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Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

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Litho- and biostratigraphy of the early Eocenelarger benthic

foraminifera-dominated carbonates of the central Tethys domain,
Zagros Foreland Basin, SW Iran
Umid Kakemem a,b,⁎, Laura J. Cotton c, Nasrin Hadavand-Khani a, Roghayeh Fallah-Bagtash a,
Nicolas Thibault b, Kresten Anderskouv b
Department of Petroleum and Sedimentary Basins, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen, Denmark
Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5-7, 1350 Copenhagen K,Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Early Paleogene Tethyan domain saw the development of large platform carbonates rich in large benthic fo-
Received 10 May 2023 raminifera (LBF), of which the Taleh Zang Formation in Lurestan Basin, SW Iran, represents an excellent example.
Received in revised form 18 July 2023 The LBF assemblage is dominated by alveolinids, together with a variety of foraminiferal genera such as
Accepted 19 July 2023
Nummulites, Rotalia, Sackesaria, Assilina, Operculina, and Glomalveolina. Smaller benthic foraminifera, calcareous
Available online 28 July 2023
algae, gastropods, echinoids, and bivalves constitute minor components of the carbonate. Biostratigraphy analy-
Editor: Dr. Brian Jones sis of the LBF is conducted on two distinct sections of the Taleh Zang Fm. The sections referred to as TZ-1 and TZ-2
have respective thicknesses of 87 m and 132 m. This analysis has constrained the formation age to the early
Ypresian within Shallow Benthic Zones (SBZs) 5–7. Facies analysis supports the major accumulation of these suc-
Keywords: cessions in a shallow water environment within the euphotic zone. We recognize 9 distinct facies and microfacies
Facies analysis representing four main depositional environments including tidal flat, lagoon, bioclastic shoal, and shallow open
Stratigraphic framework marine. These environments are distributed along a low-angle homoclinal ramp and form the foundation of a
Larger foraminifera stratigraphic interpretation characterized by intervals displaying shallowing and deepening trends. Three
shallowing-upward intervals have been identified within the Taleh Zang succession. The determined intervals
Homoclinal carbonate ramp
cannot be solely attributed to global sea level fluctuations and support a significant impact of the regional struc-
Taleh Zang Fm.
Amiran Basin tural context resulting from collision-induced uplift and variable subsidence rates. The identified intervals exhibit
local and regional correlation and compatibility on the Arabian Plate, providing robust confirmation of the signif-
icant roles played by both tectonics and eustasy at a regional scale.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction dominated carbonate deposits were common along the Tethyan mar-
gins throughout the early to middle Eocene (e.g., Kulka, 1985;
The Paleogene was characterized by greenhouse and hothouse cli- Anketell and Mriheel, 2000; Racey, 2001; Beavington-Penney et al.,
mates, with several remarkable hyperthermal events such as the 2005; Jorry et al., 2006; Mateu-Vicens et al., 2012; Hadi et al., 2016,
Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) (e.g., Zachos et al., 2021; Sarkar, 2019) and a detailed LBF biostratigraphic zonation with
1993; Sloan and Thomas, 1998; Pearson et al., 2007) (Fig. 1). The sedi- a zonal resolution better than 1 million years characterizes the entire in-
mentary expression of these climatic modes in Iran was the develop- terval spanning the late Thanetian to Ypresian (Serra-Kiel et al., 1998;
ment of large carbonate platforms along ramps formed during an see Figs. 1–2).
early flexural stage of a foreland basin. These carbonates in the Zagros The Taleh Zang succession has been generally described in several
basin that are represented by the Taleh Zang Formation were rich in basin-scale studies (e.g., Homke et al., 2009; Saura et al., 2011, 2015),
large benthic foraminifera (LBF) and especially alveolinids. Alveolinid- but few communications discuss this succession in detail. Moreover,
the few studies that did present detailed descriptions of facies, biostrat-
igraphic zonation and sequence stratigraphy of the Taleh Zang Fm. do
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource
Management, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen,
not agree in their interpretations (Adabi et al., 2008; Bagherpour and
Denmark. Vaziri, 2012). The stratigraphic zonation of the sections, the vertical suc-
E-mail address: (U. Kakemem). cession of facies, and thereby the sequence stratigraphic interpretation
0037-0738/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 1. Paleoclimatic context of the Eocene based on the Cenogrid from Westerhold etal. (2020) and as presented at
withProjection-alternate.png. Larger foraminifera Shallow Benthic Zonation (SBZ) after Serra-Kiel etal. (1998). The studied interval spans SBZs 5 to 7 as highlighted in olive color.

in the two latter papers, differ significantly. While the discrepancies may acknowledges the paleoenvironmental importance of LBF along with
point to a highly dynamic basin evolution during deposition of the Taleh abundant calcareous algae and rareness/absence of other biota such as
Zang, it also calls for the need of more detailed case studies. corals for precise biostratigraphy, detailed microfacies, depositional envi-
Larger benthic foraminifera are valuable indicators for ronment characterization and paleoenvironmental analyses to be carried
paleoenvironmental reconstructions. They are highly sensitive to en- out since the LBF are highly facies dependent (see Hallock and Glenn,
vironmental conditions, including temperature (e.g., Langer and 1986; Renema, 2002; Beavington-Penney and Racey, 2004) during the
Hottinger, 2000; Prazeres et al., 2017). During the PETM, a rapid PETM and intervals of rapid climatic change.
global warming event, LBF assemblages underwent significant The principal aim of this study is to contribute to a broader under-
changes, suggesting their responsiveness to elevated temperatures standing of the sedimentological history of the early Paleogene central
(Scheibner et al., 2005; Scheibner and Speijer, 2008, 2009). How- Tethyan domain. We investigate the biostratigraphy and diversity of
ever, it is important to consider other factors like nutrient availabil- larger benthic foraminifera (LBF), along with facies and microfacies
ity, light penetration, and carbonate saturation that may influence analysis, and its implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions,
LBF response (e.g., Zhang et al., 2019a, 2019b, 2020). Our study sea-level fluctuation trending, and paleoclimate studies. Specifically,

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 2. Paleogeographic distribution of Eocene nummulitic carbonate accumulations. The studied area is highlighted by a red dot while black dots depict the position of known nummulitic
microfacies around the margins of the Neotethys.
After Hadi etal. (2016), inspired from Racey (2001) and Jorry etal. (2006).

the study provides new insights into the assemblage of LBF in the Taleh the Lurestan province, to which the Taleh Zang succession belongs
Zang Formation, across an important interval of their evolution and can (Fig. 3) (e.g., Berberian and King, 1981; Sepehr and Cosgrove, 2004).
help to fill the knowledge gap in this field. The ZFTB was located further south during the Eocene, approximately
18°N, compared to its present-day location around 33°N (Müller et
2. Geological setting and stratigraphy al., 2016).
The Amiran foreland basin in the Lurestan area exhibits distinct
The Zagros fold belt is located at the NE margin of the Arabian Plate characteristics, reflecting the interplay between surface and deep pro-
and is part of the Alpine–Himalayan orogenic belt (Falcon, 1974). It is cesses during their evolution (James and Wynd, 1965; Homke et al.,
resulted from the convergence between Arabia and Eurasia that led to 2009; Saura et al., 2011, 2015). In the Lurestan province, the sedimen-
the closure of the Neo-Tethys Ocean (Berberian and King, 1981; tary succession is up to 10.3 km thick (Alavi, 2007). The deposits repre-
Golonka, 2004; McQuarrie and Van Hinsbergen, 2013). The conver- sent twelve second-order sequences that are developed in various
gence between the plates commenced during the Upper Jurassic to tectono-sedimentary regimes caused by epeirogenic movements, sepa-
Lower Cretaceous (e.g., Golonka, 2004). This convergence led to the rated by unconformities (Sharland et al., 2001; Alavi, 2004; Heydari,
subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean beneath Eurasia and the obduction 2008, Fig. 4).
of oceanic crust onto the Arabian margin. These processes eventually The infilling deposits that include the Taleh Zang Formation repre-
contributed to the development of the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic sent a 2nd-order sequence bounded by regional unconformities that
arc (UDMA) and the Zagros imbricate zone (ZIZ) by the end of the can be recognized throughout the Zagros belt and inter-regionally in
Pliocene on the Iranian Plate (e.g., Berberian and King, 1981) (Fig. 3a). the Arabian Plate. This sequence is known as megasequence X (Alavi,
During the early Late Cretaceous, a major contraction event occurred, 2004), Sassan supersequence (Heydari, 2008), and AP10 (Sharland et
leading to the formation of flexural basins in Kurdistan, Lurestan, Dezful, al., 2001) that with a small variation in age represents Lower Paleocene
Fars, and Oman (e.g., James and Wynd, 1965; Homke et al., 2009; to Upper Eocene (e.g., Pirouz et al., 2016), with a thickness variation in
Piryaei et al., 2010; Saura et al., 2011; Laws et al., 2013). The final clo- different localities of the Zagros Basin from 350 m up to 900 m thick
sure of the Neo-Tethys Ocean and continental collision occurred from (e.g., Habibi et al., 2017). The 2nd-order sequence consists of a
the late Oligocene to early Miocene (e.g., Stoneley, 1981; Agard et al., shallowing upward, mixed siliciclastic–carbonate succession, with
2005; Saura et al., 2015). Ongoing convergence and deformation marked lateral changes in thickness, hiatuses and angular unconfor-
shaped the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt (ZFTB) during the Miocene mities that have been attributed to both large-scale tectonics and
and Pliocene (e.g., Homke et al., 2004; Khadivi et al., 2010). The early folding (Alavi, 2004, 2007; Heydari, 2008; Casciello et al., 2009;
ZFTB is divided into two zones, the High Zagros Zone (HZZ) and Homke et al., 2009). The base of the sequence is represented by deep-
the Simply Folded Zone (SFZ). The SFZ is further subdivided into marine turbidites of the Amiran Fm. which characterize the early trans-
five structural provinces separated by major fault zones, including gressive systems tract (TST) and are retrogradationally overlain by the

