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This research discusses metaphors used in Michael Buble’s fifth studio album “Call Me
Irresponsible”. This research examines the types of metaphors in Michael Buble’s fifth studio
album “Call Me Irresponsible” and the meaning of each metaphors in the album. The
researcher uses the descriptive qualitative method to analyze the objectives of the research.
The results of this research indicate that there are 26 data found in the form of lyrics
containing metaphors. Among them are 12 structural metaphors, 9 orientational metaphors,
and 5 ontological metaphors which consist of personification metaphor. In addition,the
meaning that contained in each of metaphors depends on the type of metaphor used which
are: 1) structural metaphors happen when a concept is expressed in terms of other defined
concepts, 2) orientational metaphor can highlight how cultural representations of physical
and emotional experience such as “Happy is up, sad is down.”, and 3) ontological metaphors
happen when we see events, activities, feelings, and ideas as beings and things.
Keywords : Structural Metaphors, Orientational Metaphors, Ontological Metaphors, Song,
Call Me Irresponsible Album
In interacting, language is the most basic thing that must be mastered in communicating
between human beings which is after all the most common way for speakers to
understand each other. According to Kasim et al. (1981), language is a media for
interacting and communicating with another . Without language, humans find it difficult
to interact with each other.
Songs are often used as a tool to convey a message to others. According to Moeliono
Peny (2003), the term "song" refers to a variety of rhythmic sounds. A song's rhythm
helps the listener's emotions to be integrated into the song's message. Songs are based
on musical compositions.
Song lyrics are part of literary works. They belong to works of art and poetry type
literature. Siswantoro (2010) says that lyrics as a genre of poetry are different from
novels, dramas, or short stories. Song lyrics or lyrics can be considered as poetry and vice
versa. Jan van Luxemburg (1989) also said that the definition of poetry texts includes not
only literary genres but also proverbs, advertising messages, political slogans, pop songs
and prayers
Figurative language is frequently used in songs. Figurative language can attract
readers and inspire them to write more passionately. According to Abrams (1999)
figurative language is a different outlook obtained from what a language's 2 speakers
normally interpret to be a meaning of a word common interpretation, or the conventional
structure of words to generate some specific meaning or effect.
A metaphor is one of the most well-known figurative languages. Shawna Malvini
(2017) argues that a kind of figurative language called a metaphor is used to make
comparisons between things. Lakoff and Johnson (1980) believe that a metaphor's main
function is to improve understanding. A metaphor is a form of speech that compares one
thing with another, to put it another way.
Journal of English Literature and Linguistics Studies
Vol 2 (2) 2023
Metaphor has a function in the use of language. Metaphors contribute to the creation
of new words. Regarding the function of metaphor, Subroto (2011) describes three
functions or uses of metaphor which include 1) overcoming the lack or limitation of the
lexicon, 2) expressing speech, and 3) avoiding or reducing singularity (monotonicity).
This research focuses on the metaphors found in Michael Buble's song lyrics, focusing
on the various metaphors and the real meaning in song lyrics. The 3 researchers chose
this topic because metaphor is closely related to the use of language and human life.
Therefore, the researchers are interested in conducting research by taking the song from
Michael Buble as the object of their research and using the theory by Lakoff and Johnson
(1980). Moreover, Michael Buble is a famous legendary singer who has had many albums.
Based on the research background above, the problems are formulated below:
1. What types of metaphors that contains in Michael Buble’s fifth studio album “Call
Me Irresponsible”?.
2. What are the meaning of each metaphors found in Michael Buble’s fifth studio
album “Call Me Irresponsible”?.
Review of Literature
Semantics is the study that studies meaning. The word "semantics," which means to
convey a sign or anything significant in Greek, is where we get the word. Semantics, then,
is the study of how signs are understood (Verhaar, 2010). One of the three levels of
language analysis (phonology, grammatical, and semantic) focuses on understanding the
meaning of language (Chaer, 2013). Semantics, then, is the discipline study of linguistics
that investigates the real meaning hidden in a language, code, or other form of
representation. However, in linguistics, the sign or symbol in question is language,
specifically words or other more accessible grammatical units with meaning. It can also
be said that semantics is the study of 7 symbols or signs such as words that express
meaning and relationships and their effects on speakers or users (humans).
