Numerology 3 Nature - S - Symphony - or - Lessons - in - Number - v-1

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symphony; or,
Lessons In
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Nature's Symphony




Author of .

“How to Attain Saccess Through the Strength af Vibration: A System

of Numbers as Taught by Pythagoras.” “Body Beautiful.”
“Musical Vibration of the Speaking Voice.”
“Philosophy of Numbers, Their Tone and Colors.” “Beyond Sight.”





No. 7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E. C.
J “6 2er0 dkny H Kink







January 1, Igtl
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If not satisfactory.
How to change it for harmony and success.


How we grow.
Its use.

Foods, colors, diseases.
How to change condition.

Its relation to the Cosmos.
A month’s teaching.


A lecture.

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O comprehend these lessons scientifically the

author would advise the student to first study _
the principles of Number-Vibration ‘found in
the book “Success Through Strength of Vibration: A
System of Numbers as Taught by Pythagoras ;” also
“Philosophy of Numbers; Their Tone and Color.”
Many systems of numbers have been developed
from different sources, the Kabbala usually being the
basis. But every system is different from every
other system. This, as you know, has caused con-
fusion and unbelief in the Science of Number-Vibra-
tion. These lessons bring you a system of numbers
that is as accurate and as scientific as the system of
musical harmony in use today. It is founded, as all
other systems are, upon the diget of numbers from
1 to 9. This is the correct teaching of Pythagoras,
but from this point and finding the name and birth
digit this system diverges from all others. If music
has a scientific basis, then so has this system of Num-
ber-Vibration, as it is built upon exactly the same
foundation. Pythagoras, in the VIth Century before
Christ, gave to the world his theory of the “Music of
the Spheres” when he gave to the Greeks the funda-

mental principles of music now in use. If one part is

true, this is true. You can prove to your satisfaction
the basic principle of the One Source of all colors,
sounds, and all things the eye sees, the ear hears, and
the desire the heart longs for by the analysis of its
mental structure. Each separate thing will speak to
you and tell you its message if you will learn its uni-
versal language. .
Mrs. L. Dow Batiierr.
Atlantic City, New Jersey, U. S. A. Jan. 1, 1912.

N all the Universe there is nothing at rest. Every-

thing is in motion; all things from man to a grain
of sand being in a constant state of vibration.
But altho everything is in motion, everything is
not moving at the same rate.
The rate of vibration shows the quality of force
the thing is using. The higher the rate of vibration,
the greater the degree of spiritual force expressed.
The rate of consciousness the person or thing is
expressing can always be told by the name the person
or thing is using.
Each letter of the alphabet has a certain value
and these numbers added and the digit taken will tell
the quality of force the thing is expressing.
Pythagoras used g rates of force, the digits from
I to g expressing the different degrees of vibration.
But in this century, because man has made some ad-
vance in spiritual knowledge, we add 11 and 22 to ex-
press the highest spiritual vibrations.
Pythagoras says every letter of the alphabet has
its own rate of vibration and color. He divided num-
bers in this way:

1 9
2 22 8°
3 7
4 5 6

into odd and even; into limited and unlimited, and

gave the preference to odd numbers. But we consider
all of them necessary.
This system of numbers is founded upon Pytha-
goras’ Ten Fundamental Laws of Opposites, which
should be carefully studied, as they are the key.
There are as many periods in one’s life as there
are parts in the baptismal name.
Read each part of the name separately; find its
value according to the leters in the name. Then find
the sum of the figures comprising each name and the
digit. Read each period in regular order, according
to the vibrations in each name. The digit of the whole
name is the most important, as it shows the quality
of vibration the person was born with, the name now
used, as how the world regards him at the present
The digit of birth path shows what part in the
great chorus of life they come to take. It can not be
changed. It must be met. It can be made harmonious
or its opposite.
To do this, find your birth vibration. This will
show the part your higher nature wants developed.

To find your own numbers divide the alphabet

into nine parts, thus:
I 2 3 4 § 6 7 8 9
a bec ad e f g ih i
j k 1 m n o p q sr
s t u Vv w x y zZ

Now, altho 11 and 22 express the highest rates, it

is not true that 1 expresses the least spiritual force and
the other numbers increase in spirituaiity in a regular-
ly ascending scale. Quite the contrary is true. Each
number expresses a certain kind and degree of force,
and for man to be perfectly balanced it is necessary
that he should work thru all the numbers.
_ Some numbers hold their spiritual quality latent
and outwardly express only material quality. But for
man to be a perfectly developed, well-rounded in-
dividual, he must understand all the worldly truths
expresed by the most material of the numbers.
We find in each vibration the minerals vibrating
upon their own plane of consciousness, as well as
vegetables, animals and men. All vibrate in their con-
scious mental activity upon the plane to which they
are related. Upon all planes there are different de-
grees manifested, which are expresed in the digits 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9.
If we have vibration we must have sound, and if
sound, also color.
Nature always acts thru the Trinity of Substance,
Force and Consciousness. The action of Substance - ~~

and Force create the third motion, called Conscious-

The force of liberated thought acts upon the chil-
dren of men in a positive or negative manner accord-
ing as they are attuned to the color and sound of the
The Cosmic Law speaks and acts thru different
expressions of the one Force according to the strength
of its vibration, moving at its appropriate rate of
speed. Moving at a certain rate, it has sound; at an-
other rate, color.
Nature always acts thru substance, force and con-
We all know what is meant by substance; it in-
cludes everything that can be seen. We see only sub-
stance or so-called matter and may think of earthly
substance as a spiritual thing vibrating at a very low
rate of speed and far removed from its Divine Source.
Force we may define as the active foundation.
Consciousness shows what we can understand; it
shows to what we are related.
Everything is conscious upon the plane to which
it is related.
Your name tells what you are, what rate of con-
sciousness you have reached.
Notice the quality of consciousness expressed by
each of your names and the rate of force expressed
by the digit of the whole to know what power you
~ > fave attained.

When an octave is struck a musician hears the

intermediate notes forming the gamut of sound, while
the untrained man hears only the high and the low
notes. ‘This difference shows their respective con-
sciousness of sound.
One man sees a blue sky. It is blue and white to
him; but another, whose color sense has been de-
veloped, sees red, yellow, blue, white and many shades
blended into an harmonious whole. His consciousness
of colors being greater, he is related to more colors.
One man sees the children of men as brothers,
looking upon them as different expressions of the One
Life, showing him to be in conscious relation with the
Another is consciously related only to those of his
own blood, his consciousness of the Unity of all things
being limited. It may be this last man is simply wait-
ing for the door of higher consciousness to open; in
which case some event will occur in his life which will
force the truth to his notice. After he has reached the
higher grade of consciousness he will make some
change in the manner of writing his name, which will
show the advance he has made and lead to new en-
_ In order to advance, to grow, one must work in
the force and with the substances shown by the digit
of the day, month and year of birth. This path con-
tains the many experiences necessary to strengthen

weak points and advance the growth of the soul in

order to make what is called character.
Thru this work we grow into higher relation of
When a growth is actually made it will show in
a change in our name number, which will take a high-
er vibration or become more harmonious.
The digit of the name we use shows what we are
at the time we use the name.
A person at one time in life will use certain initials
and at another time another initial, or is known by
another part of his name. This is not accidental. It
shows the man as he is at the time he uses the name.
His name expresses the rate of consciousness he is
using at that time. He is vibrating to that especial
There are as many periods in one’s life as there
are parts in the baptismal name, including the mother’s
strname before marriage.
The smaller sweeps of the pendulum are less
noticed, yet they may be making strong vibrations
which will be expressed by different rates and num-
The name tells the wisdom you have already
gained and which is now stored in your soul.
The name shows where the soul has arrived.
Men call this growth character.
The name records this growth of the soul.

The soul is a spiritual activity and it reaches out

to its own intellect as master and compels the intellect
to use a name representing its true self.
The intellect may deceive, the soul never.
It is true many names bear the same vibration, as
William and Elizabeth, which each vibrate 7. Yet the
vowels differ, showing the spiritual desires of the pos-
sessors of the names are different.
The name is a true index of character, as the
world will not recognize nor use a name which does
not truly represent the person.
When soul and spirit act in unison the victories
are recorded in the eternities, the Akasic Records—
God’s Book of Remembrance—keeping the permanent
It is seldom a person is willing to change his
name unless he has earned a higher vibration.
The vowels of a name show its spiritual structure
—the desire of the soul reaches out in this way—and
its leadings are generally embodied in the birth path,
which shows the part of your system of body, soul and
spirit which your higher self desires to bring into ex-
The vowels in a name show the hidden desires
which wish for expression.
The first vowel in a name is of principal im-
portance, the others having a minor effect.
“A” stands for boldness of action and independent,
fearless expression of what appears to be truth.

The action of this vowel, as of all the rest, is

governed by the development of the person bearing it.
When two vowels are manifested in the same
name, another channel of vibration opens.
The possessor of stich a name will at one period
of life vibrate to one vowel, while the other is held in
abeyance and at another period to the other.
“EK” is interested in everything in Heaven and
Earth, from Black Magic to the investigation of the
Creative Force.
“FY” finds joy and truth thru research.
“T” stands for the “I am” principle. It is the mani-
festation of spirit.
A person with this as his chief vowel is likely to
seek advice from others, but after reasoning. and
thinking he is invariably controlled by the light com-
ing from his own inner consciousness.
tellect and best judgment or it may be strong and evil
as if emanating from Black Magic. It behooves any
one with this vowel prominent in his name to realize
that his body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and
must be kept clean for his own soul’s use, allowing no
other spirit or force to enter.
The letter “O” is often found in the individual
who appears to bear a contradictory nature; modest,
but independent; strong, but appearing helpless. When
a decision must be made it is made with judgment and
reason. It is masculine in action and those bearing it

will usually be governed by the father’s bent of mind.

“O” is slow in coming to conclusions when compared
with the “I” people, who always know at once what
they want and reason about it after deciding. But “O”
cannot be moved after having made up its mind.
“OQ” is always a money maker.
The last vowel, “U,” represents the individual
who in a sense stands alone.
He may mingle in the world, yet is never lost
in the multitude.
He receives many gifts and favors, but holds them
loosely. If he lives upon the highest plane of which
he is conscious, others will come to remain.
Each one of the numbers has a separate, distinct
No. 1.
No. 1 is the binding chain, the Creator, the ex-
pression of Unity. All numbers possess this mystic
vibration in latency. It is a chain of flame—
{lam e—1g—1.
When you ask for light upon any subject, you
call upon this creative principle, the 1.
When you call, the Divine within hears the call,
no matter the force your birth digit shows you are
using. The spirit of the 1 comes'to your aid, kindles
your light and with its flame changes a slower vibra-
tion into the one which holds the desire which has
caused the cry. “«

Men call the 1 vibration crucifixion; but when it

has triumphed 1 is not crucifixion, but triumph.
To conquer 1 must go when called upon any
plane. To disregard the call means disaster to the
individual’s system of life.
To break engagements or to speak or act falsely
means to break the unity of the whole.
When No. 1 understands that the law of his life
is Unity and starts from this point of contact, wealth
and worldly success come to him.
A I person is apt to relate himself to the value
of the vowels found in his name, as they show the
hidden aspirations of the soul.
i® No. 2.
No. 2 is the pivot upon which the first trinity of
mind, I, 2, 3, hinges.
This is the working trinity for all kinds of work
in science, art, music or invention.
The formation of this trinity found in name or
birth number shows the individual either has the
power of creating, perfecting and expressing some-
thing for the betterment of mankind or should strive
to attain it.
No. 2, being the center, means it should gather
and collect for the use of the whole trinity, rather than
for the individual self.
The highest use of a life working in the 2 form

is to collect and gather everything relating to the 1 and

arrange it in a tabulated and systematic manner.
He is fitted as is no other number to draw out the
greatness of others.
In this way he himself grows great in strength
and wins golden honors as his reward.
His mineral, as well as his color, is gold.
Living between the 1 and 3 he should live a beau-
tiful, sheltered life. He is their helper and they should
protect him as his system or composition, gold, is not
fitted for rough work.
No. 2 should use as many gold objects and orna-
ments as possible and use the color in combinations.
No. 3.
No. 3 separated from 1 and 2 is like a ship with-
out a rudder, drifting over any water and expressing
whatever color the forces around present.
Unless their true source is found their’s is an
aimless life.
In order to think logically a person with a No. 3
birth path must have among his substances, found in
his name, month, day or year, the digit of 1, 2, 3, or
8, 9, 11.
Or 4 or 6 will in a measure supply the materials
necessary for a sequence of action. II is an exalted
one, objective as well as subjective.
If a No. 3 possesses none of these numbers he
should associate with himself persons using forces 1

and 2 and trust to their judgment. No. 3 expressing

the combined effort of the three, as this is the mission
of a good 3.
No. 1 creates, No. 2 collects afd No. 3 expresses,
making a chain strong and beautiful which the world
could ill spare.
This trinity expresses action of both body and
mind. No. 3 should express all the characteristics of
1 and 2 and realize that it is the expression number of
a golden trinity of concentrated action.
Its color is a flame of gold.

No. 4.
No. 4, joined to No. 3, makes a discordant note.
A person using No. 3 force and living at his high-
est in union with his trinity 1, 2, 3, finds a No. 4 note
or color difficult to adjust to his consciousness.
A No. 3 person sees a project from its beginnig,
when the flame first emerges as 1, grows and blossoms
thru 2 and gains complete expression in 3.
A No. 4 person sees things on a level with his
eyes. Everything, to him, is either useful or the re-
No. 4 looks at things from the individual stand-
point and often fails to realize the Unity of the Whole.
When the soul rises to a higher level of consciousness
the beauty of the No. 4 character shines forth grand
and mighty, using words and acts that are strong and

powerful, but always for individual, family or friends

rather than for the race.
Their desire is always for full expression as
shown by the vowels of the word four, which makes
9, the highest expression number.
No. 5.
No. § individuals are exactly opposite in their
nature to 4, differing widely in action and thought.
The world knows what to expect of those work-
ing in the 4 force of life, but with No. 5 the unex-
pected is always happening.
The substances found in the 5th vibration are
totally different from those found in the 4th.
Life, to a 5, is always interesting even though
they weary of the many changes experienced.
The 5 force is the unseen force known as life.
When the Son of God, known as Jesus, walked the
earth, he showed the highest of seen forms; He was
individualized spirit vibrating in the highest of vibra-
tions, the 11.
When He began His work as the Christ, and was
known as such, His vibration dropped to 5, as this is
a vibration that every soul on any plane can grasp and
No. 5 pathway is filled with everything, both high
and low, to be found in the experiences of life. It
very seldom shows the effect of age.
‘As the pendulum of life swings backward and

forward, it is the tendency of all vibrations to return

to the § path.
It has the mystical possibilities perhaps not yet
fully understood, just as no man fully understands
what “life” means, which vibrates 5.

