Greco Roman Glass

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Glass Making in the Greco-Roman World

Studies in Archaeological Sciences 4

The series Studies in Archaeological Sciences presents state-of-the-art methodological,
technical or material science contributions to Archaeological Sciences. The series aims to
reconstruct the integrated story of human and material culture through time and testifies
to the necessity of inter- and multidisciplinary research in cultural heritage studies.

Prof. Patrick Degryse, Centre for Archaeological Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium

Editorial Board
Prof. Ian Freestone, Cardiff Department of Archaeology, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Prof. Carl Knappett, Department of Art, University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Andrew Shortland, Centre for Archaeological and Forensic Analysis, Cranfield University, United Kingdom
Prof. Manuel Sintubin, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Marc Waelkens, Centre for Archaeological Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium
Glass Making in the
Greco-Roman World
Results of the ARCHGLASS Project

Edited by
Patrick Degryse

Leuven University Press

Published with support of

© 2014 by Leuven University Press / Presses Universitaires de Louvain / Universitaire Pers

Leuven. Minderbroedersstraat 4, B-3000 Leuven (Belgium).

All rights reserved. Except in those cases expressly determined by law, no part of this
publication may be multiplied, saved in an automated datafile or made public in any way
whatsoever without the express prior written consent of the publishers.

ISBN 978 94 6270 007 9

D / 2014 / 1869 / 86
NUR: 682/933

Lay-out: Friedemann Vervoort

Cover: Jurgen Leemans


The ARCHGLASS “Archaeometry and Archaeology of Ancient Glass Production as a Source

for Ancient Technology and Trade of Raw Materials” project, is a Seventh Framework
Programme “Ideas” project funded under the European Research Council Starting Grant
scheme. The main goals of the project were to develop innovative archaeometrical
techniques to reconstruct ancient economies, and to apply these methods to gain new
insights in the trade and processing of mineral raw materials used for glass making.

In effect, the project and this book presents a database of mineralogical and chemical
compositions of possible raw materials (sand and flux) for primary glass making. From
these data, the primary provenance of ancient natron glass can be derived. The focus
of this project was on the Hellenistic-Roman world, investigating both production and
consumer sites of glass from a chemical perspective, but integrating typo-chronological
and archaeometrical information. Analyses of glass artefacts at consumer sites as well
as a chemical characterisation of raw glass at primary production sites are presented.

Using an interdisciplinary approach, combining historical, archaeological and archaeo­

metrical data, the occurrence of primary production centres of raw glass outside those
known from archaeological excavation in Syro-Palestine and Egypt were investigated.
In particular, the western Mediterranean area including the regions of Italy, Gaul,
Spain (described by ancient authors as primary glass producers) and north-Africa
were investigated. In this way, by developing new analysis techniques, an innovative
archaeological interpretation of glass trade in the Hellenistic-Roman world can be given,
and the possibility of integrating glass studies into the larger framework of Roman
economy studies, now underrepresented, becomes possible.

The political situation in Northern Africa and the Middle East during the course of
the project prohibited much fieldwork there. Only a small amount of samples from
Israel, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia from previous field campaigns and from older, well-
documented collections were studied. This makes the study of North Africa as a supplier
of natron glass more difficult. Moreover, a database of analyses of possible raw materials
and glass is never complete. The approach to the geological materials analysed here is
based on regional survey, taking samples from different geological hinterlands with a
wide spacing, but not going into very detailed sampling grids. Nevertheless, almost 300
samples of sand and flux and close to 400 analyses of glass are taken into account in this
book. This analytical strategy makes the interpretation of provenance given in this book
the best possible interpretation to the knowledge of the authors, at this point in time
within the current state-of-the-art. The reconstruction of the primary origin of ancient
natron glass presented here, hence refers to broad geological/geographical regions
where glass was (likely) made, rather than to individual sites. The authors wish to make
all this raw data available in open access format to all scholars in the field, to use in their
own research, study or teaching… and judge for themselves. This book is written with
archaeologists and historians in mind. The analysis procedures, for instance the newly
developed methods of isotopic analysis, can be found in specialised journal papers. This
6 Preface

book focuses on an archaeological interpretation of the exact data produced, especially

in the conclusions at the end of each chapter, and the discussion in chapters six and


Several museums, excavations and individual scholars provided samples and unravelled
archaeological contexts for this study, for which we would like thank Lorenzo Appolonia,
Rossella Arletti, Nizar Abu Jaber, Adam Aja, Bob Brill, Nick Cahill, Giacomo Chiari, Peter
Cosyns, Wim Dijkman, Roald Doctor, Elizabetha Dotsika, Susanne Ebbinghaus, Danielle
Foy, Patrizia Framarin, Ian Freestone, Caroline Jackson, Filomena Gallo, Domingo
Gimeno-Torrez, Bernard Gratuze, Joe Greene, Hans Huismans, Susanna ‘Suzy’ Kirk, Roland
Lamprichs, Veerle Lauwers, Marleen Martens, David Mattingly, Judith McKenzie, Luigia
Melillo, Piero Mirti, Gianmario Molin, Patrick Monsieur, M. Pugès, Ziad al Saad, Mariarosa
Salvatore, Valeria Sampaolo, Alberta Silvestri, Sofie Vanhoutte, Frank Vermeulen, Michael
Vickers, Susan Walker, Erik Wetzels, the Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project,
the Servei d’Arqueologia Urbana, Ajuntament (municipality) of Barcelona, the Getty
Museum, the Getty Conservation Institute, the Harvard Art Museums, Harvard Semitic
Museum. Femke Hasendonckx, Leander Geldhof, Maarten Diels were active as master
students in this project. Elvira Vassilieva, Kris Latruwe, Steven Luypaers, Rita Giannini,
Lieve Balcaen, Johan Honings and Kelly Domoney were essential for analytical support
and interpretation of data.

Ian Freestone, Marie Dominique Nenna, Thilo Rehren, Frank Vanhaecke and Caroline
Jackson are greatly acknowledged for feedback on ideas and discussions. Udo Haack,
Jens Schneider and Philippe Muchez were essential in the design and development of
this project, while Dennis Braekmans, Katherine Eremin, Andrew Shortland and Marc
Walton have been friends, colleagues and compagnons de route, for which I cannot thank
them enough.

Funding for this project was provided by several projects of the Fund for Scientific Research
Flanders (FWO, G.002111.N, G-08-00291, G.A078.11), the KU Leuven (PFV/10/001) and
the European Research Council under the Starting Grant scheme (grant agreement no.
240750). Annelore Blomme, Dieter Brems and Monica Ganio benefitted from a Research
Assistant Grant of the Fund for Scientific Research—Flanders (FWO-Vlaanderen). Dieter
Brems is currently working as postdoctoral fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research—
Flanders (FWO-Vlaanderen). ERC allowed the training of a significant number of scholars,
who will undoubtedly find their way into the international community in their research

Table of Contents

List of illustrations 11

List of Tables 13

Chapter 1
The archaeology and archaeometry of natron glass making
R.B. Scott, P. Degryse 15

Chapter 2
Western Mediterranean sands for ancient glass making
D. Brems, P. Degryse 27

Chapter 3
The Sr-Nd isotopic fingerprint of sand raw materials
D. Brems, M. Ganio, P. Degryse 51

Chapter 4
Trace elements in sand raw materials
D. Brems, P. Degryse 69

Chapter 5
The Sources of Natron
V. Devulder, P. Degryse 87

Chapter 6
Primary glass factories around the Mediterranean
P. Degryse, M. Ganio, S. Boyen, A. Blomme, B. Scott, D. Brems, M. Carremans,
J. Honings, T. Fenn, F. Cattin 97

Chapter 7
P. Degryse 113
10 Table of Contents

Appendix A
Sampling locations, elemental compositions of the analysed sand samples
as determined by ICP–OES analysis, LOI results, results of the Sr and
Nd isotopic analysis and trace element analysis results. 120

Appendix B
Calculated glass compositions after raising the Na2O levels of the sands
to 16.63%, the average Na2O content of Roman natron glass (Foster and
Jackson, 2009). 156

Appendix C
Calculated glass compositions after raising the CaO levels of the sands
containing insufficient lime to 7.48%, the average CaO content of
Roman natron glass (Foster and Jackson, 2009). 168

Appendix D 171

References 173

List of illustrations

Figure 2.1: Schematic representation of the method used to calculate the

composition of glass that can be produced from the analysed beach
sands after the addition of pure Na2O to the glass batch. 29
Figure 2.2: Schematic representation of the method used to calculate the
composition of glass that can be produced from the analysed beach
sands after the addition of Na2O and extra CaO to the glass batch. 30
Figure 2.3: Histograms showing the elemental composition of hypothetical
glasses that could be made from the beach sand samples analysed
after raising the Na2O content to 16.63%. 31
Figure 2.4: SiO2-Al2O3-CaO ternary diagram showing the compositions of the
calculated glasses that could be produced from the analysed beach
sands. 33
Figure 2.5: Histograms showing the elemental composition of hypothetical glasses
that could be made from the sand samples containing insufficient lime
in their original state after raising the Na2O content to 16.63% and the
CaO content to 7.48%. 36
Figure 2.6: Schematic cross section through the experimental glasses with
indication of the sampling locations. 40
Figure 2.7: (a) Pale green glass produced with sand IT34. (b) Detail of the lower
surface of glass IT87. (c) Blue glass produced with sand FR16 and
extra shell fragments. (d) Brown frit produced with sand IT45. 41
Figure 2.8: Comparison between the calculated glass compositions (IT85, IT87,
IT34, FR16 and IT45) and the compositions of the experimental
glasses. 43
Figure 2.9: Na2O-CaO-SiO2 ternary phase diagrams (Shahid and Glasser, 1972)
showing the composition of the calculated glasses based on the
analysed beach sands. 46
Figure 2.10: Map of the western Mediterranean showing the areas where suitable
sand raw materials occur. 49
Figure 3.1: Map of the western Mediterranean showing the sample locations and
the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of the beach sands analysed. 56
Figure 3.2: Map of the western Mediterranean showing the sample locations and
the εNd values of the beach sands analysed. 57
Figure 3.3: (a) 87Sr/86Sr vs. CaO plot. (b) 87Sr/86Sr vs. Al2O3 plot. (c) 87Sr/86Sr vs.
Al2O3/CaO plot. 59
Figure 3.4: (a) 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of sands with insufficient CaO to produce
Roman natron glass and the glass that can be produced from these sands
after the addition of an extra source of lime. (b) Sr concentrations. (c)
Sr/86Sr vs. Sr concentration plot. 60
Figure 4.1: Periodic table with indication of the most likely sources of the
elements in Roman natron glass. 70
12 Table of Illustrations

Figure 4.2: (a) Covariation of Zr with TiO2 in the analysed beach sands. (b)
Chondrite-normalised rare earth element patterns of the sands, glasses
and shell analysed. (d) Comparison of Sr concentrations as obtained
via ICP–OES and INAA. 77
Figure 4.3: Trace element concentrations normalised to the mean abundances in
the earth’s continental crust. 81
Figure 4.4: Flowchart for determining the provenance of natron glass. 83
Figure 5.1: Photograph of present day deposits of burkeite and halite at Wadi el
Natrun. 88
Figure 6.1: Representation of the occurrence of εNd signatures (grouped per
quarter unit) through time (grouped per 50 years) for the full dataset
of natron glass analysed. 108
Figure 6.2: Representation of the occurrence of εNd signatures (grouped per
quarter unit) through time (grouped per 50 years) for the colourless
glass analysed. 110
Figure 7.1: Graphical representation of the occurrence of εNd signatures through
time for all glass analysed. Sample chronology was determined by
stratigraphical association. 116
Figure 7.2: Graphical representation of the occurrence of εNd signatures through
time for the colourless glass analysed. Sample chronology was
determined by stratigraphical association. 118

List of Tables

Table 2.1: Tolerance ranges for the chemical elements. 29

Table 2.2: Calculated glass batches in order to produce glass with 16.63% Na2O. 40
Table 2.3: Elemental composition of the experimental glass samples, shell frag-
ments and Na2CO3 as determined by ICP–OES analysis. 42
Table 4.1: Correlation matrix for major, minor and trace elements analysed by
INAA and ICP-OES. 74
Table 5.1: Mineralogy and B isotopic composition of present day natron and
sand deposits. 91
Table 5.2: B isotopic composition of ancient natron glass. 93
Chapter 1

The archaeology and archaeometry of

natron glass making
R.B. Scott, P. Degryse

Pliny the Elder, writing in the 1st century AD describes how glass was first made.
“There is a story that once a ship belonging to some traders in natural soda put
in here and that they scattered along the shore to prepare a meal. Since, however,
no stones suitable for supporting their cauldrons were forthcoming, they rested
them on lumps of soda from their cargo. When these became heated and were
completely mingled with the sand on the beach a strange translucent liquid flowed
forth in streams; and this, it is said, was the origin of glass” (Pliny NH 36.65;
Eichholz, 1962: 151). Although the story is untrue, Pliny is describing Roman
‘natron’ glass. In fact, Pliny devotes the concluding chapters of his 36th book on
Natural History to the discussion of silica and its practical use in the production of
glass (Healy, 1999). He also describes several locations of suitable glassmaking
sand “That part of Syria which is known as Phoenicia and borders on Judea…This
is supposed to be the source of the River Belus, which after traversing a distance
of 5 miles flows into the sea near the colony of Ptolemais…The beach stretches
for not more than half a mile, and yet for many centuries the production of glass
depended on this area alone…Sidon was once famous for its glassworks, since,
apart from other achievements, glass mirrors were invented there. This was the
old method of producing glass. Now, however, in Italy too a white sand which
forms in the River Volturno is found along 6 miles of the seashore between Cuma
and Literno…Nowadays sand is similarly blended also in the Gallic and Spanish
provinces” (Pliny NH 36.65-66; Eichholz, 1962: 149-155). Pliny suggested that
the sand from the River Belus, present-day Israel, was traditionally used in the
manufacture of glass based on the ‘old method’ (Pliny NH 36.66). It is implied
that the ‘new method’ of glass production required new materials and sand types,
such as those from Italy (Freestone, 2008). Pliny also makes reference to the use
of soda; in direct reference to glass, he merely says that it was added to the batch.
He does however say that soda can be found in Media and in Thrace, near Philippi,
but the latter is contaminated (Pliny NH 31.46; Jones, 1963: 443-445); he also says
it can be found in Macedonia. He then explains how artificial soda is produced in
16 R.B. Scott, P. Degryse

Egypt in large quantities and again, is of inferior quality (Pliny NH 31.46; Jones,
1963: 445). Pliny goes on to say that the soda-beds of Egypt are found in the
regions around Naucratis and Memphis. Natural deposits of soda are well known
at the Wadi el Natrun, c. 50km northwest of Cairo, Egypt and at al-Barnuj, Egypt
(Freestone, 2008; Lucas, 1932; Shortland et al., 2006; Shortland, 2004). Since
the former sources (Media, Thrace and Macedonia) are not mentioned in direct
relation to glass manufacture (Freestone, 2008; Saguí, 2007), the use of these
sources is still debated.
The Belus River is today known as the Na’aman Stream and it flows to the south
of the city of ‘Akko (Gorin-Rosen, 2000). Josephus, writing in the 1st century AD
(Josephus The Jewish War 2.10.2), highlights the availability of glass making sand
in the region around Ptolemais, but he does not specify where glass is actually
being manufactured. He does mention both vitreous sand and vitreous matter; this
could either be interpreted as glass-making sands or some form of raw glas or
frit. Josephus does say that boats remove this material, implying that the final
manufacture of the raw glass occurs elsewhere. He explains that this is a maritime
area with a thriving port, which suggests that if glass is being made in the area,
the mechanism for trade and transport is also present. Although there is evidence
of glass production in the ‘Akko region, the exact date of the sites are unknown,
i.e. Roman or later (Gorin-Rosen, 2000). Strabo also mentions the location of
glassmaking sands (Strabo Geography 16.2.25), again suggesting Syro-Palestine,
and Ptolemais in particular, as the source, mentioning glass working as well as
glass production. Like Pliny, he implies that different methods of producing glass
are used in different areas and that these use different raw materials, but he does
not specify whether these are ‘old’ or ‘new’ methods. Strabo also mentions the
presence of soda lakes in Armenia (Strabo Geography 12.14.8), and nitre-beds
near Momemphis and Naucratis in Egypt (Strabo Geography 17.1.23) but he
makes no connection between these and the production of glass. Tacitus again
mentions the Belus river as a source of glass making sand (Tacitus Histories 5.7).
Several classical authors hence refer to the use of sand from the region of the Belus
River. However, they all tend to suggest that the sand was collected in this region
but the actual process of glass-making occurred elsewhere. Moreover, the Church
and Brodribb (1864) translation of Tacitus adds to this interpretation because they
specify that the beach “furnishes an inexhaustible supply to the exporter”.
Further literary evidence of glass production comes from the Edict on Maximum
Prices issued by Diocletian in 301 AD. The text contains six lines referring to
glass, and only Alexandrian and Judaean glasses are mentioned by name (Erim
and Reynolds, 1973). It is unclear from the text whether the names refer to
production locations for the glass or broader glass categories (as was suggested
The archaeology and archaeometry of natron glass making 17

by Barag (Barag, 1987)). In relation to Judaean glass, the edict mentions ‘vitri
Judaici svirdis’. Svirdis has been interpreted as being either ‘viridis’ or ‘subviridis’
(Erim and Reynolds, 1973) meaning green or greenish glass. This does not mean,
however, that all green glass or only green glass was made in Judaea, especially
since the text also mentions Judaean plain glass cups and vessels. Likewise, it
cannot be assumed from this that all Alexandrian glass was colourless, especially
in light of the information supplied by Strabo where the Alexandrian glass workers
speak of the vitreous earth needed to make coloured designs. Athenaeus, writing
at the end of the 2nd century AD, says “The inhabitants of Alexandria…work with
glass, transforming it into cups of a wide variety of shapes and imitating the look
of all the types of pottery imported from every corner of the world” (Athenaeus
The Learned Banqueters 11; Olsen, 2009: 261). The implication here is that the
glass is worked but not manufactured from raw materials in Alexandria and the
glass workers may also have tried to imitate pottery colours as well as design.
Glass working is mentioned in various parts of the Historia Augusta (parts 18; 26;
29); mentioning glass working in Egypt and the taxes imposed on the production
of glass (Magie, 1924; Magie, 1932). From these latter sources it can be concluded
that glass was worked in Alexandria (and Judaea) but they shed little further light
on the production location(s) of the raw glass.
The question of glass manufacture in the Roman Empire is further complicated
by more recent antiquarian authors, who confuse the manufacture of raw glass
with the secondary production of glass vessels, suggesting that glass was at one
point or another produced in almost every area of the empire (Stevenson, 1914).
From the historical texts it can be deduced that primary ‘raw’ glass was probably
produced in Syro-Palestine, Egypt, Italy, Gaul, Spain and India, although the
method of production may have varied in these locations.

1.1 The Archaeological Evidence

The archaeological evidence for the production of primary glass (i.e. fused from
raw materials into a glass which is then broken into chucks and transported to
workshops across the empire for shaping) in the Roman period is limited.
Excavations have revealed that during the 4th – 8th centuries, large quantities of
natron glass were made in a limited number of ‘primary’ centres in Egypt and
Syro-Palestine (Brill, 1999, 1988; Nenna et al., 2000; Foy and Nenna, 2001; Foy
et al., 2000; Freestone et al., 2002a, 2000; Picon and Vichy, 2003). For example,
excavations at Bet Eli‘ezer, Israel revealed the remains of 17 rectangular furnaces,
dating to the 8th century AD (Freestone et al., 2008a, 2000; Gorin-Rosen, 2000).
18 R.B. Scott, P. Degryse

While excavations at Apollonia, Israel revealed the presence of four furnaces,

similar in style to those found at Bet Eli‘ezer, dating to 6th-7th centuries AD
(Freestone et al., 2008a; Gorin-Rosen, 1995, 2000; Perkins, 1951; Tal et al., 2004).
More recently, evidence of primary and secondary production has been found at the
site of Horbat Biz‘a, c. 7km east of Bet Eli‘ezer, although remains of the primary
glass furnace itself have not yet been found (Gorin-Rosen, 2012). Glass furnaces
were discovered on the shores of Lake Maryut, near Alexandria, Egypt, dating
from the Imperial period to the 8th century AD (Nenna et al., 2000); while Roman
glass furnaces of a 1st-2nd century AD date have been discovered in Egypt, at Wadi
Natrun (Nenna, 2003, 2007; Nenna et al., 2000, 2005). However, these are of a
different form to the later tank furnaces excavated in Palestine (Freestone, 2005;
Nenna, 2007; Nenna et al., 2000). The tank furnaces of Israel were extremely large
producing c. 8-9 tonnes of glass per firing (Freestone et al., 2000; Gorin-Rosen,
2000), but little further archaeological evidence of primary glass production in
the 1st – 5th centuries has yet been found (Paynter, 2006). Although, it has been
suggested that further earlier sites may exist in Syro-Palestine and Egypt (Foy et
al., 2003; Nenna, 2003; Nenna et al., 2000, 1997). The furnace locations that have
been found are located either near the favoured sand sources, such as the mouth
of the Belus River, or close to the alkali sources, such as the Wadi Natrun, Egypt
(Freestone et al., 2000; Nenna et al., 2000). This agrees with the historical sources,
which say that glass was produced using the ‘old’ method in Syro-Palestine and
Egypt. However, little evidence of primary glass factories have, as yet, been found
in the other regions mentioned, for the earlier Roman period. Six glass factories
from the late Imperial period (c. 4th century) have been suggested at Hambach,
Germany (Wedepohl and Baumann, 2000; Wedepohl et al., 2011b), as well as a
2nd century AD tank furnace in a Roman military camp at Bonn (Wedepohl et al.,
Secondary glass workshops were more prolific across the empire. Also, historic
records talk of glass workers being shipped from Syria and Judea to Rome (Fleming
and Swann, 1999). Fleming and Swann do not provide a reference for this historic
source, but archaeological evidence for the movement of glass workers does exist.
This is in the form of names and sometimes origins of the workers recorded on the
glass artefacts they produced (Price, 2005). For example, blown glass tablewares
with the addition of ‘the Cypriot’ or ‘of Sidon’ (Nenna, 2007; Price, 2005) have
been interpreted as meaning that the glass worker originally came from those
areas. A further example given by Price (2005) is that of a 3rd century tombstone
found in Lyons. It records the death of Julius Alexsander, master in the art of glass;
he was born in Africa and was a citizen of Carthage (Foy and Sennequier, 1989;
Price, 2005). Excavations at Pompeii revealed the presence of glass workshops
The archaeology and archaeometry of natron glass making 19

which, based on the eruption of Vesuvius, must date to pre- 79 AD (De Francesco
et al., 2010). Secondary production of glass dating from Imperial to early
Byzantine times has also been found at Sagalassos, Turkey (Degryse et al., 2006a).
The archaeological evidence for glassmaking in the western part of the Empire
is scarce, but, by the late Roman period, glasshouses where vessels or window
glass were fabricated were well established across this region (Foster and Jackson,
2010). For example, more than 70 workshops have been excavated in France (Foy
et al., 2003; Nenna, 2007; Price, 2005), and more than 20 in Britain (Jackson et
al., 2003a, b; Paynter, 2006; Price, 2005). The Roman glass workshops of Western
Europe are far more common and often better documented than those of the
Eastern Mediterranean (Stern, 2002), but even without the secondary workshops,
there is strong evidence for glass production and trade. For example, Roman
shipwrecks such as the Embiez or the Iulia Felix have been found carrying cargoes
of glass and glass cullet (Silvestri, 2008). Shipwrecks along the coast of Israel
have also been found carrying raw chunk glass, indicating trade by sea existed
(Gorin-Rosen, 2000). Although cargoes of Roman glass are relatively uncommon,
enough ship-wrecks have been found to confirm that a significant scale of long-
distance, seaborne transport existed and that this was not confined to the more
expensive, coloured or engraved glasses (Gibbins, 1991). It has been argued that
most long-distance trade in the Roman world was related to the provisioning of
the armies (Silvestri et al., 2006), but it has also been suggested that the formation
of the Empire and the pacification of the Mediterranean basin in the time of
Augustus created a new world market (West, 1932), which would have allowed
an increase in all types of commercial activity. This coupled with the invention
of glass-blowing in the 1st century made glass a widespread and commercially
available product. Glass finds and references in historical documents reveal that
glass was exported to many different areas of the Empire, often in large quantities
(Thorley, 1969). “The discovery that molten glass could be blown was nothing
less than revolutionary. It was closely related to the equally momentous discovery
that broken glass artefacts could be totally remelted, a breakthrough that kindled
a literary response in the Flavian period (69-96) equal only to the excitement of
Augustan poets about glassblowing” (Stern, 1999: 450).
The archaeological evidence has led to the creation of two main models for
glass production in the Roman Empire; local versus centralised. The early models
of glass production were based on ideas about the structure of the ceramics industry
(Freestone, 2005), i.e. it was hoped that the trade in glass vessels could be mapped
based on the idea that a particular form or typology had a similar composition
or came from a specific workshop. This idea anticipated that a workshop would
produce glass of a constant composition which would distinguish it from the glass
20 R.B. Scott, P. Degryse

made in another workshop (Freestone, 2005). Each workshop would, in short,

produce glass using the raw materials locally available. This ‘local’ model, similar
to the Medieval model of glass production, would result in a large number of
chemically distinct glasses being produced (Paynter, 2006). The second model,
based on the archaeological evidence of surviving furnace sites (also of a later
date than the Roman period), suggests that the glass was made in a small number
of primary production centres, and the raw glass was then shipped to workshops
all across the Empire for shaping (Freestone, 2005). This idea suggests that
each primary factory could supply a large number of workshops, and that many
different workshops could essentially produce a variety of different items from
the same composition of glass. Likewise, a single workshop could receive glass
from a number of primary factories (Freestone, 2005). This second model would
therefore result in only a few chemically distinct groups (Paynter, 2006).
So, the two principal models for glass production and distribution in the Roman
Empire are both based on models used for glass manufacture in later periods,
i.e. Byzantine and Medieval. Although the local (Medieval) model does have
supporters and several secondary workshops have been found, the evidence for
the production of raw glass outside of the Near East in the early Roman period is
still largely illusive. So, the more favoured model, based on the Byzantine system,
suggests a small number of large primary factories were operating in the Near East
and then transporting the raw glass across the Empire for working at secondary
locations. “In the absence of archaeological evidence, the extent to which the
foregoing model is applicable to the ancient world beyond the Near East, where
the factories have been discovered, can only be determined by the investigation of
glass composition” (Freestone et al., 2000: 67).

1.2 What is glass?

Glass is made from a combination of network formers, modifiers and stabilisers;

silica (SiO2) is the most common network former in ancient glasses. Unfortunately,
pure silica glass requires temperatures in excess of 1700oC to produce (Matson,
1951; Morey and Bowen, 1925; Morey, 1938; Shelby, 2005), which was beyond
the capabilities of ancient glass-making technology. In order to reduce the melting
temperature of the silica a fluxing agent is needed, this can be either soda (Na2O) or
potash (K2O). These network modifiers reduce the melting temperature (Matson,
1951; Morey and Bowen, 1925; Morey, 1938; Shelby, 2005). However, a glass
made from only SiO2 and Na2O would be unstable and susceptible to damage from
water, therefore, a stabiliser, such as lime (CaO), is also needed (Hodges, 1981).
The archaeology and archaeometry of natron glass making 21

Too little stabiliser and the glass has poor chemical durability, too much stabiliser
and the glass is prone to devitrification. In this case a small amount of alumina
(Al2O3) or magnesia (MgO) is beneficial as these can help prevent devitrification
(Hares, 1984).

1.3 What is natron glass?

The glass manufactured during the Greco-Roman period was all soda-lime-silica
in composition, the majority of these being made from a mineral soda (natron).
This type of glass was made between the 5th century BC and the 9th century AD
and is characterised by its low magnesium and low potassium values, also referred
to as LMLK glass (Freestone, 2006; Henderson, 1985; Sayre and Smith, 1961;
Wedepohl et al., 2011a). It can be differentiated from other types of soda-lime-
silica glass which use plant ash as the main flux ingredient and are often referred
to as HMHK glasses, due to their high magnesium and high potassium contents. A
Roman ‘natron’ glass can therefore be recognised by concentrations of MgO and
K2O of less than 1.5%.
Suitable glassmaking sands are hard to find, they need to be high in silica and
relatively free from impurities. They should also be relatively calcareous (high in
lime) or extra lime must be added to the glass batch (Silvestri et al., 2006). Certain
beach sand, containing lime in the form of crushed shells, was particularly suited
to the purposes of making natron glass (Aerts et al., 2003, 2000; Brems et al.,
2012a; Brill, 1988; Sode and Kock, 2001). Colourless glass became popular in the
Roman period and this would have made low-iron, high purity sand essential for
the glass industry (Jackson, 2005) in particular, for the production of colourless
glasses. Most of the suitable glassmaking sands are thought to be found in the
Eastern Mediterranean region. These typically contain around 9% CaO, 3-5%
Al2O3 and less than 1% MgO (Aerts et al., 2000; Brill, 1988).
The soda used in Roman glass was a mineral form known as natron. The term
natron is usually used to describe polyphase evaporitic lake deposits that are rich in
sodium carbonates (Shortland et al., 2006). Most of the carbonate is in the form of
the mineral trona; however, the natron deposits are hardly ever pure carbonates and
usually also contain significant amounts of chlorides and/or sulphates. These are
highly undesirable because of their limited reaction with silica at the temperatures
achieved in the traditional glassmaking furnaces (Freestone, 2006; Gorin-Rosen,
2000). Virtually all Roman glass contains 0.5-1.2% Cl and 0.2-0.5% SO4 (Bateson
and Turner, 1939; Brems, 2012; Gerth et al., 1998; Shugar and Rehren, 2002).
During the glassmaking process, excess sodium chloride and sulphate forms a
22 R.B. Scott, P. Degryse

second melt phase on the surface of the molten glass. This immiscible ‘galle’ could
be skimmed off or discarded after the glass has cooled (Freestone, 2006; Gerth et
al., 1998; Shugar and Rehren, 2002; Tanimoto and Rehren, 2008).
Since glass needs some form of stabiliser, Roman glasses usually contain
between 5 and 10% lime (CaO). The major source of lime in these glasses would
have been calcium carbonate and this was either added deliberately to the glass
batch, as an independent component, or accidentally included, as particles of shell
or limestone in the sand (Freestone, 2006).

1.4 Glass Provenancing

In order to clarify questions over the structure of the glass industry in the Roman
period, it is essential to provenance the origin of the glass and its raw materials.
This information can then be used in conjunction with the archaeological glass
assemblages to develop and interpret patterns of trade and use within the Roman
period. In its wider context, this information can also help to shed light on the
cultural interactions necessary in order for the economic impact of the Roman
glass industry to be assessed. The idea that an artefact can be matched to its
geological source location is not new. It has often been used to form the basis of
many archaeological theories relating to the migrations of peoples, as well as social
interactions and exchanges (Pillay, 2001). The determination of the provenance of
an object relies on the assumption that there is a measurable scientific property
which will link an artefact to a particular source or production location. In the
case of glass, provenance is used to refer to the origin of the raw materials and/or
the place where the raw glass material was made (Degryse et al., 2010). This is in
contrast to the art world use of the term ‘provenance’ which refers to the history
of the artefact (Wilson and Pollard, 2001). In theory, the materials used in the
manufacture of the glass are matched to the correct geographical source location.
This relies on being able to identify the correct signature of the raw material, and
that this signature is inherent from the geological source from which it originated.
It is also assumed that the geological signature is not transformed physically or
chemically during the manufacturing process (Ixer, 2007). Likewise, it is assumed
that each raw material has an individual geological signature, for example, sand
sourced from Italy will have a different signature to sand sourced from Israel.
The glass manufacturing and working processes can also leave a signature in
the finished product, for example, glass can be contaminated by the crucible
material (Jackson et al., 2003b). Since the chemical properties of an object are
seen as characteristic of the raw material source, the composition of the artefact
The archaeology and archaeometry of natron glass making 23

is effectively a ‘chemical fingerprint’ (Wilson and Pollard, 2001). In order to

provenance an item there are a number of assumptions which are made:

• The chemical signature/fingerprint of the raw materials varies between

geological sources and that those signatures can be related to geographical
locations. The inter-source variation needs to be greater than the intra-source
variation for the source to be successfully identified.
• Some of the chemical characteristics of the raw materials are present in the
final product either unchanged or changed in a predictable way.
• That any mixing of raw materials which occurs during the production of an
artefact can be reasonably accounted for.
• That any post-depositional processes, i.e. weathering, that may affect the
chemical signature can be accounted for, or suitable allowance can be made
(Wilson and Pollard, 2001).

In other words, the composition of the different glass samples are analysed and
compared, and any differences between the samples are determined, i.e. are distinct
compositional groups forming? Once the group(s) have been established, the data
is compared to existing data groups of known provenance. The results can then be
compared to data for specific raw materials from specific sources. The latter part,
however, presupposes a knowledge of all the characteristics of all the possible
sources of a particular raw material, which is rarely the case (Harding et al., 2004).
Homogeneity between sources can make provenancing difficult, therefore, the
technique will only ever confirm that an item did not come from a location.
The provenancing of glass is further complicated by the fact that glass is a
complex material and the relationship between the raw materials and the finished
product is not a simple one. During glass melting many characteristics of the
raw materials, such as mineralogy, grain size and shape, are lost so that only
bulk chemical data is available (Brems, 2012). Roman vessel glass from the 1st
– 6th centuries AD shows a very similar chemical composition irrespective of
the temporal or geographical origin of the material (Aerts et al., 2000). This is
particularly the case for the major element composition, for example, almost all
Roman natron glass has a CaO content of c. 7.48% (Foster and Jackson, 2009).
However, it should be noted that different authors sometimes quote a different
mean average composition, for example, Wedepohl and Baumann (Wedepohl and
Baumann, 2000) use 6.41 ± 0.9% CaO. For the rest of this volume, the ‘typical’
Roman composition has been taken from Foster and Jackson (2009). So, analysis
of assemblages consisting of vessels of different forms, believed to have been
produced in different locations, are generally indistinguishable compositionally
24 R.B. Scott, P. Degryse

(Baxter et al., 2005). Likewise, basic utilitarian vessel forms have rarely been
attributed with a specific origin and so the exact provenance of these is often
difficult to determine (Gibbins, 1991). Supporters of both production models have
attempted to explain this phenomenon. Those in favour of the local production
model claim that the compositional consistency is due to the use of similar, strictly
controlled recipes and production techniques or the reuse of glass in the form of
cullet (Baxter et al., 2005). While the supporters of the centralised production
model say that the compositional homogeneity is due to the use of raw materials
from a limited number of locations.
The provenancing of the chemical fingerprint of Roman natron glass relies on
the assumption that the glass was produced in discrete centres using standardised
raw materials and manufacturing techniques. It also relies on the assumption
that the signature of each glass making centre is individual (Jackson, 2012). As
mentioned previously, the major elemental signature of Roman natron glass is
fairly homogeneous. If the raw glass was manufactured from a relatively pure silica
source with only minor/trace level impurities and natron (also low in impurities),
then this is likely to cause a homogeneous signature (Jackson, 2012). Likewise, the
homogeneous signature of the Roman glasses could be promoted due to the practice
of recycling (Degryse and Shortland, 2009; Degryse et al., 2006a). Therefore,
something more than just the bulk chemical data of the glasses is needed to enable
successful provenancing. Several attempts have been made to use a variety of
techniques to provenance glass, these include trace element analysis, rare earth
element patterns and isotopic signatures (Degryse and Schneider, 2008; Degryse
and Shortland, 2009; Freestone et al., 2003; Henderson et al., 2005; Shortland et
al., 2007; Wedepohl and Baumann, 2000). In particular, Sr-Nd isotopic signatures
have been used to indicate that the majority of the Roman glass found in Europe
came from the Eastern Mediterranean region (Freestone et al., n.d.). Isotopic
and trace element analyses are promising as tracers for the raw materials used
in glass because they reflect the variations around the Mediterranean Sea which
result from the differing geological environments (Brems, 2012). The chemical
and isotopic analysis of the glass can, therefore, provide information over the
origin of the raw materials used to produce the glass. This in conjunction with a
comparison of the compositional data between archaeological sites can potentially
reveal patterns in the production and trade of glass (Schibille, 2011). So, in order
to fully understand glass manufacture in the Greco-Roman world, in the absence
of identifiable primary glass production locations, a structured analysis of glass
must be undertaken using contextual, chronological, typological and technological
evidence from a wide group of assemblages (Baxter et al., 2005).
The archaeology and archaeometry of natron glass making 25

This fundamentally leads to two methods of provenance determination; the

first compares the composition of the unknown samples with the composition of
known material in order to narrow down the potential source origins. The second
method uses the fundamental geological properties of the artefact to predict a
potential origin in the absence of comparative material (Freestone et al., n.d.).
The former method relies on the existing chemical and isotopic data collected
from various Roman glass assemblages, such as the composition of glass collected
from the Roman furnaces in Egypt (Nenna et al., 2000); the small scale production
from York, England (Bingham and Jackson, 2008; Jackson et al., 2003b); or the
detailed evidence from the 4th century glass possibly made at Hambach, Germany
(Wedepohl and Baumann, 2000; Wedepohl et al., 2011a); as well as the detailed
studies undertaken on 4th-5th century HIMT glass and 4th-8th century Levantine glass
(Freestone, 2001; Freestone et al., 2002b). The second method utilises isotopic
studies, particularly of Sr and Nd, to infer the likely locations of glassmaking
sands and therefore the location of the primary furnaces in which the raw glass
was made (Freestone et al., n.d.). It should be remembered, that “to understand
how glass can be related back to the furnaces in which it was made, the origins of
all the components in the glass must be understood” (Freestone, 2005: 008.1.3).

1.5 The ARCHGLASS project

The ARCHGLASS “Archaeometry and Archaeology of Ancient Glass Production

as a Source for Ancient Technology and Trade of Raw Materials” project aimed at
developing innovative archaeometrical techniques for provenancing, and to apply
these methods to gain new insights in the trade and processing of mineral raw
materials used for glass making. From our archaeological and archaeometrical
analyses, it is clear that suitable sands for natron glass making are rare. Only
a few regions and geological situations so far have been recognized as having
suitable silica sands for making natron glass with a Greco-Roman composition, as
discussed in Chapter 2. From the study of sand deposits around the Mediterranean,
and from major and trace element and Sr-Nd isotope ratio analysis of ancient
primary glass, the most important chemical provenance indicators of a primary
glass origin can be derived, as discussed in Chapters 3 and 4. In terms of major to
trace element composition, the Al2O3, TiO2 and Zr contents of ancient glass are the
most relevant indicators for a differing primary origin of the silica raw material
used. In terms of isotopic analysis, the Nd isotopic composition of ancient glass
is able to distinguish between different silica sources used. B isotopic analysis
was proven to be a good indicator to trace the origin of the natron flux used in
26 R.B. Scott, P. Degryse

glass making, as discussed in Chapter 5. Combined, these chemical indicators

have the most potential to source primary glass making in the Greco-Roman
world to different geological-geographical areas around the Mediterranean basin,
as discussed in Chapter 6. In conclusion, several phases in the location of glass
making in the Hellenistic-Roman world are discussed in Chapter 7.
Chapter 2

Western Mediterranean sands for

ancient glass making
D. Brems, P. Degryse

Ancient natron glass was essentially a mixture of three components: quartz sand,
fluxed with a soda-rich mineral matter called natron and stabilised with lime. The
natron used was a fairly pure soda source, being relatively free of potash and
magnesia (Brill, 1988; Brill, 1999; Shortland, 2004). The major source of lime
would have been calcium carbonate, either added deliberately to the glass batch as
a separate component or accidentally as particles of shell or limestone in the sand
(Freestone, 2006). Silica sand was by far the major component of ancient glass.
Glass factories were probably built in the vicinity of suitable sand sources since
the transport of vast quantities of sand would have been costly. Therefore, when
trying to trace the origin of ancient glass, the sand source is an excellent place to
start. If sand raw materials would have been transported to glass production sites
in other areas, the geochemical characteristics of the glass would still point to
the origin of these raw materials and not to the source of the raw glass as such.
To our knowledge, no evidence for the transportation of sand raw materials for
glass production has ever been found. But then again, the presence of sand in
for example a shipwreck would not strike the discoverer as abnormal and would
probably be overlooked.
Pliny the Elder’s Natural History has been cited numerous times in studies of
ancient natron glass production. Pliny describes the production of glass using sand
from the beach near the mouth of the River Belus (Israel) and the coastal strip
between Cuma and Liternum near the River Volturno (Italy) (see also chapter 1).
The suitability of the River Belus sand for glass production has been proven by
several studies (Turner, 1956; Brill, 1988; Vallotto and Verità, 2002). The Volturno
sands, however, contain significant amounts of feldspar and augite, which results
in relatively high aluminium and iron contents, making the sand unsuitable for
glass production in its original state (Turner, 1956; Brill, 1999; Vallotto and Verità,
2002; Silvesti et al., 2006). Pliny further mentions that ‘Nowadays sand is similarly
blended also in the Gallic and Spanish provinces’ (Pliny NH 36.66; Eicholz, 1962:
155), suggesting that glass was made from raw materials in France and Spain.
28 D. Brems, P. Degryse

However, no excavations have found evidence to support this. Furthermore, the

suitability of these sands has never been evaluated. Previous archaeometrical
work has not contradicted a possible western Roman production (Degryse and
Schneider, 2008; Brems et al., 2012b). Pliny also noted that fossil, i.e. inland,
sands could be added to the glass batch. Indeed, a mixture of mature, quartz-rich
quarry sand and deliberately added shell material or limestone might be suitable
to produce glass.
In this chapter, the possible existence of a Roman primary glass industry in the
western part of the Mediterranean is investigated on the basis of the occurrence
of suitable sand raw materials. Beach sands from the western Mediterranean Sea
(focussing on Spain, France and Italy) are evaluated for their suitability for glass
production by calculating the composition of hypothetical glasses made from these
sands and comparing them to the composition of archaeological Roman natron
glass. We focus on the suitability of readily available beach sands as the source of
silica in ancient glass making.

2.1 The sand survey and analysis

Backshore sediment samples were collected from 178 sandy beaches along the
coasts of Spain, France and Italy. Their geographic coordinates are given in
Appendix A. The sampling locations were selected to represent sediment derived
from all major geological units based on the geological maps of Spain (Instituto
Technológico Geominero de España, 1994; Institut Geològic de Catalunya, 2006,
2011), France (BRGM, 2003) and Italy (Agenzia per la Protezione dell’Ambiente
e per i Servizi Tecnici, 2004). The variability of the sands’ mineralogical and
chemical composition on a single beach was extremely limited, and within
analytical error of the methods used (Pauwels and Brems, 2014).
The major and minor elemental compositions of the sands were obtained
by ICP–OES chemical analysis. Complete analytical procedures are reported in
Brems et al. (2012b, c).
In order to evaluate their usability as a raw material for glass production, the
compositions of the hypothetical glasses made from these sands were calculated.
This was done by removing the weight fraction lost on ignition (LOI), raising the
soda concentration to 16.63% (the average Na2O content of Roman glass; Foster
and Jackson, 2009), thus simulating the addition of pure trona, and renormalising
the remaining elements to 83.37% (Fig. 2.1). The calculated compositions of the
hypothetical glasses were compared to the composition of Roman natron glass.
Several different glass groups have been identified, such as Levantine 1, Levantine 2,
Western Mediterranean sands for ancient glass making 29

Figure 2.1:
Schematic representation of the method used to calculate the composition of glass that
can be produced from the analysed beach sands after the addition of pure Na2O to the glass

Egypt 1, Egypt 2 and HIMT (Nenna et al., 1997; Freestone et al., 2000, 2002b, 2005;
Foy et al., 2003; Freestone, 2006). For comparison, we used the average values
given by Foster and Jackson (2009) for first to fourth century natron glass from the
eastern and western part of the Roman Empire. Compositional ranges were chosen
as the average values ± two times the standard deviation, thus comprising 95% of
the dataset. This resulted in the tolerance ranges shown in Table 2.1. It must be
noted that the assumption of a normal distribution for all chemical elements is not
really correct. For elements such as Fe2O3, MnO and TiO2, the use of the average
concentrations and standard deviations to define the compositional ranges leads to

Mean StDev Lower limit Upper limit

SiO2 69,54 2,53 64,48 74,60
Na2O 16,63 1,50 13,63 19,63
K2O 0,75 0,24 0,27 1,23
CaO 7,48 1,18 5,12 9,84
MgO 0,59 0,29 0,01 1,17
Fe2O3 0,62 0,48 0,00 1,58
Al2O3 2,59 0,38 1,83 3,35
P2O5 0,12 0,05 0,02 0,22
MnO 0,73 0,74 0,00 2,21
TiO2 0,13 0,14 0,00 0,41

Table 2.1:
Tolerance ranges for the chemical elements. The ranges are chosen as the average ± two
times the standard deviation using the values of Foster and Jackson (2009). All values are
in wt%.
30 D. Brems, P. Degryse

unrealistic (i.e., negative) lower limits. For these elements, the lower limits were
adjusted to zero. Although all Roman glass contains at least trace concentrations of
these elements, for our purposes these tolerances ranges are sufficiently accurate.
For Late Roman and Byzantine glass, the ranges for CaO (4 – 11%) and Al2O3 (1
– 4.5%) would be somewhat wider (Freestone, 2006). Specific glass compositions
like the HIMT (High Iron Manganese and Titanium) type were not considered.
For sands containing too little lime to produce an acceptable Roman glass
a second calculation was carried out. Here, the CaO content was raised to the
average CaO content of Roman glass (7.48%; Foster and Jackson, 2009) to model
the deliberate addition of extra shell or limestone to the glass batch (Fig. 2.2).

