Final Test Blue Print - Management

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Ministry of Education

Harmonized Test Blueprint for National Exit Examination to be held in

2016 E.C

Program: - Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA) in Business Management/

Management / Business Management and entrepreneurship/Business

Compiled By:

1. Aboma Benti Email:

2. Chali Fayera Email:
3. Fanta Tariku Email:
4. Kalkidan Fantu Email:
5. Tadesse Gezahegne Email:

October, 2023
Addis Ababa
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................3
2. Objective of test blueprint ..........................................................................................................................4
3. Expected profile of the Graduates ..............................................................................................................4
4. General Objective.......................................................................................................................................5
5. Specific Objectives .....................................................................................................................................5
8. Test blueprint Table (Table of Specification).............................................................................................7
9. Learning outcomes in terms of the three domains (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor) ..................19
10. Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................................20
1. Introduction
The Ministry of Education of Ethiopia has announced the implementation of exit exam for all undergraduate
program students (public and private), beginning with the 2022/2023 academic year, in order to improve the
quality of graduates produced by higher learning institutions. The exit exam aimed at checking whether
students have acquired the required knowledge, skills and attitudes or not. To implement this, it requires
determining competency areas for a specific program, which is already completed. Based on the competency
areas prepared, it needs to plan the construction of tests.
Planning of a test is a first and vital step in the construction of an achievement test. An achievement test
demands very systematic and careful planning, as a fact that good planning is a symbol of success. Tests are
the tools that provide scores that measure level of student learning and study program learning outcomes. In
order to achieve the valid and reliable measurement of student learning and program learning outcomes, the
development of valid and reliable test is the mandatory. Test should be able to measure student performance
in all dimensions of knowledge, skill and attitude. The carefully planned test construction contributes to
improve the overall quality of the test in terms of test content validity, difficulty level, discrimination power
and test reliability. Test preparation is not an easy task; it requires a careful planning and guideline to make
the task simple. Test construction needs the preparation of test blue print. Test blueprint is defined as a
complete plan that explains how to develop a test. The term refers to a map or specification of assessment to
ensure that all aspects of the curriculum and educational domains are covered by the assessment programs
over a specified period of time. It helps curriculum developers/test constructors to match various competencies
with the course content and the appropriate modality of assessment.
Generally, test blueprint will help to ensure tests: 1) Appropriately assess the achievement of instructional
objectives of the course; 2) Appropriately reflect key course goals, objectives and the material learned or
covered during the instruction period; and 3) Include the appropriate item formats along with the knowledge
and skills being assessed.
Keeping this in mind, the team has prepared this test blueprint document in order to help the test developers
or content specialists in their process of valid and reliable test construction. The major points considered in
the process of preparing this test blue print guideline were the core competencies that have been already
identified for the themes of courses, the course contents, course credit hours, and the learning outcomes with
their corresponding levels of achievement by learning domains. In line with these, the number of test items
that should adequately assess the performance of students in all the content topics will be determined through
discussion with the content specialists who construct the blueprint and test for their corresponding study
Therefore, the main purpose of this manual is to give direction on how to develop blueprint for content
specialists so that they can develop a test blueprint for their respective program.
2. Objective of test blueprint
Test blueprint preparation is generally opted to assist the preparation of a test that is representative, broadly
sampled, and consisting of complete knowledge domain expected of the Ethiopian higher education students
on completion of their study program. The specific objectives of test blueprint are to:
 Facilitate the construction of a representative and balanced test items for the selected courses in
accordance with the competencies identified.
 Guide test developers or writers to write or set appropriate test items.