No. 6.
No. 6 stands for the Cosmic Mother and holds
desires as a mother holds her child.
This number will aid the person having it, to give
free expression to his soul if he will hold to the unity
of his life and keep the flame of spirit burning in order
that the children of men may see the light and know
where to walk.
No. 7.
This number holds the memories of the Earth
currents and shows by its expression that it realizes the
limitations of the children of men and their fullness.

No. 8.
No. 8 is the beginning of another cycle, one out-
side of a regular routine of life.
In this pathway are found substances (materiat
things which vibrate 8) fashioned and worked out by
Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The path of the 8 is strewn with the unsatisfac-
tory attempts made by others.
It is the duty and pleasure of No. 8 to look them
over, set them up, and with a chisel carve them into

forms which will benefit the ones who, in an imma-

ture way, have previously struggled with them.
The. sound of their tools resound in harmony with
C, the musical note of Creation. This fundamental C
rings out, clear and high, from all created things,
sending out a flame of canary, the color composed of
the gold of 2, the green of 4, with a tinge of the scar-
let of the 6 vibration.
From these materials 8 builds structures for the
race, but it takes the vigor of 9 to give them full ex-
In this trinity of 8, 9, 11, the same action is mani-
fested as in 1, 2, 3, but on a higher plane.
The first trinity is the trinity of mind, so its action
is more or less concrete.
The last trinity, 8, 9, 11, is the trinity of spirit, so
its action is universal.
The weakness of this trinity lies in its indifference
to conventional standards of thought and action.
This applies equally to 8, 9, 11, 22.
Because they have outgrown certain standards
they should not be heedless of their more backward
brethren whom those aids are intended to help.
No. 9.
No. 9 is composed of all the numbers, but es-
pecially of 3 and 6.
It is the highest vehicle of expression and holds
within itself all the possibilities of the first trinity.

But it is no longer a flame of gold, burning with

a steady light; it has added the blood of all nations
and tribes, and endeavors to express the feelings of
every phase of humanity, always entertaining, at the
same time, a feeling of comradeship, even for the
When 9g realizes that his color, red, represents the
blood of all mankind, is the vital color of life and that
he must express all things and all phases of life with-
out himself going into the mire, he will find a joy
in life not to be found outside of the 9 vibration.
This is what Red means.
With the 9 vibration the paths of life, according
to Pythagoras, end.
II and 22.

The Ancients believed and taught that a mystical

meaning attached to numbers and there was much
esoteric meaning concealed in the arrangement of the
Hebrew alphabet.
It’ was composed of 22 letters; the highest point
was reached in 11, while the fundamental letters were
I and 22.
They taught that 1 was the beginning, the height
was reached in 11 and collected in 22.

No. 11.

There is in the world a class of people no man

can understand, nor do they often understand them-

selves. These people vibrate in name 11 or 22. They

may be found in every pathway of life, giants of
strength, upon all planes, and yet at times, when
judged by the intellect, correspondingly weak.
No. 11 represents the highest type of everything
found, whether on the mineral, vegetable or animal
They are strong, gentle souls who, when they find
it necessary to administer justice, become as inflexible
as iron.
They reach the full octave of sound and color.
They can feel every note of everything both seen
and unseen and yet many I1’s are inactive or asleep,
when if they would arouse themselves they could par-
take in all the exalted joys of the universe.
We never add 11 to make a digit. No man has a
right to interfere with God’s messenger.

No. 22.

22 is a high, free 2 with its proclivities for col-

lecting upon the higher planes into co-operation.
Its colors are all the colors and all the sounds
to be found in the Octave of D.
Like 11, No. 22 has left behind the mere material
good of 2, which it has already lived thru, perhaps,
more than once, and now life is illumined with the
glow from the ideal regions.
To live in 22 is more difficult than to live in one

of the lower vibrations, but if the lower is chosen in-

stead of a higher the joy is lost.
We never add 22, as they stand apart from the
rest of the world, by the law of opposites, either
stronger or weaker than the average man or woman.
‘Its color is cream, showing that it means to gather
together all that seems good to its trinity of 8, 9,
11 or 22 and join them in co-operation with all the
forms and colors.
To summarize the meaning of the numbers:
I means Unity and Creation. Its color is flame. Its
note, C.
2 means collecting and tabulating. Its color is gold.
Its note, D.
3 means expressing I and 2. Its color is a gold
flame. Note, E.
4 means physical and mental force. Its colors are
blue and green. Note, F.
5 means Life and Sex. Its color is pink. Note, G.
6 means a Cosmic Mother. Its colors are scarlet,
orange and heliotrope. Note, A.
. 7 means Earth, its joys and shadows. Its colors are
purple, steel, brick and magenta. Note, B.
8 means Free forms, Resurrection. Its color is can-
ary. Note, any C.
Q means Free expression on all planes, The Soul of
things. Its color is red. Note, any D.

II means Exaltation. The height of seen forms. Its

colors are yellow and violet. white and
black. Notes, whole octave of C—C.
22 means Co-operation. Its color is cream. Notes,
whole octave of D—D.

N ATURE always works thru the trinity of Sub-

stance, Force and Consciousness.
The first part consists of things seen,
called matter; the second part is force or power; these
two create the third part, called consciousness.
The birth numbers of month, day and year show
the substances made active by the birth force which is
found by taking the digit of month, day and year
added together, while the name shows the kind of con-
sciousness already attained.
For instance, and to make it plainer, a person is
born with names vibrating 3, 11. This is their rate of
consciousness. Their birth month is 3, day 1, year 2.
1+2+3=6. They are using the 6 force.
The 1, 2, 3 show the quality of substance. They
must attack with their 6 force and be able to relate
them to their 3, 11 consciousness or if they use any
other name they can relate them to-its consciousness.
But if they had been born with a low name vibra-
tion and a high birth vibration, life would have pre-
sented more difficulty to them because they would not
have had the quality of consciousness to understand
what was needed. |

No matter what your birth vibration is, your

name will show how much of it you can understand.
Your name is your source of supply. As a stream
cannot rise above its source, so an individual cannot
go above the level of his consciousness; he will see
everything from that standpoint.

If you do not like the conscious relation you bear
to things in general, open your eyes, your brain, your
heart and rise to a higher level of consciousness.
is why Ofyou are on the earth. You—_—__—___
are living

in order to advance.
If a person has a No. 4 name or rate of conscious-
ness and a No. 11 birth vibration, he will see life from:
the level of 4 until by growth he rises and seeks higher
This growth can be made by living in, and in har-
mony with, one’s own force as shown by the month,
day and year added to get the digit of birth, and by
persistently dealing with the substances showing the
same digits as the day, month and year taken separ-
Use the things to which your birth numbers are
related, study them and learn the lessons they teach
To recapitulate to make it clear:
The digit of the numbers of month, day and year,
taken separately, show the substances with which one
should deal. Suppose, for instance, that one of your

digits is 4. Then some of the substances especially re-

lated to you are silver, ochre, emerald, hemlock, coffee,
strawberry, pineapple. If another part should be 6
you.can include poplar, palm, orange, quince, crescent,
laurel, japonica, topaz, diamond and borax.
In this way find out the substances positively re-
lated to you.
Then to know what kind of power you possess
with which to use these substances, add together the
separate digits of month, day and year and the digit
of the whole will give your force.
For instance, say: you were born April 24, 1885.
April is month 4, day 24, gives digit 6, and 1885
added together gives a digit of 22. Now we never add
22, so the force available is 4+-6=1I10 or I and 22.
Your birth force is 1, 22.
It is to be hoped that the person so born has a
high vibrating name or he will not be able to under-
stand his birth force.
But if he was born with a name vibrating 4, 5, 6
or 7 and this birth path of 1, 22 he can by persistent
effort eventually reach to the level of consciousness
necessary to understand its meaning.
This was his object in coming into earth life.
This was the task he set himself to do.
In order to advance we can be greatly helped by
a judicious use of color.
Perhaps there is no subject so misunderstood as

reincarnation. Even thinking minds relate it to trans-

migration, which is entirely different. The soul of
every man is a part of God who, for unknown rea-
sons to us, sought through life’s journeys to become
perfect, as the Son of God is perfect. Since Creation’s
dawn it has always been clothed in the image of God.
Ever since Creation ceased, at the Seventh period, it
has been some where—some place—in the place God
chose for it upon some plane of thought or action
manifesting in the mystical substance its soul called
for its use and best suited to the plane upon which it
existed. Science teaches we change every particle of
bone, muscle and flesh within the period of 11 months.
If this be true we have reincarnated at least once a
year from the time of our inhabiting the infant body
our soul first called to its aid when desiring to cross
this span of life, calling to it atoms that were attuned
to the vibration in which it should pass thru this
span of life found in its birth number. Our body, as
a whole is striking the note of our birth force and is
called our Life’s Song. The song of this pause in
life’s journey.
When we realize that the particles of substance
which cause color to manifest, are the same atoms
with which we constantly renew our bodies, we can
understand how close is our physical relation to colors
and the effect they may have upon our health and

It is but gracious to regard the forces about us as

friendly to us and to use them as Invisible Helpers.
When we rceognize them to the limit of our
knowledge, we will have fulfilled the Physical Law,
that of the body plane. When we have fulfilled the
law of the earth plane to the fullest extent of our
knowledge, we may trust God to erect upon the
physical structure we have reared a perfect and har-
monious adjustment of body, soul and spirit; so that
we may be always certain that anything which enters
our environment is sent by the Highest.
We do not need to question nor do anything but
accept whatever we find confronting us. Hold the
thing as the hand of a friend, for no matter how it
appears, the Father sent it or it could not have entered
our environment where Truth reigns.
The Cosmic Law speaks and acts thru different
expressions of the One Force according to the strength
of its vibration, moving at its appropriate rate of
speed. Moving at a certain rate it has sound, at an-
other rate color.
The questions are constantly asked—
How can we tell where we belong?
What especial work should we do in order to ad-
Who chose our place and condition here?
These questions we shall endeavor to answer.
The digit of the name we use shows what we are

at the time we use the name. ‘That is, the name shows
the rate of consciousness. It shows how much you
can understand.
So the name may stand as the record of the work
you have done in past lives, or states of consciousness
The digit of your birth path will tell you the part
you came to fill in this life. This number shows the
work you have to do.
Your own spiritual part chose this path in order
to give you the experiences needed to develop your
weak points.
It seems probable that where a person’s name
number is repeated in his birth digit that in his past
station he did not learn his lesson well and he has
come back to do his imperfect work over again.
We should especially love and cherish our birth
colors which we chose when we saw with the true
vision of the Spirit and when we knew what was neces-
sary for our perfect development.
The separate digits of month, day and year show
the various substances which are positively related to
you, and the numbers added together and the digit
found will give the force you have at your command
with which to attack these substances.
The name can be changed and will be as soon as
you have really made an advance thru the experiences
to be found in your birth force. But the same birth

force must be used all thru this span of life; you grow
by advancing its uqality.
The vowels of your name, which show the hidden
desire of your soul, will generally be found embodied
in the birth path, in this way ultimately enabling you
to attain your desire.
When it is once attained you will make some
change in your name to show the growth, or add a de-
gree of some kind.
The soul, clothed in flesh, has its own rate and
quality of force. It may be working at a high rate,
but it will only be conscious of its strength according
to its own rate of consciousness as shown by the name.
The name records the growth of the soul.
The birth force shows the special work the soul
came to do.
The vibration of each individual differs with the
vibration of the things he is related to and the qual-
ity of force he is using during this span of life.
This birth force is his instrument for use during
all this life’s journey.
When we were ready to come into this world,
with the sure knowledge of Spirit, we chose the path
in life which contained the many experiences neces-
sary to strengthen our weak points and advance the
growth of the soul, in order to make what is called
The digit of the birth path shows the kind of

work we need to do—its quality, color and sound or

musical note.
So if we are doing the work we came to do, we
know just which force we are using.
Thru this work we grow into higher relationship
of consciousness.
When a growth is actually made it will show in a
change in our name number, which will take a higher
vibration or become more harmonious.
Everything in the universe is an expression of
spiritual strength. The expression may be faulty, for
the instrument may not be properly attuned, but the
principle never fails. It is as true and as easy to un-
derstand as the science of mathematics.
Besides color there is another factor to be taken
into consideration, that is—sound.
Moving at a certain rate vibration causes color;
at another rate it causes sound.
Thru vibration comes motion, thr motion comes
color, thru color comes tone.
Every living soul, even the humblest, is attuned
to one certain note; advanced souls being attuned to a
whole octave of sound. C is the first letter of the
musical scale and that note corresponds to No. 1.
This makes D correspond to No. 2, E, to No. 3, F
to 4, G to 5, A to 6, B to 7, and 8 and g begin again
with C and D.
II expresses the whole octave of C, while 22 ex-
presses the whole octave of D.

Thuys C DE F GA B
I 23 4 5 6 7
8 9
To understand the meaning of your birth’ force
after you have found it, remember that
I means Unity and Creation, and that its color is
2 means collecting and its color is gold.
3 means expressing I and 2 and its color is a gold
4 means mental and physical force and its colors are
blue and green.
5 means Life and Sex. Its color is pink.
6 means a Cosmic Mother. Its colors are scarlet,
orange and heliotrope.
7 means the fullness of the earth and the shadows
thereof. Its colors are purple, steel and
8 means Resurrection. Free forms. Its color is
Q means full expression on all planes. Its colors are
red and brown.
II means a priest, a messenger. Its colors are yellow,
violet, black, white.
22 means Co-operation. Its color is cream.
Your aura is the force of your system of body,
soul and spirit expressed in finer form and it speaks
thru color. It should extend thirty feet in all direc-
You can find the meaning and message of all

colors, as well as of everything else in the seen and

unseen world by finding its vibration.
’ For instance, 1 vibrates flame and is composed of
the following substances:
F vibrates 6, a common mother.
L, vibrates 3, an expression of creation.
A vibrates I, an invisible creative flame.
M vibrates 4, physical and mental force.
F vibrates 6, a cosmic mother.

