KON313 LN14 FreqResponseTechniquesBode v08
KON313 LN14 FreqResponseTechniquesBode v08
KON313 LN14 FreqResponseTechniquesBode v08
Note. The product of the input phasor and the system function yields the
phasor representation of the output.
• The frequency response can be plotted in several ways; two of them are
(1) Bode Plot. Separate magnitude and phase plots as a function of frequency
(2) Nyquist. As a polar plot, where the phasor length is the magnitude, and
the phasor angle is the phase.
Note. Either of these frequency response presentations can also be obtained from Aysa
Bode Plots
Bode plots. The log-magnitude and phase frequency response curves as functions
of log 𝜔 are called Bode plots or Bode diagrams.
• Magnitude Plot. logarithmic vertical axis (in 𝑑𝐵), vs. logarithmic frequency axis
(log 𝜔)
• Phase Plot. linear vertical axis (in degree or radian), logarithmic frequency axis
(log 𝜔)
Converting to dB
Thus, the total response in 𝑑𝐵 is the algebraic sum of the response of each term.
• The phase frequency response is also the sum of the phase frequency response
curves of the zero terms minus that sum of the pole terms.
Aysa Jafari Farmand
Bode Plots - Asymptotic Approximations
Let us now show how to approximate the frequency response of all possible pole
and zero terms by straight-line approximations. Consider the basic factors:
1. Gain 𝐾
• The reciprocal of a number, expressed in decibels, differs from its value only in
sign; that is, for the number 𝐾.