Figurative Language
Figurative language commonly differs from the usual practice and word meanings in
order to express a complicated idea, creativity, transparency, or a dramatic relation.
Figurative languages uses words or phrases with a meaning that differs from the literal
meaning. Visual language expresses diverse thoughts and feelings. It's about composing
sentences effectively and aesthetically, you can give a concrete description in the mind of
the reader. Figurative Language is very common in poetry but is also used in song. Briefly,
it plays an important role in literary works. Its main purpose is to compel readers to
imagine or understand what the author means by expressions. So it can be concluded
that figurative languages are languages designed with a variety of specific languages.
Also, it can be recognized by the use of language different from everyday speech.
The use of words or groups of words as a painting based on analogies or comparisons
without using comparative terms is known as metaphor. Metaphor is a form of figurative
language and one of the most widely recognized figurative languages is a metaphor.
Lakoff and Johnson (1980) says that “metaphor is something that has another meaning
and its main function is to understand. In other words, metaphor is a part of figurative
language that compares one thing to another”.
In cognitive linguistics findings show that metaphors exist in everyday life. Both in
speech, action and thought. According to Lakoff (in Arimi, 2015) our conceptual attitudes,
Journal of English Literature and Linguistics Studies
Vol 2 (2) 2023
in the form of thinking and acting, are fundamentally metaphorical. Lakoff who is also
known as a pioneer figure of cognitive linguistics argues that, we speak using metaphors,
we think using metaphors, even we act using metaphors. According to Arimi (2015), the
essence of metaphor is to understand and even experience something through something
else. So, everything we do, whether communicating or writing, cannot be separated from
metaphors. The linguistic sphere has various types of metaphors. One type is conceptual
metaphor, conceptual metaphor is a type of metaphor that means that each linguistic unit
of expression (sentence) has one concept that is mapped with another linguistic unit of
expression (sentence) that has another concept.
Types of Metaphors
Lakoff and Johnson (1980) argues that “metaphor is something that has another meaning
and its main function is to understand. In other words, metaphor is a part of figurative
language that compares one thing to another”. Metaphors are separated into three types
by Lakoff and Johnson, they are: structural metaphors, orientational metaphors, and
ontological metaphors.
1. Structural Metaphor
A structural metaphor is indeed a metaphorical system in which a complex,
usually abstract concept is described in terms of a simpler, usually more concrete
concept. Lakoff and Johnson (1980/2003) defined structural metaphors as "cases where
one concept is metaphorically structured in terms of another."
2. Orientational Metaphor
An orientational metaphor (or figurative comparison) that involves spatial
relationships, according to Lakoff and Johnson (1980), is a unique type of metaphorical
idea that is unorganized but organizes all system of concepts that are connected to one
another. This metaphor also highlights how cultural representations of physical and
emotional experiences—such as up-down, in-out, on-off, deep-shallow, front-back, and
others—are expressed as forms of motion. It is possible to think of spatial orientation
through orientational metaphors.
3. Ontological Metaphor
An ontological metaphor is a part of metaphor (or figurative comparison) which
something concrete is put onto something abstract. Lakoff and Johnson believes that
ontological metaphors are "so natural and persuasive in our thought that they are
typically taken as self-evident, direct descriptions of mental phenomena." They also said
that ontological metaphors "are among the most fundamental devices we have for
understanding our experience".
The two types of metaphor identification employed in ontological metaphors are the
container metaphor and personification.
1. The Container Metaphor
In the metaphor of the container, a living or abstract item is a container or a
location that people can enter and exit. This indicates that a container may be filled when
an object is placed inside of it, and vice versa.
2. Personification
An ontological metaphor is personification. When representing objects, both real
and abstract, are used and treated as if they were people, complete with all of their
characteristics and activities (Lakoff and Johnson 1980).
The Function of Metaphor
One of the functions of a metaphor is to make a work or writing more beautiful. Lakoff
and Johnson (1998) says that a metaphor is something that has meaning and focus on
Journal of English Literature and Linguistics Studies
Vol 2 (2) 2023
Journal of English Literature and Linguistics Studies
Vol 2 (2) 2023
143/Reprise Records. This album is classified as vocal jazz and traditional pop. David
Foster, Humberto Gatica, and Bob Rock produced the record. The album opened on the
US Billboard 200 at number two and moved to position one in its second week. Few
musicians, including Michael Jackson and Sugarland, have succeeded in doing this. The
record has a US 1 platinum certification. The single's highest position on the ARIA Singles
Chart in Australia was number 19.