Figure 2.2:
Schematic representation of the method used to calculate the composition of glass that
can be produced from the analysed beach sands after the addition of Na2O and extra CaO
to the glass batch.

The major and minor element concentrations and the LOI results of the analysed
beach sands are listed in Appendix A. The compositions of theoretical glasses
recalculated after the addition of 16.63% Na2O are listed in Appendix B and shown
in Fig. 2.3. The results are shown from west to east along the Mediterranean coast,
from the Spanish–Portuguese border to the border between Italy and Slovenia.
An extensive and detailed description of the results and the relation between the
composition of the beach sands and the local geology is published elsewhere
(Brems et al., 2012b, c).
Western Mediterranean sands for ancient glass making 31

Figure 2.3:
Histograms showing the elemental composition of hypothetical glasses that could be made
from the beach sand samples analysed after raising the Na2O content to 16.63%. The light
grey boxes represent the compositional ranges of Imperial Roman natron glass (Foster and
Jackson, 2009). The sand sample corresponding to Roman natron glass for all major and
minor elements (IT85) is shown in black. Sand samples IT34 and IT87, which differ from
typical Roman glass in one element, are indicated in dark grey. The results are shown from
west to east along the coast. All values are in wt%.

2.2 Suitable sands in the western Mediterranean

Present-day beach sands are evaluated for their suitability for Roman glass
production. Any archaeological conclusions drawn from the results obtained, rely
on the assumption that the composition of beach sands along the investigated
coasts has not changed during the last two millennia. Under the Mediterranean
climatic conditions which prevail in the study area, chemical weathering is
practically absent, causing little or no change to the composition of detritus during
weathering and erosion (Johnsson, 1993; Garzanti et al., 2002). Furthermore,
most of the rivers delivering sediment to the studied beaches have moderate to
high reliefs and short courses (Macklin et al., 1995; Poulos and Collins, 2002;
Liquete et al., 2005). Detrital matter undergoes very limited compositional
change during transport in such river systems and as a result, the composition
of the beach deposits is generally a very good reflection of the dominant rock
types in the hinterland (Cavazza et al., 1993; Critelli et al., 1997, 2003, Garzanti
et al., 2002). Critelli et al. (2003) investigated the composition of sand deposits
from fluvial and beach environments along the Atlantic and Mediterranean
sides of the Betic Cordillera in southern Spain. They were able to define three
distinctive sand petrofacies corresponding to the major geological source areas.
32 D. Brems, P. Degryse

Similar investigations in the present study area were carried out along the coastal
stretches of the French Mediterranean (Duplaix, 1972 and references therein),
Liguria (Garzanti et al., 1998, 2004), Elba (Picard and McBride, 2007), Tuscany–
Lazio–Campania (Garzanti et al., 2002), Calabria (Le Pera and Critelli, 1997) and
Romagna–Marche (Rizzini, 1974). From these studies and the results discussed in
Brems et al. (2012b, c) it can be deduced that sand compositions reflect tectono-
morphologic littoral provinces and that the composition of beach and fluvial
sands is very strongly controlled by the source land and the local geology. Since
no major changes in the dominant source rocks are likely to have occurred over
this short (geological) time scale, it seems reasonable to assume that the current
sediments are still representative for beach sands in Roman times. Bellotti et al.
(2004) previously noted that only very subtle compositional and mineralogical
changes could be detected in sediments deposited in small delta systems through
the late Holocene.
Other arguments supporting the stability of beach sand compostions are that,
apart from the deltaic regions of the major rivers such as the Ebro, the Rhône and
the Po, the fluvial networks have not significantly changed over the past 2000 years
(see also Rizzini, 1974; Gandolfi et al., 1982; Viñals and Fumanales, 1995; Guillén
and Palanques, 1997; Santisteban and Schulte, 2007; Larue, 2008; Rey et al., 2009).
More information on the structural buildup and stratigraphy of the Ebro (Maldonado,
1972, 1975; Aloisi and Duboul-Razavet, 1974), Rhône (Oomkens, 1970; Aloisi and
Duboul-Razavet, 1974; Vella et al., 2005) and Po (Nelson, 1970; Amorosi and Milli,
2001) delta systems can be found elsewhere. Next to the river systems, sea levels in
the Mediterranean area have also been relatively stable over this time period with
maximum variation estimated to be less than 1 m over the last 3000 years (Flemming,
1969; Lambeck and Bard, 2000; Antonioli et al., 2002; Lambeck et al., 2004; Sivan et
al., 2004). In the survey, care was taken for any dredging or modern beach construction.
However, in the Mediterranean, such process will involve only a limited transport of
sand material, and maximal use of local deposits, as long distance transport is very

2.2.1 Suitable glassmaking sands

From the results shown in Fig. 2.3 it can be concluded that sands suitable for the
production of Roman natron glass are not common. After fluxing them with pure
trona, only 1 out of the 178 analysed beach sands (IT85) would produce a glass
with elemental compositions within the ranges of Imperial Roman natron glass
for all major and minor elements. Two samples (IT34, IT87) differ from Roman
glass in one characteristic. The rest of the sands analysed are unsuitable for Roman
natron glass production in their present form, the determinant factors often being
Western Mediterranean sands for ancient glass making 33

the insufficient SiO2 content, the high Al2O3 and Fe2O3 levels and either too low or
too high CaO contents (Fig. 2.4a). It must be noted that some of these sands can
certainly be melted into a glassy material, but the composition of that glass would
differ significantly from the typical Roman natron glass composition.

Figure 2.4:
SiO2-Al2O3-CaO ternary diagram showing the compositions of the calculated glasses that
could be produced from the analysed beach sands. The data are normalised to 100% to
fit the diagram. The shaded area represents the compositional ranges of Imperial Roman
natron glass (Foster and Jackson, 2009). (a) Hypothetical glasses made with the addition of
pure natron. (b) Hypothetical glasses made with the addition of pure natron and additional
calcium carbonate. Reprinted from Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol 39, Brems, D.,
Degryse, P., Hasendoncks, F., Gimeno, D., Silvestri, A., Vassilieva, E., Luypaers, S., Honings, J.,
Western Mediterranean sand deposits as a raw material for Roman glass production, 2897-
2907, Copyright (2012), with permission from Elsevier.

The best Roman-type glassmaking sand occurs in the Basilicata region in SE

Italy, between the mouth of the River Basento and the River Bradano (sample
IT85). After fluxing them with pure natron, these sands would produce a glass
approaching typical Roman natron glass: 69.6% SiO2, 16.6% Na2O, 8.5% CaO,
2.4% Al2O3, 1.3% Fe2O3, 0.5% MgO, 0.8% K2O, 0.08% MnO, 0.10% TiO2 and
0.04% P2O5. In the area southeast of Brindisi, in the Puglia region in SE Italy
(sample IT87), locally made glass would be unusually low in Al2O3. But the rest of
the chemical elements would fall within Roman ranges: 72.6% SiO2, 16.6% Na2O,
8.1% CaO, 1.1% Al2O3, 0.5% Fe2O3, 0.3% MgO, 0.6% K2O, 0.02% MnO, 0.04%
TiO2 and 0.03% P2O5.
Both IT85 and IT87 are composed of the eroded material from Pliocene–Pleis-
tocene sedimentary rocks. These sequences of sandstones, pelites, conglomerates
and limestones further crop out in large areas in Basilicata and several, more scat-
tered, parts of southeastern Apulia. Other beaches along these coasts may contain
sands which are also suitable to make Roman glass depending on the ratios of
34 D. Brems, P. Degryse

quartz, calcite and feldspar derived from the local hinterlands. Diels et al. (2014)
carried out a more systematic sampling of beach sands in these areas to map the
distribution of suitable glassmaking sands in detail. Their results indicate that suit-
able sands for the production of Roman natron glass are indeed restricted to the
northern part of the Gulf of Taranto, between Metaponto and Palagiano, and the
strip of coast between Brindisi and Torre Rinalda. Other sand deposits in the area
contain too much calcite resulting in CaO concentrations higher than those typical
of Roman natron glass.
Also in the Toscana region (Italy), between Piombino and Follonica in the
western part of the Follonica Gulf (sample IT34), a good glassmaking sand was
found. Except for the low P2O5 concentration, all analysed major and minor
elements fall within the range of Roman glass: 71.4% SiO2, 16.6% Na2O, 7.2%
CaO, 2.6% Al2O3, 0.9% Fe2O3, 0.3% MgO, 0.9% K2O, 0.07% MnO, 0.07% TiO2
and 0.017% P2O5.
These three sands which would produce glasses of acceptable composition
are all mainly derived from the recycling of older sedimentary successions. This
reflects the importance of polycyclic chemical and mechanical weathering in the
maturation of sediments. The necessary amount of CaO is brought to the sand either
through calcareous fragments from minor (but important) limestones or marls in
the local hinterland (IT85 and IT87), or through contributions of shell fragments
naturally included in the sand (IT34). Detritus coming from the weathering and
erosion of primary magmatic or metamorphic rocks are generally very rich in
feldspar and other aluminosilicates, resulting in very high Al2O3 concentrations.
This is for example the case for beach sands derived from the granitic plutons
along the Catalonian Coastal Ranges and the metamorphic and magmatic
basement cores in the Calabria Region. Decomposition of carbonate rocks, which
are abundantly present throughout the study area, produces sands very rich in
calcite and/or dolomite. For the sediments along the north Italian beaches this is
most distinct. Here, abundant limestone and dolostone lithic fragments, derived
from the Dolomite mountains, give very high CaO and MgO values.

2.2.2 Suitable lime-deficient sands

54 of the sands analysed contain too little CaO to produce a typical Roman glass.
If this is the case, pieces of shell or limestone can be added to the glass batch,
as was already suggested by Pliny the Elder in his Natural History. In a second
calculation the CaO contents of the hypothetical glasses containing too little CaO
were therefore raised to 7.48%, the average CaO content of Roman glass (Foster
and Jackson, 2009), to model this deliberate addition of extra lime. The resulting
calculated glass compositions are given in Appendix C and Fig. 2.5. The addition
Western Mediterranean sands for ancient glass making 35

of extra lime to the glass batch can be very beneficial for the resulting glass
composition (Fig. 2.4b). Although the quality of most examined sands is improved
in this way, only three samples (SP46, SP20 and FR16) could be brought to within
compositional ranges of Roman glass for all major and minor elements. Another
five of the sands analysed (SP45, SP43, SP22, FR17 and IT01) could be improved
to match all but one elemental characteristic of Roman natron glass.
Sands from the western (IT34) and eastern (IT01) side of the Follonica Gulf,
between Piombino and Punta Ala, are very similar in composition except for the
concentration of CaO. IT34 is much richer in calcite grains and shell fragments,
which deliver enough CaO (7.2%) to produce a stable glass. Sample IT01, on the
other hand, contains only traces of calcite and shell and is therefore too low in CaO
(0.6%). Furthermore, the SiO2 level in this sample was too high (78.1%). After the
addition of extra calcium carbonate to sands from the eastern part of the Follonica
Gulf (IT01) they would produce very similar glass as sand from the western part of
this region (IT34). Just like with glasses made from IT34, all elements would fall
within the range of Roman glass except for the low P2O5 (0.009%).
Beach sands very rich in quartz occur along the Maures-Tanneron Massif in
the Provence (FR16, FR17). Next to the abundant quartz grains, the sediments
here also contain important amounts of feldspar and micaceous metamorphic
rock fragments. This mineral composition makes these sands initially sufficient
or slightly too high in SiO2 and too high in Al2O3. Because of the lack of calcite,
there is a deficiency in CaO (0.4 – 0.9%). After the addition of extra lime to the
glass batch, the SiO2 and Al2O3 concentrations have dropped to tolerable levels for
sample FR16. This sand from the Bay of Hyères would now produce a glass of
which all analysed elements are comparable to Roman glass. Sand from the Bay of
Cavalaire, a bit further to the east (FR17), had sufficient SiO2 in its original state,
but due to the higher amounts of feldspar and staurolite it contained excessive
Al2O3 (6.6%). Because of this very high Al2O3 concentration, the extra dilution
effect from the added CaO was not enough to lower the Al2O3 content to acceptable
levels. Apart from the Al2O3 all elements fall within tolerable ranges.
Along the southern coast of Murcia and the eastern coast of Almeria (SE
Spain), the metamorphic Alpujárride Complex provides abundant metamorphic
lithic fragments to the beaches. However, at a small beach near Águilas (SP20)
and near the Antas River mouth (SP22) sediments are mainly derived from local
Cenozoic siliciclastic sedimentary rocks overlying the Alpujárride Complex.
These sands are relatively rich in quartz grains and contain only minor feldspar
and lithic fragments with aluminosilicates. The beach sand near Águilas (SP20)
contains only traces of naturally occurring calcite or shell, but after the addition
of an extra source of lime to the glass batch, this sand would produce very good
36 D. Brems, P. Degryse

Roman natron glass. Sediments provided by the Rio Antas (SP22) contain a few
more impurities. The CaO (4.3%) content of the initially calculated glass was
higher than that of glass made with sand from Águilas, but still too low. After the
addition of a little extra lime the produced glass would be a little too high in Fe2O3
(1.6%), but all other elements would occur in acceptable concentrations.

Figure 2.5:
Histograms showing the elemental composition of hypothetical glasses that could be
made from the sand samples containing insufficient lime in their original state after raising
the Na2O content to 16.63% and the CaO content to 7.48%. The light grey boxes represent
the compositional ranges of Imperial Roman natron glass (Foster and Jackson, 2009). The
sands that could be used to produce typical Roman natron glass (SP46, SP20 and FR16) are
shown in black. Sand samples producing glass which would differ from Roman glass in one
element (SP45, SP43, SP22, FR17 and IT01), are indicated in dark grey. The results are shown
from west to east along the coast. All values are in wt%.
Western Mediterranean sands for ancient glass making 37

Long-lasting mechanical weathering of sediment grains derived from igneous

and metamorphic rocks from the Iberian Massif in the Guadiana and Guadalquivir
River systems and mixing with recycled detritus from Cenozoic sediments and
sedimentary rocks produces highly mature sands along the coast of the Huelva
Province (SW Spain; SP46, SP45, SP44, SP43). Sands near the mouth of the
Guadiana River (SP46) contain abundant quartz and minor feldspar and lithic
grains. If these sands were to be melted with pure trona as a flux, the resulting
glasses would contain very high SiO2 values. The aluminosilicates in the sand would
provide enough Al2O3. The sands located near the Guadalquivir mouth and further
from the river mouths are even more mature (SP45, SP44, SP43). They contain very
small amounts of feldspar and lithic fragments resulting in even higher SiO2 and
low Al2O3 in the calculated glasses. This suggests that abrasion by wave action is
very efficient in breaking down these relatively unstable grains. Limestone or shell
fragments are also rather scarce, making the CaO concentration in the glass too low.
This could be resolved by blending additional CaCO3 with the glass batch. In that
way, sands from close to the Guadiana River mouth (SP46) would produce typical
Roman natron glass. Glass produced with sand found more in the centre of the Gulf
of Cádiz or near the Guadalquivir River and extra lime would be characteristically
low in Al2O3. Sand from near the city of Huelva (SP45) would produce a glass with
all major and minor elements similar to typical Roman natron glass, except for
the low Al2O3 (1.5%). Further east (SP44) the Al2O3 (1.0%) content has dropped
even more and also the P2O5 (0.018%) concentration would be lower than that of
an average natron glass. Minor additional feldspar provided by the Guadalquivir
(SP43) results in slightly higher Al2O3 (1.8%) in sands near the river mouth.

2.2.3 Volturno sand as a raw material for Roman glassmaking

The Volturno River sands were specifically mentioned by Pliny the Elder in the
context of glass production. However, elemental analyses presented in this and
other studies (Brill, 1999; Vallotto and Verità, 2002; Silvestri et al., 2006) show
that sands from the coastal area between Cuma and Liternum are not suitable to
produce glass. There is some variability among analysed sands from this region,
but generally they are just insufficient in SiO2 and contain too much Al2O3, CaO,
Fe2O3 and K2O due to the abundant augite, feldspar and volcanic lithic fragments
in the sand. Given the close relationship between the composition of beach sands
and the local geology (e.g., Rizzini, 1974; Le Pera and Critelli, 1997; Garzanti et
al., 2002, 2004; Critelli et al., 2003), it is very unlikely that the Campanian sands
have changed significantly during the past 2000 years. The Pleistocene–Holocene
volcanic rocks of the Roccamonfina and Somma–Vesuvius will have left their
mark on the composition of the beach sands for at least 400,000 years (Brocchini
38 D. Brems, P. Degryse

et al., 2001; Giannetti, 2001). Therefore, it must be concluded that the Volturno
sands were probably not used to produce glass and that the writings of Pliny the
Elder on this aspect are incorrect.

2.2.4 Background levels of manganese in sand raw materials

When interpreting the presented data, a few other interesting remarks can be made.
Firstly, the MnO concentrations of the calculated glasses all fall within the ranges
of Roman glass. This is due to the fact that MnO was often added to the glass as
a decolourising agent (Sayre and Smith, 1961; Sayre, 1963; Henderson, 1985;
Jackson, 2005; Freestone, 2008; Silvestri, 2008). In analytical studies of Roman
glass, MnO is said to have been added deliberately when it occurs at levels above
0.1 – 0.2% (Wedepohl et al., 2011a), 0.2% (Sayre, 1963), 0.4% (Brill, 1988), 0.5%
(Jackson, 2005) or 1% (Henderson, 1985; Mirti et al., 2000, 2001). Our results
indicate that background levels of MnO, i.e., the amount of MnO coming in with
the sand raw material, are even lower. The highest MnO concentration that was
measured resulted in 0.29% MnO in the calculated glass (sample IT74 from Pel-
laro in the Calabria Region, S Italy). For the sands which are actually suitable for
Roman glass production, MnO concentrations vary between 0.004 and 0.078%
(concentration in the calculated glass). We therefore suggest that the maximum
amount of MnO that can be attributed to impurities in the sand raw material is
lower than 0.1%. The levels at which the MnO actually works as a decolouriser
depends on the amount of iron present in the glass. Given the average concentra-
tion of Fe2O3 in Roman glass (0.62%; Foster and Jackson, 2009) and the fact noted
by Silvestri et al. (2005, 2008) that the decolouring effect is only effective when
the MnO/Fe2O3 ratio is higher than 2, it seems that at least 1% of MnO was neces-
sary to be sure that the glass would be decolourised. Concentrations of MnO that
lie between 0.1 and 1% have probably been influenced by recycling of glass cullet.
It has been previously suggested that Volturno River sands contain elevated
MnO contents and that this might be the reason why this sand would have been
used to produce colourless glass (Baxter et al., 2005; Jackson, 2005). In support
of this statement, reference is made to the analyses of Volturno sand reported by
Brill (1999, 475). The sample in question (sample 4554), however, is coarse black
sand with very high amounts of diopside, augite and hydrogrossular (Degryse and
Schneider, 2008) and contains, in addition to the 0.43% MnO, 31.4% Fe2O3, 6.84%
Al2O3, 8.87% MgO and only 33.70% SiO2, making it highly unsuitable for glass
production. The MnO contents reported in other Volturno sands are much lower,
i.e., between 0.01 and 0.16% (Brill, 1999; Vallotto and Verità, 2002; Silvestri et
al., 2006; samples IT23 to IT28 in this study). This is definitely too low to have a
noticeable decolourising effect.
Western Mediterranean sands for ancient glass making 39

2.2.5 Soda introduced by the sand raw material

Another interesting observation is that the sand raw materials themselves bring
part of the Na2O to the glass. Glass produced from sand sample IT75 (from
Bova Marina in the Calabria Region, S Italy) would contain 2.94% of sand-
derived Na2O. This is 17.7% of the total amount of Na2O in the calculated glass
and the maximum found in the present study. However, sands which contain
high Na2O are also high in Al2O3 indicating that the sodium is mostly derived
from plagioclase. Suitable glassmaking sands generally contain less Na2O. The
12 suitable sands discussed above generally bring between 0.16 and 0.96% of
Na2O (or 0.96 to 5.68% of the total) to the glass. Only sand sample FR17 contains
significantly more Na2O (1.96% of sand-derived Na2O, 11.80% of the total Na2O
in the glass). Correspondingly, this sample also has an elevated Al2O3 (6.1%)
level. This possible important contribution of soda coming from the sand should
be considered when discussing ‘glass batch recipes’ and the proportion of sand to
flux (Silvestri et al., 2006; Smedley et al., 1998; Smedley and Jackson, 2002), or
when trying to calculate the composition of possible sand raw materials starting
from the composition of the glass (e.g., Vallotto and Verità, 2002).

2.3 Melting experiments

In order to check our glass calculations and verify the conclusions drawn
from them concerning the suitability of the sands, a number of glass melting
experiments were performed. Glass was made using sands which were thought
to be suitable for Roman natron glass production, either with or without the need
for additional lime, based on the calculated glass compositions. Another melting
experiment was performed using sand unsuitable for the production of Roman
glass to check whether this would lead to the formation of a cotectic melt with a
residual crystalline buffer (Rehren, 2000; Shugar and Rehren, 2002).
Batches were prepared using calculated amounts of natural beach sands
combined with synthetic sodium minerals to produce glass with a Na2O
concentration equal to that of average Roman glass (i.e., 16.63%; Foster and
Jackson, 2009). One of the melts was made with lime deficient sand. This was
compensated for by the addition of extra CaCO3 in the form of shell fragments.
Modern seashells were collected from several beaches in southern France and
northwest Italy, washed to remove any adhered sand grains, oven dried and crushed
in the lab. The full analytical procedure used, is described in Brems (2012).
40 D. Brems, P. Degryse

2.3.1 Experimental melting of suitable sands

Experimental melts were made using each of the three sands suitable to produce
glass with a typical Roman composition without the need for extra calcium carbonate
(Table 2.2). All three batches produced clear transparent glass. Glass made with sand
IT85 had a green colour, while glasses IT87 and IT34 were pale green (Fig. 2.7a).
All glasses contained small gas bubbles and dark dots which appear to be unmelted
dark minerals (Fig. 2.7b). Microscopic analysis shows that these grains are mainly
pyroxenes and opaque minerals. Whereas these minerals have an angular shape in
the original sand raw materials, in the glass they are very well rounded and show a
much smaller size distribution. This indicates that the heavy minerals in the sand raw
material were at least partly absorbed by the glass and suggests that if the melting
period were extended they would get completely dissolved.

Sample Sand Na2CO3 Shell Total Batch - LOI (g) Final Colour
(g) (g) (g) batch (g) (Expected glass) glass (g)
IT85 768,2 231,8 / 1000,0 844,6 448,5 Green
IT87 458,5 141,5 / 600,0 506,8 507,4 Pale green
IT34 459,9 140,1 / 600,0 512,1 483,3 Pale green
FR16 398,1 137,0 64,9 600,0 508,2 506,7 Blue
IT45 469,9 130,1 / 600,0 486,1 487,4 Brown frit

Table 2.2:
Calculated glass batches in order to produce glass with 16.63% Na2O.

Figure 2.6:
Schematic cross section through the experimental glasses with indication of the sampling

The major and minor element compositions of the analysed glass samples
produced with sands IT85, IT87 and IT34 are presented in Table 2.3 and Fig. 2.8.
The measured concentrations generally lie close to the expected values, although
there are important heterogeneities within the glasses. The upper part of the glass
appears to be enriched in SiO2, while the lower part of the glass is relatively higher
Western Mediterranean sands for ancient glass making 41

in CaO and Na2O. A similar spatial variability for the three major base glass
components has been reported before and could be explained either by a separation
of liquids with different densities during the initial stages of the melting process
or by the movement of undissolved grains in the melt (Tiede and Tooley, 1945;
Cable and Bower, 1965; Chopinet et al., 2010). According to the first possible
explanation, locally produced silica-rich liquids migrate upwards and CaO-rich
liquids downwards under the influence of gravity. The second explanation suggests
that undissolved quartz grains would float to the top of the crucible during glass
melting, while fragments of free lime, resulting from decarbonised CaCO3 grains,
would sink to the bottom of the crucible.

a b

c d

Figure 2.7:
(a) Pale green glass produced with sand IT34. The glass contains small gas bubbles and
unmelted heavy minerals. (b) Detail of the lower surface of glass IT87 showing the unmelted
heavy minerals (dominantly pyroxenes). (c) Blue glass produced with sand FR16 and extra
shell fragments. Inclusions of powdery white free lime occur over almost the entire surface
of the glass. (d) Brown frit produced with sand IT45. This glass batch was only partly melted
and contains abundant unmelted and newly formed crystalline phases embedded in a
glass matrix. Reprinted from Brems et al. 2012a, Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass
Science and Technology A.
IT85 IT85.B IT85.A IT85.C IT85.D IT85.E IT85.F IT85.G IT87 IT87.C IT87.E IT34 IT34.B IT34.A IT34.D IT34.F IT34.G
(cal) (cal) (cal)
SiO2 69,57 66,25 67,51 67,43 67,18 67,42 68,85 69,96 72,61 70,97 71,39 71,42 69,94 70,42 71,49 72,11 73,15
Al2O3 2,43 2,88 2,74 2,64 2,62 2,64 3,31 3,82 1,14 1,36 1,40 2,55 2,74 3,06 2,90 3,09 3,52

Table 2.3:
Fe2O3(t) 1,32 1,66 1,55 1,52 1,53 1,53 1,36 1,26 0,49 0,86 0,58 0,89 0,79 0,78 0,77 0,73 0,75
MgO 0,53 0,82 0,79 0,77 0,77 0,77 0,68 0,63 0,28 0,36 0,35 0,31 0,36 0,35 0,35 0,33 0,33
MnO 0,08 0,11 0,11 0,11 0,11 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,02 0,03 0,03 0,07 0,08 0,08 0,08 0,07 0,07
D. Brems, P. Degryse

CaO 8,49 10,57 10,58 9,94 9,93 9,84 8,56 7,91 8,13 8,55 8,53 7,18 8,03 7,76 7,42 7,08 6,83
Na2O 16,63 16,62 15,65 16,53 16,77 16,60 16,06 15,26 16,63 17,08 16,92 16,63 17,07 16,58 16,02 15,60 14,38
K2O 0,81 0,74 0,76 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,79 0,79 0,63 0,70 0,70 0,86 0,85 0,85 0,87 0,86 0,86
TiO2 0,10 0,30 0,28 0,28 0,28 0,28 0,25 0,23 0,04 0,07 0,07 0,07 0,11 0,10 0,10 0,09 0,09
P2O5 0,04 0,04 0,04 0,04 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,06 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02
LOI 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00

FR16 FR16.B FR16.A FR16.D FR16.F FR16.G FR162.A FR162.B FR163.A FR163.B IT45 IT45.B IT45.F Shell Na2CO3 IT34.G
(cal) (cal)
SiO2 70,21 69,24 69,53 69,39 72,18 73,51 70,06 69,87 69,93 69,77 48,66 48,25 47,97 0,68 0,29 73,15
Al2O3 3,29 3,46 3,56 3,35 3,25 4,15 3,46 3,49 3,43 3,45 5,21 5,45 5,17 0,04 0,00 3,52
Fe2O3(t) 1,28 1,29 1,27 1,35 1,19 1,24 1,32 1,29 1,30 1,31 3,49 4,55 4,16 0,01 0,00 0,75
MgO 0,21 0,25 0,27 0,26 0,23 0,23 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 4,37 4,50 4,87 0,06 0,01 0,33
MnO 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,09 0,10 0,10 0,00 0,00 0,07

the sands used in the melting experiments are given for comparison (cal).
CaO 7,48 8,07 8,15 7,55 6,64 6,36 7,72 7,78 7,66 7,54 19,53 18,67 20,42 53,85 0,00 6,83
Na2O 16,63 16,79 16,29 17,16 15,64 13,66 16,20 16,33 16,39 16,67 16,63 16,50 15,50 0,72 45,74 14,38
K2O 0,63 0,63 0,64 0,67 0,61 0,58 0,73 0,73 0,77 0,74 1,56 1,44 1,33 0,03 0,00 0,86
TiO2 0,23 0,22 0,23 0,23 0,21 0,22 0,22 0,22 0,22 0,22 0,38 0,45 0,42 0,00 0,00 0,09
P2O5 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,09 0,09 0,08 0,02 0,01 0,02

Elemental composition of the experimental glass samples, shell fragments and Na2CO3 as
determined by ICP–OES analysis. All results are in wt%. The calculated glass compositions for
LOI 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 44,59 53,95 0,00
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Western Mediterranean sands for ancient glass making 43

Figure 2.8:
Comparison between the calculated glass compositions (IT85, IT87, IT34, FR16 and IT45)
and the compositions of the experimental glasses. For the location of the samples analysed
within the volume of glass, see Fig. 2.6

Our results suggest there are also some depth dependent variations in the minor
elements in the glass. The glass at the upper part of the crucible is enriched in
Al2O3 and K2O. This can be explained by the flotation of undissolved feldspar
grains which have similar densities as quartz. The lower part of the glass has
higher concentrations of Fe2O3, MgO, TiO2 and MnO. These are probably related
to the heavy mineral fraction of the sand which would have the tendency to sink in
the molten glass before dissolving.
All of the glass samples analysed are higher in Al2O3 than the calculated glass
(Table 2.3 and Fig. 2.8). This indicates that the molten glass reacted with the walls
of the Al2O3 crucible and extracted about 0.5% Al2O3 from them. A similar increase
in Al2O3 was also observed by Gerth et al. (1998) in their melting experiments
using Al2O3 crucibles.

2.3.2 Experimental melting of lime deficient sand

Sand FR16 contained too little CaO to produce a stable glass. Therefore, extra
shell fragments were added to the batch (Table 2.2). The resulting glass was clear
transparent, had a blue colour and contained small gas bubbles and small dark
mineral crystals similar to the previously described glasses. However, with this
batch the melting process was not complete. In the upper 5 mm of the glass and
44 D. Brems, P. Degryse

almost over its entire surface, white powdery masses of up to 2 mm in size occurred
(Fig. 2.7c). The mineralogical composition of this material was analysed by XRD,
which showed the presence of free lime (CaO), portlandite (Ca(OH)2) and minor
amounts of wollastonite (CaSiO3) and quartz (SiO2). So the remaining material
originated from the shell fragments in the batch which had not fully reacted with
the rest of the raw materials. No calcite or aragonite was detected, indicating that
the shell fragments did completely decompose to free lime. Due to the absorption
of water from the air during and after cooling of the glass, part of the free lime
was transformed into portlandite. After longer contact with the air, all free lime
would react to form portlandite and eventually calcium carbonate (Paynter and
Dungworth, 2011).
This concentration of undissolved lime particles at the upper surface of
our experimental glass seems to be in contradiction with the previously cited
explanation for the compositional heterogeneity of glass: because of its high
density, free lime is expected to sink in the molten glass (Cable and Bower, 1965;
Chopinet et al., 2010). One possible explanation for this is that the CaO grains
were kept afloat in the glass by gas bubbles. However, the results of the chemical
analyses show that the upper part of the glass (with the lime inclusions) is not
enriched in CaO (Table 2.3 and Fig. 2.8). On the contrary, we find the same depth
dependent chemical variations as in the glasses made without the addition of extra
shell fragments: the upper part of the glass is enriched in SiO2, while the lower part
is higher in CaO and Na2O. This might indicate that the movement of relatively
heavy CaO fragments under the influence of gravity is only a minor process and
certainly does not affect all free lime grains in the batch. This is very well plausible
since the speed at which a grain can settle in a liquid is dependent on a wide
number of factors such as the viscosity of the liquid, the difference in density
between the liquid and the grain, the shape and size of the grain, and the presence
of gas bubbles adhered to the grain.
As observed in the previous melting experiments, the average Al2O3 content of
the produced glass was found to be slightly higher than expected (Table 2.3 and
Fig. 2.8), indicating that additional Al2O3 was extracted from the crucible walls.
In order to check whether remelting of the resulting glass and lime phases
would result in the formation of a homogeneous glass, the material was broken up
and remelted. For these experiments, smaller mullite crucibles were used. In a first
crucible a number of chunks, measuring between 5 and 25 mm, of the blue glass
with inclusions of unreacted lime were remelted together. For a second batch, the
glass and the included lime phases were first crushed until a fraction smaller than
1 mm was obtained.
Western Mediterranean sands for ancient glass making 45

The remelting of the finely crushed glass resulted in the formation of a

homogeneous, blue transparent glass. This glass no longer contained dark mineral
inclusions and only minor gas bubbles. The glass produced using the larger
glass chunks still contained a number of white powdery lime inclusions up to 2
mm in size. These inclusions were again concentrated in the upper 5 mm of the
glass. The glass phase itself was visually identical to that produced by remelting
the finer crushed glass. The chemical similarity of the two glasses is shown by
the ICP–OES results (Table 2.3 and Fig. 2.8). For each of the two batches, two
fragments of the central part of the glass were analysed. Both glasses were found
to be indistinguishable within analytical error with compositions very close to the
calculated glass composition for all elements measured.
These experiments indicate that if extra pieces of shell or limestone were
added to the glass batch, these would have to be finely crushed. If not, unreacted
lime would remain in the glass. A prolongation of the applied melting time would
probably also have a positive effect on the degree of absorption of the lime phases
and the final homogeneity of the glass.

2.3.3 Experimental partial melting of unsuitable sand

In a final melting experiment we wanted to try to produce a cotectic glass melt
using a sand raw material with a theoretical melting temperature higher than the
applied firing temperature according to Rehren (2000) and Shugar and Rehren
(2002). To select an appropriate sand for this experiment, we reduced the elemental
compositions of our calculated hypothetical glasses to their three most basic
oxides (SiO2, Na2O and CaO) and plotted them on the soda–lime–silica ternary
phase diagram (Shahid and Glasser, 1972) using the method described by Rehren
(2000) (Fig. 2.9). For the cotectic melting experiment we chose sand sample IT45
with a theoretical melting temperature of approximately 1200°C. This sand came
from the beach just to the north of the Garigliano River mouth in the most southern
part of the Lazio Region (W Italy). According to our criteria used to evaluate the
sand raw materials, this sand is not suitable to produce Roman natron glass. It is
mainly composed of quartz, calcite, feldspar and augite, with minor dolomite,
aragonite and garnet. It contains insufficient SiO2 and elevated CaO, Al2O3, Fe2O3,
MgO and K2O levels. The hypothetical glass that would be produced if sand IT45
was completely melted after the addition of pure natron would have the following
composition: 48.7% SiO2, 16.6% Na2O, 19.5% CaO, 5.2% Al2O3, 3.5% Fe2O3,
4.4% MgO, 1.6% K2O, 0.09% MnO, 0.38% TiO2 and 0.09% P2O5.
46 D. Brems, P. Degryse

Figure 2.9:
Na2O-CaO-SiO2 ternary phase diagrams (Shahid and Glasser, 1972) showing the composition
of the calculated glasses based on the analysed beach sands. The data are reduced to fit the
diagram as explained in the text. (a) All hypothetical glasses made with the addition of pure
natron. (b) Hypothetical glasses made with the sands used in the melting experiments and
pure natron. Reprinted from Brems et al. 2012a, Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass
Science and Technology A.

After firing, the batch had only partly melted, producing a brown frit (Fig. 2.7d).
Most of the raw materials recrystallised to form new mineral phases which
are dominated by combeite (Na2Ca2Si3O9) and melilite ((Ca,Na)2(Al,Mg,Fe)
(Si,Al)2O7). The XRD patterns also show the presence of newly formed nepheline,
a sodium-rich feldspathoid. Unreacted raw materials include quartz grains,
feldspar and heavy minerals, mostly augite. These newly formed and unmelted
minerals are cemented together by a glass matrix. Locally, small pockets of glass,
up to 3 mm in size, occur between the residual crystalline matter. Near the upper
surface large gas bubbles (up to 15 mm) occur. The chemical composition of the
produced frit lies very close to the calculated values (Table 2.3 and Fig. 2.8).
Shugar and Rehren (2002) performed a series of experimental melts using
chemical-grade raw materials (i.e., pure silica, calcium carbonate and sodium
carbonate) to check their partial melting theory. They reported that batches heated
to temperatures lower than the theoretical melting temperature showed evidence
of partial melting with glassy sections forming under a crystalline cap containing
the rest of the partially reacted batch material. After crushing, they were able
to manually separate a clean glass fraction from the residual crystalline matter
if about half the total material appeared glassy after firing. However, they also
indicated that if the difference between the theoretical batch melting temperature
and the actual firing temperature was a bit larger, the amount of glass produced
was rather low. This can also be concluded from the experiments performed in
Western Mediterranean sands for ancient glass making 47

this study and indicates that, even with a process such as partial melting in play, in
order to produce a significant amount of glass, the composition of the entire batch
must lie close to the composition of average Roman glass (i.e., the eutectic region
in the soda–lime–silica phase diagram). Therefore, the elemental compositional
range of possible sand raw materials would still be rather limited.

2.3.4 Batch mixtures: ratio of sand to natron

The glass calculations and melting experiments performed in this study can provide
some insights in the glass batch recipes that were used by the Roman glassmakers.
The few written accounts of ancient glassmaking state that the sand and alkali
raw materials were added to the batch in ‘parts’ (Smedley et al., 1998; Smedley
and Jackson, 2002). However, these sources do not specify whether these parts
were by weight or volume. The majority of medieval publications quote a ratio
of 1:2 sand to wood ash for glassmaking (Smedley and Jackson, 2002; Jackson
and Smedley, 2004) and after performing some batch calculations and melting
experiments, Smedley et al. (1998) and Smedley and Jackson (2002) concluded
that these parts are a measurement by weight. In the case of Roman natron glass,
most translations of Pliny the Elder’s Natural History state that one part of sand
was to be mixed with three parts of natron and that these parts could be measured
either by weight or volume (Bostock and Riley, 1857; Turner, 1956; Smedley
and Jackson, 2002; Silvestri et al., 2006). However, Rottländer (1986) and Healy
(1999) argue that this sentence was wrongly translated and that Pliny in fact meant
that one part of sand must be mixed with three quarters of natron.
In our melting experiments we used calculated amounts of sand and synthetic
sodium carbonate to produces glass with a Na2O concentration of 16.63% (Foster
and Jackson, 2009). This led to batch recipes with a Na2CO3 to sand ratio of
0.30, measured by weight. When we calculate the Na2CO3 back to pure trona
(Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O), the trona/sand ratio would become 0.43 by weight.
Depending on the amount of nonreactive salts (chlorides and sulphates) and
structural water in the available natron, this ratio would of course increase. If
the natron raw material contains 10% of these constituents, the natron/sand ratio
would have to be 0.48 by weight in order to attain enough Na2O in the glass. If
this nonreactive part rises to 20% of the natron, the natron/sand ratio would be
0.54. When looking again at the two batch recipes that were suggested based on
the different translations of Pliny the Elder’s Natural History, we can calculate that
if a batch recipe was used where one part of sand was mixed with three quarters
of natron, as suggested by Rottländer (1986) and Healy (1999), the nonreactive
salts and water would account for 43% of the used natron. If a batch recipe with a
natron over sand ratio of three was used to produce Roman glass, the excess salts
48 D. Brems, P. Degryse

would account for 86% of the used natron. These calculations suggest that the
former batch recipe would be the more likely one.
The possibility that the ratio mentioned in Pliny’s recipe had to be measured by
volume, rather than by weight, is more difficult to evaluate. Brill (1988) calculated
that Roman natron glass from Jalame consisted of a mixture of Belus sand and
Egyptian natron in proportions of approximately 5 to 2 parts by weight (i.e. a
natron/sand ratio of 0.40). This ratio is very similar to the one we found for glass
produced with pure trona. After estimating the bulk densities of Belus River sand
(1.44 g/ml) and crushed natron (1.24 g/ml), Brill (1988) was able to show that
very similar glass could be produced following a recipe of two parts of sand to
one part of natron, measured by volume. This might have been a more convenient
way of measuring ingredients for the Roman glass maker (Brill, 1988). However,
since the weight of a standard volume depends greatly on factors such as grain size
and packing (Smedley and Jackson, 2002), a recipe measured by volume might
not always produce glasses with the same composition and as a result different
working properties.

2.4 Conclusions

In this chapter, we calculated the composition of hypothetical glasses that can be

made from modern beach sands from Spain, France and Italy, and we performed a
series of glass melting experiments to reproduce Roman natron glass. The results
of our calculations and experiments show that Roman-type glass making sands
are relatively rare. Six limited areas could be defined where suitable sand raw
materials would have been available to the Roman glassmaker, either with or
without the need for an additional source of lime (Fig. 2.10):

(1) Beach sand between the mouth of the River Basento and the River Bradano
(Basilicata Region, SE Italy) is suitable for glass production in its current state and
would produce a typical Roman natron glass.
(2) In the area southeast of Brindisi, on the northeastern side of the Salentina
peninsula (Puglia Region, SE Italy), beach sands would produce glass with
chemical compositions within the ranges of Roman glass for almost all major and
minor elements. Only the Al2O3 concentration is lower than that of typical natron
Western Mediterranean sands for ancient glass making 49

Figure 2.10:
Map of the western Mediterranean showing the areas where suitable sand raw materials
occur. Black: sand suitable without the need for extra CaCO3. Grey: sand suitable after the
addition of extra CaCO3. See text for description of the locations. Reprinted from Journal of
Archaeological Science, Vol 39, Brems, D., Degryse, P., Hasendoncks, F., Gimeno, D., Silvestri, A.,
Vassilieva, E., Luypaers, S., Honings, J., Western Mediterranean sand deposits as a raw material
for Roman glass production, 2897-2907, Copyright (2012), with permission from Elsevier.

(3) Sands from the western part of the Follonica Gulf, between Piombino and
Follonica (Tuscany Region), are suitable for glass production. Except for the low
P2O5 concentration, all major and minor elements analysed fall within the range
of Roman glass. In the eastern part of the gulf, between Follonica and Punta Ala,
sands contain less shell, resulting in lower CaO contents. These sands are only
suitable after the addition of extra calcium carbonate.
(4) Beach sands (a) near the mouth of the Rio Guadiana (Huelva Province, SW
Spain), (b) near the town of Águilas in the Murcia Region (SE Spain), and (c) from
the Bay of Hyère (Département du Var, Provence, SE France) are all very rich in
quartz and contain only very small amounts of shell or limestone fragments. After
the addition of extra CaCO3 however, these sands would produce glasses with a
typical Roman composition.

