assignment questions will be given to students, and
student has to write it & submit within a week and each question is mapped with CO's .So the Initiatives
*The student’s projects are selected in line with department mission, vision and Program outcomes.
Students are provided with brief idea of various fields for selecting the project ideas.
*The list of previous year projects is displayed at notice board which ensures no repetition of project
*The faculties encourage the students to carry out in house projects and support will be provided with all
*The faculties encourage students to participate in project exhibitions. The project exhibition was aimed
to provide common platform to exhibit their innovations and their work towards excellence in latest
*The faculties encourage students to publish their project work in reputed journals/conferences.
. Implementation
*A project coordinator is appointed by the Head of the department who is responsible for
planning, scheduling and execution of all the activities related to the student project work.
*New innovative ideas are born for project work Skills or abilities of students improved.
*More tendencies to showcase their project work in project exhibition were observed.
*Projects are identified to relevant context. The need for the project and the end users
* The problem definition with their requirements and constraints are verified.
*The knowledge, methodology, skill set and interest of the students to implement the
*Faculties of higher cadre are allocated as guides to guide the student’s project.
*Faculty profile should match with the domain of the student’s project.
*Students are also given choice to choose their guide that matches their project domain.
B. Types and relevance of the projects and their contribution towards attainment of PO’s.
*Each project is evaluated with internal marks and are graded according to their project quality
*Project students should meet their respective guide weekly once and asked to explain their
*They should submit project progress report weekly once and to get approved by the respective
*The project guides will evaluate the report submitted by the students and help them to go with
project work.
*Project guide will each assess each student in team and make them work in right way.
*The faculty members of Civil Engineering Department are responsible for making the regulations for
*All the faculty members act as respective Guides for group of students as per 5th and 6th semester
Phase – 1
(PROJECT-I) 5th Semester
Phase – 2
(PROJECT-II)6th Semester
2 Results 15
2 Final report 20
4 Overall presentation 10
ESE=40 PA=60 Total=100
(External examiner) (Internal Examiner/Guide)
*Project progress seminars are conducted once in every month by the team of their
*The project seminar talk and PPT should be given by all the project team members
*Each student in the project team is assessed to their skill set to deliver the seminar,
explain the concept and way to make project assess team to understand their work.
*Each individual and team performance is purely based on this project seminar
presentation and the viva voice and progress work they show to their guide.
Final project demo for the working prototype and the report are evaluated by a team of
The projects are evaluated and are awarded internal assessment marks and external exam
marks are graded according to the project contribution towards attainment of PO’s and
(a) Internship
1. 09/06/2015
Kitech Industries
ra & Nagar
2. 15/06/2015
Raj Petro
Pvt.Ltd,Dadra &
Nagar Haveli-
396240 Implementation
Many invited talks and seminars from industry resource persons are arranged and
department invites the participants from various department and also participants from
other colleges.
The students are encouraged to take internship program during their semester break.
Faculty members give their guidelines, suggestions and scope and contact details of an
internship. They also help the students by interacting with the industrial experts, provide
the students recommendation letters and other necessary supports. The alumni who are
working in the industries and request them to provide necessary guidelines and supports
Industry visits are organized every year in the respective course of studies. As Silvassa is
having more than 3000 industries, it is a good experience for students to visit industry.
After each visit we will take student feedback on program /industrial visit. Feed back is
3.1. Establish the correlation between the courses and the Program Outcomes (POs) and
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) (20)
The curriculum for Civil Engineering is set by Gujarat Technological University. The courses in
the curriculum are such that they satisfy all the objectives and outcome defined for the program.
PO-1 3
PO-2 2
PO-3 2
PO-4 2 2
PO-5 2
PO-6 1
PO-8 2
PO-9 2
PO-10 2
3.1.1.Course Outcomes(SAR should include course outcomes of one course from each semester of study
,however, should be prepared for all courses) (05)
Note: Number of outcomes for a course is expected to be around 6.
Different conditions.
4.Develop personality .
