Community Understanding Survey 1.0
Community Understanding Survey 1.0
Community Understanding Survey 1.0
Thank you for taking part in this survey. Your insights are crucial Thank you for taking part in this survey. Your insights are crucial Thank you for taking part in this survey. Your insights are crucial
for understanding the community and shaping initiatives that benefit for understanding the community and shaping initiatives that benefit for understanding the community and shaping initiatives that benefit
everyone. Please answer the following questions thoughtfully. everyone. Please answer the following questions thoughtfully. everyone. Please answer the following questions thoughtfully.
Section 2: Community Challenges and Opportunities Section 2: Community Challenges and Opportunities Section 2: Community Challenges and Opportunities
• In your opinion, what are the most significant challenges • In your opinion, what are the most significant challenges • In your opinion, what are the most significant challenges
facing our community in Naga City? (Open-ended) facing our community in Naga City? (Open-ended) facing our community in Naga City? (Open-ended)
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
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• Can you identify any unique opportunities or strengths in our • Can you identify any unique opportunities or strengths in our • Can you identify any unique opportunities or strengths in our
community that you believe should be emphasized or community that you believe should be emphasized or community that you believe should be emphasized or
leveraged? (Open- ended) leveraged? (Open- ended) leveraged? (Open- ended)
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
• Does your business have been already registered in DTI or • Does your business have been already registered in DTI or • Does your business have been already registered in DTI or
any agencies that helps many business owners? If not yet, any agencies that helps many business owners? If not yet, any agencies that helps many business owners? If not yet,
are you willing to register your business? are you willing to register your business? are you willing to register your business?
• Where do you currently source your everyday products and • Where do you currently source your everyday products and • Where do you currently source your everyday products and
services? (List all applicable options) services? (List all applicable options) services? (List all applicable options)
A. Local sari-sari stores C. Online marketplaces A. Local sari-sari stores C. Online marketplaces A. Local sari-sari stores C. Online marketplaces
B. Public markets D. Other (please specify) B. Public markets D. Other (please specify) B. Public markets D. Other (please specify)
• What types of products or services do you find lacking or • What types of products or services do you find lacking or • What types of products or services do you find lacking or
challenging to access within your community? challenging to access within your community? challenging to access within your community?
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
• Are there specific products or services you would like to see • Are there specific products or services you would like to see • Are there specific products or services you would like to see
more of in our community? more of in our community? more of in our community?
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
• If you are a business owner or involved in a Micro, Small, or • If you are a business owner or involved in a Micro, Small, or • If you are a business owner or involved in a Micro, Small, or
Medium Enterprise (MSME), could you briefly describe your Medium Enterprise (MSME), could you briefly describe your Medium Enterprise (MSME), could you briefly describe your
business and the products or services it offers? business and the products or services it offers? business and the products or services it offers?
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
• Would you be interested in participating in training or skill • Would you be interested in participating in training or skill • Would you be interested in participating in training or skill
development programs to enhance your MSME's capabilities development programs to enhance your MSME's capabilities development programs to enhance your MSME's capabilities
for potential economic opportunities? for potential economic opportunities? for potential economic opportunities?
• Are you open in any kind of strategies that can help in • Are you open in any kind of strategies that can help in • Are you open in any kind of strategies that can help in
boosting your business? boosting your business? boosting your business?
A. Doña Conchita B. Villa Corazon A. Doña Conchita B. Villa Corazon A. Doña Conchita B. Villa Corazon
• How long have you been a resident of your community? • How long have you been a resident of your community? • How long have you been a resident of your community?
A. Less than a year D. 11-20 years A. Less than a year D. 11-20 years A. Less than a year D. 11-20 years
B. 1-5 years E. Over 20 years B. 1-5 years E. Over 20 years B. 1-5 years E. Over 20 years
C. 6-10 years C. 6-10 years C. 6-10 years
• What is your preferred method of communication for • What is your preferred method of communication for • What is your preferred method of communication for
community updates and engagement? community updates and engagement? community updates and engagement?
A. Community meetings C. Text messages A. Community meetings C. Text messages A. Community meetings C. Text messages
B. Social media D. Other (please specify) B. Social media D. Other (please specify) B. Social media D. Other (please specify)
Thank you for your valuable input! Your responses will play a crucial Thank you for your valuable input! Your responses will play a crucial Thank you for your valuable input! Your responses will play a crucial
role in shaping initiatives to enhance the economic well-being of our role in shaping initiatives to enhance the economic well-being of our role in shaping initiatives to enhance the economic well-being of our
community in Villa Corazon and Villa Conchita, Naga City. community in Villa Corazon and Villa Conchita, Naga City. community in Villa Corazon and Villa Conchita, Naga City.