These results of course do not prove that there was a Roman primary glass
production industry in the western Mediterranean, but it demonstrates that it
would have been possible and that if it existed is was most likely in one of the
suggested regions.
Chapter 3

The Sr-Nd isotopic fingerprint

of sand raw materials
D. Brems, M. Ganio, P. Degryse

In the previous chapter, we have evaluated beach sands from the western part of
the Mediterranean (Spain, France and Italy) for their suitability for Roman natron
glass production. It was shown that Roman-type glassmaking sands only occur in
a few restricted areas. Now we must find a way to distinguish glass that could have
been made using sand from these sources from each other and from the known
glass production centres in Egypt and Syro-Palestine. However, over the past
decades it has proven very difficult to link a glass artefact to a particular source or
site of production (e.g. Degryse et al., 2009a). Since the major and minor elemental
composition of Roman natron glasses was found to be relatively uniform (Freestone,
2006; Wedepohl et al., 2011a) and almost never diagnostic for their origin, other
methods had to be found to provenance ancient glass artefacts. In recent years, the
use of trace elements and radiogenic isotopes were shown to offer great potential.
Radiogenic isotopes are often used in earth sciences and sedimentary geology, for
a wide range of applications, such as dating the formation of rocks and minerals
(geochronology), chemical stratigraphic correlation, and tracing the sources and
transport of dissolved and detrital constituents in sedimentary, hydrologic and
biogeochemical cycles (Banner, 2004). Particularly Sr and Nd isotope ratios are
powerful tracers for sediments. Because of their relatively large masses and small
relative mass differences, the isotopic fractionation of the different isotopes of
Sr and Nd is negligible in this context (Stille and Shields, 1997; Banner, 2004).
Therefore, the isotopic composition of these elements in a glass is believed to be
identical to that of the raw materials from which it was derived.
More and more isotopic data of ancient glass is being published. However, until
now there was no database of isotopic signatures of possible sand raw materials
available for comparison. In this chapter, we present such a database of 87Sr/86Sr
and 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios of beach sand deposits from the western part of the
Mediterranean area, some of which were identified as suitable raw materials for
Roman natron glass production.
52 D. Brems, M. Ganio, P. Degryse

3.1 The origin of Sr in ancient natron glass

Strontium is a trace element which readily substitutes for calcium in minerals,

such as aragonite, calcite and plagioclase. Differences in Sr isotopic signatures
of different types of rock allows them to be used as a tracer for atmospheric dust
and detrital components in sedimentary basins (Stanley et al., 2003; Banner, 2004;
Grousset and Biscaye, 2005). Regional variations in 87Sr/86Sr values of sediments
are a function of the following features of the source rocks: (1) the mineralogy,
age, and crustal versus mantle source for igneous and metamorphic rocks; (2) the
provenance and maturity for sandstones and shales; and (3) the age and extent of
alteration for marine carbonates, evaporites and phosphorites (Wedepohl, 1978;
Banner, 2004).
Because of a large difference in distribution coefficients for strontium in the
different calcium carbonate minerals, the Sr content of seashells and limestones
is controlled by the mineralogy. In equilibrium with seawater, aragonite and
calcite contain about 8,000 and 1,200 ppm Sr, respectively (Kinsman, 1969; Katz
et al., 1972). Intermediate values are due to mixed mineralogy of the specimens
(Wedepohl, 1978). Since aragonite and high-Mg calcite are metastable, they are
transformed into stable low-Mg calcite during diagenesis. During this dissolution–
precipitation process, the newly precipitated low-Mg calcite will incorporate less
Sr into its crystal lattice than the dissolving metastable phases. As a consequence,
older limestones with stabilised mineralogy have Sr concentrations an order of
magnitude lower than those in the originally deposited material (around 400 ppm;
Kinsman, 1969; Katz et al., 1972; Veizer, 1977; Wedepohl, 1978).
In calcareous sediments, such as the beach sands suited for the production
of natron glass, strontium is expected to be mainly contained in the carbonate
fractions. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the carbonate are the same as those of the seawater
in which it formed and because of the high Sr content, a small amount of
calcium carbonate will usually mask the isotopic signature of the silicate fraction
(Wedepohl, 1978). Depending on the mineralogy and the amount of carbonate
present in the sand, varying influences on the bulk 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios may be
attributed to the detrital silicate phases (mainly feldspar or clays). The average Sr
concentrations in sands are in the 30 – 400 ppm range (Wedepohl, 1978).
Roman natron glass contains between 5 and 10% CaO (Foster and Jackson,
2009). The bulk of the Sr in Roman glass is believed to have been incorporated
with the lime-bearing material (Wedepohl and Baumann, 2000; Freestone et
al., 2003). Where the lime was derived from Holocene seashell, the Sr isotopic
composition of the glass is similar to that of modern-day seawater. Where the lime
was derived from ‘geologically aged’ limestone, the Sr isotopic signature reflects
The Sr-Nd isotopic fingerprint of sand raw materials 53

that of seawater at the time the limestone was deposited, possibly modified by
diagenesis. However, other minerals in the sand, such as feldspar and mica, can
also influence the Sr budget of the glass batch (Freestone et al., 2003; Degryse et
al., 2006a). The contribution of natron to the Sr content and Sr isotopic signature
of glass is negligible (Freestone et al., 2003). The Sr content of natron glass is also
a useful indicator of the source of lime. Since aragonitic seashell may contain a
few thousand ppm Sr and calcitic limestone will only incorporate a few hundred
ppm of Sr, a similar difference in Sr concentration can be expected in glass
produced with these two different sources of lime (Wedepohl and Baumann, 2000;
Freestone et al., 2003). Natron glass melted using limestone contains less than 200
ppm Sr while shell fragments can bring 300 to 600 ppm Sr to the glass.

3.2 The Nd isotopic composition of ancient glass

Samarium and neodymium are both light rare earth elements (LREE) belonging
to the lanthanide series. The application of variations in the isotopic composition
of Nd to sediments is based on the fact that accumulated clastic sediments are
basically just the mechanical disintegration products of igneous, metamorphic
and older sedimentary rocks exposed in the source areas (Goldstein et al., 1984;
DePaolo, 1988; Grousset et al., 1988; Jeandel et al., 2007, and references therein).
The Nd isotopic signature of the source terrain is generally preserved in the
resulting sediments. Consequently, variations in the isotopic composition of Nd
are very useful as tracers in sediment provenance studies (Linn and DePaolo,
1993; Banner, 2004; Grousset and Biscaye, 2005).
Sm and Nd are enriched in accessory minerals, such as apatite, titanite, allanite,
perovskite, xenotime and monazite (Wedepohl, 1978; Foster and Vance, 2006;
McFarlane and McCulloch, 2007). They also occur in trace concentrations in
many rock-forming minerals like feldspar, biotite, amphibole and clinopyroxene,
in which they replace major ions (Best, 2003; Faure and Mensing, 2005). Quartz
contains virtually no Sm or Nd. The concentration of Nd in siliciclastic sediments
and sedimentary rocks is usually in the order of 5 – 50 ppm (Faure and Mensing,
2005). In limestone and shell, the absolute Nd content is even lower (between 0.5
and 10 ppm; Wedepohl, 1978; Faure and Mensing, 2005; Wedepohl et al., 2011b).
Natron appears to contain hardly any Nd, i.e. in the order of 20 – 40 ppb Nd
(Wedepohl et al., 2011b; Shortland, unpublished data), and has consequently no
influence on the Nd budget and the Nd isotopic signature of the glass. The Nd in
Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine period glass (i.e. natron based glass) thus
54 D. Brems, M. Ganio, P. Degryse

originates from the heavy or non-quartz mineral fraction of the silica raw material
(Degryse and Schneider, 2008).
Due to the varying sediment influx from the Nile (fluvial), the Sahara (aeolian)
and the European continent (fluvial), the Nd isotopic composition of deep-sea
sediments in the eastern Mediterranean Sea varies significantly. The River Nile
has an exceptionally high εNd value in its sediment load of around ‑1 (Weldeab et
al., 2002; Scrivner et al., 2004), as it is dominated by young volcanic rocks from
the Ethiopian Plateau. Sediments dominated by input from wind-blown Saharan
dusts, on the other hand, show typical low (old) εNd values of around ‑13 (Grousset
et al., 1988, 1998; Henry et al., 1994). Sediments entering the Ionian Sea from the
Calabrian Arc and the Adriatic Sea are characterised by low εNd values of ‑11.06
(Weldeab et al., 2002). Aegean Sea sediments show average εNd values of ‑7.89
(Weldeab et al., 2002). When these sediments enter the Mediterranean Sea, they are
redistributed by the dominant sea currents (Pinardi and Masetti, 2000; Weldeab et
al., 2002, Hamad et al., 2006). For example, Nile River sediments are transported
eastwards along the Egyptian and Israeli coasts, possibly up to southern Turkey.
Because of the combination of all these different sources and currents, the isotopic
pattern of the eastern Mediterranean surface sediments shows a pronounced E–W
gradient from as high as εNd = ‑1 at the mouth of the River Nile and the coasts of
Egypt and Israel to εNd = ‑12 south of Sicily (Goldstein et al., 1984; Frost et al.,
1986; Weldeab et al., 2002). Sediment samples from Alexandria (Egypt) show εNd
values between ‑8 and ‑6 (Freydier et al., 2001; Tachikawa et al., 2004). These
values are significantly lower than the pure Nile end-member and suggest mixing
between Nile particles and sediment with a Sahara origin coming from the west
with the dominant sea currents.
In the western Mediterranean, the distribution of the Nd isotopic signatures is
less well known. Only a few results for particulates from the Rhône and the Po
Rivers and deep sea sediments near Gibraltar and the southern French coasts are
published and they all show rather low signatures with εNd between ‑10.8 and ‑9.7
(Frost et al., 1986; Grousset et al., 1988; Henry et al., 1994). One result from the
Tyrrhenian Sea shows a εNd value of ‑7.6 (Frost et al., 1986). Although the number
of analyses is small, there seems to be a significant difference in Nd isotopic
signatures between the easternmost part of the Mediterranean Sea and the rest of
the basin. If the same regional variations in Nd isotopic signatures occur in sand
deposits across the Mediterranean, this can be used to trace ancient glass artefacts
to their primary origin.
The Sr-Nd isotopic fingerprint of sand raw materials 55

3.3 The isotopic fingerprint of sand and primary glass the

eastern Mediterranean

Beach sands from the eastern Mediterranean coasts near the mouth of the river
Belus, were sampled by R.H. Brill in the sixties (Brill 1999) and analysed by
Degryse and Schneider (2008) and Brems et al. (2012a, b). Supplemental sands
were sampled in the framework of this project (see Appendix D). They show high
Nd isotopic signatures between -1 and -4.8 εNd, indicating the mixing of sands
derived from the Nile with more local material, delivered by the Belus itself. Greek
and Turkish sands have Nd values between -4.2 and -7.4 εNd but were unsuitable
for glass making due to their very low silica or too high alumina content. Primary
glass from the factories at Bet Eli’ezer and Apollonia, using the Israeli coastal
sand (Brill, 1999) and active between the 6th and 8th century AD, produce raw
glass with an isotopic signature between -4.1 and -5.1 εNd (see also Appendix
D and Chapter 6). Freestone et al. (nd) earlier reported values for Bet Eli’ezer,
Apollonia and HIMT primary glass between -5.0 and -6.0 εNd. In contrast, inland
Egyptian sands sampled along the Nile in the close western desert between Gizeh
and Aswan, show Nd isotopic signatures between -6.0 and -8.7 εNd, with a 87Sr/86Sr
ratio between 0.7081 and 0.7115. Sands from the Sahara desert sampled in Egypt
and Tunisia show Nd isotopic signatures between -10.0 and -14.2 εNd, with a
Sr/86Sr ratio between 0.7085 and 0.7210. Therefore, a Nd isotopic signature of
εNd higher than -7.0 seems to be the cut off for the primary origin of glass in the
eastern Mediterranean, be it from Syro-Palestinian or Egyptian (coastal) factories
(as suggested for HIMT glass; Nenna, 2014). It is clear, however, that more
work is needed to construct an extensive database of Israeli and Egyptian sands
to establish a firm background of the isotopic signatures of suitable glassmaking
sands in this area.

3.4 The isotopic fingerprint of sand raw materials in the western


As described above, the apparent applicability of the Rb–Sr isotopic system to glass
studies lies with the assumption that Sr is incorporated into the glass with the lime
source. Because of the difference in Sr isotopic signatures of modern-day seashell
and old limestone, the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of the glass could be indicative for the
nature of the lime source used. However, other minerals naturally included within
the sand raw material can also contribute to the final Sr isotopic signature of the
glass. The extent of this influence is not well understood.
56 D. Brems, M. Ganio, P. Degryse

Nd in ancient glass is incorporated with the source of silica. The variation in

Nd isotopic signatures observed in deep sea sediments across the Mediterranean
Sea offers great potential to distinguish possible sand raw materials and primary
glass from the eastern and western part of the basin. However, it is of course
not possible to directly compare the Nd isotopic signature of glass to that of sea-
floor sediments. Sand deposits are often much more locally derived and it is not
certain that these beach sands show the same regional variation in Nd isotopic
In this chapter, we therefore investigated the variation in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of
possible sand raw materials and the extent of the influence of Sr coming from
the sand source on the final Sr isotopic signature of the resulting glass. We also
studied whether variations in Nd isotopic signatures can distinguish sand deposits
around the Mediterranean. 77 beach sand samples from Spain, France and Italy
(Fig. 3.1 and Fig. 3.2) were analysed for their Sr and Nd isotopic compositions and
it is assessed whether the regional pattern in Nd isotopic signatures of deep-sea
sediments can be recognised in these beach sands. The suitability of the sands for
Roman natron glass production has been evaluated in Chapter 2.

Figure 3.1:
Map of the western Mediterranean showing the sample locations and the 87Sr/86Sr isotope
ratios of the beach sands analysed. Sand samples IT34, IT85 and IT87 were previously
identified as good glassmaking sands. Sands SP46, SP20, FR16 and IT01 can be used to
make Roman natron glass after the addition of extra lime to the glass batch. Reprinted from
Archaeometry, Vol 55, Brems, D., Ganio, M., Latruwe, K., Balcaen, L., Carremans, M., Gimeno,
D., Silvestri, A., Vanhaecke, F., Muchez, P., Degryse, P., Isotopes on the beach Part 1 – Strontium
isotope ratios as a provenance indicator for lime raw materials used in Roman glassmaking,
214-234, Copyright (2013), with permission from John Wiley and Sons.
The Sr-Nd isotopic fingerprint of sand raw materials 57

Figure 3.2:
Map of the western Mediterranean showing the sample locations and the εNd values of the
beach sands analysed. Sand samples IT34, IT85 and IT87 were previously identified as good
glassmaking sands. Sands SP46, SP20, FR16 and IT01 can be used to make Roman natron
glass after the addition of extra lime to the glass batch. Reprinted from Archaeometry,
Vol 55, Brems, D., Ganio, M., Latruwe, K., Balcaen, L., Carremans, M., Gimeno, D., Silvestri, A.,
Vanhaecke, F., Muchez, P., Degryse, P., Isotopes on the beach Part 2 – Neodymium isotopic
analysis for provenancing Roman glassmaking, 449-464, Copyright (2013), with permission
from John Wiley and Sons.

The complete analytical procedures for the Sr-Nd isotopic analysis of sands are
reported in De Muynck et al. (2009) and Ganio et al. (2012a, b). The results are
shown in Appendix A, Fig. 3.1 and Fig. 3.2. The beach sands analysed show a
wide range of 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios between 0.7075 and 0.7290. The bulk
concentration of Sr in the sands varies between 30 and 1186 ppm. εNd values also
vary significantly between ‑12.85 and ‑3.05. The Nd concentration of most sands
analysed lies between 3 and 60 ppm Nd. One sample (IT21), however, contains
296 ppm Nd. The isotope ratio results and their relation to the composition of the
beach sands and their broader geological setting are discussed in detail in Brems
et al. (2013a,b).

3.5 87
Sr/86Sr as a provenance indicator of the lime source?

The large spread in 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios encountered in this study can be
attributed to two main sources of strontium. Calcareous fragments in the sand are
the first important contributor. Shell fragments occur in widely varying amounts.
58 D. Brems, M. Ganio, P. Degryse

Sands with large proportions of shell material can contain high amounts of Sr.
Some of the sands analysed are mainly composed of limestone grains. These show
lower Sr contents. Shell and limestone fragments deliver Sr with low 87Sr/86Sr
ratios to the sand. The 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of the shells is equal to that of present-
day seawater, i.e., 0.709165 ± 0.000020 (Stille and Shields, 1997; Banner, 2004).
Limestone has even lower 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios with values depending on the
age of the limestone and the extent of diagenesis (Burke et al., 1982). The broad
range of 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios, with Sr isotopic signatures mostly lying above
the modern-day seawater value, implies that there must be a second Sr source
bringing more radiogenic Sr to the system. The source of this radiogenic Sr must
be sought in the silicate fraction of the sand and most likely in feldspar and, to a
lesser extent, mica derived from crystalline magmatic or metamorphic rocks, or
recycled immature sedimentary rocks.
The bulk Sr isotopic composition of the sand is a combined signal of the
relatively unradiogenic Sr from the carbonates and the higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios from
the aluminosilicates. This mixed Sr isotopic composition is not only dependent on
the absolute content of carbonates and feldspar but also, and even to a much larger
extent, on the proportion between the two. This relationship can be seen in Fig.
3.3. Whereas sands containing high CaO values generally have the lowest 87Sr/86Sr
isotope ratios, these values can still be appreciably higher than the seawater value
(Fig. 3.3a). The opposite can be seen in the 87Sr/86Sr vs. Al2O3 plot (Fig. 3.3b).
Sands with low Al2O3 concentrations generally have 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios very
close to the modern-day seawater signature. As the Al2O3 concentration increases,
the range of 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios quickly widens. The 87Sr/86Sr vs. Al2O3/CaO
plot (Fig. 3.3c) shows that 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of beach sands are only around
or below modern-day seawater value, if they contain at least 4 times as much
CaO as Al2O3 (Al2O3/CaO < 0.25) The higher the Al2O3/CaO ratio, the higher the
Sr/86Sr isotope ratio.
In this regional study, only one sand sample was analysed for each beach
deposit. Although care was taken to obtain a representative sample, small
variations in the ratio of shell fragments to feldspar within the sand deposit can
not be ruled out. These variations would result in small changes in the Sr isotopic
signature of the sand.
Roman natron glass generally contains 5 to 10% CaO (Foster and Jackson,
2009). Taking into account the addition of natron and the loss of the volatile frac-
tion during the melting of the glass, this corresponds to about 6 to 11% CaO in the
sand raw material. Sands corresponding to this range of CaO concentrations have
varying 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios between 0.70851 and 0.71926 (Fig. 3.3a). How-
ever, not all of these sands are actually suitable to produce glass (see Chapter 2).
The Sr-Nd isotopic fingerprint of sand raw materials 59

Figure 3.3:
(a) 87Sr/86Sr vs. CaO plot. (b) 87Sr/86Sr vs. Al2O3 plot. (c) 87Sr/86Sr vs. Al2O3/CaO plot. The thick black
lines represent the present-day seawater 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of 0.709165 (Stille and Shields,
1997; Banner, 2004). Reprinted from Archaeometry, Vol 55, Brems, D., Ganio, M., Latruwe,
K., Balcaen, L., Carremans, M., Gimeno, D., Silvestri, A., Vanhaecke, F., Muchez, P., Degryse, P.,
Isotopes on the beach Part 1 – Strontium isotope ratios as a provenance indicator for lime
raw materials used in Roman glassmaking, 214-234, Copyright (2013), with permission from
John Wiley and Sons.
60 D. Brems, M. Ganio, P. Degryse

Figure 3.4:
(a) 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of sands with insufficient CaO to produce Roman natron glass and
the glass that can be produced from these sands after the addition of an extra source of lime.
(b) Sr concentrations. (c) 87Sr/86Sr vs. Sr concentration plot. The thick black lines represent
the present-day seawater 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of 0.709165 (Stille and Shields, 1997; Banner,
2004). Reprinted from Archaeometry, Vol 55, Brems, D., Ganio, M., Latruwe, K., Balcaen, L.,
Carremans, M., Gimeno, D., Silvestri, A., Vanhaecke, F., Muchez, P., Degryse, P., Isotopes on
the beach Part 1 – Strontium isotope ratios as a provenance indicator for lime raw materials
used in Roman glassmaking, 214-234, Copyright (2013), with permission from John Wiley
and Sons.
The Sr-Nd isotopic fingerprint of sand raw materials 61

Most of them are too high in Al2O3 and Fe2O3 content, and do not contain enough
SiO2. Only one of the sands analysed would produce a typical Roman natron glass
after fluxing it with pure natron (sand IT85 from the SE of Italy). Two other sands
can be melted into glass resembling Roman glass for all but one element. Glass
made with sand IT34 would have a low P2O5 concentration and glass melted with
sand IT87 would be unusually low in Al2O3. The necessary amount of CaO in
sands IT85 and IT87 is derived from limestones and marls in the local hinterland.
The available CaO in sand IT34 is mostly contained in shell fragments naturally
included in the sand. Therefore, we would expect the Sr isotopic signature of IT34
to resemble that of seawater, while those of IT85 and IT87 would have to be a little
lower. However, the results are somewhat different. Sands IT85 and IT34 have Sr
isotopic signatures slightly above the modern-day seawater value, i.e. 0.71079 and
0.71034, respectively. The 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of sand IT87 is indeed lower than
the seawater signature: 0.70867. This is in accordance with its low Al2O3 content,
which indicates that the contribution of radiogenic Sr from feldspar is very low.
It therefore seems that (at least in the western Mediterranean, see below) the Sr
isotopic signature is only indicative for the origin of the lime for sands (and glass)
with low concentrations of Al2O3, or better low Al2O3/CaO ratios. As a limit value
for this Al2O3/CaO ratio we can suggest 0.25 (e.g. for IT34 this value is 0.36, for
IT85 0.29 and for IT87 0.14).
Twenty-four of the beach sands that were analysed for their Sr and Nd isotopic
compositions contain insufficient calcareous fragments in order to provide
sufficient CaO to produce a stable glass with a typical Roman composition (see
Chapter 2). These sands with CaO concentrations below 6% mostly have rather
radiogenic Sr isotopic signatures (Fig. 3.3a). The shortage of CaO in the sand
could be compensated for by adding pieces of shell or limestone to the glass batch.
By doing this, four of these lime-deficient sands (SP46, SP20, FR16 and IT01)
could be used to produce glass with a composition very close to that of typical
Roman natron glass. Depending on the Sr content and Sr isotopic signature of the
material added, this could result in a shift in the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of the final
glass as compared to the Sr isotopic signature of the sand. In order to determine
the extent of this possible shift, we calculated the expected Sr concentrations and
Sr isotopic signatures of the hypothetical natron glasses. This was done by using
binary mixing equations (Faure and Mensing, 2005). When two components with
different Sr concentrations get mixed in varying proportions, the concentration of
Sr in the resulting mixture is equal to:
62 D. Brems, M. Ganio, P. Degryse

with SrM, SrA and SrB representing the Sr concentrations in the mixture, component
A and component B, respectively, and fA and (1 - fA) expressing the fractions of
component A and B, respectively. If these two components also have different
isotopic signatures, the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of the final mixture can be calculated
with the following equation (Faure and Mensing, 2005):

For each lime-deficient sand, three calculations were performed, each one
simulating glass production using a different source of additional lime. In the first
calculation, the additional lime needed was assumed to come from shell material
with a high Sr content of 4000 ppm and a 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio equal to that
of modern-day seawater: 0.709165 (Stille and Shields, 1997; Banner, 2004). For
the second calculation, we used the Sr concentration and 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio
that was actually measured for shells collected from a number of beaches along
the coasts of southern France and northwest Italy as we would expect shells to
have been collected by a local Roman glass producer. The shells were crushed,
homogenised and analysed for their Sr concentration and 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio
in the same way as the beach sands. This resulted in a lower Sr concentration of
1568 ppm. The 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio remains practically the same: 0.70915. For
the third calculation, we used theoretical limestone with a Sr content of 400 ppm
and 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70750. The composition of the hypothetical glasses and
the proportion of sand to additional lime was calculated as described in Chapter
2: Na2O and CaO levels were fixed at 16.63 and 7.48%, respectively (the average
Na2O and CaO content of Roman glass; Foster and Jackson, 2009). We further
assumed that the contribution of natron to the Sr budget of the glass is negligible.
The original Sr concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of the lime-deficient
sands and the calculated Sr contents and 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of the glasses
are shown in Fig. 3.4. Most of the sands with low CaO concentrations initially
have rather high and variable 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70922 – 0.72901) and relatively
low Sr contents (30 – 236 ppm). After the addition of shell or limestone, the Sr
isotopic signature of the resulting glass is shifted towards lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios
(Fig. 3.4a). The extent of this shift is strongly dependent on the concentration of Sr
in the source of additional lime. Shell with a high Sr content of 4000 ppm would
have the largest influence. Glasses made with this kind of lime source would have
Sr/86Sr isotope ratios between 0.70918 and 0.71158. For glasses made with the
The Sr-Nd isotopic fingerprint of sand raw materials 63

French and Italian seashells with a Sr concentration of 1568 ppm, the 87Sr/86Sr
isotope ratio is less modified (0.70919 – 0.71433). The calculated 87Sr/86Sr isotope
ratios of glasses produced with limestone are on average even higher and show
a wider range (0.70889 – 0.71999), even though we used a low 87Sr/86Sr isotope
ratio of 0.70750 for the limestone in the calculations. Only for one sample (IT63)
the final 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio is lower than the modern-day seawater value. This
sand already had a relatively low 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio to start with. It therefore
seems that the Sr isotopic signature is not necessarily indicative for the source of
lime in a glass. Our binary mixing calculations demonstrate that glass produced
with Sr-rich seashell can still show a significant difference between its 87Sr/86Sr
isotope ratio and that of seawater of up to 0.00241. Furthermore, we see that glass
produced with these sands and limestone usually has higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios than
those made with shell fragments.
The concentration of Sr in the calculated glasses is shown in Fig. 3.4b and
3.4c. It seems that the Sr concentration is more diagnostic for the source of lime.
Glasses produced with shells with Sr contents of 4000 ppm would contain between
294 and 608 ppm Sr. Glasses made with limestone with 400 ppm Sr have Sr
concentrations between 70 and 230 ppm. The range of Sr concentrations in glasses
made with shell material with intermediate Sr contents, however, overlaps with
both previous ranges. The use of the Sr content of glass as a provenance indicator
of the lime source used thus seems to be limited by the wide possible range of Sr
content in (partially recrystallised) aragonite and high-Mg calcite, which make up
the shells on modern-day beaches.
Freestone et al. (nd) previously determined the Sr isotopic composition of
raw glass from primary glass production sites in Egypt and Syro-Palestine, which
were active between the 4th and 8th century AD. The Sr isotopic signature of the
Levantine raw glass was found to be very close or slightly below the modern-
day marine signature. Furthermore, they have high Sr contents between 300 and
500 ppm, suggesting the use of shell as source of lime. The Egyptian samples,
however, had lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios and Sr contents between 100 and 200 ppm.
These two observations are in favour of a limestone source of lime (Freestone
et al., 2003). The same combination of seawater Sr isotopic signatures and high
Sr concentrations, and low 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios and low Sr contents has been
observed in numerous analyses of Roman natron glass (e.g., Wedepohl and
Baumann, 2000; Freestone et al., 2003; Degryse et al., 2006a, b, c; 2008, 2009b;
Degryse and Schneider, 2008). Then why doesn’t this approach seem to work for
our calculated glasses? The problem seems to be that the Sr isotopic signature
of the lime source is overshadowed by the influence of the Sr from the silicate
fraction in the sands. In the western Mediterranean, Sr derived from the silicates
64 D. Brems, M. Ganio, P. Degryse

is usually very radiogenic. Lithogenic (i.e. non-carbonate) Nile sediments, which

dominate the eastern Mediterranean, however, have lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios that are
very close to or lower than the present-day seawater value, with a pure Nile end-
member of 0.707043 and sediments along the Nile delta and the Levantine coast
varying between 0.7075 and 0.7095 (Krom et al., 1999a, b; Weldeab et al., 2002).
In the eastern Mediterranean, the influence of Sr from feldspar would thus be
much smaller and the final Sr isotopic signature of the glass would be left unaltered
or only slightly lowered. Therefore, we conclude that Sr isotopic signatures are
indeed indicative of the source of lime for natron glass produced in the eastern
Mediterranean, whereas for glass made in the west this is not (always) the case. Sr
concentrations provide the same information in both regions.

3.6 The εNd value as a provenance indicator for the silica source?

Nd concentrations of the analysed sands show a (weak) positive correlation with

Fe2O3, TiO2 and P2O5 contents. This suggests that Nd indeed comes into the glass
with the non-quartz (heavy) mineral fraction of the sand, but that the εNd value is
a mixture of all these mineral species. εNd values are not correlated with any of the
major or minor elements. The εNd values of the beach sand analysed are broadly
related to the large geological regions and vary relatively gradually along the
coastlines (Fig. 3.2). Spanish and French sands all show relatively low εNd values
from ‑12.4 to ‑8.0 in close agreement with the data from the deep sea sediments.
Italian sands, however, show a wide range of εNd values between ‑12.8 and ‑3.0.
The silicate fractions of most of the analysed sands are the disintegration
products of relatively old Hercynian metamorphic and magmatic rocks, or younger
sedimentary rocks, which ultimately have the same origin. The εNd values of these
sediments are consequently rather low, mostly between ‑12.5 and ‑8.0. Sands
occurring close to the oldest magmatic and metamorphic complexes show the most
radiogenic Nd isotopic signatures. This is the case along the Betics Cordillera,
the Maures-Tanneron massif, Calabria and NE Sicily. The sands with the most
negative εNd values below ‑12.5, however, were found on the northwesternmost
part of Sicily (IT62, IT63) and are derived from Miocene sedimentary rocks. The
sediments deposited in this area during the Miocene were probably derived from
old (Paleozoic or even Precambrian) rocks with a crustal affinity.
Along the Mediterranean coastline of Spain, France and Italy, we can identify
three regions where εNd signatures of beach sands are relatively elevated to values
above ‑7: in the Gulf of Genoa, in the area near the Vesuvius (Naples) and the
Apulia Region. High εNd values (up to ‑3.05) in the Gulf of Genoa are attributed to
The Sr-Nd isotopic fingerprint of sand raw materials 65

the occurrence of Jurassic metaophiolites in that region. The ultramafic source of

sands in this area results in very high Fe2O3, MgO and Al2O3 concentrations. As a
consequence, these sands cannot have been used to produce Roman natron glass.
The occurrence of a broad range of Nd isotopic signatures in the area near the
Vesuvius and the Campanian coastal strip can be accounted for by local recent
volcanic activity. These sands are derived from Pleistocene–Holocene rhyolitic
volcanic rocks and contain high percentages of heavy minerals, resulting in
high Fe2O3 and Al2O3 levels, making them unsuitable as raw materials for glass
production (see Chapter 2). εNd values of sands from the Campanian beaches,
which get delivered to the coast by the Volturno River, can vary greatly because
of the highly variable Nd isotopic signatures of the Roccamonfina and Somme-
Vesuvius volcanic rocks (εNd from ‑11 to 0; Conticelli et al., 2002; and references
therein). A similar rise in εNd values is observed near the Etna on Sicily. The sand
of this area that was analysed (IT71), however, only contained a very small amount
of Etna-derived grains and consequently its εNd value is only moderately elevated
to ‑7.86. Sandy sediments closer to the Etna volcano, will most likely show higher
εNd values.
The εNd values between ‑6.11 and ‑4.17 that occur in the Apulia Region in
SE Italy can be attributed to the presence of mafic minerals (mostly pyroxenes)
either directly or indirectly derived from Mount Vulture volcanic rocks (εNd values
between 1 and 3; Conticelli et al., 2002; and references therein). The area near
the Vulture volcano gets drained by the Ofanto River which discharges into the
Manfredonia Gulf. This results in relatively unradiogenic Nd isotopic signatures
for sands in the gulf (IT90). The Ofanto River sediments get further transported
to the south along the Apulian coast at least up to the Cape of Otranto (Caldara et
al., 1998; Mastronuzzi et al., 2007). The heavy mineral fraction of these sediments
contributes to the beach sands along the coast which consequently show relatively
high εNd values (IT87). The Pleistocene sedimentary rocks that overlay the
platform carbonates of the Adria microplate contain a number of layers rich in
mafic minerals which originate from Mount Vulture (Acquafredda et al., 1997;
Mastronuzzi and Sansò, 2002). Recycling of these sedimentary sequences also
delivers unradiogenic Nd to the beaches in the area (IT85, IT87).
When we focus on the sands assessed suitable for Roman natron glass
production (see Chapter 2) we can evaluate the Nd isotopic signature as a
provenance indicator for sand raw materials and raw natron glass. The four sand
raw materials that can be used to produce Roman natron glass after the addition of
extra lime all have relatively low εNd values, typical for the western Mediterranean.
Sand SP46, from southwestern Spain, has an εNd value of ‑7.99. Suitable sand
from near El Rubial in southeastern Spain (SP20) has a εNd value of ‑11.76. Sand
66 D. Brems, M. Ganio, P. Degryse

raw materials from Les Bormettes in the Provence (FR16) have an even lower εNd
value of ‑12.40. Finally, the sands from Calla Violina in Tuscany, which would
make good natron glass after the addition of lime, have εNd values of ‑8.86. The
mixture of shell fragments, which were collected along several beaches in S
France and NW Italy, has a Nd concentration of 1.0 ppm and εNd value of ‑6.6.
Since this Nd concentration is 5 to 20 times smaller than the concentration in most
sands and the additional lime only makes up ~10% of the total glass batch, the
additional source of lime only has a very small influence on the final Nd budget
of a glass. Glass produced with either of these sand sources thus would be readily
distinguishable from glass from the eastern Mediterranean since raw glass from
Egypt and Syro-Palestine has relatively low variation in εNd, with values between
‑6 and ‑4 (Degryse and Schneider, 2008; Freestone et al., nd; this study).
Three sands from Italy were identified as being suitable for Roman glass
production in their present form. Sand IT34 from Tuscany also has a rather low εNd
value of ‑9.42. The two other suitable glassmaking sands found in the Basilicata
(IT85) and Apulia Regions (IT87) in SE Italy, however, have relatively high
εNd values of ‑6.1 and -4.2, respectively. These values coincide with the range
of Nd isotopic signatures previously thought to be characteristic for an eastern
Mediterranean origin (Degryse and Schneider, 2008; Freestone et al., nd). This
shows that the use of Nd isotopic signatures as a provenance indicator for Roman
glass is not as straightforward as previously thought. However, based on the Nd
isotopic signature of glass artefacts, certain possible areas of production can be
suggested or excluded. For a further differentiation, other techniques, such as trace
element analysis, will have to be applied.

3.7 Conclusions

The aim of this chapter was to evaluate the use of Sr and Nd isotopic signatures
for the provenance determination of Roman natron glass. To do this, 77 beach
sands from the coasts of Spain, France and Italy were analysed for their Sr and
Nd isotopic compositions. By using binary mixing equations, we were able to
calculate the Sr isotopic signature of glass produced from the sands analysed. The
results of these calculations show that the addition of shell or limestone to the
glass batch is often not enough to obscure the radiogenic Sr isotopic signature of
the sand raw materials. Therefore, the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of glass is not always
indicative of the main source of lime. In this aspect, there seems to be a marked
difference between the eastern and western Mediterranean. In the west, the silicate
fraction of the sand often contains important amounts of radiogenic Sr, resulting
The Sr-Nd isotopic fingerprint of sand raw materials 67

in a shift in 87Sr/86Sr ratios to higher values. Since the Sr isotopic signatures of

the Nile-dominated siliciclastic sediments in the eastern Mediterranean lie around
or slightly below the modern-day seawater signature, the induced shift in the Sr
isotopic signature of the glass is less explicit. For glasses produced in the eastern
Mediterranean, the Sr isotopic signature is indeed a good provenance indicator
for the source of lime. In the western part of the Mediterranean, this is only so for
glasses with low Al2O3 concentrations and an Al2O3/CaO ratio lower than 0.25.
The Sr content of the glass appears to be a better and more robust indication of
the lime source.
Nd in Roman natron glass originates from the non-quartz (heavy) mineral
fraction of the sand raw material and its isotopic composition is an indication for
the source of the silica. Suitable glassmaking sands from Spain, France and the
western part of Italy all have relatively low εNd values and glass that would be
produced from them could be readily distinguished from glass from the known
primary production sites in Egypt and Syro-Palestine. Two good sand sources in
the Basilicata and Apulia Regions (SE Italy), however, have εNd values that may
coincide with those of glass with an eastern Mediterranean origin. In Chapter 4,
we will determine whether these possible sources of glass can be distinguished
from each other using trace element patterns.
Chapter 4

Trace elements in sand raw materials

D. Brems, P. Degryse

As discussed in previous chapters, the major elemental composition of Roman

natron glass is relatively uniform and not very useful for provenance determination.
The use of radiogenic isotopes of Sr and Nd was examined in Chapter 3. There
we have seen that isotopic compositions can be very useful indicators but are
usually insufficient to pinpoint the origin of a glass artefact. It was shown that
certain sands from Italy, which were found to be suitable for Roman natron glass
production, have εNd values that coincide with those of sand raw materials and the
glass from known primary production centres in the eastern Mediterranean. In this
chapter, we will determine whether a distinction between the different possible
source areas can be made using trace element geochemistry.

4.1 Trace elements in Roman glass

Basic Roman natron glass can be seen as a mixture of three components: silica
sand, lime-bearing material and natron as the soda-rich flux. Additionally, glass
was often coloured or decoloured by adding a small amount of specific minerals.
These raw materials all introduced a number of trace elements to the glass batch
(Fig. 4.1). In particular those solely related to the sand raw material are of interest
as possible provenance indicators.

4.1.1 Natron
Natron was a relatively pure source of soda. Depending on the mineralogy of the
evaporitic deposits, the concentration of elements such as Cl and S varies greatly
(Brill, 1999; Currie, 2008; Shortland, unpublished data). These elements were
probably almost entirely introduced to the glass batch by the natron flux. The
concentration of Cl and S in the final glass is, however, limited by their solubility
in soda-lime-silica melts (Bateson and Turner, 1939; Gerth et al., 1998; Köpsel,
2001; Shugar and Rehren, 2002; Salviulo et al., 2004). The concentration of most
70 D. Brems, P. Degryse

other commonly measured trace elements in both modern and ancient evaporites
from the Wadi Natrun is found to be very low (Currie, 2008; Wedepohl et al.,
2011b; Shortland, unpublished data). When compared with the concentration of
trace elements in natron glass as given by, for example, Degryse and Shortland
(2009) and Wedepohl et al. (2011a), only B, P, Br and U appear to occur in the
same order of magnitude in both natron and natron glass. Mg concentrations are
30 times lower in the flux. The concentration of elements such as Li, K, V, Cr, Ni,
Cu, Zn, Sr, Zr, Ba, Pb and the rare earth elements (REE) are between 60 and 1500
times lower in natron than in average natron glass (Currie, 2008; Wedepohl et al.,
2011b; Shortland, unpublished data).

Figure 4.1:
Periodic table with indication of the most likely sources of the elements in Roman natron
glass. Reprinted from Archaeometry, Vol 56, Brems, D., Degryse, P., Trace element analysis in
provenancing Roman glass-making, 116-136, Copyright (2014), with permission from John
Wiley and Sons.

4.1.2 Sand
Because of the small ionic size of Si4+ (0.026 nm; Shannon, 1976), only very small
amounts of other elements such as Al, Ti, Fe and Ge can be incorporated into
the crystal structure of quartz. Minor and trace elements in quartz-rich sands are
generally concentrated in associated accessory minerals such as feldspar, pyroxene,
amphibole, zircon, Fe-Ti oxides, monazite and clay minerals, among others.
Trace elements in sand raw materials 71

Sand deposits can contain different types and quantities of accessory minerals,
depending on the nature of the source rocks and the local geological setting.
Different mineralogical compositions of the sands will lead to different trace
element signatures, which may be useful tracers for their origin. The application
of trace elements as provenance indicators for ancient glass was explored in some
recent studies. Roman natron glass generally contains relatively low levels of trace
elements. This is attributed to the use of mineralogically mature sand, rich in quartz
and relatively depleted in heavy minerals (Freestone et al., 2000, 2002a). HIMT
glass typically contains higher concentrations of trace elements, suggesting the use
of less pure quartz-sands (Freestone et al., 2005). Promising groupings of analysed
glass fragments could be made based on elements like Zr-Ti (Aerts et al., 2003),
Zr-Ti-Cr-La (Shortland et al., 2007; Reade, 2009; Walton et al., 2009) and Zr-Sr-
Ba (Freestone et al., 2000; Paynter, 2006; Silvestri, 2008; Silvestri et al., 2008).
These elements are usually not related to any colouring agents that could have
been deliberately added to the glass batch and can be used to distinguish between
different sand raw materials. Zr, together with Hf, is accumulated in the heavy
mineral zircon. Trace elements such as Sc, Ti, V and Cr are generally correlated
with iron oxides (Wedepohl et al., 2011a) or with specific heavy minerals like
rutile, ilmenite, titanite and chromite. Ba and Rb are related to alkali feldspar.
Wedepohl and Baumann (2000) attributed relatively high Ba concentrations in
Roman glass from Hambach to the presence of barite as a heavy mineral in the
glassmaking sand. Ga substitutes for Al in aluminium silicates (Wedepohl et al.,
2011a). Other elements which are probably also related to the sand raw materials
are Li, Be, Ge, Y, Nb, Mo, Te, Cs, La, Ta, W, Tl, Bi and Th (Shortland et al., 2007;
Degryse and Shortland, 2009; Reade, 2009; Wedepohl et al., 2011a, b). B, P and
U are partly derived from the silica source (Shortland et al., 2007), but they also
come in with the natron flux. Sr is provided by both the sand (i.e., mostly feldspar
and mica) and the source of lime (Brems et al., 2013a). In Mn-rich glasses, some
of the Sr may be introduced through the Mn ore (Ganio et al., 2012b, c).
Rare earth elements (REE) are classically used as provenance indicators of
sediments and sedimentary rocks (e.g. McLennan, 1989; Lidiak and Jolly, 1996).
In quartz-rich sands, these elements are mostly concentrated in the clay and
silt fraction (Cullers et al., 1979; Tlig and Steinberg, 1982; McLennan, 1989;
Yokoo et al., 2004). However, heavy mineral species can also contain significant
amounts of REE. The light REE are accumulated in monazite and allanite, while
the heavy REE are relatively concentrated in zircon and garnet (Gromet and
Silver, 1983; McLennan, 1989; McKay, 1989). Unlike the other REE, Eu can
occur in a divalent state and as a result it can be preferentially incorporated in
plagioclase. Enrichment or depletion in plagioclase during weathering, erosion or
72 D. Brems, P. Degryse

sedimentary processes, can cause positive or negative Eu-anomalies in the REE

patterns of sandy sediments, which in turn can be passed on to the glass (for a
more extensive discussion see also Degryse and Schneider, 2009 and Wedepohl et
al., 2011b). Average REE patterns appear to be distinctly different between three
major ancient glass groups, i.e. soda ash glass, natron glass and wood ash glass
(Wedepohl et al., 2011b). However, within the group of natron glass, REE patterns
are relatively uniform (Degryse and Shortland, 2009; Wedepohl et al., 2011b).
This would indicate that the REE are derived from the clay fraction of the sand
raw materials or from interaction with the furnace walls, and are of little use as
a provenance indicator for Roman natron glass (Degryse and Shortland, 2009;
Walton et al., 2009).

4.1.3 Lime
Sr in natron glass is mostly derived from the shell or limestone introduced (whether
or not deliberately) as the source of lime (Wedepohl and Baumann, 2000; Freestone
et al., 2003; Brems et al., 2013a). High Sr concentrations in glass suggest the use
of shell fragments, while low Sr contents indicate the use of limestone. However,
other mineral species in the sand raw material, such as feldspar and mica, can
also introduce Sr to the glass. The lime-bearing component of the glass batch
can also introduce minor amounts of chemically related elements such as Mg, Fe
and Mn. Rare earth elements and other trace elements only occur in very small
concentrations in shell material (e.g. Wedepohl et al., 2011a, b).

4.1.4 (De)colourants and recycling

Pure soda-lime-silica glass, without any impurities, is essentially colourless. Most
ancient glass fragments, however, contain a small amount of Fe2O3. This results in
a green or blue (also: aqua) tint. This iron was usually unintentionally introduced
as impurities in the sand raw material. The green-blue colour could be neutralised
by the addition of Mn or Sb, which resulted in the oxidation of the Fe2+ to the
practically colourless Fe3+ (Sayre, 1963; Sayre and Smith, 1961; Brill, 1988).
By adding different metals in varying concentrations and under different furnace
conditions, a whole range of different colours could be achieved. Details on the
effects of these different elements on the colour of glass are beyond the scope
of this study and can be found in Weyl (1951), Bamford (1977), Green and Hart
(1987), and Pollard and Heron (2008).
Elements commonly associated with (de)colouring in ancient glass are Mn,
Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Au, Hg and Pb (Aerts et al., 2003;
Shortland et al., 2007; Degryse and Shortland, 2009; Reade, 2009; Wedepohl et
al., 2011a). Some of these elements do not influence the colour of the glass, but
Trace elements in sand raw materials 73

they occur as impurities in the mineral (de)colourants. Elevated concentrations

of these elements (over 1000 ppm) suggest they were deliberately added to
the glass batch to influence the colour of the resulting product. Concentrations
between about 100 ppm and 1000 ppm are typically interpreted as indications
for glass recycling (Freestone et al., 2002a; Silvestri et al., 2005; Degryse and
Shortland, 2009; Foster and Jackson, 2010). Remelting a batch of colourless
cullet with small amounts of coloured fragments would result in concentrations
of these colouring elements not high enough to significantly alter the colour and
suggest intentional addition, but too high to be explained by natural impurities in
the sand raw materials. Low concentrations (in the 1 – 100 ppm range) of trace
elements like Co, Cu, and Pb suggest that the glass was produced from primary
raw materials and that recycling was limited, or that recycling took place after
very careful selection of cullet to avoid contamination (Silvestri, 2008; Silvestri et
al., 2008). These concentration boundaries are however arbitrary. Little is known
about the actual background concentrations of (de)colourant-related elements in
glassmaking sand raw materials.
Roman natron glasses decoloured by Mn often show elevated Ba contents
and a strong positive correlation between Mn and Ba (Brill, 1988; Paynter, 2006;
Foster and Jackson, 2010). This is consistent with the use of wad or a mixture
of pyrolusite (MnO2) and psilomelane ((Ba,H2O)2Mn5O10) as the source of Mn
(Jackson, 2005; Silvestri, 2008). Next to Ba, the Mn source may also introduce
extra Sr to the glass (Ganio et al., 2012b, c).