Mathematics(Group-2) to:
C203 Applied Mechanics On completion of this course a successful candidate will be able
(Code-3300008) to:
Applied to
industrial application
the corrosion
C205 Building Drawing On completion of this course a successful candidate will be able
(Code-3320601) to:
electrical engineering
building construction
Lateral Loads
2. Compute Moment of Inertia of Symmetric &
asymmetric structural sections
(Code: 3340601)
trigonometrical levelling.
involved in techeometry
advanced surveying
involved in techeometry
of a soil.
Engineering structure
(Code-3340606) AutoCAD.
C501 Design of Steel Strcture 1.Calculate Dead Load , Live Load and Wind Load on panel
(Code-3350601) points of a Roof Truss as per IS-875- 1984
H Section
Loaded Column
up of Angle Section
Angle same and either side of G.P as per 1.2 & 1.3 Built up
Concrete Technology 2. Describe proper method for making and curing of concrete.
the ir utilit y
and sewer-networks.
and canals
bridge Construction
project work.
elements of structures
construction activities.
requirements of building
concrete structure
answers required.
answers he offers.
3.1.2 CO-PO Matrices of courses selected in 3.1.1(six matrices to be mentioned; one per semester from
C101 √ √ √ √
C203 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C302 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C401 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C504 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C606 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3.1.3.Program level Course-PO matrix of all courses INCLUDING first year courses (10)
Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10
C101 √ √ √ √
C102 √ √ √ √ √ √
C103 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C104 √ √ √ √ √
C105 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C106 √ √ √ √ √ √
C201 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C202 √ √ √
C203 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C204 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C205 √ √ √ √ √ √
C206 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C207 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C301 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C302 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C303 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C304 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C305 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C401 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C402 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C403 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C404 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C405 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C406 √ √ √ √ √
C501 √ √ √ √ √
C502 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C504 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C505 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C506 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C601 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C602 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C603 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C604 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C605 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C606 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C106 √ √
C201 √ √
C202 √ √
C203 √ √
C204 √
C205 √ √
C206 √
C207 √ √
C301 √ √
C302 √ √
C303 √ √
C304 √ √
C305 √
C306 √ √
C307 √ √
C401 √ √
C402 √ √
C403 √ √
C404 √ √
C405 √ √
C406 √
C501 √ √
C502 √ √
C503 √ √
C504 √
C505 √
C506 √
C601 √ √
C602 √ √
C603 √
C604 √ √
C605 √ √
C606 √ √
3.2.1 Describe the assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the evaluation of course
Assessment Tools
Direct Assesments
* As the information on performance in SEE on each student in individual COs is not available, the
Institution/Department has to take that attainment(%marks/CGPA) for all COs of the course is the same.
*The number of assessment instruments used for CIE is decided by the instructor and/or Department and
*Poject/Project Reports
*Lab Records
Indirect Assessments
*Employers survey
3.2.2 Record the attainment of course outcomes of all courses with respect to set attainment levels (30)
Note: Programs may decide their weightages for University exams and Internal assessment with due
3.3.1. Describe assessment tools and processes used for assessing the attainment of each POs and
*The students expected to be reasonably proficient with each of the program outcomes
*The achievement of program outcomes are assessed with the help of course outcomes of the relevant courses
*The final grading is based on mid-semester and final-semester and internal assessment.
*The results are documented and maintained by the G.T.U.(University) for all its affiliated Institutes.
