Damon Brand Magick Protection Book Notes
Damon Brand Magick Protection Book Notes
Damon Brand Magick Protection Book Notes
There are 20 rituals that you can refer to depending of your goal.
The list is as follows :
Angelic Protections.
Remove Parasitic Beings.
Cleanse Any Space.
Protect Your Job.
Protect Your Business.
Protect Against Accidents.
Protection From Stalkers.
Protection Against Unwanted Attention.
Stop A Known Enemy.
Cancel A Curse Or Supernatural Attack.
Become Less Conspicuous.
Protection Against Hacking and Identity Theft.
Protection While Travelling.
Protection from Violence.
Stop Gossip and Rumours.
Take Power From A Bully.
Protect Your Home.
Protect Your Possessions From Thieves.
Protection Against Influence.
- Spend the first few days of your practice using The Sword Banishing and the Master
Protection Ritual.
- You can combine several rituals to ensure that an enemy is stopped and that you remain
safe but most of the time one is enough.
- Once you start a ritual, carry it out until the end of it's scheduled time. You can pause
and continue when you are able but it can be weakened.
- Accessories are not a absolute necessity.
The banishing itself should be practiced twice a day. Once in the morning before sunset as soon
as you awaken do it in bed before getting up and once at night after sunset before falling
It can be done mentally. It makes you spiritually more visible but is enough to protect you from
Banish again before every ritual.
Feel free to banish at anytime you feel a unwanted spiritual influence.
Invocation are done by mentioning names and with simple magical thoughts.
How to read the magickal names ?
Read only the words that are written in capital letters in the book as though they are written in
the English language. The only sound that is challenging is C H which becomes K.
The Sword Banishing calls on the powers of the angels Yohach, Kalach,Natzariel and Oziel.
The activation also uses seven divine names, making a total of eleven names.
While you whisper the words, imagine that you are calling them to the ends of the
At page 78 there is a diagram with the eleven names.
Activate these words one at the time by scanning the Hebrew word using the photo
reading gaze from right to left.
Then speak the English phonetic three times
Once done, move to the next word until the end of the list.
You now have the attention of the angels and need to seal their commitment to you.
Your voice is connected to the angelic names through divine power. There is no need to close
this ritual or do anything else.
The magick is complete.
You will be required to visualize some images. You can sit, kneel, stand or lie down while doing
Now we begin the sword banishing guided meditation :
Now. You see that within each of his hand YOHACH is holding a mighty sword of shiny starlight.
One of these swords, his left one, is held across Yohach’s body for protection.
The other sword, his right one, is pointed forward in the direction that you are currently facing
ready to attack.
Now. You see that within each of his hand KALACH is holding a mighty sword of shiny starlight.
One of these words, his right one, is held across KALACH,s body for protection.
The other sword, his left one, is pointed forward in the direction that you are currently facing
ready to attack.
Can you feel the sphere of light which is right now surrounding you ?
Now. Imagine this sphere of starlight for only a moment, then let its color slowly fade, as the
angels on either side fade from your view with it.
They are still present but invisible.
The banishing is done. With practice and habit it can be involved within 10 seconds.
The ritual should be carried out for thirty-three consecutive days. If not possible, continue where
you left it.
It is an uncrossing ritual that strengthens your sense of self, your divine right to protection,
deflects curses and attacks both physical and spiritual.
The daily Sword Banishing will hold off attacks, but this Master Protection Ritualis a way of
declaring to the Universe that you are expressing your true will in the world, and that you want
to follow your path without harm coming to you or your loved ones.
Once the Sword Banishing is done, place the page 90 talisman before you.
Take two minutes to think about the state you're actually in and how you currently feel. Be
Honest about your feelings and about their sources but just observe them with detachment. It
means acknowledge everything without judgement.
2 minutes.
Use the photo reading gaze to scan your eyes over the letter shapes in the outer ring of the
talisman. Don't read, just scan.
Start at the very top and go anti-clockwise, it means from the right to the left.
Look at each letter in the black star. Once again starting at the top and moving anti-clockwise.
These letters spell the name of the angels Yohach and Kalach and help them to oversee the
Now. Gaze at the central white triangle, without trying to read or scan the letters for a few
You have just opened a gateway to a group of spirits that will hear your call.
Can you feel the spirit which heard your call and are currently with you ?
Now. You are about to starting speaking the incantation to your interlocutor.
While staring at your interlocutor, breathe slowly and remember :
1. The spirits are a personification of moral forces but having free will.
2. The talisman gives you divine authority.
3. Speak with authority, you are politely commanding everything you are talking about.
4. Speak as if your interlocutor was human and was right in front of you.
5. This human has powers that he will grant to you.
6. After speaking each line, make a brief pause in order to feel the image of the content of
the spoken line being granted to you right now at this very moment. Visualize how you
are going to apply it.
Now. Before speaking take 30 seconds to repeat each of the rules you have just heard in your
BAH-GLISS, genius of measure and balance, grant me the power to express my will.
HAH-HABI, genius of fear, let the force of my will overcome all terrors.
ZEFF-AK, genius of irrevocable choice, grant me the power to create my own immortality.
MAST-OH, genius of delusive appearances, grant me the power to see through all deception.
MARN-EZ, genius of the discernment of spirits, grant me the power to protect myself.
The remainder of this book is split into two sections, each containing a variety of directed
protection rituals.
Angelic Protection gives you a simple method to protect yourself from unwanted situations,
using nothing more than a simple sigil and words of power.
The full list of protection rituals is as follows, pick the one you wish.
Angelic Protections.
Remove Parasitic Beings.
Cleanse Any Space.
Protect Your Job.
Protect Your Business.
Protect Against Accidents.
Protection From Stalkers.
The full list of workings of protection is as follows, pick the one you wish.