4.2 Trace elements in sand raw materials

The trace elemental composition of natron glass will be a combination of elements

derived from the sand, the natron and the lime, and possibly from any (de)
colourants that were added to the glass batch. In this chapter, we investigate the
variation in trace element signatures of suitable sand raw materials. We examine
whether the elements commonly related to the sand raw material can be used
to distinguish between sand sources with similar Nd isotopic signatures. The
concentrations of trace elements generally associated with (de)colouring agents
will provide more information about the background levels for these elements that
are attributable to the sand raw materials. 11 beach sand samples were analysed for
their trace elemental compositions. These sands were found to be the most suitable
for Roman natron glass production (see Chapter 2). A mixture of shell material
collected from several beaches along the Mediterranean coast of France and NW
Italy was also included in the analysis to investigate the possible influence of the
74 D. Brems, P. Degryse

SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Cl TiO2 MnO Sc V Cr Co
SiO2 1,00
Al2O3 0,03 1,00
Fe2O3 -0,12 0,58 1,00
MgO -0,50 0,26 0,72 1,00
CaO -0,90 -0,43 -0,21 0,26 1,00
Na2O -0,07 0,94 0,36 0,05 -0,29 1,00
K2O -0,10 0,05 -0,25 -0,42 0,11 0,16 1,00
P2O5 -0,11 0,04 0,57 0,54 0,00 -0,08 -0,50 1,00
Cl 0,31 0,14 0,12 -0,23 -0,40 0,22 0,02 0,20 1,00
TiO2 0,49 0,35 0,33 -0,15 -0,58 0,29 -0,11 0,20 0,10 1,00
MnO -0,76 -0,04 0,24 0,33 0,71 -0,01 0,39 0,12 -0,45 -0,20 1,00
Sc -0,26 0,46 0,91 0,74 -0,01 0,23 -0,03 0,56 -0,13 0,23 0,49 1,00
V 0,34 0,42 0,68 0,35 -0,50 0,19 -0,25 0,46 -0,07 0,77 -0,10 0,66 1,00
Cr 0,09 -0,07 -0,18 -0,19 0,01 -0,11 0,27 -0,70 -0,52 -0,03 0,17 -0,09 -0,12 1,00
Co -0,02 0,42 0,90 0,56 -0,23 0,20 -0,06 0,66 0,17 0,44 0,27 0,90 0,76 -0,33 1,00
Zn 0,31 0,20 0,42 -0,14 -0,42 0,19 -0,05 0,16 0,77 0,42 -0,25 0,13 0,26 -0,26 0,44
Br 0,31 0,75 0,42 -0,58 -0,49 0,99 0,66 -0,30 0,98 0,89 -0,13 0,26 0,26 -0,30 0,55
Rb 0,02 -0,21 -0,30 -0,36 0,06 -0,14 0,85 -0,34 0,20 -0,30 0,24 -0,13 -0,41 0,12 -0,08
Sr -0,80 -0,32 -0,39 0,05 0,89 -0,11 0,12 -0,17 -0,31 -0,52 0,45 -0,25 -0,52 -0,08 -0,42
Zr -0,28 0,07 0,44 0,29 0,21 0,07 -0,02 0,64 -0,33 0,59 0,71 0,52 0,46 0,70 0,48
Sb 0,19 0,17 0,38 -0,12 -0,32 0,20 0,03 0,07 0,80 0,19 -0,23 0,12 0,05 -0,16 0,34
Cs -0,03 -0,14 0,05 0,16 0,07 -0,24 -0,15 0,01 -0,24 -0,45 0,16 0,03 -0,29 0,10 -0,02
Ba -0,67 -0,05 -0,15 0,15 0,64 0,11 0,18 -0,03 -0,02 -0,36 0,29 -0,01 -0,24 -0,20 -0,17
Nd -0,36 -0,40 0,15 0,16 0,47 -0,39 0,00 0,44 -0,06 0,12 0,43 0,33 0,26 -0,20 0,33
Eu -0,68 0,11 0,24 0,14 0,58 0,24 0,21 0,18 0,05 0,02 0,59 0,31 0,03 -0,26 0,28
Tb -0,60 -0,10 0,41 0,31 0,56 -0,10 0,13 0,41 -0,11 0,08 0,73 0,54 0,24 -0,21 0,53
Dy -0,53 -0,02 0,59 0,52 0,45 -0,11 -0,06 0,54 -0,17 0,11 0,66 0,73 0,42 -0,14 0,64
Yb -0,51 0,26 0,72 0,68 0,30 0,17 -0,16 0,69 -0,08 0,22 0,56 0,82 0,51 -0,26 0,71
Lu -0,42 0,28 0,76 0,66 0,20 0,16 -0,13 0,66 -0,05 0,28 0,51 0,86 0,59 -0,21 0,76
Hf -0,06 0,02 0,27 0,01 0,05 0,04 -0,08 0,48 -0,06 0,63 0,37 0,34 0,43 -0,05 0,37
Ta 0,17 0,44 0,52 0,05 -0,34 0,40 -0,13 0,30 0,15 0,80 0,04 0,45 0,68 0,05 0,50
Th -0,24 -0,15 0,34 0,18 0,25 -0,15 0,01 0,42 0,02 0,30 0,49 0,45 0,27 0,09 0,38

Table 4.1:
Correlation matrix for major, minor and trace elements analysed by INAA and ICP-OES.
Trace elements in sand raw materials 75

Zn Br Rb Sr Zr Sb Cs Ba Nd Eu Tb Dy Yb Lu Hf Ta Th

0,87 1,00
0,00 0,55 1,00
-0,40 -0,37 -0,05 1,00
0,08 0,55 -0,22 -0,04 1,00
0,96 0,89 0,09 -0,30 0,07 1,00
-0,16 -0,48 0,16 -0,16 -0,24 -0,16 1,00
-0,23 -0,13 -0,08 0,82 -0,11 -0,09 -0,55 1,00
0,09 -0,01 -0,14 0,39 0,51 0,12 -0,45 0,52 1,00
0,22 0,32 -0,10 0,63 0,43 0,33 -0,38 0,69 0,67 1,00
0,21 0,26 -0,05 0,43 0,62 0,26 -0,16 0,42 0,82 0,86 1,00
0,14 0,07 -0,23 0,27 0,64 0,21 -0,19 0,39 0,84 0,73 0,92 1,00
0,09 0,18 -0,33 0,12 0,78 0,15 -0,29 0,35 0,66 0,61 0,74 0,89 1,00
0,14 0,30 -0,31 0,03 0,75 0,20 -0,33 0,31 0,66 0,57 0,72 0,89 0,99 1,00
0,14 0,69 -0,25 -0,09 0,99 0,10 -0,41 -0,02 0,57 0,36 0,49 0,55 0,63 0,62 1,00
0,44 0,76 -0,42 -0,34 0,82 0,40 -0,59 -0,04 0,36 0,32 0,31 0,44 0,58 0,63 0,79 1,00
0,20 0,79 -0,10 0,02 0,84 0,50 -0,40 0,19 0,74 0,45 0,61 0,73 0,73 0,74 0,84 0,67 1,00
76 D. Brems, P. Degryse

addition of extra shell fragments on the final bulk trace element signature of a
glass batch.
Sand and shell samples were finely crushed in an agate mortar and analysed for
their trace elemental composition using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis
(INAA). Complete analytical procedures are reported in Brems and Degryse
Results of the trace element analysis of the suitable glassmaking sands and the
shell fragments are listed in Appendix A. Table 4.1 shows the correlation matrix
for the trace elements analysed by INAA and major and minor elements previously
determined via ICP-OES. Elements, for which the concentration was above the
detection limit for only three samples or less, were discarded. For Br, measurable
concentrations were detected in only four sand samples, so any correlations found
with this element must be evaluated carefully to rule out any errors due to the
small amount of data points.

4.2.1 Natron-related elements

The elements Na, Cl, S, P, F, Br, I, B and U in natron glass are fully or partially
attributed to the natron flux used (Fig. 4.1). Of these elements, Na and P were
previously analysed via ICP-OES and discussed in Chapter 2. Cl, Br and I could
be analysed with INAA. Cl concentrations in the analysed sand samples vary
between 0.01 and 0.53%. This variation is a result of the varying amounts of
halite from the seawater adhered to the beach sand grains. Concentrations of Br
in the beach sands range from below detection limit to 20 ppm and are strongly
correlated with Cl (correlation coefficient r = 0.984). I was found to be below the
detection limit for all samples analysed except for sand SP45, which contains 1.1
ppm I. Although the shell fragments were washed to remove sand and salt particles
before crushing, they still contain 0.12% Cl indicating its presence as inclusions
in the shell itself. These results show that beach sand raw materials and seashell
fragments can introduce some ‘natron-related’ elements such as Cl and Br to the
glass batch.

4.2.2 Sand-related elements

The elements that are exclusively related to the sand raw materials are of particular
interest for provenance studies of ancient glass. Two of those elements are Zr
and Hf as they are almost entirely derived from the heavy mineral zircon. The Zr
contents of the sands and shell analysed range from below the detection limit to
198 ppm. It must be noted, however, that the reported detection limits are rather
high: < 16 ppm for the shell material and < 68 to < 220 ppm for the sand samples.
Concentrations of Hf vary between 1.01 and 5.35 ppm in the sand. Shell material
Trace elements in sand raw materials 77

only contains 0.03 ppm Hf. Zr and Hf are very strongly correlated (r = 0.995) with
Zr/Hf ratios between 30 and 40, typical for zircons derived from granites (Gulson,
Next to Zr and Hf, TiO2 is also generally related to the heavy mineral fraction
in the sand raw materials and as a result they too are often correlated. TiO2 contents
range from 0.08 to 0.61%. In a biplot of TiO2 vs. Zr, the expected correlation
between the two elements is indeed present (r = 0.948; Fig. 4.2a). Sand sample
IT85, however, does not follow the same correlation and is relatively enriched in
Zr, reflecting a relative enrichment of zircon with respect to the Ti-rich mineral
species, such as rutile, ilmenite and/or titanite, in the sand. Sc concentrations in
the sands vary between 1.17 and 4.30 ppm. V contents lie between 12.8 and 32.9
ppm. Moderate to good correlations of these elements with Fe2O3 and TiO2 suggest
they are also related to the heavy mineral fraction of the sand. The concentration
of Ta in the beach sands varies between 0.18 and 0.48 ppm. Ta is relatively well
correlated with other elements of group 4 and 5 of the periodic table such as TiO2
(r = 0.801), V (r = 0.676), Zr (r = 0.825) and Hf (r = 0.786). The most common
heavy mineral containing Cr, is chromite. This mineral is generally associated
with ultramafic igneous rocks. Cr concentrations in the sands analysed in this
study vary widely between 8.2 to 277 ppm.

Figure 4.2:
(a) Covariation of Zr with TiO2 in the analysed beach sands. The trendline (r = 0.948) is
calculated after removal of sand IT85 from the dataset. (b) Chondrite-normalised rare
earth element patterns of the sands, glasses and shell analysed. (d) Comparison of Sr
concentrations as obtained via ICP–OES and INAA. Black dots are the sand samples and the
open diamond the shell material. Reprinted from Archaeometry, Vol 56, Brems, D., Degryse,
P., Trace element analysis in provenancing Roman glass-making, 116-136, Copyright (2014),
with permission from John Wiley and Sons.
78 D. Brems, P. Degryse

Concentrations of Rb range from 23.6 to 38.9 ppm in the analysed sands.

A correlation between K2O and Rb (r = 0.847) indicates that Rb is present in
K-feldspar. Cs values range from 0.34 to 4.26 ppm, with sands IT34 and SP20
having the highest values. There is no clear correlation between Cs and the other
alkali elements. Ba concentrations in the sands vary between 95 and 280 ppm. Ba
is often said to be related to alkali feldspar. However, the data show no correlation
between Ba and K2O (r = 0.182) or between Ba and Rb (r = ‑0.077). Although not
very strong, correlations are present between Ba and Sr (r = 0.816) and Ba and Ca
(r = 0.642). This suggests that Ba is not exclusively related to feldspars and that
it can also be derived from the carbonate fraction of the beach sands. However,
the shell material analysed in this study only contains 15 ppm Ba. A connection to
barite could not be investigated since concentrations of S are not available.
Ga could only be detected in one sample, SP22, where it reaches 13 ppm.
Detection limits for this element were, however, generally of the same order of
magnitude. Concentrations of Th range from 1.55 to 5.45 ppm in the sands. Th is
correlated with Zr (r = 0.839), Hf (r = 0.838) and the (heavy) rare earth elements
(r = 0.726 – 0.739), indicating its presence in zircon (Wang et al., 2011; Nardi et
al., 2012).
Rare earth element concentrations are chondrite-normalised using the values
of Sun and McDonough (1989) and the REE patterns are shown in Fig. 4.2b. Only
Nd, Eu, Tb, Dy, Yb and Lu could be analysed. Ce was below the detection limit in
all samples. REE patterns of the sands are relatively flat, with a slight enrichment
in light rare earth elements (LREE). Only sand sample FR17 shows a small
positive Eu anomaly, consistent with its relatively high feldspar content (Brems
et al., 2012b, c). For the other samples analysed no significant Eu anomalies were
found. REE concentrations in the shell fragments are more than one order of
magnitude lower than in the sands. The chondrite-normalised REE pattern of the
shell material is similar to those of the sands, although possibly somewhat more
enriched in LREE (Fig. 4.2b).

4.2.3 Lime-related elements

The concentration of Sr in the sands analysed varies between 32 and 315 ppm with
a good correlation between Sr and Ca (r = 0.892). The use of Sr isotope ratios and
Sr concentrations for provenancing Roman natron glass, and especially the source
of lime used, is extensively discussed in Chapter 3 and in Brems et al. (2013a).
Shell fragments have relatively low concentrations of most of the trace
elements analysed. Only Sr is strongly concentrated in shell (1550 ppm). Cl and
Br are present in concentrations similar to those found in the sands. The other
elements analysed occur in concentrations at least one order of magnitude smaller
Trace elements in sand raw materials 79

than in the sand samples. Results for the REE concentrations are comparable to
those reported for clam shells from the North Sea by Wedepohl et al. (2011b).

4.2.4 (De)colourant-related elements

Mn and Sb are often present in elevated concentrations in Roman natron glass
(Sayre and Smith, 1961; Sayre, 1963; Henderson, 1985; Jackson, 2005; Freestone,
2008; Silvestri, 2008; Foster and Jackson, 2009). These elements were deliberately
added to the batch to make the glass colourless by oxidising iron, or to combine
with other elements to create a variety of colours. The MnO concentration in
the analysed sands ranges from 0.01 to 0.11%. These values can be seen as the
background level for Mn, which can be attributed to the sand raw material (see
also Brems et al., 2012b, c). Concentrations of MnO higher than 0.1% in natron
glass are influenced by deliberate addition or by recycling. As an impurity in the
Mn decolourising agent, extra Ba is often introduced to the glass resulting in a
strong positive correlation between the two elements (Brill, 1988; Jackson, 2005;
Silvestri, 2008). The data presented in this study shows no significant correlation
between MnO and Ba (r = 0.285). Sb contents of more than 37,500 ppm (4.99%
Sb2O5) have been reported for natron glass (Arletti et al., 2006). Most of the sands
analysed in this study contain low concentrations of Sb, i.e., below 1.4 ppm. Only
sand FR16 has higher Sb levels of 19.2 ppm. Zn concentrations of most sands
analysed vary between 5.3 and 84 ppm. Sand sample FR16, however, contains
272 ppm of Zn. The very high Zn and Sb content in sand FR16 can be attributed
to the former exploitation of a Pb-Zn-Ag deposit in Les Bormettes (Féraud, 1983;
Artignan and Nauchbaur, 2007). Exploitation of this small scale ore deposit
already commenced during the Gallo-Roman period and ended in 1908 (Artignan
and Nauchbaur, 2007). Erosion and redeposition of material from local tailings
results in relatively high concentrations of metals in the local beach sand. Next to
Zn and Sb, soils in the area locally contain elevated concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu
and Hg (Artignan and Nauchbaur, 2007).
Of all sands analysed, only SP22 contains measurable amounts of Ni, i.e., 21
ppm. Measured concentrations of Co in the sands vary between 1.1 and 4.5 ppm.
Cu, Se and Hg concentrations were below the INAA detection limit for all samples
analysed. Ag is below the detection limit for all samples except for sand IT85
which contains 0.80 ppm Ag. In is only above the detection limit in sand sample
SP20, where it reaches 0.03 ppm.
80 D. Brems, P. Degryse

4.3 Trace elements as a provenance indicator for the silica source?

Most of the suitable Roman-type sand raw materials from the western Mediterranean
can be distinguished from those of the east based on their Nd isotopic composition.
Sand raw materials and raw natron glass from Egypt and Syro-Palestine have
relatively homogeneous εNd values between ‑6 and ‑4 (Degryse and Schneider,
2008; Freestone et al., nd; this study). Western Mediterranean beach sands mostly
have lower εNd values, i.e., usually lower than ‑8. However, in Chapter 3, we have
seen that Roman-type sand raw materials from two locations in the southeast of
Italy also have relatively high εNd values, which may coincide with those thought
to be typical for raw glass produced in the eastern Mediterranean. Differences in
trace element patterns may help to resolve this problem.
To evaluate the use of trace elements as a provenance indicator for Roman
natron glass, we must compare the trace elemental signature of the sands analysed
in this study to those of the known glass groups and raw materials from the eastern
Mediterranean. For easier comparison, trace element data are often normalised
to a common reference. In glass studies, this is usually the average continental
earth’s crust (Freestone et al., 2002a; Wedepohl et al., 2011a, b). In this study, we
use the average continental crust values of Wedepohl (1995).
Selected trace element data for raw natron glass and glass vessels from the
Byzantine-Islamic primary workshops at Bet Eli’ezer and Apollonia on the coast
of Israel are given by Freestone et al. (2000). Their compositional profiles (Fig.
4.3a) are relatively uniform, indicating the geochemical homogeneity of the sand
sources along the Levantine coast. Average trace element patterns for Belus River
sands are indeed very similar in shape (Fig. 4.3b; Brill, 1988, 1999; Brems and
Degryse, 2014). Glass from a workshop at Tel el-Ashmunein, Egypt, shows a very
different trace element distribution (Fig. 4.3c). They are readily distinguished
from the Levantine glasses by their lower Sr and Ba, and higher Zr concentrations
(Freestone et al., 2000). The different origins of these glass groups was confirmed
by Sr isotopic analysis, which suggested the use of shell-bearing beach sands for
the production of the Levantine glasses, and inland sand and limestone for the
Egyptian glass (Freestone et al., 2003). Trace elemental compositions similar to
those of the Levantine raw glass, were also found in glasses from Cyprus and
Anglo-Saxon England (Freestone et al., 2002a, 2008b). Other glasses, for example
from Carthage, have both high Sr and Zr, indicating that their primary origin lies
elsewhere (Freestone et al., 2000).
Trace elements in sand raw materials 81

Figure 4.3:
Trace element concentrations normalised to the mean abundances in the earth’s continental
crust (Wedepohl, 1995). Black lines are sand samples, grey lines represent glass samples. (a)
Levantine raw glass chunks from Bet Eli’ezer and Apollonia, and glass vessels from Apollonia
(Freestone et al., 2000); (b) Belus River sand ((1) Brems and Degryse, 2014; (2) Brill, 1988, 1999);
(c) Egyptian glass from Tell el-Ashmunein (Freestone et al., 2000); (d) Sand samples IT85
and IT87; (e) Sand samples IT01 and IT34; (f ) Sand samples SP46, SP45 and SP43; (g) Sand
samples FR16 and FR17; (h) Sand samples SP20 and SP22. Reprinted from Archaeometry, Vol
56, Brems, D., Degryse, P., Trace element analysis in provenancing Roman glass-making, 116-
136, Copyright (2014), with permission from John Wiley and Sons.
82 D. Brems, P. Degryse

Sand raw material IT87 has an εNd value of ‑4.17 (Chapter 3; Brems et al., 2013b).
This is on the higher end of the εNd values of ‑6 to ‑4 characteristic of raw natron
glass from Israel (Degryse and Schneider, 2008; Freestone et al., nd). However, εNd
values as high as ‑1 have been reported for sands 400 m south of the mouth of the
Belus River (Degryse and Schneider, 2008) and Nile River sediments (Goldstein
et al., 1984; Weldeab et al., 2002; Scrivner et al., 2004). Therefore, it is possible
that such a suitable sand source with high εNd values also exists along the Syro-
Palestinian coast. Sand raw material IT85 has an εNd value of ‑6.11 (Brems et al.,
2013b). Trace element signatures of these Italian sands are shown in Fig. 4.3d.
The two trace element patterns are markedly different. Sand IT87 generally has
the lower concentration of trace elements. Only Sr and Ba are relatively elevated.
Concentrations of TiO2, Cr and Zr are very low. Sand sample IT85 generally
contains higher concentrations of heavy minerals and the associated trace elements
TiO2, Cr, Zr, Hf and REE. When comparing Fig. 4.3a, b and d, the trace element
pattern of sand IT87 appears to be very similar to those of Syro-Palestinian raw
glass and Belus River sands. However, IT87 is even more depleted in Zr. Another
important difference lies with the characteristically low Al2O3 content of sand
IT87, which resulted in Al2O3 contents lower than 1.5% in the glass (see Brems
et al., 2012b, c). This is significantly lower than the Al2O3 concentrations of 2.2 –
3.2% in Belus sand (Brill, 1988, 1999) and 2.5 – 4.0% generally found in the Syro-
Palestinian glass made from that sand (Freestone et al., 2000). Sand raw material
IT85 can be easily distinguished from Belus River sand by its higher TiO2, Cr
and Zr contents, and lower Sr. Sand IT85 has 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios higher than
the modern seawater value, while Egyptian glass has relatively low Sr isotopic
signatures (Freestone et al., 2003; Brems et al., 2013a; Fig. 4.4).
Other Roman-type sand raw materials along the coasts of the western
Mediterranean Sea all have significantly lower εNd values (Brems et al., 2013b).
These sand sources can be further separated based on their εNd values and trace
element signatures (Fig. 4.4). Italian sands IT01 and IT34 have similar Nd isotopic
signatures as suitable (low lime) sand raw materials from the southwest of Spain
(SP46, SP45 and SP43). εNd values of these sands all lie between ‑9.40 and ‑7.99
(Brems et al., 2013b). IT01 and IT34 can be distinguished from each other by
their different TiO2 and Cr contents (Fig. 4.3e). Sand IT01 is also much lower
in Sr, a result of the very low calcium carbonate content of this sand. After the
addition of extra shell fragments as a source of lime, glasses produced from these
two sands would have similar Sr concentrations (Brems et al., 2013a). Trace
element signatures of the Spanish sands vary according to their heavy mineral
contents (Fig. 4.3f). Sample SP43 is the most pure quartz sand and has very low
concentrations of for example TiO2, Zr, Hf and REE. Sands SP46 and especially
Trace elements in sand raw materials 83

SP45 contain more heavy minerals and have relatively elevated TiO2, Zr, Hf and
REE. The most distinguishing feature between the Italian and Spanish sands is the
Cr content. The Italian sand samples contain on average 12 times more Cr than
the Spanish sands.

Figure 4.4:
Flowchart for determining the provenance of natron glass. (1) Freestone et al., 2000; (2)
Freestone, 2006; (3) Degryse and Schneider, 2008; (4) Freestone et al., nd; (5) Gratuze and
Barrandon, 1990; (6) Freestone et al., 2003; (7) Freestone et al., 2005; (8) Foster and Jackson,
2009. Reprinted from Archaeometry, Vol 56, Brems, D., Degryse, P., Trace element analysis in
provenancing Roman glass-making, 116-136, Copyright (2014), with permission from John
Wiley and Sons.
84 D. Brems, P. Degryse

Roman-type glassmaking sand raw materials from southeastern Spain (SP22 and
SP20) and southeastern France (FR16 and FR17) all have εNd values lower than
‑10 (Brems et al., 2013b). Trace element signatures of the French sands are shown
in Fig. 4.3g. Sand sample FR17 has slightly higher concentrations of most trace
elements. Rb and Th, however, are higher in FR16 and also the REE pattern is
somewhat different with an enrichment of Eu in FR17. Sand samples SP22 and
SP20 have trace element patterns with very similar shapes (Fig. 4.3h). The pattern
of SP22 is generally shifted to higher concentrations. This sand also contains
relatively elevated Fe2O3 and Al2O3 levels. SP20 shows two pronounced peaks
for Zr and Hf, indicating a relative enrichment of the heavy mineral zircon. These
peaks are absent in the SP22 trace element pattern. The two sand samples from the
southeast of France contain on average higher concentrations of TiO2 and also the
TiO2/V ratio is different with 0.014 – 0.016 for French sands and 0.006 – 0.009
for Spanish sands.

4.4 Conclusions

In this chapter, we have evaluated the use of trace elements as a provenance

indicator for Roman natron glass. Sand raw materials from the western
Mediterranean, suitable for Roman natron glass production, were analysed for
their trace elemental compositions and compared to raw materials and raw glass
from known primary production centres in the east.
It was shown that the combined use of Nd isotopic signatures, major elements
(particularly Al2O3) and trace element patterns makes it possible to distinguish
between the different possible sources of suitable sand raw materials in the regions
under investigation. Trace elements that proved to be the most diagnostic are Ti,
Cr, Sr, Zr and Ba. Apart from Ba (and possibly Sr), which is often associated
with Mn decolourants, these elements are seldom influenced by the addition of
colouring agents or recycling, and should provide direct information about the
nature of the silica source used. However, since data for possible sand sources
from areas such as North Africa, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus are limited or not yet
available, the existence of competing Roman glass producers with overlapping
elemental and isotopic characteristics in these areas can neither be excluded nor
Slightly elevated concentrations in glass of trace elements commonly associated
with colouring agents, such as Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sb and Pb, are often interpreted
as the result of recycling of glass cullet. The analysis of these elements in Roman-
type glassmaking sands provides a good idea of the background levels that can be
Trace elements in sand raw materials 85

attributed to impurities in the source of silica. The current dataset suggests that
for the two most commonly used decolourisers, MnO and Sb, these background
levels are 0.1% and 30 ppm respectively. The presence of higher amounts of these
elements in Roman glass would indicate their deliberate or accidental (due to
recycling of cullet) addition. Additional detailed analysis of a wider range of trace
elements in suitable sand raw materials can only provide further insights into the
influence of the different raw materials on the composition of ancient natron glass.
Also, trace elemental data of materials typically used as colourants in antiquity is
essential to evaluate their contribution to the final trace elemental composition of
the glass. Especially their influence on the concentration of elements commonly
attributed to the sand source should be investigated to make sure that these
elements are indeed only derived from the sand raw material and are therefore
potentially useful as provenance indicators. To our knowledge, this kind of data is
not available at the moment.
Chapter 5

The Sources of Natron

V. Devulder, P. Degryse

Ancient glass consists of three main components: a silica source as a glass network
former, a stabilizer in the form of lime, and a flux. This flux is needed to lower the
melting temperature of the silica (Freestone, 2006). Plant ashes or mineral natron
were added as such a melting aid. Glasses made with plant ash can be distinguished
from natron glass based on chemical analysis. Low magnesia/potash (< 1.5 wt%)
glass is made with natron, while high magnesia/potash glass is made with plant
ashes as a fluxing agent (Sayre and Smith, 1961). Natron glass is widespread in
the Mediterranean area between the second half of the first millennium BC and the
ninth century AD. Before and after, glass made with plant ash is common.
In this chapter, the focus of research lies on the provenance of the natron
used as a flux in Greco-Roman glass making. Natron, also referred to as natrun
(Shortland, 2004), is actually a mixture of different minerals formed in the
evaporation of alkaline lakes (Fig.5.1). These deposits contain minerals such as
natron (Na2CO3.10H2O), trona (Na2CO3.NaHCO3.2H2O), burkeite (Na6CO3.2SO4)
and halite (NaCl), amongst others, in varying proportions. The origin of the natron
(whereby we here use the term to indicate a mixture of minerals) used for Greco-
Roman glass production is a matter of debate. Several possible sources of natron
have been suggested by several ancient authors.
Strabo mentions in his Geography “Above Momemphis are two nitre-beds,
which contain very large quantities of nitre” (Strabo Geography 17.1.23; Jones,
1932: 73). This might refer to the Wadi Natrun in Egypt, then consisting of two
lakes, but it has also been suggested that this passage could refer to the Wadi
Natrun as one deposit, and al-Barnuj as another (Lucas and Harris, 1962). There
is no evidence, however, that the ancient Egyptians knew al-Barnuj, and whether
there was natron harvested there (Currie, 2008).
Pliny writes in his Natural History “The soda-beds of Egypt used to be confined
to the regions around Naucratis and Memphis, the beds around Memphis being
inferior. For the soda becomes stone-like in heaps there, and many of the soda
piles there are for the same reason quite rocky” (Pliny NH 31.46; Jones, 1963:
88 V. Devulder, P. Degryse

447). According to Lucas and Harris (1962), al Barnuj is near Naucratis and
consequently, the Wadi Natrun is then near Memphis (although it is physically
not that near).
Pliny also writes in his Natural History “At Clitae in Macedonia is found in
abundance the best, called soda of Chalestra, white and pure, very like salt. There
is an alkaline lake there with a little spring of fresh water rising up in the centre.
Soda forms in it about the rising of the Dog-star for nine days, ceases for nine days,
comes to the top again and then ceases” (Pliny NH 31.46; Jones 1963: 445). This
is interpreted by Ignatiadou et al. (2005) and Dotsika et al. (2009) as being Lake
Pikrolimni in Greece. However, this location is not mentioned in Pliny’s chapter
on glass making (book XXXVI, chapter 66), where he discusses the various kinds
of glass and the modes of making it.

Figure 5.1
Photograph of present day deposits of burkeite and halite at Wadi el Natrun (picture taken
September 2006). Picture reprinted from Degryse, P., Scott, R.B, Brems, D., The archaeometry
of ancient glassmaking: reconstructing ancient technology and the trade of raw materials,
Perspective (2014-2), INHA.
The Sources of Natron 89

Despite geochemical analysis, until now, no scientific evidence existed for the
use of either one or multiple sources of natron in ancient glass making. Moreover,
finding natron in situ nowadays has proven difficult, as the lakes mentioned here
precipitate mainly halite and sulphate minerals, rather than forming carbonates.
Moreover, most of northern Africa, the most suitable environment for saline lakes,
remains unexplored. One such previously unstudied deposit of natron in Fazzan
(Libya) was kindly brought to our attention by David Mattingly (University of
Leicester), while another evaporitic deposit near Sebket al Melah (Tunisia) was
sampled by Dennis Braekmans (Leiden University). These evaporites will be
discussed here as well.

5.1 Provenancing natron

To provenance the flux used in glass making, B (boron) is a promising element.

It enters ancient glass mainly through the flux, and the B isotopic composition of
minerals can vary due to natural isotope fractionation. As a consequence, different
geological sources of sodium carbonate can have different B isotopic signatures
(it can span a range of -20 to +40‰ δ11B) and the B isotope ratio could be used
to differentiate multiple sources of natron flux. A method for the isolation and
measurement of B in glass and its raw materials was developed (Devulder et al.
2013a, b, 2014) and used within the ARCHGLASS project.
A set of 50 natron glasses consisting of primary glasses and secondary/recycled
glasses were analysed for their B content and isotopic composition (Table 5.2). The
primary glasses date between the 6th and 8th century AD and originate from Israel
(the glass ‘factories’ of Bet-Eli’ezer and Apollonia). The secondary and recycled
glasses date between the 4th century BC and the 9th century AD and originate
from Tel el-Ashmunein (Egypt), Kelemantia (Slovakia), Grandcourt Farm (UK),
Oudenburg (Belgium) and Sagalassos (Turkey). The colours of the glass samples
are diverse, ranging from natural green-aqua to colourless. The B concentration
in the secondary and recycled glass shows B concentrations between 100 and 200
μg/g, whereas the primary glasses show lower values, ranging from 30 to 50 μg/g.
The δ11B values of the secondary and recycled glasses are homogeneous and range
between +27 and +33‰ while the primary glasses show slightly lower δ11B values.
Natron sources from Egypt (Wadi Natrun and al-Barnuj), Libya (Fezzan),
Tunisia (Sebket al Melah) and Greece (Lake Pikrolimni) were also investigated
for their B signature (Table 5.1). All these deposits were sampled during the 21st
century AD and rarely contain natron or trona as the major mineral phase. Most
of them contain halite (NaCl) and burkeite (Na6CO3.2SO4). For an optimal study
90 V. Devulder, P. Degryse

Sample Country Location δ11B [B] XRD

(‰) (µg.g-1)
WN 3 Egypt, Wadi Lake Hamra, 28,6 6,2 Halite
Natrun southwestern side
WN 11 Egypt, Wadi Lake Zug, 29,4 46,6 Halite
Natrun southwestern side
WN 12 Egypt, Wadi Lake Zug 29,0 59,3 Halite, [trona,
Natrun burkeite]
WN 15 Egypt, Wadi Lake Beida, 24,3 7,0 Halite
Natrun northeastern side,
WN20 Egypt, Wadi Lake Beida, 34,3 62,6 Halite, [burkeite]
Natrun northeastern side
WN 23 Egypt, Wadi Lake Fazda, 30,9 20,3 Halite, burkeite
Natrun western side
WN 28 Egypt, Wadi Lake Fazda 30,5 25,5 Halite, burkeite,
Natrun [trona, gypsum]
WN30A Egypt, Wadi Lake Fazda, 31 21,7 Trona,
Natrun western side, [burkeite, halite]
200m from edge
WN 30B Egypt, Wadi Lake Fazda, 30,9 36,9 Burkeite, halite,
Natrun western side, [trona]
200m from edge
WN33 Egypt, Wadi Lake Hamra, 31,2 179,1 Burkeite, halite
Natrun southwestern side
WN 36b Egypt, Wadi Lake Zug, 27,6 9,6 Burkeite, halite,
Natrun southwestern side [trona]
L1 Libya Fezzan 27,1 179,4 Halite, trona &
quartz, [burkeite,
L2 Libya Fezzan 28,1 45,2 Trona, burkeite,
nahcolite, quartz
L3 Libya Fezzan 19,4 41,0 Trona, halite,
quartz, burkeite,
L4 Libya Fezzan 26,4 373,4 Trona,
halite, quartz,
[burkeite &
T3 Tunisia Sebket al Melah 32,2 4,7 Halite
T4 Tunisia Sebket al Melah 31,5 9,5 Halite
T5 Tunisia Sebket al Melah 31,9 7,8 Halite
Pikro Greece Lake Pikrolimni 10,6 38,3 Halite, [burkeite]
Pikro2 Greece Lake Pikrolimni 10,4 182,3 Halite, [thenardite]
al-Barnuj Egypt al-Barnuj 28,5 11,6 Halite, trona,
[burkeite, thenardite]
Bold = major, normal = minor, [brackets]= trace
The Sources of Natron 91

Sample Country Location δ11B [B] εNd

(‰) (µg.g-1)
SP20 Spain El Rubial -4,0 15,0 -11,76
SP22 Spain Las Marinas de -2,2 25,8 -11,33
Vera (Carrucha)
SP43 Spain Sanlucar de -3,8 11,0 -9,20
SP45 Spain Mazagon -10,3 63,6 -8,68
SP46 Spain Isla Canela -9,8 41,1 -7,99
FR16 France Les Bormettes, -10,5 23,4 -12,40
La Londe-les-
FR17 France Cavalaire-Sur- -11,4 47,4 -10,14
IT85 Italy Metaponto Lido -6,2 11,8 -6,11
IT34 Italy Torre del Sale, -5,0 14,7 -9,40
IT87 Italy Masseria Maime -3,3 8,5 -4,17
EG6 Egypt Makadi Bay +10,7 5,1 nd
ALEX Egypt Alexandria +22,5 10,6 bdl
Li09.01 Libya Great Sand Sea -7,6 7,8 nd
Li09.02 Libya Erg Murzuq -5,1 3,6 nd
GR1 Greece Acharavi, Korfu -1,9 15,9 -6,51
TUR1 Turkey Gümbet -3,4 21,5 -7,40
TNIO Tunisia Tunis -6,7 15,1 -11,00

Table 5.1
Mineralogy and B isotopic composition of present day natron and sand deposits (salt
samples from Wadi el Natrun sampled and described by Shortland, 2004; Nd isotopic data of
the sand deposits analysed by Brems, 2012)

of glass making in ancient times, samples from ancient context with natron/trona
as main minerals should be analysed. The B concentration values of the salts
analysed range from 5 to 400 μg/g. Their δ11B values show a wide range. The
samples from Egypt range between +25 and +35‰ with an average of +29‰.
The al Barnuj sample is indistinguishable from the Wadi Natrun samples. The
samples from Fezzan mostly show δ11B values of around +25‰, very similar to
the Egyptian sources. Also the Sebket al Melah samples range are very similar to
the Wadi Natrun material, averaging +32‰ δ11B. The Pikrolimni samples have a
much lower δ11B of +10 ‰. No correlation was found between the δ11B value and
the mineral phases present.
92 V. Devulder, P. Degryse

Sample Colour Date Place found δ11B [B] εNd

(‰) (ug.g-1)
SA-2007-VL-358 Colourless Second half 2nd century Sagalassos 30,1 195,3 -6,3
SA-2007-VL-1161 Yellow 1st -7th century AD Sagalassos 32,6 253,1
SA-2007-VL-744 Colourless 1st -7th century AD Sagalassos 29,7 139,1
SA-2007-VL-678 Colourless 1st -7 century AD
Sagalassos 30,2 161,4
SA-2007-VL-219 Colourless 1st half 4th century AD Sagalassos 28,7 162,1
SA-2007-VL-135 Colourless 2nd half 4th century, Sagalassos 28,7 149,9
1st half 5th century AD
SA-2007-VL-539 Yellow/green 1st -7th century AD Sagalassos 29,4 237,9
SA-2007-VL-115 Colourless 1st -7th century AD Sagalassos 29,7 148
SA-2007-VL-88 Colourless 1st -7 century AD
Sagalassos 28,4 160,3
SA-2007-VL-211 Colourless 1st -7th century AD Sagalassos 27,3 151,2
SA-2007-VL-304 Pale yellow 1st -7th century AD Sagalassos 27,1 158,4
SA-2006-VL-7 Colourless End 5 century AD/
Sagalassos 28,8 210,1 -5,2
6th century AD
SA-2007-VL-26 Dark blue 1st -7th century AD Sagalassos 30,1 162,9
SA-2005-VL-31 Brown 1 -7 century AD
st th
Sagalassos 31 170,6
SA-2007-VL-1167 Pale green 1st -7th century AD Sagalassos 27,1 176,9
SA-2007-VL-1085 Colourless 1st -7th century AD Sagalassos 27,7 166,5
SA-2007-VL-1095 Yellow 1 -7 century AD
st th
Sagalassos 32,2 290,6
8933 Pale blue/ 4th – 5th century AD Oudenburg 28,7 159,6
8926 C Pale blue/ 3rd century AD Oudenburg 29,7 136,3
71310 Pale blue 3rd century AD Oudenburg 28,2 154,1 -5,6
23993 Pale blue/ 4 -5 century AD
th th
Oudenburg 28,7 159,6 -6,1
2960 Pale blue 4th -5th century AD Oudenburg 27,4 193,7 -6,5
SA-2006-VL-05 Yellow/green 1 -7 century AD
st th
Sagalassos 27,4 264,7
SA-2007-VL-136 HIMT 1st -7th century AD Sagalassos 26,3 192,9
SA-2007-VL-137 HIMT 1st -7th century AD Sagalassos 27,7 198,6
SA-2007-VL-138 HIMT 1 -7 century AD
st th
Sagalassos 26,9 187,6
SA-2007-VL-205 HIMT 1st -7th century AD Sagalassos 29 218,8
KEL2 Pale blue between 175 and Kelemantia -4,4 31,1 -7,3
179 AD
KEL3 Pale yellow between 175 and Kelemantia 29 108,3 -6,1
179 AD
KEL4 Colourless between 175 and Kelemantia 29,9 152,7 -9,0
179 AD
GF1 Dark yellow 4th- 1st century BC Grandcourt Farm 31,6 227,7 -4,0
GF4 Colourless 4th- 1st century BC Grandcourt Farm 34 101,3 -4,0
GF5 Dark blue 4 - 1st century BC
Grandcourt Farm 30,5 109,4 -12,0
BE36 Blue-green 6th-8th century AD Bet Eli'ezer 25,1 25,5 -4,7
The Sources of Natron 93

Sample Colour Date Place found δ11B [B] εNd

(‰) (ug.g-1)
BE37 Blue-green 6th-8th century AD Bet Eli'ezer 27,2 31,3 -4,8
BE38 Blue-green 6th-8th century AD Bet Eli'ezer 28,0 41,4 -4,8
BE39B Green 6th-8th century AD Bet Eli'ezer 26,8 34,5 -5,0
BE42 Yellow 6 -8 century AD
th th
Bet Eli'ezer 24,6 31,0 -5,1
BE44 Yellow 6th-8th century AD Bet Eli'ezer 28,6 35,7 -4,7
AP4 Olive 6 -7 century AD
th th
Apollonia 26,2 39,4 -4,6
AP5 Aqua 6th-7th century AD Apollonia 29,9 48,2 -4,5
AP6 Aqua 6th-7th century AD Apollonia 27,0 28,3 -4,4
AP8 Aqua 6 -7 century AD
th th
Apollonia 22,7 35,1 -4,1
AP9 Aqua 6th-7th century AD Apollonia 23,8 36,6 -4,3
AP13 Olive 6th-7th century AD Apollonia 25,7 38,9 -4,4
AP14 Olive 6 -7 century AD
th th
Apollonia 25,8 44,3 -4,3
AP15 Olive 6th-7th century AD Apollonia 25,1 35,9 -4,6
TA1 Pale blue 8th-9th century AD Tel el-Ashmunein 24,9 77,8 -7,0
TA2 Pale green 8 -9 century AD
th th
Tel el-Ashmunein 25,2 75,1 -6,5
TA3 Pale blue 8th-9th century AD Tel el-Ashmunein 24,7 87,5 -6,9
TA4 Pale blue 8th-9th century AD Tel el-Ashmunein 20,4 60,5 -6,1

Table 5.2
B isotopic composition of ancient natron glass (samples previously described by Lauwers
(2008) for Sagalassos, Ganio et al. (2012b, c) for Oudenburg, Freestone et al. (2003) for Tel
el-Ashmunein, Freestone et al. (2000) for Bet Eli’ezer, Tal et al. (2004) for Apollonia, Degryse et
al. (2009b) for Kelemantia).