1 Unity
\ oO
1 Unity
Unity is the keynote of flame and is the qaulity
of its force.
When the flame of life burns with spiritual intent,
it illumines without destroying.
When the negative action prevails, as in untrained
animals, it becomes a destroyer instead of an il-
Tlame is a collection of mental and physical rays,
held in unity for the illumination or the destruction of
that with which it comes in contact. Its objective mes-
sage is that it is a light when actuated by the spirit.
When the spirit is absent it is a destroyer.
Its internal message, shown by its vowels, is the
mother principle which while it loves, chides, for the
child’s advancement.

It speaks of the Creative Force in every ray and

is intended to aid in the advancement of the race.

No. 2.

2 vibrates gold, which color is composed of the

following qualities of substances:
G— 7 speaks for the earth and its varied experiences.
O— 6 speaks of the protecting love of Mother Earth.
L— 3 speaks for the desire to express the collection
of gold forces.
D— 4 speaks for its desire to use mental and physical


2 Gold
Gold means a collection of forces used to move
substances that vibrate 2. It is the color which calls
the attention of the force of creation to the activities
of earth and yet it is inactive except in gathering and
collecting for the other part of itself, the 3, to express.
In 3 it appears as a gold flame and no longer as
the dross of the mineral gold.
It is believed by some mystics that this is the only
color impenetrable to lower, so-called evil forces.
But we know that when there is a perfect trinity
of body, soul and spirit as I, 2, 3 represents, that it
must be an illumined gold.

No. 3.
3 should speak for the illumined flame of gold and
express these characteristics, especially as this quality
is repeated in the vowels of three which are I, mean-
ing a flame of gold. Nos. I, 2, 3 should wear gold
colors and use, when possible, gold instruments and

No. 4.
4 vibrates blue and green, representing the bustle
of the green earth and the silence of the blue firma-
Blue vibrates the 4 force. Within this color of
blue other voices speak, using this physical form of
B vibrates 2, a collection of gold force.
L, vibrates 3, an expression of gold force.
U vibrates 3, an expression of gold force.
E vibrates 5, life and sex in pink tones.

I unity
3 expression

Blue wishes you to know that it holds within its
system, as its letters prove, a collection of substances
of gold forces trying to express themselves, and also
holds the pink ray made visible.
When light or dark is added to its vibration it
rises and finds its level in higher consciousness.

Its message is: “Look into me deeply and you

will find more of Heaven.” a, ‘
The esoteric message found in its vowels is: “I
am life.”
Green also vibrates to the force of 4 and is com-
posed of the following substances:
G vibrates 7, earth and its experiences.
R vibrates 9, free expression.
E, vibrates 5, life and sex.
E vibrates 5, life and sex.
N vibrates 5, life and sex.

a | Kes

Green lacks the balanced sequence of 1, 2, 3 and

is not a fully harmonious vibration. It holds the
forces of earth together with deep purple and steel
and pink repeated over and over.
It brings the message of silver and greenbacks to
be gained by effort.
This is the objective message of green, but its
esotcric message, as shown by its vowels, is that you
must unite yourself in mind with the One God.
The 1 shows it to be a flame and the 2 is bound up
in the mental and physical force of the 4. This makes.
green burn with a blue and green light. But 2 is in
bondage. ,
No doubt the reason 13 is considered an unlucky
number is from the lack of sequence I, 2, 3.
Green shows this lack of perfection in her con-
stant decay; but 1 and 3 give a power of expression
which is always repeating itself.
The world loves green; its vibration is low and
can be reached by any one without effort either con-
scious or unconscious.
When light or dark is added, spiritual strength is
given it. .

No. 5.

5 vibrates pink and is composed of the following

P vibrates 7, the earth with all it contains.
I vibrates 9, complete expression.
N vibrates 5, Life and sex.
K vibrates 2, a collection of gold.
23 Gold
5 Life and sex
This, also, is not a perfect color, as the substances |
composing it show by their vibration, resolving them-
selves into 2, 3. This is a part of the first trinity. In
green 2 was lacking; in pink it is the omission of 1,
the creative power.
Pink is not a flame; it is an effort of life to rise

to higher expression. It shows collection and expres-

sion, but lacks unity.
Many authorities condemn pink as a color and it
is this lack of full strength they unconsciously feel.
It is a combination of red and gold, so filled with
the spiritual white as to appear weak to eyes which
judge the imperfect efforts of life as worthless.
Life, love and home vibrate to this spiritual im-
perfect pink.
Its objective message is: “I am a collection of
everything in life, love and home, longing to express
the soul of all things. I am changeable, but always
Its esoteric message is stronger than its objective
force, as it is a call for full expression of soul and
human brotherhood.
No. 6.
Orange, scarlet and heliotrope all use the 6 rate
of force, but express it in different ways.
Six lies in the heart of the free eleven, but its
colors are not truly free. They lie in the heart of free-
dom and long for full expression, as is shown by the
vowel of six, 9.
O vibrates 6, and means a Cosmic mother.
R vibrates 9, full expression.
A vibrates 1, unity and creation.
N vibrates 5, life and sex.
G vibrates 7, earth with its remembrances.
E vibrates 5, life and sex.


Orange is a Cosmic mother who holds your
wishes as a mother holds her child. She will aid you
in giving them free expression if you will hold to
unity and keep your flame burning in order to give
light to the children of men.
Its esoteric message, found in the vowels, is to
hold in unity life’s expression.

The message scarlet brings is found in its sub-
S vibrates 1, unity and creation.
‘ _C vibrates 3, expression.
A vibrates 1, unity and creation.
R vibrates 9, free expression.
L, vibrates 3, expression.
E vibrates 5, life and sex.
T vibrates 2, collection.

a collection of mental and physical forces held in the
breast of the cosmos.
The message scarlet brings is this: “If you will
hold to the unity of your life, create and express what
lies under your hand for the advancement of others
and your own higher self; I will aid you in health and
in all things requiring fostering care.”

Its esoteric message is the same as the objective.

Scarlet is one of the voices of the universe speak-
ing to you.


H vibrates 8, free forms, or resurrection.

E vibrates 5, life and sex.
L vibrates 3, expression.
I vibrates 9, soul expression.
O vibrates 6, a cosmic mother.
T vibrates 2, collection.
R vibrates 9, soul expression.
O vibrates 6, a cosmic mother.
P vibrates 7, the earth and its fullness.
F vibrates 5, life and sex.

6, a cosmic mother.
Heliotrope brings you a message from the plane
above the normal gamut of vision. It is filled with
prophetic voices and sees and knows without the aid of
Its esoteric message is found in the voice of 4.
The intellect must guide on this plane, to keep
from physical destruction.

No. 7.
One of the mixed colors of 7 is purple.

P vibrates 7, the earth and its experiences.

U vibrates 3, expression.
R vibrates 9, soul expression.
P vibrates 7, the earth.
L, vibrates 3, expression.
F vibrates 5, life and sex.


3 and 4, as found in the purple force, are dis-

cordant notes.
Treading the wine press alone, while the rich pur-
ple juices flow forth, by “pressure from above,” purple
brings you its refined and beautiful message, holding
all life’s joys and pains within its system. From it
you can select any thought or action desired and in a
limited way it will be your helper.
Its esoteric message is higher than its objective
form. At center it is a radiant canary, asking you who
are working in the purple force to rise to a free resur-
rected life, dropping earth’s shadows to enter the shin-
ing yellow light.
A cosmic mother means a man or woman, is not
related to sex.

No. 8.

~ 8 speaks in the voice through substance of


C vibrates 3, expression. .
A vibrates I, unity, creation.
N vibrates 5, life and sex.
A vibrates 1, unity.
R vibrates 9, soul expression.
Y vibrates 7, earth and its experiences.

2, collects.
6, a cosmic mother.

8, freedom and resurrection.

The color, canary, represents the free 8 vibration
and holds within its system the gold of 2, the green of
4 and a touch of scarlet from 6. All of these are
mingled together in unity, like the blood of different
This color is found in many of the semi-precious
stones as well as in the Opal, which is the messenger of
This color is found in Fire, Earth, Air and Water
and is a messenger from all realms.
It holds a deep gold center as its esoteric message.

No. 9.
RED AND Brown.
R vibrates 9, free expression of soul.
E vibrates 5, life and sex.
D vibrates 4, mental and physical force.


9, free expression of soul.
Red brings you the message of complete expres-
sion, from the wail of the condemned criminal to the
anthems of those who have never known sin.
It changes in negative or positve action from love
to hate, either of which it can express with equal vigor.
It deals with life on all planes and with all kinds
of love.
It attracts the same as it brings, as it contains
all mental and physical force from 1 to 9.
Love and use this color, but realize both its weak-
ness and its strength.
Its esoteric message is for free expression of life
and sex.


Brown brings the message of a mystic collection.

B vibrates 2, collection.
R vibrates 9, free expression.
O vibrates 6, a cosmic mother.
W vibrates 5, life and sex.
N vibrates 5, life and sex.

27, a collection of earth experiences.

9, free expressicn on all planes

Brown brings you a more negative message than

red. The more gold a thing contains the less it ex-
presses unless it is a luminous gold, in which you
may act, but the tendency of the ordinary brown
shade is inactivity.
The darker or lighter the shade, the more action it
To escape earth’s shadows it should possess a tex-
ture. Its esoteric message is to hold, as a mother
does, her family in the unity of the whole.
No. If.
The message of black is—
= 2, a collection of yellow force.

= 3, expression of 1 and 2.”

= I, unity and creation.
= 3, expression.
= 2, collection.

Black contains the sequence of thought and ac-
tion found in 1, 2, 3. It begins and ends with 2, thus
binding the color outwardly in negative form. It
absorbs instead of reflecting. Its esoteric message is
a flame of all colors, longing to emerge.
White brings the message of life. It begins and
ends with life vibration exalted to the highest form
as is shown by the complete spiritual trinity, 8, 9, II.
It contains and expresses all colors, all thoughts,

all tones, all actions; in short, it is a perfect expres-

sion of everything from the highest to the lowest. Its
esoteric voice speaks for full expression.
7, earth experiences.

5, life and sex.

3, expression.
3, expression.

6, a cosmic mother.
5, life and sex.

Yellow begins with earth and ends with free life.
It contains the consciousness of highest sight seeing
and hearing. When negative it may express jealousy
and hate. When positive it contains all creation, help-
ing and assisting everything to climb the universal
Its esoteric message is the same as its outer form,
making it a color of undiminished glory and strength.
, mental and physical force.
NO b

, full soul expression.

Hud wea

a cosmic mother.
life and sex.
dS nw

, a collection.
8 |

g A complete trinity is found in 2, 9, 11.

Violet tells of having gained complete soul ex-
pression in an upper realm. When positive it contains
the strength and energy of the masculine. Its center
shows a collection of gold forces, maternal in feeling
and expression.
No. 22.

3, expression.
Z2> hwo

9, soul expression.
| Il

—_— 5,
life and sex.
I, unity and creation.
= ’ mental and physical force.

22 is II times stronger than 2 but possesses many
of its qualities. It gathers together all the other vi-
brations and leads them into co-operation.
It is not a fundamental color. It has no indi-
viduality. All its strength lies in co-operation.
At its center it is holding up the torch of life.
If 22 should be the digit of one of your names,
it shows that one part of your nature has reached
the 22 consciousness, and this part will aid the rest
to rise into the cream light.
If 22 is a part of your birth vibration, it will

help the other parts to grow into conscious relation

with it.
When a name shows no higher vibration than 7,
in separate parts or the digit of the whole, the owner
of such a names is conscious of the relation of things
mainly by analysis. When he sees a flower he is con-
scious of its color, form and manner of growth. He
knows where it should be planted to give the best ef-
fect. It is to him merely a flower belonging to the
vegetable kingdom. ‘The study of Botany is satis-
fying to such a person as is his knowledge of the
habits of the flower.
The owner of a name composed of various digits
whose sum when added imakes 8, 9, I1 or 22, will look
at the same flower and note its color, form and odor,
becoming especially conscious, as he approaches it of
its aura made known by its perfume.
He looks upon the little flower as a part of the
whole order of creation; he speaks to it as to a friend;
he lifts up its broken stalk as he would the wing of a
bird and when it finds place upon his person he re-
gards it as a thing occupying its own place in the uni-
verse with himself.
When these people hear music they may be care-
less as to the name of the composer or of the instru-
ments used.
It seems as if they had once dwelt where music had
had power over them and that power had fled. They

now hear it as a part of the whole and the whispering

of the leaves in the forest or the warbling of a bird’s
song will recall or set into motion a whole gamut of
sound for their inner ear which will satisfy them.
To those whose consciousness has not passed the
limit of 7, all the technique of music is studied and
used. They know all about the composer’s style, they
dissect every piece, criticise and admire its parts and
delight in its execution.
We find most band leaders vibrating 6, 5 or 3.
Theodore Thomas is an exception, as he vibrates
in consciousness to 5, 22, which means life in co-op-
If your level of consciousness does not satisfy you
as revealed by your name, grow into a higher relation
which will cause you to change your name.

AVE there not been days in your life when cer-

tain thoughts possessed you which you desired
to put into action? When you resolved on the
morrow, or some other certain day to give them ex-
pression? But when the time fixed upon arrived you
found that the desire which had actuated you had van-
ished with the day that gave it birth. We usually say,
“ After sleeping on it I changed my mind.”
But the cause was not sleep; it lay deeper.
The cause lay in the unseen force dominating the
In all Nature no two things can be found exactly
alike; no two days are ever the same.
As the earth constantly changes its position in
regard to the sun, causing changes of season, changes
of temperature and setting into action different forces
with each day, so each day has its own special vibra-
tion which affects certain substances (by this word
I mean all seen things) which are vibrating at the
same rate.
To find the rate of vibration of any substance add
together the number of the letters which compose its

name, then find the digit of the numbers. This will

tell the rate of vibration, which is its force.
Nature always acts through Substance, Force
and Consciousness. The action of substance and force
create the third part, called consciousness.
If you wish to know how you are related to the
earth and spirit planes you can make all things speak
to you through color and sound as found by the scien-
tific basis of Number Vibraticn.
The force or energy which dominates a day
is of the quality and strength of the force that is
loosened by the position of the earth to the sun; this
gives the color which discloses its rate of vibration.
The blue mists always hover over the Allegha-
nies forming so dense a color that the ordinary eye
can see and comprehend it. Yet behind and beneath
this constant color there is always another color which
changes with each succeeding day in accord with Na-
ture’s Law.
When we are clothed in harmony with the day
we are one with the cosmic force of the day, and be-
come an active force, something to be counted with,
instead of being an obstacle or one of the things
merely acted upon.
In selecting a wardrobe, thought should be given
to prepare garments of various colors so as to have
them ready to use upon the days when earth and air
are enveloped in the same colors.