3. Expected profile of the Graduates

The program is aimed at producing graduates that can have adequate knowledge, skills and attitude towards
application of management concepts. Specifically:
 Capable of making rational decisions to solve organizational problems and manage conflicts.
 Capable to manage human resources of an organization competently by understanding
individual differences, group behavior and organization level behavior.
 Motivated for creativity, innovation and management of projects.
 Design appropriate and robust strategies to shape or cope up with changing
organizational environment.
 Capable of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of all types of
 Responsive and effective in working with and through others by developing an understanding
of common goal.
 Manage material resources and operations of an organization.
 Conduct research and consultancy service in management and related areas and offer training for
those who are in need of it.
 Manage financial resources of the organization by applying financial principles.
 Capable of using decision-making models in organizational decision-making.
 Capable of understanding the legal, social and ethical responsibilities associated with the
management of all types of organization.
 Capable of using information communication technology in utilizing and managing
organizational resources.
 Analyze transaction, summarize, record and interpret accounting data for managerial decision-
 Apply fundamental marketing concepts and marketing management approaches in domestic as well
international marketing issues and practices.
 Capable of collecting, analyzing and interpreting statistical data using various statistical tools for
managerial decisions.
4. General Objective
Through its programs the department has the objectives of producing:
 Professionals who are capable of planning, organizing, directing and controlling activities of private, non-
government and government organizations.
 Professionals who can competently manage marketing, finance operations, human resource, materials,
information resources etc.
 Professionals who are responsive and effective in working with and through others as well as capable of
making and implementing decisions.
 Professionals capable of searching and developing opportunities as well as tackling problems
 Professionals who are able to face the challenges of today’s and tomorrow’s highly complex and
competitive environment.

5. Specific Objectives
 Describe the basic concepts, the nature, principles, functions and practices of management.
 Describe basic concepts of project planning and analysis.
 Explain the basic concepts, principles and practices associated with formulation and implementation of
appropriate and robust strategies to shape or cope up with changing organizational environment.
 Comprehend the concepts, techniques and applications of materials, production and operations
 Understand financial resource acquisition and their effective utilization in managing an organization.
 Ability to make rational decision by understanding decision-making process, and different
classifications of decision-making settings and environments.
 Capable of competently mange Human resource through understanding major principles and
techniques of Human resource management system.
 Develop skills in communicating, influencing and negotiating with peers, subordinates and senior
managers in an organization.
 Design an effective business model/plan and explain the concept, components and importance of
creativity and innovation in organizations.
 Capable of identifying types of data, data collection methods, analyzing and interpreting data using
various statistical tools for managerial decisions.
 Perform various quantitative analysis techniques and tools for supporting managerial decisions
 Capable of using information communication technology in utilizing and managing organizational
 Apply fundamental marketing concepts and marketing management approaches in domestic as well as
international markets.

 Responsive in managing conflict through understanding the concept, nature, types, causes of conflict
and Distinguish among different types of conflict management strategies in organizations.
 Responsive and effective in explaining, predicting, influencing and managing human behavior when
working with and through others in the organization.
 Appreciate the legal, social and ethical responsibilities of an organization to address the need of various
6. Themes and list of courses

Course Weight
R.No. Course Name
Cr.Hrs./ ECTS
Theme 1: Fundamentals of Management and Marketing (9/15) 22%
1 Introduction to Management 3/5
2 Principles of Marketing 3/5
3 International Marketing 3/5
Theme 2: Human Resource and Organizational Behaviour (9/15) 21%
1 Human Resource Management 3/5
2 Organizational Behaviour 3/5
3 Leadership and Change Management 3/5
Theme 3: Innovation, Strategy and Project Management (12/20) 22%
1 Entrepreneurship 3/5
2 Management information systems 3/5
3. Strategic Management 3/5
3 Project Management 3/5
Theme 4: Managerial Statistics and Business Research (9/15) 15%
1 Business Research Methods 3/5
2 Statistics for Management I 3/5
3 Statistics for Management II 3/5
Theme 5: Management Science and Financial Management (11/16) 20%
1 Operations Management 4/6
2 Financial Management 3/5
3 Operations Research 4/5

7. Total credit hour of the selected courses

 The total credit hour of the selected courses is 50 Cr. Hrs.
8. Test blueprint Table (Table of Specification)
Ministry of Education
Higher Education Sub-sector
Test Blueprint for BA in Business Management / Management / Business Management and entrepreneurship / Business Administration

Weight of course or proportion

Learning outcomes and test weight

Number of test items from

Courses Name under the


Learning Outcome

Cognitive Total

each course
each course




Cr. H.