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 3. (a) Subdivisions of the Zagros Mountain orogenic belt. Zagros imbricate zone (ZIZ), Zagros fold-thrust belt (ZFTB), Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc (UDMA), Zagros deformational
front (ZDF), Oman Line (OL), High Zagros Fault (HZF), Main Zagros Reverse Fault (MZRF), Balarud Fault (BF), Mountain Front Fault (MFF), Kazerun fault zone (KZ), Zagros deformational
front (ZDF) (after Alavi, 2004), and six main tectonostratigraphic provinces of the ZFTB (after Motiei, 1993); (b) geological map of the study outcrop sections at the Sultan anticline,
Lurestan Basin along with showing the approximate location of the sections (TZ-1 and -2) at the Sultan fold (Geological Map of Pul-e-Dokhtar, scale 1:100,000; Takin and Macleod, 1970).

carbonates of the Taleh Zang Fm. representing the late TST (Alavi, 2004; Eocene–Oligocene transition event and the buildup of the Antarctic ice
Homke et al., 2009). The Taleh Zang Fm. is superseded by the cap caused a significant sea-level fall, resulting in a major subaerial
coarsening upward siliciclastic Kashkan Fm. at the early highstand sys- unconformity, which marked the end of the 2nd-order sequence
tems tract (HST) while the shallow water carbonates of the following (Alavi, 2004, 2007; Homke et al., 2009). Within this 2nd order se-
Shahbazan Fm. formed the late HST (e.g., Alavi, 2004). The MFS of the quence, 3rd-order sequences including the Taleh Zang Fm. occurred.
sequence is coincident with the major maximum flooding surface of The correlation of the Zagros lithostratigraphy log and the 2nd-order
Sharland etal. (2001) for the Arabian Plate, of the middle Eocene supersequences with the eustatic sea-level curve of Haq etal. (1987) is
(Lutetian) age. The closure of the Neo-Tethys seaway during the shown in Fig. 4.

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 4. Stratigraphy of the Zagros mountains in a NW–SE trend showing the Upper Cretaceous, Paleogene and lower Neogene deposits and the main structural subdivisions of the ZFTB
(after James and Wynd, 1965; Ala, 1982) together with 2nd order megasequences and supersequences of Alavi (2004) and Heydari (2008).

Field photographs depicting the Taleh Zang Formation and its under- density, weathering profile, lithology, and color tone. The Taleh Zang For-
lying Amiran and overlying Kashkan (and Asmari) Formations in the TZ- mation is predominantly composed of limestone, forming prominent
1 and TZ-2 sections are presented in Fig. 5. These photographs were high cliffs. When compared to the underlying siliciclastic Amiran Fm.
taken during fieldwork in the study area, where the Taleh Zang Forma- and overlying Kashkan Fm., the Taleh Zang Fm. exhibits well-defined
tion is prominently exposed and exhibits a diverse range of sedimentary stratification but displays minimal presence of sedimentary structures
bedding. The basal Amiran and overlying Kashkan (and Asmari) Forma- and easily identifiable trace fossils, with the exception of bioturbation.
tions are also well-preserved in this area and exhibit a distinct litholog- The Taleh Zang succession does not exhibit a clear cyclic stratigraphic
ical variation, resulting in varying weathering profiles and distinct pattern in grain-size variation and bedding. However, specific intervals
vegetation patterns. The figures provide a comprehensive visual repre- observed during fieldwork, which include both shallowing and deepen-
sentation of these formations and will be utilized to support our sedi- ing trends, show distinct stratification. The base of the deepening trends
mentological interpretations. displays better stratification with thicker beds, while the upper part of
the shallowing trend, or the entire shallowing trend itself, consists of me-
3. Methodology dium to thick beds and even very thick massive limestone with stratifica-
tion not as well-developed as in the deepening trend. Regarding the grain
Sampled successions of the Taleh Zang Formation are exposed on size, the limestone exhibits a massive calcilutite to biocalcarenite texture.
the NW–SE Sultan anticline. The TZ-1 exposure represents a thicker, The dominant grain sizes are calcilutite and biocalcarenite, although
likely more distal section composed of thin to thick- to very thick- biocalcirudite can also be observed in the upper and lower parts of the
bedded limestone forming a mild weathering profile, while the TZ-2 ex- shallowing and deepening trends, respectively.
posure was located in a more proximal part of the basin, exhibiting Five main lithofacies have been identified within the Taleh Zang Fm.
higher cliffs in the landscape that consist predominantly of medium to in both sections, and their characteristics are described as follow
thick-bedded limestones. TZ-1 is 132 m thick and located at 33°17′46″ (see Figs. 6–7 for their vertical variation and Table 1 for the dominant
N, 47°36′20″ E, and TZ-2 is approximately 12 km away with 87 m thick- corresponding facies and microfacies):
ness at 33°13′48″ N, 47°42′28″ E. A total of 58 samples were taken from
TZ-1 and 40 from TZ-2 following a fixed interval sampling. Asemi- LF1 is characterized by the presence of siliciclastic material within a
quantitative allochem point-count analysis was performed on the thin lime matrix, along with minor occurrences of mollusks, echino-
sections using the Baccelle and Bosellini (1965) diagrams. derms, and hyaline shell larger benthic foraminifera. This lithofacies
The biostratigraphy is based on the Shallow Benthic Zones of Serra- comprises thick to medium beds of sandy limestone, exhibiting ir-
Kiel etal. (1998, 2020). Comparison to Wynd (1965) biozones is also in- regular and chaotic variations in siliciclastic grain size. However, a
cluded. Facies and microfacies identification and environmental inter- general coarsening-upward sequence is observed, particularly pro-
pretations are based on the matrix, textural features, fabric, fauna and nounced at the base of TZ-1. The color ranges from dark to pale
flora, and extrabasinal grain content following Burchette and Wright brown, with varying shades.
(1992) and Flügel (2010) Taleh Zang supplemented by works from LF2 is identified as thin to medium beds of brownish to yellowish
Hallock and Glenn (1986), Murray (1991), Hottinger (1983, 1997), limestone containing bivalves, alveolinids, hyaline shell larger ben-
Geel (2000), Pomar (2001), Romero etal. (2002), and Beavington- thic foraminifera, and evidence of bioturbation. This lithofacies
Penney and Racey (2004). In addition, marine rim-cement was used shows the highest concentration of iron-oxide in the rock matrix
to assess the amount of bioturbation and water energy of the paleo- and rare occurrences of iron nodules.
environment (e.g., Burchette and Wright, 1992). LF3 is marked by the presence of medium to thick beds of cream to
yellowish limestone. Rare fragments of bivalves can be observed
4. Results within this lithofacies. It exhibits significant bioturbation and con-
tains uncommon occurrences of echinoderms, nummulitids, mol-
4.1. Field description: lithostratigraphy and lithofacies lusks, and prevalent alveolinids.
LF4 is distinguished by the occurrence of thick to very thick beds of
The fieldwork assessment in both localities reveals distinct lithostra- cream escarpment limestone, which contains scattered mollusks
tigraphic successions characterized by variations in vegetation type and and LBF, particularly alveolinids.

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 5. Field photographs exhibiting the Taleh Zang Fm. and its basal Amiran and overlying Kashkan (and Asmari) Fms. in the TZ-1 (a) and TZ-2 (b) sections, respectively, (c) 3rd-order
sequence stratigraphic architecture of the Taleh Zang Fm. at TZ-1 section, (d) the hashed lines are showing an incision into the sandy limestone interbeds of the Taleh Zang Fm. at the
TZ-2 section, (e) this photo is showing the thin- and medium-bedded limestones of the Taleh Zang Fm. at the lower part of TZ-1 section, (f) thick-bedded limestones of the lower part
of the Taleh Zang Formation at TZ-2 section.