The researchers decided to investigate metaphor in Michael Buble's fifth studio album,
“Call Me Irresponsible” using the qualitative descriptive approach for this research.
“Descriptive methodology is a research approach that combines data collecting in order
to examine hypotheses or to clarify issues on the exact situation of the research problem,”
claimed Gay (1987). Qualitative research identifies and describes how things are. This
study employs a qualitative descriptive approach to examine the questions related to the
researcher's topic.
Data from this research will be split into two categories: primary data and secondary
data. The major source of data for this research is Michael Buble's fifth studio album, “Call
Me Irresponsible” which serves as the primary data. The secondary data is other data that
will support this research such as reading some research related to metaphor in song
analysis and searching for articles on linguistics that focus on metaphors in song.
The following procedures are the researcher's methods for collecting data:
1. Download all songs from Michael Buble fifth album “Call Me Irresponsible”.
2. Find and transcribe all the song lyrics.
3. Listen to the all songs a few times while read the lyrics carefully.
4. Underline the metaphor found in each song lyrics.
5. Classify the types of metaphor found in each song lyrics based on Lakoff and Johnson
(1980) theory.
Data analysis
The researchers use the techniques of data analyzing based on (Miles, Huberman and
Saldana, 2014) method as follows:
1. Data condensation
Data condensation is the process of selecting, simplifying, summarizing and/or
transforming data found in the fields of Miles, Huberman & Saldana (2014).
The information used in this research is a transcript of the lyrics from Michael
Buble’s fifth studio album “Call Me Irresponsible”.
2. Data Display
The second step is to present the data in a clearer and easier to understand way.
This should simplify the data found and draw conclusions more easily. This makes it
easier for the researchers to proceed further in the analysis process. (Miles et al., 2014).
3. Drawing and Verifying Conclusions
The final step is to draw conclusions from the collected data and validate them to
complete all the data.
The goal at this stage is an experimental conclusion. One conclusion cannot be
reach and must be repeat. In particular, the meaning of the word being analyzes must be
accurate, and the data must be analyzes frequently to ensure its accuracy.
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Vol 2 (2) 2023
Journal of English Literature and Linguistics Studies
Vol 2 (2) 2023
By looking at the table above, we can conclude that there are 9 orientational
metaphors used in Michael Buble's collection of songs on the Call Me Irresponsible album.
The song that uses this type of metaphor the most is the song entitled Lost in which there
are 3 lines that use orientational metaphors. In addition, there are six songs that do not
use orientational metaphors in the album, namely The Best Is Yet to Come, It Had Better
Be Tonight, I'm Your Man, Comin' Home Baby, and Call Me Irresponsible..
c. Ontological Metaphor
No Song Title Personifica
1 The Best is Yet to Come • “You came along and
everything started to
• “The days were slipping
2 Lost
• “‘Till the light comes
pouring through”
Journal of English Literature and Linguistics Studies
Vol 2 (2) 2023
Buble only uses this type of metaphor in his two song titles, namely The Best is yet to Come
and Lost. Nevertheless, the researcher found Michael Buble's tendency to use
personification metaphors in one of his songs entitled Lost. In this song, the researcher
found 4 uses of personification metaphors contained in the lyrics of the song.
2. The Meaning of Each Metaphor Found in Michael Buble’s Fifth Studio Album
“Call Me Irresponsible”
One of the goals of using metaphors in a work is to give a beautiful impression to
the work. This is because the diction used by the author makes the work more
appealing to read or listen to. In this sub-chapter, the researcher presents the
meaning of each metaphor found in Michael Buble's Call Me Irresponsible album. The
results will be displayed below.
a. Structural Metaphor
1) The Best is yet to Come
a. “Still it’s a real good bet, the best is yet to come”.
This lyric can be classified as structural metaphor. A structural metaphor is a
metaphor in which one concept is metaphorically structured in connection to another.
The phrase “good bet” is related to gamble. However, in this lyric, “a good bet” refers
to “a good choice”.