Define the term, nature and
practice of management, basic
CH 1: Fundamentals of
1 concepts of management, its 1 1 1
importance, roles, skills, its
Describe the
Theme One
concepts, the
Fundamentals of
Introduction nature, CH 2: Evolution of Describe the principles of
Management and 1 1 1 1
to 3 8% principles, Management management.
Management functions
Share = 22 items CH 3: The Planning Function 1 1 1 1
from the total CH 5: The Organizing
practices of 1 1 1 1
management Function Develop a comprehensive
CH 6: Staffing Function 1 understanding of basic concepts 1 1 1
of management functions
CH 7: Directing Function 1 1 1 1
CH 8: The Controlling
1 1 1 1
Ability to
decision by
ng decision- Apply rational decision by
making understanding decision-making
process, and process, and different
CH 4: Decision Making 1 1 1
different classifications of decision-
classification making settings and
s of environments.
settings and
Apply CH 1: An Overview of
Define basic/core marketing
fundamental Marketing and Marketing 1 1 0
marketing Management
concepts and CH 2: Marketing Analyze marketing
Principles of 1 1 0
3 7% marketing Environments environment
CH 3: Buying Behaviour 1 1 0
approaches Describe the marketing plan
in domestic CH 4: Market Segmentation process and strategy
1 1 0
as well as Targeting and Positioning
• Define and classify products/
product mix• Explain the
importance and role of product
development;• Discuss
marketing channel concept,
examine the structure and
function of the distribution and
CH 5: Managing Marketing
3 materials management 1 1 1 0
Mix Elements
• Describe the role of
promotion mix and identify
factors affecting the choice of
promotion • Analyze
the importance of pricing and
examine key factors that may
influence marketers

• Explain the importance of

viewing international
marketing management
strategies from a global
Apply CH 1: Concepts of perspective
fundamental 1 1 0
International Marketing • Understand the strategic
marketing implications of competition in
concepts and different countries.
marketing • Recognize the trends in
3 7% management International Trade;
in domestic
as well as • Differentiate an approach and
international framework for identifying and
markets. analysing the important
CH 2: International Marketing
1 cultural and environmental 1 0
• Analyse International
Marketing environment;
• Identify idea in seeking
market opportunities outside
the home country
CH 3: Market Entry Decision 1 1 0
• Explain the various
international market entry

CH 4: Product Policy • Recognize multinational

1 1 0
Decisions in companies and their
International Context international business
CH 5: Promotion Strategy in • Explain the various
1 1 0
International Context approaches of marketing mix
strategies in the international
Market context;
• Discuss the formality of
CH 6: Pricing and Terms of
1 export/Import, International 1 0
Payment in International
finance, insurance (risk
management) and quality
CH 7: Distribution Strategy in control.
1 1 0
International Context

Total Credit for Theme 1 9 0.22 22 3 10 0 3 0 5 21 0 1 22

Capable of • Understand the operative

competently functions of Human resource
mange CH 1: An Over View Human management
Human Resource Management • Recognize the importance and
resource significance of human resource
Theme Two
through as an asset
Human Resource
Human understandi
and Organizational
Resource 3 8% ng ng major •Recognize the environmental
Management principles CH 2: Human Resource influence experiencing human
Share = 21 items 1 1 1 1
and Management Environments resource and deal with these
from the total
techniques factors
of Human
resource CH 3: Job Analysis & Human • Acquire a broader perspective
1 0 1 1
management Resource Planning on managing human resource
system. effectively.
CH 4: Recruitment & Selection 1 0 1 1
CH 5: Training and • Apply major principles and
1 1 1 1
Development techniques of human resource
CH 6: Performance Appraisal 1 management system 1 1 1
• Understand the dynamic
CH 7: Compensation 1 nature and applications of 1 1 1