Sands from around the Mediterranean area (Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Tunesia,
Egypt, Turkey and Libya) were likewise analysed, as possible contributors to
the B balance of an ancient glass. The sands investigated have an average B
concentration of 18 μg/g, ranging from 3 to 60 μg/g, indicating the silica source
is not insignificant in contributing to the B balance in an ancient natron glass. No
correlation was found between the geographical origin and the B content of the
sand. All sands show heavily negative δ11B values from -10 to 0‰ (except for 2
very lime rich sands from Egypt with a δ11B of +10 and +20‰). Consequently,
through the contribution of the silica source, the δ11B value of an ancient glass will
always be lower than that of the flux used.
94 V. Devulder, P. Degryse

5.2 The origin of ancient natron

Most North African salts analyzed (Wadi Natrun, al-Barnuj, Fezzan and Sebket al
Melah) show high δ11B values similar to Greco-Roman glasses. The north African
sources can moreover not be distinguished from each other by B isotopic analysis,
which is not surprising in the light of their very similar precipitation environment
and geological background. Some differences have been noted, however, in the
trace element composition of the salts, especially in their potassium contents
(ranging from a few ppm up to several percent in the Fezzan natron; Fabri and
Degryse, 2013). Conversely, the Lake Pikrolimni material shows a much lower
δ11B value (+10‰), not in accordance with the ancient glasses in this study. Under
the assumption that the δ11B value of the mineral raw materials did not change
over time, and that the δ11B of ancient glass is in between that of the flux and the
silica source, in the current state of research lake Pikrolimni can be excluded as a
possible natron source in Roman glass making.
No significant difference in δ11B is observed between the glasses originating
from different regions or different time periods. This might suggest that, through
time and space, one source of flux was used, or multiple sources with a similar
δ11B. The contribution of B from the sand to the total amount of B in the glass
complicates the picture for provenance determination of the flux. Not only the B
concentrations and δ11B of flux and sand will affect the δ11B value of the glass,
also the ratio flux/sand plays an important role. The lower δ11B of the primary
glasses might suggest a different source of natron, however such difference may
also be explained by the smaller influence of the δ11B of the flux on the final
composition. The primary glass analysed here dates to a later period, when less
natron was used in glass making. This means less B entered the glass from the flux
source, and the influence of the sand source is relatively greater, making the glass
depleted in δ11B.
All these variables make it difficult to assess whether one or multiple sources
of flux were used. It is clear however, that the δ11B value of Lake Pikrolimni
is inconsistent with its use as a flux source in antiquity. It is also clear that all
ancient natron glass analysed here, is very homogenous in B isotopic composition.
The fact that all natron sources from north Africa analysed so far are very similar
(to identical) in isotopic composition, and consistent with ancient natron glass,
makes placing the source of all flux for natron glass making in this wider area very
tempting. The recent discovery of natron deposits in Fezzan, shows that there may
be many such sources yet undiscovered in this part of the Roman world. The high
potassium content of this particular deposit, could also be a promising feature to
distinguish possible sources of natron in glass. A large range in the K2O content of
The Sources of Natron 95

Roman natron glass throughout the empire has been noted before, and remained
unexplained until now, but could effectively be due to the use of flux sources
rich in this element. The occurrence and mining of natron throughout north Africa
would certainly make the supply of this raw material across the Mediterranean to
primary factories in Italy of the western provinces much easier, possible even with
overland transport.
Since the B isotopic analysis of Roman glass and flux sources has just started,
many aspects still need to be addressed. The analysis of ancient natron would be of
great interest, especially to investigate whether present-day natron is characterized
by a δ11B value similar to its ancient equivalent. However, with the results obtained
so far, the Wadi Natrun (and by extension North Africa) as sources of natron for
Roman glass making is still very probable.
Chapter 6

Primary glass factories

around the Mediterranean
P. Degryse, M. Ganio, S. Boyen, A. Blomme, B. Scott,
D. Brems, M. Carremans, J. Honings, T. Fenn, F. Cattin

Glass objects and chunk glass were sampled from consumer and secondary
production sites as well as shipwrecks and primary factories. In total almost 350
samples of glass from 30 archaeological excavations were analysed geochemically
and compared to the signature of possible sand raw materials and known primary
glass factories. The chronology of the samples was determined by stratigraphical
association. The samples come from securely dated contexts between the 6th century
BC (possibly going into the 8th century BC) and the 8th century AD (possibly going
into the 9th century AD) and are all natron glass. Plant ash glasses (with a MgO/
K2O content >1.5 wt%) do occur even within this timeframe, but were not taken
into account in this discussion. Rosenow and Rehren (2014) have suggested an
Egyptian origin for the particular type of dark green unguentaria made in plant ash
glass that were also present in our sample set.
The aim of the comparison was to establish a large scale diachronic image of
the primary origin of natron glass in the Hellenistic-Roman to early Byzantine/
Islamic world. Only material for which major and trace element contents and
Sr-Nd isotope ratios are known, are included in the discussion presented in this
chapter. Analytical data can be found in full in digital form on http://ees.kuleuven.
be/geology/archaeometry/index.html. As indicated before, the reconstruction
of the primary origin of the glass presented here refers to broad geological/
geographical regions where glass was (likely) made, rather than to individual
sites. Our reference data on north Africa remain limited in the light of the political
situation there during the course of the ARCHGLASS project, prohibiting field

6.1 The corpus of glass

Glass was sampled from sites across the extents of the Mediterranean world and
the Roman Empire.
98 P. Degryse et al.

The far east side of this territory is accounted for by glass from archaeological
sites at Petra, Tannur, Barsinia in Jordan, Jerusalem and Shechem in Israel, Tel el
Ashmunien in Egypt, Sagalassos in Turkey and Pieria in Greece. Also the primary
glass from Bet Eli’ezer and Apollonia comes from this area. The northern part
of the territory is represented by glass from Tienen and Oudenburg in Belgium,
Gonio and Pichvnari in Georgia, Bocholtz and Maastricht in the Netherlands,
Grandcourt Farm in the UK and Kelemantia in Slovakia. In the western part of
the area studied, glass was sampled from Barcino in Spain and sites in France,
including the Embiez shipwreck. The central part of our study area comprises
Italy, with glass sampled at Augusta Praetori, Herculaneum, Pompeii and Potentia,
including also the Iulia Felix shipwreck. Glass from northern Africa was limited to
material from Carthage in Tunisia.
Some samples were individual samples with little excavation context, such as
material from Iron age France (kindly provided by B. Gratuze) or from the Harvard
Semitic Museum and Harvard Art Museums (kindly provided by J. Greene, A.
Aja and S. Ebbinghaus). However, most samples have an extensive excavation
context, and previously published data.

6.1.1 The East

The Pieria samples are from ancient Pydna (present day Makrygialos) and its
environs. The city itself flourished during the 5th to 4th century BC, and in the
Roman period. Extensive cemeteries have been excavated, mainly to the north
of Makrygialos, and to the south in Kitros Alykes and Kitros Louloudia. Some
further samples were found at ancient Methone, a city built in the 8th century BC
and destroyed in the 4th century BC. Excavated parts of the town include a 12 m
deep cellar belonging to the 8th to 7th century BC, the Agora dated to the 6th to 4th
century BC and a contemprorary Acropolis.
The glass from Sagalassos (SW Turkey) represents the common colour
varieties of window and free-blown vessel glass and originates from Roman to
Byzantine excavation contexts (Poblome, 1999; Degeest, 2000). Glass from three
distinct periods was sampled: imperial (1st to 3rd century AD), late Roman (4th to
first half 5th century AD) and early Byzantine (second half 5th to 7th century AD)
(Degryse et al., 2009b). Most samples are from the third period, reflecting the
majority of the deposits hitherto excavated at Sagalassos (Degryse et al., 2005).
Both colourless and naturally coloured glass was sampled.
The site of Barsinia is situated in north-west Jordan, 15 km west of Irbid. This
site was occupied continuously from the Hellenistic until the Abbasid Period (332
BC to 950 AD). It contains domestic architectural remains next to several tombs
Primary glass factories around the Mediterranean 99

and a number of ceramic kilns. Glass samples Ba1 and Ba10 were found in section
D1, sample Ba3 in section B9. All these sections of the site are dated to late Roman
times (3rd to 4th century AD; Savage and Keller, 2007; Savage et al., 2008), while
sample Ba8a was dated to the 5th to 6th century AD.
From the ancient city of Petra, located in south-west Jordan, colourless glass
fragments dated to the 3rd to 5th century AD were analysed. Petra played an
important role in Arabian trade during Nabataean, Roman and Byzantine times.
Several excavation campaigns conducted over several years yielded a multitude of
glass vessels, objects and window glass which have been studied both typologically
and chemically (Marii, 2001; O’Hea, 2001; Schibille et al., 2008). The majority
of the glass samples analysed come from the ‘Great Temple’ in the city centre,
and were retrieved from the temple’s large forecourt, the Lower Temenos’ which,
like the temple, was abandoned some time from the late 5th to mid 6th century AD
(Joukowsky, 2007). This glass assemblage is dated to the 4th to early 5th centuries
AD (Schibille et al., 2012).
The ruins of the Nabataean pilgrimage sanctuary of Khirbet et-Tannur are
located on a hilltop, 7 km north of the ancient village of Khirbet edh-Dharih, the
third caravan stop north of the Nabataean metropolis Petra on the traditional north-
south route, the Kings Highway. The main phase of the surviving temple complex
of Tannur, which was constructed in the first half of the 2nd century AD, received
further additions and repairs in the 3rd century AD. The pottery and lamps show
that religious activities, with burnt offerings and dining, continued there through
the 3rd and into the 4th century AD, with the earthquake of 363 AD providing a
terminus ante quem for the colourless glass samples studied here (Schibille et al.
The samples from Bet Eli’ezer (near Hadera) and Apollonia (near Arsuf) are
naturally aqua to green coloured primary glasses, made in tank furnaces in Israel
(Freestone et al., 2000; Tal et al., 2004). Tel el-Ashmunein is a secondary workshop
in Egypt where the raw primary glass was shaped and coloured (Freestone et al.,
2003). The samples from Bet Eli’ezer are dated between the 6th and the 8th century
AD, those from Apollonia between the 6th and the 7th century AD and the Tel el-
Ashmunein samples are dated between 8th and the 9th century AD.

6.1.2 North Africa

Excavations in the “Precinct of Tanit”, the so-called “Tophet” of Carthage,
Tunisia, by the American Schools of Oriental Research Punic Project between
1976 and 1979 under the direction of Professor L.E.Stager yielded cremated
remains of human infants, and in some cases young animals, buried in cinerary
urns (Stager, 1980, 1982; Stager and Wolff, 1984; Stager et al., forthcoming). The
100 P. Degryse et al.

excavated materials and records are currently housed at the Semitic Museum,
Harvard University, and contained a large number of glass beads, dating to the 8th
to 4th century BC, including rare monochrome blue glass beads, small numbers of
blue and white eye beads, some red beads with white and yellow spots and large
numbers of black and brownish beads (Eremin et al., 2011).

6.1.3 The North

The Pichvnari necropolis on the Black Sea coast of Georgia lies in an area known
in the late 1st millennium as ‘Colchis’. The burials of the necropolis date to the
late 5th century BC and frequently contain grave goods, including the core-formed
strong coloured vessel glass analysed here (Shortland and Schroeder, 2009).
The Grandcourt Farm samples are Iron Age glass eye beads dated to the 2nd to
1 century BC. They were excavated at Grandcourt Quarry in East Winch, Norfolk

by Archaeological Project Services for SIBELCO UK (Malone, 2010). They were

dated by association and radiocarbon dating of the layers they were found in.
The Roman town of Tienen, founded in the 1st century AD, is situated in
Belgium, close to the ancient road from Cologne to Boulogne, as part of the civitas
Tungrorum (Cosyns, 2001-2002; Cosyns and Martens, 2002-2003). Archaeological
excavations proved the production of several goods such as pottery, iron, and
bronze as well as (secondary) glass vessels. The samples discussed are all aqua
vessel glass fragments, associated with a 2nd century AD secondary glass furnace.
Oudenburg was a Roman castellum situated on the Belgian coast with direct
access to the North Sea and a connection to the Roman road network. The castellum
started out in the 1st century AD as a small trade settlement with a small port but
expanded in the 2nd century AD. In the 3rd century AD the civil settlement was
abandoned and the focus became strictly military (Vanhoutte, 2008; Vanhoutte
et al., 2009). The glass samples from Oudenburg, all naturally coloured, were
collected during excavations of the south-western corner of the castellum. Two
samples are dated to the 3rd century AD, others belong to the 4th to 5th century AD.
The Roman auxiliary fort of Iža (Kelemantia) in Slovakia is situated about 4
km east of the confluence of the rivers Waag and Danube. The remains of the earth-
and-timber fortification all belong to one single construction phase dating between
175 and 179 AD (Degryse et al., 2009b). The wooden construction was laid to
waste by German attackers or was dismantled, abandoned and set on fire by the
Roman forces themselves when they left in 179 AD. Under Emperor Commodus’
rule, a stone castellum was built on exactly the same location, occupied until the
end of the reign of Valentinianus I in 375 AD, when barbarians invaded the frontier
zone. Samples KEL1, KEL2, KEL3 and KEL5 belong to excavation layers of
the earth-and-timber camp, dated to 175-179 AD. Sample KEL4 comes from
Primary glass factories around the Mediterranean 101

excavation layers in the castellum and was dated to the 3rd century AD (Degryse
and Schneider, 2008; Degryse et al., 2009b).
The glass from Bocholtz (the Netherlands) originates from an underground
burial chamber in a known Roman graveyard (de Groot, 2006). The chamber was
dated to the last quarter of the 2nd to the first quarter of the 3rd century AD. Glass
grave goods were identified and sampled for analysis. Sample BO 106 is free-
blown colourless plate with a greenish tinge, Isings type 42b (Isings, 1957), dated
to the 2nd century AD. Sample BO 109 is a free-blown colourless cylindrical bottle,
Isings type 51b (Isings, 1957), dated to the late 2nd to early 3rd century AD. Sample
BO 123 is a colourless cast or slumped small bowl.
Gonio, ancient Asparos, is a fortified city located in south-western Georgia,
15 km south of Batumi. The fortress was occupied from the 1st to 4th century AD,
strategically placed upon the crossroads of the roads to the east (Turkey) and to
the south (Armenia) (Kakhidze, 2008). All samples are naturally coloured glass.
Maastricht (the Netherlands) sample Ma3a was retrieved from a grave in the
Scharnweg in 1986. Besides pottery, several glass objects such as beakers and
bowls were recovered. Typochronologically all the material can be dated to the
first half of the 3rd century AD (Panhuysen and Dijkman, 1987, p.212 and afb.11).
Sample M5a was excavated in 1983 under the Hotel Derlon, in layers assigned to
the second quarter of the 5th century AD (Dijkman, 1993, Fig.9-C1 en D8). Both
samples are blue (aqua) coloured.

6.1.4 The West

Samples from the Embiez shipwreck are colourless raw glass chunks and
colourless window panes and cups. The Embiez, wrecked off Embiez island, in
southern France, is dated to the end of the 2nd to the beginning of the 3rd century
AD (Foy and Fontaine, 2007). The ship was about 12 m long, and is at the moment
the only Roman ship known totally dedicated to the trade of glass. The majority of
the cargo was composed of raw glass, and is estimated to be c. 18 tons. 163 kg of
this has been recovered, sub-divided into 65 blocks of different size. In addition,
the cargo was composed of about 1800 cup fragments, and window glass panels.
Sant Boi de Llobregat is a site situated in the province of Barcelona.
Architectural remains were found which indicate continuous occupation from the
6th century BC until the 12th century AD. It is located 17 km from the sea on
the bank of the river Llobregat, close to the important port of Tarraco. Romans
occupied the city from the 1st to 5th century AD, and recently there have been some
indications near this site for the secondary production of Roman natron glass. Both
naturally coloured and colourless Roman glass samples, dated 1st to 5th century
AD, were analyzed.
102 P. Degryse et al.

6.1.5 The central Mediterranean

The famous eruption of mount Vesuvius on August 23rd 79 AD was responsible
for the destruction of the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, covering both
towns in volcanic ash, pumice and lava (Horne, 1895). Pompeii as a town was an
important passage way for goods that arrived by sea and had to be sent towards
Rome or Southern Italy along the nearby Appian Way. Its nice location and climate,
and its numerous sources of recreation, soon attracted the wealthier Romans.
The Pompeii samples were provided by the Museo Archeologico Nazionale
di Napoli. Unfortunately the precise proveniences of these glass fragments, all
naturally colourless or intentionally decoloured, are not known since they were
stored in the museum deposits and precise data about the archaeological context
were not available. Moreover, the fragmentary state of the samples did not allow for
typological characterization. The Herculaneum samples were provided by the Getty
Conservation Institute, through Prof. Giacomo Chiari, thanks to a collaboration
with the Herculaneum Conservation Project and Dr. Domenico Camardo. These
glass fragments consist of five colourless, naturally or intentionally decoloured,
three yellow, two emerald green, three blue and one green-blue. These samples
were excavated in the Insula Orientalis II sewer (Camardo, 2007). As with the
Pompeii samples, the fragmentary state of the Herculaneum samples did not allow
for typological characterization.
Augusta Praetoria (modern Aosta, north-west Italy) was founded in 25
BC following the Roman conquest of a territory previously inhabited by the
indigenous Salassi. The town commanded the access to the passes allowing
communication between the south and the north of the Alps. It was situated on the
main route of the Gallic Consular Road. It connected the eastern roman towns of
Italy (Aquileia and Adria) with the western Italian towns of Augusta Praetoria and
Augusta Taurinorum, and the northern provinces on the other side of the Alps. The
glass fragments analysed are dated to between the 1st and the 4th century AD. Both
colourless and naturally coloured vessel glass fragments occur.
Samples from the Iulia Felix wreck represent colourless glass, typologically
identified as bottles, cups and plates. The Iulia Felix was found off the coast of
Grado, in the north-eastern part of Italy, and has been dated to the first half of
the 3rd century AD (Toniolo, 2003; Silvestri, 2008; Silvestri et al., 2008). It was
a small cargo ship, approximately 15 to 18 m long, of the so-called corbita type.
The cargo was mainly composed of amphorae of various types, together with more
than 11000 fragments of glass, totaling 140 kg. The original shapes of the different
glass artefacts can be deduced from a typological study of the fragments. They
all represent examples of accidentally broken glass, most probably collected for
recycling (Toniolo, 2003).
Primary glass factories around the Mediterranean 103

Potentia lies south of the modern town of Porto Recanati (MC), about 100 m
inland from the Adriatic coast on the ridge of a beach near the ancient mouth of
the river Potenza. Livius, in the Ab Urbe Condita books, reported the founding of
the coastal colony of Potentia in 184 BC. Official sources for the later history of
the town are, however, minimal. Epigraphic evidence testifies to the flourishing
development of the town from the Augustan Age onward into the late 2nd century
AD. The latest finds belong to the 7th century AD but the exact character of the
occupation in the town at this period is unclear. Overall, the position and layout
of the town reflects that of typical maritime colonies along the Tyrrhenian coast,
built as bridgeheads for land and sea routes and tied to the roads Via Flaminia
and Via Salaria (Vermeulen and Verhoeven, 2006; Vermeulen et al., 2006). The
50 glass samples analysed here were excavated from different contexts during
archaeological campaigns carried out by Gent University under the supervision
of Prof. Frank Vermeulen in the period 2000-2010. Both colourless and naturally
coloured glass from different periods is represented.
Previously, analytical data (elemental and isotopic) of the Embiez and Iulia
Felix glass have been published in Ganio et al. (2012a, b, c) and Ganio (2013).
Data on Augusta Praetoria, Potentia, Herculaneum and Pompeij were presented in
Ganio (2013). Analytical data on Petra, Barsinia, Gonio, Augusta Praetoria, Sant
Boi de Llobregat, Oudenburg and Tienen were published by Ganio et al. (2012a,
b). Data on Sagalassos, Maastricht, Bocholtz and Kelemantia were published in
Degryse and Schneider (2008) and Degryse et al. (2005, 2009a, b). Analytical
data on the samples from Petra and Tannur were published by Schibille et al.
(2012). Major element and Sr isotopic data and on primary glasses from Bet
Eli’ezer, Apollonia and on Tel el-Ashmunein have been published by Freestone et
al. (2000), Tal et al. (2004) and Freestone et al. (2003). Major element data on the
Carthage samples were presented by Eremin et al. (2011), major and trace element
data on the Pichvnari glasses by Shortland and Schroeder (2009).

6.2 Provenance indicators

From the study of sand deposits around the Mediterranean, and from major and
trace element and Sr-Nd isotope ratio analysis of ancient primary glass, the most
important chemical provenance indicators of a primary glass origin can be derived
(see chapters 3 and 4). In terms of major to trace element composition, the Al2O3,
TiO2 and Zr contents of ancient glass are the most relevant indicators for a differing
primary origin of the silica raw material used. In terms of isotopic analysis, the
Nd isotopic composition of ancient glass is able to distinguish between different
104 P. Degryse et al.

silica sources used. Combined, these chemical indicators have the most potential
to source primary glass making in the Greco-Roman world to different geological-
geographical areas around the Mediterranean basin. No primary factories outside
the eastern Mediterranean, however, are known from archaeological excavations.
Only a few regions and geological situations so far have been recognized
as having suitable silica sands for making natron glass with a Greco-Roman
composition. Sands from Israel and Egypt are known as an eastern Mediterranean
source of glass. Sands from Spain, France and Tuscany in Italy have been described
as possible western Mediterranean silica sources for ancient glass making. Sands
from Apulia and Basilicata in the heel of Italy can be described as the possible
central Mediterranean or Italian sources of silica sand for glass making. Only a
limited study of sands from North Africa was possible, in view of the geopolitical
situation there are the time of this work. However, suitable sands seem to be
present in Libya and Tunisia next to Syro-Palestine and Egypt.
When silica sands from the eastern Mediterranean are used for glass making,
the εNd signature of the resulting glass is less negative than εNd -7. E.g. beach sands
from near the mouth of the river Belus show high Nd isotopic signatures between
-1 and -4.8 εNd. Syro-Palestinian glass from primary factories such as those in Bet
Eli’ezer or Apollonia, usually termed Levantine I or II glass, has an Al2O3 content
higher than 2 wt%, a TiO2 content lower than 0.1 wt% and a Zr content lower than
80 ppm. Its Sr-Nd isotopic signature is between 87Sr/86Sr 0.7088 to 0.7092 and
εNd -4.1 to -6.0. Egyptian glasses, termed Egypt I and II, likewise have an Al2O3
content higher than 2 wt%, a TiO2 content higher than 0.25 wt% and a Zr content
higher than 190 ppm. Their Sr isotopic signature is usually lower than 87Sr/86Sr
0.7086. Their εNd signatures are unknown. HIMT glass, presumed to have been
made in Egypt (Nenna, 2014), has an Al2O3 content higher than 2 wt%, a TiO2
content higher than 0.1 wt% and an Fe2O3 and MnO content respectively higher
than 0.7 and 1.0 wt%. Its Sr isotopic signature is usually between 87Sr/86Sr 0.7075
and 0.7090, its Nd isotopic signature is between -4 and -6 εNd.
When silica sources from the western Mediterranean would be used for glass
making, the εNd signature of the resulting glass is expected to be more negative
than εNd -7. Sands from Tuscany and southwest Spain would give ancient glass
an intermediate εNd signature between -8 and -10. Sands from Tuscany can be
distinguished by their high Cr content (> 100 ppm), while the Spanish sands have
much lower Cr content (< 30 ppm). Sands from France and the southeast of Spain
would give ancient glass a signature of εNd lower than -10. The French sands can
be distinguished from the southeastern Spanish sands by their higher TiO2 content
of higher than 0.35 wt%.
Primary glass factories around the Mediterranean 105

When silica sources from Apulia and Basilicata in the heel of Italy (also: the
central Mediterranean) would be used for glass making, the εNd signature of the
resulting glass will be less negative than εNd -6, while its Al2O3 content would be
lower than 2 wt% and its TiO2 and Zr content would be respectively lower than 0.1
wt% and lower than 80 ppm.
For North African glass, admittedly our database is still very limited. Most
sands from the Tunisian to Western Egyptian dessert approach the εNd signature
of inland Saharan sand, with an Nd isotopic signature between -9 and -14 εNd for
sands sampled from the Great Sand Sea in Egypt and Libya.
One special sand that needs to be discussed is a single sample from Alexandria
(sample EG08DB05 in Appendix A). It is very high in lime content with 30wt%
CaO, and has an Al2O3 content of 0.3 wt%, a TiO2 content of 0.03 wt% and a Zr
content of 20 ppm, with an εNd -3.99. Though the sand is unsuitable to make a
Roman compositional type glass, it is interesting to observe the occurrence of this
type of pure sand with low minor and trace element contents in this area. It could
as such not be distinguished from sands from Apulia and Basilicata, using the
here defined provenance indicators. It is clear more work is needed to construct an
extensive database of Syro-Palestinian to north African sands to establish a firm
background of the isotopic signatures of suitable glass making sands in the eastern
It has to be stressed that none of these indicators are insensitive to glass
mixing, and recycling of glass. When primary glass sources are mixed, be it as
primary glass or in recycling cullet, all these chemical indicators will show an
intermediate content in all parameters in the resulting glass. Therefore, in the
analysis of the dataset presented here, extreme values for all these indicators were
looked for. When a possible sand raw material for glass making has the lowest or
highest content in one of the chemical indicators used here, finding such a low/
high content in the glass dataset is extremely relevant. It is the perfect indicator for
the fact that this source material has been used in making primary glass, and that
its chemical signature has been preserved in natron glass after several centuries,
despite recycling and mixing.
It is assumed that recycling of glass or the use of cullet will affect the trace
element content of a glass batch and can as such be detected. Usually, an elevated
Pb content is regarded as indicative of glass recycling. High lead glasses (such as
opaque glass, strong coloured glass or mirror glass) may end up accidentally in a
glass batch, and will affect the Pb content of the resulting glass in a very significant
way, raising levels of Pb in the glass to over 100 ppm. Most sand sources analysed
here have a low Pb content (< 100 ppm), supporting the theory that a Pb content >
100 ppm in Roman glass is due to either colouring/opacifying or recycling.
106 P. Degryse et al.

6.3 Provenance of Greco-Roman natron glass

Looking at the analytical dataset (Fig. 6.1), 16 samples or 5% of the glass

assemblage shows an εNd < -7, indicative of a primary origin in the western
Mediterranean. These glasses are all naturally coloured or colourless, and come
from 11 sites all over the sampling area. They are dated to the 4th century BC and
between the 1st century AD and the first half of the 5th century AD. This is only a
limited and chronologically well defined part of the dataset. Some of these glasses
show an 87Sr/86Sr > 0.7092.
Most of the glass in our dataset, 210 samples or 64% of the glass assemblage,
shows an εNd > -7 with an Al2O3 content of higher than 2%, indicative of a primary
origin in the eastern Mediterranean. This glass is naturally coloured as well as
colourless or strong coloured, is found on all sites studied here and hence occurs
over the entire time period studied. About a third of these samples have a Pb
content of higher than 100 ppm, and appear to be recycled glass. The very early
strong coloured glass from Carthage, Pieria, Pichvnaro and Shechem shows Pb
contents of higher than 1000 ppm, likely related to the colourants and opacifiers
used for this glass.
However, very significantly, 72 samples or 22% of the glass assemblage, show
an εNd > -7 with an Al2O3 content lower than 2%, indicative of a primary origin
not in the known Syro-Palestinian or Egyptian factories but possibly in the heel
of Italy, or an unknown (African) source. This group is found on many sites all
over the sampling area, but most samples come from Augusta Praetoria and from
the Embiez and Iulia Felix shipwrecks, next to Carthage. Almost all of the Italian
glass is colourless (mostly Sb decoloured), can be dated between the 1st and the 4th
century AD (Fig. 6.2.), and has a low Pb content, showing no indication of recycling
or mixing. An exceptional group of Sb decoloured glass has an extremely high Pb
content of several thousand ppm, likely related to the antimony mineral used in its
manufacture. A group of strong coloured (mainly black) glass with less negative
εNd and low Al2O3 content originated from Carthage and can be dated to the 4th to 5th
century BC. This group again has very high Pb contents of over 1000 ppm, likely
related to the colourant. Rosenow and Rehren (2014) used the predominance of 1st
to 2nd century Sb decoloured glass at ancient Bubastis (northern Egypt) to suggest
a closeby primary origin of this glass in Egypt, though no sands matching such
Roman glass composition have been identified in this study.
25 samples or 7% of the glass assemblage shows an -7 < εNd < -6, not
immediately indicative of a specific primary origin, but an intermediate value
between all sand sources studied. 15 of these samples have a Pb content of over
Primary glass factories around the Mediterranean 107

100 ppm, which could be indicative of their recycled nature. The samples are
naturally coloured as well as colourless or strong coloured.
Less than 2% of our dataset is glass with an origin likely in Egypt. This is not
surprising, as HIMT glass, easily recognizable by its colour, has been avoided in
this study (only sampled in Sagalassos), and as Egypt I and II glass has rarely been
found outside of Egypt itself. Remarkably, one colourless sample from Petra does
show the typical composition of Egypt I glass.
Most of the glass (90%) in the dataset shows an 87Sr/86Sr between 0.7087 and
0.7091 with several hundreds of ppm Sr in the glass, indicative of shell as a lime
source in the glass. This justifies the sampling of beach sand for this study.
Almost a quarter (23%) of the total glass dataset are samples with a lead content
between 100 and 1000 ppm Pb. While this shows that much of the dataset will have
been recycled, this figure is still rather limited. This is promising for the possibility
of looking at this dataset in terms of primary provenance of silica raw materials
and glass origins. Around 10% of the total dataset are colourless or strong coloured
samples with a Pb content higher than 1000 ppm. While an association of the
element Pb with opacifiers and strong colourants or decolourants is not surprising,
it is remarkable that a group of colourless glass with such high Pb contents exists.
This is particularly interesting in the light of mixed glass batches and Pb as an
indicator for recycling, as remelting such glass in a low-Pb glass batch, would
increase the total Pb content of the final recycled material significantly, without
affecting its colour or properties.
In terms of glass with a non-eastern Mediterranean origin, the largest spread
in glass composition and hence the location of primary glass factories is clearly
situated in the early Roman period, between the 1st and 4th century AD (Fig.
6.1). The large spread in the isotopic composition of this Roman glass, suggests
primary production of glass all over the Mediterranean, but is also likely smeared
out between the extreme values of the dataset because of intense recycling of glass
with different primary origins and thus different signatures. The earliest natron
glass with a likely non-eastern Mediterranean origin can be found in Carthage and
is dated to the 4th century BC.
Hypothetically, if three primary production centres from the 1st to 4th century
AD were each using their own local sand raw material, a Syro-Palestinian source
would have a εNd of -6, an Italian factory would have an εNd of -4 and a western
Mediterranean source would have an εNd of -8 or -9. If the glass from these three
factories was not mixed or recycled together with the glass from other sources,
three distinct glass groups would appear, each one showing its own Nd isotopic
signature. However, as recycling was a common process (clear from our dataset
with a quarter of the glass having Pb contents higher than 100 ppm), the isotopic
108 P. Degryse et al.

600- 550- 500- 450- 400- 350- 300- 250- 200- 150-
100-50 50-0 0-50
550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100
-4 1 5
-4,25 2 17
-4,5 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 14
-4,75 3 3 3 3 6 6 2 2 1 1 12
-5 1 1 6 6 5 5 1 1 17
-5,25 1 1 6 6 2 2 1 1 23
-5,5 11
-5,75 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
-6 6
-6,25 2 2 2 2 1
-6,5 1
-6,75 4
-7 1 1 1
-7,75 1 1
-8,25 1
-12,5 1 1 1
600- 550- 500- 450- 400- 350- 300- 250- 200- 150-
100-50 50-0 0-50
550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100

Primary glass factories around the Mediterranean 109

100- 150- 200- 250- 300- 350- 400- 450- 500- 550- 600- 650- 700- 750-
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

5 3 4 4 2 1 1 1 1
17 16 15 14 14 1 1 1 1
14 10 12 24 13 12 11 4 3 11 11 11 11
12 9 12 20 10 7 7 6 6 6 6 3 3
17 11 10 19 13 10 9 5 4 9 9 9 9 5 5
23 13 18 25 14 13 13 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
11 3 9 13 2 3 3 3 1
2 2 3 7 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3
6 4 5 5 4 3 2
1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 1 1
1 1

1 1 2 1

2 2 1 1 2
1 1

1 1

1 1 1
100- 150- 200- 250- 300- 350- 400- 450- 500- 550- 600- 650- 700- 750-
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

Figure 6.1:
Representation of the occurrence of εNd signatures (grouped per quarter unit) through time
(grouped per 50 years) for the full dataset of natron glass analysed. Sample chronology was
determined by stratigraphical association. Samples are counted in full for each time block of
their assumed date. Colours represent the total count for each time interval: green is 1 to 3,
yellow 4 to 5, orange 6 to 9 and red higher than 9.
110 P. Degryse et al.

600- 550- 500- 450- 400- 350- 300- 250- 200- 150-
100-50 50-0 0-50
550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100
-3,75 1
-4,25 1 1 2
-4,5 3 3 4
-4,75 1 1 3 3 8
-5 1 1 1 1 9
-5,25 5
-5,5 2
-5,75 3
-6 2
-6,25 1
-6,5 3
600- 550- 500- 450- 400- 350- 300- 250- 200- 150-
100-50 50-0 0-50
550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100

Primary glass factories around the Mediterranean 111

100- 150- 200- 250- 300- 350- 400- 450- 500- 550- 600- 650- 700- 750-
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 2 2 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
2 5 7 16 8 7 6 2 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 9 9 6 3 3
8 6 6 9 9 5 4 1
9 6 12 18 9 7 7 2 1
5 1 7 9 1 4 4 3 1
2 2 3 6 1 3 3 3 1
3 2 2 2 1 1
2 1 2 1 1
1 1 1
3 2 1
1 1 1
1 1 1

2 2 1 1 1 2

1 1 1
100- 150- 200- 250- 300- 350- 400- 450- 500- 550- 600- 650- 700- 750-
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

Figure 6.2:
Representation of the occurrence of εNd signatures (grouped per quarter unit) through
time (grouped per 50 years) for the colourless glass analysed. Sample chronology was
determined by stratigraphical association. Samples are counted in full for each time block of
their assumed date. Colours represent the total count for each time interval: green is 1 to 2,
yellow 3 to 4, orange 5 to 7 and red higher than 7.
112 P. Degryse et al.

signatures of these factories would be smeared out between the highest and lowest
values with progressive recycling. In this case, the intermediate signature of
the Syro-Palestian workshop would be obscured. When the Italian and western
Mediterranean workshops stop making glass in the 4th to 5th century AD, due to
any possible reason, their signatures would not disappear abruptly but would die
out slowly as recycling continues but only Syro-Palestinian primary glass remains
to be made, resulting in a gradual narrowing of the isotopic range back to the
Syro-Palestinian signature. The length of the period in which the signature of the
former glass producers remains visible in the glass record is difficult to estimate
and would depend on the intensity of recycling, the ratio between recycling of old
glass and new raw production, the concentration of Nd in the different glass types,
It is clear that the most ubiquitous signature in this dataset, for the entire time
span studied from maximally the 8th century BC to the 9th century AD, is that of
an eastern Mediterranean sand source and points toward continuous natron glass
making in Syro-Palestine and/or Egypt for nearly 1500 years, and recycling of this
glass throughout that time span.
Chapter 7


P. Degryse

The main goals of the ARCHGLASS project were to develop archaeometrical

techniques to reconstruct ancient economies, and to apply these methods to gain
insights into the trade and processing of mineral raw materials used for glass
making. The project further developed Sr-Nd isotopic techniques and newly
invented B isotopic techniques as a means to characterize glass and this book
presents a database of mineralogical and chemical compositions of possible raw
materials (sand and flux) for primary glass making. From these data, the primary
provenance of ancient natron glass, with focus on the Hellenistic-Roman world,
can be derived.
In particular, the occurrence of primary production centres of raw glass outside
those known from archaeological excavation in Syro-Palestine and Egypt were
investigated. The western Mediterranean area including the regions of Italy, Gaul,
Spain (described by ancient authors as primary glass producers) and north-Africa
were investigated. The political situation in Northern Africa and the Middle East
during the course of the project prohibited much fieldwork there. This makes the
study of North Africa as a supplier of natron glass more difficult. Moreover, a
database of analyses of possible raw materials and glass is never complete. The
approach to the geological materials analysed here is based on regional survey,
taking samples from different geological hinterlands with a wide spacing, but not
going into very detailed sampling grids. The reconstruction of the primary origin of
the glass presented here therefore refers to broad geological/geographical regions
where glass was (likely) made, rather than to individual sites. Our reference data
on north Africa remain limited.
It is clear from our survey that suitable glass making sands are relatively
rare. Six limited areas outside the eastern Mediterranean could be defined where
suitable sand raw materials would have been available to the Roman glassmaker:
(1) Beach sand between the mouth of the River Basento and the River Bradano
(Basilicata Region, SE Italy) and (2) in the area southeast of Brindisi, on the
northeastern side of the Salentina peninsula (Puglia Region, SE Italy), would
114 P. Degryse

produce glass with properties close to Roman glass, but with a Al2O3 concentration
generally lower than that of typical natron glass.
(3) Sands from the western part of the Follonica Gulf, between Piombino and
Follonica (Tuscany Region), are also suitable for glass production. These sands
are only suitable after the addition of extra calcium carbonate.
(4) Beach sands near the mouth of the Rio Guadiana (Huelva Province, SW
Spain), (5) near the town of Águilas in the Murcia Region (SE Spain), and (6)
from the Bay of Hyère (Département du Var, Provence, SE France) are all very
rich in quartz and contain only very small amounts of shell or limestone fragments.
After the addition of extra CaCO3, these sands would produce glass with a typical
Roman composition.
These results of course do not prove that there was a Roman primary glass
production industry in the western Mediterranean, but demonstrate that, if so,
the suggested regions are the most likely suppliers of silica raw materials in the
western Mediterranean.
Sr and Nd isotopic signatures were assessed as a technique to provenance
natron glass. Binary mixing equations showed that the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of
glass is not always indicative of the main source of lime. Sands from the west
contain important amounts of radiogenic Sr, resulting in a shift in 87Sr/86Sr ratios
to higher values in the glass. Since the Sr isotopic signatures of Nile-dominated
sediments in the eastern Mediterranean lie around or slightly below the modern-
day seawater signature, the induced shift in the Sr isotopic signature of the glass
there is less explicit. For glasses produced in the eastern Mediterranean, the Sr
isotopic signature is indeed a good provenance indicator for the source of lime. In
the western part of the Mediterranean, this is only true for glasses with low Al2O3
concentrations and an Al2O3/CaO ratio lower than 0.25. The Sr content of the glass
appears to be a better and more robust indication of the lime source.
Nd in Roman natron glass originates from the non-quartz (heavy) mineral
fraction of the sand raw material and its isotopic composition is an indication for
the source of the silica. Suitable glassmaking sands from Spain, France and the
western part of Italy all have relatively low values in Nd isotopic signature between
-12.0 and -7.0 εNd and glass produced from them could be readily distinguished
from glass from the known primary production sites in Egypt and Syro-Palestine.
Two good sand sources in the Basilicata and Apulia Regions (SE Italy), however,
have εNd values higher than -6 εNd, which may coincide with those of glass with
an eastern Mediterranean origin. These eastern Mediterranean beach sands were
sampled by R.H. Brill in the sixties (Brill 1999) and analysed by Degryse and
Schneider (2008) and Brems et al. (2012a, b) in the course of this project. They
show high Nd isotopic signatures between -1 and -4.8 εNd. Primary glass from the
Conclusions 115

factories at Bet Eli’ezer and Apollonia, using Israeli coastal sand (Brill, 1999)
and active between the 6th and 8th century AD, produce raw glass with an isotopic
signature between -4.1 en -5.1 εNd. Freestone et al. (nd) earlier reported values for
Bet Eli’ezer, Apollonia and HIMT primary glass between -5.0 and -6.0 εNd.
A Nd isotopic signature of εNd lower than -7.0 seems a justified cut off for
the primary origin of glass not lying in the eastern Mediterranean. Moreover,
the combined use of Nd isotopic signatures, major elements (particularly
Al2O3) and trace element patterns makes it possible to distinguish between the
different possible sources of suitable sand raw materials in all the regions under
investigation. Glass with εNd higher than -6.0 and with elevated Al2O3 and/or Zr/
TiO2 has a primary origin in the eastern Mediterranean, while glass with εNd higher
than -6.0 and Al2O3 lower than 2wt% seems to originate either from the Italian
peninsula, or a yet unknown source in northern Africa (where a low Al2O3, Zr and
Ti2O sand has been identified near Alexandria). In effect, as data for possible sand
sources from North Africa and some islands of the Mediterranean are still limited,
the existence of competing Roman glass producers with overlapping elemental and
isotopic characteristics in such areas cannot be definitively confirmed or excluded.
It is clear our large scale geological prospecting needs a detailed archaeological
follow up, if glass factories are to be discovered or confirmed.
From our analyses (Fig. 7.1), it is clear glass factories in the eastern
Mediterranean and possibly Italy were active from the onset of natron glass
making, but likely other producers in the western Mediterranean or north Africa
were also active. The earliest more negative Nd signatures observed in this study
can be found from the 5th century BC onwards, but most glass seems to have an
eastern Mediterranean primary origin, though a group of strong coloured (mainly
black) glass with less negative εNd and low Al2O3 content originated from Carthage
between the 4th to 5th century BC and could have an Italian origin of the base glass.
From imperial – early Roman times onwards, throughout the 1st century AD
to the first half of the 5th century AD, the origin of primary natron glass lies in the
western as well as in the eastern Mediterranean and Italy. Apparently, investments
were made in several glass making units all over the Empire. It is tempting to link
this development in the glass industry to the end of the Roman Republic and the
beginning of the Roman Empire, when Augustus introduced a series of reforms
leading to a period of flourishing trade between Rome and her many and varied
provinces (Lewis and Reinhold, 1966; Robinson, 1978; West, 1932), next to the
impetus of the invention of glass blowing, making glass a ubiquitous utilitarian
material. Most glass has a signature typical for a Syro-Palestinian or (possibly)
an Italian provenance. Clear western Mediterranean or north African signatures
are a minor part of the dataset. Almost all of the ‘Italian’ glass is colourless
116 P. Degryse

(Fig. 7.2) (mostly Sb decoloured), mostly dated between the 1st and the 3rd century
AD, and has a low Pb content, showing no indication of recycling or mixing.
Rosenow and Rehren (2014) suggested an Egyptian primary origin of such Roman
Sb decoloured glass. An additional group of Sb decoloured glass of ‘Italian’
signature has an extremely high Pb content of several thousand ppm, likely related
to the antimony mineral used in its manufacture. The glass with a signature typical
for a Syro-Palestinian origin comprises all glass types and colours.

Figure 7.1:
Graphical representation of the occurrence of εNd signatures through time for all glass
analysed. Sample chronology was determined by stratigraphical association.
Conclusions 117

The presumed Italian signature of glass slowly dies out towards the end of the
5th century AD. It is tempting to relate this process to the fall of the western
Roman empire (Fig. 7.1). By the 3rd century AD, the picture of peaceful commerce
throughout the Roman world changes, as foreign parties exert steadily increasing
pressure on the frontier regions and internal economic troubles lead to an almost
empire-wide crisis (Lewis and Reinhold, 1966). Devaluation of coinage and an
increase of inflation led to goods only being produced and sold locally; mass
production for export was no longer possible (Cameron, 1993; Lewis and Reinhold,
1966; Robinson, 1978; Vlachou et al., 2002). A series of reforms were attempted,
but the huge government expenditure for war, maintenance of the army, court and
bureaucracy, and distrust for the newly introduced currency brought on a new wave
of inflation (Lewis and Reinhold, 1966). In 301 AD, Diocletian issued his edict on
maximum prices. By the end of the 3rd to the start of the 4th century AD, the empire is
split into East and West (Lewis and Reinhold, 1966; Robinson, 1978). The turmoil
of the preceding centuries, natural disasters, political upheaval, economic distress,
have all been cited as potential reasons for the fall of the empire (Cameron, 1993;
Lewis and Reinhold, 1966; Robinson, 1978). As the mass production and export
of goods reduces or ceases in the course of the 3rd to 4th century AD, the market
and transport mechanisms for glass factories around the empire would have been
dissolved. The chemical signature of the western Mediterranean factories would
slowly die out with recycling of old glass and the input of new raw glass from the
remaining factories in the east. In late Roman to early Byzantine/Islamic times,
from the 5th century AD onwards, natron glass making falls back exclusively on
the glass producing sites in the eastern Mediterranean, both in Syro-Palestine and
Egypt (with HIMT and Egypt II glass analysed here).
In terms of the flux source, all ancient natron glass analysed here is very
homogenous in B isotopic composition. The fact that all natron sources from north
Africa analysed so far are very similar (to identical) in isotopic composition, and
consistent with ancient natron glass, makes placing the source of all flux for natron
glass making in this area very tempting. The recent discovery of natron deposits
in Fezzan shows that there may be many such sources yet undiscovered in this
part of the Roman world. The occurrence and mining of natron throughout north
Africa would make the supply of this raw material across the Mediterranean to
primary factories in Italy of the western provinces much easier, even with overland
transport. With the results obtained so far, the Wadi Natrun (and by extension North
Africa) as a source of natron for Roman glass making is still the most probable.
118 P. Degryse

Figure 7.2:
Graphical representation of the occurrence of εNd signatures through time for the colourless
glass analysed. Sample chronology was determined by stratigraphical association.