Based on the opinion above, the "good bet" domain, if we look at it textually, as
mentioned above, will definitely continue with matters relating to gambling or
betting. However, in its use in the lyrics of this song, the phrase "good bet" has a very
different meaning from the textual meaning related to the bet but instead means a
good choice in life.
b. Orientational Metaphor
1) Me and Mrs. Johnson
In this song, there is only one orientational metaphor found which is taken from
the lyric “And it hurts so much, it hurts so much inside”. The word "hurts" is often
associated with wounds that occur on the outside of the body. However, once we
read the lyrics further, there is the word "inside" hinting that what was hurt was
the singer's heart after parting with the person she loved.
2) Lost
“That you were crying”
As we all know, people can cry because they are injured, or because they feel sad.
We can see this through the song lyrics quoted above, the phrase "that you were
crying" is a representation of the use of orientational metaphors that describe
that "sad is down", namely when the singer sees his lover crying. If we examine
the song more deeply, this song is a song that has a theme of sadness, this shows
that the word "Crying" in the song is a word that refers to sadness (down)
3) Wonderful Tonight
In this song, the researcher only found one lyric which is included in the
orientational metaphor, the lyrics reads "I feel wonderful tonight". The word
"wonderful" can be associated with happiness (up) and extraordinary feelings.
The feeling of "wonderful" is a very beautiful feeling, because it can show that
someone is very happy so that he will give positive energy to those around him.
The song, which is sung in a cheerful musical atmosphere, also adds a cheerful
atmosphere to the lyrics.
4) Everything
Journal of English Literature and Linguistics Studies
Vol 2 (2) 2023
As above, the researcher only found one lyric included in the orientational
metaphor in this song, namely "It's you, it's you, you make me sing". In common,
people sing to their heart's content. This song is sung with cheerful music, thus
indicating that the lyrics signify the singer's happiness (up). The word "sing" in
the lyrics of the song describes the singer's feelings of joy and happiness when he
is with his girlfriend. Humans will hum or sing when they feel pleasure.
5) I’ve got the world on a string
The line "I'm in love" in the lyrics of this song tells us that the singer is in a state of
falling in love. Normally, someone will feel very blossomed (up) when they are in
6) Always on my mind
The only use of the orientational metaphor found in this song reads "I'm so happy
that you're mine" which shows the happy feelings (up) of the singer. Loving and
being loved will add color to one's life. When a person feels close to other people,
they will appear happier and even healthier. Love helps a person feel valued,
understood, considered important and safe.
7) That’s Life
The sentence "I thought of quitting, baby" in the lyrics of this song implies that the
singer once felt a deep despair (down) so he used to feel like leaving and giving
up. Even though the feeling was experienced in the past, the singer can still
remember the feeling of downfall when he saw his girlfriend experiencing the
same sadness as what she had experienced before. This feeling of sadness is a
natural feeling that everyone can experience when experiencing a serious
c. Ontological Metaphor
Since the researcher could not find any song which possesses container metaphor, the
researcher will only discuss the personification metaphor found in Michael Buble’s
Call Me Irresponsible Album. Personification metaphors are metaphors that make
inanimate objects or animals behave like humans.
1) The Best is yet to come
On the lyrics that read “You came along and everything started to hum”. We can
see how the songwriter provides a personification metaphor in the sentence, namely
"everything started to hum". The word "everything" in linguistics is an indefinite
pronoun that refers to objects. If we think about it, there is no thing that can emit a
hum because humming can only be done by humans.
2) Lost
“The days were slipping last”. The word "slipping" denotatively means an incident
when a human being falls because of something slippery. However, the Lyrics convey
the meaning that the days pass so quickly. The days that pass so quickly are a sign that
someone has gone through a lot in their life to the point that they feel that they have
gone through very many days. The lyrics above describe time as if it were a human
being who could slip.
‘Till the light comes pouring through”. The word "come" is always associated with
the arrival of someone. However, in this lyric, the word "come" which is preceded by
the word "lights" can be interpreted as "shine". The sentence above likens light to
someone who has just arrived from somewhere, the word "comes" here does not
mean someone has just arrived from a place as according to the text, but the word
"comes" means that in a dark situation, a spark a light suddenly flashes without us
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Vol 2 (2) 2023
knowing where it is coming from. The light can also be interpreted as "good things"
or "happiness".
“And the darkness has won”. In a competition, there are known terms of winning
and losing. True victory and defeat can only be experienced by humans because
animals and objects cannot carry out a competition. The winning darkness means that
the bright day has turned into night and it is time for the day to change. The meaning
of "and the darkness won" in this song is equivalent to "when the light has faded".