LF5 represents the dolomitized intervals within the Taleh Zang Fm. biodiversity and evolution. This high rate of evolution is reflected by
It is characterized by the presence of yellow to whitish thick beds the excellent resolution provided by the SBZ scheme in this interval, es-
to massive limestone exhibiting a hard replacement texture. Addi- pecially across the early Ypresian characterized by 5 distinct zones from
tionally, rare to common vuggy pores can be observed within this 56 to 53 Ma, hence averaging a 600 kyr resolution.
lithofacies. The assemblages from both TZ-1 and TZ-2 sections are moderately
diverse and contain genera well-known from the Eocene of the broader
4.2. Biostratigraphy Tethyan region. The assemblages are dominated by Alveolina and
alveolinids, occurring with nummulitids, large flat soritids and
The Ypresian, following the Paleocene/Eocene boundary is an impor- Sakesaria. The overall assemblage remains consistent through both sec-
tant interval of overturning and diversification in larger foraminiferal tions, although in TZ-1 levels with larger foraminifera are more frequent

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 6. Vertical distribution of larger benthic foraminiferal, other fossil assemblages and biostratigraphy of the Taleh Zang Fm. at TZ-1 succession at the Sultan anticline (legend in Fig. 7).

below 40 m in the section. Due to the indurated nature of the limestone, Glomalveolina is found relatively consistently from ~10 m to 120 m
identifications were made from petrological thin sections only, and in TZ-1 and from the base to ~83 m in TZ-2, with some specimens
therefore species level identifications were not possible in the majority showing similarity to G.lepidula. Glomalveolina, as a genus, has a
of cases (Figs. 6–7). range from the middle Paleocene to middle Eocene — SBZs 3 to 11
Alveolinids of the genera Glomalveolina and Alveolina range (Hottinger, 1974; Serra-Kiel et al., 1998, 2020). Glomalveolina
through almost the entirety of both sections TZ-1 and TZ-2. lepidula ranges from SBZs 5 to 9 (Serra-Kiel et al., 1998). Several

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 7. Vertical distribution of larger benthic foraminiferal, other fossil assemblages and biostratigraphy of the Taleh Zang Fm. at TZ-2 succession at the Sultan anticline.

species of Alveolina are present but due to a lack of axial and equatorial Nummulites is relatively common, occurring consistently throughout
sections, they remain here in open nomenclature. In particular, large TZ-2 and the lowermost ~30 m of TZ-1, with only one higher occurrence
flosculinized forms are found throughout the sections. The presence of at ~80 m. Species are non-reticulate forms. At a genus level, this further
a diverse range of large flosculinized Alveolina rules out a Paleocene confirms an Eocene age (Figs. 6–7). Operculina and Assilina are compar-
age. Paleocene Alveolina are small, simple forms (e.g., Alveolina atively less frequent in the section. In TZ-1 they are found mostly to-
korresensis; Serra-Kiel et al., 2020). The genus Alveolina has a last occur- ward the bottom of the section, with only 1 occurrence of Operculina
rence in the upper part of the Middle Eocene (SBZ 18 Serra-Kiel et al., and 3 of Assilina above 31 m. In TZ-2 Operculina occurs more frequently
1998; Less and Özcan, 2012). and is recognized between 5 and 70 m, whereas Assilina is rare and only

Table 1
Distribution and characteristics of the identified facies and microfacies along with the dominant corresponding lithofacies across the early Eocene in the two studied outcrops of the Taleh Zang succession.

Facies association Code Facies and microfacies Environment Main Allochems Allochem Energy Sedimentary SMF/RMF
type corresponding properties level features (Flügel, 2010)
U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al.

Skeletal Non Size Sorting
Major Minor

Inner Tidal flat F1 Quartz-rich skeletal Upper intertidal LF1 – Gastropods, bivalves and Quartz Arenite Medium Medium – SMF26/RMF24
ramp carbonate echinoids grains to good to high
F2 Lime mudstone and Lower intertidal to LF4–5 – Undetected shell fragments Quartz Lutite – Low Parallel SMF25/RMF22
dolomudstone very shallow grains lamination,
subtidal bioturbation,
Lagoon F3 Bioclast imperforate Very shallow LF2–4–5 Gastropods, miliolids, Echinoids, ostracods, bryozoans, Quartz Lutite Poor Low Bioturbation SMF24/RMF21
foraminifera subtidal-proximal dasycladacean algae bivalves grains to
wackestone lagoon arenite
F4 Foraminifera algae Restricted central LF3 Dacycladacean algae, Miliolids, echinoids, alveolinids, Peloids Lutite Poor Low Microbial SMF22/RMF17

wackestone/packstone lagoon coralline algae such as valvulinids, Opertorbitolites to micritization
Distichoplax biserialis douvillei arenite
F5 Bioclastic alveolinid Less restricted LF2–3–4 Alveolinids, Orbitolites Dasycladacean algae valvulinid, Peloids Arenite Poor Low Microbial SMF18/RMF20
wackestone/floatstone distal lagoon sp., Opertorbitolites rotaliids, Nummulites, to micritization
douvillei, Opertorbitolites Haplophragmium sp., Miscellanea, rudite
sp., miliolids Sackesaria dukhani
F6 Bioclastic Distal open LF3–4 Orbitolites sp., Alveolina Nummulites sp., Opertorbitolites Quartz Arenite Poor to Low to Bioturbation SMF18/RMF26
mixed-foraminiferal lagoon-leeward sp., miliolids douvillei, rotaliids, valvulinid, grains, to medium medium
wackestone/packstone shoal dasycladacean algae peloids rudite
Shoal F7 Bioclastic alveolinid Carbonate shoal LF2–3 Alveolina rotundata, Sackesaria dukhani, Orbitolites sp., Peloids, Arenite Good High Microbial SMF11/RMF27
packstone/grainstone Glomalveolina sp., Operculina sp., Opertorbirolites ooids, micritization
Glomalveolina aff. douvillei, Nummulites sp., rare
lepidula, and milliolids echinoids intraclasts
Mid-ramp Shallow F8 Bioclastic nummulitid Middle ramp LF2 Nummulites sp., Sackesaria dukhani, echinoids, Quartz Arenite Poor to Medium Geopetal SMF10/RMF13
open wackestone/packstone alveolinids, Operculina bivalves, gastropods grains to medium to low fabric,
marine sp., Opertorbirolites rudite bioturbation
Outer Relatively F9 Bioclastic planktonic Outer ramp LF2–3 planktonic foraminifera Echinoids, bivalves, ostracods, – Lutite Poor Low – SMF3/RMF5
ramp deep open mudstone/wackestone such as Globorotalia and Haplophragmium sp. to
marine Globigerina arenite
Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477
U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

found in two levels around 40 m. Operculina has a long range through crystals and/or molds occur. The lime mudstones are slightly to moder-
most of the Paleogene and Neogene to present day. Assilina, like ately dolomitized. Dolomicrite crystals are anhedral and sometimes
Alveolina, has a last occurrence within SBZ 18, again, indicating an euhedral. Other sedimentary features observed in this microfacies in-
Eocene age. clude parallel lamination and filaments (0.5 to 2 mm-thick), fenestral
The foraminifera Sakesaria is within the Subfamily Lockhartiinae, fabrics and bioturbation.
and a key taxon in the “Lockhartia Sea” that extended across the Tethyan
region in the early Eocene (Hottinger and Bassi, 2014). Sakesaria occurs 4.3.3. Bioclast imperforate foraminifera wackestone (F3)
in the lowermost 32 m of TZ-1 and from 5 to 82 m in TZ-2. As a genus This microfacies consists of mainly gastropods (both complete and
Sakesaria is known from Paleocene–early Eocene SBZ 3 to SBZ 7 fragmented), orbitolinids, and miliolids scattered in a dominantly
(Hottinger and Bassi, 2014; Benedetti and Papazzoni, 2022). muddy matrix (>50 % of the biota's abundance; ≤2 mm). Other bioclast
The large flattened soritids, Orbitolites and Opertorbitolites have fragments with lower density are alveolinids and dasycladacean algae.
ranges from Early to Middle Eocene and Late Paleocene to Early Eocene Frequent echinoids, bivalves, ostracods, and bryozoans can also be ob-
respectively (Boudagher-Fadel, 2008). served. Silt-sized quartz grains are present in minor amounts. Based
The LBF assemblage therefore indicates an Ypresian age within SBZ 5 on the majority of the biota, this microfacies can be categorized as a
to SBZ 7 (Serra-Kiel et al., 1998, 2020). The presence of Sakesaria microfacies association including (a) bioclast gastropod wackestone
constrains the age to SBZs 3 to 7, and is further narrowed by the (F3-G) (Fig. 10e), (b) bioclast miliolid wackestone (F3-M) (Fig. 10f),
flosculinized Alveolina to early Eocene SBZs 5–7. All other LBF taxa pres- and (c) bioclast orbitolinid wackestone (F3-O) (Fig. 10g). In some sam-
ent are known from the Ypresian and therefore support this age. In ples, the rocks show high recrystallization and the majority of the
comparison to the biostratigraphy of Wynd (1965), the sections are bioclasts have been dissolved and a thin micrite envelope can be seen
within subzone no. 44 on the basis of the presence of Opertorbitolites, around molds, which were filled with sparry calcite cement during
also indicating an early Eocene age (Figs. 8–9). diagenesis.
The age of the Taleh Zang succession in this study is comparable to
that of Homke etal. (2009). Bagherpour and Vaziri (2012) described a 4.3.4. Foraminifera algae wackestone/packstone (F4)
Paleocene to Eocene section of the Taleh Zang, assigned to SBZs 3–4 The algal microfacies (Fig. 10h–i) is characterized by the presence of
and SBZs 6–7. However, within the Paleocene part of the section calcareous green algae (e.g.,dacycladacean algae) and broken pieces of
Alveolina sp. is recorded but not specifically imaged, while Alveolina the coralline algae Distichoplax biserialis, both in concentrations of
have been recently reported from the latest Thanetian of western Te- 15–20 %. Miliolids, echinoids, alveolinids, valvulinids, Opertorbitolites
thys (Serra-Kiel et al., 2020) and eastern Tethys (Zhang et al., 2019a, douvillei, ostracods, small gastropods and bivalves are among less fre-
2019b), these are smaller unflosculinized forms, and without documen- quent allochems (≤20 %). Microbial micritization, calcite cementation
tation in the paper it is possible there is some discrepancy in age. and replacement (hematitization) are abundant in this microfacies.