Wear the colors belonging to the day and you and °

they will frolic in the cosmic harmony; they will speak
for your success in love and business.
Find the vibration of each day and the.color be-
longing to it by adding together the day, month and
year and then finding the digit. This will give the
force active in the day. This year is 1910, or 11. So
as II is never added, we add together day and month
and find the digit, unless again either day or month
should be 11 or 22. In that case find the digit of the
remaining number. For example, take November 22,
1910. . Here November is 11, which must be kept sep-
arate; 22 is the same, and the digit of 1910 is 11. So
November 22, 1910, would be 11, 22, 11, a double
force of 11, together with 22.
A normal physical body is attuned to the force
of cosmic energy expressed by its birth number as
shown by the digit of the day, month and year in
which it came to earth life.
Your body is made of this vibratory force, or to
make it plainer, the atoms of your body should vi-
brate to the force dominating the substances showing
the same vibration.
Your own individual force should be made to
harmonize with each day’s force in order that all the
forces about you may become your loving helpers.
If you have more than one color in your birth
digit, use the one which harmonizes with the force

of the day. Should you have but one color, as gold,

which expresses the first trinity 1, 2, 3, and the vibra-
tion of the day is pink, use the gold, as pink is com-
posed of yellow, red and white, or else use a salmon
pink. If your name reveals a pink vibration in its
concord, use that.
Should your force of gold and the Queen of the
Day be riding in her chariot of blue or green and you
have neither a blue or green vibration, remember that
this is not a good day for you to inauagurate activities.
When possible spend it in reading or meditation in
order to store up knowledge to be used at a time when
Nature is more ccnscious of your presence.
Seven gowns or less will serve to clothe you in
cosmic harmony; or you can use a variety of scarfs
or veils.
The force of the day is Spirit, or at least it has
spirit quality. When it touches the earth it vitalizes
the substances the sun is acting upon.
When different forces are in harmony there is a
perfect carnival of joyousness. Is it not then wiser
to join in the frolic rather than to let it pass by on the
other side?
We must always do our part in life before we
can expect help from the Divine. What man can do
to help himself the Father will never do. But when
one has struggled to the limit of his powers in quest
of health, of light, or holy consciousness, the Father

then stretches forth his hand and opens a door to

fresh power. This will not be done until the Law upon
the physical plane has been observed.
Honest souls often wonder why the law of abun-
dance is not set in action for their benefit, when they
themselves are the obstacles, they not having fulfilled
the physical law, which is the foundation upon which
the higher laws must act to supply human needs.
For instance, if one spends a quarter for a cigar,
while he owes the quarter to some one else, he, by the
act, enters the vibration of the person to whom he is
indebted, becomes his servant, as it were, loses the
strength of his own life force and closes the vibration
of abundance. Later, when the law of equity has been
complied with, possible that fasting and prayer may
once more free his own forces, and when they are loos-
ened, all the forces of nature will help that man to dip
deep into the realm of abundance.
Certain fixed laws upon the sense plane must be
met and no amount of mental effort will restore a
broken physical law.
To be entirely happy in this world, one must have
a balanced body, soul and spirit. To err against any of
these parts is to commit an equal sin which tells the
story in broken health and poverty of thought and ma-
terial substances.
One cannot afford to sleep thru this stage of ac-
tivity. We came to earth to work and win experience
upon all planes of life.

The age when the higher consciousness of a person

awakens is of little consequence in regard to results.
Simply begin.
It has been proven to the satisfaction of many
that none of all the foods that aid in building the body
of man come from the earth.
Plants and minerals serve simply as means to
attract substances from the upper realm or the plane
beyond sight.
The atmosphere contains everything man needs.
At the present time man’s level of consciousness is not
high enough to maintain a true balance; therefere,
in his imperfect state, as he cannot take in his food
from the air, he must eat and drink.
There is a science called “Celestial Chemistry,”
by means of which we may gather in “ Bread from
Heaven.” We shall have to do this until our race
advances sufficiently to know that our real support
should come from the plane beyond sight.
Colors are an important aid in our advancement.
One color gathers carbon food, and other colors
their own kind.
The sun, whose vibration, 9, shows it to be a full,
free expression, is the Great Alchemist set apart to
work in the activities of the spheres as ‘man’s helper
while on this plane of action.
Every one should aid Nature by replacing his
worn out tissues by those of healthy structure. To

do this call to your aid your birth force, which will

always prove to be your true friend.
The quality of this force is found by finding the
digit of the day, month and year of your birth, and
this is your instrument for use during all this span of
life. Unless your own force finds points of contact
with the Cosmic force, it is obliged to lie dormant in
an inactive body.
One way to aid Nature is to have colored glass
boxes or jars made dust proof, into which water or
certain foods can be put which you wish to vitalize.
Allow them to remain in the sun’s rays for half a day
or less. The substance or food will then be replete
with the iron or other quality the color of the glass
has called into action. One should have jars of the
primary colors, red, blue and yellow, as the intermedi-
ate colors can be made by blending these three colors.
These three colors, blue, red and yellow, represent
the vibrations 4, 9, 11. The 11 vibrates yellow, the
g red and the 4 blue.
The sun, the great Celestial Chemist, supplies
oxygen in the air as food, but we, to do our part, must
breathe it in deep, so the food may reach every cell,
for cells are furnaces where heat is made.
We know that when we join an acid and an alkali
in proper proportions we generate a power which
scientists call electrical. We know that every part of
flesh is filled with tiny cells to hold the acids and the

alkalies in order to generate physical power. We

know that when the acids and alkalies in man are
present in proper proportion he has a strong physique.
Then we also know that while the system is in balance
containing just enough acids and just enough alka-
lies, there is no weakness or disease.
If there is a lack of alkali the man is sour.

For a TEst.
Get from a druggist a piece of litmus paper and
dampen it with Saliva. If the saliva is acid the paper
will turn red. If it does not turn, and you are not
in normal health, the alkalies are in excess.
Saliva in its normal state is slightly alkaline.
When acids are in great excess, refrain from eat-
ing acid fruit and other food whch causes an acid
fermentation when they meet the gastric juice, which
in its normal state is also acid.
The question of fasting—of how and when to do
it—is one of the vital questions of the day. Here is
one of Nature’s formulas. When one is weak be-
cause the acids and the alkalies are not properly bal-
anced, refrain from eating anything for 60 hours,
after which for seven days eat:only once a day spar-
ingly and of the simplest food.
Flush the bowels frequently and drink a glass of
water every waking hour.
Sleep out of doors or with your windows open—
let every breath be deep and full and let the thought

of cleansing follow well the breath trying by thought

to throw the finer ethers that you breathe to all parts
of the body. This prescription, if followed, will turn
weakness into strength.
The sun will help to gather from the upper realm
the positive food we need to maintain a perfect phy-
sique if we will only give it the proper aid.
The excitants used in medicine are all red. We
could mention Balsam of Peru, Iron, Musk, Cloves,
Capsicum, Alcohol, and a host of others. Conditions
which require red are those of collapse, when the
blood is impoverished and stimulation is required.
Then everything shows coldness, paleness, with a
bluish color.
Red being the true arterial stimulant, it should
not be used when phethora or inflammation is present.
When in need of red, place food and water in
red jars, where the sun’s rays can reach them and
the sun will supply everything necessary for the de-
bilitated man’s well being.
The red rays appropriate a lot of phosphate
which we need to give strength of blood, brain and
brawn. In this way we can ironize the water we drink
and fill it full of Nature’s iron which will not over-
charge parts of the body, as the mineral often does.
When one is weak because of impoverished blood,
red garments will greatly aid. Putting on a red robe,
with nothing under it, for forty or fifty minutes twice
a day will help restore balance.

When blue is lacking in the system, use blue jars

and a blue robe, the same as described for red.
Blue is an intellectual color as well as a physi-
cal one.
Blue is a nerve sedative.
Blue is cooling and astringent and will control in-
flammatory conditions.
When doctors wish to find a drug to do this kind
of work, they seek a plant which bears a blue flower
like aconite, belladonna, nitric acid and chloroform.
These drugs appear to help and sometimes do,
because the force of the blue is brought into direct
touch with the abnormal state. It may be taken direct
from the sun in the food or drink.
The blue sun bath in the blue robe is excellent.
Yellow may be secured in the same way as red or
blue by using yellow glasses and a yellow robe. This
color is the great relaxant. It does the work which
all cathartic remedies do.
Such remedies are made from the yellow force,
such as sulphur, figs, castor oil, senna, colocynth, saf-
fron, ginger, and podophylum.
Drink water and eat food potentized by yellow
rays of light or take the yellow sun bath in a robe
made of the material called for by the birth force.
For example, one having 6 for his birth number
should use yellow silk, as 6 vibrates silk. A person
having a birth force 1, 2 or 3 will find a fine quality

of wool health-giving, as it is of the same vibration

as the birth force.
When we transgress one of Nature’s laws, we
sin; and laws of Nature are the only ones we find
upon the statute book of God.
Our body is not our own but is a part of Nature’s
Plan. It may be a very small and apparently unim-
portant part, but it belongs with the whole and any
transgression against it will have to be answered for.
To sin against ourselves is to sin against the race,
and to sin against all manifestation in Heaven and
in Earth.
The Universe is a unit and we are a part of the
We may also sin against the world beneath us
when we eat a perfect salad leaf without a thought of
gratitude, or when we inhale the fragrance of the rose
without realizing hat we have entered and absorbed
the aura of one of Nature’s products.
When we advance to a feeling of gratitude to the
worlds beneath us, which minister to our pleasure,
our bodies will grow stronger and we will manifest
keeness of appetite instead of dyspepsia.
When a disease manifests, find its vibration—the
outer form will be shown by the letters comprising
the name and its hidden desire will be found in the
vowels of the word. Then seek for the lack of balance.
Nature always works thru the Trinity.

The first trinity of mind is 1, 2, 3, sometimes

called the Intellectual Trinity.
The higher Spiritual Trinity is 8,9, 11. In order
to find a sequence of thought and health these trinities
must form a part of every perfect thing. If one part
be lacking there will be a lack.of balance and so of
The Spiritual Trinity, 8, 9, 11, holds the first
trinity within its concord ;—2 is in 8; 3 is in 9; and
I is in II.
These foods will be moved or vitalized on any
day with digit of 1,—Fried Oyters, Lamb, Codfish,
Hot Cakes, Eggs, Lobster.
No. 2 vibrates,—Eggs, Shellfish.
3 vibrates,—Meat, Steaks, Toast, Wine, Jelly,
Clams, Potatoes, Cabbage, Hominy, Bread, Fruits,
Cakes, Liquor, Beer, Milk Toast.
These three vibrations belong together and are
in harmony.
No. 4 vibrates,—Oysters, Farinaceous food, Cof-
fee, Veal, Cup Custard, Onion, Parsnips, Macaroni,
No. 5 vibrates,—Shad, Custard, Tobacco, Butter,
Pastry, Baked Apples, Corned Beef, Beans, Lettuce,
Onions, Celery, Lemon, Peas.
6 vibrates,—Orange, Bread Pudding, Mushrooms,
Beets, Potatoes, Currants, Pork, Soft Boiled Eggs,
Fish, Wine.

7 vibrates——Poached Eggs, Creamed Potatoes,

Stewed Fruits, Spinach, Vegetable Soup, Crabs.
8 vibrates,—Rice, Chicken, Barley Soup, Tea,
Rice, Bacon, Games, Cauliflower, Vegetables, Shell-
fish, Soup, Stewed Oysters, Ice Cream.
9 vibrates,—Milk Toast, Beef, Turnips, Milk,
Cheese, Cup Custard, Raw Clams, Tomatoes, Desserts,
Milk Toast, Baked Potatoes, Oat Meal, Sago Pudding
II vibrates,—Soft Boiled Eggs, Baked Apples,
Clam, Drink.
22 vibrates——Cream Toast, Stewed Chicken,
Water, Fruits, Ice Cream.
Vibrations 8, 9, 11 and 22 are in harmony.

Phosphate of Lime vibrates 6—its vowels equal

5 — ¢. This remedy used for creating harmony in
the boney structure acts through the red color, or scar-
let, and pink upon food or liquids of any kind vibrat-
ing to the two other colors of yelow and blue. Any-
thing vibrating to 4 or 11 will make a perfect trinity
of colors which will act upon the boney structure of
the body. Subject substances of 4, 11 vibration to
the sun’s rays or rays of light inclosed in jars or boxes
of red glass from 3 to 4 hours according to the sun’s
intensity when the inclosed substances will attract from
the air and sun, a compound called albumen. This
is a substance chemists have failed to analyze. Find

by table page 66, few of the many substances vibrat-

ing to 4, 11, some of which are Oysters, Farinaceous
Food, Coffee, Veal, etc. Water and drink vibrate to
11. Find fruits and many other substances used in
daily food by their vibration.
Silicia vibrates 8 with the internal structure I =
4. This is called an element and shows a high vibra-
tion. It is a constiutional remedy and used to create
a resurrection of the body from the old to the new.
It acts upon boney structure and the skin. Use yel-
low light 4 hours, blue 15 minutes, upon substances
vibrating 8 and 1, always using water subjected to the
same rays.
Floride of Lime vibrates objectively 6 and in-
ternally 7 = 4. It holds the body together and its ef-
fect can be replaced by using the food subjected to red
rays 2 hours and blue and yellow rays 1 hour each.
Foods vibrating to 6 and 7 should be used. When this
is lacking in the system every fibre is relaxed, all parts
of the body sag, hacking cough is present, and the
veins are swollen and diseased.
Phosphate of potash — 1
Vowels 7
This remedy vibrates 1 and its vowels show a desire
for 7 which means a unity of the body. It is used in
nervous affections and gives activity to the brain. To
get the same cure use yellow glass boxes, as I is yel-
low, and subject food and drink to 3 hours’ expo-

sure and 1 hour each to red and blue rays. Use foods
or substances vibrating to 1 and 7.
Sulphate of soda vibrates 9 and has inward struc-
ture of 22 = 3% This is a strong vobration and gov-
erns the liquids of the body as the bile, the blood, etc.
It controls indigestion. Subject food and water to
2 hours red and 2 of yellow rays.
Phosphate of Iron. This vibrates 3, 11. The in-
ward desire is expressed by 6 = 344. This remedy
gives color to the blood and aids correlation. It cures
colds and fevers and holds all colors in its system.
Use foods and drink vibrating to 3, 11 and 6 after
being subjected to red 2 hours, yellow 2 hours, and
blue 14 hour to get the cure of the remedy.
Phosphate of Soda vibrates 6 internal structure
7 = $. Is used to neutralize acids, to cure sour breath
and all forms of acid diethesia. Subject foods and
drinks vibrating 6 and 7 to 2 hours red, 1 hour yel-
low and 1 hour blue. Vitalize water the same as foods.