Trace elements that proved to be the most diagnostic for provenance are Ti,
Cr, Sr, Zr and Ba. Apart from Ba (and possibly Sr), which is often associated
with Mn decolourants, these elements are seldom influenced by the addition of
colouring agents or recycling, and provide direct information about the nature
of the silica source used. Moreover, lightly elevated concentrations in glass of
trace elements commonly associated with colouring agents, such as Mn, Co, Ni,
Cu, Zn, Sb and Pb, are often interpreted as the result of recycling of glass cullet.
Conclusions 119

Almost a quarter of the dataset investigated appears to be recycled glass. The

analysis of these elements in suitable glassmaking sands provides a good idea of
the background levels that can be attributed to impurities in the source of silica.
The current dataset suggests that for the two most commonly used decolourisers,
MnO and Sb, these background levels are 0.1% and 30 ppm respectively. The
presence of higher amounts of these elements in Roman glass would indicate their
deliberate or accidental (due to recycling of cullet) addition. The definition of a
high Pb Sb-decoloured glass group is very interesting in this respect, providing a
new supplementary explanation for elevated Pb contents in recycled glass.
It is clear a better dating resolution of the glass samples analysed, can constrain
better in time and space production units of natron glass. Also, not all issues in
the technology of glass making have been unraveled, e.g. how alumina contents
in raw glass are affected by the furnace material (it can be observed raw glass has
higher Al2O3 contents than the sand used) or how trace elements are affected by
recycling. The discovery of a phasing in glass making in the Hellenistic-Roman
world, however, adds a new chapter to the history of glass and our knowledge of
the archaeological record, now to be integrated in further economic studies of the
Roman world.
Appendix A

Sampling locations, elemental compositions of the analysed sand

samples as determined by ICP–OES analysis, LOI results, results of
the Sr and Nd isotopic analysis and trace element analysis results

Sample Beach location Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E) SiO2 Al2O3

(Wt.%) (Wt.%)
SP10DB46 Isla Canela N37°10'34.08" W007°21'15.58" 87,99 3,62
SP10DB45 Mazagón N37°07'44.86" W006°49'29.42" 90,73 1,85
SP10DB44 Ruinas Torre Vigia N37°00'14.68" W006°33'54.74" 93,84 1,28
SP10DB43 Sanlúcar de Barrameda N36°46'48.43" W006°21'59.54" 89,16 2,19
SP10DB42 El Puerto de Santa Maria N36°34'40.86" W006°13'38.77" 73,53 1,18
SP10DB41 Conil de la Frontera N36°16'14.39" W006°05'28.56" 55,47 1,05
SP10DB40 Barbate N36°10'44.02" W005°54'13.31" 57,33 0,28
SP10DB39 El Lentiscal N36°05'19.16" W005°46'52.05" 57,66 0,26
SP10DB38 Tarifa N36°02'45.83" W005°38'26.80" 73,55 0,36
SP10DB37 Carteya-Guadarranque (San Roque) N36°10'51.65" W005°24'45.42" 89,75 1,57
SP10DB36 Sotogrande N36°16'44.21" W005°16'49.73" 74,81 8,60
SP10DB35 San Pedro de Alcántara N36°28'30.59" W004°58'55.83" 65,33 7,66
SP10DB34 Fuengirola N36°31'30.94" W004°37'37.23" 66,23 5,46
SP10DB33 Guadalmar N36°39'27.87" W004°27'53.67" 64,43 6,99
SP10DB32 Málaga N36°43'11.69" W004°24'14.53" 69,41 6,43
SP10DB31 Rincón de la Victoria N36°42'51.19" W004°16'57.83" 66,78 11,83
SP10DB30 Punta de Torrox N36°43'38.63" W003°57'35.17" 58,21 19,23
SP10DB29 Salobreña N36°43'54.59" W003°35'16.38" 68,42 6,21
SP10DB28 Adra N36°44'38.17" W003°00'45.75" 82,64 5,10
SP10DB27 Almerimar N36°42'07.46" W002°48'03.33" 77,23 3,62
SP10DB26 Almeria N36°49'03.19" W002°26'15.28" 78,65 4,10
SP10DB25 El Romeral N36°44'35.71" W002°07'20.50" 66,94 2,78
SP10DB24 Las Negras N36°52'47.85" W002°00'13.85" 52,82 9,49
SP10DB23 Urbanización El Palmeral N37°09'06.29" W001°49'25.86" 65,89 5,93
SP10DB22 Las Marinas de Vera (Garrucha) N37°11'50.56" W001°48'44.82" 79,45 3,76
SP10DB21 Palomareas Bajo N37°13'58.80" W001°47'42.83" 66,99 6,87
SP10DB20 El Rubial N37°24'02.10" W001°35'33.26" 89,39 2,72
SP10DB19 Bolnuevo (Playasol) N37°33'46.63" W001°18'48.88" 66,15 5,96
SP10DB18 El Portús N37°35'03.14" W001°04'24.03" 25,61 1,47
SP08DB01 Cartagena N37°35' W000°58' 33,73 2,15
SP10DB17 Mil Palmeras N37°52'54.13" W000°45'13.59" 61,07 0,77
Appendix A 121

Fe2O3(t) MgO MnO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 LOI Total
(Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%)

1,37 0,37 0,04 1,57 0,63 1,00 0,17 0,04 1,50 98,28
1,01 0,17 0,01 2,07 0,31 0,67 0,09 0,04 1,94 98,89
0,47 0,07 0,01 0,76 0,19 0,45 0,05 0,02 0,82 97,96
0,49 0,15 0,01 2,38 0,58 0,93 0,06 0,03 3,29 99,27
0,75 0,65 0,04 12,02 0,24 0,45 0,06 0,04 10,14 99,10
0,47 0,52 0,02 21,43 0,40 0,38 0,09 0,06 18,34 98,24
0,36 0,30 0,02 22,07 0,20 0,09 0,01 0,05 11,56 92,28
0,37 0,30 0,02 21,97 0,20 0,09 0,01 0,04 18,27 99,19
0,59 0,22 0,01 13,56 0,13 0,12 0,02 0,03 10,69 99,28
0,82 0,79 0,02 2,52 0,31 0,21 0,08 0,03 2,48 98,58
4,42 3,33 0,15 2,64 0,55 0,74 0,27 0,05 2,89 98,45
3,55 7,51 0,05 5,83 0,62 1,05 0,27 0,06 7,57 99,50
3,28 6,64 0,05 7,55 0,65 0,76 0,21 0,05 8,30 99,17
4,05 4,73 0,09 7,08 0,60 1,12 0,34 0,07 9,13 98,62
3,68 3,25 0,07 5,90 0,59 1,01 0,28 0,09 7,18 97,89
5,44 1,36 0,13 4,46 0,66 1,35 0,48 0,10 5,80 98,39
4,52 2,67 0,11 5,19 0,42 0,60 0,48 0,07 7,01 98,49
3,01 3,50 0,06 6,67 0,75 0,98 0,29 0,08 9,42 99,38
2,78 0,79 0,03 2,16 0,70 0,75 0,28 0,08 3,05 98,35
2,25 1,59 0,06 5,88 0,53 0,58 0,18 0,05 6,90 98,86
2,46 1,28 0,04 4,49 0,55 0,68 0,34 0,06 5,74 98,40
1,90 1,69 0,04 12,63 0,45 0,47 0,67 0,05 11,40 99,02
7,09 5,99 0,13 11,72 1,47 1,69 0,58 0,07 6,91 97,96
7,06 2,36 0,28 8,08 0,54 0,47 0,30 0,06 7,78 98,75
1,88 1,06 0,04 4,77 0,57 0,59 0,19 0,05 5,44 97,79
6,56 2,10 0,23 7,41 0,71 0,59 0,36 0,07 7,41 99,31
1,34 0,52 0,02 1,21 0,34 0,50 0,15 0,05 1,91 98,15
4,75 2,47 0,19 8,54 0,80 0,91 0,27 0,08 8,27 98,39
1,63 9,18 0,05 27,96 0,24 0,32 0,11 0,05 31,80 98,43
1,98 5,99 0,05 28,25 0,40 0,41 0,20 0,04 27,03 100,22
0,22 1,50 0,01 18,58 0,09 0,40 0,04 0,02 16,51 99,22
122 Appendix A

Sample Beach location Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E) SiO2 Al2O3

(Wt.%) (Wt.%)
SP10DB16 Guardamar del Segura N38°05'55.00" W000°38'42.46" 44,76 1,39
SP10DB15 Urbanova (Alicante) N38°16'59.85" W000°31'12.75" 22,75 0,38
SP10DB14 Villajoyosa N38°30'23.71" W000°13'38.11" 62,76 0,70
SP10DB13 Calpe N38°38'30.85" E000°03'15.13" 55,98 1,31
SP10DB12 Dénia N38°51'09.47" E000°05'45.90" 18,56 0,62
SP10DB11 Platja de Daimús N38°58'45.16" W000°08'37.81" 59,40 0,93
SP10DB10 Cullera N39°09'23.94" W000°14'24.51" 62,06 1,95
SP10DB09 Valencia N39°24'27.55" W000°19'54.16" 75,12 0,99
SP10DB08 Sagunto N39°39'36.15" W000°12'34.58" 63,88 1,97
SP10DB07 Burriana N39°51'55.76" W000°03'53.92" 63,92 1,76
SP10DB06 Castellón de la Plana N39°59'44.86" E000°01'43.78" 59,35 3,17
SP08DB02 Benicassim (Castellon) N40°02' E000°03' 60,65 3,12
SP10DB05 Torreblanca N40°14'02.18" E000°16'21.75" 60,31 3,97
SP10DB04 Benicarló N40°25'09.84" E000°26'13.06" 47,51 2,14
SP08FH05 Platja del Trabucador N40°38'04.7" E000°44'57.6" 39,80 3,80
SP08FH06 Riumar N40°43'49.9" E000°50'30.0" 62,53 3,63
SP08FH07 Marquesa N40°45'42.9" E000°47'53.1" 51,35 3,52
SP08FH08 Cambrils N41°03'57.6" E001°04'06.3" 76,43 7,85
SP10DB47 Coma-Ruga N41°11'00.68" E001°32'46.71" 73,47 5,01
SP08FH04 Castelldefels N41°15'51.7" E001°57'02.0" 71,80 4,98
SP08FH03 Vilassar de Mar N41°30'46.6" E002°24'46.3" 80,05 11,40
SP08FH01 Canet de Mar N41°35'10.5" E002°34'56.6" 83,51 9,00
SP08FH02 Malgrat de Mar N41°38'21.8" E002°44'17.6" 83,10 9,08
SP08FH12 Sa Conca N41°47'52.05" E003°03'38.31" 87,36 6,72
SP08FH11 Platja d’Aro N41°49'02.08" E003°04'11.10" 84,24 6,41
SP08FH10 Sant Pere Pescador N42°11'21.43" E003°06'38.18" 83,29 8,92
SP08FH09 Canyelles Petites N42°14'27.4" E003°12'26.2" 80,31 9,75
SP09DB03 Colera N42°24'22.75" E003°09'20.25" 71,46 10,99
SP10DB48 Cavalleria, Menorca N40°03'34.33" E004°04'35.42"
SP10DB49 Cala Tirant, Furnelles, Menorca N40°02'38.84" E004°06'16.73"
FR09DB02 Biarritz, St-Jean L(h)uzz N43°28'19" W001°34'12" 82,79 0,95
FR09DB03 Argelès-Plage, Argelès-sur-Mer N42°34'38.33" E003°02'43.94" 80,12 10,10
FR09DB04 Le Barcarès N42°46'57.21" E003°02'20.30" 82,43 8,97
FR09DB05 Port-la-Nouvelle N43°01'46.30" E003°04'03.88" 54,62 5,02
FR09DB06 Les Cabanes de Fleury N43°12'24.34" E003°13'44.03" 68,99 6,94
FR09DB07 Sérignan-Plage (Valras-Plage) N43°14'56.28" E003°18'07.22" 62,76 7,05
FR09DB08 Le Grau-d'Agde N43°16'57.91" E003°26'59.95" 65,58 4,84
FR09DB09 Frontignan Plage N43°25'39.52" E003°45'37.49" 53,71 4,01
FR09DB10 Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer N43°26'57.43" E004°24'57.79" 74,92 5,44
FR09DB11 Salin-de-Giraud ( Port-Saint-Louis- N43°20'41.99" E004°47'47.02" 52,75 6,06
FR09DB12 Sainte-Croix, Martigues N43°19'53.99" E005°04'15.63" 12,02 0,42
FR09DB13 L'Estaque, Plage des Corbières N43°21'27.36" E005°17'26.53" 88,37 1,79
Appendix A 123

Fe2O3(t) MgO MnO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 LOI Total
(Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%)
0,68 4,27 0,02 23,69 0,15 0,64 0,08 0,04 23,31 99,03
0,38 1,08 0,01 39,34 0,15 0,13 0,02 0,04 33,78 98,05
0,29 0,51 0,01 19,08 0,08 0,25 0,04 0,03 15,81 99,55
0,73 0,91 0,02 21,94 0,15 0,32 0,10 0,03 18,08 99,59
0,60 2,73 0,02 38,90 0,25 0,29 0,02 0,05 35,50 97,55
0,55 1,37 0,02 19,30 0,15 0,42 0,04 0,03 17,28 99,49
0,73 0,74 0,02 17,67 0,19 0,80 0,08 0,04 14,79 99,07
0,42 0,40 0,01 12,53 0,12 0,46 0,06 0,03 10,14 100,28
0,94 0,68 0,02 16,77 0,23 0,51 0,09 0,04 13,62 98,75
0,94 0,54 0,02 17,30 0,21 0,52 0,11 0,04 14,07 99,43
0,96 0,73 0,02 19,00 0,40 0,75 0,13 0,04 15,38 99,96
1,46 0,87 0,03 19,03 0,37 0,65 0,39 0,05 16,56 103,17
1,95 1,01 0,04 17,77 0,37 0,63 0,47 0,06 13,76 100,34
1,06 0,59 0,01 25,93 0,32 0,41 0,06 0,04 21,16 99,22
2,74 1,57 0,05 28,03 0,33 0,59 0,27 0,07 22,32 99,58
1,52 0,69 0,03 16,16 0,60 1,02 0,14 0,05 13,63 100,00
2,01 1,08 0,04 22,13 0,65 0,78 0,24 0,06 18,87 100,74
1,33 0,78 0,02 4,91 1,28 2,89 0,16 0,05 4,36 100,06
0,85 0,74 0,01 8,25 0,96 1,52 0,06 0,05 7,13 98,04
1,57 1,21 0,02 8,92 0,88 1,62 0,13 0,05 8,64 99,82
0,80 0,23 0,01 1,74 2,58 3,13 0,05 0,03 1,06 101,07
0,80 0,16 0,02 0,78 2,11 2,76 0,04 0,03 0,55 99,76
0,81 0,18 0,01 0,56 1,93 3,16 0,06 0,03 0,60 99,53
0,56 0,06 0,01 0,33 1,37 2,89 0,02 0,03 0,33 99,69
0,58 0,07 0,01 0,33 1,36 2,61 0,03 0,03 0,35 96,03
0,56 0,14 0,01 0,68 2,00 3,38 0,03 0,03 0,69 99,73
1,41 0,32 0,02 1,62 3,16 2,35 0,10 0,03 1,20 100,28
4,86 1,71 0,05 2,44 1,57 2,25 0,51 0,14 3,97 99,93

0,50 0,23 0,01 8,56 0,29 0,24 0,06 0,03 7,49 101,15
2,21 0,73 0,03 0,52 1,52 3,38 0,25 0,08 1,36 100,30
1,90 0,52 0,03 0,97 1,35 3,00 0,16 0,05 1,23 100,61
1,44 1,68 0,06 19,27 1,22 1,31 0,27 0,08 16,39 101,37
2,09 1,74 0,04 8,56 0,99 2,38 0,25 0,08 8,94 101,01
2,03 2,49 0,04 10,82 1,03 2,51 0,26 0,09 11,13 100,20
1,19 0,85 0,04 14,64 1,27 1,32 0,28 0,09 11,67 101,77
0,88 0,58 0,03 22,21 1,14 1,34 0,14 0,06 17,80 101,89
1,08 0,56 0,03 8,81 1,21 1,56 0,22 0,07 7,31 101,21
4,37 2,42 0,13 18,52 0,90 0,98 1,77 0,36 13,35 101,59

0,30 1,51 0,02 47,85 0,48 0,12 0,04 0,22 38,46 101,43
0,16 0,30 0,00 3,74 0,73 1,28 0,04 0,02 4,56 100,99
124 Appendix A

Sample Beach location Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E) SiO2 Al2O3

(Wt.%) (Wt.%)
FR09DB14 La Ciotat N43°11'06.47" E005°37'11.86" 30,30 0,58
FR09DB16 Les Bormettes, La Londe-les- N43°07'16.69" E006°15'38.86" 90,02 4,21
FR09DB17 Cavalaire-sur-Mer N43°10'57.28" E006°32'28.29" 85,67 7,75
FR09DB18 Saint-Aygulf N43°24'31.78" E006°44'06.80" 70,28 6,47
FR09DB19 Cannes N43°32'55.72" E007°00'13.63" 77,51 5,36
FR09DB20 Saint-Laurent-du-Var N43°39'26.11" E007°11'45.98" 50,86 5,62
FR09DB01 Menton N43°46'40.18" E007°30'29.67" 58,85 5,12
IT09DB12 Pigna, Andora SV N43°56'49.79" E008°08'27.84" 67,95 2,81
IT09DB13 Finale Pia, Finale Ligure N44°10'18.48" E008°21'30.08" 77,15 4,19
IT09DB14 Albissola Marina, Albisola N44°19'38.02" E008°30'17.23" 79,95 8,53
IT09DB15 Varazze N44°21'27.59" E008°34'20.90" 75,47 7,72
IT09DB16a Voltri N44°25'38.18" E008°44'44.51" 51,57 8,61
IT09DB16b Voltri N44°25'38.18" E008°44'44.51" 51,55 6,49
IT09DB17 Sestri Levante N44°16'21.51" E009°23'35.56" 64,15 7,44
IT09DB18 Levanto N44°10'17.18" E009°36'23.54" 51,64 11,36
IT09DB19 Fiumaretta di Ameglia N44°02'56.69" E009°59'27.63" 65,48 8,14
IT09DB09 Torre Del Lago Puccini, Viareggio N43°49'28.23" E010°15'15.36" 70,53 6,54
IT10DB30 Migliarino, Vecchiano N43°47'33.04" E010°15'55.95" 73,53 6,78
IT10DB31 Marina di Pisa N43°40'00.06" E010°16'30.89" 71,32 6,55
IT10DB32 Castiglioncello N43°24'23.18" E010°24'27.77" 29,49 5,78
IT10DB33 Marina di Cecina N43°17'47.37" E010°29'41.12" 51,49 5,97
IT08DB05 Elba N42°47'34.75" E010°14'57.82" 72,83 9,92
IT10DB34 Torre del Sale, Piombino N42°57'14.50" E010°36'00.71" 79,29 2,83
IT08DB01 Cala Violina N42°50'19.53" E010°46'29.46" 92,57 3,12
IT10DB35 Castiglione della Pescaia N42°45'43.06" E010°52'36.13" 55,18 4,63
IT10DB36 Principina a Mare, Grosseto N42°41'21.78" E010°59'50.59" 49,48 4,48
IT10DB37 Albinia N42°30'02.56" E011°11'32.49" 44,51 4,51
IT10DB38 Poggio Pertuso, Monte Argentario N42°24'30.22" E011°12'33.40" 53,43 8,85
IT10DB39 Montalto Marina N42°19'41.71" E011°34'29.44" 54,67 12,58
IT10DB40 Voltone, Tarquinia N42°14'22.33" E011°41'25.08" 51,46 9,85
IT10DB41 Ladispoli N41°57'00.78" E012°04'10.54" 52,59 6,49
IT10DB42 Lido di Ostia N41°44'03.23" E012°15'41.94" 49,15 5,76
IT08DB06 Ostia N41°43'41.45" E012°16'40.78" 49,85 5,79
IT10DB43 Anzio N41°27'09.47" E012°38'22.08" 48,34 5,02
IT10DB44 Terracina N41°16'50.95" E013°11'47.24" 60,83 2,08
IT09DB22 Gaeta (BRILL 4556; Degryse and N41°12'47" E013°32'33" nd. nd.
Schneider, 2008)
IT10DB45 Marina di Mintuno N41°13'28.28" E013°45'33.66" 50,85 5,44
IT09DB23 Volturno, coastal strip of N41°07'32.85" E013°51'55.31" 51,67 5,27
Mondragone (MN1; Silvestri et al.,
Appendix A 125

Fe2O3(t) MgO MnO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 LOI Total
(Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%)
0,18 0,63 0,00 38,52 0,17 0,28 0,03 0,01 30,44 101,14
1,65 0,27 0,01 0,42 1,11 0,81 0,29 0,04 1,62 100,44

1,51 0,46 0,04 1,05 2,30 0,78 0,43 0,03 0,58 100,60
0,84 0,76 0,02 10,02 1,37 2,23 0,12 0,04 9,07 101,23
0,56 0,55 0,01 7,05 1,05 2,09 0,08 0,03 6,28 100,57
1,59 0,92 0,03 21,41 1,16 1,54 0,18 0,12 17,21 100,64
0,55 1,15 0,01 17,27 1,07 2,15 0,08 0,08 14,43 100,77

1,05 0,39 0,04 14,90 0,72 0,75 0,10 0,03 12,10 100,85
1,30 2,13 0,03 6,60 1,02 0,97 0,15 0,04 6,95 100,53
2,96 1,90 0,05 2,21 2,05 1,62 0,62 0,11 2,21 102,22

3,20 3,83 0,06 3,35 1,81 1,05 0,48 0,06 3,28 100,28
12,31 12,69 0,15 4,44 1,22 0,91 0,92 0,06 6,83 99,69
7,12 20,22 0,13 3,75 0,85 0,70 0,46 0,04 9,09 100,42
6,10 11,32 0,07 2,07 1,89 0,85 0,40 0,04 6,22 100,54
6,18 13,83 0,11 6,43 2,09 0,66 0,36 0,03 7,57 100,25
3,01 3,40 0,06 8,54 1,69 1,74 0,21 0,05 8,49 100,82
2,21 0,99 0,09 8,46 1,60 1,54 0,36 0,04 7,37 99,73
1,90 0,88 0,08 6,28 1,76 1,85 0,15 0,06 5,98 99,24
1,99 0,94 0,08 8,31 1,72 1,63 0,19 0,05 7,34 100,12
3,12 6,89 0,16 26,63 1,54 0,24 0,18 0,03 24,36 98,44
5,17 10,26 0,13 11,76 1,18 0,51 0,27 0,05 12,43 99,22
3,25 1,74 0,05 4,72 1,94 2,92 0,40 0,06 3,03 100,86
0,99 0,34 0,08 7,97 0,70 0,96 0,08 0,02 6,44 99,69
0,96 0,23 0,02 0,76 0,55 0,83 0,34 0,01 0,50 99,88
2,96 1,34 0,22 17,98 0,97 0,96 0,36 0,05 15,22 99,89
3,97 1,39 0,16 18,33 0,71 0,83 0,23 0,05 16,20 95,82
3,86 1,17 0,25 23,35 0,58 0,92 0,15 0,05 19,89 99,23
2,96 1,49 0,18 14,38 1,19 3,56 0,23 0,06 12,47 98,81
4,29 3,45 0,13 11,85 1,43 5,05 0,41 0,11 5,89 99,85
4,86 5,96 0,12 16,32 0,96 3,73 0,47 0,11 5,38 99,21
8,66 8,66 0,16 19,75 0,69 0,86 0,96 0,12 1,98 100,92
7,83 10,71 0,15 22,18 0,47 0,66 0,78 0,13 3,19 101,02
8,80 7,89 0,18 20,98 0,58 0,73 0,98 0,12 6,26 102,15
1,96 1,31 0,09 13,23 1,10 1,35 0,23 0,09 11,93 84,65
1,08 1,39 0,04 16,98 0,48 1,08 0,05 0,04 15,11 99,17
nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd.

3,64 4,57 0,09 20,41 1,02 1,63 0,40 0,09 12,88 101,03
3,06 3,80 0,11 20,84 0,73 1,37 0,43 0,09 13,39 100,77
126 Appendix A

Sample Beach location Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E) SiO2 Al2O3

(Wt.%) (Wt.%)
IT09DB21 Castel Volturno, river Volturno N41°01'15" E013°55'50" nd. nd.
mouth (BRILL 4554; Degryse and
Schneider, 2008)
IT09DB25 Volturno, Pineta Grande (LD2) N41°00'36.90" E013°56'28.71" 60,71 6,94
IT09DB26 Volturno, Marina di Varcaturo/ N40°53'46.06" E014°02'00.87" 59,78 6,58
Liternum (LD3)
IT09DB27 Volturno, Licola mare (LD4) N40°52'47.43" E014°02'25.59" 58,67 7,97
IT09DB20 Licola Mare (BRILL 4553; Degryse N40°52'5" E014°02'37" nd. nd.
and Schneider, 2008)
IT09DB28 Volturno, Cuma (LD5) N40°51'18.75" E014°02'48.46" 56,68 6,33
IT09DB24 Volturno, base of promontory of N40°47'06.53" E014°05'02.94" 58,60 10,59
Capo Miseno (CM1; Silvestri et al.,
IT08DB02 Amalfi N40°37'07.16" E014°34'38.54" 28,52 7,10
IT10DB46 Foce del Sele N40°28'39.31" E014°56'44.53" 39,29 3,15
IT10DB47 Foce, Marina di Casal Velino N40°09'41.95" E015°08'41.66" 79,96 6,27
IT10DB48 Sapri N40°04'14.54" E015°37'52.88" 40,17 3,23
IT10DB49 Santa Maria del Cedro N39°46'07.40" E015°47'49.21" 33,14 1,20
IT10DB50 Paola N39°22'00.36" E016°01'38.86" 59,05 14,62
IT10DB51 Villaggio del Golfo N39°01'09.85" E016°06'30.01" 70,09 12,86
IT10DB52 Pizzo N38°46'20.22" E016°11'50.19" 79,44 10,15
IT10DB53 San Ferdinando N38°29'54.04" E015°55'03.13" 77,89 10,76
IT10DB54 Villafranca Tirrena N38°15'15.19" E015°27'14.84" 68,48 9,28
IT10DB55 Falcone N38°07'23.05" E015°06'15.53" 76,52 9,23
IT10DB56 Scafa, Brolo N38°09'19.65" E014°47'57.53" 77,14 8,50
IT10DB57 Sant'Agata di Militello N38°05'00.42" E014°39'07.72" 63,59 3,53
IT10DB58 Finale, Pollina N38°01'10.90" E014°10'57.04" 68,78 4,31
IT10DB59 San Nicola l'Arena N38°00'35.31" E013°37'26.32" 76,20 0,69
IT10DB60 Ficarazzi N38°05'40.45" E013°26'42.19" 38,96 0,64
IT10DB61 Capaci N38°10'56.33" E013°13'56.31" 21,30 0,17
IT10DB62 Castellammare del Golfo N38°01'28.21" E012°54'20.29" 87,45 0,51
IT10DB63 Marausa, Trapani N37°56'05.62" E012°28'53.98" 85,89 0,38
IT10DB64 Marinella N37°34'56.66" E012°51'47.64" 44,57 0,51
IT10DB65 Ribera N37°27'09.18" E013°13'25.80" 35,76 0,21
IT10DB66 Montallegro N37°22'51.29" E013°18'23.83" 46,89 0,73
IT08DB08 Torre Salsa N37°22'12.78" E013°19'01.45" 56,67 0,95
IT10DB67 Licata N37°06'27.77" E013°58'15.51" 55,60 1,33
IT10DB68 Marina di'Acate N36°58'58.28" E014°21'31.86" 61,53 0,97
IT10DB69 Plaia Grande N36°46'10.88" E014°36'34.84" 57,75 1,11
IT10DB70 Lido di Noto N36°50'21.52" E015°06'24.53" 1,55 0,40
IT10DB71 Catania N37°27'08.69" E015°05'11.40" 68,98 1,31
IT10DB72 San Marco, Calatabiano N37°48'25.24" E015°15'26.80" 71,28 10,49
IT10DB73 Nizza di Sicilia N38°00'00.12" E015°25'14.82" 65,06 12,44
IT10DB74 Pellaro N38°01'08.82" E015°38'06.25" 72,35 11,25
Appendix A 127

Fe2O3(t) MgO MnO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 LOI Total
(Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%)
nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd.

2,39 2,36 0,11 15,01 1,08 2,25 0,25 0,09 9,06 100,25
2,81 1,68 0,13 15,37 1,11 2,11 0,35 0,11 10,60 100,64

1,84 1,04 0,14 15,15 1,39 2,93 0,18 0,08 11,80 101,19
nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd.

1,41 1,13 0,14 17,65 1,17 2,15 0,14 0,07 13,79 100,67
2,14 1,20 0,12 12,26 1,87 3,60 0,22 0,09 9,38 100,06

4,49 7,91 0,08 27,95 0,85 2,25 0,50 0,21 19,61 99,48
2,71 5,01 0,13 24,92 0,51 0,70 0,21 0,13 20,55 97,31
1,93 0,68 0,04 2,99 1,29 2,02 0,14 0,04 3,02 98,40
2,95 1,86 0,05 25,79 0,48 0,46 0,16 0,05 22,96 98,17
1,17 11,73 0,05 21,49 0,30 0,15 0,06 0,04 29,00 98,34
6,94 3,22 0,11 5,82 2,14 1,20 0,82 0,11 4,44 98,47
4,28 1,94 0,06 1,50 1,95 2,51 0,52 0,11 2,96 98,78
1,07 0,37 0,01 1,97 2,09 2,88 0,13 0,07 0,83 99,02
1,11 0,36 0,02 1,53 2,75 2,68 0,13 0,07 1,04 98,35
1,37 0,46 0,02 1,40 2,36 2,23 0,15 0,07 1,05 86,87
0,96 0,35 0,03 2,82 2,38 2,84 0,11 0,06 2,62 97,91
2,89 0,94 0,04 1,49 1,87 2,00 0,25 0,08 2,30 97,51
3,31 1,07 0,15 12,77 0,66 0,41 0,28 0,06 11,52 97,35
5,70 1,35 0,08 7,36 0,44 0,50 0,29 0,10 8,89 97,78
1,09 0,82 0,04 8,65 0,21 0,12 0,05 0,03 8,48 96,37
1,26 4,70 0,02 26,12 0,11 0,12 0,04 0,10 25,57 97,66
0,24 3,29 0,01 35,48 0,28 0,04 0,01 0,06 33,93 94,81
0,98 0,33 0,02 4,66 0,29 0,16 0,08 0,03 4,40 98,92
0,53 0,12 0,02 5,25 0,73 0,14 0,07 0,02 5,51 98,66
1,01 0,44 0,05 26,40 0,20 0,15 0,02 0,11 22,39 95,86
0,35 5,94 0,01 25,63 0,17 0,06 0,01 0,04 27,18 95,37
1,34 0,52 0,07 24,70 0,25 0,20 0,03 0,06 21,37 96,16
1,40 0,43 0,08 22,42 0,24 0,28 0,04 0,05 18,71 101,27
1,19 0,31 0,07 13,94 0,32 0,39 0,05 0,04 13,06 86,29
1,17 0,39 0,08 15,85 0,43 0,30 0,05 0,08 14,01 94,85
1,32 0,53 0,10 20,31 0,29 0,32 0,07 0,06 16,27 98,14
0,42 1,42 0,02 49,71 0,10 0,07 0,03 0,06 42,40 96,19
3,65 1,51 0,10 9,49 0,25 0,16 0,31 0,05 7,91 93,73
5,77 1,48 0,07 1,02 1,32 1,94 0,39 0,11 3,76 97,64
5,10 1,81 0,11 2,12 2,18 1,82 0,65 0,13 2,84 94,25
4,60 0,94 0,32 2,01 1,86 2,13 0,37 0,14 2,02 97,98
128 Appendix A

Sample Beach location Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E) SiO2 Al2O3

(Wt.%) (Wt.%)
IT10DB75 Bova Marina N37°55'37.60" E015°53'24.66" 72,35 13,09
IT10DB76 San Nicola, Bovalino N38°07'34.79" E016°09'38.24" 71,64 12,20
IT10DB77 Marina di Caulonia N38°20'40.60" E016°28'25.64" 72,91 13,10
IT10DB78 Isca Marina N38°36'23.69" E016°33'56.88" 66,30 10,60
IT10DB79 Catanzaro Lido N38°49'48.45" E016°38'38.17" 73,90 13,93
IT10DB80 Steccato N38°55'58.25" E016°55'12.79" 76,21 11,45
IT10DB81 Tronca N39°14'37.24" E017°06'44.20" 76,94 10,77
IT10DB82 Mirto, Crosia N39°37'26.14" E016°45'25.12" 67,74 9,89
IT10DB83 Laghi di Sibari N39°43'34.51" E016°31'35.58" 70,29 11,97
IT10DB84 Lido di Policoro N40°11'53.62" E016°43'37.65" 64,31 3,20
IT10DB85 Metaponto Lido N40°20'34.11" E016°49'23.68" 76,85 2,69
IT09DB11 Castellaneta Marina N40°27'45.63" E016°56'18.41" 71,94 4,05
IT10DB86 Torre Colimena N40°18'02.23" E017°43'22.46" 5,96 0,32
IT10DB87 Masseria Maime N40°33'27.00" E018°02'36.73" 79,97 1,26
IT10DB88 Torre Canne N40°49'57.29" E017°28'19.07" 16,63 0,86
IT10DB89 Magherita di Savoia N41°22'36.77" E016°09'06.35" 62,96 4,61
IT10DB90 Siponto, Manfredonia N41°35'32.58" E015°53'41.45" 67,21 6,05
IT08DB07 Gargano N41°56'11.64" E015°56'50.84" 50,03 4,39
IT10DB91 Campomarino N41°58'39.04" E015°01'52.56" 66,35 4,42
IT10DB92 Pescara N42°28'28.71" E014°12'40.47" 51,40 4,38
IT10DB93 Sentina, San Benedetto del Tronto N42°54'39.67" E013°54'27.58" 56,75 3,94
IT08DB04 San Benedetto del Tronto N42°57'57.45" E013°52'48.24" 64,65 3,51
IT10DB94 Civitanova Marche N43°17'44.25" E013°44'30.80" 59,31 2,91
IT10DB95 Senigallia N43°42'17.76" E013°14'28.28" 54,95 4,23
IT10DB96 Gabicce Mare N43°58'03.83" E012°44'25.39" 37,77 3,24
IT10DB97 Cesenatico N44°12'48.47" E012°23'29.67" 55,75 7,09
IT08DB03 Uniti estuary, Ravenna N44°23'38.99" E012°18'56.81" 51,90 6,21
IT10DB98 Casalborsetti N44°33'11.27" E012°17'02.37" 61,32 7,01
IT09DB10 Casalborsetti N44°33'17.84" E012°17'00.57" 64,41 7,69
IT10DB99 Lido delle Nazioni N44°43'54.17" E012°14'31.82" 68,53 7,89
IT10DB100 Barricata, Bonelli N44°50'34.06" E012°27'36.74" 68,39 9,08
IT10DB101 Boccasette N45°01'37.79" E012°25'25.92" 66,36 9,04
IT10DB102 Bacucco, Chioggia N45°10'21.51" E012°19'30.55" 43,22 8,07
IT10DB103 Cortellazzo N45°31'43.61" E012°43'28.45" 7,68 0,85
IT10DB104 Bibione, Lignano Sabbiadoro N45°37'53.58" E013°03'23.80" 10,77 1,05
IT10DB105 Palau, NE Sardinia N41°10'58.59" E009°22'20.70"
IT10DB106 Alghero, NW Sardinia N40°34'02.30" E008°19'05.83"
IT10DB107 Poetto, SE Sardinia N39°12'09.26" E009°09'48.20"
IT10DB108 Solanas, SE Sardinia N39°08'04.99" E009°25'41.71"
IT09DB29 Rocca Ruja, Sardinia N40°57'36" E008°12'46" 21,12 2,25

Shell 0,68 0,04

Na2CO3 0,29 0,00
Appendix A 129

Fe2O3(t) MgO MnO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 LOI Total
(Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%)
2,94 1,05 0,06 1,50 3,29 2,10 0,36 0,11 1,17 98,02
3,78 1,31 0,06 1,11 2,31 2,31 0,48 0,11 1,62 96,94
2,10 0,70 0,03 0,89 3,02 3,07 0,21 0,07 1,36 97,45
1,63 0,52 0,03 0,83 2,37 2,65 0,17 0,06 0,98 86,15
2,37 1,00 0,03 1,98 2,93 2,73 0,31 0,08 1,10 100,37
1,14 0,34 0,02 2,20 2,37 3,06 0,11 0,09 1,39 98,39
2,00 0,62 0,03 1,65 2,06 3,00 0,23 0,08 1,56 98,93
2,94 0,97 0,04 1,05 1,85 2,21 0,28 0,10 2,06 89,13
3,19 1,28 0,06 2,19 2,29 1,88 0,51 0,08 2,29 96,01
2,66 3,43 0,08 8,62 0,54 0,55 0,12 0,04 9,21 92,75
1,46 0,59 0,09 9,37 0,64 0,89 0,11 0,05 7,73 100,47
1,00 0,35 0,09 11,59 0,87 1,58 0,06 0,02 9,32 100,87
0,26 2,45 0,03 45,79 0,32 0,11 0,02 0,04 41,34 96,62
0,54 0,31 0,02 8,95 0,34 0,69 0,04 0,03 7,48 99,63
0,41 1,74 0,03 42,64 0,55 0,36 0,04 0,11 36,33 99,70
2,83 2,42 0,14 16,69 0,70 1,30 0,31 0,16 10,04 102,16
1,31 0,55 0,13 12,17 1,37 2,57 0,10 0,08 10,10 101,64
0,97 0,63 0,19 22,88 0,92 1,88 0,07 0,03 18,18 100,19
0,86 0,37 0,10 14,60 0,99 1,88 0,05 0,05 11,34 101,02
0,94 0,94 0,06 22,28 1,03 1,60 0,07 0,06 18,07 100,82
0,98 1,17 0,04 19,82 1,01 0,96 0,14 0,06 16,10 100,95
0,58 0,42 0,03 16,54 0,90 1,29 0,09 0,03 12,54 100,58
1,06 0,30 0,04 18,74 0,72 0,94 0,09 0,04 15,07 99,21
0,83 0,38 0,08 20,65 1,06 1,67 0,06 0,05 15,98 99,93
1,58 1,95 0,12 29,13 0,77 0,72 0,19 0,12 24,67 100,26
2,49 1,68 0,12 15,42 1,50 1,17 0,44 0,17 12,46 98,28
2,19 1,53 0,11 19,64 1,38 1,28 0,29 0,07 16,24 100,83
1,83 1,08 0,09 11,01 1,63 1,64 0,26 0,10 9,62 95,59
1,83 1,26 0,09 11,54 1,82 1,84 0,25 0,08 9,75 100,56
1,72 1,26 0,07 9,87 1,88 1,86 0,18 0,08 8,13 101,47
2,60 2,27 0,07 7,76 2,06 1,77 0,28 0,09 6,97 101,33
3,20 2,41 0,09 8,10 1,83 1,54 0,41 0,13 6,77 99,89
3,29 7,53 0,07 16,81 1,18 1,52 0,54 0,10 18,01 100,33
0,64 13,98 0,03 30,48 0,18 0,18 0,08 0,03 39,64 93,78
0,71 14,08 0,02 31,47 0,22 0,20 0,07 0,03 38,28 96,91

0,60 3,62 0,02 37,22 0,80 0,57 0,15 0,05 33,07 99,48

0,01 0,06 0,00 53,77 0,72 0,03 0,00 0,02 44,51 99,84
0,00 0,01 0,00 0,00 45,74 0,00 0,00 0,01 53,95 100,00
130 Appendix A

Sample Beach location Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E) SiO2 Al2O3

(Wt.%) (Wt.%)
PO09DB01 Peniche N39°21' W009°21' 89,10 1,28
GR08DB01 Acharavi, Korfu N39°47'54" E019°49'01" 53,84 2,07
GR09DB02 Sporades, Alonissos, Chrissi Milia N39°09'46" E023°53'52" 17,30 0,64
GR09DB03 Maronia, Trakia, jun 2005 N40°53'03" E025°29'45" 57,56 14,86
GR13DB04 Sporades, Skyros, Magazia N38°54'46" E024°34'18"
TU08DB01 Bodrum, Gümbet N37°01'52.54" E027°24'17.62" 79,94 7,74
CY09DB01 Xeros, Lefka, jun 2005 N35°08'34" E032°50'19" 51,70 7,76
TN09DB01 Tunisia 88,51 0,24
TN10DB02 Douz, 2002
LI09DB01 Great Sand Sea 96,39 1,17
LI09DB02 Erg Murzuq N25°54' E13°54' 98,06 1,18
LI09DB03 Erg Awbari N26°35' E12°45' 98,27 1,14
LI09DB04 Takharkhuri, Fezzan, feb 2003 97,54 1,43
LI09DB05 Al Aweinat (Serdeles), Fezzan, feb 89,58 2,79
EG08DB01 Great Sand Sea 97,53 1,45
EG08DB02 Selina Sand Sheets 98,17 1,04
EG08DB03 Selina Sand Sheets 99,00 0,82
EG08DB04 Wadi Abdel Malek 98,49 0,59
EG08DB05 Alexandria 39,13 0,30
EG09DB06 Makadi Bay N26°59' E033°54' 64,07 9,65
EG09DB09 Mount Sinai, jul 1987 N28°32' E033°58' 72,24 13,78
EG09DB10 Saqqara, near pyramids, mar 2000 N29°52' E031°13' 84,91 2,62
EG09DB11 Saqqara, near pyramids, apr 2006 N29°52' E031°13' 90,62 1,62
EG09DB12 Giza, Cairo, near pyramids, apr N29°58' E031°07' 58,02 2,59
EG09DB13 Aswan, Nile banks, apr 2006 N24°04' E032°51' 95,83 1,28
EG10DB14 Great Sand Sea between Ain Della N27°13' E027°28' 93,83 0,50
and Farafra
EG10DB15 Abu Ballas N24°26' E027°38' 95,45 1,04
EG10DB16 Water Mountain N25°23' E028°17' 94,52 0,32
EG10DB17 El Gouna N27°23' E033°40'
EG13DB18 Amarna N27°38'50" E030°54'53"
IS08DB01 River Belus, Israel, Levant (Brill N32°54'32" E35°04'53"
674; Degryse and Schneider, 2008)
IS08DB02 River Belus, Israel, Levant (Brill N32°54'32" E35°04'53"
679; Degryse and Schneider, 2008)
IS08DB03 River Belus, Israel, Levant (Brill N32°54'17" E35°04'52"
681; Degryse and Schneider, 2008)
IS09DB04 Akko, beach, aug 1979 N32°54'46" E35°04'52" 2,61 0,43
IS09DB05 Haifa, beach, aug 1979 N32°47'09" E34°57'17" 3,34 0,33
IS09DB06 Masada, below the fortress, jul 1987 N31°19'05" E35°21'18" 10,76 1,80
IS09DB07 Red Sea, near Eilat, jul 1987 N29°32'53" E34°57'49" 63,81 12,72
IS09DB08 Dead Sea, near Ein Gedi, jul 1987 N31°27'27" E35°23'57" 81,12 1,16
Appendix A 131

Fe2O3(t) MgO MnO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 LOI Total
(Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%)
0,22 0,07 0,01 2,64 0,20 0,67 0,04 0,02 2,55 96,80
1,76 1,45 0,11 21,78 0,40 0,34 0,83 0,04 16,34 98,97
0,55 0,78 0,06 43,68 0,17 0,09 0,05 0,02 35,33 98,66
3,11 1,52 0,05 9,05 2,66 5,25 0,40 0,17 5,48 100,10

1,19 0,67 0,02 2,94 1,87 2,83 0,15 0,05 3,30 100,72
6,00 11,07 0,13 10,00 1,26 0,87 0,47 0,06 11,15 100,47
0,26 0,12 0,01 6,66 0,04 0,06 0,04 0,01 5,29 101,24

0,29 0,07 0,01 0,35 0,16 0,41 0,12 0,01 0,60 99,59
0,30 0,01 0,00 0,05 0,04 0,08 0,09 0,01 0,61 100,42
0,34 0,04 0,00 0,03 0,05 0,17 0,07 0,01 0,76 100,89
0,46 0,04 0,01 0,10 0,05 0,19 0,08 0,01 0,83 100,75
1,17 0,41 0,03 2,01 0,54 0,40 0,15 0,03 3,41 100,52

