Behaveco 4
Behaveco 4
Behaveco 4
Dushyant Kumar
BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Decision Making Under Uncertainty
P(A ∩ B) = 0
I Exhaustive events
P(A) + P(B) = 1
I Independent events
I Conditional probability
P(A/B) =
I Bayes’ Rule
I Suppose two procedures of producing a particular good-
A & B.
I From procedure A, the good can be defective with probability
P(D/A), similarly P(D/B) for procedure B.
P(A/D) =
= .
P(D/A)P(A) + P(D/B)P(B)
4 1 1 2 2
× + × = .
5 3 5 3 5
I Prior probability and posterior probability..
I Now suppose the patient die within a year, what is the
posterior probability that the patient was suffering from type
A cancer?
P(A/D) =
P(D/A)P(A) + P(D/B)P(B)
×1 2
= 4 15 31 2 = .
5 × 3 + 5 × 3
P(G /U)P(U)
P(U/G ) = = 0.82
P(G /U)P(U) + P(G /F )P(F )
Bayesian Updation: Example Cont..
I Different biases....
Conjuction and Disjuction Baises
P(D/ + ve) =
P(+ve/D)P(D) + P(+ve/ND)P(ND)
0.08 (approx)
I Arguements for random testing for Covid during very early
Decision Thoeries Under Uncertainty
I Will you like play the lottery i.e. take a chance with the
lottery or, rather settle with EV (L)?
I Risk averse- EV (L) L
I Risk neutral- EV (L) ∼ L
I Risk taker- EV (L) ≺ L.
I So the expected value approach just covers the risk neutrality
part. We need a theory that can explain or accommodates all
three behaviours..
I Risk premium- Consider a risk averse individual. The
individual strictly prefers EV (L) compared to playing the
lottery and taking risk.
Risk Attitudes
L ∼ CE
Risk Attitudes
EV (L) − CE
L = {x1 , p1 ; x2 , p2 ; · · · ; xn , pn }
L = {100, 0.50; 0, 0}
suppose u(xi ) = xi2 .
EV (L) = 50
Expected Utility Theory: Example
EU(L) = 0.50 × 100 2 + 0.50 × 0 = 5
Utility that the individual is going to get from getting the
expected value i.e. 50 with certainty-
50 2 = 7.07
u(xi ) = xi2
I Lets continue with u(xi ) = xi2 . What is CE and RP?
u(CE ) = CE 2 = EU(L) = 5
or, CE = 52 = 25.
RP = EV (L) − CE = 50 − 25 = 25.
I CE and RP for u = x 2 and u = kx, k > 0..
I The expected utility framework is a significant development
over the earlier approaches- significantly richer setup..
I What are we assuming when we are working with EUT?
Axiomatic foundation..
crucial for further developments..
Expected Utility Theory: Axiomatic Foundation
{L1 , p; L3 , 1 − p} {L2 , p; L3 , 1 − p}
U(L1 ) ≥ U(L2 ).
U= i pi u(xi ).
Expected Utility Theory: Violations
I b1 vs. b2 ?
I b3 vs. b4 ?
Violations of Independence Axioms
I Framing effect