Rheumatism vibrates 1; its vowels are 9. The

9 contains the 3 quality, as it is 3 times 3, and 9 vi-
brates all shades of the prime red. 1 or 11 vibrates
yellow. The blue color is missing in the trinity of
colors and must be supplied by food vibrating 4; also
water subjected 4 hours to blue rays.
Diabetes vibrates 11, its vowels equal 2. This

disease lacks the balance of 3. Use food vibrating 9;

aiso water subjected to 4 hours of red rays.
Tuberculosis vibrates 11, its spiritual structure
found by its vowels is 9, making its two parts 4. the
lacking part is the 8 or 4 quality of blue. Food vi-
brating 2, 4, and 8, also 22, exposed to blue rays 4
hours will supply the curative powers. Also drink
an abundance of water vitalized by blue rays.
Hemerrhoids vibrates 6, internal structure is 8,
making $. This disease needs the yellow light. Sub-
stances vibrating 1 and 11 exposed 4 hours to yellow
light will supply the deficiency.
Scrofula vibrates 5, its internal structure 1, mak-
ing $. This shows a deficiency of the unity of life.
It shows a pink yellow light and needs blue and red
to give it balance. Expose food vibrating 4 and 9 to
3 hours bine rays and I red.
Dysentery vibrates 9, its vowels are of value 1,
making ¢, showing a lack of blue color. Use foods
vibrating 4 and 8 exposed to blue rays 4 hours.
Hysteria vibrates 6, its vowels vibrate the same &.
The balance can be restored by using food exposed
to 1 hour each of blue, red and yellow rays, using sub-
stances of 2, 4, 8, 3,9 and 11.

I would refer the reader toa most excellent book called

“Principles of Light and Colors,’’ by Babbit. The law of cure
used in Nature’s Symphony is according to the Balliett School
of Philosophy of Numbers.

Cramp, vibrates 6, its internal structure is 1,

making $. This disease needs the blue and red rays.
Subject food of 4, 3, 8 and g to 3 hours blue rays and
1 hour of red rays.
Constipation vibrates 11, its vowels are 4 = 1}.
This disease needs the balance of red. Use foods of
3, 6 and 9 subjected to red rays 4 hours. Also water.
Debility vibrates 5 and its vowels are 5, making 3.
This is a disease connected with sex life and must be
cured by ycllow and blue colors; also red, as the 5
vibrates pink. Stronger red rays are needed. Use
food and drink subjected to 1 hour red rays, 2 hours
to yellow, and 2 to blue. Use foods vibrating to 3, 9,
4 and 1.
Skin disease vibrates = 7
Vowels 6
This disease is lacking in the yellow rays. Subject
substances and water vibrating 1 and 11 to 4 hours
yellow rays.
Scalp vibrates = 5

Its vowels 1 = I
It lacks the balance of 2. Subject food of 2 and 4 to
4 hours blue rays. Also use water subjected to blue
Malaria vibrates 1, its vowels 3 = 4. It lacks
the balance found in the blue rays. Use food vibrat-
ing 2 and 4. Also water will be found particularly
curative, subject to 4 hours blue rays.

Enemia vibrates 11. The vowels equal 2 = 3.

The missing element is 3 food vibrating 9. Also
water exposed to red rays, 4 hours will supply the de-
Scarlet Fever vibrates 6, 11, objectively, and the
vowels are 6, 1. As scarlet is 6, both objectively, and
the vowels are 6, 1, it holds and will not loosen. The
disease lacks the blue rays foods vibrating 6, II, I,
subjected to 4 hours blue rays. Also water will aid
in the cure of the disease.

AVE you noticed the different effect produced

by different days, how on one day you desire
to be constantly active, while on other days it
is only by a great effort that anything is accomplished?
The cause of this lies in the unseen force dom-
inating the Universe.
“Tn all nature no two things can be found exactly
alike, no two days are ever the same.”
Nature always acts thru the Trinity of Substance,
Force and Consciousness; the action of substance and
force creating the third part called consciousness.
If you wish to find the rate of vibration of any
substance, add together the numbers of the letters
composing its name and find the digit. This will give
the rate of vibration or the rate of force dominating
the substance.
If we have vibration, we must have sound, if
sound also color, and if any single thing failed to ful-
fil this law, chacs would result in the cosmos.
As the earth slowly changes its position in regard
to the sun, one force after another becomes active, the
one of to-day being held in abeyance until some time


in the future, when the same conditions will again call

it into activity.
The Earth is always dressed in a garment of the
color which speaks the will of the force which is active
on that especial day. This force may be considered ¢
the Queen of the Day, and her reign is beneficent to
those who are vibrating in harmony with the force
sne is expressing.
‘The force or energy which dominates a day is of
ae quality and strength of the force which is loosened
by ihe position of the carth to the sun; this gives the
color, which discloses its rate of vibration.
When we are clothed in harmony with the day
we are one with the cosmic force of the day, and be-
come an active force, something to be reckoned with,
instead of being an obstacle or one of the things acted
When the force of the day is yellow, it moves into
action those things vibrating yellow light. Why should
we, the highest development of nature on the earth,
eurobe ourselves in discordant color, thereby standing
aside in the shadows when we should be expressing
harmony with the forces about us?
As the atoms of our body change constantly,
we cannot afford to lose the delight of color harmony
for even one day.
Most of our desires are connected in some way
with substance; a desire to succeed with something
that can be seen.

This thing called substance is strongly moved

upon certain days by a color which may take either a
positive or a negative character.
Would it not then be wise, since most of our de-
sires are connected with substance, and if we wish to
get what we want, would it not be wise to clothe our-
selves in harmonious colors and work with our forces
and not against them?
When we do not work with them the forces of
the day must needs work thru the intellect alone, when
the whole body should be frolicking in the glory of
When we are negative to a force its color may
appear distasteful to us.
In selecting a wardrobe thought should be given
to prepare garments of various colors so as to have
them ready to use when earth and air are enveloped
in the same colors.
Wear the colors belonging to the day and they
and you will frolic in the Cosmic Harmony. They will
speak for your success in love and business.
A normal physical body is attuned to the force
of energy expressed by its birth number, as shown by
the digit of the month, day and year in which it came
into earth life.
Your body is made of this vibrating force, or to
make it plainer, the atoms of your body should vibrate
to the force dominating the substances showing the
same vibration.

Your own individual force should be made to

harmonize with each day’s force in order that all the
forces about you may become your loving helpers.
If you have more than one color in your birth
digit, use the one which harmonizes with the force
of the day.
Should you have but one color, such as gold,
which expresses the first trinity, 1, 2, 3, and the vibra-
tion of the day be pink, use the gold, as pink is com-
posed of yellow, red and white, or use a salmon pink.
Should vour force be gold, and the Queen of the
Day be riding in her chariot of blue or green and you
have no blue or green vibration, remember that this
is not a good day for you to inaugurate activities.
When possible spend such a day in reading or medita-
tion, in this way storing up knowledge to be used at
a time when nature is more conscious of your presence.
Seven neckties or gowns will serve to clothe you
in cosmic harmony or you can use a variety of scarfs
or veils.
The force of the day is Spirit, or at least it has
spirit quality. When it touches the earth it vitalizes
the substances the sun is acting upon.
Vhen different forces are in harmony, there is
a perfect carnival of joyousness.
Is it not then wiser to join in the frolic rather
than to let it pass by on the other side?
One cannot afford to sleep thru this stage of ac-

tivity. We came to earth to work and win experience

upon all planes of life.
Suppose we illustrate our meaning by a few ex-
amples taken from the month of January, 1912.
January is month 1 and its influence extends thru
the entire month. It calls for creation and unity upon
all planes of thought and action.
The year 1912 when added =



The digit of the entire year shows it to be one
dominated by mental and physical force. This force
will be felt during the entire year.
The color of 1—January—is flame and the color
of the year’s force is blue and green. The force of
each separate day will make these colors either dis-
cordant or harmonious.
The force of the year, 4, is an individual one and
rather difficult as a whole to fit into harmonious rela-
tions to other colors.
These two forces move the substances which are
active during the entire month of January.

Jan. I, 1912.
January Month 1
Day I
Digit of year 1912 4

The combined force of January 1, 1912, is 6. The
digit of the other days can be found in the same man-
Month Day Year Force
I I 4 6
I 2 4 7
I 3 4 8
I 4 4 9
I 5 4 I
I 6 4 II
I 7 4 3
I 8 4 4
I 9 4 5
I Io 4 6
I II 4 5,11
I 12 4 8
I 13 4 9
I 14 4 I
I 15 4 II ,
I 16 4 3 \
I 17 4 22
I 18 4 5
I 19 4 6
I 20 4 7
I 21 4 8
I 22 4 5 522



Se ee





Jan. 1, 1912.
The vibration to day is 1, 1, 4. Its combined
force is found by adding together ‘the composition of
the fundamental substances, 1, 1, 4, which we find to
be 6.
This day will be acted upon by the 6 quality of
force, which is set into action by the relative position
of the earth to the sun.
Those working in the 6 force, as shown by the
’ digit of the birth path, will find a harmony of action
in all their undertakings if they will properly adjust
themselves to its influence by using the force instead
of allowing it to use them.
/ This applies equally to each day of the year;
each day having its own peculiar force which moves
the substances in harmony with it during each 24
hours. ‘Take control of the force and act upon the
substances and yourself control them, instead of being
a substance and letting yourself be acted upon.
We will take two examples and try to clothe them
harmoniously for a month.
Clara Horner was born Dec. 4, 1892.
C = 3.
Clara L = 3.
A= 1.
R = 9g.
A= 1.

17 elvan

Keynote of Clara is 8. Color canary.

One-half of the system of Clara Horner has
reached the 8 level of consciousness, which means a
resurrected life.
H= 8
O = 6.
R = 9.
N= 5.
E = 5.
R = 9.


The keynote of Horner is 6. Colors Scarlet,

Heliotrope and Orange.

Her level of consciousness is shown by adding 8,

the digit of Clara, and 6, the digit of Horner, which
gives 5. So 5 shows her level of consciousness.
She was born Dec. 4, 1892.
Dec. is month 12 digit 3
Day is 4
Year digit 2

Force 9
Colors red and brown.
The digit of her birth is 9. This is her working
force and shows the quality of substances she will
use in order to get her experiences.
To bring her sure results her own force should be
in harmony with the force of the day, otherwise her
energies will be inactive until a more harmonious con-
cord appears.
Clara Horner's level of consciousness is not as
high as the force she is working in, as Clara vibrates
8 and Horner 6, giving a digit of 5.
Her consciousness is limited and she is working
in an unlimited vibration as found in the 9 of her
birth path.
The 9 makes her give full expression to all phases
of life; she dwells in the red and pink atmospheric
light, being fascinating, changeable and disobedient.
Love, with her, comes easily and goes easily. No
matter into what depths she plunges, helping hands
will clear her way, forgive her and love on, as her

consciousness is pink, which means love without pas-

sion, while her birth number 9 gives her all the varie-
ties of red from its purity to its dregs.
We will also use the number vibration of Sarah
Katherine Foster.
S =1.
R = g.
H= 8

Add 2 + 0 to find the digit, which is 2.
This is digit or keynote of Sarah. We say Sarah
vibrates force 2. One-third of her system responds
to the vibration of 2 and means, according to the
chart, that she has conscious power of collecting
knowledge of seen substances, but unless she is in
accord with her trinity of 1, 2, 3, she is not willing
to set the knowledge she has collected into action.
The color of 2 is gold. So Sarah and all No. 2’s
means a collection of cosmic forces.
Her mind pivots upon her middle name, Kath-
erine, which vibrates 1. Thus:

K = 2.
A= 1.
Katherine T = 2.
H = 8.
E = 5.
R= 9.
I= 9.
N = 5.
E = 5.

As 46 is not a digit we add
6 to find Io.


1 color flame.
1 is a digit and shows the vibration or force of
The color of this name is flame.
The point of attraction between herself and her
parents is Foster.
This name vibrates 11.
Wino ty
Hun lia

11 colors, black, white, violet, yellow.

This part of her system tells us that she belongs
to all nations and tribes. She is one of God’s mes-
sengers and came to earth to aid one or many of the
children of men. What she may do may seem trifling
to the intellect, but in God’s sight there is no great
and no small. He sees only her willingness to serve
not alone those she knows, but all souls.
She must deliver her message.
As 11 is outside of the regular gamut of number
vibration, it is never added.
Sarah vibrates 2, color gold.
Katherine vibrates 1, color flame.
Foster vibrates 11, color black, white, yellow
ve — and violet.
3,, 11
Making her rate of consciousness 3 ,, II.
She holds in her system of conscious vibration, the
concord I, 2, 3,, 11. This gives her a comprehensive
sequence of thought and action.
She was born Dec. 1, 1892.
December is 12, digit 3 substance
First day digit 1 substance.
Year 1892 digit 2 substance

6 Force.

Her birth force or vibration is 6, colors orange,

scarlet and heliotrope.
This causes Sarah Katherine Foster to be closely
related to the cosmic plane and fits her to meet life’s
demands in an independent manner, because she has
displayed the trinity of action, I, 2, 3, and her con-
sciousness is higher than her birth force.
Her name contains an 11 and her birth force is 6.
6 is in harmony with 11 because the vowels of eleven
equal 6, showing the harmony between the two planes.
II represents the Creator Father and 6 the Cos-
mic Mother, as it is 3 times 2.

On January 1, 1912, Force 6, Clara Horner, whose

rate of consciousness is 5 and whose birth force is 9,
should wear some shade of red for clothing, as there
is scarlet in the air, and in any work which implies a
fostering care she will meet success.

