Lesson 2-Art Appreciation
Lesson 2-Art Appreciation
Lesson 2-Art Appreciation
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Distinguish, identify, and discern the significance of arts in relation to the historical development of
human society;
2. Acquire a broader understanding on how arts influence the human culture and society; and
3. Classify and distinguish the distinct characteristics of the visual arts specific to the subject of art, style,
elements, medium, design, historical background, influential persons, socio-political issues, and
prevalent artists.
Overview: The essentials of art focus on the quiddity and aesthetic value of visual arts. This likewise
includes the elements, media, principles of design, styles, and subject of visual arts. The essentials of
art are the basic knowledge that the students need to learn and understand. Learning and
understanding the essentials of visual arts will eventually elevate the art appreciation skills of the
students. In like manner, to deepen their skills in appreciating the artworks, students should also
acquire knowledge about the origin, development, movements, and the pivotal figures in visual arts.
Hence, the discussion about history of visual arts includes the following eras such as Prehistoric art,
Classicism and Greco-Roman Tradition art, Early Christian Traditions, Medieval and Renaissance art.
Teacher’s Guide Week 4 to 5
Prehistoric Art
The geographical conditions and the limitation of
resources contribute to the civilization and
advancement of the ancient’s culture. The limitation of
resources compels the ancient people to migrate from
one place to other places to search for food for their
survival. Ancient people are nomads, no permanent
abode who travel from place to place to find abundant
vegetation and to hunt succesfully (Perez, 2021g; Perez,
2021h). Experts believe that prehistoric animal
paintings (see Pic 9a) have ceremonial purposes. They
discovered that the prehistoric people paint animals
and carved animal statuettes for their successful Pic 9a. “Bhimbetka rock painting” (3300-1700 BC),
hunting (Ragas, 2005; Perez, 2021g). Prehistoric people image by New World Encyclopedia.
also carved human figurines like the fertility statue, and https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/bhimbe
they believed that this figurine would bring many
offsprings and would preserve the human race (Perez, Pic 9b. Venus of
2021h). Moreover, ancient people found their Willendorf
habitation on the riverbanks: the Mesopotamians on (28,000-25,000
BC), image by
the banks of Tigris and Euphrates river; the Egyptians
on the bank of Nile river; the Chinese on the bank of https://en.wikipe
Yangtze river; and the Indians on the banks of Indus dia.org/wiki/Ven
and Ganges river. Civilization in the ancient time are us_of_Willendorf
historically rooted on the banks of rivers. This river
civilizations gave birth to the Ancient Art (Perez, 2021g;
Perez, 2021h).
Teacher’s Guide Week 4 to 5
Teacher’s Guide Week 4 to 5
Teacher’s Guide Week 4 to 5
Renaissance Art
Like the Ancient Greek arts, Renaissance art underscored the dominance of man (homocentric),
“Man as the measure of all things”. Art centers on a person’s thoughts, feelings and imaginations. Its
artistic standards are derived from the ideals of classicism (Ancient Greek arts). The subjects of art
in this period remained religious by nature and the ideal man, “jack-of-all-trade” (polymath) was the
center of attraction. Renaissance arts are attributed to the exceptional works of the Renaissance men.
The prevalent Renaissance men in this period were the likes of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo
Buonarroti, Filippo Brunelleschi, Giotto di Bondone, Lorenzo Ghiberti, Donato di Niccolo (Donatello),
Alessandro di Vanni (Sandro Botticelli), Leon Battista Alberti, Fra Filippo Lippi, and Albrecht Durer
(Perez, 2021a; Perez, 2021g).
Leonardo da Vinci was born out of wedlock to Piero da Vinci and Caterina on April 15, at Vinci,
Italy, near Florence. He was educated in the studio of the renowned Florentine painter, Verrocchio.
He was regarded as one of the Italian Renaissance polymaths and was likewise known for his
versatility. Leonardo da Vinci as Renaissance polymath, was recognized as a painter, sculptor,
architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer,
botanist, and writer. Leonardo died at age 67 at Clos Lucé, on May 2, 1519 (Perez, 2021a; Perez,
Teacher’s Guide Week 4 to 5
Pic 12. (a) “Madonna of the Carnation” (c.1469) and (b) “Vitruvian Man”
(c. 1485) by Leonardo da Vinci, images by Leonardo Da Vinci.
NOTE: STOPPED HERE. https://www.leonardodavinci.net. These paintings are some of the
notable works of Leonardo da Vinci after leaving his mentor, Verrocchio
in Florence, Italy. His Vitruvian man is one of proofs of his cleverness in
human anatomy.