0,19 0,03 0,01 0,06 0,16 0,54 0,09 0,01 0,40 100,46
0,21 0,02 0,00 0,05 0,10 0,29 0,06 0,01 0,41 100,36
0,20 0,00 0,00 0,06 0,05 0,17 0,04 0,12 0,36 100,83
0,51 0,01 0,00 0,03 0,03 0,04 0,08 0,01 0,52 100,32
0,33 2,25 0,03 30,99 0,35 0,09 0,03 0,09 27,48 101,08
8,24 0,95 0,12 5,85 3,33 2,81 1,48 0,10 5,29 101,89
1,70 0,40 0,05 1,42 3,87 4,57 0,24 0,04 2,43 100,75
0,84 0,28 0,02 5,23 0,49 0,62 0,23 0,06 5,04 100,34
0,55 0,14 0,01 2,63 0,23 0,40 0,15 0,06 2,51 98,92
1,39 0,59 0,04 18,84 0,60 0,63 0,28 0,11 16,04 99,12

0,29 0,06 0,01 1,24 0,10 0,29 0,10 0,01 1,19 100,40
0,34 0,09 0,00 0,92 0,05 0,11 0,04 0,02 1,04 96,94

0,31 0,05 0,01 0,25 0,04 0,11 0,12 0,03 0,68 98,08
0,56 0,07 0,01 1,31 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,74 0,64 98,27

0,70 3,39 0,05 48,77 0,39 0,06 0,04 0,07 42,54 99,05
0,36 3,17 0,04 49,31 0,57 0,06 0,03 0,04 43,06 100,32
0,97 5,90 0,02 36,41 1,69 0,50 0,17 0,39 38,17 96,78
2,67 1,25 0,04 7,06 3,64 3,72 0,50 0,10 5,46 100,98
0,17 2,36 0,01 6,17 0,09 0,36 0,08 0,13 7,27 98,91
132 Appendix A

Sample Beach location Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E) SiO2 Al2O3

(Wt.%) (Wt.%)
IS13DB09 Tel Dor N32°36'52" E034°55'03"
IS13DB10 Tel Dor N32°36'58" E034°54'58"
IS13DB12 Shikmona beach, west of Tel N32°49'32" E034°57'19"
IS13DB13 Nitsanim beach, between Ashdod N31°44'37" E034°35'57"
and Ashkelon
OM10DB01 Saih Rawl (oilwell #29) N21°20' E056°40' 64,78 4,07
BE08DB01 Bastion, Antwerpen, Belgium
NE08DB01 Hulst 92,23 3,52
UK08DB01 Grandcourt Farm, Kings Lynn 93,72 1,21
Quarry, Norfolk
UK08DB02 Wicken South, Kings Lynn Quarry, 94,60 1,58
Appendix A 133

Fe2O3(t) MgO MnO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 LOI Total
(Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%)

1,65 2,25 0,04 12,10 0,88 1,17 0,21 0,03 10,81 98,01

0,50 0,14 0,01 0,31 0,72 1,24 0,12 0,05 0,86 99,70
0,56 0,03 0,00 0,03 0,05 0,69 0,03 0,02 0,73 97,07

0,63 0,04 0,00 0,06 0,05 0,65 0,03 0,03 0,65 98,33
134 Appendix A

Sample As Ba Co Cr Cu La Nd Ni
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
SP10DB46 bdl. 134,5 5,0 428,3 24,9 bdl. 19,9 74,7
SP10DB45 44,9 79,8 5,0 423,7 19,9 bdl. 10,0 94,7
SP10DB44 bdl. 49,8 5,0 298,5 10,0 bdl. 14,9 59,7
SP10DB43 35,0 105,1 5,0 160,2 10,0 bdl. 10,0 50,1
SP10DB42 bdl. 74,6 10,0 228,9 19,9 bdl. bdl. 59,7
SP10DB41 34,8 49,7 5,0 89,4 29,8 bdl. bdl. 19,9
SP10DB40 bdl. 10,0 5,0 114,7 29,9 bdl. bdl. 44,9
SP10DB39 bdl. 14,9 5,0 114,5 14,9 bdl. bdl. 39,8
SP10DB38 25,0 20,0 5,0 234,5 5,0 bdl. bdl. 69,9
SP10DB37 bdl. 39,8 5,0 488,0 24,9 bdl. 5,0 99,6
SP10DB36 bdl. 119,9 10,0 944,1 10,0 15,0 5,0 154,8
SP10DB35 bdl. 155,0 15,0 1045,0 25,0 10,0 25,0 330,0
SP10DB34 bdl. 119,5 14,9 971,1 34,9 10,0 19,9 403,4
SP10DB33 bdl. 209,2 14,9 597,6 14,9 14,9 14,9 199,2
SP10DB32 bdl. 175,2 10,0 515,5 10,0 15,0 bdl. 165,2
SP10DB31 39,9 194,6 10,0 214,6 34,9 29,9 10,0 69,9
SP10DB30 bdl. 89,8 10,0 234,5 10,0 25,0 bdl. 39,9
SP10DB29 bdl. 153,9 5,0 223,4 9,9 9,9 24,8 79,4
SP10DB28 bdl. 109,5 5,0 358,2 24,9 10,0 bdl. 99,5
SP10DB27 bdl. 84,8 5,0 304,4 20,0 5,0 bdl. 104,8
SP10DB26 bdl. 100,0 5,0 255,0 5,0 5,0 bdl. 70,0
SP10DB25 bdl. 49,7 5,0 159,0 5,0 5,0 bdl. 44,7
SP10DB24 bdl. 125,1 20,0 225,2 5,0 20,0 bdl. 45,0
SP10DB23 bdl. 1564,1 9,9 168,8 24,8 14,9 9,9 49,7
SP10DB22 bdl. 114,9 5,0 354,6 10,0 5,0 30,0 104,9
SP10DB21 bdl. 407,6 9,9 213,7 24,9 14,9 9,9 64,6
SP10DB20 bdl. 79,7 5,0 268,9 5,0 bdl. 14,9 54,8
SP10DB19 bdl. 204,8 10,0 179,8 35,0 10,0 bdl. 54,9
SP10DB18 bdl. 45,0 bdl. 109,9 10,0 5,0 bdl. 30,0
SP08DB01 5,0 75,0 5,0 60,0 5,0 5,0 45,0 15,0
SP10DB17 bdl. 44,9 5,0 29,9 5,0 5,0 bdl. bdl.
SP10DB16 bdl. 94,6 5,0 89,6 5,0 bdl. bdl. 14,9
SP10DB15 bdl. 15,0 5,0 10,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. bdl.
SP10DB14 bdl. 25,0 5,0 39,9 5,0 5,0 bdl. bdl.
SP10DB13 bdl. 99,9 5,0 339,7 10,0 5,0 bdl. 84,9
SP10DB12 bdl. 24,9 5,0 84,7 5,0 bdl. bdl. 19,9
SP10DB11 bdl. 40,0 5,0 290,3 20,0 bdl. bdl. 65,1
SP10DB10 bdl. 74,8 5,0 204,4 19,9 5,0 bdl. 34,9
SP10DB09 bdl. 39,9 5,0 164,7 5,0 bdl. bdl. 39,9
SP10DB08 bdl. 54,6 5,0 292,9 19,9 bdl. bdl. 74,5
SP10DB07 bdl. 54,9 5,0 149,7 10,0 5,0 bdl. 25,0
Appendix A 135

Pb Rb Sb Sc Sn Sr V W Zn Zr
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

bdl. nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 79,7 19,9 bdl. 34,9 34,9
54,8 nd. bdl. nd. 10,0 89,7 10,0 bdl. 44,9 15,0
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 34,8 10,0 bdl. bdl. 19,9
30,0 nd. bdl. nd. 10,0 75,1 5,0 25,0 bdl. 10,0
49,8 nd. bdl. nd. 5,0 293,5 bdl. bdl. 10,0 19,9
69,5 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 764,6 bdl. 14,9 5,0 34,8
79,8 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 668,0 bdl. 10,0 bdl. 34,9
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. 5,0 667,3 bdl. 10,0 bdl. 10,0
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. 5,0 384,2 5,0 bdl. bdl. 20,0
29,9 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 84,7 5,0 bdl. 10,0 64,7
25,0 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 69,9 45,0 bdl. 74,9 69,9
55,0 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 195,0 50,0 20,0 40,0 55,0
59,8 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 214,1 34,9 bdl. 39,8 49,8
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 109,6 49,8 29,9 39,8 84,7
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. 5,0 130,1 50,1 10,0 30,0 80,1
124,8 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 114,8 69,9 29,9 119,8 159,7
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 119,8 54,9 10,0 374,3 129,7
79,4 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 104,3 34,8 19,9 34,8 109,2
54,7 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 74,6 34,8 24,9 94,5 149,3
54,9 nd. bdl. nd. 5,0 209,6 20,0 54,9 20,0 64,9
55,0 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 90,0 25,0 5,0 20,0 65,0
54,7 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 462,2 24,9 14,9 19,9 34,8
65,1 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 175,2 215,2 bdl. 60,1 45,0
292,9 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 253,2 29,8 19,9 109,2 89,4
104,9 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 99,9 15,0 15,0 25,0 69,9
357,9 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 139,2 34,8 24,9 99,4 89,5
24,9 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 29,9 14,9 10,0 14,9 54,8
1398,6 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 204,8 40,0 20,0 789,2 69,9
64,9 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 414,6 5,0 bdl. 20,0 20,0
bdl. 20,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 390,0 20,0 bdl. bdl. 45,0
19,9 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 204,4 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 5,0
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 278,9 bdl. bdl. bdl. 39,8
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. 5,0 1105,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 5,0
39,9 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 289,4 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 25,0
59,9 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 354,6 bdl. bdl. bdl. 20,0
39,9 nd. bdl. nd. 5,0 1311,1 bdl. bdl. bdl. 10,0
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 205,2 bdl. bdl. bdl. 15,0
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 184,4 bdl. bdl. bdl. 19,9
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 134,7 bdl. bdl. bdl. 39,9
59,6 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 173,8 bdl. bdl. 9,9 14,9
49,9 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 174,7 bdl. bdl. 5,0 29,9
136 Appendix A

Sample As Ba Co Cr Cu La Nd Ni
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
SP10DB06 bdl. 94,8 5,0 139,7 5,0 10,0 bdl. 20,0
SP08DB02 bdl. 100,0 10,0 35,0 bdl. 30,0 35,0 15,0
SP10DB05 bdl. 74,7 5,0 164,3 5,0 39,8 bdl. 29,9
SP10DB04 bdl. 54,9 5,0 279,7 5,0 bdl. bdl. 64,9
SP08FH05 15,0 79,8 5,0 179,6 5,0 29,9 15,0 44,9
SP08FH06 bdl. 134,2 5,0 188,9 5,0 5,0 19,9 44,7
SP08FH07 bdl. 104,2 5,0 173,6 5,0 24,8 14,9 39,7
SP08FH08 bdl. 438,7 5,0 294,1 5,0 10,0 10,0 64,8
SP10DB47 bdl. 263,9 5,0 114,5 54,8 5,0 10,0 14,9
SP08FH04 bdl. 427,0 5,0 302,9 9,9 5,0 9,9 79,4
SP08FH03 bdl. 504,0 5,0 359,3 10,0 39,9 49,9 84,8
SP08FH01 bdl. 422,9 5,0 447,8 10,0 5,0 24,9 104,5
SP08FH02 bdl. 471,2 5,0 312,5 9,9 5,0 19,8 69,4
SP08FH12 9,9 556,7 9,9 477,1 9,9 bdl. 19,9 119,3
SP08FH11 bdl. 521,9 5,0 447,3 9,9 bdl. 19,9 104,4
SP08FH10 bdl. 586,5 5,0 328,0 5,0 bdl. 19,9 74,6
SP08FH09 bdl. 462,7 5,0 318,4 5,0 124,4 84,6 69,7
SP09DB03 30,0 595,0 5,0 75,0 30,0 25,0 20,0 35,0
FR09DB02 bdl. 50,0 10,0 10,0 bdl. bdl. 30,0 10,0
FR09DB03 5,0 485,0 5,0 25,0 10,0 5,0 20,0 15,0
FR09DB04 bdl. 460,0 10,0 20,0 5,0 bdl. 20,0 10,0
FR09DB05 15,0 225,0 10,0 25,0 5,0 15,0 30,0 10,0
FR09DB06 bdl. 375,0 5,0 145,0 5,0 5,0 25,0 50,0
FR09DB07 20,0 375,0 10,0 50,0 10,0 10,0 25,0 15,0
FR09DB08 45,0 225,0 5,0 35,0 5,0 5,0 30,0 15,0
FR09DB09 10,0 250,0 10,0 20,0 bdl. bdl. 40,0 10,0
FR09DB10 20,0 265,0 10,0 25,0 5,0 5,0 25,0 10,0
FR09DB11 20,0 175,0 20,0 150,0 bdl. 110,0 65,0 60,0
FR09DB12 bdl. 35,0 10,0 10,0 bdl. bdl. 40,0 10,0
FR09DB13 bdl. 350,0 5,0 10,0 bdl. bdl. 20,0 10,0
FR09DB14 bdl. 75,0 5,0 5,0 bdl. bdl. 45,0 bdl.
FR09DB16 bdl. 175,0 10,0 15,0 10,0 bdl. 20,0 10,0
FR09DB17 15,0 175,0 5,0 25,0 bdl. bdl. 20,0 5,0
FR09DB18 bdl. 355,0 10,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 25,0 bdl.
FR09DB19 40,0 385,0 10,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 25,0 5,0
FR09DB20 bdl. 235,0 10,0 20,0 5,0 15,0 40,0 5,0
FR09DB01 bdl. 285,0 10,0 20,0 5,0 bdl. 35,0 15,0
IT09DB12 bdl. 100,0 10,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 30,0 5,0
IT09DB13 20,0 150,0 10,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 25,0 bdl.
IT09DB14 bdl. 300,0 10,0 175,0 10,0 10,0 20,0 35,0
IT09DB15 bdl. 190,0 10,0 545,0 10,0 5,0 20,0 130,0
IT09DB16a bdl. 135,0 50,0 1835,0 45,0 20,0 25,0 565,0
Appendix A 137

Pb Rb Sb Sc Sn Sr V W Zn Zr
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 229,5 5,0 bdl. 5,0 49,9
bdl. 20,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 225,0 25,0 bdl. bdl. 165,0
49,8 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 214,1 24,9 bdl. 19,9 174,3
40,0 nd. 10,0 nd. bdl. 279,7 bdl. bdl. bdl. 20,0
15,0 5,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 354,3 34,9 bdl. 25,0 49,9
bdl. 39,8 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 233,6 14,9 bdl. bdl. 49,7
bdl. 19,8 5,0 5,0 bdl. 292,7 24,8 bdl. bdl. 79,4
10,0 74,8 5,0 5,0 5,0 149,6 19,9 bdl. bdl. 54,8
84,7 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 144,4 5,0 bdl. 10,0 14,9
14,9 64,5 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 153,9 9,9 bdl. 19,9 59,6
bdl. 89,8 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 159,7 5,0 bdl. bdl. 39,9
10,0 69,7 10,0 5,0 bdl. 109,5 bdl. bdl. bdl. 44,8
bdl. 89,3 5,0 5,0 bdl. 94,2 bdl. bdl. 9,9 44,6
19,9 94,4 5,0 bdl. bdl. 69,6 9,9 bdl. bdl. 54,7
9,9 79,5 9,9 bdl. bdl. 69,6 bdl. bdl. bdl. 44,7
bdl. 114,3 9,9 bdl. bdl. 99,4 bdl. bdl. bdl. 44,7
bdl. 74,6 5,0 5,0 bdl. 104,5 14,9 bdl. bdl. 49,8
15,0 100,0 10,0 10,0 bdl. 125,0 95,0 bdl. 100,0 150,0

bdl. bdl. bdl. bdl. bdl. 360,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 25,0
bdl. 130,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 80,0 25,0 bdl. bdl. 80,0
20,0 115,0 5,0 5,0 bdl. 85,0 20,0 bdl. bdl. 65,0
bdl. 55,0 25,0 5,0 bdl. 365,0 20,0 bdl. bdl. 55,0
135,0 100,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 180,0 25,0 bdl. bdl. 60,0
30,0 110,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 200,0 30,0 bdl. bdl. 55,0
bdl. 50,0 5,0 5,0 bdl. 335,0 15,0 bdl. bdl. 85,0
bdl. 55,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 575,0 10,0 bdl. bdl. 35,0
bdl. 55,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 215,0 15,0 bdl. bdl. 80,0
25,0 50,0 15,0 15,0 bdl. 340,0 70,0 bdl. 35,0 320,0
bdl. 15,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 880,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 15,0
bdl. 35,0 10,0 bdl. bdl. 70,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 35,0
15,0 10,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 215,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 10,0
105,0 40,0 10,0 5,0 5,0 50,0 15,0 bdl. 155,0 80,0
bdl. 35,0 5,0 5,0 bdl. 135,0 25,0 bdl. 5,0 100,0
bdl. 85,0 bdl. 5,0 10,0 145,0 5,0 bdl. bdl. 50,0
40,0 65,0 5,0 5,0 bdl. 105,0 5,0 bdl. bdl. 65,0
20,0 50,0 20,0 5,0 bdl. 400,0 15,0 bdl. bdl. 50,0
bdl. 80,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 355,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 55,0

bdl. 20,0 5,0 5,0 bdl. 550,0 5,0 bdl. bdl. 55,0
55,0 30,0 25,0 5,0 10,0 75,0 10,0 bdl. bdl. 40,0
40,0 50,0 bdl. 10,0 bdl. 100,0 55,0 bdl. bdl. 175,0
10,0 25,0 10,0 10,0 bdl. 100,0 50,0 bdl. bdl. 60,0
95,0 20,0 bdl. 15,0 15,0 125,0 125,0 10,0 145,0 90,0
138 Appendix A

Sample As Ba Co Cr Cu La Nd Ni
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
IT09DB16b bdl. 110,0 40,0 1790,0 25,0 15,0 25,0 730,0
IT09DB17 bdl. 125,0 30,0 720,0 250,0 10,0 25,0 510,0
IT09DB18 bdl. 75,0 35,0 1790,0 20,0 10,0 20,0 605,0
IT09DB19 bdl. 315,0 5,0 190,0 10,0 10,0 25,0 125,0
IT09DB09 bdl. 265,0 10,0 290,0 5,0 15,0 30,0 30,0
IT10DB30 15,0 294,7 5,0 269,7 bdl. bdl. 20,0 79,9
IT10DB31 bdl. 274,2 5,0 353,9 5,0 5,0 15,0 89,7
IT10DB32 25,0 25,0 10,0 738,5 bdl. bdl. 15,0 239,5
IT10DB33 bdl. 69,9 25,0 1108,9 15,0 bdl. 15,0 454,5
IT08DB05 bdl. 260,0 10,0 125,0 10,0 10,0 20,0 40,0
IT10DB34 bdl. 129,5 5,0 293,8 bdl. bdl. 14,9 59,8
IT08DB01 20,0 140,0 10,0 315,0 bdl. 5,0 25,0 10,0
IT10DB35 bdl. 134,7 10,0 479,0 bdl. 5,0 15,0 64,9
IT10DB36 14,9 133,9 9,9 257,9 bdl. 5,0 14,9 69,4
IT10DB37 10,0 154,4 5,0 149,4 5,0 5,0 14,9 69,7
IT10DB38 34,9 748,5 5,0 144,7 bdl. 44,9 29,9 49,9
IT10DB39 bdl. 1253,7 10,0 274,7 bdl. 50,0 35,0 74,9
IT10DB40 bdl. 1003,0 19,9 263,2 bdl. 34,8 34,8 59,6
IT10DB41 9,9 312,8 34,8 337,6 bdl. 69,5 69,5 79,4
IT10DB42 bdl. 189,1 34,8 527,4 bdl. 39,8 54,7 129,4
IT08DB06 bdl. 190,0 30,0 405,0 bdl. 70,0 70,0 70,0
IT10DB43 bdl. 294,1 5,0 224,3 bdl. 15,0 15,0 49,9
IT10DB44 15,0 209,4 5,0 189,4 bdl. bdl. 15,0 39,9
IT09DB22 nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd.
IT10DB45 bdl. 379,2 10,0 159,7 bdl. 44,9 25,0 25,0
IT09DB23 10,0 320,0 5,0 100,0 bdl. 30,0 40,0 20,0
IT09DB21 nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd.
IT09DB25 20,0 500,0 5,0 75,0 5,0 15,0 30,0 15,0
IT09DB26 20,0 435,0 5,0 55,0 5,0 20,0 35,0 5,0
IT09DB27 10,0 535,0 5,0 30,0 5,0 10,0 30,0 15,0
IT09DB20 nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd.
IT09DB28 30,0 420,0 10,0 20,0 5,0 10,0 35,0 10,0
IT09DB24 25,0 575,0 5,0 25,0 5,0 25,0 30,0 10,0
IT08DB02 bdl. 650,0 15,0 145,0 20,0 20,0 45,0 40,0
IT10DB46 bdl. 119,6 10,0 124,6 bdl. bdl. 19,9 29,9
IT10DB47 bdl. 278,6 5,0 318,4 bdl. bdl. 19,9 79,6
IT10DB48 bdl. 69,8 5,0 119,6 10,0 5,0 15,0 54,8
IT10DB49 bdl. 19,9 5,0 109,5 bdl. bdl. 14,9 39,8
IT10DB50 bdl. 333,3 19,9 288,6 10,0 14,9 19,9 84,6
IT10DB51 bdl. 472,2 9,9 223,7 9,9 19,9 34,8 79,5
IT10DB52 bdl. 1255,0 5,0 373,5 bdl. 14,9 24,9 104,6
IT10DB53 9,9 764,6 5,0 153,9 bdl. 19,9 34,8 24,8
IT10DB54 bdl. 495,0 5,0 320,0 5,0 bdl. 20,0 80,0
IT10DB55 5,0 587,6 5,0 139,4 bdl. 5,0 19,9 24,9
Appendix A 139

Pb Rb Sb Sc Sn Sr V W Zn Zr
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
35,0 25,0 bdl. 15,0 bdl. 95,0 80,0 bdl. 120,0 85,0
45,0 25,0 bdl. 15,0 bdl. 70,0 75,0 bdl. 145,0 60,0
25,0 20,0 bdl. 15,0 bdl. 145,0 75,0 10,0 55,0 40,0
15,0 65,0 bdl. 10,0 bdl. 275,0 35,0 bdl. 15,0 60,0
25,0 50,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 250,0 25,0 bdl. bdl. 100,0
10,0 129,9 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 204,8 20,0 bdl. 25,0 54,9
15,0 bdl. bdl. 5,0 bdl. 259,2 19,9 bdl. 19,9 49,9
bdl. bdl. 15,0 10,0 bdl. 718,6 34,9 bdl. 44,9 20,0
20,0 84,9 5,0 10,0 bdl. 264,7 50,0 bdl. 59,9 40,0
135,0 130,0 10,0 10,0 5,0 155,0 60,0 bdl. 10,0 75,0
14,9 bdl. 10,0 5,0 bdl. 224,1 5,0 bdl. 24,9 29,9
5,0 25,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 60,0 20,0 bdl. 0,0 55,0
20,0 bdl. 10,0 10,0 bdl. 374,3 29,9 bdl. 39,9 69,9
19,8 19,8 9,9 9,9 bdl. 391,9 24,8 bdl. 44,6 49,6
19,9 bdl. 5,0 10,0 bdl. 453,2 29,9 bdl. 49,8 39,8
39,9 194,6 10,0 10,0 5,0 863,3 39,9 bdl. 69,9 84,8
59,9 254,7 15,0 20,0 5,0 1188,8 94,9 bdl. 45,0 159,8
34,8 193,6 14,9 34,8 5,0 993,0 109,2 bdl. 34,8 153,9
14,9 99,3 9,9 49,7 bdl. 397,2 258,2 bdl. 54,6 278,1
19,9 bdl. 5,0 54,7 bdl. 417,9 213,9 bdl. 44,8 273,6
bdl. 25,0 bdl. 45,0 bdl. 405,0 250,0 bdl. 45,0 335,0
24,9 bdl. 15,0 10,0 bdl. 373,9 39,9 bdl. 19,9 104,7
15,0 114,7 5,0 5,0 bdl. 478,6 10,0 bdl. bdl. 29,9
nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd.
25,0 bdl. bdl. 20,0 bdl. 429,1 94,8 bdl. 25,0 124,8
5,0 40,0 15,0 15,0 bdl. 380,0 75,0 bdl. bdl. 125,0
nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd.
bdl. 75,0 25,0 15,0 5,0 340,0 55,0 bdl. bdl. 75,0
bdl. 75,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 335,0 65,0 bdl. 10,0 205,0
15,0 105,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 390,0 30,0 bdl. bdl. 75,0
nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd. nd.
20,0 65,0 35,0 5,0 bdl. 385,0 20,0 bdl. bdl. 50,0
30,0 130,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 470,0 30,0 bdl. bdl. 90,0
40,0 85,0 bdl. 25,0 bdl. 515,0 125,0 bdl. bdl. 110,0
24,9 bdl. 15,0 15,0 bdl. 229,3 44,9 bdl. 24,9 59,8
19,9 124,4 10,0 5,0 bdl. 139,3 19,9 bdl. 24,9 49,8
15,0 bdl. 5,0 5,0 5,0 229,3 24,9 bdl. 54,8 89,7
bdl. bdl. bdl. 5,0 bdl. 154,2 14,9 bdl. 10,0 24,9
24,9 bdl. 5,0 19,9 bdl. 223,9 114,4 bdl. 64,7 139,3
9,9 149,1 9,9 9,9 bdl. 119,3 74,6 bdl. 59,6 109,3
29,9 119,5 10,0 5,0 bdl. 234,1 10,0 bdl. bdl. 94,6
14,9 134,1 9,9 5,0 bdl. 178,7 14,9 bdl. 9,9 94,3
20,0 140,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 170,0 20,0 bdl. 5,0 60,0
29,9 149,4 10,0 5,0 bdl. 154,4 19,9 bdl. 5,0 49,8
140 Appendix A

Sample As Ba Co Cr Cu La Nd Ni
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
IT10DB56 10,0 384,2 5,0 394,2 5,0 5,0 15,0 109,8
IT10DB57 bdl. 164,3 5,0 259,0 5,0 5,0 10,0 89,6
IT10DB58 14,9 333,0 9,9 233,6 9,9 14,9 9,9 74,6
IT10DB59 5,0 34,9 5,0 283,9 bdl. bdl. 10,0 74,7
IT10DB60 15,0 45,0 5,0 290,0 5,0 bdl. 20,0 30,0
IT10DB61 bdl. 10,0 5,0 89,6 bdl. bdl. bdl. 34,9
IT10DB62 bdl. 69,9 5,0 314,4 bdl. bdl. 15,0 64,9
IT10DB63 10,0 59,8 5,0 383,8 5,0 bdl. 10,0 74,8
IT10DB64 14,9 59,6 5,0 139,0 bdl. bdl. 9,9 44,7
IT10DB65 bdl. 19,9 5,0 194,4 5,0 bdl. 10,0 54,8
IT10DB66 15,0 164,5 5,0 149,6 bdl. bdl. 10,0 34,9
IT08DB08 bdl. 270,0 10,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 35,0 0,0
IT10DB67 bdl. 175,0 5,0 180,0 bdl. bdl. 10,0 50,0
IT10DB68 10,0 139,7 5,0 119,8 bdl. bdl. 10,0 29,9
IT10DB69 bdl. 124,1 5,0 307,8 bdl. bdl. 9,9 79,4
IT10DB70 9,9 19,9 5,0 24,8 bdl. bdl. 19,9 5,0
IT10DB71 bdl. 869,8 9,9 313,1 5,0 5,0 19,9 79,5
IT10DB72 19,9 333,7 10,0 293,8 14,9 19,9 19,9 94,6
IT10DB73 19,9 392,6 9,9 164,0 9,9 24,9 29,8 59,6
IT10DB74 bdl. 446,9 5,0 268,1 9,9 14,9 19,9 84,4
IT10DB75 bdl. 435,0 5,0 270,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 80,0
IT10DB76 bdl. 434,1 10,0 259,5 5,0 20,0 25,0 84,8
IT10DB77 bdl. 610,0 5,0 245,0 10,0 5,0 15,0 70,0
IT10DB78 9,9 591,5 5,0 218,7 bdl. 9,9 24,9 59,6
IT10DB79 10,0 640,0 5,0 355,0 10,0 20,0 25,0 85,0
IT10DB80 bdl. 805,0 5,0 290,0 5,0 40,0 40,0 70,0
IT10DB81 bdl. 657,4 5,0 333,7 10,0 19,9 24,9 74,7
IT10DB82 bdl. 419,6 5,0 239,8 10,0 10,0 20,0 74,9
IT10DB83 bdl. 473,6 10,0 254,2 10,0 19,9 19,9 59,8
IT10DB84 bdl. 84,6 5,0 457,7 10,0 5,0 10,0 154,2
IT10DB85 bdl. 154,2 5,0 417,9 5,0 5,0 10,0 99,5
IT09DB11 bdl. 240,0 10,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 30,0 10,0
IT10DB86 bdl. 19,8 5,0 44,6 5,0 5,0 9,9 14,9
IT10DB87 bdl. 265,0 5,0 250,0 5,0 20,0 20,0 60,0
IT10DB88 10,0 69,9 5,0 64,9 5,0 10,0 20,0 5,0
IT10DB89 15,0 354,6 5,0 314,7 10,0 25,0 20,0 84,9
IT10DB90 14,9 503,0 5,0 209,2 5,0 5,0 10,0 49,8
IT08DB07 5,0 275,0 10,0 20,0 5,0 bdl. 40,0 bdl.
IT10DB91 bdl. 283,3 5,0 238,6 5,0 5,0 14,9 59,6
IT10DB92 bdl. 239,5 5,0 189,6 5,0 5,0 15,0 44,9
IT10DB93 5,0 215,0 5,0 195,0 5,0 5,0 15,0 45,0
IT08DB04 bdl. 230,0 10,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 35,0 bdl.
IT10DB94 bdl. 189,8 5,0 249,8 10,0 5,0 25,0 59,9
IT10DB95 bdl. 254,5 5,0 154,7 10,0 bdl. 15,0 34,9
Appendix A 141

Pb Rb Sb Sc Sn Sr V W Zn Zr
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
25,0 159,7 10,0 5,0 10,0 94,8 29,9 bdl. 29,9 79,8
14,9 124,5 10,0 5,0 bdl. 164,3 24,9 bdl. 44,8 209,2
19,9 bdl. bdl. 5,0 9,9 139,2 49,7 bdl. 54,7 188,9
10,0 34,9 10,0 5,0 10,0 174,3 5,0 bdl. 5,0 49,8
50,0 15,0 bdl. bdl. 20,0 215,0 5,0 bdl. 15,0 25,0
10,0 14,9 19,9 bdl. 10,0 1145,4 bdl. bdl. bdl. 24,9
10,0 bdl. 10,0 bdl. 10,0 69,9 5,0 bdl. bdl. 189,6
19,9 34,9 10,0 bdl. bdl. 99,7 5,0 bdl. bdl. 99,7
9,9 bdl. bdl. 5,0 5,0 451,8 5,0 bdl. bdl. 19,9
bdl. 114,7 5,0 bdl. bdl. 169,5 bdl. bdl. 5,0 10,0
24,9 bdl. 10,0 5,0 15,0 413,8 bdl. bdl. 5,0 29,9
20,0 bdl. bdl. 5,0 bdl. 390,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 25,0
20,0 110,0 10,0 5,0 5,0 320,0 5,0 bdl. 10,0 35,0
5,0 bdl. bdl. 5,0 5,0 294,4 bdl. bdl. 5,0 49,9
14,9 bdl. bdl. 5,0 9,9 367,4 19,9 bdl. 9,9 34,8
bdl. bdl. 9,9 5,0 5,0 1325,7 bdl. bdl. bdl. 9,9
9,9 19,9 9,9 9,9 bdl. 223,7 39,8 bdl. 29,8 59,6
10,0 169,3 10,0 10,0 bdl. 94,6 59,8 bdl. 84,7 119,5
24,9 164,0 14,9 9,9 5,0 218,7 84,5 bdl. 59,6 159,0
29,8 173,8 9,9 14,9 9,9 129,1 44,7 5,0 44,7 119,2
25,0 160,0 bdl. 10,0 10,0 195,0 45,0 bdl. 30,0 105,0
20,0 174,7 10,0 10,0 10,0 139,7 64,9 bdl. 39,9 104,8
20,0 185,0 10,0 5,0 5,0 130,0 25,0 bdl. 30,0 70,0
19,9 169,0 9,9 5,0 9,9 119,3 19,9 bdl. 14,9 64,6
15,0 90,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 220,0 25,0 bdl. 25,0 85,0
bdl. 100,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 170,0 5,0 bdl. 10,0 80,0
bdl. 104,6 10,0 5,0 bdl. 134,5 24,9 bdl. 24,9 79,7
25,0 89,9 10,0 5,0 bdl. 89,9 40,0 bdl. 50,0 99,9
bdl. 74,8 10,0 10,0 bdl. 204,4 44,9 bdl. 44,9 119,6
bdl. 19,9 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 194,0 14,9 bdl. 29,9 44,8
bdl. 39,8 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 179,1 5,0 bdl. 10,0 44,8
bdl. 40,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 205,0 5,0 5,0 bdl. 35,0
14,9 9,9 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 2123,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 19,8
bdl. 35,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 335,0 10,0 bdl. bdl. 60,0
bdl. 10,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 1458,5 bdl. bdl. 5,0 40,0
10,0 50,0 10,0 15,0 bdl. 364,6 50,0 bdl. 20,0 104,9
bdl. 84,7 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 353,6 5,0 bdl. 10,0 44,8
20,0 60,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 425,0 5,0 bdl. 0,0 30,0
bdl. 59,6 9,9 5,0 bdl. 238,6 bdl. bdl. 9,9 29,8
bdl. 49,9 15,0 5,0 bdl. 289,4 5,0 bdl. 10,0 29,9
bdl. 35,0 20,0 5,0 bdl. 390,0 bdl. bdl. 10,0 35,0
bdl. 35,0 5,0 5,0 bdl. 200,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 75,0
35,0 40,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 179,8 bdl. 5,0 5,0 30,0
bdl. 64,9 10,0 5,0 bdl. 379,2 bdl. bdl. 10,0 25,0
142 Appendix A

Sample As Ba Co Cr Cu La Nd Ni
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
IT10DB96 9,9 457,3 5,0 178,9 5,0 9,9 14,9 39,8
IT10DB97 bdl. 244,8 5,0 254,7 5,0 20,0 15,0 59,9
IT08DB03 bdl. 375,0 10,0 65,0 5,0 15,0 40,0 15,0
IT10DB98 5,0 352,5 5,0 238,3 5,0 9,9 19,9 59,6
IT09DB10 bdl. 355,0 10,0 75,0 5,0 10,0 30,0 15,0
IT10DB99 bdl. 285,0 5,0 310,0 5,0 5,0 15,0 95,0
IT10DB100 10,0 264,5 5,0 289,4 5,0 15,0 15,0 99,8
IT10DB101 bdl. 239,3 5,0 378,9 10,0 24,9 15,0 109,7
IT10DB102 bdl. 224,8 5,0 149,9 5,0 30,0 15,0 40,0
IT10DB103 bdl. 20,0 5,0 29,9 bdl. 5,0 15,0 5,0
IT10DB104 bdl. 24,8 5,0 39,7 5,0 bdl. 19,8 9,9
IT09DB29 20,0 90,0 5,0 30,0 bdl. bdl. 40,0 5,0
Shell bdl. 5,0 10,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. bdl. bdl.
Na2CO3 10,0 bdl. 10,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. bdl. 5,0
PO09DB01 bdl. 95,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. bdl. 15,0 bdl.
GR08DB01 bdl. 95,0 10,0 3555,0 bdl. 5,0 40,0 20,0
GR09DB02 5,0 30,0 5,0 30,0 5,0 bdl. 40,0 5,0
GR09DB03 10,0 1625,0 5,0 40,0 65,0 55,0 30,0 20,0
TU08DB01 5,0 375,0 5,0 25,0 5,0 bdl. 20,0 10,0
CY09DB01 5,0 110,0 35,0 1580,0 30,0 10,0 25,0 535,0
TN09DB01 5,0 30,0 10,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 30,0 bdl.
LI09DB01 bdl. 100,0 5,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 20,0 bdl.
LI09DB02 bdl. 45,0 5,0 10,0 bdl. bdl. 20,0 bdl.
LI09DB03 20,0 60,0 5,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 20,0 10,0
LI09DB04 bdl. 55,0 5,0 10,0 5,0 5,0 20,0 bdl.
LI09DB05 25,0 120,0 5,0 15,0 5,0 5,0 25,0 5,0
EG08DB01 bdl. 110,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 bdl. 25,0 bdl.
EG08DB02 bdl. 65,0 5,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 20,0 bdl.
EG08DB03 bdl. 45,0 10,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 25,0 bdl.
EG08DB04 bdl. 40,0 10,0 15,0 bdl. bdl. 25,0 5,0
EG08DB05 bdl. 20,0 5,0 10,0 10,0 bdl. 45,0 bdl.
EG09DB06 bdl. 540,0 15,0 50,0 bdl. 45,0 45,0 15,0
EG09DB09 bdl. 145,0 5,0 20,0 5,0 10,0 25,0 5,0
EG09DB10 bdl. 155,0 10,0 25,0 10,0 bdl. 25,0 bdl.
EG09DB11 15,0 110,0 10,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 25,0 10,0
EG09DB12 bdl. 275,0 5,0 35,0 10,0 bdl. 40,0 10,0
EG09DB13 15,0 95,0 5,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 20,0 5,0
EG10DB14 bdl. 34,8 9,9 248,5 5,0 bdl. 9,9 64,6
EG10DB15 bdl. 39,9 5,0 144,6 34,9 5,0 15,0 34,9
EG10DB16 bdl. 25,0 5,0 170,0 15,0 5,0 15,0 25,0
IS09DB04 bdl. 10,0 5,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 40,0 10,0
IS09DB05 10,0 20,0 5,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 45,0 5,0
IS09DB06 bdl. 1085,0 5,0 55,0 10,0 bdl. 50,0 20,0
IS09DB07 bdl. 800,0 5,0 35,0 10,0 25,0 25,0 10,0
Appendix A 143

Pb Rb Sb Sc Sn Sr V W Zn Zr
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
bdl. 9,9 9,9 5,0 bdl. 591,5 bdl. bdl. 19,9 59,6
bdl. 30,0 bdl. 10,0 bdl. 399,6 25,0 bdl. 30,0 94,9
bdl. 45,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 520,0 20,0 bdl. bdl. 75,0
bdl. 54,6 14,9 5,0 bdl. 297,9 14,9 bdl. 19,9 74,5
bdl. 55,0 bdl. 5,0 10,0 315,0 20,0 bdl. bdl. 95,0
25,0 55,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 315,0 15,0 5,0 20,0 50,0
10,0 64,9 15,0 10,0 bdl. 264,5 34,9 bdl. 44,9 74,9
10,0 49,9 10,0 10,0 bdl. 264,2 39,9 bdl. 44,9 94,7
bdl. 45,0 5,0 10,0 bdl. 159,8 45,0 bdl. 74,9 104,9
bdl. bdl. bdl. 5,0 5,0 154,7 15,0 bdl. bdl. 20,0
bdl. bdl. 9,9 5,0 bdl. 178,6 14,9 bdl. bdl. 19,8
bdl. 15,0 25,0 5,0 bdl. 1285,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 25,0
bdl. nd. bdl. bdl. bdl. 1568,4 bdl. bdl. bdl. 10,0
10,0 nd. bdl. bdl. bdl. bd. bdl. bdl. bdl. bdl.
bdl. 25,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 90,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 30,0
bdl. bdl. 20,0 5,0 bdl. 255,0 40,0 bdl. bdl. 375,0
bdl. bdl. 20,0 5,0 bdl. 310,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 15,0
35,0 125,0 20,0 10,0 bdl. 760,0 65,0 bdl. bdl. 250,0
20,0 95,0 bdl. 5,0 5,0 200,0 15,0 bdl. bdl. 60,0
bdl. 15,0 15,0 20,0 bdl. 160,0 100,0 bdl. 30,0 75,0
bdl. bdl. 20,0 5,0 5,0 150,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 25,0
bdl. 10,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 25,0 5,0 bdl. bdl. 285,0
bdl. 5,0 20,0 5,0 bdl. 20,0 5,0 bdl. bdl. 90,0
bdl. 10,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 20,0 5,0 bdl. bdl. 130,0
bdl. bdl. 40,0 5,0 bdl. 30,0 5,0 bdl. bdl. 65,0
bdl. 20,0 20,0 5,0 10,0 85,0 20,0 bdl. bdl. 105,0
bdl. 20,0 20,0 5,0 5,0 25,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 165,0
bdl. 15,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 15,0 bdl. 10,0 bdl. 40,0
5,0 bdl. 5,0 5,0 bdl. 15,0 bdl. bdl. 130,0 35,0
10,0 bdl. 10,0 5,0 bdl. 15,0 5,0 5,0 bdl. 55,0
bdl. bdl. bdl. 5,0 bdl. 1840,0 bdl. bdl. 65,0 20,0
15,0 65,0 15,0 5,0 bdl. 685,0 140,0 bdl. 40,0 370,0
75,0 350,0 30,0 5,0 bdl. 45,0 15,0 bdl. bdl. 180,0
10,0 10,0 bdl. 5,0 bdl. 275,0 15,0 bdl. bdl. 115,0
bdl. bdl. 25,0 5,0 bdl. 155,0 5,0 bdl. 10,0 65,0
15,0 bdl. 15,0 5,0 5,0 445,0 20,0 bdl. 5,0 170,0
bdl. 5,0 bdl. 5,0 5,0 40,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 160,0
14,9 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 44,7 bdl. bdl. bdl. 24,9
69,8 nd. bdl. nd. 5,0 19,9 5,0 bdl. bdl. 79,8
15,0 nd. bdl. nd. 5,0 50,0 5,0 bdl. bdl. 30,0
bdl. bdl. 15,0 5,0 10,0 3045,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 15,0
bdl. bdl. 10,0 5,0 5,0 2460,0 bdl. bdl. bdl. 10,0
bdl. 15,0 bdl. 5,0 10,0 545,0 35,0 bdl. 10,0 70,0
bdl. 105,0 15,0 5,0 5,0 480,0 40,0 bdl. 5,0 245,0
144 Appendix A

Sample As Ba Co Cr Cu La Nd Ni
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
IS09DB08 bdl. 160,0 10,0 10,0 5,0 bdl. 25,0 10,0
OM10DB01 bdl. 295,0 10,0 1195,0 45,0 bdl. bdl. 75,0
NE08DB01 bdl. 188,9 5,0 34,8 94,4 9,9 19,9 bdl.
UK08DB01 bdl. 149,7 5,0 189,6 20,0 5,0 29,9 34,9
UK08DB02 bdl. 134,6 5,0 383,8 15,0 5,0 24,9 79,8
Appendix A 145

Pb Rb Sb Sc Sn Sr V W Zn Zr
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
bdl. bdl. bdl. 5,0 10,0 230,0 5,0 10,0 bdl. 95,0
40,0 nd. bdl. nd. 5,0 385,0 25,0 bdl. 475,0 200,0
54,7 nd. bdl. nd. 5,0 49,7 bdl. bdl. 14,9 124,3
bdl. nd. bdl. nd. 15,0 15,0 15,0 bdl. 5,0 25,0
19,9 nd. bdl. nd. bdl. 19,9 15,0 bdl. bdl. 24,9
146 Appendix A

Sample Nd Cl TiO2 MnO Sc V Cr Co

(ppm) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
SP10DB46 9,2 0,15 0,31 0,05 3,90 32,9 22,6 4,52
SP10DB45 5,6 0,12 0,61 0,03 2,20 31,8 16,8 3,26
SP10DB43 5,6 0,34 0,16 0,01 1,17 12,8 8,2 1,54
SP10DB42 7,3
SP10DB37 5,8
SP10DB32 14,6
SP10DB28 nd.
SP10DB27 9,4
SP10DB22 9,1 0,11 0,27 0,05 4,30 31,2 19,1 4,53
SP10DB20 7,0 0,17 0,16 0,02 2,86 23,5 14,7 3,07
SP08DB01 nd.
SP10DB17 5,4
SP10DB14 nd.
SP10DB10 6,9
SP10DB09 5,5
SP10DB08 nd.
SP10DB07 12,1
SP10DB06 15,0
SP08DB02 7,0 0,01 0,10 0,09 2,37 12,9 124,9 2,32
SP10DB05 6,6 0,01 0,34 0,02 2,24 24,9 277,0 1,81
SP08FH08 nd.
SP08FH01 nd.
SP08FH12 11,1
SP08FH11 25,2
SP08FH09 39,1
SP09DB03 296,3
SP10DB48 59,5
FR09DB02 59,5
FR09DB05 nd.
FR09DB07 nd.
FR09DB10 nd.
FR09DB12 nd.
FR09DB17 nd.
FR09DB20 7,3
IT09DB12 nd.
IT09DB13 6,7
IT09DB16b nd.
IT09DB18 nd.
IT10DB30 13,4
IT08DB05 nd.
IT10DB37 38,7
Appendix A 147