Sarah Katherine Foster, whose consciousness is

3,, 11 and birth force 6, will find this day belongs to
her if she will go forward to meet its benefits.
The force of the day. is 6; her active force is 6.
She should wear one of the colors of the day, as the
substances in which she will be successful are I, 2, 3,
and these represent a gold flame, while her own birth
colors are orange, scarlet and heliotrope.

‘ If she will wear some shade of gold or orange,

these colors will laugh and rejoice in the sunshine.
Jan. 2, 1912.
1,,2, 4 = 7 Force.
Colors, purple, brick, steel.
Clara Horner, whose colors are red, brown and
pink, and who sees things mainly thru the tints of
red, should wear on this day some shade of reddish
purple, as this is a day when the fullness of earth and
its shadows will be met.
Sarah Katherine Foster, whose active force is 6—
orange, scarlet and heliotrope—will be in complete
harmony with herself and the Queen of nature in helio-
trope garments, which will furnish the true point of
Jan. 3, 1912.
1,, 35,4 = 8 Force.
Color, Canary.
Clara Horner, who sees things tinged with red,
will find profit in considering the colors of the trinity.
she hopes to make, 8, 9, 11.
She is related to this trinity, as the 8 of her name
shows, but has not yet fully arrived, as her name does
not show the growth. She will do well to wear her
own colors in golden shades. .
Sarah Katherine Foster, who sees things thru scar-
let, orange and heliotrope, will find harmony between
canary and the color of her birth force, orange.

Jan. 4, 1912.
1,,4, 4 = 9 Force.
Colors, red and brown.
The greater part of the children of men will find
this day filled with extreme activity, bringing to light
things hidden and it will be mingled with physical and
mental disquietude.
Sarah Katherine Foster, with scarlet, orange and
heliotrope colors, will find harmony to-day in a helio-
trope gown, as the force of the day is red, while the
substances acted upon are blue.
Clara Horner, whose force is red, will find that
_ this day will further her projects in the business and
mental world.
She should wear the red of her own force and
keep it clear of the blue substances of the day, as it
is composed of blue material and moved by the red
force of a strong determined nature.
To-day, if she will plant her feet firmly upon the
truth as she knows it, with her arms in the world and
her head in the ideal region, she will make a gain
both for herself and the race.

Jan. 5, 1912.
1,, 5,5; 4 = 1 Force.
Color, flame.
This day is entirely unlike yesterday. We find
the message of the day to be, from its vibration, 1,

5,4, = 1. “Find unity in life and sex upon both

the mental and physical planes.”
To-day the atmosphere will burn with a flame of
pink and blue.
Katherine Foster, who is moved by orange, scar-
let and heiiotrope, will find strength in garments of
orange flame color.
Clara Horner, whose birth force is red, if she is.
inclined to inactivity, will find help in garments of
pink shades, as pink is one of the substances moved
to-day. .

Jan. 6, 1912.
I1,,6,, 4= 11 Force.
Colors, black, white, yellow, violet.
The message of the day, as told by the substances
acted upon I, 6, 4, is this: “The power of God will
help him who strives to establish homes or in any way
to give protection, as a mother would to those in
Action must be in unity with the mental and phy-
sical law. ‘The life of Jesus is in the vibration of this
Sarah Katherine Foster should wear either a yel-
low or a white gown to-day.
Her surname Foster, which vibrates 11, shows
that she can understand the need of to-day, manifest-
ing the yellow principle, which is the principle of

universality. This will be a day of value to this girl,

because she can reach its vibration.
Clara Horner will find this a difficult day to meet.
All her problems will appear stupendous and she
would do well to go quietly on her way without wor-
rying over the mistakes she will make, simply trust-
ing to the God principle within to guide her.
A purplish violet gown will help her to-day.

Jan. 7, 1912.
1,7 4 = 3 Force.
Color, a gold flame.
The message of the day as told by the substances
moved, I, 7, 4, with the 3 force, is: “ Find unity in
earth’s fullness or its shadows will overpower you.”
This is a day of physical and intellectual life, filled
with thankfulness. ,
Its color is a gold flame.
Sarah Katherine Foster should wear a gown
trimmed with yellow, as her individual force is orange
and the day is yellow. Clara Horner, whose life force
is red and brown, will do well to wear tones of yellow

Jan. 8, 1912.
1,,8,, 4 =4 Force.
Colors, blue and green.
The day’s message, as found in 1, 8, 4 = 4, isa
unity of resurrected action and thought. It is a day

when difficult points can be gone over, argued upon

and proved from a physical and mental basis.
Its colors are blue and green.
Sarah Katherine Foster should select from her
own colors a heliotrope gown. Or she may use dark
blue, as it vibrates to Foster, 11; but this would be
negative in her case, as it would relate her to past
activities, as her name is of past growth.
Clara Horner, working in red and brown, should
wear combined brown and blue.
Jan. 9, 1912.
1,,9, 4 = § Force.
Color, pink.
The day’s message as found in the substances
moved is: “Give free soul expression to everything
physical or mental. Life, love and sex will be prom-
inent to-day.”
Sarah Katherine Foster should select from her
force of scarlet a pink garment in honor of the Queen
of the day. ;
Clara Horner will understand this changeable,
vacillating day. Within her system is a recollection
of past turmoils lived thru. She, too, should wear
pink. Messages from the past will come to her to-day.
Jan. 10, 1912.
I1,,1,,4 = 6 Force.
Colors, orange, heliotrope, scarlet.
Sarah Katherine Foster will find this day especial-

ly valuable. Projects of all kinds will generate and

things in general conspire to aid her. She should wear
shades of yellow.
Clara Horner working in the red force, will also
find this a harmonious day, as it contains the trinity
I, 2, 3, which her red force will frolic with. She
should wear red or brown.
Jan. 11, 1912.
I, 11,,4 = 5 Force.
Color, pink.
The message of the day as told by the substances
is to unite the things of the spirit with things of earth.
To-day great projects will be started.
Sarah Katherine Foster should wear pink.
Clara Horner should wear pink bordering on red.

Jan. 12, 1912.

1,,3, 4 = 8 Force.
Color, canary.
The message of the day is “Go forward in all
creative work.” ‘The forces present touch every point
of body, soul and spirit on their own planes. A day
for the resurrection of past memories and ideals.
Sarah Katherine Foster should wear yellow.
Clara Horner should wear yellow brown.

Jan. 13, 1912.

15,4, 4 = 9 Force.
Colors, red and brown.

This is another day when the forces will urge to

heights of joy or pain. A day when individual action
and thought will surge forth overpoweringly.
It is a better day than it appears to be. The forces
clash, but soon adjust themselves.
Sarah Katherine Foster should wear red.
Clara Horner should also wear red and try to
realize that to-day she is working with her own forces.
Jan. 14, 1912.
1,,5» 4 = I Force.
Color, flame.
To-day’s message is to the natural man, “ Spiritu-
ality sleeps to awaken in the morning.”
This is a day when the colors speak in a manner
difficult to understand.
To a mystic, pink is trying to assert itself over a
green and blue foundation.
Sarah Katherine Foster will find cosmic harmony
in a heliotrope gown.
Clara Horner may find in the heart of four
whose value is 9. This shows that four has a red
heart, as well as all mixed colors vibrating 9.
She will be in harmony in a gown of irridescent
colors, as this also vibrates 4 and holds the red and
pink in its composition.
Jan. 15, 1912.
1,,6,, 4 = 11 Force.
Colors, black, white, yellow, violet.

This is a day bearing within its system of forces

of golden opportunities for those who wish to advance
in the journey of life toward the cycle of a perfect
body, soul and spirit.
It holds the collected forces of the first trinity
exalted to the highest relationship of 11.
All the forces related to progress and their spiri-
tual outcome are present to-day and need only the
recognition and co-operation of man to become active
for his use.
Sarah Katherine Foster will find this a perfect
day for success and happiness, as her name, Foster,
11, relates her in consciousness to the high forms of
this day.
Her birth force is 6, and as the vowels of eleven
are of 6 value, this shows she is nestled in the heart
of 11.
Like a frightened bird peeping over a high nest
fearing the depths below, trusting only in the mother’s
care, so must a 6 trust an 11 when they are not related
to II in name.
For Sarah Katherine Foster a dark blue or a
violet dress will be harmonious.
Clara Horner, 9, will also find this a day of
progress. A dark blue or red dress will be well

Jan. 16, 1912.

1,75 4 = 3 Force.
Colors, gold, flame.
On this day conversation will abound upon intel-
lectual subjects, but there will be a lack of harmony
of action.
Sarah Katherine Foster will best hold the balance
by wearing an abundance of yellow to represent her
2 force.
Clara Horner will be in harmony in dark brown
and gold.
Jan. 17, 1912.
1,,8,, 4 = 4 Force.
Colors, blue and green.
This is a day resulting in individual effort with
flashes of light from a higher region. But the forces
of the day urge to efforts for the individual rather than
for the race.
Sarah Katherine Foster will do her best in dark
blue or green.
Clara Horner will escape turmoil in brown, but
will be more attractive in yellow or dark blue.
Jan. 18, 1912.
1,,9, 4 = 5 Force.
Color, pink.
This is a day when great forces of vibration are
present in the earth and the impress of the day will be
upon the world rather than upon the individual.

It is as changeable as a summer sky and equally

as fascinating.
Sarah Katherine Foster will gladly harmonize this
day with shades of pink.
Clara Horner should also wear pink.

Jan. I9, 1912.

I, 1, 4 = 6 Force.
Colors, scarlet, orange and heliotrope.
This is a day when the creative force will moan
and groan in giving physical and mental birth to
thoughts and actions.
Sarah Katherine Foster should wear heliotrope
or orange.
Clara Horner, 9, should wear some shade of red.

Jan. 20, 1912.

I1,,2, 4 = 7 Force.
Colors, purple, steel and brick.
This day will consist of a collection of past memo-
ries and events ending in an intellectual tumult.
The day lacks complete expression.
Sarah Katherine Foster should wear purple.
Clara Horner, 9, should wear purple with some
Jan. 21, 1912.
1,3 4 = 8 Force.
Color, canary.
This day holds within its system of forces the

complete unity of action and thought, 1, 2, 3. It is a

day when great projects will be consummated in a
cold, calculating manner. It is a canary day, holding
within its system the memories of 2 and 4, gold and
Sarah Katherine Foster should wear tones of
Clara Horner, to succeed, should wear radiant
shades of red.

Jan. 22, 1912.

I,, 22,,4 = §,, 22 Force.
Colors, pink and cream.
This day abounds in the cream force of 22 and
its companion, pink.
Many great projects will be quickly executed.
All life will be touched by the strong forces of crea-
Sarah Katherine Foster should wear cream.
Clara Horner should wear pink.

Jan. 23, 1912.

1,5, 5» 4 = I Force.
Color, flame.
This is a day when one is inclined to think and
plan with little valuable action unless by effort one
rises to the finer ether where earth currents have less
effect. Then new creations may take form.
If the colors are held in the spiritual light, out of

the discords of pink and blue, the result may be an

unusual creation.
Sarah Katherine Foster should wear shades of
yellow or pink.
Clara Horner should wear pink.

Jan. 24, 1912.

1,,6,, 4 = 11 Force.
Colors, yellow, violet, black and white.
To-day the first trinity is active, causing a se-
quence of thought and action.
The forces active are very human and will help
everything that tends for the good of the race.
As the strength of to-day’s forces combine in 11
and its meaning is told in black, white, yellow, violet,
and as the individual force of Sarah Katherine Foster
speaks thru scarlet, orange and heliotrope, violet would
be her harmonious color to-day.
_ Clara Horner, with an individual force of 9, red
and brown, would best wear canary, the vibration of
Clara, as there is no red in to-day’s force.

Jan. 25, 1912.

1,, 7 4 = 3 Force.
Colors, gold, flame.
' This is a day when people will talk solely on the
intellectual plane. A full day for individual purposes.
Its highest color is a flame of purple, green and
blue, burning with a golden glow.

Sarah Katherine Foster should wear light orange.

Clara Horner should wear golden brown.

Jan. 26, 1912.

1,,8,, 4 = 4 Force.
Colors, blue and green.
This day speaks thru blue and green. Intellec-
tual and physical projects will be used for individual
ends to-day.
To-day things seen and not felt will win.
Sarah Katherine Foster will win to-day in dark
blue or mulberry.
Clara Horner should select from the digit of her
day of birth, dark blue or green.
Jan. 27, 1912.
1,9, 4 = § Force.
Color, pink.
To-day speaks thru red, blue, green and pink.
It will be an active day in which, especially to those
related to the 5 force, the unexpected will occur. And
yet the day holds a good sequence of action.
Sarah Katherine Foster should wear shades of
pink taken from the scarlet in her force.
Clara Horner should wear shades of red, as her
controlling force is related to the force of the day.

Jan. 28, 1912.

1,4, 4 = 6 Force.
a Colors, orange, scarlet and heliotrope.

To-day the force of 6 will move substances of

equal value and will hold them and mother them until
action is made perfect.
Sarah Katharine Foster will find this a day in
which nothing but a discordant brain will be able to
block her success. She can wear any of her birth
colors, as they are all present.
Clara Horner will find this a good day, but its
events will seem limited to her. She should wear
~ some shade of‘red or a gold brown.

Jan. 29, 1912.

I,, I1,,4 = §,, 11 Force.
Colors, pink, black, white, violet and yellow.
This day lacks the power of expression and deals
with all events in a highly mystical manner. But great
and strong things will be consummated by those who
hold to their highest ideals.
Sarah Katherine Foster will find herself strongly
related to the events which will happen to-day. She
will harmonize with a part of the force and with her
individual force in pink.
Clara Horner should also wear tones of pink.

Jan. 30, 1912.

1,,35 4 = 8 Force.
Canary is queen.
This day holds the sequence of thought and ac-
tion of the first trinity of golden flame.

The force of the day is a strong canary light,

helping everything to freedom and to free thought.
Sarah Katherine Foster should wear orange with
touches of green or blue.
Clara Horner should work in accord with the
trinity she is trying to make, 8, 9, 11, and her own red
tones will harmonize with the day’s force of canary.

Jan. 31, 1912.