CH 8: Integration and human resource management

1 in business and other 1 1 1
CH 9: Promotions, Transfers • Understand human resource
1 0 1 1
and Separation handling mechanism

• Understand the core

management principles in
organization behavior.
CH 1: An Over View of
1 • Understand how cognitive, 1 1 1
Organizational Behaviour
behavioral, and emotional
outcomes contribute to and
sustain organizations.
and effective
explaining, • Realize how individual
predicting, CH 2: Foundation of differences in personality,
influencing Individual Behaviour and 1 attitudes, emotions, and 0 1 1
and Learning in an Organization perceptions influence behaviour
managing in organizations.
3 7% human
al Behaviour
behaviour • List the stages of group
when CH 3: Foundation of Group formation
1 1 1 1
working Behaviour • Identify the characteristics of
with and effective group
others in the CH 4: Concepts of Motivation
1 • Discuss theories of motivation 1 1 1
organization and Their Applications
• Successfully manage diversity
in organizations.
• Discuss organizational norms
CH 7: Culture and Diversity 1 0 1 1
and how does organizational
culture affect behavior in
• Understand the impact of
CH 8: Power and Politics in an organizational politics, and
1 1 1 1
Organization power on behavior in

• Know how communication

CH 9: Organizational Design affects organizational processes
1 0 1 1
and Structure and what makes for effective

• Define what leadership is and

how it is applied at all levels of
CH 1: Introduction to
1 management 1 1 1
• Understand the basics of

• Develop skills in
communicating, influencing
and negotiating with peers,
Develop CH 2: Leadership Theories and subordinates and senior
skills in 2 1 1 1 2
Styles managers.
communicati • Become adept at assessing
ng, leadership traits and qualities in
influencing ourselves and others
Leadership and
and Change 3 6% negotiating
Management with peers, • Assist organizations in
subordinates changing their organization to
and senior accommodate the changing
CH 3: Overview of Change
managers in 1 world. 1 1 1
an •Apply orthodox and critical
organization analyses to the management of
people and change
• Assist organizations in
changing their organization to
accommodate the changing
CH 4: Types of Change 1 1 1 1
• Create an environment for life
time learning
in managing
ng the
types, causes
• Manage conflicts that may
of conflict CH 5: Conflicts and Conflict
1 arise during changes and 1 1 1
and Management
internalize the changes made
types of
strategies in
Total Credit for Theme 2 9 21% 21 2 7 4 0 1 0 14 3 4 21

Design an • Define entrepreneurship

effective within the context of society;
business organizations and individuals.
Theme Three model/plan CH 1: The Nature of • Develop elements of the
1 1 1 1
Innovation, and explain Entrepreneurship entrepreneurial mindset and
Strategy and the concept, discussing the implications for
Project 3 6% components functioning as a successful
Management and entrepreneur
Share = 22 items importance
from the total of creativity
• Overcome obstacles to
creative problem-solving.
innovation CH 2: Business Planning 1 0 1 1
• Prepare an effective business
• Employ the leadership studies
of entrepreneurs who have been
successful in different sectors
(e.g., start-ups, corporations,
CH 3: Business Formation 1 Community, public sector, etc.). 1 1 1
• Apply specific management
issues involved in setting up
and running a business

• Developing a concept for an

CH 4: Product/Service innovative idea, product or
1 1 1 1
Development service in one’s own area of

• Develop market and new

CH 5: Marketing 1 1 1 1
the legal,
social and
• Develop a personal
framework for managing the
es of an CH 7: Managing Growth and
1 ethical dilemmas and social 0 1 1
organization Transition
responsibilities facing
to address
the need of

• Understand and recognize the

Capable of
relationship between
information and decision 1
information CH 1: Introduction to MIS 1 1 1
• Know significance of
Management on
information and information
information 3 4% technology
systems as basic resources from
systems in utilizing CH 4: Common Business managerial perspective in
and Applications of Information 1 1 1 1
managing Technology • Appreciate the ability and
organization CH 5: Knowledge skills to identify their
al resources. 1 information needs, source and 0 1 1
Management (KM)
to utilize the information
CH 6: Ethical and Security
1 efficiently and effectively. 0 1 1