4.3. Facies and microfacies description 4.3.5. Bioclastic alveolinid wackestone/floatstone (F5)
This microfacies is characterized by the occurrence of alveolinids
In the Taleh Zang succession, a comprehensive analysis of field (≥40 %; <1–2.5 mm in diameter) and other frequent skeletal fragments
and petrographical observations has allowed for the recognition of such as Orbitolites sp., Opertorbitolites douvillei, miliolids, dasycladacean
nine distinct facies and microfacies that are observed in both studied algae, bivalves, echinoids, valvulinids, small rotaliids, and gastropods rang-
sections. These classifications were based on careful examination of ing in abundance from 20 to 30 %. Peloids, Nummulites, Opertorbitolites sp.,
various parameters, including rock texture, grain size, sorting, lime Haplophragmium sp., Miscellanea, and Sackesaria sp. altogether constitute
mud volume, as well as the characteristics and associations of fossils about 10 %. In some samples, where Soritidae are abundant, this
present within the samples. The key sedimentological characteristics microfacies also appears as alveolinid orbitolite wackestone/packstone
of the identified facies and microfacies are summarized in Table 1 and alveolinid opertorbitolite wackestone in both sections (Fig. 10j–k).
and Figs. 10–11. Micritization, replacement (hematitization), and fracturing are the most
important diagenetic processes. Fractures and inter- and intragranular
4.3.1. Quartz-rich skeletal carbonate (F1) pores are mostly filled with calcite sparry cement.
The sandy limestone facies primarily consists of up to 30–40 % mod-
erately to well-sortedsub-rounded to sub-angular quartz grains (with 4.3.6. Bioclastic mixed-foraminiferal wackestone/packstone (F6)
diameters ranging from 50 to 400 μm). In addition, the facies comprises The amount of allochems in this microfacies ranges from 40 to
unidentifiable carbonate fragments ranging from fine to medium sand- 60 %, albeit with a mean close to 50 %. The most prevalent fossils
size, exhibiting moderate to well-sorted characteristics. The carbonate are Orbitolites sp., Alveolina sp., miliolids (up to 20 %), and 30 to 40 %
fragments include a variety of skeletal allochems, including green skeletal fragments of Nummulites sp., Opertorbitolites, Sackesaria sp.,
algae, gastropods, bivalves, echinoids, and larger benthic foraminifera small Rotalia sp., Haplophragmium, valvulinid, dasycladacean algae, os-
fragments such as miliolids, rotaliids, and Assilina sp. The matrix is pri- tracods, bivalves, echinoids, gastropods and peloids. The micritic matrix
marily made up of major sparry calcite cement and minor lime mud contains <5 % silt-sized, angular to sub-rounded detrital quartz
as well as minor occurrence of destructive dolomitization. These sandy (Fig. 11a–b). Diagenetic processes that have been observed in F6
limestone beds, with thicknesses reaching up to 2 m, display gradual include selective dolomitization, fracturing, micritization, mechanical
boundaries with other microfacies (Fig. 10a–b). compaction, aggrading neomorphism, bioturbation, and replacement
(hematitization and pyritization).
4.3.2. Lime mudstone and dolomudstone (F2)
This microfacies consists mainly of dense, tightly packed fine- 4.3.7. Bioclastic alveolinid packstone/grainstone (F7)
grained microcrystalline lime mudstone (Fig. 10c–d). Some samples This microfacies comprises limestones with varying bedding thick-
(mainly in TZ-1 section) are also composed of silt-sized well-sorted nesses ranging from 0.5 to 1 m, also including very thick limestone. Re-
sub-angular quartz grains (up to 10 %). This microfacies is characterized garding the majority of the associated biota, F7 can be considered as the
by a scarcity of bioclastic allochems. The sparse allochems are often un- shoal microfacies association that is further sub-divided into three
identifiable and sometimes filled with large dolomite rhombs. microfacies. These microfacies comprise predominant sand-size
Reworked small foraminifera and skeletal silt to fine sand size grains allochems and show good to medium sorting. These microfacies are
are the main allochemical components (<5 % of the rock) and evaporite (a) imperforate foraminifera peloid packstone/grainstone (F7-P) (Fig.

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 8. Photomicrographs showing the foraminiferal taxa used for defining Upper Thanetian–Lower Ypresian for the Taleh Zang Formation. (a) Sackesaria sp.: TZ-1; T1-9, (b) Sackesaria sp.:
TZ-2; T2-39, (c) Operculina sp.: TZ-2; T2-19, (d) Operculina sp.: TZ-2; T2-24, (e) Nummulites sp.: TZ-1; T1-8, (f) Assilina sp.: TZ-2; T2-19, (g) Haplophragmium sp.: TZ-1; T1-19, (h)
Valvulinids: TZ-1; T1-15, (i) Opertorbitolites douvillei: TZ-1; T1-18.

11c), (b) miliolid alveolinid grainstone (F7-A) (Fig. 11d), and (c) smaller amounts (each accounting for 1 to 5 % of the biota). Peloids
bioclast packstone/grainstone (F7-B) (Fig. 11e), attributed to leeward and intraclasts are also seen in a minor amount.
shoal, central shoal, and seaward shoal, respectively. Microfacies F7-B, which has a packed and grain-dominated texture,
Microfacies F7-P, which is dominated by grainstone texture, good sand-sized grains, and moderate sorting, contains imperforate forami-
sorting, and small to medium sand-sized grains, consists primarily of nifera such as Alveolina sp., miliolids, and Orbitolites sp. forming 30 to
miliolids and peloids as the major allochems. Fragmented and micritized 40 % of the biota. Perforate foraminifera, including Assilina sp.,
orbitolinids, intraclasts, cortoids, alveolinids, and other unknown Operculina sp., Rotalia sp., and Nummulites sp., with a frequency of
fragmented biota are present in smaller amounts. up to 50 % of the identified biota, are also present. Echinoids, bi-
Microfacies F7-A, which has grainstone texture with medium to valves, and ostracods are present with very low density, each
coarse sand-sized grains and good sorting, is primarily composed of accounting for up to 5 % of the biota.
miliolids and alveolinids, including Alveolina sp., Glomalveolina sp., and The diagenetic fabric of this microfacies is characterized by marine ce-
Glomalveolina aff. lepidula, forming up to 60 % of the biota. Orbitolinids, mentation, micritization, fracturing, and local replacement (hematitization
Rotalia sp., echinoids, Nummulites sp., and Operculina sp. are present in and pyritization).

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 9. Photomicrographs showing the foraminiferal taxa used for defining Upper Thanetian–Lower Ypresian for the Taleh Zang Formation. (a) Alveolina reicheli: TZ-2; T2-29, (b) Alveolina
erki: TZ-1; T1-14, (c) Opertorbitolites douvillei: TZ-1; T1-47, (d) Alveolina pisiformis: TZ-2; T2-15, (e) Alveolina rotundata: TZ-1; T1-6, (f) Alveolina globosa: TZ-2; T2-6, (g) Alveolina
pasticillata: TZ-2; T2-36, (h) Glomalveolina aff. lepidula: TZ-1; T1-22, (i) Glomalveolina sp.: TZ-1; T1-18, (j) Alveolina pasticillata: TZ-2; T2-6.

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 10. Thin-section photomicrographs revealing the identified facies and microfacies. Tidal flat: (a–b) Quartz-rich facies with skeletal fragments (F1), (c–d) lime mudstone and
dolomudstone (F2); restricted lagoon: Bioclast imperforate foraminifera wackestone (F3) including (e) bioclast gastropod wackestone (F3-G), (f) bioclast miliolid wackestone (F3-M),
(g) bioclast orbitolinid wackestone (F3-O), (h–i) foraminifera algae wackestone/packstone (F4); less restricted lagoon: (j–k) Bioclastic alveolinid wackestone/floatstone (F5).