“Life can show no mercy, it can tear your soul apart”. In the lyrics of this song, the
songwriter presents two personification metaphors at once, namely in the sentences
"Life can show..." and "it can tear..." which, if interpreted connotatively, these
sentences mean "Life can be bad and give us sadness.”. Life is bitter and cruel when
we do not want to accept the fact that the sweeteners that have been given to us are
running out and not enough, this is where we have to start enjoying other alternatives
which are none other than the bitterness.
1. Types of Metaphors Are Contained in The Michael Buble’s Fifth Studio Album
“Call Me Irresponsible”
In Michael Buble's album called Call Me Irresponsible, the researcher found 26 data which
have been broken down into three kinds of metaphors, namely 12 structural metaphors,
9 orientational metaphors, and 5 ontological metaphors included in personification
metaphors. This shows that most of the songs on the album use structural metaphors.
This happens because a term called a structural metaphor is one that is formed
metaphorically from other concepts. The source domain and the target domain serve as
the foundation for this structural metaphor. Systematic relationships in daily experience
serve as the foundation for structural metaphors. Conceptual metaphors take on
language form as structural metaphors. It follows that comparisons, interactions, and
mapping of meanings owned by linguistic components create meaning. Meaning is gained
by structuring one type of experience or activity with another type of experience or
activity. Due to this metaphor is based on systematic correlation in everyday events,
therefore this type of metaphor will be very easy to find in any work including song lyrics,
one of which is Michael Buble's “Call Me Irresponsible” album.
Furthermore, the other kind of metaphors is orientational metaphor. This type of
metaphors can also be found in Michael Buble's album, where there are 9 lyrics that use
this type of metaphor. Orientational metaphors, namely metaphors related to spatial
orientation, such as up-down, inside-outside, front-back, and so on. Since our bodies
interact in a physical environment, this spatial orientation results from our physical
This type of metaphor relates to spatial orientation derived from human physical
experience. The idea of direction follows this spatial orientation. For instance, the idiom
"happy is up" exhibits an upward and downward direction. Expressions of joy like "Today
I feel wonderful" are referred to as an up dimension, whereas expressions of sorrow like
"you were suffering" are referred to as a down dimension. To produce a more active
expression of language, the analogy was developed based on actions that combine with
human thought and physical experience.
The next kind of metaphor is ontological metaphor, in this case, the researchers only
found personification metaphors in the songs on Michael Buble's album entitled Call Me
Irresponsible. This metaphorical expression uses human behavior given to something that
is not human, such as objects in real life that do not have that characteristic. Things that
Journal of English Literature and Linguistics Studies
Vol 2 (2) 2023
can be given human nature using this metaphor include plants, inanimate objects,
animals, clouds, sky, and so on. The function of personification metaphors is usually to
provide a clear picture of the situation the writer wants to describe as well as an image
that feels more concrete. This type of metaphor is also a metaphor that is very easy to
recognize because this metaphor makes an inanimate object or animal behave like a
2. The Meaning of Each Metaphors Found In Michael Buble’s Fifth Studio Album
“Call Me Irreponsible”
Metaphors are used to make writing more beautiful and imaginative. It is generally used
in literary works such as poetry or songs. Metaphors are made to form a sentence that
has the aim of giving a certain impression or purpose (implied) to the reader. Therefore,
metaphors make ordinary things becoming extraordinary and memorable. Metaphors
use words or groups of words that have no real meaning, but rather represent images
based on similarities or comparisons. The characteristic of this metaphor is that it uses
figurative words and there are also choices of words that equate something with
something else. In equating or also comparing something, metaphor uses a direct
comparison without being followed by a comparison word. This metaphor itself falls into
the category of comparative figure of speech.
Metaphor is an expression that is directly in the form of an analogical comparison
in which the words or phrases used are not the true meaning but to describe comparisons
or similarities between one object and another. Metaphoric language style is widely used
in various literary works where the aim is to be able to express a meaning with an
emphasis on the impression that will be generated. Apart from that, the use of metaphor
is also intended to be able to overcome the limitations of the choice of words as well as
the form of expression of a writer.
