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p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
Nowadays, songs have become an inseparable part of human life because they can
give listeners moral value. Songs are written based on daily life, culture, adventure, and
deep feelings. Songs also have a meaning or purpose that can be delivered to listeners.
Talking about the meaning of language means talking about linguistics because linguistics
is a study of language that contains an analysis of language, language meaning, and
language in context. According to Widdowson (1996), the study of human language is
known as linguistics. To find out the component of language, linguistics has been divided
into several branches. They are phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, pragmatics, and
In semantics, meanings are divided into two types, which are literal meaning and
non-literal meaning. The literal meaning can be easily interpreted because it used real,
precise, and limited meaning without making associations with symbolic meaning. While
the non-literal meaning is the word or sentence that has a different meaning from the real
meaning. Non-literal is a study of linguistics called figurative language that found in
poems, songs, speech, or novels.
Figurative language is indirect communication in which the meaning is more
important than the actual utterance. According to Heller (2011) figurative language “refers
to groups or words that exaggerate or alter usual meaning of the component words that may
involve analogy to similar concept or other context and may involve exaggeration” (p. 62-
63),. Furthermore, figurative language is not only used in daily communication, but it is
quite common in songs to make the lyrics more interesting and more aesthetic. Briefly, the
pieces of song lyrics are meaningless.
The researcher choose song as an object because Most people who listen to English
songs do not understand the messages and hidden meanings delivered in that songs. Every
piece of a song has implied meaning for listeners. The songwriter makes a song to express
their feelings to the listeners. The researcher is interested to interpret Blank Space and New
Romantics songs because they contain many figurative languages that have implied
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
Semantic is a branch of linguistics dealing with the meaning of words or sentences as
linguistic expressions. Meaning is a message conveyed by words, sentences, and symbols
in a context. According to Heller (2011) meaning is that something that is c21onveyed or
signified, sense or significance, something that one wishes to convey especially by
language and interpret goal, intent, or end inner significance. It means that meaning is
communicated through language that conveyed the message to somebody. According to
Leech (1974) meaning is divided into seven types. They are:
1. Conceptual meaning is a word based on the structure and form of the word that has a
clear and logical meaning. besides, conceptual meaning, also known as denotative
meaning, refers to the first thought that comes to mind.
2. Connotative meaning is a word or sentence that has implied or explicit meaning. This
type is concerned with the accurate word or expression that is used.
3. Social meaning is a piece of information that convey expression about certain social
characteristic. This meaning includes the expression and stylistic formality of an
4. Affective meaning is the sense to show emotion that relies upon the meditation of the
other categories of conceptual, connotative, or stylistic meaning about personal feelings
in that context.
5. Collocative meaning is associated with another sense of the same expression. This type
happened in multiple conceptual meanings.
6. Associative meaning is the study of a phrase, sentence, or word showing the expression
of the context. Besides, reflected meaning is one sense of a particular word affects the
understanding of the other sense of the word.
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
A metonymy is a figure of speech that represents something that is closely related to each
other. According to Abrams (1999), “metonymy is a literal term for one thing is applied to
another with which it has become closely associated because of a recurrent relationship in
common experience” (p. 98).
Allegory is a figure of speech that expresses the narrative in which events, actions,
characters, settings, or objects to representation a hidden meaning. According to Abrams
(1999) “allegory is a figure of speech that is defined as the narrative other literary vehicles
can be adapted to the purposes of indirect satire” (p. 277).
Hyperbole is an exaggeration that is created to emphasize a point or bring out a sense of
humor. Abrams (1999) stated that “hyperbole is a bold overstatement, or the extravagant
exaggeration of fact or of possibility” (p. 120).
Irony is a statement or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the genuine meaning.
Irony is divided into two types. They are soft irony that used for humor and hard irony that
used for sarcasm. According to Abrams (1999) “Irony is there remaining the root sense of
dissembling or hiding what is actually the case; not, however, in order to deceive, but to
achieve special rhetorical or artistic effects” (p.135).
Symbol is defined as a thing that could be an object, a person, a situation, or an action that
represents something more abstract. According to Abrams (1999), “symbolism is a term
used to describe a word or phrase that refers to an object or event that represents something
or has a range of meaning beyond itself” (p. 311).
Paradox is a statement that includes two opposite truths. According to Abrams (1999)
“Paradox is a statement that appears to be logically contradictory or illogical on the surface
but understood in a reasonable manner” (p. 201).
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
This research used qualitative methods to determine the meaning of figurative language in
Blank Space and New Romantics song by Taylor Swift. The researcher described the
figurative language analysis in Taylor Swift’s songs. According to Wiersma (1995, as cited
in Brigita Astri Wulandari, 2018, p. 29), the study of a classification and description
process is the focus of qualitative research. The researcher used the qualitative method to
find out the meaning of figurative language in Taylor Swift’s songs.