4.3.8. Bioclastic nummulitid wackestone/packstone (F8) echinoids and thin-shelled bivalves (10–15 %). In some thin sections,
The microfacies is predominantly composed of wackestones and bioclast debris, ostracods, and Haplophragmium sp. are also present in
packstones with a subordinate occurrence of grainstone. Small and large a common frequency (≤10 %) within a lime mud matrix (Fig. 11h). Dia-
benthic foraminifera are the primary constituents, with perforate forms genetic features are mainly sparry calcite cement, filled fractures, and
being more dominant than imperforate forms. F8 can be sub-divided replacements (hematitization and pyritization).
into two microfacies based on the faunal association and texture. The
first microfacies, F8-E, is a bioclast echinoid nummulitid packstone 5. Discussion
(Fig. 11f), composed of Operculina sp., Nummulites sp., Rotalia sp., Assilina
sp., and echinoids, with protected marine porcelaneous foraminifera, such 5.1. Paleoenvironmental interpretation
as miliolids and alveolinids, present in minor quantities (<10 % of biota).
Red algae are present but in low density. The second microfacies, F8-N, is 5.1.1. Inner platform facies and microfacies
a bioclast nummulitid wackestone (Fig. 11g), with an increased volume of One facies (F1) and six microfacies (F2–7), with bedding varying in
lime mud and dominant biota comprising Operculina sp., Nummulites sp., thickness from 0.4 to 1 m of massive limestone, are distinguished.
Sackesaria, Rotalia sp., Assilina sp., and echinoids in a wackestone texture. Inner platform facies and microfacies were deposited on a tidal flat, re-
Ostracods, bivalves, and brachiopods, as well as fragmented planktic fora- stricted lagoon, less restricted lagoon, open lagoon or shoal setting.
minifera, are present in very low densities. F8-E has better sorting than These microfacies are arranged from proximal to distal environments
F8-N. Sub-rounded silt size detrital quartz grains are present in both as follows.
sub-microfacies but in very low density. The sub-microfacies show
micritization, geopetal fabric, and replacement, including hematitization Tidal flat
and pyritization. The fragmented tests of the identified foraminifera are F1. Mixed carbonate–siliciclastic sediments composed of
filled with crystalline calcite. carbonate bioclasts (intrabasinal) and terrigenous origin (extrabasinal)
components have been reported by several researchers (i.e. Mount,
4.3.9. Bioclastic planktonic mudstone/wackestone (F9) 1985; Chiarella et al., 2017; Nikfard, 2023). The occurrence of gastro-
This microfacies is characterized by the dominance of planktonic fo- pods, echinoids, bivalves, green algae and LBF within intervals rich in
raminifera, such as Globorotalia and Globigerina (≤10 %), alongside sand-size quartz grains suggests the influence of an external source

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 11. Thin-section photomicrographs showing the identified microfacies. Open lagoon (inner to middle platform): (a–b) Bioclastic mixed-foraminiferal wackestone/packstone (F6);
shoal setting: Bioclastic alveolinid packstone/grainstone (F7) including (c) imperforate foraminifera peloid packstone/grainstone (F7-P), (d) miliolid alveolinid grainstone (F7-A), and
(e) bioclast packstone/grainstone (F7-B); middle platform: Bioclastic nummulitid wackestone/packstone (F8) including (f) bioclast echinoid nummulitid packstone (F8-E) and (g) bioclast
nummulitid wackestone (F8-N); outer platform: (h) Bioclastic planktonic mudstone/wackestone (F9).

supplying a substantial amount of siliciclastic material that affected de- deposition in a shallow and calm water setting with limited water circu-
posits in a very proximal part of carbonate-producing areas (e.g., lation in the proximal parts of a restricted lagoon (e.g., Hottinger, 1983;
Beavington-Penney et al., 2006 and references therein; Chiarella et Renema and Troelstra, 2001; Nebelsick et al., 2005). The predominance
al., 2017). The minor presence of lime mud coupled with a high of miliolids and Orbitolites, compared to the other porcelaneous LBF, fur-
abundanceof sparry calcite cement in the matrix and moderately to ther indicates a protected shallow platform environment with relatively
well-sorted and sub-rounded grains indicates a depositional setting high salinity, limited water circulation and turbulence, and a soft sub-
characterized by high hydrodynamic energy, specifically wave agitation, strate where seagrass meadows dominate the euphotic zone
in a very shallow water environment (e.g., Jorry et al., 2006) in the (Hottinger, 1983; Geel, 2000; Hottinger, 2001; Beavington-Penney
upper part of the intertidal zone (Omidpour et al., 2021a, 2021b). and Racey, 2004; Brandano et al., 2009a, 2009b; Pomar et al., 2014). F2. The fine-grained nature of this microfacies, bioturbation F4. The presence of green algae, and Distichoplax biserialis
(burrows), low abundance of biota, authigenic evaporates, parallel lami- accompanied with restricted marine LBF such as miliolids and
nation resulting from microbial activities and the existence of silt-sized Opertorbitolites sp. scattered in an abundant lime mud matrix suggests
quartz grains indicate deposition in a low-energy environment, near the a low-energy warm water environment with restricted circulation rep-
emergent localities above the water level and perhaps in intertidal mud- resenting an inner ramp-lagoonal setting (e.g., Heckel, 1972; Romero et
flat settings, under arid conditions within the inner ramp (Flügel, 2010; al., 2002; Beavington-Penney and Racey, 2004; Scheibner and Speijer,
Adabi et al., 2016). The silt-sized quartz grains may have been wind- 2008; Adabi et al., 2016; Jafarian et al., 2017). Furthermore, Distichoplax
blown or originate from erosion of the underlying deposits of the tidal is related to an oligo-mesotrophic nutrient regime in the lower inter-
zone in the lower part of the intertidal zone to very shallow proximal tidal to restricted shallow subtidal domains (Sarkar, 2018).
subtidal (e.g., Kakemem et al., 2016; Fallah-Bagtash et al., 2022). Less restricted lagoon Restricted lagoon F5. Owing to the diverse bioclasts and relatively sparse F3. Microfacies F3-G with a low diversity of organisms, amounts of micrite, this microfacies indicates more dynamic environ-
presence of miliolids, abundant lime mud, and gastropods indicate ments compared to previous microfacies. Fossils of this microfacies are
low-energynear-shore shallow subtidal to intertidal e.g.,inner ramp- characterized by shallow-water benthic foraminifera, specially
lagoon, where both temperature and salinity variations are severe Orbitolites sp., alveolinids, miliolids, and rotaliids. The miliolids and
thus representing a stressful environment where gastropods dominate rotaliids (both large and small) can be found in deep lagoonal settings
(e.g., Purser and Seibold, 1973; Scholle and Ulmer-Scholle, 2003; from hypersaline to less restricted conditions (BouDagher-Fadel,
Kakemem et al., 2016; Jafarian et al., 2017). 2008) with turbulent water at water depths of 0 to 40 m (Geel, 2000).
Sub-microfacies F3-M and -O exhibit a similar frequency of miliolids The alveolinids associated with miliolids, orbitolitids and the occurrence
and orbitolinids, respectively. The foraminiferal assemblages are char- of micritized skeletal fragments in the micritic texture, reflect a
acterized by low to moderate density and low diversity. The orbitolinids protected shallow water inner ramp-lagoonal setting where microbial
with agglutinating walls, and miliolids with porcelaneous walls suggest activity is relatively abundant (Wray, 1977; Hottinger, 1983; Tucker