*The results are displayed on GTU website so that the students and their parents have an easy and all time
Direct Assessment Indirect Assessment
Theory Term work Parents Recent pass out students,Alumnies
Oral Practical industry Current students
Sem Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PSO1 PSO2
Ist C101 3 2 2 2
C102 2 2 2 2 3 2
C103 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2
C104 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
C105 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2
C106 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 3
IInd C201 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2
C202 3 2 2 2 2
C203 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2
C204 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
C205 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
C206 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2
C207 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3
IIIrd C301 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3
C302 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2
C303 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
C304 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 3
C305 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 2
IV th C401 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3
C402 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 2
C403 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2
C404 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 2
C405 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2
C406 2 3 2 2 3 2 2
Vth C501 3 3 3 1 2 2
C502 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2
C503 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3
C504 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 3
C505 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 2 2
C506 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
VIth C601 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
C602 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 2
C603 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2
C604 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 3
C605 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 3
C606 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Direct 77/ 85/ 68/ 52/26 51/ 52/ 61/3 66/ 57 48/23 67/31 77/33
attain 35= 34= 27= =2.0 25= 26= 0= 32= /27= =2.086 =2.161 =2.33
ment 2.2 2.5 2.51 2.04 2.0 2.03 2.06 2.11
Indire 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Attainment 2.16 2.4 2.408 2.0 2.03 2.0 2.02 2.04 2.088 2.068 2.128 2.264
score= 80% of 2 6 8
Direct attainment
+ 20% of Indirect
Intake Information
Item CAY CAYm1 CAY m2
Sanctioned intake 60 60 60
strength of the
Total number of ----- ----- ----
students ,admitted
through state level
Number of students 56 57 50
,admitted through
Institute level quota(N2)
Number of students ---- ----- ----
,admitted through lateral
Total number of 56 57 50
students admitted in the
program (N1+N2+N3)
Year of Entry N1+N2+N3 Number of students who have successfully passed without
(As defined backlogs in any year of study
GTU Summer exam Ist Year (2nd IInd Year(4th IIIrd Year(6th
Sem) Sem) sem)
(passed/appeared) (passed/appeared) (passed/appeared)
CAY(2016) 56 06/(42) 10/(31) 23/(34)
CAY m1(2015) 57 02/(45) 18/(31) 14/(24)
CAYm2(LYB)*(2014) 50 17/(53) 11/(30) 08/(18)
CAY(LYB m1)(2013) 50 --no record-- --no record-- --no record--
CAY (LYBm2)(2012) --no record-- --no record-- --no record-- --no record--
Item Marks
Students enrolled at the first year
level on average basis during the
period of assessment
>=90% students 20
>=80% students 18
>=70% of students 16
>=60% of students 12
>=50%students 08
<50% students 0
SI=(Number of students who have passed from the program without backlog)/(Number of students
admitted in the first year of that batch and admitted in 2nd year of lateral entry)
Item Latest passed batch Latest passed batch Latest passed batch
(2016) admitted in 2013 minus 1 Batch(2015) minus 2 Batch(2014)
admitted in 2012 admitted in 2011
Total number of 58 60 51
students (admitted
through state level
through Institute level
throughlateral entry)
Number of students who 23 14 08
have passed(Diploma
Engg.) without backlogs
in the stipulated period
Success Index(SI) 23/58 14/60=0.2333 08/51=0.1568
Average SI 0.2622
SI=(Number of students who have passed from the program without backlog)/(Number of students
admitted in the first year of that batch and admitted in 2nd year of lateral entry)
Item Latest passed batch Latest passed batch Latest passed batch
(2016) admitted in 2013 minus 1 Batch(2015) minus 2 Batch(2014)
admitted in 2012 admitted in 2011
Total number of 58 60 51
students (admitted
through state level
through Institute level
throughlateral entry)
Number of students who 38 15 18
have passed in the
stipulated period
Success Index(SI) 38/50=0.76 15/50=0.3 18/50=0.36
Average SI 0.473
Success rate =20xAverage SI
Note: If 100% students clear without any backlog then also total marks scored will be 60 as both 4.2.1
and 4.2.2. will be applicable simultaneously.
4.3 Academic Performance in final year (15)
Academic performance level=1.5xAverage API (academic performance index)
API=(Mean of final year Grade point average of all successful students on a 10 point scale) x(successful
students /number of students appeared in the examination)
successful students are those who passed in all the final year courses
Academic performance CAY(2016) CAYm1(2015) CAY m2(2014)
Mean of CGPA or Mean 7.1443 7.256 7.05125
percentage of all
successful students
Total number of 23 14 08
successful students
Total number of students 34 24 18
appeared in the
API=x*(y/z) AP1= AP2= 7.256X(14/24)= AP3=7.05125X(8/18)=
7.1443X(23/34)=4.832 4.2326 3.1338
Average 4.0661
API=(AP1+AP2+AP3) /3
Academic performance level=1.5xAverage API (academic performance index)
=1.5 x4.0661=6.09915
4.4 Academic performance in second year(20)
API=(Mean of second year Grade point average of all successful students in second year /10)x(successful
Successful students are those who are permitted to proceed to the final year
(*As per GTU(University) academic norms the student having total 04 backlogs after 4th sem. exam(2nd
year) will be promoted to 5th semester(3rd year). Therefore total successful students are mentioned as
those with total=04 backlogs after 4th semster(2nd year) exam.)