In this research, the researcher used semantic analysis, which uses componential
analysis. Componential analysis is the instrument to analyze whether the sentences are
included in figurative language. The researcher chose a semantic analysis to interpret the
meaning of figurative language in Taylor Swift's songs. According to Paul R Kroeger
(2018, p. 4), semantics is concerned with the inherent meaning of words and sentences as
linguistic expressions. It means that semantics is a way to classify and convey experiences
through language that uses hidden meaning.
In the technique of collecting the data the researcher use library research to know the
figurative language meaning in Blank Space and New Romantics songs by Taylor.
Library Research
Library research is material in in the form of novel, magazines, songs, articles, papers, and
textbook. In this library research, the researcher initially conducted a research about
figurative language in Taylor swift’s songs lyric in the album 1989 with the title Blank
Space and New Romantics songs. The reason why the researcher use library research
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
because the data are taken from printed material, such as the song lyrics,book and
dictionaries to support the analysis. The data that are collect from the internet that are also
considered to complete the analysis.
After collecting the data from the library research, the researcher then analyzed the data by
using descriptive qualitative method analysis.
After the data was obtained, the researcher identified each sentence from blank
space and new romantics song lyrics to categoriez into figurative language, then classifying
figurative language based on each types, and analyzied the meaning of figurative language
based on leech theory about semantic meaning.
After analyzing the lyrics, the researcher discusses the findings to clarify the
research problem. the data are classified and interpreted into several steps which are
displayed, described, and discussed. First, all the data findings were displayed in general
and specific figurative language. Then, the researcher described each data in this study
including describing the meaning of figurative language. The last, the data discussed the
meaning of figurative language in Blank Space and New Romantics song.
In the blank space song, the researcher found two sentences of figurative language type
metaphor: “Love's a game, wanna play?” And “but I've got a blank space, baby”. The first
sentence is, “Love's a game, wanna play?”. This sentence presents implied meaning that
compares love to a game. According to Abrams (1999) “metaphor is a word or expression
that in literal usage denotes one kind of thing is applied to a distinctly different kind of
thing, without asserting a comparison” (p. 97). The word “love” means a strong feeling of
deep affection for somebody. While the word “game” means playing with rules or doing
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
things for pleasure. Taylor Swift describes love has four characteristics magic, madness,
heaven, and sin. When she says, "wanna play?" she has invited the man to play in four
characteristics of love that person feels when falling in love with somebody.
In New Romantics, the researcher found four sentences of figurative language of
metaphor, there are “Honey life is just like a classroom”, “Baby we’re the New
Romantics”, “It’s poker, he can’t see in my face,” and “Heartbreak is the national anthem”.
In this song Taylor Swift uses metaphor in line 11 “Honey, life is just like a classroom.” In
this line, Taylor is comparing life to a classroom. The reason for choosing this sentence as a
metaphor is because it is one of the criteria of metaphor, which is comparing two different
things without using the word like or as. According to Abrams (1999, p. 97), “metaphor is a
word or expression that denotes one kind of thing applied to a distinctly different kind of
thing, without asserting a comparison.”. The meaning of this sentence is everyone has
different problems, but these problems can make lessons and experiences that can help us
become better individuals.
In this song, the researcher found one data of simile in the sentence "I can read you like a
magazine". This sentence implied the meaning corresponding to the term "you" to
"magazine," using the word like to compare that word. According to Abrams (1999), a
simile is a comparison between two distinctly different things explicitly indicated by the
word like or as (P.97). The word "you" means the person to whom the speaker is speaking.
At the same time, the term "magazine" is one of the media that contain information. The
meaning of this sentence is that Taylor can see this man's character that love is not an
incredible thing, but love is material.
In New Romantics, Taylor Swift uses simile in line 13 “And every day it’s like a battle”.Iin
this line, Taylor compares every day to battle. The reason for choosing this sentence as a
simile is that it is one of the criteria of a simile according to Abrams’ theory, which is
comparing two different things using the word like or as. These sentences present implied
meaning that the people who have problems every day will fight with themselves because a
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
part of themselves does not accept the problem, so it becomes a negative emotion that
affects their mental health.
In Blank Space, one sentence of figurative language personification is "ain't it funny
rumors fly". The reason for choosing this sentence is personification because it is seen from
criteria in terms of personification, which describes an abstract term with human
characteristics. According to Abrams (1999) either an inanimate object or an abstract
concept is spoken of as though it were endowed with life or with human attributes or
feelings (P.99). Likewise, in the sentence "Ain't it funny rumors fly", the word "rumors" is
an abstract thing that can fly. The meaning of this sentence is that rumors about this man
that regard love as material things have spread out. Taylor believes that before the man
dates her, he knows about Taylor because he has the power to get information.