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

and Wright, 1990; Luterbacher, 1998; Rasser et al., 2005; Tomás et al., (miliolids and alveolinids), the F8 microfacies are deposited within the
2016). According to Boudaugher-Fadel (2018), the Alveolina and their base of the photic zone to the oligophotic zone of a mid-ramp domain
co-occurrence with large miliolids indicate deposition in a back-shoal (e.g., Pomar, 2001; Brandano et al., 2009a, 2009b; Pomar et al., 2014;
setting. Kakemem et al., 2016). The accumulation occurred through the produc-
tion of in situ open marine allochems and the transport of protected ma- Open lagoon rine biota of the inner platform by waves and currents, with their F6. The extensive micritization of bioclasts, bioturbation, density decreasing from the proximal (represented by F8-E) to the dis-
and rich faunal assemblages suggest that deposition of this microfacies tal middle platform (represented by F8-N).
occurred close to the fair-weather wave base (FWWB) under almost
normal marine salinity, with minimal restriction from open marine wa- 5.1.3. Outer platform
ters. However, storm events may have had some impact on the close to The rock bodies representing the outer platform are not common in
normal water condition (Flügel, 2010). We interpret this microfacies as both studied successions of the Taleh Zang Fm. The associated
deposited in the distal inner ramp (open lagoon) and to a lesser extent microfacies is identified based on the low to common frequency of
in a proximal middle ramp setting. planktonic allochems scattered in a micritic texture. Beds are typically
a minimum of 0.1 to 0.2 m thick. Shoal setting F7. The sub-microfacies F7-P, with a packstone/grainstone F9. Planktic foraminifers are commonly found in recent
texture, extensive micritization, and high density of peloids, along marine environments, such as the Persian Gulf, where they can be
with good sorting and mostly small to medium sand size allochems, observed up to a depth of 100 m at the Strait of Hormuz gateway
suggests a domain close to the protected platform and under the influ- (Hughes Clarke and Keij, 1973). They have also been reported in sig-
ence of waves that have washed away the lime mud. This has facilitated nificant amounts at depths exceeding 200 m in the Gulf of Mexico
primary marine cementation in a leeward shoal environment (Hunter, 1976). The quantity of planktonic foraminifera is controlled
(Hottinger, 1983; Rasser et al., 2005). by two factors: distance from the shoreline and water depth (Van der
In the sub-microfacies F7-A, the presence of medium to coarse sand Zwaan et al., 1990).
size allochems, good sorting, and primary rim-cement around the The high concentration of lime mud in the matrix and the domi-
grains, indicates continuous wave action in a high energy central shoal nance of planktonic foraminifera as the major biotic constituents indi-
environment close to the normal waters of open marine, above the cate that the sedimentation of F9 occurred in the calm waters of the
fair-weather wave base (Boudaugher-Fadel, 2018; Kakemem et al., offshore open marine (outer platform) domain below the SWB (Geel,
2016, 2021, 2023). 2000). Such environments are characterized by low hydrodynamic en-
The sub-microfacies F7-B displays a high density of normal marine ergy and normal salinity below the photic zone (>200 m) but above
foraminifera with a perforate wall, along with alveolinids and protected the calcite compensation depth (Romero et al., 2002; Cosovic et al.,
marine biota. It has a grain-dominated texture and evidence of fair- 2004; Brigaud et al., 2009; Flügel, 2010).
weather wave action, suggesting a dynamic environment with high
wave energy in a seaward carbonate shoal setting above the fair- 5.2. Depositional model
weather wave base and within the euphotic zone (Harris et al., 1997;
Pomar, 2001; Brandano and Corda, 2002; Pomar et al., 2004; The Taleh Zang Formation in the Amiran Basin is predominantly
Boudagher-Fadel and Lokier, 2005; Bassi et al., 2009; Brandano et al., composed of LBF, with minor amounts of green algae, while corals are
2009a, 2009b; Nebelsick et al., 2013; Adabi et al., 2016). either absent or rare. The skeletal components suggest a gradual in-
crease in water depth, starting from the euphotic zone, as indicated by
5.1.2. Middle platform microfacies organisms such as orbitolitids and alveolinids, and progressing to the
The middle platform microfacies association is divided into two oligophotic large and flat nummulitids, as well as photic-independent
microfacies based on its faunal association and texture. The outcrop biota such as echinoids and ostracods. There is no evidence of a signifi-
beds have a thickness ranging from 0.2 to 0.6 m and are composed of fo- cant separation on the slope, as there are no wave-resistant coral frame-
raminifera and detectable nummulitids, which are present in a micritic works, calciturbidites, slump and slide structures, oncoids, or aggregate
matrix. grains that indicate rimmed shelf settings.
Vertical microfacies variations suggest that during a relative sea- F8. Nummulites have been documented from a wide range level fall, the shallow-ramp microfacies belts shifted basinward, with
of open marine environments, such as the Seeb Fm. in Oman (Racey, detrital grains transported into the basin by river-fed tidal channels.
1994), the Jdeir Fm. offshore Libya (Anketell and Mriheel, 2000), and There is no evidence of subaerial exposure, nor are there any consider-
the El Garia Fm. in Tunisia (Racey, 2001), indicating a mid-ramp setting. able evaporites, or resedimented lowstand deposits, suggesting a low
They have also been described from sandy near-shore deposits of the slope angle for the depositional carbonate ramp setting.
southern Tethys (Herb, 1988) and Eocene inner shoal ramps (Sinclair Carbonate ramps typically develop in sedimentary basins with gentle
et al., 1998). Operculina is common at the base of the photic zone, at gradients that cover vast areas. The subsidence in these areas is flexural,
water depths of 30 to 130 m (e.g., Hohenegger, 2000), and reaches its occurring in foreland basins and along the distal passive margins of low
highest frequency over a specific depth range of 80 to 100 m latitudes (e.g., Burchette and Wright, 1992; Dorobek, 1995; Bosence,
(Beavington-Penney and Racey, 2004). They live on soft carbonate sub- 2005).
strate in low energy water of open marine environments with medium The presence of a carbonate ramp is primarily governed by the initial
light conditions in the oligophotic zone below the FWWB and above the isolation of this locality from significant siliciclastic sediment supply
storm wave base (SWB; Gilham and Bristow, 1998; Beavington-Penney within a broad geographical extent in the Amiran Basin. The Amiran
and Racey, 2004). Consequently, it is inferred that Operculina occurs in a Foreland Basin, spanning up to 550 km2 in length and 140 km2 in
broader environmental range than other nummulitids (BouDaugher- width, is a constituent of a passive continental margin predominantly
Fadel, 2018). Sinclair etal. (1998) reported Operculina as deposited consisting of carbonate units during the Cenozoic era. The basin has un-
in a lower mid-ramp environment below the FWWB. Based on the dergone stable, gradual, and persistent subsidence.
density of normal marine benthic foraminifera (Operculina, Assilina, The deposits in the study area are mainly characterized by carbonate
Nummulites) as well as the abundance of mechanical abrasion- mud, fine-grained biota in shallow water settings, and coarse-grained
resistant biota (echinoids) associated with protected marine biota skeletal components in shallow water shoal settings which passed

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

seaward into fine-grained carbonate products in mid- and outer-ramp at the top of the most proximal facies and microfacies superseded by
settings. According to Pomar (2001), mud-dominatedfine-grained car- shallowing trends. Surfaces that separate the trends in an interval are
bonate production in a low-angle depositional profile in euphotic, placed at the most distal microfacies.
oligophotic, and aphotic zones forms homoclinal ramps. The Taleh Zang Formation is composed of three intervals (see Fig. 5
The evidence clearly indicates that the carbonate succession in this for field photographs). The interval boundaries are marked by progres-
study was deposited on a homoclinal ramp without a distinct break in sive transitions in the most proximal basin setting, as evidenced by the
slope for the deposition of sediments of the Taleh Zang Formation at presence of massive continental deposits such as conglomerates and/or
the Amiran Basin (Fig. 12). the highest density of siliciclastic deposits at the base and top of the
Taleh Zang Formation. Transitional interface surfaces as Bs are also de-
5.3. Trending fined based on abrupt changes in microfacies and/or bathymetry further
seaward. The defined intervals are deepening–shallowing trends,
Intervals that include shallowing and deepening trends were deter- consisting of a deepening trend (DT) characterized by retrogradational
mined based on petrographic studies that led to identifying nine sedimen- microfacies such as lagoonal and mid-to-outer ramp microfacies, a max-
tary facies and microfacies, and associated depositional environments imum transgression characterized by a shallowing trend (ST) with pro-
coupled with field observations, which include the thinning and thicken- gradational microfacies such as shoal, lagoonal, and tidal flat
ing of sedimentary layers (see Fig. 13). In the studied sections, there are microfacies, and the highest flood stage that is located at the most
no indications of subaerial exposure, thus the boundaries (Bs) between basinward microfacies and separates the basal DT from the overlying
the intervals that include a shallowing and a deepening trend are placed ST (Fig. 13).

Mean sea level


FWWB Euphotic zone


Mesophotic zone
er SWB


Proximal Distal
Tidal flat Proximal Lagoon Distal
Shoal Middle ramp Outer ramp
Inner ramp
Homoclinal ramp
F1 F4 F8
F2 F5 F7 F9
F3 F6

Soritidae Rare
Green algea Common
Rotaliid Abundant
Red algae

Planktonic foraminifera

Components Algae Echinoid Benthic foraminifera Planctonic foraminifera Molluscan Miliolid Alveolinid
Nummulitid Soritidae Peloid Detrital quartz

Fig. 12. Proposed depositional model for the Taleh Zang Fm. according to the identified facies and microfacies. The distribution of the identified Alveolinidae and Soritidae in the paleo-
environments is shown in the model.

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

The TZ-1 section appears to represent a more distal section than TZ- outer ramp deposits. Despite the differences in section thickness,
2 with a greater thickness, consisting of relatively deep-water outer the identified intervals exhibit identical thickness variations from the
ramp microfacies, while the TZ-2 section is an example of a more prox- base to the top of the sections (Fig. 13), which can be described as
imal section dominated by shallower microfacies and relatively fewer follows.

Fig. 13. Vertical log of the TZ-1 (left) and TZ-2 (right) sections showing lithology, facies and microfacies associations, sedimentary environments and identified intervals at Sultan Anti-
cline. In the charts, microfacies associations, numbered 1–9, refer to the microfacies codes. SB: sequence boundary, HST: highstand systems tract, TST: transgressive systems tract, MFS:
maximum flooding surface.

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 13 (continued).

5.3.1. Interval-1 The DT in both sections comprises mainly thin to medium bedded
The basal interval-1 in both sections indicates the shift from the limestones exhibiting a general retrogradational and aggradational
underlying siliciclastic sediments of the Amiran Formation to the microfacies pattern, which includes major lagoonal (F5–6) and shoal
carbonates of the Taleh Zang Formation. This transition is character- microfacies (F7) in TZ-1, and lagoonal microfacies (F5–6) in TZ-2,
ized by the most leeward microfacies (F1) in TZ-1 and lagoonal along with minor middle-ramp microfacies in both sections. With a
microfacies in TZ-2, which represents a deepening–shallowing deepening-upward trend, the density and diversity of organisms in-
trend. crease from early to late DT. The highest flood stage is identified by