API=(Mean of 1st year Grade point average of all successful students on a10 point scale )x(successful
Successful students are those who are permitted to proceed to the second year
(*As per GTU(University) academic norms the student having total 04 backlogs after 2nd sem. exam(1st
year) will be promoted to 3rd semester(2nd year). Therefore total successful students are mentioned as
those with total(04 backlogs) after 2nd semester(1st year) exam.)
Item Latest passed batch Latest passed batch Latest passed batch
(2016-17) minus 1(2015-16) minus 2(2014-15)
Total no. of final year 27 14 08
No. of students placed 15 -- ---
in companies or Govt.
No. of students admitted 12 -- --
to higher studies(Y)
1.25X + Y 30.75 --- ---
Placement index(1.25X 30.75/27=1.138 --- ----
+ Y)/N
T=Average of (1.25X + 1.138(as data of --- ---
Y)/N CAYm1,CAYm2 is not
26/04/2016.The institute organizes Project Melas from 2016 ,where Civil Engineering final year projects
University, g)
VV Nagar,
Dr.J.B.R Ph.D(Chemi Lecturer in 50 --- ---- 04 --- 23
ana stry)-South Chemistry years(Te
Gujarat D.O.J.: aching)
University- 01/03/2000
Shri M.Sc.(MathsLecturer in 17 -- --- --- ---- 27
D.N.Shi )-Pune Mathemati years(Te
nde University-cs aching)
1989 D.O.J.:
Shri M.Sc.(Physi Lecturer in 17 --- --- --- --- 22
A.D. cs)-Gujarat Physics years(Te
Desai Univesity- D.O.J.: aching)
1993 08/05/1996
Shri S.C. M.A.(Englis Lecturer in 17 -- -- -- --- 05
Chouhan h)-Pune English years(Te
University- D.O.J.: aching)
2011 26/02/2015
Shri B.E.(Mech.E Lecturer in -- 20 -- -- --- 05
V.Dhoke ngg.)- Sant. Mech.Engg years(Te
Gadge Baba . aching)
Amrabai D.O.J.:
University- 16/01/2012
Shri B.E.(Elect.E Lecturer in -- 20 -- --- ---- 09
J.K.Rohi ngg.)- Elect.Engg. years(Te
t Gujarat D.O.J.: aching)
Univ.-2004 03/09/2007 03
Faculty Information: CAY m1 2015-16
Name of Qualificatio Designatio Distribution Academic Research Years of
the n,Board and n of of Teaching Experie
Faculty year of Teaching load(%) nce
Member Graduation load(%)joi I II III Research Faculty
ning the ye ye ye paper receiving
Institution ar ar ar publicati M.Tech/Ph.D.d
ons uring the
assesment year
Shri M.E.( Civil Lecturer in 20 40 40 --- ---- 29 years
Shri M.Tech.(Wa Lecturer in 20 40 40 ---- M.Tech.-Civil 23 years
R.N.D. ter Civil Engg. Engg.-(2014- 07
Sharma Resources)- D.O.J.:05/0 15) months(
NIT,Surat,B. 4/2002 Teachin
E.(Civil.Eng g),03
g.) years-
Shri B.E.(Civil Lecturer in 20 20 20 ---- --------- 2years
Mitesh Engg.)- Civil Engg. 08
Billiwall 2011- D.O.J.:16/0 months(
a S.P.Universi 1/2012 Teachin
ty,VV g)
Dr.J.B. Ph.D(Chemi Lecturer in 50 -- --- --- ----- 21
Rana stry)-South Chemistry years(Te
Gujarat D.O.J:01/0 aching)
University- 3/2000
Shri M.Sc.(MathsLecturer in 17 --- --- ---- ----- 25
D.N. )-Pune Mathemati years(Te
Shinde University-cs aching)
1989 D.O.J.:
Shri M.Sc.(Physi Lecturer in 17 --- --- --- ---- 22
A.D. cs)-Gujarat Physics yars(Tea
Desai Univesity- D.O.J.: ching)
1993 01/07/1994
Shri M.A.(Englis Lecturer in 17 --- ---- ---- 05
S.M. h)-Pune English years(Te
Chouhan University- D.O.J.: aching)
2011 /05/2014
Shri B.E.(Mech.E Lecturer in -- 20 -- -- ---- 03
V.Dhoke ngg.)- Sant. Mech.Engg years(Te
Gadge Baba . aching)
Amrabai D.O.J.:08/0
University- 5/2001
Shri J.K. B.E.(Elect.E Lecturer in -- 20 -- --- ---- 07years
Rohit ngg.)- Elect.Engg. (Teachi
Gujarat D.O.J.:08/0 ng)
Univ.-2004 5/2001 03
c=02(01=Mech.Engg.,01=Elect. Engg.)