In New Romantics, the researcher found two data of figurative language type
personification which is the sentence “The lights and noise are blinding.”. The word lights
and noise are abstract things that cannot be blind, unlike people. This sentence means that a
group of people who have problems in life come to the party to vent the mental emotions
they feel.
The sentence “I’m dying to see how this one ends”. The reason for choosing this sentence
is it is seen from the criteria of hyperbole. Hyperbole is an exaggeration of a statement.
Abrams (1999) stated that hyperbole is a bold overstatement or the extravagant
exaggeration of fact or possibility (P.20). This sentence exaggerates "dying," which means
that she is extremely curious about the ending of their relationship. Will it have a happy
ending, or will this guy become her next mistake.
In New Romantics, the researcher found the lyric “We wait trains that just aren’t coming.”.
The sentence interprets implied meaning that the people are experiencing a bore out that
affects a person's mental health in living a monotonous life. To deal with boredom and
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
tiredness, they cannot wait for the condition to end. However, we must fight the feeling of
boredom by starting more productive activities to develop ourselves in living life.
The sentence “Magic, madness, heaven, sin” is a kind of figurative language of symbolism.
Symbolism describes an object, a person, a situation, or an action. According to Abrams
(1999), symbolism is a term used to describe a word or phrase that refers to an object or
event that represents something or has a range of meanings beyond itself (p.3110). Each
word in the sentence has a different meaning. The word magic is a symbol of love, which
means people can forget themself and not care about their background, weakness, or their
real characters when people fall in love. People will do anything for someone they love and
can change their principle. The word madness symbolizes crazy, which means love can
create mixed feelings and erasure. In a relationship, people can feel happy or sad. While the
word heaven is a symbol of happiness in a relationship. Which means they are doing what
makes them happy. The last word sin is a symbol representing the sexual in a relationship.
The meaning of this sentence is that in a relationship, the people falling in love will feel
mixed feelings in expressing their love. The meaning of this sentence is in a relationship
there are some characteristics of love to express our feelings to somebody.
In New Romantics, the researcher found the data in the lyric “We show off our different
scarlet letters”. In this lyric, the phrase “scarlet letters” is a symbol of the alienation
resulting from the mistakes that have been made in life. The meaning of this sentence is
people who have bored out feel ashamed because they feel ostracized by society. They feel
alone when having a problem because there is no one to help them to face their problems.
Moreover, the researcher found the data in the lyric “Please leave me a stranded. It’s so
romantic.”. The reason for choosing this sentence as irony is because it is one of the criteria
of irony. This is related to the theory by Abrams (1999). According to him, the irony
remains the root sense of dissembling or hiding the case; not, however, to deceive, but to
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
achieve special rhetorical or artistic effects. This sentence means that they enjoy the party
atmosphere by dancing together to vent the mental emotions they feel, and they want to be
trapped in the party because like people who have no problems in life because when they
are alone, they feel the mental emotion again.
In Blank Space, the researcher found the data in the sentence “Cause you know I love the
players and you love the game”. The reason for choosing this sentence as a paradox is
because it is one of the criteria of paradox. According to Abrams (1999, p. 201), paradox is
logically contradictory or illogically on the surface, understood in a reasonable manner.
The meaning of this sentence is Taylor like the type of man who has power and plays with
women’s feelings. While the man likes the drama in the relationship.
In New Romantics, the researcher found the lyric “We need love, but all we want is
danger.”. The reason for choosing this sentence as a paradox is because it is one of the
criteria of paradox, which paradox is a sentence that includes two opposite truths. The
meaning of this sentence is sometimes in life, we need the closest people to give affection
or love, but what we do is keep facing the problems alone, and there is no place to share
which makes it worse.
This section aims to describe the detailed analysis and issues of the research result
that have been presented in the previous chapter. To frame the discussion of the finding,
this chapter employs the result as the guidelines. Analysis and interpretation in song lyric
use theory based on Leech (1974, p. 9) find out the meaning of figurative language in Blank
Space and New Romantics song by Taylor Swift. According to him, meaning is divided
into seven types there are conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning,
affective meaning, collocative meaning, associative meaning, and thematic meaning.
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
Conceptual Meaning
The first result of this research is the types of figurative language which is
conceptual meaning because this research focuses on analyzing the meaning in Taylor
Swift’s songs. It is important to know the meaning of Taylor Swift’s song. The previous
part discussed what types and meanings of figurative language that used in Taylor Swift’s
songs. The following discussed the semantic meaning of figurative language in Taylor
Swift’s songs.