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

the most seaward microfacies (F9) deposited at the relatively deep (1965), both sections are located in the proximal settings of the basin
marine outer-ramp adjacent and below the storm-wave-base (SWB) and show a general shallowing-upward trend in the defined intervals
at TZ-1, and the middle ramp microfacies (F8) at TZ-2. at both sections.
The ST in both sections is characterized by a rapid progradational The deepening–shallowing intervals observed in the Taleh Zang
stacking pattern from open marine microfacies (F8–9) toward the la- were influenced by both tectonic and uplift, as well as global sea level
goonal (F2; at TZ-1) and mixed, mainly thick-bedded, carbonate– changes. The correlation of global sea level changes with the Arabian
siliciclastic microfacies (F1; at TZ-1). The rapid shallowing-upward Plate decreases from the southwest (Saudi Arabia) toward the northeast
trend of the ST at both sections is accompanied by a decrease in (i.e.,Zagros Basin). This trend indicates a stronger influence of local tec-
biodiversity and -density. tonics (Alavi, 2007; Saura et al., 2015; Pirouz et al., 2016) which deter-
mine the rate and/or location of subsidence and uplift. While the
5.3.2. Interval-2 deepening and shallowing trends in the Amiran Basin were indeed af-
The boundary between interval-1 and interval-2 at both sections is fected by eustatic sea level changes, they do not align completely with
defined by the top of F1, which was deposited in close proximity to a the global sea level curve of Haq etal. (1988). Instead, they demonstrate
carbonate-producing environment and/or a transition zone over a a better correlation with local and regional sea level changes on the Ara-
short distance on the leeward inner-ramp from siliciclastic to carbon- bian Platform (Haq and Al-Qahtani, 2005) (see Fig. 14). This confirms
ates. This characteristic can be used to demonstrate the transition the impact of regional and local tectonic activity, leading to a disorderly
boundary as a progressive transitional surface in both sections. stacking pattern of the recognized intervals and notable variation in
The DT in both sections mainly comprises of lagoonal microfacies thickness despite their close proximity (Fig. 14). These findings align
with a high density of hyaline LBF. The depositional trend exhibits a with the conclusions drawn by Pirouz etal. (2016), who examined the
rapid retrogradational stacking pattern, with TZ-1 consisting of thick factors influencing the sequence stratigraphic architecture of the
beds of massive limestone and dolomitic limestone and TZ-2 consisting Neogene ZFB in Iran and came up with similar conclusions.
of thin to medium bedded limestone. The transition from the deepening Ultimately, it can be concluded that during deposition of the Taleh
to shallowing portion as the highest flood stage at TZ-2 is characterized Zang Formation, the foreland basin was undergoing active tectonism re-
by the development of middle-ramp microfacies (F8), which indicates lated to crustal shortening and deformation due to the closure of the
the most significant microfacies retrogradation in interval-2. Shoal Neotethys Ocean (e.g., Saura et al., 2015). Hence, both global sea level
microfacies (F7) that exhibit the most density and diversity of biota in cycles and regional/local tectonic events contributed to generating or
TZ-1 define this surface. eliminating the basin's accommodation space at different rates, result-
The ST in both sections mainly comprises major thick bedded lime- ing in a complex architecture of stratigraphic sequences.
stone composed of restricted to very restricted marine lagoonal
microfacies. It exhibits a rapid progradational stacking pattern, indicat- 5.4. Climatic events: coral and LBF distribution
ing a rapid shallowing-upward trend. The biodiversity and density de-
crease from early to late RST. Coral boundstone microfacies associated with coralline red algae are
identified in a few outcrops of the late Thanetian age in the Lurestan
5.3.3. Interval-3 zone by Bagherpour and Vaziri (2012) and Shalalvand etal. (2022), as in-
In both sections, the basal transition surface of interval-3 marks a dividual fragments in the TZ-1 and TZ-2, but are completely absence in
progressive transitional surface. In TZ-1, the transition boundary is lo- more southern successions of the Taleh Zang Fm. studied by Nikfard
cated at the top of the peritidal microfacies (F2), showing evidence of fe- (2023). During the Thanetian both the frequency and diversity of LBF
nestral fabric but no clear subaerial exposure marks. In TZ-2, the assemblages were lower than in the Ypresian part of the Taleh Zang
boundary is found at the top of the quartz-rich skeletal limestone facies succession. Warmhouse conditions of pre-PETM (Zachos et al., 2008;
(F1), where a high density of siliciclastic supply is present in a mixing Westerhold et al., 2020) are associated with shallow marine settings
zone adjacent to the pure carbonate environment. that witness the co-occurrence of LBF, corals, and symbiotic algae that
The DT package in both sections displays a retrogradational stacking likely competed for trophic resources (Hallock, 2000; Scheibner and
pattern, with a higher aggradational tendency at TZ-1 than at TZ-2. Biodi- Speijer, 2008; Sarkar, 2017; Martín-Martín et al., 2021; Tosquella et al.,
versity and frequency generally increase from early to late DT, and the 2022).
highest flood stage at both sections is represented by open marine In contrast, the Ypresian shallow-water facies of the Zagros Basin
microfacies with the highest density of normal marine biota, such as lack corals, as observed in Adabi etal. (2008), Bagherpour and Vaziri
Nummulites sp., Assilina sp., Echinoderms, and planktic foraminifera (F9). (2012), Shalalvand etal. (2022), Nikfard (2023), and in this study. The
Despite the gradual progradational stacking pattern of the ST ob- absence of corals in this region, located around the central Tethys, is
served in both sections, it exhibits a chaotic pattern, particularly in TZ- characteristic of the hothouse conditions following the PETM and the
1; this can be attributed to its shallow environment with low bathyme- Early Eocene Climatic Optimum. Coral growth still occurred in the
try. The ST comprises predominantly shoal and distal lagoon microfacies form of wave-resistant reef colonies in certain Tethyan locations, such
during the early ST, with a gradual increase in the frequency of proximal as SESpain and NWMorocco (about 30°N paleolatitude; Martín-Martín
lagoon and tidal flat facies and microfacies during the late ST. The bio- et al., 2020, 2021, 2023; Tosquella et al., 2022) and the Pyrenean plat-
density and diversity show a gradual decrease from early to late ST, form (38°N paleolatitude; Scheibner and Speijer, 2008), due to more
which is more pronounced in TZ-1. In both sections, the ST is primarily favorable conditions for their development at higher latitudes. Con-
composed of thin to medium bedded limestone during the early ST versely, corals were completely absent or reported as individuals with
transitioning to predominantly medium to thick bedded limestone in rare frequency at lower latitudes such as in Iran (around 20°N
the late ST. The end of the ST in TZ-1 is characterized by a high supply paleolatitude; Adabi et al., 2008; Bagherpour and Vaziri, 2012;
of siliciclastic material identified as F1 in the mixing zone of the tidal en- Nikfard, 2023), Oman (12°N paleolatitude; Racz, 1979; Nolan et al.,
vironment and severe dolomitization in TZ-2 due to sea level regression, 1990), and Tibet (5°N paleolatitude; e.g., Wan et al., 2002).
which influences the underlying carbonates with meteoric waters. The During the Ypresian, characterized by elevated temperatures and
final interval boundary at the top of the Taleh Zang succession is marked high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, associated changes in ocean
by a shift from the carbonates of the Taleh Zang Formation to the silicic- circulation, trophic regimes, and ocean alkalinity led to the decline
lastic conglomerate of the Kashkan Formation in both sections. and demise of coral reefs with varying intensity based on paleolatitude,
On a larger scale, based on the stratigraphic cross-section of the which is more documented in the center/western Tethyan realm
Amiran Basin in a NE–SW trend, as modified by James and Wynd (below 30° N) including this study in SWIran and more center/eastern

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Fig. 14. Regional cross-section of outcrops and near-surface successions showing a correlation between 4th-order sequences, deepening–shallowing intervals and global and regional sea
level changes. (Question marks were inserted where adequate information was not available in the original papers.) The cross-section encompasses the Taleh Zang Formation in the
Sultan Anticline (this study), its type-section at the Langar Anticline (Adabi et al., 2008), Khush-Ab anticline (Nikfard, 2023), a near-surface equivalent succession in Qatar (Umm Er
Radhuma Formation; Rivers etal. (2019)), the global sea level changes of Haq etal. (1988), and the Arabian platform sea level changes and its corresponding 4th-order sequences
(Haq and Al-Qahtani, 2005).