Marks to be given proportionately from a maximum of 15 to minimum of 10 for average SFR of 20:1 to
HOD is to be over and above 1;20 ratio as per AICTE guidelines for all the assessment years ,otherwise 0
HOD (SFR)=180:1
FQ=2*(10X + 7Y)/F where x is no of faculty with M.Tech and y is no. of Faculty with B.Tech.. F is no.
Not Applicable
Annual performance appraisal Report form is being filled up by every faculty as per the latest AICTE 6th
pay AICTE format. The APR is reviewed by Director of Technical Education, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
and gradation is remarked. The APR is used during CAS promotion and yearly increment given to
The CAS has been implemented at Dr. B.B.A. Govt. Polytechnic from 01.01.1996.
(i)The AICTE 5th pay CAS and AICTE 6th pay CAS has been implemented and faculties got promotion
(ii) Lecturers got promotions as per 6th pay AICTE CAS and got promotion upto PB-4 with AGP=9000.
6.1 Availability of adequate ,well equipped classrooms to meet the curriculum requirements(10)
Sl.No. Class Room Carpet Area Seating Availability Other Smart Weekly
6.2. Availability of adequate ,well equipped Workshops to meet the curriculum requirements (10)
tools learning
room (adjacent to
room (adjacent to
welding library)
tool,milling projects),Reading
(lathe library)
6.3 Adequate and well equipped laboratories and technical man power (30)
Sr.No. Name of the No.of Name of Weekly Technical man power support
laboratory students the utilisation
per setup important status(all
Name of Designation Qualification
equipment the
for which
lab is
1 Building 30 1.Sieve 02 hrs --- ----- ----
Material Lab. shaker M/c
2 Concrete 30 U.T.M, 02 hrs ----- ------ -----
Technology C.T.M
3 Transportation 30 Los Angel 02hrs ----- ----- -----
Engineering lab Abrasion
4 Soil 30 Triaxial 02hrs ---- ----- -----
Engineering shear
Lab. testing
testing m/c
5 Surveying / 30 Total 02hrs ------ ------- ------
Public station
Engineering Theodolite,
Lab. PH meter,
6 Applied 30 Gear 02 hrs ------ ------- ------
Mechanics Trains,
Lab. simple
6.4 Additional facilities created for improving the quality of learning experience in laboratories(20)
Regular maintenance is done by lab technicians and lab attendant of all the laboratories of Civil
Engineering and Workshop. Whenever any financial assistance for repair and maintenance of lab
Not Available
7.1 Actions based on the results of evaluation of each of the POs & PSOs (25)
Identify the areas of weaknesses in the program based on the analysis of evaluation of POs & PSOs
attainment levels. Measures identified and implemented to improve POs& PSOs attainment levels for
sample-1- As per the rules framed for admission to Diploma courses in Dadra & Nagar Haveli to give
first preference to local Domicile category candidates (Merit list separately prepared for DO
category).Therefore students with poor marks in Mathematics &Science get into Diploma courses, due to
Action taken: Special care is being taken by lecturers, for those poor students(having less % in 10th
exam) so that they cope up with other students in the classroom as well as in Practicals.