CH 1: Introduction to Strategic
1 1 1 1
Management • Understand the strategic
decisions that organizations
Explain the
make and have an ability to
engage in strategic planning.•
Explain the basic concepts,
principles and practices
CH 2: Mission, Objectives and associated with strategy
practices 1 0 1 1
Goals formulation and
implementation.• Integrate and
apply knowledge gained in
basic courses to the formulation
and implementation of strategy
Strategic from holistic and multi-
3 6% ion of
Management CH 3: Environmental Analysis functional perspectives.•
appropriate 1 1 1 1
and Appraisal Analyse and evaluate real life
and robust
company situations to develop
strategies to
creative solutions, using a
shape or
strategic management
cope up
perspective.• Conduct and
present a credible business
CH 4: Strategy Formulation 1 analysis in a team setting.• 1 1 1
Understand the crucially
important role of strategic
CH 5: Strategy management for competitive
. 1 1 1 1
Implementation advantages of business

CH 6: Strategic Evaluation and

1 1 1 1

Describe CH 1: Introduction to Project • Know basic concepts of

1 1 1 1
Management project analysis and planning
Project 3 6% basic • Understand sources of project
Management concepts of CH 3: Project Identification 1 1 1 1
ideas and project identification,
• Explain feasibility study from
and analysis.
different analytical perspective,
CH 4: Project Preparation 2 1 1 1 2
• Conduct project appraisals
and make documentation of it.

• Appreciate project
CH 5: Project Implementation,
1 implementation, controlling & 1 1 1
Monitoring and Evaluation
evaluation techniques

Know mechanisms of project

CH 7: Project Financing 1 1 1 1

Total Credit for Theme 3 12 0.22 22 1 4 4 2 2 3 16 1 5 22

• Understand the role of

CH 1: An Introduction to business research
1 1 1 1
Research Methods • Differentiate the different
types of research

CH 2: Defining Research
Problem and Hypothesis 1 Identify research problem 1 1 1
quantitative Develop appropriate research
CH 3: Research Proposal 1 1 1 1
Business analysis design
Research 3 7% techniques
Theme Four CH 4: Research Design
Methods and tools for 1 Develop sampling design 1 1 1
(Planning of Research Project)
Managerial supporting
Statistics and managerial Differentiate types of data and
Business Research CH 5: Sources and Methods of
decisions. 1 instrument of data gathering 1 1 1
Share = 15 items Data Collections
from the total
CH 6: Data Analysis &
1 Analyze and interpret data 1 1 1

Prepare standard research

CH 7: Research Report Writing 1 1 1 1

Capable of CH 1: An Introduction to
1 1 1 1
identifying Business Statistics • Familiarizes students with
Statistics for
types of basic concepts of statistics
Management 3 4% CH 3: Measures of Central
data, data 1 • Apply statistical tools in 0 1 1
I Tendency and Dispersion
collection managerial decision-making.
methods, CH 4: Probability Theory 1 1 1 1
data using
various CH 5: Probability Distribution 1 0 1 1
tools for

CH 1: Sampling and Sampling • Apply various statistical tools

Perform 1 0 1 1
Distributions for decision making
• Make valid inference from
Statistics for analysis
CH 3: Hypothesis Testing 1 • Construct and test different 0 1 1
Management 3 4% techniques
types of hypothesis
II and tools for
• Apply statistical tests in the
supporting CH 4: Chi-Square
1 preparation of Research report. 0 1 1
managerial Distributions
• Find correlation between
decisions. CH 6: Correlation and
1 variables 0 1 1