1,4, 4 = 9 Force.
Colors, red and brown.
This will also be an unusually active day, filled
full of physical and intellectual force.
Inharmony will be present, but the force of the
day represents the soul of the unseen, and by holding
fast in thought to the Source of Life, the troubled
earth waters will be stilled.
Sarah Katherine Foster will do well to wear helio-
Clara Horner will mect the events of this day as
a queen, for the force of the day is her own indi-
vidual force and all nature will conspire to help her.
She should wear some shade of red.

Tur Votce Tuat Corors Sree.

3—Gold Flame.
I, 2, 3 speak with a voice of unity in action and
thought. Their combined symbol is a gold
4—Blue and green—Blue means the presence of the
foundation crystal of intellectual force. Green
—the voice of seen things.
5—Pink—Is the voice of the mystical holy Spirit of
6—Scarlet, Heliotrope and Orange—Each of these
colors will help you hold and mother the cos-
mic force. Differing only in the colors that
lie deeply concealed within their system, they
are each a cosmic mother, which is the com-
bination of both sex. Their vowels show the
quality of action they contain. Scarlet is the
same within as without—mothers and holds.
Orange, too, is a cosmic mother, who breathes
from within a flame of gold. It may speak
for the soul or a sordid world. Heliotrope—
is a cosmic mother, holding at heart a mental
and physical impulse.
7—Purple—Speaks the voice of the ages—that of
royality of blood and intellect; also thru dis-
cords. From its heart it breathes in canary
tones its desire for a physical resurrection.
8—Canary—Speaks of a resurrected body still con-
fined to earth and from within the message
of a high, vibrating collection of all things from
a gold center.
Q—Red—This color speaks, claims and holds all life
and all souls.
11—Black, White, Yellow and Violet—Black holds at
heart unexpressed unity. White holds and ex-
presses all life and action upon all planes.
Yellow holds the highest and lowest in equili-
brium. Violet speaks the voice of the High
Priest in language faintly understood.
22—Cream—Asks you to co-operate with it in all
things to benefit the race; its heart voice is
the radiant colors of the cosmic mother.


HAT is the Music of the Spheres?

This music—the music of the sphere—is
made by each individual thing in the universe,
be it world or man, striking its own note or sound. In
that sound is the God principle which speaks for the
soul of the thing.
In some part of everything, from plant to man,
from man to grain of sand,—in some part of the sys-
tem of each thing is the quiet spot. In that spot is
the closed door within which the soul of the thing
dwells. Inside this door is the Holy of Holies and no
man can entcr. Even the most exalted thought can
penetrate this piace only a certain distance. It is the
soul’s own and can not be violated.
Every leaf of the forest has its note which is
heard by the all-hearing ear and would also be heard
by ours if we lived in conscious relation with the
divine. We would hear the grass grow and hear the
voice of all created things. This is true if we lived in
tune with the infinite.

As our ears, as at present attuned, cannot hear

the coarse sounds in the gamut below our normal hear-
ing because our coarseness would disrupt our ears
as the heat of the lower colors would blind our eyes,
so the inharmony of certain notes cannot reach the
ear of the advanced soul which is attuned too high
for the discord of earth’s voices to molest.
The untrained ear hears music thru the emotion
best fitted to express its soul's need, but the time will
come when this same soul will hear far more than he
hears now, for he will be able to distinguish the melody
of each separate instrument joined in the harmony of
the whole, and overcrowning it will be the beautiful
overtones, too fine for physical senses, unaided, to
hear. These overtones are the voice of the soul.
What is meant in the Bible by the “ Stars singing
together,” and “ Voice of the flame,” and “ The floods
clapping their hands?” Undoubtedly these expres-
sions have a meaning, and this meaning must be found
by their vibration, which means their outer form ex-
pressed to the intellect as number.
The question as to how each individual thing is
related to color and tone can only be answered scien-
tifically by going back to the sixth century before
Christ. During that century Pythagoras gave to the
ancient world his theory of music, which is regarded
as the foundation of the musical system in use to-day.
With this system he also related individuals to tone

and color and if one part of his system is true, all

must be true, as they were developed from the same
one source, the oneness and wholeness of the whole.
The world has never lost its belief in the teaching of
this great philosopher and mystic, that the universe
vibrates at different rates expressed by the digits of
single numbers from 1 to 9. But the world has failed
to find the key to this great system, its very simplicity
possibly darkening its meaning.
' Many systems of numbers have been developed
from different sources, the kabbala, usually, being the
basis. But every system has differed from every other
system. This, as you know, has caused confusion and
unbelief in the science of Number Vibration. I bring
you a system of numbers that is as accurate and as
scientific as the system of musical harmony in use
to-day. It is founded, as all other systems are, upon
the digits of numbers from I to 9. This is the correct
teaching of Pythagoras, but from this point and find-
ing the name and birth digit this system diverges from
all the others.
The vibration of your name tells what you have
accomplished in the past; it is the voice of past ages
and reveals itself as character. It is the voice of the
soul and tells what it desires you to know of your
own strength or weakness. ‘The soul cannot lie, as
it is the essence and quality of your higher self. The
intellect may try to deceive, but the soul never. It

stands fairly for what it is, knowing it will in some

future time make the perfect cycle of body, soul and
spirit. When this is made, it will vibrate to the entire
gamut of sound and color. Everything the eye sees
or the ear hears will tell you its story if you but know
how to understand its voice. The Bible story of our
ancestor, Adam, naming the animals as they passed in
review before him, is a correct test of vibration com-
ing to us down the ages. As the animal passed Adam,
its vibration spoke, and in an audible voice he gave it
the name fitted to express its then stage of develop-
ment. As the animal advanced in development, its-
name may have changed, but it always expressed the
stage of development at which the animal or thing had
arrived at the time it was using the name.
If music has a scientific basis, then so has this
system of number vibration, as it is built upon exact:
ly the same foundation. Pythagoras, in the sixth’
century before Christ, gave to the world his theory of
the Music of the Spheres when he gave to the Greeks
the fundamental principles of music now in use. He
taught that everything from a grain of sand to man
was vibrating at its own rate of speed. If it had mo-
tion then it must have sound, if sound then it must
have color. The rate of vibration must give the key-
note of everything in the seen and unseen world.
Pythagoras taught that all vibrations in heaven and
earth could be found in one of nine different paths of

life. In order that the intellect might understand the

teaching, he called the nine states number and made
the paths of life vibrate from 1 to 9. In one of these
nine vibrations you and I are trying to find that which
our soul desires us to gain, and the sooner we gratify
that wish of our higher self, the sooner will we realize
the joy of life. This wish of our soul may seem to
the intellect a very small thing, but remember, that in
God’s world there is no great and no small. There
is not one of the life paths which does not contain
enough joy and happiness to satisfy the soul if its
laws are understood and met.
Every individual thing has its own rate of vibra-
tion and its own gamut of sound found in one of
these paths which varies in length and intensity with
the character and temperament.
A few ears are so attuned that they can function
in the super-normal and there see colors and hear
sounds which the average man says do not exist. This
does not convince the man whose consciousness func-
tions on the super-normal or cosmic plane that he does
not hear sounds far transcending the ordinary gamut
of sound.
We all possess this extended gamut of hearing
but, before we can use it, there must be a lifting and
lightening and listening quality of the body. To use
it in the silence and lose it in the objective life is only to
‘half realize that which is one’s rightfu! inheritance.

When the eyes are opened to the high color vibra-

tions and the ear can hear overtones, then will the race
advance. When the public schools awaken to their
responsibility, then will the dread of psychic phe-
nomena be overcome. ‘The state called psychic bears
relation to but one part of the Trinity, and thus ex-
‘presses a broken law which hinders development until
its message to control and not submit is heard and
heeded. There is no danger either in the seen or un-
seen to the soul who obeys law. We should always
be masters intead of letting ourselves be controlled
by any force whatever.
Our name represents our character. The char-
acter shows the soul’s growth in the past and the
Music of the Spheres is the music of all souls—the
things of nature and of man—singing in harmony.
As different people are related to different planes
on this earth, so are the ears of humanity attuned to
hear different notes of the music of the spheres. The
name shows the part we are unconsciously singing.
We cannot often hear its notes; in truth, we may be
only striking one perfect note, which note is regis-
tered there, or it may be that all our notes are there
but sounding in the lower realm, where they do not
yet make perfect harmony. No one need fear to enter
the realm of higher sight and sound if he banishes
everything except trust in the Absolute.
If an individualized spirit with a name presents

itself to consciousness and offers to guide, know

that this is not a being from the higher realms, even
though it declares itself the very son of the Supreme.
Names are unknown in the realm of pure spirit and
only the spirit which is universal and one with all.
mankind is a reliable guide.
When an individual is sufficiently advanced, he
can relate himself to the Universal Plane and all the
forces of good in the universe conspire to help him.
But they can do no more than help. No good spirit
ever tries to control a man. Invisible helpers assist
the man who is master to mount to the Universal
Realm, where all knowledge dwells and where man
can learn truths which he can use to benefit the race.
When we cannot do this, we are living far below our
birthright, for the Omniscient wishes us to know as
He knows.
It is well for men to remember that it is quite as
important for them to function perfectly upon the phy-
sical plane and to have perfect use of the objective
intellect, as it is to function upon the higher planes
you know. The proof of this is that the moment the
soul so loses itself in the joys of the higher existence
as to wish to cast off its: body permanently in order
to stay on the higher plane, that moment will the light
be shut off and the soul will find itself with only the
light of common day.
Every planet, star or sun has its own rate of vibra-

tion, and as everything must have a center around

which it revolves, it also has its key or dominant note
around which all its other tones gather. The more
spirit a thing contains, the higher is its rate of vibra-
When we spell out Jupiter, we find the digit to
be 9, its vowels equalling 8, showing the planet
Jupiter to be an advanced planet striking boldly the
note of D in all the octaves. Its people, as shown
by the vowels, are attuned to the 8 vibration and are
a free, proud people singing in C.
The moon vibrates 3 and its people, when it had
people, also vibrated 3. If the moon is a dead planet,
it is because it has separated from its source. 3 is a
part of the trinity 1, 2, 3, which must always work
together. If it is not alive, it must have separated
from the (one) 1 which is the spiritual or creative
part. If we separate body, soul, and spirit, the expres-
sion of life is lost. In the same way when we separate
I, 2, 3, the expression of unity is lost. If the moon
is dead, it is controlled by forces which now express
more life. So with the individual who vibrates 3,—
and there are very many of him—when he is separat-
ed from the creative force he is no more than a moon
shining by reflected light. The thing that vitalizes
a planet is the spiritual life of its inhabitants. As
the moon is now dead, it remains as a monument of
life of the past.

Each of the twelve constellations is composed of

many stars or suns giving out light which some have
dared to suggest emanates from the souls of men.
As God chose fire as a symbol of his spirit and as
musical vibration is designated by number, so amid
all the stars of each constellation, one especial planet
seems especially related to that constellation. As each
constellation differs as a whole from the others, so
must each individual star of the constellation differ
in its note. But the keynote of the constellation is
the combined voice of the whole. When we know
where we belong among the starry constellations of
golden gems which adorn the canopy above, we must
look to see what planet rules or is located in the con-
We find that five constellations have reached a
free note, and in the chorus of the spheres can take
up any C in any octave of the gamut of sound, Jupiter
and Venus always sounding D.
Any planet found in the constellation of Aqua-
rius, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo, or Cancer has the
advantage of a broad outlook, even though it may
itself be limited. From its situation it has a power
of growth the other planets do not have. When you go
through different states in our own country or in for-
eign lands, you see that the soil differs in different
places, so it is with these planets, they have a sense
of freedom unknown to the other constellations.

Sagittarius and Pisces are the strongest of all the

constellations, as both of these vibrate 8 and each is
ruled by Jupiter, who vibrates even higher than the
constellations themselves.
Jupiter and Venus are the two human, soulful
planets in our chain, as both vibrate y and their peo-
ple 8, two high free numbers. These planets are able
to strike two full, free notes C and D. No wonder
we regard Jupiter and Venus as powers of might.
Sagittarius and Pisces are blessed in having Jupiter
as their ruler.
Aquarius has the same form of freedam as Sagit-
tarius and Pisces and is, therefore, striking the same
free note of C in any octave, but its ruler, Saturn, is
of uncertain quality. Saturn has the 3 vibration and
its people 4, which make it of inharmonious quality.
Aquarius people are apt to be mystica! and negative
and so have clairvoyant power; but as they are con-
trolled by the planet Saturn, which vibrates 3, 4,
an opposite quality to that expressed by the free 8,
the people in this sign are often torn asunder by op-
posing desires, as the inhabitants are as strongly re-
lated to physical as to spiritual force. For this reason
we often find Aquarius people balancing between the
two forces, but their free constellation always gives
them a certain dignity even in their weakness.
Virgo also strikes the fundamental note of C,
meaning freedom. Its ruling planet is Mercury. This

planet is not of high vibration, as it strikes the limited

note F in just one octave. The inhabitants of Virgo
are in accord with the constellation, but they have
outgrown the planet.
Cancer is the last of the constellations able to
strike the note that belongs to the highest trinity of
harmony. Cancer is governed by the Moon, which
vibrates 3, and may either show a changeable quality
or be a great aid in complete spiritual expression.
Scorpio is the constellation which deals with life
and sex. It strikes G, the fifth note, its people, 3,
may either express the great truth of Unity or scatter
and destroy. Its planet is Mars, who has been called
the God of War. At its highest Mars is a beautiful
cosmic mother of unity.
Leo also vibrates 5, like Scorpio, and deals with
sex and life in all its forms. But its people, unlike
those of Scorpio, aim to reach the highest and grasp
the full octave of C. The free spirit of the people of
this sign is assisted by their ruler, the sun.
All the other constellations we find striking notes
less bold and clear than Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces,
Virgo, and Cancer.
We find Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Aries, Libra,
Scorpio and Leo to be less developed constellations,
but the same planets rule them.
One need not be ruled by the stars, but it makes.
life easier when we know their tone and consciously

work with them harmonizing all the forces. Then

we can use their force and they cease to use us.
Some things have weak voices as we judge weak
and strong. But remember, we must not judge any-
thing by the place it seems to occupy in the scen world.
Great men often walk among us unrecognized, work-
ing in humble callings and appearing very ordinary
people, when if our ears were opened we should hear
them singing great octaves on the unseen side of life.
The sparrow and cedar-bird vibrate, the one 11
and the other 22, the highest of seen forms, and re-
spond respectively to the entire octave of C and D, -
although on this, the seen side of life, their songs are
not heard; while the canary, bobolink and mocking
bird, although vibrating in the gamut of free expres-
sion, have only one free note and not an octave of
sound like the others. And yet we say the mocking
bird is a singer and the other is not.
The violet, camellia, lily and daisy have a whole
octave of sound. A dog, a chicken and a lamb strike
a free note and are related to the spiritual trinity. A
horse vibrates 11, showing it to be the highest seen
An automobile vibrates 5, its voice being 3. Thus
there is an harmonious relation in its structure. Milk,
beef, bacon, strike a free note, as docs anything
smoked. Mutton and cream vibrate to a full octave
of sound.