Sample-2-In a course that had group projects it was determined that the expectations from this course
about PO3(like: to meet the specifications with consideration for the public health and safety and the
cultural, societal and environmental considerations) were not realized as there were no discussions about
Action taken-Project planning, monitoring and evaluation included in rubrics related to these aspects.
related subjects
related subjects
classees in related
Society motivated to
participate in Social
service activities
through Engineering
swachh Bharat
been organised by
classrooms were
to do better
to better
SI=(Number of students who have passed from the program in the stipulated period of course
duratio)/(Number of students admitted in the first year of that batch and admitted in 2nd year via lateral
entry)Assessment shall be based on improvement trends in success indices. Marks are awarded
criteria 4.2.1)
Assessment is based on improvement in: Placement number, quality placement, core industry, pay
criteria 4.6)
Guest lectures from Industry Lecture arranged No Guest lecture No Guest Lecture
Technical skills
NITs) approved
Apprenticeship Training
Scheme of MHRD(in
Professional guidance is given by inviting career counselors who have a vast experience in Industry as
well as in counseling .
lecture talks are arranged and Industry persons are invited for improvement of skills of Students.
The Institution also has registered with NATS, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India and communicating with
BOAT,(WR),Mumbai for apprenticeship training to the pass out students in nearby industry.
Seminars organised in the Civil Engineering Department in almost all theory subjects as well as in final
year Project , to build confidence in the technical aspect of the course. This is done after getting feedback
of the students that they used to fail in the viva-voce exam of Gujarat Technological University.
Also this practice to talk on the dias infront of audience give them confidence to face interviews after
Reward giving system has been developed in the Institution for bright topper of every Department. Also
Prize is awarded to best projects every year in every department. For participating in the Project Mela a
cash prize of Rs,.2000/ is provided to every project group of Civil Engineering Department.
There are committees formed in the Institution for taking care of every aspect of different facilities
provided to students. The committees work continuously for the benefit of students by getting feedbacks
from them..
The Faculty incharge and lecturers involved for Civil Deptt are:
*A total of 15 students of Civil Engineering Department have been placed in different Industries after
*Also campus placement drive is organised on 21/04/2017 for this year. The surrounding Industries are
invited to participate in the placement drive for all the Department students.
*In this connection two Directors from NILERD,NITI Aayog visited Dr.B.B.A.Govt.Polytechnic on
01/04/2017.They interacted with the Faculties in the matter of Apprenticeship training and placement of
the students.
*The feedback in the official format was taken by those Directors for further progress in the matter of
Not available
The establishment of Dr. B.B.A. Govt. Polytechnic, at Dadra and Nagar Haveli will help the UT
Administration to meet its man power needs and also in development of tribal regions.
Moreover, the Territory must have a Polytechnic of its own to meet the aspirations of the local
people, by transforming the students to be technically skilled managers, innovative leaders and
To develop students with knowledge, attitude and skill of employability, entrepreneurship (Be
Job creators than job seekers), research potential and professionally ethical citizens.
9.1.2 Governing body , administrative setup ,functions of various bodies, define rules
Dr. B.B.A. Govt. Polytechnic was setup in the year 1994 after getting permission from Ministry
The institute was under the Administration of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Hon'ble Administrtor,
Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu is the appointing authority and Employer.
Hon'ble Administrator
Secretary (Education)
Director(Technical Education)
ting Staff
Civil Engg.
Department development/upgradation,a
ent activities
Electronics &
6 I/C Dr.J.B.Rana
Shri Bhagwan
ry) Smt
Parmar& Suraj
al Events &
Source Dhoke
Shri Bhaven
Shri DSanjay
Khalani talk,Workshops/seminars
Shri A.A.
nt Shri
Dolu Ndge
Shri A.D.Desai
S.Mishra&Mrs.C.N.Des staffs
19 Rector, Boys Shri R.N.D.Sharma Shri Sachin Hostel issue safe keeping
Evaluation Superintendent
The Institute is under Govt.of India. Therefore all the Service rules are as per DOP &T
guidelines. The Meetings are conducted by Principal(Polytechnic) and accordingly orders are
delivered for all the Employees of the Institution. The AICTE pay scales has been implemented
The Biometric attendance has been used for the last 05 years..
The promotional policies are as per CAS of AICTE. The Direct recruitment is through
U.P.S.C.,New Delhi. The RR of the Institution has been published in April 2015 with some
The HOD s are given responsibility on rotation basis from the Department faculties.