Ni Cu Zn Ga Se Br Rb Sr Zr Ag
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

<41 <47 47 <20 <0.87 <6.4 35,3 84 67 <1.9

<37 <39 84 <17 <0.82 <6.1 25,5 82 170 <2.0
<26 <41 11,7 <17 <0.59 11,3 38,9 94 42 <1.2

21 <45 47 13 <0.91 <6.4 25,4 107 <180 <2.0

<36 <37 32 <16 <0.77 3,5 24,1 32 71 <1.8

<35 <30 16 <26 <0.74 <9.3 36,1 192 <68

<35 <38 15 <23 <0.79 <6.2 28,6 50 <220
148 Appendix A

Sample Nd Cl TiO2 MnO Sc V Cr Co

(ppm) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (Wt.%) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
IT10DB41 7,7
IT10DB42 10,5 0,10 0,22 0,11 4,05 22,0 72,2 3,68
IT08DB06 nd.
IT10DB44 10,7 0,14 0,08 0,03 1,17 14,8 16,2 1,08
IT09DB23 nd.
IT09DB21 nd.
IT09DB25 7,2
IT09DB26 nd.
IT09DB20 nd.
IT09DB28 8,5
IT08DB02 nd.
IT10DB49 nd.
IT10DB50 nd.
IT10DB52 nd.
IT10DB55 nd.
IT10DB62 1,01 0,12 <0.01 0,00 0,04 <0.64 0,93 0,20
IT10DB63 0,95
Appendix A 149

Ni Cu Zn Ga Se Br Rb Sr Zr Ag
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

<42 <54 15 <31 <0.91 <10 30,7 196 190 0,8

<26 <35 5,3 <16 <0.59 5,4 24,2 315 40 <1.2

<56 <33 1,2 <15 <0.36 5,0 <1.2 1550 <16 <0.6
150 Appendix A

Sample In Sb I Cs Ba Ce Nd Eu Tb Dy
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
SP10DB46 <0.049 0,65 <2.0 1,11 180 <140 11,0 0,46 0,28 2,01
SP10DB45 <0.045 0,71 1,10 0,75 110 <130 11,1 0,42 0,26 1,75
SP10DB43 <0.039 0,44 <1.4 1,16 159 <120 4,8 0,27 0,11 0,81
SP10DB22 <0.054 1,38 <2.0 1,63 169 <140 9,0 0,40 0,25 2,04
SP10DB20 0,026 0,90 <1.4 4,07 95 <120 6,2 0,28 0,17 1,54
FR09DB16 <0.09 19,2 <2.7 0,88 150 <150 8,8 0,51 0,26 1,79
FR09DB17 <0.085 0,42 <3.1 0,48 186 <120 4,5 0,47 0,19 1,46
Appendix A 151

Dy Yb Lu Hf Ta Hg Th 87Sr/86Sr 2s 143
Nd/144Nd 2s εNd
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
2,01 0,78 0,13 1,80 0,34 <0.20 2,30 0,71378 0,00007 0,512229 0,000070 -7,99
1,75 0,72 0,11 5,07 0,48 <0.26 3,37 0,71197 0,00010 0,512193 0,000042 -8,68
0,81 0,41 0,06 1,38 0,22 <0.24 1,86 0,71369 0,00007 0,512167 0,000037 -9,20
0,70949 0,00009 0,512076 0,000051 -10,96
0,71089 0,00011 0,512007 0,000073 -12,30
0,71293 0,00011 0,512026 0,000032 -11,93
0,71716 0,00010 0,512012 0,000050 -12,22
0,71018 0,00008 0,512049 0,000090 -11,50
2,04 0,99 0,15 1,94 0,35 <0.19 2,74 0,71222 0,00009 0,512057 0,000037 -11,33
1,54 0,66 0,10 1,82 0,29 <0.16 2,15 0,71559 0,00018 0,512035 0,000050 -11,76
0,70800 0,00007 nd. nd. nd.
0,70937 0,00009 0,512141 0,000053 -9,69
0,70885 0,00010 0,512109 0,000055 -10,32
0,71022 0,00007 0,512100 0,000047 -10,50
0,70984 0,00010 0,512126 0,000059 -9,99
0,70965 0,00010 0,512090 0,000047 -10,70
0,71003 0,00012 0,512044 0,000036 -11,58
0,71050 0,00007 0,512018 0,000101 -12,10
0,70928 0,00009 0,512075 0,000035 -10,98
0,71032 0,512049 -11,49
0,71520 0,00014 0,512133 0,000082 -9,84
0,71253 0,00010 0,512104 0,000058 -10,42
0,71298 0,00014 0,512065 0,000091 -11,18
0,71584 0,512161 -9,30
0,72264 0,512193 -8,68
0,72232 0,00019 0,512166 0,000088 -9,20
0,70928 0,00015 0,51215 0,00007 -9,52
0,70931 0,00015 0,51213 0,00007 -9,98
0,70928 0,00007 0,51207 0,00008 -11,06
0,72901 0,00019 0,512124 0,000063 -10,03
0,71013 0,00013 0,512190 0,000058 -8,74
0,71177 0,00016 0,512212 0,000065 -8,31
0,71388 0,00019 0,512170 0,000121 -9,14
1,79 0,73 0,12 2,45 0,47 <0.19 3,24 0,72358 0,00014 0,512002 0,000043 -12,40
1,46 0,81 0,12 2,81 0,48 <0.23 1,91 0,71315 0,00013 0,512118 0,000087 -10,14
0,71587 0,00016 0,512203 0,000058 -8,48
0,71926 0,00026 0,512227 0,000113 -8,03
0,70872 0,00014 0,512185 0,000090 -8,83
0,71304 0,00015 0,512292 0,000070 -6,75
0,71135 0,00015 0,512482 0,000049 -3,05
0,71090 0,00007 0,512236 0,000070 -7,84
0,71149 0,00016 0,512207 0,000073 -8,41
0,71090 0,00017 0,512234 0,000086 -7,87
152 Appendix A

Sample In Sb I Cs Ba Ce Nd Eu Tb Dy
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
IT10DB34 <0.067 0,45 <2.8 4,26 136 <120 5,2 0,46 0,25 1,52
IT08DB01 <0.054 0,82 <2.0 0,97 129 <140 6,3 0,28 0,14 1,33
IT10DB85 <0.077 <0.42 <3.2 0,60 230 <150 14,7 0,60 0,35 2,60
IT10DB87 <0.041 0,22 <1.5 0,34 280 <96 11,6 0,55 0,25 1,73
Shell <0.034 0,14 <1.2 0,04 15 <65 0,4 0,01 <0.022 <0.19
Appendix A 153

Dy Yb Lu Hf Ta Hg Th 87Sr/86Sr 2s 143
Nd/144Nd 2s εNd
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
1,52 0,51 0,07 1,01 0,18 <0.16 1,55 0,71034 0,00013 0,512156 0,000028 -9,40
1,33 0,51 0,09 2,18 0,42 <0.17 2,85 0,71357 0,00002 0,512184 0,000009 -8,86
0,71073 0,00009 0,512133 0,000088 -9,85
0,71033 0,00007 0,512138 0,000037 -9,76
0,70967 0,00010 0,512168 0,000106 -9,16
0,70922 0,00001 0,512133 0,000010 -9,90
0,71013 0,00014 0,512233 0,000054 -7,90
0,70796 0,00002 0,512411 0,000006 -4,40
0,70969 0,00001 0,512284 0,000009 -6,90
0,70969 0,00001 0,512284 0,000009 -6,90
0,70748 0,00001 0,512415 0,000008 -4,35
0,71326 0,00013 0,512203 0,000070 -8,48
0,71164 0,00011 0,512243 0,000146 -7,71
0,71434 0,00009 0,512086 0,000051 -10,77
0,72218 0,00012 0,512062 0,000035 -11,23
0,70916 0,00013 0,512072 0,000110 -11,04
0,70990 0,00020 0,511999 0,000102 -12,47
0,70922 0,00010 0,511979 0,000114 -12,85
0,70895 0,00007 0,512067 0,000116 -11,14
0,70914 0,00005 0,512122 0,000051 -10,07
0,70851 0,00015 0,512235 0,000092 -7,86
0,71788 0,00008 0,512042 0,000057 -11,63
0,71687 0,00013 0,512087 0,000045 -10,75
0,71046 0,00016 0,512164 0,000116 -9,24
2,60 1,19 0,18 5,35 0,48 <0.70 5,45 0,71079 0,00054 0,512325 0,000078 -6,11
0,71178 0,00007 0,512194 0,000011 -8,66
1,73 0,62 0,09 1,10 0,25 <0.13 2,06 0,70867 0,00012 0,512424 0,000076 -4,17
0,70978 0,00014 0,512329 0,000089 -6,03
0,71088 0,00007 0,512245 0,000036 -7,67
0,71163 0,00010 0,512160 0,000033 -9,32
0,71112 0,00010 0,512222 0,000071 -8,12
0,71143 0,00001 0,512173 0,000011 -9,07
0,71064 0,00015 0,512199 0,000066 -8,57
0,70916 0,00015 0,512230 0,000092 -7,95
0,71159 0,00007 0,512211 0,000059 -8,34
0,71192 0,00016 0,512187 0,000083 -8,79
0,71202 0,00011 0,512209 0,000063 -8,37
0,70846 0,00013 0,512274 0,001189 -7,10
0,72127 0,00011 0,512200 0,000030 -8,59
0,70930 0,00012 0,512270 0,000040 -7,17
0,71107 0,00012 0,512160 0,000060 -9,29
0,72289 0,00012 0,512240 0,000070 -7,82
<0.19 0,02 <0.0073 0,03 0,02 <0.081 0,06 0,70915 0,00010 0,512297 0,001068 -6,66
nd. nd. 0,512626 0,003814 -0,23
154 Appendix A

Sample In Sb I Cs Ba Ce Nd Eu Tb Dy
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
Appendix A 155

Dy Yb Lu Hf Ta Hg Th 87
Sr/86Sr 2s 143
Nd/144Nd 2s εNd
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
0,71275 0,00007 0,512204 0,000093 -8,47
0,70910 0,00007 0,512304 0,000085 -6,51
0,70859 0,00012 0,51242 0,00008 -4,21
0,72091 0,00007 0,512259 0,000117 -7,40
0,70833 0,00007 0,51207 0,00004 -11,00
0,71329 0,00014 0,51199 0,00004 -12,57
0,71821 0,00014 0,51226 0,00006 -7,39
0,71451 0,00009 0,51204 0,00005 -11,67
0,71651 0,00011 0,51191 0,00004 -14,24
0,71410 0,00016 0,51200 0,00008 -12,54
0,72108 0,00002 0,51211 0,00001 -10,36
0,71950 0,00002 0,51212 0,00001 -10,03
0,71525 0,00002 0,51210 0,00001 -10,46
0,71055 0,00001 0,51212 0,00001 -10,18
0,70915 0,00007 0,51243 0,00001 -3,99
0,70811 0,00013 0,51233 0,00010 -5,99
0,70841 0,51232 -6,15
0,70810 0,00010 0,51235 0,00004 -5,69
0,71142 0,00012 0,51230 0,00005 -6,65
0,70921 0,00011 0,51219 0,00003 -8,67
0,71148 0,00008 0,51230 0,00006 -6,52
0,70831 0,00011 0,51216 0,00004 -9,32
0,71292 0,00010 0,51239 0,00006 -4,85
0,70826 0,00015 0,51239 0,00007 -4,75
0,71159 0,00001 0,51239 0,00001 -4,80
0,70920 0,00002 0,51239 0,00001 -4,80
0,70925 0,00003 0,51259 0,00001 -1,00
0,70919 0,51256 -1,60
0,70927 0,00014 0,51246 0,00008 -3,38
0,70929 0,00018 0,51241 0,00019 -4,45
0,70912 0,00010 0,51244 0,00008 -3,92
0,70947 0,00019 0,51228 0,00010 -6,96
0,71487 0,00002 0,51199 0,00001 -12,70
0,72082 0,00001 0,51214 0,00001 -9,71
0,73620 0,00007 0,51205 0,00003 -11,56
0,73732 0,00007 0,51204 0,00004 -11,66
Appendix B

Calculated glass compositions after raising the Na2O levels of the

sands to 16.63%, the average Na2O content of Roman natron glass
(Foster and Jackson, 2009)

Bold: values within compositional ranges (two times standard deviation; see Table 2.1).
Italic: values within three times the standard deviation. All results are in wt%.

SP46 SP45 SP44 SP43 SP42 SP41 SP40

SiO2 76,29 78,27 80,70 77,92 69,09 58,17 59,36
Al2O3 3,14 1,59 1,10 1,92 1,10 1,10 0,29
Fe2O3(t) 1,18 0,87 0,41 0,43 0,71 0,50 0,37
MgO 0,32 0,14 0,06 0,13 0,61 0,55 0,31
MnO 0,03 0,01 0,00 0,01 0,04 0,02 0,02
CaO 1,36 1,78 0,66 2,08 11,29 22,48 22,86
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 0,87 0,58 0,39 0,81 0,42 0,40 0,09
TiO2 0,15 0,08 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,09 0,01
P2O5 0,03 0,04 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,06 0,05
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 16,08 16,36 16,47 16,12 16,41 16,21 16,42
Sand-derived Na2O 0,55 0,27 0,16 0,51 0,22 0,42 0,21

SP30 SP29 SP28 SP27 SP26 SP25 SP24

SiO2 53,30 63,94 72,83 70,43 71,19 64,03 49,16
Al2O3 17,60 5,80 4,49 3,30 3,71 2,66 8,83
Fe2O3(t) 4,14 2,82 2,45 2,05 2,23 1,82 6,60
MgO 2,44 3,27 0,69 1,45 1,16 1,62 5,57
MnO 0,10 0,05 0,03 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,12
CaO 4,75 6,23 1,90 5,36 4,06 12,08 10,91
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 0,55 0,92 0,66 0,53 0,62 0,45 1,57
TiO2 0,44 0,27 0,24 0,16 0,31 0,64 0,54
P2O5 0,06 0,08 0,07 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,07
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 16,24 15,93 16,02 16,15 16,13 16,20 15,26
Sand-derived Na2O 0,39 0,70 0,61 0,48 0,50 0,43 1,37
Appendix B 157

SP39 SP38 SP37 SP36 SP35 SP34 SP33 SP32 SP31

59,55 69,32 78,12 65,65 59,65 61,20 60,42 64,21 60,56
0,27 0,34 1,37 7,54 7,00 5,04 6,56 5,95 10,73
0,38 0,56 0,72 3,88 3,24 3,03 3,80 3,41 4,93
0,31 0,21 0,68 2,92 6,86 6,14 4,44 3,01 1,23
0,02 0,01 0,01 0,13 0,04 0,04 0,09 0,06 0,12
22,69 12,78 2,20 2,32 5,33 6,98 6,64 5,46 4,04
16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
0,09 0,12 0,18 0,65 0,96 0,70 1,05 0,93 1,22
0,01 0,02 0,07 0,23 0,24 0,19 0,32 0,26 0,44
0,05 0,02 0,02 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,07 0,08 0,09
100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
16,42 16,51 16,36 16,15 16,06 16,03 16,07 16,08 16,03
0,21 0,12 0,27 0,48 0,57 0,60 0,56 0,55 0,60

SP23 SP22 SP21 SP20 SP19 SP18 SP01 SP17 SP16 SP15
60,75 72,17 61,25 77,71 61,75 32,17 38,63 61,62 49,38 29,58
5,47 3,41 6,28 2,36 5,56 1,85 2,47 0,78 1,54 0,49
6,51 1,71 6,00 1,17 4,43 2,05 2,26 0,23 0,75 0,50
2,18 0,96 1,92 0,45 2,30 11,53 6,87 1,52 4,71 1,40
0,26 0,03 0,21 0,01 0,18 0,06 0,06 0,01 0,02 0,01
7,45 4,33 6,78 1,05 7,97 35,12 32,35 18,75 26,13 51,15
16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
0,43 0,54 0,54 0,44 0,85 0,40 0,46 0,40 0,71 0,17
0,27 0,17 0,33 0,13 0,26 0,14 0,23 0,04 0,09 0,03
0,06 0,04 0,06 0,04 0,07 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,05 0,05
100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
16,13 16,12 15,98 16,33 15,88 16,32 16,18 16,54 16,47 16,44
0,50 0,51 0,65 0,30 0,75 0,31 0,45 0,09 0,16 0,19
158 Appendix B

SP14 SP13 SP12 SP11 SP10 SP09 SP08

SiO2 62,54 57,37 25,04 60,36 61,52 69,57 62,72
Al2O3 0,70 1,34 0,84 0,94 1,93 0,92 1,93
Fe2O3(t) 0,29 0,75 0,81 0,56 0,72 0,39 0,92
MgO 0,51 0,94 3,69 1,39 0,74 0,37 0,67
MnO 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,02
CaO 19,01 22,48 52,48 19,61 17,52 11,61 16,47
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 0,25 0,33 0,39 0,43 0,80 0,42 0,50
TiO2 0,04 0,10 0,03 0,04 0,08 0,05 0,09
P2O5 0,03 0,03 0,07 0,03 0,04 0,03 0,04
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 16,55 16,47 16,29 16,48 16,44 16,51 16,40
Sand-derived Na2O 0,08 0,16 0,34 0,15 0,19 0,12 0,23

FH04 FH03 FH01 FH02 FH12 FH11 FH10

SiO2 66,29 68,49 71,70 71,43 74,33 74,47 71,56
Al2O3 4,60 9,75 7,72 7,81 5,72 5,67 7,66
Fe2O3(t) 1,45 0,68 0,68 0,69 0,48 0,51 0,48
MgO 1,12 0,19 0,14 0,15 0,05 0,07 0,12
MnO 0,02 0,01 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01
CaO 8,23 1,49 0,67 0,48 0,28 0,29 0,58
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 1,50 2,68 2,37 2,72 2,46 2,31 2,91
TiO2 0,12 0,04 0,04 0,05 0,02 0,02 0,02
P2O5 0,05 0,03 0,02 0,03 0,02 0,03 0,03
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 15,82 14,42 14,82 14,97 15,46 15,43 14,91
Sand-derived Na2O 0,81 2,21 1,81 1,66 1,17 1,20 1,72
Appendix B 159

SP07 SP06 SP02 SP05 SP04 FH05 FH06 FH07 FH08 SP47
62,59 58,79 58,62 58,32 50,94 43,13 60,78 52,71 67,48 68,09
1,73 3,14 3,01 3,84 2,30 4,12 3,52 3,62 6,93 4,64
0,92 0,95 1,41 1,89 1,14 2,97 1,48 2,06 1,18 0,78
0,53 0,72 0,84 0,97 0,63 1,70 0,67 1,11 0,69 0,69
0,02 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,01 0,06 0,03 0,04 0,02 0,01
16,94 18,82 18,39 17,18 27,81 30,38 15,71 22,72 4,34 7,64
16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
0,51 0,75 0,63 0,61 0,44 0,64 1,00 0,80 2,55 1,41
0,11 0,13 0,38 0,45 0,06 0,29 0,14 0,24 0,14 0,06
0,04 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,04 0,08 0,05 0,07 0,04 0,04
100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
16,42 16,23 16,28 16,27 16,29 16,27 16,05 15,96 15,50 15,74
0,21 0,40 0,35 0,36 0,34 0,36 0,58 0,67 1,13 0,89

FH09 SP03 FR03 FR04 FR05 FR06 FR07 FR08 FR09 FR10
69,81 63,11 68,57 70,11 54,37 63,15 59,43 61,55 53,98 67,39
8,47 9,70 8,64 7,62 4,99 6,36 6,67 4,54 4,03 4,89
1,23 4,29 1,89 1,61 1,43 1,91 1,92 1,12 0,89 0,97
0,28 1,51 0,63 0,44 1,67 1,59 2,36 0,80 0,58 0,50
0,01 0,04 0,02 0,02 0,06 0,04 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03
1,41 2,16 0,44 0,82 19,18 7,84 10,24 13,74 22,32 7,92
16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
2,05 1,99 2,89 2,55 1,31 2,18 2,38 1,24 1,35 1,41
0,09 0,45 0,22 0,14 0,27 0,23 0,25 0,26 0,14 0,20
0,03 0,12 0,07 0,04 0,08 0,08 0,09 0,09 0,06 0,06
100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
13,88 15,25 15,33 15,48 15,41 15,72 15,66 15,44 15,48 15,54
2,75 1,38 1,30 1,15 1,22 0,91 0,97 1,19 1,15 1,09
160 Appendix B

FR11 FR12 FR13 FR14 FR16 FR17 FR18

SiO2 50,35 16,03 76,99 35,82 76,80 73,09 64,54
Al2O3 5,78 0,55 1,56 0,68 3,59 6,61 5,94
Fe2O3(t) 4,17 0,40 0,14 0,21 1,41 1,29 0,77
MgO 2,31 2,02 0,26 0,74 0,23 0,40 0,70
MnO 0,12 0,02 0,00 0,00 0,01 0,03 0,02
CaO 17,68 63,84 3,26 45,53 0,36 0,89 9,20
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 0,94 0,16 1,11 0,33 0,69 0,66 2,05
TiO2 1,69 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,25 0,37 0,11
P2O5 0,34 0,29 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,03 0,04
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 15,77 15,98 16,00 16,43 15,69 14,67 15,37
Sand-derived Na2O 0,86 0,65 0,63 0,20 0,94 1,96 1,26

IT18 IT19 IT09 IT30 IT31 IT32 IT33

SiO2 47,52 60,23 64,78 67,00 65,29 33,90 50,14
Al2O3 10,45 7,49 6,00 6,17 5,99 6,64 5,81
Fe2O3(t) 5,69 2,77 2,03 1,73 1,82 3,59 5,03
MgO 12,72 3,13 0,91 0,80 0,86 7,92 9,99
MnO 0,10 0,06 0,09 0,07 0,07 0,19 0,13
CaO 5,91 7,85 7,77 5,72 7,61 30,61 11,46
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 0,61 1,60 1,41 1,69 1,49 0,27 0,50
TiO2 0,33 0,19 0,33 0,14 0,18 0,21 0,26
P2O5 0,03 0,05 0,04 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 14,70 15,07 15,16 15,03 15,06 14,85 15,48
Sand-derived Na2O 1,93 1,56 1,47 1,60 1,57 1,78 1,15
Appendix B 161

FR19 FR20 FR01 IT12 IT13 IT14 IT15 IT16a IT16b IT17
69,31 51,54 57,54 64,36 69,49 68,05 66,09 46,92 47,50 57,86
4,79 5,70 5,01 2,66 3,78 7,26 6,76 7,83 5,98 6,71
0,50 1,61 0,54 1,00 1,17 2,52 2,80 11,20 6,56 5,50
0,49 0,93 1,13 0,37 1,92 1,62 3,35 11,54 18,63 10,21
0,01 0,03 0,01 0,04 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,13 0,12 0,07
6,31 21,70 16,89 14,12 5,94 1,88 2,93 4,04 3,46 1,87
16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
1,87 1,56 2,10 0,71 0,87 1,38 0,92 0,82 0,65 0,76
0,07 0,19 0,08 0,10 0,14 0,52 0,42 0,84 0,42 0,36
0,03 0,12 0,08 0,02 0,03 0,09 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04
100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
15,69 15,46 15,58 15,94 15,71 14,88 15,05 15,52 15,85 14,93
0,94 1,17 1,05 0,69 0,92 1,75 1,58 1,11 0,78 1,70

IT05 IT34 IT01 IT35 IT36 IT37 IT38 IT39 IT40 IT41
63,31 71,42 78,08 54,97 52,27 47,11 52,31 49,25 46,19 44,62
8,62 2,55 2,63 4,61 4,73 4,77 8,67 11,34 8,84 5,51
2,83 0,89 0,81 2,95 4,19 4,09 2,90 3,86 4,36 7,35
1,52 0,31 0,19 1,33 1,47 1,24 1,46 3,11 5,35 7,35
0,04 0,07 0,02 0,22 0,17 0,27 0,18 0,12 0,11 0,13
4,11 7,18 0,64 17,91 19,36 24,72 14,08 10,68 14,65 16,76
16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
2,54 0,86 0,70 0,96 0,87 0,97 3,48 4,55 3,35 0,73
0,35 0,07 0,28 0,36 0,24 0,15 0,23 0,37 0,42 0,81
0,05 0,02 0,01 0,05 0,06 0,05 0,06 0,10 0,10 0,11
100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
14,95 16,00 16,17 15,66 15,88 16,02 15,46 15,35 15,77 16,04
1,68 0,63 0,46 0,97 0,75 0,61 1,17 1,28 0,86 0,59
162 Appendix B

IT42 IT06 IT43 IT44 IT45 IT23 IT24

SiO2 42,09 43,60 56,27 60,68 48,66 49,71 55,01
Al2O3 4,93 5,07 5,84 2,08 5,21 5,07 9,94
Fe2O3(t) 6,70 7,70 2,28 1,08 3,49 2,95 2,01
MgO 9,17 6,90 1,52 1,38 4,37 3,65 1,13
MnO 0,13 0,16 0,11 0,04 0,09 0,11 0,11
CaO 19,00 18,35 15,39 16,94 19,53 20,05 11,51
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 0,57 0,64 1,58 1,08 1,56 1,32 3,38
TiO2 0,67 0,85 0,26 0,05 0,38 0,41 0,21
P2O5 0,11 0,11 0,11 0,04 0,09 0,09 0,08
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 16,22 16,12 15,35 16,15 15,65 15,92 14,88
Sand-derived Na2O 0,41 0,51 1,28 0,48 0,98 0,71 1,75

IT51 IT52 IT53 IT54 IT55 IT56 IT57

SiO2 62,25 68,92 68,67 68,41 68,66 68,90 62,24
Al2O3 11,42 8,81 9,49 9,27 8,28 7,60 3,45
Fe2O3(t) 3,80 0,93 0,98 1,37 0,86 2,58 3,24
MgO 1,73 0,32 0,32 0,46 0,31 0,84 1,05
MnO 0,05 0,01 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,04 0,15
CaO 1,34 1,71 1,35 1,40 2,53 1,33 12,50
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 2,23 2,50 2,36 2,23 2,55 1,79 0,40
TiO2 0,46 0,11 0,12 0,15 0,09 0,22 0,28
P2O5 0,10 0,06 0,06 0,07 0,05 0,07 0,06
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 14,89 14,81 14,20 14,27 14,49 14,96 15,99
Sand-derived Na2O 1,74 1,82 2,43 2,36 2,14 1,67 0,64
Appendix B 163

IT25 IT26 IT27 IT28 IT02 IT46 IT47 IT48 IT49 IT50
56,17 56,04 55,58 55,14 30,09 42,96 70,85 44,82 40,02 53,57
6,42 6,17 7,55 6,16 7,50 3,44 5,56 3,60 1,45 13,26
2,21 2,64 1,74 1,37 4,73 2,96 1,71 3,29 1,42 6,30
2,19 1,58 0,98 1,10 8,34 5,48 0,60 2,07 14,17 2,93
0,10 0,13 0,13 0,14 0,09 0,14 0,04 0,06 0,06 0,10
13,89 14,41 14,35 17,17 29,50 27,25 2,65 28,77 25,95 5,28
16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
2,08 1,97 2,78 2,09 2,38 0,76 1,79 0,51 0,18 1,09
0,23 0,33 0,17 0,13 0,53 0,23 0,13 0,18 0,07 0,74
0,08 0,10 0,07 0,07 0,22 0,14 0,04 0,06 0,04 0,10
100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
15,63 15,59 15,32 15,49 15,73 16,07 15,49 16,09 16,27 14,69
1,00 1,04 1,31 1,14 0,90 0,56 1,14 0,54 0,36 1,94

IT58 IT59 IT60 IT61 IT62 IT63 IT64 IT65 IT66 IT08
64,82 72,45 45,13 29,30 77,37 77,47 50,72 43,83 52,44 57,40
4,06 0,65 0,74 0,23 0,45 0,34 0,58 0,25 0,81 0,97
5,37 1,04 1,46 0,33 0,87 0,48 1,15 0,43 1,50 1,41
1,27 0,78 5,44 4,52 0,30 0,11 0,50 7,29 0,59 0,43
0,08 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,06 0,02 0,08 0,08
6,93 8,22 30,26 48,81 4,12 4,74 30,04 31,41 27,62 22,71
16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
0,47 0,12 0,14 0,05 0,14 0,13 0,17 0,08 0,23 0,28
0,28 0,05 0,05 0,02 0,07 0,06 0,03 0,02 0,03 0,04
0,10 0,03 0,12 0,08 0,03 0,02 0,13 0,05 0,07 0,05
100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
16,21 16,43 16,50 16,24 16,37 15,97 16,40 16,42 16,35 16,38
0,42 0,20 0,13 0,39 0,26 0,66 0,23 0,21 0,28 0,25
164 Appendix B

IT67 IT68 IT69 IT70 IT71 IT72 IT73 IT74

SiO2 63,57 63,80 59,02 2,40 67,21 64,21 60,78 64,09
Al2O3 1,52 1,01 1,13 0,63 1,27 9,45 11,63 9,97
Fe2O3(t) 1,36 1,21 1,35 0,66 3,56 5,20 4,77 4,07
MgO 0,36 0,40 0,54 2,21 1,47 1,34 1,69 0,83
MnO 0,08 0,08 0,10 0,03 0,10 0,06 0,10 0,29
CaO 15,94 16,44 20,76 77,20 9,25 0,92 1,98 1,78
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 0,45 0,31 0,33 0,11 0,16 1,75 1,70 1,89
TiO2 0,05 0,05 0,08 0,05 0,30 0,35 0,61 0,33
P2O5 0,04 0,08 0,06 0,09 0,05 0,10 0,12 0,13
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 16,27 16,18 16,33 16,47 16,38 15,44 14,59 14,99
Sand-derived Na2O 0,36 0,45 0,30 0,16 0,25 1,19 2,04 1,64

IT85 IT11 IT86 IT87 IT88 IT89 IT90 IT07

SiO2 69,57 66,14 9,04 72,61 22,07 57,42 62,14 51,44
Al2O3 2,43 3,73 0,48 1,14 1,14 4,20 5,59 4,52
Fe2O3(t) 1,32 0,92 0,40 0,49 0,55 2,58 1,21 1,00
MgO 0,53 0,32 3,71 0,28 2,31 2,20 0,51 0,65
MnO 0,08 0,09 0,04 0,02 0,05 0,13 0,12 0,20
CaO 8,49 10,66 69,45 8,13 56,58 15,22 11,26 23,53
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 0,81 1,45 0,16 0,63 0,48 1,19 2,38 1,94
TiO2 0,10 0,06 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,29 0,10 0,07
P2O5 0,04 0,02 0,06 0,02 0,14 0,15 0,07 0,03
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 16,05 15,83 16,15 16,32 15,90 15,99 15,36 15,68
Sand-derived Na2O 0,58 0,80 0,48 0,31 0,73 0,64 1,27 0,95
Appendix B 165

IT75 IT76 IT77 IT78 IT79 IT80 IT81 IT82 IT83 IT84
64,48 64,21 65,31 66,75 63,95 67,14 67,30 66,27 64,08 64,60
11,66 10,94 11,74 10,68 12,05 10,09 9,42 9,68 10,92 3,21
2,62 3,39 1,88 1,65 2,05 1,01 1,75 2,88 2,90 2,67
0,93 1,18 0,63 0,53 0,87 0,30 0,54 0,95 1,16 3,44
0,06 0,05 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,08
1,34 1,00 0,79 0,84 1,71 1,94 1,44 1,03 1,99 8,66
16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
1,87 2,07 2,75 2,66 2,37 2,69 2,62 2,16 1,72 0,56
0,32 0,43 0,19 0,17 0,27 0,10 0,20 0,27 0,46 0,12
0,10 0,10 0,06 0,07 0,07 0,08 0,07 0,10 0,08 0,04
100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
13,69 14,56 13,93 14,24 14,10 14,54 14,82 14,82 14,54 16,09
2,94 2,07 2,70 2,39 2,53 2,09 1,81 1,81 2,09 0,54

IT91 IT92 IT93 IT04 IT94 IT95 IT96 IT97 IT03 IT98
62,37 52,44 56,43 61,85 59,27 55,27 42,08 55,11 52,00 60,62
4,16 4,47 3,92 3,36 2,91 4,26 3,61 7,01 6,22 6,93
0,81 0,96 0,98 0,56 1,06 0,83 1,76 2,46 2,19 1,81
0,35 0,95 1,16 0,40 0,30 0,38 2,17 1,66 1,53 1,07
0,10 0,06 0,04 0,03 0,04 0,08 0,14 0,12 0,11 0,09
13,73 22,73 19,70 15,82 18,73 20,77 32,46 15,25 19,67 10,88
16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
1,76 1,63 0,95 1,24 0,94 1,68 0,80 1,16 1,28 1,62
0,04 0,07 0,14 0,09 0,08 0,06 0,22 0,43 0,29 0,25
0,05 0,06 0,06 0,03 0,04 0,06 0,13 0,17 0,07 0,10
100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
15,70 15,58 15,63 15,77 15,91 15,57 15,78 15,15 15,25 15,01
0,93 1,05 1,00 0,86 0,72 1,06 0,85 1,48 1,38 1,62
166 Appendix B

IT10 IT99 IT100 IT101 IT102 IT103 IT104

SiO2 60,34 62,47 61,77 60,61 44,41 11,87 15,38
Al2O3 7,20 7,19 8,20 8,26 8,29 1,31 1,50
Fe2O3(t) 1,71 1,57 2,35 2,93 3,38 0,99 1,02
MgO 1,18 1,15 2,05 2,20 7,74 21,60 20,10
MnO 0,09 0,06 0,06 0,08 0,07 0,04 0,03
CaO 10,81 8,99 7,01 7,39 17,27 47,10 44,92
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K2O 1,72 1,69 1,60 1,41 1,56 0,27 0,29
TiO2 0,23 0,17 0,25 0,38 0,55 0,13 0,09
P2O5 0,08 0,07 0,08 0,12 0,11 0,05 0,05
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 14,93 14,91 14,77 14,95 15,41 16,36 16,31
Sand-derived Na2O 1,70 1,72 1,86 1,68 1,22 0,27 0,32
Appendix C

Calculated glass compositions after raising the CaO levels of the

sands containing insufficient lime to 7.48%, the average CaO
content of Roman natron glass (Foster and Jackson, 2009)

Bold: values within compositional ranges (see Table 2.1).

Italic: values within three times the standard deviation. All results are in wt%.

SP46 SP45 SP44 SP43 SP37 SP36 SP31 SP30

SiO2 70,60 72,81 74,04 72,74 73,03 61,46 57,94 51,44
Al2O3 2,91 1,48 1,01 1,79 1,28 7,06 10,27 16,99
Fe2O3(t) 1,10 0,81 0,37 0,40 0,67 3,63 4,72 4,00
MgO 0,29 0,13 0,05 0,12 0,64 2,73 1,18 2,36
MnO 0,03 0,01 0,00 0,01 0,01 0,12 0,11 0,10
CaO 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 0,80 0,54 0,36 0,76 0,17 0,61 1,17 0,53
TiO2 0,14 0,07 0,04 0,05 0,06 0,22 0,42 0,42
P2O5 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,04 0,09 0,06
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 16,08 16,36 16,47 16,12 16,36 16,15 16,03 16,24
Sand-derived Na2O 0,55 0,27 0,16 0,51 0,27 0,48 0,60 0,39
Added CaO 5,96 5,47 6,75 5,12 4,99 4,85 2,80 1,92
Sand-derived CaO 1,52 2,01 0,73 2,36 2,49 2,63 4,68 5,56

FH10 FH09 SP03 FR03 FR04 FR13 FR16

SiO2 65,60 64,64 58,97 62,75 64,45 72,93 70,21
Al2O3 7,03 7,85 9,07 7,91 7,01 1,47 3,29
Fe2O3(t) 0,44 1,14 4,01 1,73 1,48 0,13 1,28
MgO 0,11 0,26 1,41 0,57 0,41 0,25 0,21
MnO 0,01 0,01 0,04 0,02 0,02 0,00 0,01
CaO 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 2,66 1,90 1,86 2,65 2,35 1,05 0,63
TiO2 0,02 0,08 0,42 0,20 0,13 0,04 0,23
P2O5 0,03 0,03 0,11 0,06 0,04 0,01 0,03
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 14,91 13,88 15,25 15,33 15,48 16,00 15,69
Sand-derived Na2O 1,72 2,75 1,38 1,30 1,15 0,63 0,94
Added CaO 6,84 5,94 5,06 6,99 6,57 3,75 7,09
Sand-derived CaO 0,64 1,54 2,42 0,49 0,91 3,73 0,39
Appendix C 169

SP28 SP26 SP22 SP20 FH08 FH03 FH01 FH02 FH12 FH11
67,84 68,12 69,29 71,65 64,80 63,48 65,80 65,40 67,89 68,02
4,18 3,55 3,28 2,18 6,65 9,04 7,09 7,15 5,23 5,18
2,28 2,13 1,64 1,07 1,13 0,63 0,63 0,64 0,44 0,47
0,65 1,11 0,92 0,41 0,66 0,18 0,13 0,14 0,05 0,06
0,03 0,04 0,03 0,01 0,02 0,01 0,02 0,01 0,01 0,01
7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48
16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
0,62 0,59 0,52 0,40 2,45 2,48 2,18 2,49 2,24 2,11
0,23 0,30 0,17 0,12 0,14 0,04 0,03 0,05 0,02 0,02
0,07 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02
100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
16,02 16,13 16,12 16,33 15,50 14,42 14,82 14,97 15,46 15,43
0,61 0,50 0,51 0,30 1,13 2,21 1,81 1,66 1,17 1,20
5,34 2,77 2,44 6,30 2,47 5,84 6,75 6,96 7,17 7,16
2,14 4,71 5,04 1,18 5,01 1,64 0,73 0,52 0,31 0,32

FR17 IT14 IT15 IT16a IT16b IT17 IT05 IT01 IT47 IT51
67,25 63,37 62,36 44,88 45,11 53,87 60,62 71,63 66,61 57,58
6,08 6,76 6,38 7,49 5,68 6,25 8,26 2,41 5,22 10,56
1,19 2,35 2,64 10,71 6,23 5,12 2,71 0,74 1,61 3,52
0,36 1,51 3,16 11,04 17,70 9,50 1,45 0,18 0,57 1,60
0,03 0,04 0,05 0,13 0,11 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,04 0,05
7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48
16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
0,61 1,29 0,87 0,79 0,61 0,71 2,43 0,65 1,69 2,07
0,34 0,49 0,39 0,80 0,40 0,33 0,33 0,26 0,12 0,43
0,03 0,09 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,05 0,01 0,04 0,09
100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
14,67 14,88 15,05 15,52 15,85 14,93 14,95 16,17 15,49 14,89
1,96 1,75 1,58 1,11 0,78 1,70 1,68 0,46 1,14 1,74
6,50 5,39 4,17 2,84 3,51 5,41 2,79 6,77 4,48 6,00
0,98 2,09 3,31 4,64 3,97 2,07 4,69 0,71 3,00 1,48
170 Appendix C

IT52 IT53 IT54 IT55 IT56 IT62 IT63 IT72 IT73 IT74
SiO2 64,05 63,54 63,34 64,45 63,73 74,09 74,77 59,10 56,67 59,61
Al2O3 8,19 8,78 8,58 7,78 7,03 0,43 0,33 8,70 10,84 9,27
Fe2O3(t) 0,86 0,90 1,26 0,81 2,39 0,83 0,46 4,78 4,44 3,79
MgO 0,30 0,30 0,42 0,29 0,78 0,28 0,11 1,23 1,58 0,77
MnO 0,01 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,06 0,09 0,27
CaO 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 2,32 2,19 2,06 2,39 1,65 0,13 0,12 1,61 1,59 1,76
TiO2 0,10 0,11 0,14 0,09 0,21 0,07 0,06 0,33 0,56 0,31
P2O5 0,05 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,07 0,03 0,02 0,09 0,12 0,12
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 14,81 14,20 14,27 14,49 14,96 16,37 15,97 15,44 14,59 14,99
Sand-derived Na2O 1,82 2,43 2,36 2,14 1,67 0,26 0,66 1,19 2,04 1,64
Added CaO 5,58 6,00 5,94 4,66 6,01 2,68 1,95 6,46 5,29 5,50
Sand-derived CaO 1,90 1,48 1,54 2,82 1,47 4,80 5,53 1,02 2,19 1,98

IT75 IT76 IT77 IT78 IT79 IT80 IT81 IT82 IT83

SiO2 59,65 59,16 60,02 61,38 59,44 62,58 62,34 61,07 59,76
Al2O3 10,79 10,08 10,79 9,82 11,20 9,40 8,72 8,92 10,18
Fe2O3(t) 2,42 3,12 1,73 1,51 1,90 0,94 1,62 2,65 2,71
MgO 0,86 1,09 0,58 0,48 0,80 0,28 0,50 0,88 1,08
MnO 0,05 0,05 0,02 0,02 0,03 0,02 0,03 0,03 0,05
CaO 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48 7,48
Na2O 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63 16,63
K 2O 1,73 1,91 2,53 2,45 2,20 2,51 2,43 1,99 1,60
TiO2 0,30 0,40 0,17 0,16 0,25 0,09 0,19 0,25 0,43
P2O5 0,09 0,09 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,09 0,07
Total 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00
Added Na2O 13,69 14,56 13,93 14,24 14,10 14,54 14,82 14,82 14,54
Sand-derived Na2O 2,94 2,07 2,70 2,39 2,53 2,09 1,81 1,81 2,09
Added CaO 6,02 6,39 6,62 6,57 5,60 5,33 5,89 6,35 5,27
Sand-derived CaO 1,46 1,09 0,86 0,91 1,88 2,15 1,59 1,13 2,21
Appendix D

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Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient Méditerranéen No. 33, Lyon, 113–121.
Aerts, A., Velde, B., Janssens, K., Dijkman, W., 2003. Change in silica sources in Roman
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Agenzia per la Protezione dell’Ambiente e per i Servizi Tecnici, 2004. Carta geologica
d’Italia. Scala 1:1,000,000. S.E.L.C.A. Florence, Italy.
Aloisi, J.C., Duboul-Razavet, C., 1974. Deux exemples de sédimentation deltaïque actuelle
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Amorosi, A., Milli, S., 2001. Late Quaternary depositional architecture of Po and Tevere
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Athenaeus. The Learned Banqueters. Volume 5: Books 10.420e-11. Translated by Olson,
S.D., 2009. Loeb Classical Library 274. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Historia Augusta. Volume 2: 18 Severus Alexander (24). Translated by Magie, D., 1924.
Loeb Classical Library 140. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Historia Augusta. Volume 3: 26 The Deified Aurelian (45). Translated by Magie, D., 1932.
Loeb Classical Library 263. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Historia Augusta. Volume 3: 29 Firmus, Saturninus, Proculus and Bonosus (9). Translated
by Magie, D., 1932. Loeb Classical Library 263. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Josephus. The Jewish War. Volume 1: Books 1-2. Translated by Thackery, H. St. J., 1927.
Loeb Classical Library 203. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Pliny. Natural History. Volume 8: Books 28-32. Translated by Jones, W.H.S., 1963. Loeb
Classical Library 418. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Pliny. Natural History. Volume 10: Books 36-37. Translated by Eichholz, D.E., 1962. Loeb
Classical Library 419. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Strabo. Geography. Volume 5: Books 10-12. Translated by Jones, H.L., 1928. Loeb
Classical Library 211. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Strabo. Geography. Volume 7: Books 15-16. Translated by Jones, H.L., 1930. Loeb
Classical Library 241. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Strabo. Geography. Volume 8: Book 17. Translated by Jones, H.L., 1932. Loeb Classical
Library 267. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Tacitus. Histories: Books 4-5. Translated by Moore, C.H., Jackson, J., 1931. Loeb Classical
Library 249. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Tacitus. Histories. Translated by Church, A.J., Brodribb, W.J., 1864. Cambridge: Macmillan
and Co.

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