The use of metaphor a literary work can indeed make the words in the work look
livelier and more interesting to read. In addition, the use of metaphorical language style
can also make a writer's concepts and ideas easier to understand by readers or even make
complex expressions of thoughts easier to understand. For example, it is used to explain
something abstract to concrete, explain things that cannot be understood to make it
easier to understand and so on. With the existence of metaphors, it can make readers not
only able to enjoy the literary works they read, but also can gain new knowledge about
writing sentences in these literary works.
Metaphor then has many types of variants, each type can be applied in sentences
with certain contexts. For example, when you want to make something look more alive
and feel the emotions of the reader, you can add a personification metaphor.
This type of figurative language is also able to provide new knowledge for readers
related to the style of language of the author of a work. The description of the sentence is
a manifestation of the creativity of the author as well as the various colors of information
expression. It has become commonplace in the use of poetic language styles, that
metaphors serve as a means of forming sentences with more weight and attracting the
reader's attention. In this case the metaphor has a synonymous position or word equation
that is metaphor serves to make the choice of words easier to understand and pleasant
to read or hear. Although the words used are different, they actually have the same
Even though in its application it looks like it has a simple sentence form, in fact the
choice of words in this metaphor gives a long and deep meaning. None other function is
as an explanatory. In addition, simplification is this sentence is positioned as a form of
Journal of English Literature and Linguistics Studies
Vol 2 (2) 2023
beautifying sentences and choosing words. Something that looks simple, often gives a
deep and meaningful impression.
Metaphors place themselves in a source domain on the one hand, and a target
domain on the other hand. A conceptual metaphor known as a structural metaphor uses
participants' knowledge of some concepts as other concepts to map the structure of the
source domain to the structure of the target domain. In addition, an orientational
metaphor is a type of metaphor that has a principal evaluative function that metaphor
builds a larger group of metaphors that are mutually linked in meaning to one another.
Meanwhile, ontological metaphors are metaphors that map their language expressions
into basic or essential understanding concepts, generally mapped in the form of
personification while Ontological metaphors can also be understood as metaphors that
provide a basic but raw understanding of the target concept.
Understanding how to understand human experience as a concrete object and entity
that goes beyond simple spatial orientation is known as ontological metaphor. Because
physical human experience can be described, categorized, and measured in accordance
with this metaphorical concept, the ontological metaphor also implicitly opposes the
foundation of a distinct space between entities and it. Additionally, they contend that
ontological metaphors serve human needs by communicating a more thorough
communication through metaphorical expressions.
Call Me Irresponsible is an album filled with love songs that make listeners feel
enchanted and enjoy the entire content of the song, from the music to the lyrics. The
metaphors used in the songs on the album are also very appropriate so they can convey
deep meaning to the listeners. The choice of diction such as "I feel wonderful", "you are
every minute of my every day", and I'm gonna teach you to fly" can represent the
listeners' excited feelings. Not only that, the lyrics used the troubled songs on this album
are also very touching, words like "The rain turned into tears upon your face" or "The
days were slipping fast" are also words that have enormous power in influencing the
emotions of the listeners.
Based on the findings and discussions of this research, the researchers concludes that:
The researchers found 26 data in the form of lyrics containing metaphors. Among
them are 12 structural metaphors, 9 orientational metaphors, and 5 ontological
metaphors which consists of personification metaphors. One of the aims of using
metaphors in a work is to give the work a beautiful impression. It is because the diction
used by the author makes the work more attractive to read or listen to.
Metaphors are used by someone to make the reader get a certain effect from the
style of language which tends to be emotional. Figures are usually embedded in a literary
work, both songs and poetry. Metaphor is a style of language used as a figure of speech
which explicitly represents another intention based on similarities or comparisons.
Metaphors express something directly in the form of analogical comparisons by removing
words like and so on.
In addition, Metaphors are classified into three types which are 1) Structural
metaphor, 2) Orientational Metaphor, and 3) Ontological Metaphor. Structural metaphors
happens when a concept is expressed in terms of other defined concepts, an orientational
metaphor can highlight how cultural representations of physical and emotional
experience such as "Happy is up, sad is down.", and an ontological metaphors happens
when we see events, activities, feelings, and ideas as beings and things.
Journal of English Literature and Linguistics Studies
Vol 2 (2) 2023
Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphor We Live By. Chicago: The University of Chicago
Lakoff, George. (1992). Metaphor in Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.