Principal (Polytechnic) is the Authority for any information related to Dr. B.B.A. Govt.
9.2 Budget Allocation, utilization and Public Accounting at Institute level (10)
(Summary of current financial year's budget and actual expenditure incurred(for the institution
Total income in CFY(2015-16) Actual expenses in CFY(Till ........) Total no.of students
in CFYm1
Fee Govt. Any Recurring Non - Special Expenses per students
(Ruppees Grants other including recurring projects/Any
in sources salaries other
thousands) ,specify
4192 60700 -- 44538 ------ --- Total No.=698,
Expenses per
Total income in CFY(2014-15) Actual expenses in CFY(Till Total no.of students in
........) CFYm2
Fee Govt. Any Recurring Non - Special Expenses per students
(Rs. in Grants other including recurring projects/Any (Rs. in thousand)
In the F.Y.2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15 the budget is always alloted more than actual
The information on audited statement is available at the office of Dr. B.B.A. Govt. Polytechnic.
Budget is allotted for all the Departments like Mechanical Engg., Electrical Engg., Civil Engg.,
Recurring Recurring
CFYm1(2015-16) CFYm1(2015-16):
Recurring Recurring
Total Budget in CFYm2: Actual expenses in CFYm2 Total No. of students in CFY:
Recurring Recurring
The information on audited statement is available at the Institution office for public.
In the F.Y.2016-17, 2015-16,2014-15 the budget is always more than actual expenditures
Though total Budget is prepared combined for all the Departments, maximum funds are utilized
in the financial years 2016-17,2015-16,2014-15 properly. After the actual expenditure every
year, the funds are surplus, which can be realized from the table at 9.2.
(It is assumed that zero deficiency report was received by the Institution, Effective availability
2. The Text Books, Reference Books of Mechanical Engineering are available in both English
and Gujarati Language. The students have an option to write Examination in English or
4. There is a reading room attached to the library with a capacity of around 80 persons. It is open
5.The e-journals of Institutions of Engineers(soft copy) are subscribed for the Students and
faculties. Even Internet can be accessed through wifi (BSNL) in the Institution premises. The
study material and competitive exam papers are available for students.
i. Name of the internet provider- BSNL lease line, BSNL(Qfi), & Dongle of Idea
ii. Available Band width : BSNL –(i)BSNL leaseline-10MBPS (ii)BSNL Qfi-2MBPS(Free wifi
by U.T. of DNH)
and offices of all Departments: Yes through wi fi networks of BSNL and Dongles of Idea
v. Security arrangements: The security within the campus was provided by" NEWGEN
SECURITY SERVIES". The security is available for 24 hours in 03 shifts.04 security Guards
and one Security supervisor is on duty for 24 hours. A total of 12 security personnel deployed by
1. The students and staff of Dr. B.B.A. Govt. Polytechnic performs swachta abhiyan every year
by cleaning the main road between Rakholi (4 roads chowk) and Dr. B.B.A. Govt. Polytechnic
2. The students of Civil Engineering have done projects related to rain water harvesting, waste
water treatment, testing of concrete for Builders, house owners, etc. as part of their contribution
Annexure – 1
PO-2: Discipline knowledge: Demonstrate the ability to apply Civil Engineering – specific
PO-3: Experiments and practice: Demonstrate the ability to design and conduct experiments,
PO-4: Engineering tools: Demonstrate the ability to model a live problem or a project that meets
PO-5: The engineer and society: Demonstrate the ability to understand the impact of engineering
on society, health, safety and legal issues and incorporate them in engineering solutions.
PO-6: Environment and sustainability: Demonstrate the ability to judge the impact of engineering
engineering field.
PO-8: Individual and team work: Demonstrate the ability to function in multidisciplinary or
PO-9: Communication: Develop the ability to communicate effectively with both verbal and
written fluency.
PO-10: Life-long learning: Develop the ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning to
List of PSO’s
PSO1: The program must demonstrate that diplomats can apply specific program principles to
PSO2: The program make diplomats Design, Drawing, test, estimate, planning ,construction
society needed products and engage in construction, repair & maintenance such quality
products with utmost environment safety and committed for and provide good service to the