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, a.k.a. Michelangelo Buonarroti was born on 6 March
1475 in Caprese near Arezzo, Tuscany. He was an apprentice of Domenico Ghirlandaio, an Italian
Renaissance painter, and in sculpture, he was mentored by Bertoldo di Giovanni, an Italian Renaissance
sculptor and medalist. As one of the Renaissance polymaths (jack-of-all trade), he was regarded as
sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer who exerted an unparalleled influence on the
development of Western art. Some of his notable works are the La Pieta (see Pic 13a), Statue of David
(see Pic 13b), Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, and the magnificent series of paintings at the ceiling of
Sistine Chapel. His La Pieta which means dutifulness, depicts Mary’s pietas and love to her son, Jesus
who had laid on her lap after the crucifixion (Perez, 2021a; Perez, 2021g).
Teacher’s Guide Week 4 to 5
Directions. Use any available medium (material) at your home and create any
Worksheet 3 style of visual art (painting or sculpture or mixed media). Express your creativity
relating with the theme, “Sustainability Means Plant a Tree and Save the World”.
Make a photo-documentation (pix/selfie) with this task and see the criteria for
your guidance.
Teacher’s Guide Week 4 to 5
Directions: Create a timeline about the significant development and history of art
Worksheet 3 from the primitive to the renaissance arts. Then, cite the significant
characteristics of the artworks. You may see this link for your guidance:
https://www.visme.co/templates/infographics/timeline/ . Cite properly your references
following the APA 7th Edition format. Make a photo-documentation (pix/selfie)
with this task and see the criteria for your guidance.
Paste your photo-documentation here
Teacher’s Guide Week 4 to 5
Tabotabo, Claudio V. (2010). Art Appreciation: Introduction to the Humanities (Revised Edition). Manila. Mindshapers
Co., Inc.
Marcos, Lucivilla L. (2006). Introduction to the Humanities Visual and Performing Arts. Manila. Mindshapers Co., Inc.
Zulueta, Francisco (2003). The Humanities (Revised Edition). Mandaluyong City. National Book Store inc.
Sanchez, Custodiosa A., Abad, Paz F., & Jao, Loreto V. (2002). Introduction to the Humanities (Revised Edition). Q.C. Rex
Printing Company Inc.
Website Resources
Commission on Higher Education (2020). Region III Open Educational Resources (OERS). Flexible Learning All-in-One
Solution for HEIs in Region 3 (FLASHEIR3). https://chedro3.ched.gov.ph/open-educational-resources/
Perez, A. (2020b). Art Appreciation Module 2 [PowerPoint Slides].
Perez, A. (2021a). Roman to Renaissance Art (Video). YouTube. https://youtu.be/1GdnUjTDzVE
Perez, A. (2021d). Mannerism, Romanticism, and Baroque Art (Video). YouTube. https://youtu.be/rv6RSISZ2_M
Perez, A. (2021g). Module 2 in Art Appreciation. https://www.academia.edu/47899876/Module_2_in_Arts_Appreciation
Perez, A. (2021h). Module 2: Part 1. Art History and Development (Video). YouTube.. https://youtu.be/W3hEZ9lzIMc
Ragans, R. (2005). ARTTALK 4th Ed. Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 21600 Oxnard Street, Suite 500 Woodland Hills, CA 91367.
Lloyd, S. H. F. (n.d.) Mesopotamian art and architecture. Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/art/Mesopotamian-art
Mesopotamian Arts (n.d.).A Long History of Skilled Craftsmen. https://www.invaluable.com/blog/mesopotamian-art/
Ancient Art (n.d.). http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/ancient-art.htm
James, T. G. (n.d). Egyptian art and architecture. Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/art/Egyptian-art
UNESCO (n.d.). Taj Mahal. https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/252/
Prehistoric Art (n.d.). https://www.britannica.com/art/prehistoric-art
Lubow, A. (2009 July). Terra Cotta Soldiers on the March. Smithsonia Magazine
Brouwers, J (2017 August 14). Stele of the Vultures. Ancient World Magazine.
History (2019 September 13). Ancient Greek Arts. https://www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/ancient-greek-art
Hibbard, H. (2021, December 8). Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Janson, H. (2021, December 9). Donatello. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Donatello
Hyman, I. (2022, April 11). Filippo Brunelleschi. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Lowenthal, C. (2022, May 4). Lorenzo Ghiberti. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Teacher’s Guide Week 4 to 5
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