The thing with the highest vibration is not the

thing most loved by the masses. For instance, the
close-mouthed clam is vibrating to a whole octave of
sound on the unseen side, that side on which there
is no high and no low, but only darkness and light,
the negative and the positive. In contrast to the high-
ly vibrating clam, beloved of the few, the oyster, which
is an almost universal food, vibrates 4. This appeals
to the intellectual and physical nature and its one note,
F, any man can reach; while comparatively few can
follow the clam into its octave. The clam is never
at any season unhealthy, for its vibration is too high
for disease to reach when it understands how to use
its note to restore equilibrium.
If we understood life’s song, our song, found
from birth number, other’s song, and understood that
our song would go on throughout the eternities, we
would be more patient with the brother who has fal-
tered by the way and who yet, notwithstanding his
uncertain steps, may be making for himself an octave
of sound far more clear and beautiful than our own.
If we could realize that when the earth dust drops
from our eyes and ears, we will hear with the ears of
the spirit, and as we have passed the gamut of notes
below us, which has less rhythmic melody and har-
mony than the one we now hear, so we will finally
come to hear all creation singing together, when the
thunder blast, the vcice of the worm and the octaves

of man blend in one mighty chorus in which only

our perfected notes are heard, we would be more will-
ing to help the backward brother to get his note clear.
When we know all voices as one voice, all colors as
one color, and that all things are different expressions
of the one in different tones and keys, we then cease
to see thru a glass darkly but know as children of
Your system of body, soul, and spirit has a key-
note which is made intelligible to your intellect as
number. This is the keynote in which you are sing-
ing your song of life. When you started out upon
life’s journey, in order to make a perfect expression
of body, soul, and spirit, you struck some note. Every
victory made on the side of right added something
to your song, and if you have progressed sufficiently,
you are now singing a full octave in Nature’s chorus.
If everything is in a state of vibration, then every-
thing must take its part in the great choir. If every
created thing did not join, then the law of the universe
would be broken and chaos and disruption would
How many people in listening to a fine orchestra
can hear the overtones? Very few; and yet over-
tones belong to the physical plane, to. the highest part
of the physical, and are within the power of any in-
dividual to hear. When a person really desires to
hear the highest tones that can be produced all nature

conspires to help him. So, as you listen to a band

playing full harmonics, listen to the reproduction of the
sound above the normal gamut. There will be a sepa-
ration of sounds, the instruments will still be playing
but when your body gets sufficient of the listening
quality, above the silence you will hear another band
striking notes, silvery and harmonious. These are
the overtones, the spiritual part of the harmony made
by the musicians below. It will be easier for us to
hear overtones in music played in the keynote of our
birth path.
While overtones belong to the physical plane,
astral music belongs in the plane above the physical
or what is called the astral plane. Astral music close-
ly resembles music heard on the physical plane, but
the man who listens to it will be surprised to find
that he never hears a familiar tune. He is like one
listening to the music of a strange country. The
ability to hear astral music may come from an ardent
desire to hear astral sounds; but the power to hear
never comes with the desire. When the ardent desire
has ceased to be positive, the power to hear may come.
But it always comes as a gift and not with effort.
Astral music is heard in the silence and the tones seem
to be finer and thinner than the music of the physical
I would not talk to you of these things if I had
not myself actually experienced them. I would not

teach these things if when in doubt as to their reality

the Great Father had not unsealed my eyes and un-
stopped my ears until I saw and understood why many
things not comprehended before must exist in life’s
endless progress. Did I hear these things thru the
psychic senses? No; but thru the unlocking of my
spiritual faculties in order that I might help fellow
The first time I heard the Music of the
Spheres I was in a sleeping car, the best place
in the world, except a boiler shop, to find the
true silence. When my head first touched the
pillow I was conscious of the grating, grind and
thud of the wheels beneath me. Then came stillness
and listening, I heard the grating sounds grow finer,
softer, until by and by the sounds separated, every-
thing seeming to be enveloped in the gray mist. Then
to my surprise I began to hear faint glorious music
of a kind I never heard before. It arose as if from
the depth of earth and sea, silvery, watery, fiery, and
the unity of the whole so blended that it filled me
with awe. I arose and sat upon the side of my berth,
while the grandeur and majesty of the song rolled
on and I seemed constantly able to hear more and
more from the finest highest notes down to the thun-
dering bass. Unlike earthly music it had no melody,
but the mighty harmony rolled on and on unceasing.
‘Then my prayer went up to the Creat Choir Master

to let me hear more—more—, only to hear. I was

willing to give up my body in order to hear more.
Instantly the song ccased and I could hear nothing
but the grinding of the car. The following days I
prayed as only an ardent soul can to hear the music
once more. Then while about my daily work the
Heavens again opened and I heard once more the
same song. Still later, for the third time, I heard the
voice of the worlds and then I knew I should never
hear it again until I stood with eyes and ears no longer
hindered with carth’s dust.
The Master wastes no force, but when especial
help is needed to do especial work, if we cling close to
the source, the help is always given.
When we ask, What is music? we find it defined
in the Encyclopaedia Britannica “As the art that
employs sound as a medium of artistic expression for
what IS NOT in the province of literature whether in
verse or prose; what is not in sculpture, painting,
acting or architecture. Literature portrays states of
emotion, sculpture imitates the outward forms of ani-
mate things, whereas painting vitalizes with color the
forms of sculpture and extends its range of subjects
not only to animate, but to inanimate nature. Acting
gives the mobility of life to sculpture, which is an
imitation. Music embodies the inward feeling of
which all those other arts can but exhibit the effect.
Music has an analogy to architecture which it has

not to the other fine arts, as it makes but conventional

reference to nature in the lines and the lights and
shadows of the natural world—in this particular mu-
sic has an analogy to architecture which it has not
to the other fine arts. In the matter of expression also
architecture may be compared to music in the earlier
stages of its development, but music left architecture
far behind when in later days it assumed the power
of special individual and personal expression of every
variety of passion. Music embodies the inward feel-
ing of which all those other arts can but exhibit the
This proves music to be one of the great realities
and all other arts but imitations. Music uses the other
arts somewhat as the soul uses the body, which is to
assist it to advance in its great journey towards per-
fection. Some have called music thc universal lan-
guage. The same authority quoted says, the defini-
tion is not true and gives as the reason that in every
age and clime there are varieties of musical idiom
which are unsympathetic, if not unintelligible, to other
generations than those with whom they were first
current; and still more, the very principles that gov-
ern it have been and are so variously developed at
different times and places that music which is de-
lightful to one people, is repugnant at another epoch
or to a different community.
If music is that art which embodies the inward

feeling of which all the other arts are imitations, in

outward form, then music must stand as the soul of
all seen things. It emerges from the quiet spot in
your system and in mine where the spark of the Ab-
solute dwells. As it moves forth into the seen world
it causes motion, which causes sound; sound turns to
tone and tone to color, and color to the reflection of
all colors in one harmonious perfect white. All the
sounds and notes are still present, but the ear of man
is not attuned to their spiritual quality, altho on the
other side, the unseen side, they are registered as the
music of the spheres.
Colors, then, are not expressions of different
state of vibration vitalized as music, the different
colors showing what note is being struck, and how
much spirit is being expressed. Music is the inter-
preter of color and endows color with life. Color
touches the individual thru the sense world, and mu-
sic interprets the feeling aroused.
Science tells us there is but one true color, the
ultramarine, which, being impervious to fire, is found
in the volcano. Its vibration is 6, showing it to be a
cosmic mother. The digit of its vowels is 1, showing
‘it to be the principle of unity. All other colors are
mixtures, like the blood of the races; yet, perhaps,
there may be one race which, like the ultramarine,
stands for the quiet spot whose note is purity.
It is not absolutely necessary that we should be

surrounded by the colors of our own vibration any

more than it is necessary for us to walk to march
time. We can go thru life trying to keep step to
waltz time instead of to the 4-4 time, suitable for
walking. Dut as it is easier to walk to 4-4 time, so it
is easier for us when the colors around us vibrate to
the keynote ef our name or birth digit. Most of us pos-
sess two dominant cclors, our name color and our
birth colcr, and we should be as familiar with them
as with the face of a frient.
Red, in all shades, has the power of complete
expression when the form that expresses this won-
drous color knows how to strike its free note D. It
is a color much abused and is often by coarse natures
made to strike its beautiful note in a very low octave.
The color, red, is so rich and free in its own vibration,
so typical of the blood of the race, that it has the
power to express either purity or vice as no other
color can. The harlot may with propriety wrap around
herself a cloak of various shades of red, and the young
mother may with equal propriety cover her child
with a coverlet of the same hue. But the mother
strikes the note in a high octave, while the harlot
sounds it in a lower one; but it is always the note D
singing the same song for all the red clad souls.
When we take red and fill it with the white rays
until it blushes from red to pink, we find its outer form
expresses less strength, but internally it is the same.

It strikes the same note, but is bound by another dom-

inant note that hampers it and holds it within the limits
of the earth’s boundaries, called life. As we see it,
pink strikes the note of G and means love without
passion. It is life’s color.
The reason that blue and green are more used
for clothing and house furnishing than other colors,
is because these colors vibrate 4, which expresses the
individual alone. To bring either into a higher vibra-
tion so as to meet the needs of all humanity, one must
add a secondary and higher principle. Anybody can
understand the vibration of blue or green, which is the
reason they are always popular, changing only in de-
gree, never in foundation. When. we add “light”
to blue, we add the highest of all vibrations, the spir-
itual 11.
When we add “ white” or “light” to any color
we add a whole gamut of colors and give it the use
of a whole octave of sound. When we add dark and
light to any color, we strengthen its vibration. But
as “light blue” continues to contain within its system
the 4 principle—the single note of F in one octave—
it will express less freedom than “ dark blue,” where
the 4 principle loses its strong physical and intellec-
tual character in the freedom of the unseen. Dark
blue (7 + 4 = 11) is higher in vibration than “ light ”
(11, 4). “Light blue” is higher than medium blue,
which is the color of the masses and speaks for the

individual and not for the race. The lower its vibra-
tion, the less enduring its lasting quality.
Green vibrates the same note as blue. This is a
green earth, and the green of earth and the blue of
sky blend inharmoniously unless a spirtual quality
is added either as “dark” or “light.” Then the
weary soul can grasp the shade to which it is attuned
and with no mental effort the colors of blue and green
will fit into his life. The green of the earth, green-
backs, and silver, ail strike the same note of F.
Outwardly, orange vibrates 6 and strikes the
note of A. 6 shows it to be a cosmic mother, but it
shows strength in a limited condition. It is a strong
color because its internal structure is much stronger
than its outward form, and as the internal structure
of 6 is 11, there is perfect concord between its out-
ward and its inner forms.
Yellow and violet, with white, black and cream
are expressing whole octaves of sound. In these
colors is expressed every emotion the human heart is
capable of feeling.
Yellow is more closely related to the soul than
other colors as its mission is to collect, to gather, to
arrange, to give out. This is especially true of the
shade known as gold, which is the drawing together
color. When this color lacks the luminosity which the
flame of spirit gives, it is negative and an earth color.
With the spiritual quality added it belongs to all

colors and is no longer confined to the trinity of mind

known as I, 2, 3.
It is no sin to possess gold, but to take it from the
cosmic store-house, to which all have access, and to
hoard it and hide it in vaults, is to remove it from its
source and to reduce it to nothing but the mineral
gold, where it strikes but one note in one octave, D.
It is not so with yellow, which laughs and rests in
the freedom of God’s love and strikes all the notes in
the whole gamut of sound.
Within the colors of white, yellow, violet and
cream, as well as black, abides the power to express
every harmony, every emotion, every architectural
structure, all sculpture, every color that is spread on
any canvas, every song a bird can sing, the noise of
the waterfall, the thunder’s roar—these are all ex-
pressed in white, yellow, violet and cream.
Violet, as you know, is a borrowed color and be-
longs in the gamut above the one the natural eye sees.
But some one who has seen has reproduced its shade
in form and the whole octave of sound has flowed
into it.
Black means the absorption of all sounds and col-
ors. It holds within its sombre folds every emotion,
color, and note known to mortals, but it is negative
and fails to reflect, and while hugging its treasures
fails to realize their brightness. Black holds as much
as white; but while black is negative and absorbs,

white is positive and gives out. White gives freely

as God gives, to all men, and we can find the echo of
every note in the world’s great chorus, every color
in the rainbow, in the pure white light. It is the color
to use for healing and contains within its consciousness
all the wealth of the universe.
Firé and water vibrate whole octaves of sound.
It is true the flame can sing any melody the listening
ear can hear.
It is true, if one will listen to the ocean’s roar he
can hear every instrument ever used in an orchestra;
they are all there and only need the hearing ear to
bring them to consciousness. You can find in water
every color the eye ever saw or the mind imagined.
They are all there merely waiting for you to bring
them forth.
As every soul that walks the earth has his mis-
sion and message, so has each individual color and
note its message.
In every note there are three distinct planes of
tone, and so in color we find the same law. As every
soul has some good in it, so is every color good, in its
time and place. Somewhere in its system is the quiet
spot where the language of the soul speaks, and will
speak to you if you have ears to hear.
Thru vibration comes motion, thru motion comes
color, thru color comes tone. Music uses these forces
and amidst their universal action it sorts and sifts

from the inharmonious, harmonies, placing them ex-

actly where the Great Choir Master desires them to
be. Not one thing is forgotten; everything is there
and each thing has its rightful place in the music all
are making.
As below, so above. If everything has its quict
spot where God abides, then this spot will be found
in the overtone which seems almost too high for mor-
tal ear. Possibly our present overtones may be the
music of our future state, and above them will be a
still finer overtone until we go on and on until sound
ceases and we dwell in a world beyond the Music of
the Spheres when spiritual man may himself be the
musical expression of the Absolute.
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