Conceptual meaning is the real meaning of a word. One example of a previous
study in conceptual meaning entitles “Meanings of Figurative Language in LED
ZEPPELIN’S STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (2019)”. The context of the lyrics in this song
caught both the songwriter and the listeners off guard because it is so unusual for a rock
band to discuss slower music than usual. The listener is hard to understand the lyrics of this
song because the songwriter used implied meaning. Furthermore, in the Blank Space song,
there is a lyric “New money, suit, and tie” that is included in conceptual meaning because
each word in this sentence represents a similar nearly identical meaning with wealth. The
meaning of this sentence is the man who is dating Taylor is a rich person and can do
everything he wants because he has power.
Connotative Meaning
The second result in this research is figurative language that include into
connotative meaning. To explain the findings, the researcher relies on cases that occurred in
the previous study. The case which is in accordance with the previous study resulted in
three main points to be classified the types of figurative language and solve the meaning of
the song by using semantic feature. In addition, during this stage, case findings will be
discussed based on a comparison of relevant previous studies and the underlying theory. As
indicated by the findings, the second result of this study included into figurative language
type metaphor.In addition, in the New Romantics song, the lyric “Honey life is just like a
classroom” is included in connotative meaning because it has implied meaning in it. The
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
word “classroom” is a place that is identic to learning. The meaning of this sentence is
everyone has different problems, but these problems can make lessons and experiences that
can help us become better individuals.
Social Meaning
The third result of this research is figurative language that is included in social
meaning. To explain the findings, the researcher relies on cases that occurred in the
previous study. In New Romantics song, the lyric “Baby we’re new romantics” is included
in social meaning, because there is a special meaning in it. The phrase “New Romantics”
seems to have a meaning about romanticism in a relationship, but in fact, it represents
subculture. The meaning of this lyric is the group of people who are having the same
problem in life.
Affective Meaning
The fourth result in this sentence the researcher found the semantic types of
affective meaning. According to Leech (1974) “Affective meaning is the sense that to show
emotion that relies upon the meditation of the other categories of conceptual, connotative,
or stylistic meaning about personal feeling in that context.”. As indicated by the findings,
the second result of this study included into figurative language type metaphor.The lyric
“Love’s a game, wanna play?” represents Taylor’s personal feelings about love. The word
“love” means deep affection or deep feelings for somebody. While the word “game” means
something play with the rules or doing things for pleasure. The meaning of this sentence is
love has a character that can be played with the rules. Taylor also represents the
characteristics of love as magic, madness, heaven, and sins. When she said “wanna play”?
it means Taylor invited the man to play with four characters of love.
Collocative Meaning
The fourth result in this research is figurative language types of symbols that
include collocative meaning. According to Leech (1974) “Collocative meaning is consist of
the associations a word acquires on account of the meanings of words which tend to occur
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
in its environments.”. As indicated by the findings, the result of this study included in
figurative language type symbol. In Blank Space, “Cherry lips, crystal skies” is
collocating two words to become one phrase “Cherry lips” refers to red on the lips, and
“Crystal skies” refers to blue skies. The meaning of this sentence is in a sunny day Taylor
dressed up beautifully to meet the man. Meanwhile, she is feeling angry and sad because
she was guessing how this relationship would end. The sentences of collocating two words
become one phrase such as “stolen kisses”, “requited feeling”, and “pretty lies” refers to
liars. The meaning of this sentence is only Taylor that has feelings for the man, but the man
does not, and Taylor begun feels a lie in their relationship.
The researcher found that 7 types of figurative language were found in this research. As the
result, there are 6 types of metaphor, 6 types of simile, 2 types of personification, 4 types of
hyperbole, 12 types of symbolism, 1 type of irony, and 2 types of paradox. Furthermore,
the researcher also found 5 types of semantic meaning in blank space and new romantic
songs. There are 5 types of connotative meaning, 11 types of affective meaning, 9 types of
social meaning, 1 type of conceptual meaning, and 2 types of collocative meaning.
For other researcher the result of this research study can be a reference for conducting other
research related to this research. This research can give more information and experience
about figurative language. For students, this study will be helpful for students in
understanding the importance of figurative language in songs’ lyrics to know the meaning
of the song. While, for lecturer, this study can be used to teach figurative language through
semantic analysis in songs’ lyrics as a teaching material.
p-ISSN: 2088-6020 | e-ISSN: 2776-5733
Vol. 13, No. 1 - Januari 2023
Abrams, H. M. (1999). A Glossary of Literary Terms. USA: Thomson Place, Boston.
Heller, D. (2011).Figurative Speech as a Representation of meaning.
Kroeger, Paul R. (2018). Analyzing meaning: An introduction to semantics and
pragmatics. Berlin: Published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence
(CC BY 4.0): http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Leech, G. N. (1974). Semantics The Study of Meaning. Penguin Books
Wiersma. (1995). Figurative Language in Rodes Fishburne’s Going to See The Elephents.
Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata
Dharma University.
Widdowson. G. H. (1996). Linguistics. New York: Oxford University