Total Credit for Theme 4 9 0.15 15 0 3 0 2 0 4 9 0 6 15

• Define operations
CH 1: Operations Function 1 • Describe operations 1 1 1
management, its scope and
Comprehend activities
the concepts,
CH 2: Operations Strategy for  Understand operations
techniques 1 1 1 1
Theme Five Competitive Advantage strategy and competitiveness
applications CH 3: Product and Service
Science and 1  Describe the decision 1 1 1
Operations of materials, Design
Financial 4 8% involved in designing and
Management production
Management CH 4: Process Selection and controlling the operations
and 1 1 1 1
Share = 20 items Capacity Planning system.
from the total
management CH 5: Facility Location 1 • Understand facility location 1 1 1
. and layout
CH 6: Facility Layout 1 1 1 1

CH 7: Quality Management • Discuss aggregate planning

1 1 1 1
and Control
CH 8: Aggregate Planning 1 • Apply selected quantitative 0 1 1
tools, techniques and models
CH 1: An Overview of Define the term financial
and their 1 1 1 1
Financial Management management
utilization in
managing an
resources of
Financial any CH 2: Financial Analysis and Make financial planning and
3 5% 1 0 1 1
Management organization Planning forecast
by applying
CH 3: The Time Value of
 Understand the concept of
Money and The Concept of 1 0 1 1
time value of money

CH 4: Bond and Stock Understand techniques of

Valuation and The Cost of 1 asset evaluation and the cost of 0 1 1
Capital capital

CH 5: Investment Decision Familiar with different

1 1 1 1
Making /Capital Budgeting investment decisions

CH 1: Introduction to
Perform 1 1 1 1
Operations Research • Understand the significance
of OR in managerial decision
CH 2: Linear Programming 2 making 1 1 1 2
Operations • Understand the different
4 7% techniques
Research CH 3: Transportation and models of OR.
and tools for 2 1 1 1 2
Assignment Problems • Appreciate the application of
OR model in solving different
managerial CH 4: Decision Theory 1 0 1 1
quantitative problem.
CH 5: Network Models 1 0 1 1
2 6 2 2 0 0 12 0 8 20
Total Credit for Theme 5 11 0.2 20

8 29 11 9 3 12 72 4 24 100
Total for the program 50 100% 100
9. Learning outcomes in terms of the three domains (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)
Ministry of Education
Higher Education Su-sector
Share of Competencies (KSA) per course in Eit Eam
Share of Share of Competencies
S.N Themes Course Name Cr.Hrs
Courses% Knowledge Attitude Skill Total Remark
Theme One: Fundamentals Introduction to Management 3 8 7 1 8
1 of Management and Principles of Marketing 3 7 7 7
Marketing International Marketing 3 7 7 7
Theme Two: Human Human Resource Management 3 8 5 1 2 8
2 Resource and Organizational Behaviour 3 7 4 2 1 7
Organizational Behaviour Leadership and Change Management 3 6 5 1 6
Entrepreneurship 3 6 4 1 1 6
Theme Three: Innovation, Management information systems 3 4 2 2 4
3 Strategy and Project
Strategic Management 3 6 5 1 6
Project Management 3 6 5 1 6
Theme Four: Managerial Business Research Methods 3 7 7 7
4 Statistics and Business Statistics for Management I 3 4 2 2 4
Research Statistics for Management II 3 4 4 4
Theme Five: Management Operations Management 4 8 7 1 8
5 Science and Financial Financial Management 3 5 2 3 5
Management Operations Research 4 7 3 4 7
Total 50 100 72 4 24 100
10. Conclusion
Exit examination can have a vital role in producing knowledgeable, skilful and attitudinally matured
graduates. It contributes to prepare competent graduates as it can serve as a quality check for effectiveness. It
also helps in improving academic programs quality and effectiveness. Furthermore, it can create the platform
for cooperation among academic programs at different universities to work jointly to improve the programs

In view of this, this document is produced to assist the setting of the exit examinations for all programs,
which is being delivered by Ministry of Education. To meet the graduation profile, competency and learning
Outcome, exit exam competency selection and identifying core courses were done for 2016 E.C. graduating
students. As a result, preparing test blueprint is necessary to prepare fairly distributed items based on the
above criteria.

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