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

Tethyan realm localities, such as Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Qatar, Somalia, and Hadi et al., 2019). Alternatively, it may indicate a slightly younger age
India (see Martín-Martín et al., 2020, 2023; Tosquella et al., 2022; compared to the Beasley etal. (2021) and Sarkar etal. (2022), as Alveolina
Scheibner and Speijer, 2008; Sarkar et al., 2022 and references therein). increased in diversity and abundance through the Eocene (e.g.,
In contrast, the tropical predominance of LBF at that time is interpreted Hottinger, 1974; Serra-Kiel et al., 1998).
as a better adaptation of these organisms to elevated ocean tempera- In the Middle Eocene, Renema etal. (2008) show a generic richness
tures, and/or associated environmental conditions of this hothouse cli- of 5–8 in the Arabian Peninsula and 9–12 in the western Tethys hotspot,
mate mode (Hallock, 2000; Zachos et al., 2005; Scheibner and Speijer, indicating that Taleh Zang has high enough generic richness to have
2008; Pomar et al., 2017). Although the density and diversity patterns been considered part of the Eocene Tethyan hotspot. However, the re-
of the LBF are influenced by a complex set of ecological conditions, in- cent update by Yasuhara etal. (2022) records >20 genera in the middle
cluding temperature, salinity, nutrients, light, depth, hydrodynamic en- to late Eocene of the Western Tethys, much higher than what we find in
ergy, and substrate, the lower diversification of this group in most of the the Taleh Zang.
eastern Tethys compared to most of the western Tethys suggests that Despite the difference in components, the generic richness in the
temperature was the most prominent factor that favored their growth Taleh Zang is comparable to the earliest Eocene sites in UAE and India,
(Hallock, 2000; Cosovic et al., 2004; Kakemem et al., 2016; Scheibner which in turn have similar values to those recorded for the Middle Eo-
and Speijer, 2008; Pomar et al., 2017). Despite the variations in their cene in Renema etal. (2008). This could perhaps suggest that the
paleo-latitudinal locations, characterized by different temperature re- onset of the Tethyan biodiversity hotspots occurred earlier than the
gimes and pCO2 concentrations, a consistent transition from coralgal to middle Eocene, though this assertion would require the analysis of
LBF/coralgal assemblages during the Thanetian, followed by a subsequent many more records to better understand biodiversity dynamics of this
shift to LBF-dominated assemblages during the onset of PETM, can be ob- group in this important time interval.
served and traced across diverse localities in the Tethyan realm. These lo- When compared to other regions in the Tethyan realm, the Taleh Zang
calities encompass a wide range of paleolatitudes, including low (0°–20°), succession falls approximately within the third platform stage of sedi-
intermediate (20°–30°), and middle paleolatitudes (above 30°) (see Fig. mentation patterns as defined by Scheibner and Speijer (2008, updated
2) (see Scheibner and Speijer, 2008; Martín-Martín et al., 2020, 2021, in Sarkar et al., 2022) as a prominent larger foraminiferal platform at
2023; Sarkar et al., 2022; Tosquella et al., 2022). the onset of Eocene. This particular stage, covering SBZs 5–6 according
to the biozonation by Martín-Martín etal. (2020), is characterized by the
5.5. LBF assemblage biodiversity prevalence of large benthic foraminifera (LBF) as the primary carbonate
organisms across the Tethyan region. In contrast, the first stage is domi-
As stated above, the Ypresian age (SBZs 5–7) of the Taleh Zang sections nated by corals, while the second stage exhibits coralgal–LBF faunal as-
places them at a potentially important interval of LBF evolution and biodi- semblages. It should be noted that the age of the Taleh Zang section has
versity. Larger benthic foraminifera underwent a substantial turnover been refined to SBZs 5–7, which suggests that it may be slightly younger
event around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (e.g., Scheibner and than the sections analyzed in the study conducted by Scheibner and
Speijer, 2008; Scheibner et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2013; Beasley et al., Speijer (2008). Furthermore, it is possible that the Taleh Zang section is
2021) with a rapid diversification in the early Eocene (Hottinger, 1998; somewhat younger than the third stage defined by Pomar etal. (2017),
Scheibner and Speijer, 2008). Areas of exceptionally high shallow marine which occurs prior to the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO). This in-
(including LBF) biodiversity are known as biodiversity hotspots and can terpretation is supported by the presence of a well-establishedLBF assem-
be tracked through the Cenozoic. During the Eocene, high biodiversity blage already observed in the Taleh Zang sections.
was centered about the Western Tethyan hotspot which peaked in the The dominance of LBF during the early Eocene has been extensively
middle to late Eocene with over 20 genera (Yasuhara et al., 2022). From documented in multiple areas of the Tethyan realm from low (5°S–0°)
the late Eocene through to the Oligocene, as the western Tethyan hotspot to middle (above 30°) but more prevalent below intermediate
declined, the Arabian Peninsula region became a new hotspot of biodiver- paleolatitudes (below 30°), including north Calcareous Alps (43°N,
sity (Renema et al., 2008; Yasuhara et al., 2022). The Taleh Zang sections Tragelehn, 1996), Pyrenees (Spain) (38°N, Scheibner et al., 2007;
and Iran more broadly, occupy a region toward the eastern edge of the Martín-Martín et al., 2020), Mesomediterranean Microplate (South
central/western Tethyan hotspot, and opposite the Arabian Peninsula Spain) (35°N, Tosquella et al., 2022), north Morocco (30°N, Martín-
hotspot in a unique intermediate position, making it a potentially impor- Martín et al., 2023), Turkey (30°N, Sirel, 1998), Tunisia (26°N, Stassen
tant region for understanding the development and extent of the hotspot et al., 2012), Egypt (20°N, Scheibner and Speijer, 2009), SW Iran (18°N,
regions. The lower Eocene Taleh Zang section contains a total of 11–13 Bagherpour and Vaziri, 2012; Nikfard, 2023), Qatar (12°N, Rivers et al.,
genera. The assemblage of the Taleh Zang sections is typical of the lower 2019), Tibet (5°N, Zhang et al., 2020), NW Somalia (0°, Carbone et al.,
Eocene period, characterized by the presence of alveolinids and rotaliids, 1993), and NE India (5°S, Sarkar, 2015; Sarkar et al., 2022). Throughout
such as Sakesaria, which were widespread throughout the western Tethys the early Eocene of the Tethyan region, the association of Alveolina,
region (Benedetti and Papazzoni, 2022). Unfortunately, lower Eocene data Nummulites, and Orbitolites is commonly observed (see Tragelehn, 1996;
on biodiversity or assemblage richness is relatively patchy, and compari- Serra-Kiel et al., 1998; Scheibner et al., 2007; Scheibner and Speijer,
son can be made with only a few studies. Beasley etal. (2021) record 11 2008; Bagherpour and Vaziri, 2012; Sarkar, 2015; Martín-Martín et al.,
genera and 16 species from the UAE in the earliest Eocene, ‘SBZ 5+’ and 2020, 2023; Nikfard, 2023; Tosquella et al., 2022).
noted several variations in taxon ranges compared with previous publica- The presence of Sakesaria and other rotaliid LBF within the Taleh
tions, highlighting the need for more studies in regions with less well- Zang succession additionally indicates an affinity with the ‘Lockhartia
defined biota, including Iran. The assemblage contained a number of Sea’ assemblage, as described by Hottinger (2014), which is distributed
rotaliid foraminifera, including Sakesaria, Miscellanea and Nummulites, widely across the central-eastern Tethys (Hallock, 2000; Zachos et al.,
but unlike the Taleh Zang material completely lacked Alveolina. Within 2005; Scheibner and Speijer, 2008; Zachos et al., 2008; Hottinger,
northeastern India approximately 12 genera were identified in the SBZ 5 2014; Pomar et al., 2017; Martín-Martín et al., 2020, 2023; Coletti et
of the Lakadong limestone, immediately following the Paleocene–Eocene al., 2022; Tosquella et al., 2022).
Thermal Maximum (Sarkar et al., 2022). The Lakadong limestone assem-
blage primarily consists of glomalveolinids, miscellanaeids, rotaliids and 6. Conclusions
nummulitids, alongside a small number of Alveolina. The variation in as-
semblage composition between the regions may be facies related. Younger (1) The Taleh Zang Formation consists mainly of limestone and
Iranian assemblages in the Zagros Basin and Alborz regions are also known shows distinct stratification with lack of sedimentary structures
to be rich in alveolinids, alongside nummulitids (e.g., Adabi et al., 2008; and trace fossils, except for bioturbation. It exhibits both

U. Kakemem, L.J. Cotton, N. Hadavand-Khani et al. Sedimentary Geology 455 (2023) 106477

shallowing and deepening trends with grain sizes varying from (8) Coral boundstone microfacies are identified in late Thanetian out-
lutite to arenite and rudite. Five lithofacies are identified, charac- crops of the Lurestan zone, while the early Ypresian shallow-water
terized by different rock types, allochems, bedding, and facies lack corals in the Zagros Basin. The absence of corals in this
weathering profiles. These include (LF1) siliciclastic sandy lime- region is characteristic of hothouse conditions following the
stone with varying grain sizes and fossils, (LF2) thin-bedded PETM and the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum. During the
limestone with molluscan, alveolinids, and bioturbation, (LF3) Ypresian, coral reefs declined due to elevated temperatures and
medium-bedded limestone with bivalve fragments, bioturba- changes in ocean circulation. In contrast, the prevalence of larger
tion, and diverse LBF, (LF4) escarpment limestone with scattered benthic foraminifera (LBF) suggests their adaptation to the hot-
mollusks and alveolinids, and (LF5) dolomitized limestone with house climate. The transition from LBF/coralgal to LBF assemblages
thick beds and vuggy pores. can be observed across the Tethyan realm despite their different
(2) The carbonate succession of the Taleh Zang Fm. is characterized paleolatitudes confirming the influence of hothouse condition.
by tropical–subtropical biota that mainly consist of larger benthic
foraminifera (LBF). The LBF assemblage comprises numerous
species of Alveolina along with a variety of foraminiferal genera
such as Nummulites, Rotalia, Sackesaria, Assilina, Operculina, and Data availability
Glomalveolina. Additionally, smaller benthic foraminifera, calcar-
eous algae, gastropods, echinoids, and bivalves are also detected Data will be made available on request.
as additional carbonate microfacies components. The foraminifer
biostratigraphy of the LBF-dominated limestones of the Taleh Declaration of competing interest
Zang Fm. shows that they were deposited during the late
Thanetian–early Ypresian (SBZs 5–7). The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
(3) Nine facies and microfacies from the most proximal to the distal interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
part of a carbonate platform (adjacent to and below the SWB) ence the work reported in this paper.
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